i i iii h i j ii i ii tai xisisiiejaxisitim ctonmm8 tkrfcsit m0hnx0 jan 17 1684- trustworthy testimony promlnem eiagush orinlon upon an im- portantsubcctof dreatvluflto etery reader the tay for pretenders has passed men are juvcv hy what they can do not by tchai ilcy y they can do the reading pufclic of may is too diacrimlnatins to be long deivca by the fpurious h an article hive merit it will become popular ii it is unwvriiiy it will eiuk into oblivion for year the people of england and america have put io the severest leus a corapoand rariuj which tinst ambitions claims have bocr riiie uujcr sach ordods aait has roon bjoctl to eearh every known preparation veiidhvc uilcd but this one did rot in enkni wiuhe uuiw states today ii is the raost widely known and popur o ajl public preparations in ttyfiaion ol which cole the olloving in scpcmer last otic of the euhsb fommcrs ct india returned to loudon en atlcflv broken down and debarred from further service by reason of what the ciamiuic physicians pronounced iucur able kidiiev dicrjers and dropsy he was cousputitvcly a yomi mm and felt de- preeo over the situation incidental learninc however of the power of waxnere sale cre which has attracted 83 much at tention of hue he bean its use v within tkx souths he was thoroughly restored to hesth pasod medical examination ara sound man nd is today discharging hi duties as well as ever in the trying climate of icdii j d henry e54 a near neighbor of the late thomas carlyie chelsea s w lonjn hi became very much emaci- aud from kui continued kidney and liver diorj- the treatment he had sought irom the vast melical a athortes working only temporan- results he then beai the us- of winers safe core jmd in jlay 15th lax dccurci i am now feeling physically a new creature a care for kidney icr and vjitious diseases also 6pea or it in lb higher lerms k- c- tsewcrby heieaabnrg k-b- was obliged to relinquish his professional duties becacsc of a severe kidney and liver com- plaint after using a dozen botties of warners safe cnre ho says i am today better than i have been for twenty years and i cheerfully recommend the safe core to all who are scnerinr from these diseases- iir william jonef ig weliinton street camhjrne eng says tha he was thor oughly treated in- st- baxtholemews hos pital los jin e for urinary disorders and weakness he nsed warners safe cure ana he says i ais iiksatiewman it cared him of indigestion troubles of the boivci excessive urination and nervous proslrion he adds i was la various csscines for over twb years from the be- doctors and ali in vain bat aite taiinj wiirncrs safe cure for only foar vrecl i z broach t frcm deati to life ir ii gam v23 broad street lon don- w unr- tufcrcd for years from fe- male tf shin eruptions and impur blood bat titer ain warners afe cure she si jly health l better now ijijj it hir- bivi r yers e r tt eq 1c burton crescent w c lndon from his ovrn experience trci rcmmcndi warners silecure to iii trcns sanerin from kidney and liver coopiuit e the best remedy known mr henry mnxed 1 prfnnsburr privat- eoid wiicrth foai london enj- t7icrreiby warners safe care of en larged ever whkh produced numbness in his left lej vriih a dead feeling and diizi- otis- on the riht sije of hii heid 1 stored thai ho adds t i hlsaa the day when i read that brightt dtaeaae was ourabla aud for so little cost the following pertoni of quality in lon don and other parte of borland aw a few ofjhe thousands who have need and have commended warners safe care the great specific for kidney liver urinary femalo and b rights diseases hon freeman h morse 6 park villas east richmond captain f l norton gungail vuta lee road blaekheath kent hon 8 b packardrn ilaiandra drive liverpool hod a ix shaw united sutes con sal manchester rev c g squirrel strotton under- fosse rogby such testimonials from such unques tionable sources prove the value of this remedy which is sold in every drug store beyond the shadow of a doubt they prove that it is the greatest of all modern medi cines for these tenable kidney and liver diseases what it has done for one it will unquestionably do for others and as such ladies mantles jersey vests fur trimmings c at the sigbt house the following gooda hare bun rteelred tbia week fron europe a large lot of imali oneoi womena and large women knitted jaraeyt and veali in blaot navy blue garpit and brown in the neweit itylea real lao iaad kerchieft kinbroldered rloboj all- wool french dreee oooda lntht latwt ahadea uoaiery wiucev iu ranoiu colon aud prieet frenoh ribboni fait pue manetlo velretoeni fur rdinmiugii la dlllerent widtbe ollt and silvei braid frenoh satina cramb cloth be biiro to eaamlne bia ariormeu atook of lao oorliini bought at si percent leu than iiunnfaeturara prion and selling off far below uauatratea the immenae atock of ucetoruln lambrequin auclautimacaaaan it very attractive nice ii oklng and cbeap xbe pattern are very liaodwmb oromptona oormt have an amatisg tale jut examiue cromptoni celebrated caroline coraeta hi side 8 nrlsg health coraeu hiacountecoraeu hi victoria coraeu bit watkiu cormla for real comfort in w irmg durability and cbeapneu there are no coret la the raei ket equal to them two more enact of blanket arrived theie blanket are flue pure wtpl bought for ci n from tho bet blanket maker iu canada at the very lowejt prl w that cub will buy them for and wiling off tl vtry tmall probli ew laoai just imported ottoman pjuh eib- bona kreooh faillo ribboni and ribbon velvet import d tuu week swiu and voitinaham lao ourtauuand larabrequina thle week an enormoui tock of cbritmaa preient la brltlib frenoh and qermao make lately arr veil ludtu boavcr hula rcduoed hi about onethird their roal value colored silk plmhe marked down from 13 n chlldrena underclothing of all new tweed eiceedlnglr ohenp and v j l aperior qualitiei new prinu in abundance aelling off at m per nt leta thantheir ral talue carpou reduced immensely in price the right home king atreet eut clow to hughioa rtreet liiv mb ir rcommeaied it he says to ei eral cx my frienii not of whom have rived creat fbenest from it hr w tcljrkscn hartinglon ytlias 5ptichcereli eur usedwamerv saivccrefr liier complaint dynpepiia lltnlence vomiting of bile and mental dn- presci jjiniian 15 is3 he vrrites alter niiigthe tth bottle i feel bette thun for uiinv yer it is eii invalaabi meji cine v mr j liiscock station master tan vale milvray navigation station we- curti cf bsc-c- of the kidney calcalns- o sune di2hire of pis fete by thirteei bottles of wrners safecare i hao kn2 end faithfaliy tried sdaieof theahlesi aelia1 cien in soath wsles in vain one of tinr remrking that iuedical science hi fniied to find a remedy for confirme kidney dicise the baie cure dissolved and broint away about two ounces of stone 1 cm never praise the safe cure too hiliyj ili ibuirt ptiien kevv deiaval eng tv j3 iacu overcome by severe indarnma- tion cf the bladder i had to urinate abot eier- five or ten minutes with great pain and s offering 51 water was full of matter ajii blood both kidneys and liver were affected and in addition i had a bad c3ugh nnihaart trouble all presumably r the secondary eifcet of the kidney and bladdif disorder he nays that after ccr- ing his bladder kidney and liver troube by warners sifc core his cough ant pajprution are quite gone 1r wiuiam simpson esq daoghty 11111 kirkcaldy kb euffered for years from- brigbts disease of the kidneya and conse qucnt dropsy els body was dreadfully swollen bis appetite was fickle he was full of rheumatic pains his urine burned in parsing and was full of mucous and bjackdust sediment his pulse was weak his heart was irregular ia its action his breathing was very much impaired in short he had all the painful s dreadful disorder ho the boyd infirmary of ei the skill of- tho best physi exhausted oil agencies at dichargod him asinoarajil ha says i passed water every hour day and night having great pain while doing bo it was nearly white as milt with ajbnmen and when it btcntd for an hour the deposit was a qaarter of as inch thick in the bottom of the vctl ww in this devpteftfs otm- dititn isban to u womera safe core tihe mly known epeoifio fat brigbts lejtidneribavnadwelve m mi kk mem m tt nptoms of that pt 17 weeks in nbtxrgh under a who having icir command it commends itsely most warmly to public confidence to 75c beautiful heal lace handkerchiefs verv cheap very luodsome 4bnttoued km glov in the dowest ibsdes lsdiee oenti n kiodi rsmarkably ebeap an immonie stock of new stvlai of maotlo and ulster cloths direct from the makers in extra good valno ne joo4 ladies quilted black skirti felt bkhts aud yhite embroidered skirts unusoally low ahd of saperior qualities new prinu in i- j i i m rigbt house king atreet east close to hughsoa rtreet thomas c watkins hamilton hamilton dec 13th 1863 bewirt ot ibe cough it may kill you ire il at ouce with dr canons pulmonary ctiagh drops it never fill larje bottles u 50 cents foe sale trerywhert 28 for rxaat and durability of color the rriaiiglc 1ickne dyei deal the world if vuautvtr ued dea before- do o now lud be convmctd 10 18 do not wear faded clothe when a 10c ruckle of llie triangle dye will nutte theij loot bright ai oek all the popular c lora 10c at j e mcgarviut drug store 23 dr carwo pulmonary cough drops the preecriptiaiioc aa old canadian pre liuoner the beat remedy for the lungv i i large bottles at 50 cents for lale erert- where 23 tfa few gtaiasof oammon tense eouldbe i aimed into the thick noddles of thoe who i-erpetnillj- and alurnately irritate and weaken iheir slemachi and bowel with rastic purgative they would use the biirhly accredited and bealthfnl laxative and tonic northrop 4 lymans vegetable dis covery ant dyepepticcure which causes good digeation to wait an appetite and health on both 23 i kur airaeable i one very ralaable feature of dr lows pleaiant worm syrup is that it u hlghly speable to take and all varieties of worms lape worms iirdflded can be safely expelled iy it witnoat recourse to harsh and sick enipg drugs 26 a i himiltoa wriles for weeks i vas troubled with a swelled ankle which nosed me much pain and annoyance mr haybee of this place recommended dr rtiomxs eclectric oil for it i tried it ia1 before one botlle was used 1 wjs cared t is an article of great value beware of electric or electron oils as they are imita- us of dr thomas eclectric oil 23 tl e handiest package dyes to use are the sui dyes beautiful and isauog colors i sail ueaaa cared are you troubled with salt rheom emga skin pimples or canket sores ifso o it ooce to j e ilcgarvins drug store ini cet a pickle of calverts carbolic cerate price twentyfive centa it was aever kcowo lo fail i pecoria fcctorii pcoria the great remedy forcouchs colds broocbilis sore throat insaeaia horstuess nd all iffee- oas of the langs and throat or cbost pretoria loosens the phlegm and breaks up he cough 25 rents per bottle dont xve up until you have tried pectoria all druggists ana general storeaeepers sell it 23 tbh triiujle pickle dyes hare won heir wav to poflic favor solely ou to urn merits aud are now to be found in tvery seclion of the country 30 colors vi perfect 10c at j e ilcgarvins urujf store 3 haw to treat weak laags alxays breathe through the noae keep- ng th mouth clostd as ranch as poeaiile alk and ell erect exerciseill the opet icfeef tle skiu scinpalonsly clean and nd lake hgyardv pectoral balaam for iagiis colds aud broachial troubles 26 be carefll tv ka tea eat the lest medicine authorities declare that orms in the human system are often in- laced by eating too freely of uncooked ruit and loo much meat cheese etc tvhalever may be the cause freemins orm powders are speedy and safe to cure lber destroy the worms and contain their own cathartic to expel them 26 k paraivtle ilreke w h howard of jeoeva n y suffer- ed trith pklsy and general debility and peat a small forfuaeid advertised remedies without avail until hetried burdock blood bitters it pcrificjr and revitalized the jlood caused it to circulate freely and ojrickly restored him lo health 26 s- cuadwick of arcadia wayne co writes i liave had severe attacks of asth- na tor several years i commenced taking dr thomas eclectric oil the first dose relieved uo in one hour i continued tak- i it in teaspoonful doses for a few days and hare not bead an attack of it sirce now aearlf one year 33 tke best praor the sun i sell more burdock blood bitten than 1 do of any other preparation in itockj says b jackcs druggist toronto if the rend r will ask any druggist in the city ha will et a similar answer to bh query a proof hat it is the most popular medicine for thr blood liver and kidneys knows 26 hat en t mathers tt mathers 11 are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a tick child infiering and crying with the excruciating pain of culling teeth if so go at once and get a bottle of mrs winslowb soothing syrup it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately 4epend upon it t than u so miftake iljotit it there is not a mother on eartb wbo has eta tued it who will not tall yon it once that it will regnlala the howek and give real to the mother and relief and iiealtbto the chili opentlng liksimkic it is perfecty safe lo use in all tmaw ssii pleaaanttotb tiat sad u th preactip im of one of tho eldest and bet female ohyaiciai and nhriea in the united stjstt dbcnmf ibmtf vegetable sicilian hair renewer to the flnt preparation perfectly adapted eore diseases of lha seslp aud the qnt mo- txsifal rtstorer of faded or gray ualr to lu natural color growth and vputliiul beauty it bu had inioy imiulon but none hat 10 folly met all the requirements ueodful for tho proper trealauut of tho hair aud scalp halls ilur iikxewe has btcsdily erosu lu faror ud smuv4 iu fame and tucialneu to ereirqaancr of vlie gobe in utril- leled succou cau bo nltrtbatcd to but or catue tac cktirt fuljumeut o iti jmmitt tbe proprietor liars often beea lurpriicd at tho rtcslt of orderi from remote coon- ita vlicrt theyhsd never made an aflort for ill uilrodocton tho use for n tbort time of halls iuir kcvcweji onderfaiiy twprotes lli r- oaal ipt4araiice it cieaiifci the taiiifrviu all iinparuei earei all luiuon fctcr rjid drjriiu and tlioa prrrtiu lijiim it- rtfntut- lh weakcncii glrjd aij tul leni t nvli forfltird n i unit i frottii th efffjclj of th artlcio src c tncl ikc tliojo or alcouoilc irv-ctra- l inli rviuiu a lop li wlmx jjlcf r ui vier of cci ojy buoeiinfiham dye ron vuc whiskers wii elr llie ual i r lalural brotni erbrlc isdwircj it i rmlccesfinainjrl color llill tcil ll wiub rmij- ioi j jtipcf k itujleprfiatrilloii l it aipbcl wuo trouble rpepanrn nr e p hall c0 kasnna hh sold by all dealvrs in msdicuies for all the rorks or serofuloui henttrlsl aad blood dfforderc tha best remedr lcaum hit most searching and uiotoa woodpurifier u ayers 8arsaparllla told try a urutsirui it ia bettlaa is speicht son acton undertakers carriage makers c are prepared to famish everything iu their line from the best ca8ket to the plainest coffin ou the shortest notice and at lowest terms fcall calls either night or day promptly attended to satis faction guaranteed iu every case a flratclas9 hearse for hire we are in a position lo astisfactorily fill orders for wagons carriages ac of every description in reasonable lime good workmanship ond firstclass material always used we have also a pplctidld lot or furniture both common and extra quality cheap swif yon will pay u cash we will sell you anything in our line cheap si j a 3pei0ht mantter east end clothing store while tendering my sincere thanks to my numerous customers for the liberal patronage heretofore accorded me i would an nounce to my patrons and the public that i have i how opened a very large and welhassorted i stock of cloths and gents furnishings suitable for the coming season jdoabsolutely sure no risk capital not required reader if you want busineas at which parsons of either sex young or old j can make rreat pay all the time they work with absolute certainty write for particu lars to h haujitt cv co portland maine as in the iui so also in the future i propose to give my customers 11 cfcst value that canbe hadiu the trade good sound material in all ihe oewest patterns and perfect- fitting jimienis ai lowest possible prices flats and caps in all the leading shapes for fall wear call and see them i j fyfe feames acres i fontil nurseries i i acres 03 the largest in the dominion salesmen wasted steady employment at find salaries to all willing to work men amd women j csu have pleasant j work the yeae bound h good aceots aie earning front ho lo 75 per month sod expeuses j 43terms and ouifit free address stoxe ttell1gto toroiito out ie8t family new8pahr lit- canada kino o wbhttttbi weekly free press large 1 faper 8 pages cat paated by new machinery contains all tho kews special market department agricultural department capital story always running ingenious puzzle column fnnny hnmorisms joit tioxiiaj u xio amu7 tsend tulo and the paper will lfonrardad to you to january 1st 1993 811000 in premium tbo most liberal inducements ever offered in canada to parties getting up clnbs lor the week- ly free press send lor premium lilt weekly free tkus d fibhebi autvcate seat is 1st january isis for it5 addrsss feee press office london ont h an endless variety of plu8 andiotherj picture frames suitable for presents photographs the latest style taken by the new process no long sittinttb- brim your pictures of deceased friends and have them eniarsred in flrstclass style cwhill acton 4 id fbames who 18 unacquainted with thl oiooraphy of this country wtu 811 by examinino thw map that thl tiiecbaup10sqf the names against the saloons a masterly prohibition paper the lever the leading temperance journal cf the united state opposed to license in all its forms the fanrlets advocate of the total prohibition of the drink trifflo eiobtpaae ftrrrsa colottxwiixty termsonlr 1j rer tear aaliberal reduction to clubs agent vtanted 8amplea free address vakflsetk jjoohus s7 wamngiohst chicago iii aai nforthi working olasa gendlo miluceujsfor postage and wo will mail yon free a royal valuable box of sample goods that will pot yon in the way of viiff more money in a few day than yon ever thought possible at any busineas capital not require we will trt yon ton can work all th time oyin your span time only th work is univeraaily atupt- ed to both sexea yonng and old ion can easily earn from 60 oanta to 5 every even ing hut all who want work may tea tho business we make tni nnpaxallaled offar to all who are not wait satiated wa will end ii to pay for ihe trouble of writinkus full parttonuini dinotiani ato nsnt free fortum will be mane by tboas who trjw their whola time to ihe work gnat ue tolxwwjhdfshibl fcirr in tacul stisb hills tin stove depot good assortm ent on stoves cheap for cash tinware of all kinds bottom prices at eavetroughlng a specialty and put up on notice shortest first class material only used a call solicited tl 0 hill mill st butcher shop j r holmes i wo old reipcctfnlly inform the potple of acton avod vicinity that be buporchud the bosinees and property of llr w c romnsnrj aod ii prepared to supply ill with firstclass meat of all kinds and poultry and game in seascni w meat delivered to any part of town at any time tff having practical experience in the butcheries bnsineas i feel confident lost i can suit all a call kindly solicited it holmes st srsktsia tsmsmaa st fsataac tosis ckfln sbsatr tsssssit is sunusi co ra taaa at t worth theip weight in gold chicago rock island pacific ry that a moao too loir thl albert lea route a iytajajtwms batirm i snhsi0k monlirafttfoiimtortia3iiesaiiuoi1sajid i craat oontnil line afford to travelers by reason of it jnrlnalad geo- i position tha hortaat and beat route between tha east northeast and and th wast northwaetand 8outhwat and trlotlv true that its connections ara an ol tha prtnolpal line i th atlantjo and tha paolflo iin nn and branohaa it raaohe ohloago jollet psoriaj ottawa aeo molina and rook island tn llllncoa t oturmport wtieoatln kaokuk knoxvllla oaftalooaa valraald daa motnaa weak uoertr ttmntlo avoca audubon hartani outhri oantar and oouneu blufh allatln trenton oamaron and kanaaa city in klaaouri and laavan tidatohlaon in kanaaa and tha hundrada of ortiaa vlllisj ajnd town ta th at rock island route tiaarty oalled offar to travasao an tha adw ami amooth traok af brtdscaa uru oapota at all oonnao a tralna ewoaad of pchasatwrotia wu vsttmut 1nby uphoutbho and ttuoaiit day ooaohut a tntplotnt horton itkjunisio oha oaari budtj pi daomaat palaost utpmroommi thi will f tvm nd paopla to ba tha nmst rum rgrywp totn at i of swvurryfivi otm uoh l trains aaeh way datraan ohioaoo and tjwmmmutcl rtvut 1 aaoh war bnttiaab ohioaoo and minnufou and t paul i st john af hollo ways pills 01ntmbn1 i rnm ixcomparabli- medicixe hat iccvrtd for utclf on imperiiaoife fat c throughout tht world for the alienation ai rure omoardiaeoaesioiraicaaujaobuylsaei the pills purify revnlaic and improve ihe quality uf the blood they assist thedigustive oicana cleanse the stohacu and uowtls nicreaae tho secretory powers of the liver urate the uervous system and throw inli he cireulalionthe purest elemenl fof u aud rvpairing the irarae 1 tnnusandb of persons have testified thai y their use alone they have dean restored lo health aud strength after every other means had proved unsncceastnl ointment will befuund iuvarnable in eyery houaeholtl in the corn of open sore hard tonum bad legi old wrnadi oougjj cold sore throata 3ronehiti and all disorders of the throat anil cheat aa alao gont fihenmatim scrofula and 0yar kind of skin disease laaonfactnred only at lrefeor holv wya establishment j83 oxfohd 3thebt london and told at tl lidt 2 8d 4 sd 22a and 33s each box lad pol and in canada at 86 cent so oanta and 160 and the larger size in proportion tjoiled state nor ara my medicine aold there purchaser shoald therefore look to the label on the pot andboma if tna addtsirnot ifflj oxford 8trttibiioia theyafpnriom jtf the trade isirk of ruy aald hedfornas ia rejriattaraa at ottawa and an rt waah intrjrin- clyataxraa relief or cur affected your money t bi refunded paica r- bold by ii4t 1 a nsceenn si dbaiesu errrrwarre amonnt htqnircd lo care as ruixowa ok to six bottls will purify the blood eradicating all humours iromlbe conmon pimple blotch or boil tu the most malig nant form of scrofulous nicer oki to six hottlbi by cleansing the blood will purify the complexion from sailowneas smooth out the wrinkles cctult- ing from imperfect noiirlsbmeni of the body sweeten foul breath and renovate the entire system oxi to two bottiis will cure ordinary constipation or costivness tber by removing hhaiachr piles blliousncfs and jamdict and all diseases retolting from tori jd liver ore to sn bomis by cleansing the blood improving tbe genual heath and fyrtifviu the system against taking fresh colds will in all cases relieve aud hi most eases cure that eonimnn loalhrsorpe and dangerous disease catarbh oxa tq thrss bottlss will regulate all deraugementa of the kidneys curing urinary difficulties prostration gravel iiawtes etc 5xkto forn bottles will reiuvigoral the entire system curing nervous and gen- eral debility female weakness and all its attendant miseries m tjsl hajll the key to health tefa tjbloeka alltha clogid avenues of tha bowsla kidneyn aid idvar carry ing oil gradually without weakening tbeb system au the impurities and fool hnmornof the secretiona at the same time cknrectixig adrlity of tile stomach curing biliousness dya- pepeia headaches diazlneao heertbarn ccmatipatiat drynoss of the skiii sropar dtmnoss of vialcm jarmruoe salt bhonm brtaipelas scnxxrnja iluttering- of the heart tfervoosness apd gen eral tjebilit7f all these and many other einular compiainta yield to- happy i of suetjock hloodhnteeea t ulbcec i co prefiietet tjrcam 3ctqjt- harnes trunk 8ep0f harness or trunks to 6ve money should go to r creech aotorr dr feliz le brtrns gjlgr a inarantccil cure or vnetal leies safe varonl a rellnmo n- rwd efleets fron it u oo p nl mi mi brvl omppjis- 8 onlsfrio foraeln will cure or relieve wakm mzwesz orspcpsia ihdioestioh jaundice erysipelas salt rheum heartburn readache alsdvrery a uasntandl onopsr hutterwo oftmeijem thestomaoh whess of the tafl specjuufdlaea tsbic tresa vosfiso tkn itjbonta manhoo sen thomas 09 wbrd strsjsjt london ttst how be8toke0 edhto hfiljrhllabila new sshsfw on taoieak auu tfas 4i2iv iu aomlratil tissrrr lo ine tiarjsfoj unhmanil liuilrtt fl atoaasriia w t