Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 14, 1884, p. 5

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tctcp4 af wilful nmrtemnus tkvumt jfowag pi h 1834 i climb to best still man i climb if i traom rest tim bird wan npvud tohuftert ttw yoong leaf ou the trwtop blju cnthtt itsjalt within tho ky t ktrmtai that tsrm to hirta down rtom to ekmtu tb hult to crown the plnt utaca trotn her roqt to rock alolt bef flowar and troll i cannot in tht ttllay stay tbt cret hortxon stretch away i the wyoilficthtt wall maroaad are ladders onto bthtr ground to workta rest forcach a tlmo i toll but i must alto climb what soul nt ever quite at ou shut in by earthly boondariu t i am not clad till 1 hare known life that eao lift me fromtuy own a loftier ltval matt bo von a muhuor itresgth to loan upon and htaven dun oca u i ascend the brrexe antes tho sura befriend all thinp t beckoning to the beat 1 climb to tbee my goi for rest tbo iuot fiicmlaloua are brood to admit thai for pcrtoilftnia c1orj tho triangle oyii baye no equal ak forlhroeooroor- ed pickup and see that yonset it loo at ji k mvhninb drug store w fromllie liter noil kiduoyi aria all liiiioj tickneft dr cartons btomaob bitters ttitjinlaui uplb liver and kidney and ianrctone n gainst disease it ii not an alcoholic htmuuql in urc bottles at 30 cento 30 almoat every tih contains calomel and oiikt miners compound dr canon stomach btuers ii purely vegetable and takes the puee of nil other purgatives in large boules al go cent so are joa tmuulfii with salt rheum rnoch hands or old sofs of any kind that raanol le hcttl d evu thnaeh it be of year sundint mctrrjinr tfc parkea car itolic cerwtf will pure it be cmd the shadow of a doubt u ii tbc est toaltn cornpoand ever known limit fvntcrinc frost bites barn or fmv skin trouble are alike cured by it sm at 25 ceuu by j e mc- garvin drugt 33 coins cause iu tolerable juiu hollona corn curerrnioves the trouble tie haadiel package tfyca to tuc are the star dyes beautiful and 1 asting colors 9 the tupvrtirity motberoratm worm elterminaior is snwu by iu fpud effect on the children dr cdrfriqs pulaioaary cough drops the prtunyti iu ot au old canadian priic tiboucr the best rvuicdy for the luii in urgebouicsutiwccuts for sale eretv- where- 23 the oavy blue seal bruwn olive gretn other rich dark colors of tie truuirje arc aaperfeclaa brim shades tuey disappoint the oer 10c at j e mcgarviv di jg store 33 m a st man st bouiface manitoba writes dr thumia eclectric ou is a y public beaefit i has done wonders here and has cured mvkif of a lad cold in oue dit- can be relied upoa to remove pain heal 6ores cf various kiads tad bene tit any inflamed porticm of the body to tcbich it is applied mr henry harshall becre of dunn writes some time ago i tpt a bottle of northrop lymans vegetable disco rery from mr harrison and i consider it the very best msdicine cxtonl for dyspepsia this medicine is making marrelloua cure in liver complaint dyspepsia etc in purifying tie blood and restoring manhood to full rigor wafcltasreeahle one very vahible teats re of drlows pieaaant worm symp is that u is highly agreeable to take and all ranetita ot worms tape worms included can be safely expelled by it witneat recooise to harsh and sick ening drugs s6 iii well be poisoned woe be to those who drink thereat it is worse to poison the fountain of life for one self ud for posterity often by carelessness or mis- fortune of inheritance this has been done 4 ayera saraparilla frets the blood the vital stream and restor i appeutc filrenglh and health if a few jraing of common sent coild be infused iato the thick noddles of thoe who perpetotljy tnd alternately irriute and weaken their stomachs and bowels with drastic purgatives lhty would use the jfchic notthrop lymiuis vesetable die coveryani dypepticoare which oause good digestion to wait an appetite and health on bnth 33 ko other medicine is so reliablt as ayers cherry pecloiial for colds cooehs and all denmjpmeou of the respirators organs tending toward coosumptioa la all ordin ary case it is a certain cure and it affords ore relief for the tatumatic and conuinr- tire even in advanced sta ea of disease pecuri pectoria pcctoria i the great remedy- for joufchis oad brtiachilis sore throt iqdueazarboraenei aud all affec- tionj of the dungs aud throat or cheat pedoru bkeus ihe phjein and bnaks uj- thecugh 25 wins rr btle d i give up uoil yna hve tnd pectcirix alt drngjifta acd geuera siortaeeper sell it r ffl wife whats the maiternnt john rlqsjiand oh that ncaralgia and tooth ache near kills me wife hy dont you go to 3 e it- arvins dru store and eet a ootle of fluid liihlnirig ton know it cures all such things a toothache neuralgia head ache lumbago eirache sre throat etc it give inslabtrellef 3 a rararttc treke w h howard of utievaty suffer ed a ith palsy and general debility an pent k small fortuuein advertised remedie- without avail until he tried burdock blood bitten it purified and revllallxed the mood caused it to circulate freely and quickly rritired him to health 26 pain aud after fa is the commiidldt if all ouroiirliealdaya iiye mauiitst ptuof of his aad we are urver loui pcruititrd to forget it if comb hcinld in your case be the throo to the desh jti at ouce and buy a bottle oi per- nams paucless coax exttuicror and be surprised at the rapidity the freedom from puu aud tle success ibnt marks its work x c polsov at co kiniuoo proprie- lors salt hfsacra4 are yna troubled with salt rheum rough skin pimpfesorcankei sorea ifso 50 at ooce u j e mcgarvins droit store and get a package of calveiti carbolic cerate price twentybye centa it was never known to fail 47 kt this season of the year there should be bottle nf pectoria in every house it is uueoiialled- fo coagfas colda and hoarfieness is pleaiaat equally ufe for childroa- price 25 ceota at all druggists 80 prominent among the greatest medical discoveries by the many cures it ha affect ed hcgrtgort speedy curt leads the tan subjected to the minutest chemical analysis it has been found to contain one of those injurious ingredients cbaracierixinji the xorthless fpecifics daily offered to the public every ncredent possesses a pecnl iar adaptability to the tarioua complaints for which it has been compounded and efficacy is beiue established by teatimonials hourly received we are therefore confi dent that we have a preparation which we cm offer to the public with the assurance that it will be foucd not only a relief hut an clsolide care for dttpcpsia liver com- pliint indigestion constipation and im pure bio- kl free trial bottles at j e idcgaivins dru store 33 tie best prf the lobi i sel more bardrck bloo1 bitters than i do of any nlhr preparation in stock saja falyaccmiitd and healthful laxative and b jaekes- druggist toroolo iftheread a remarkable escape mrs mary a dailey of tunkhaunock pa was afflicted for six yean with asthma and bronchitis doringwhich time the best physicians could give no relief her life was despaired of until 10 last october she procured a battle of dr bangs sew di- covery when immediate relief w felt and by continutlg its use for a short time she was completely cujvd gainios in flesh 50 lbs iu a few months free trial bottles of this certain care for all tbroat and lang disease at j e he- garvins drug store large bottles 100 a bamurs teffitjiosr for a cough cold or any bronehial affection pectoris id my opinion is jnst the thins i have used it in my family for coagfas and colds for the past four years with the most un varied bucceas apd today my opinion of it is that i continue to think still more of that which i bean thinking well of geo blt5rk manager ontario bank pickering price 25 cenu at all droggiau 30 tbeae are siid facta- the best blood purifier and system re gulator over placed within the reach of offering hamauity truly is electric bitter inactivity of the liver bihoosoeaa jaun- dice contition weak kidneys or any 4im rfthe nrinary organt or whoever fiuiresaii appetizerionic or mild atimu taot wilwwaya find hectrio littera the beat and only certain cart known tfery act aaralv and quickly evarrbotot giuza tattl ta gtvb entire isfactiwof monejtft funded sold t hky coot bottb lly j er will ask any drnpgist inthe city he will gt a similar answer to his query a proof that it is the moat popular medicine for the blood hver and kidneys known 26 railway aeddeal frank spink wiltoa avenue toronto jotnc timpagoreceivcl a bad injury by an accident ou the g t b- the severe con tosiins veiequjckly healed by the use of harvards teljojr oiu- 26 bmjirwft puu indigettioo and liver cnipuin8 tfe ingestion cannot be ini iierfector ariusly disordered without the effect f so much ierancment becoming visible the coaitenance these pills at mice rciovt the disorder and iu ufi pleasant cnnieqaercps they stimulate the diges tive and asiailtive functions and cou- tqntntly prnmie that rreat blessing a guodappeuie holiti ways pills moft saii faclotily rtmve all deranged or diseased acitou of the may orcjs encaged in ex tracting- n6uasmtit for our bodies from iur various ilitu a the liver stomach and bowels ov all of uhich they exercise he inast6iutry cvxitro by resorting at n early stigc cf the malady to lhee purify iog and laxative piiij the uienalcholy and jaundictd supejdic is speedily restored to health and strength and his sallow ness gradually vanishes boir to treat vf eak loaga always breathe through the nje keep ing ihfl mouth closed as much as possible walk and sit erect exercise in the open fir keep the skla scrupulously clean and and lake hsgyards pectoral balsam for coughs colds and bronchial troubles 36 se canfal wauu tow eat the best medicine authorities declare that worms in the human system are often in duced by eating too freely of uncooked fruit and too much meat cheese etc whatever may be the cause freemans worm powders are speedy and safe to cure j they destroy the worms and contain their own cathartic to expel them mot era matters matters are you disturbed al night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciatingpain of cutting teeth if so go st once and get a bottle of mrs winslows soothing syrup it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately depend upon ft there u no mistake atont it there is not a mother on wrtfc- who has ever tued it who will not tall yoft at one that it wid regulate the bowals and give rest to the mother and relief aad health to the child ofcerating like itu perfcety safe toise in afi eeseiv pleaaaot to ibe tastt aa1a the turn of one of tho oldest and beat famalj phyaicuua vl lmraes in the rnited btateat wtk mlrfirtma mv ft htimnl success of the great sale at cost tit the right ttousa hamilton thu iatorih houao baa a uual the crualn of the ottuuir m hmlwii tu ur r which bi immrau hook tu oe uailiieovol u douara worth of moat oaralollv aclcciau aud deuldaul crtiu nd ulnu uu hi ttf i ianuud of ladled to tlua imioiife kfv rhaj tfncllrt i scarii clouda squama mauilf and ultor clbiha blaukuia qjiiu olinfurwr ctwo aud uiimia kiaiuiutu keat vanetyj pnnta draasoodaaodbu ti ivlti and pattcrm iadiea gcnl and childrcna uudcrelotliinu all kind iluaurr and olurna in varioaiqualnja aal noet siu hiadkmcbm lrtnna aon fittnera flowara and ornannnw millinery aud ribbons bulb u w ud tyliali a vai quaoiuy of moumlug uuod of b uewej aiyhatoja tarw tjjjjjjj iljli and prima qiomptani curalina and several otbtr new ami i rior iioiviih ii i tninllng ladininne i blea ohimnaf piece etc carpeu mull motlilii rnga omtoniere bjldlnit lieat silk tiumila only 5c beldinua liwi 10 yimuim0u of h kwk o aa lotake romii for iho large spring 8took which william t watkioe i pnrehaliiii now fr the prlnij and aaitirarr trade tin mantle doiuum aoa uwhit uk imo kin offfuat lliuirrtk ihry are pin down an ery low the wullo uliu cloiha and twedaare kally rcdcoe1 in price iod are mooh aonilht alter lller atood wle of millinery and millinery good and velreieeut thev nr 0 veri ehap the mouuiiik flala print and undnclthmg hate a lively aale they are nek lloarr rd alue a cnniimoni o hnuillmu kirat chum- rur uuitiinl kreuakm ulv dir ot from th nnkar jni reenved thre olorea and cnimpum a orkm are oocqoallcd in ibla mnrkol oroy cottona dnak denim tkiim- canimi klnnel in dloauhel dnhieaeluil ad dywi mlieetioj 8hirlini in bleaohed oneckeil unpen and regatta qoilti blaaketa carpcu elc aro all eicaejiogl cheap tno ttihl liou knm atrcet olow to haibion treot the name ia- lah a yam quaniliy of moumlug uuod of h newel ityrea ina lam rrtty quaim cicaigo iia in blaumatly oelcbrited cort with an atnioet ctfilo variety of fancy flood auitawa r onia- iiga llimlebm floor oiillb carpal sweeper ctrt are all oflariog at prlcea aolow aa totw of tail tsilk twiatnulr 2c watkina ha decided to make clearoeef liu odormons nimer uamiltou jan s4tb 1884 thomas c watkins hamilton ayers cherry pectoral ye tiir cjuiiualntf are so usuuona m their rtliclc as uiutentfvcuiig the throat and long c j ki triacj wuh by urn majority of suffer- i- tiic owittary cougu or cold reialung j iicu a trifling or unconscious cx- j 1 often but the bcglnulns of a faul aveki cnniav parroail has crcn lu efllcaey in a forty years ughi vrvai and long diseucs and should be si cafts tithont delay terrlmo couah cared i took a stere colli which affected i- u 1 hit i uitlme eough u iur irfhi ulutont sleep tu doctors r e u- i trird avnts ciirnitv pcc 1til ihicli rellcted jny luiiga induced jlifjt mil ailrled me the rest necessary r iitcitcry ol my ftrcintli lly uis t j use of the rrtthaa inna- iiwcare uas eliectel i tm ftir c years l imi and hearty and art sausfled your uiluav icctonal mived rfie horace kainnuotutju bocainghan l aiuly 12 lo crriup a molhrra tribute wis if i c eouilry ht nintcr my lit us rr rlvuuiri 111 vuli croup 11 wii- h wnujd ilio from straitgu lation t tut fajiy mcgpsied tho use of avru ciiifuv ithu a bottle o which as aluiy lrpt in tlie house tills tu trim iu uial and irvquent doses aiid 10 oar delight in it than half an hour lh itl patient was breaihlug caiily the doc tor ad that the cm hbv pixtoiul had farlniydariiigs hfc can you wouder at our gratuudfl shjcercly jours mrs km ha gnnxrt us west 128th su new york may 1c lett w havfl used avras cnranv ptctobai tn my family for aevcrl eara and lo not hesitate to pronounce it tl uxt rffcrtual remedy for coughs and coljs wo hare trcr tried a0 cttase lake crystal minn alarcb 13 lss w i raff ered for eight years from bronchitis and after trying many remedies with no sue- cmk i was cured by the use of a vrkrt cwm- ry trrrgrtu josrru w a lb ex vi ajia jua april 6 lti i eautrnt say enough in praise of avras cncuuv pctrotau wiirmic as i do that but fir it ok i thoum long tlitec have died from lung troubles e raaonox palestine teaa al ui ko ease of an airit of the throat or httgi exists whc he grratly relieved bytha use of avnts circuit r pectojul and it tfu afroyi ewrr when the disease is not already beyond the control of medicine raxraaxn bt dpjcayep4coloweii sold by ail druaista speight son acton undertakers carriage makers c are prepared to furnish everything iu their line from the be8t ca8ket to the plainest coffin ob the shortest noiieo aud at lowest terms satis- all calls eitier night or day promptly attended to faction guaranteed in every case a firstclass hearse for hire iwc are in a poahlon to aatlafactorily fill ordera for wegironi carriage 4e ef every ilecription io reaonaue lime good workoianahlp ood nrstclaaa material alwara uwd we hvc alo a fpleriiid lot or foniiture both common and extra quality cheap ib- if yoa mill pay us cash we will ell you anything io oar hoe cheap j a 9pei0ht manager business brevities some rstcta about oar buslneaa hui aad flonses of benefit to oar areneraj readers east end clothing store while tendering my sincere thanks to my numerous customers for the liberal patronage heretofore accorded nie i would an nounce to my patrons and the public that i have now opened a very large and wellassorted stock ot cloths and gents furnishings suitable for the coming season al in the iam o aho in llie fnliirc i projiose to give my cupirmirf ll tut value urat caji be had iu ihe irsde good found material in all the neweet paltero and prrfett kuing jranwnik ai htwet nosfime price uatr and iaps in all the leadine shapes tor fall wear call and see them j fyfe hate from 75 cenu io 2 50 at j fjfja if yoq want a nobliy durable and cheap mit j fyfef is the plac to go the urccst and cheapeat itock of boota 4 shoes to jelect frum ii at ncbinn mcea tv largeit stock of genla famiahingi fjata and capssnirt and draarcn at xel- goo t ilcraca the beat valac ia factory oittona niseeya flannel and domwtic gooda at xelaon 4 mcrae8 the urest and cheapest stock ot ready made ciothing in the town is at kelioo mcraee the mo4 perfect fitting suiu aad overcoats and ihe lel electiiu uf goda at the lowest prices at nelson a mcraea suits and overcoate at eitremely low rates and made in latest styles be soio o call and see them j fvfe acton for beauty aod darability of color the triangle package dyes beat the world if you never used djea lief aud he coovinced 10 do so now 1 tcca week at home jo00 outfit free eay if ddabsolutely sure ko risk- capital not required reader if you want business at which persons of either sex young or old can make gteat pay al the time they work with absolute certainty write for particu lars to h hinrtt 4- co portland maine ss feames an endless variety of plus andiother picture frames 8uitable for presents photographs the latest style taken by the new process n o loug sittinfcrs brim your pictures of deceased friends and have them ins your pictures of decease enlarged in first class style cwhill acton feisdes 3ua 4i who is uma09uainteo with the ceooraphv of thts coumtry wiu sci by kxam1ninq this map that thi bes family newspaper in canada kina of weeklies weekly free press xjaxge 1 faporl 8 fagea cat ft pasted by new maehlnery contains all the kews special market department agricultural department capital storv always running ingenious puzzle column fanny humorisms juit the tmae far tis family tarsend iloo and the papei will lit forwarded to yon to january lat 1665 911000 in premtanjs the most liberal indneementa ever offered in canada to parti flatting up clubs or the week ly free press send tor premium list weekly free tbew rabbebt aotocate aest te lat janaary ins lor lfi address feet pbe88 office london ont a fa c lllr aubn i otbepreaidenuoftheub the largest handaomest beat book ever aold for leal than twice oar prioo the fastest seilingibook in america immense profits to agenta ail intelligent people want it any one can become a auceeesfnl agent term free hiititt boot co portland mainej rpci ztf-smonispkiailt4- rrllbi leiag a guaranteed cure for vt7n oiallit mid snoailvmk- amayterueiijauglavbtttlla aud ail brain and nerve irooulee canaed by self abaae over brain work ac ttrk written guarantee of core in every case or mnney refunded bend isc for noatage on rate tim box of 1 00 pills addreti da m rv bcu5 cor clark st and calbonn place chioago 111 wrtla their weight in gold hollo wm the bennett churn ti fftvirt axtiola is tlw kuktt ohurainj ktl intinri inttitd of aa ttavlmiaat tukl ramshawsom acton have secured tbe sole con tnd of the eale of the famous bennett churn this cburnia manofaetnred npoa the most practical and eommoneenae priociple ez unt and only reqmree to be teen at work 4o be nndertood appreciated and par- chased a member of the above firm will call upon you with a sample cham eaksbsvw ft sou actoa jan 15 84 beat aael caaniert latke alasterlxg browns uousthald panacea has no equal for relieving pain both internal and external it cures pain io the side back and bowels sure ibroat rheumatism tcolhacht lumbago and any kind of a pain or ache it will moat aurelv qaickea tbe blood and heal aa ita aatina power ia wonderful browns hunaehold paoacea being acknowledged as tbfl great palu believer and of donble tbe strenjrthj of anv other eluir of liniment in the world should be in every family handy frrr use when wanted as it really is the best tvmedy fn tbe world for cramps in the storsachl and paina and aches of all kinds and ia for sale by all druggisu at 25 cents bottle jctqfy- harnes trunk pills ointment this incomparable mkdwtxb hat ueuredor ihtlp an imptruihbu faint ikrotghfml tht world for ito afrijriiu aiuf atreomostduauetowlucjtlumaiilyigheir hi pills purify reualtiie aad improve tbt quality of tbaoiuoij tfiej imii ilicdigeaiivc umuif clesanoe tiit 8t05iacu and bottllh tooresje tbastcreiory powers of tbe liver brac the ocrvout iystid and throw ihto uw clrcnuliin ihe purest hlemenla for qtuiaiog and epaihuf the frame thoukiids of perhiqs bve testified thai by their vue aluoc otey lavu teeu r tailored to ixsjili and slrrckth after crtry otber meaus had proved ansucceuf ul vav tr n s i- m the ointment will befoaod iuvaloablem evervhonshoid in the cure of open sores hard tumors btvl ln 014 wowidi cemtlw colds sore throau urouch tis aud all dlaorders of the throat and cheat aa alao p gout bheamatim scrofula andeverym kind of akin diaeasc manufactured only at prfior hollo- ways eeubluhment 583 oxfoljd stbeet londox and sold at 1 ijd 2a w 4s 6d 22s and 33 each box and pot and in canada at 36 outs 00 cents and150aodthelargesizesin proportiba cicnok i have no agent in the united states nor are my me lictnee sold there purchasers should therefore look to use label on thepola and- suics if the address u dot 633 oxford street london thev are spurious tbe trade mark of niy aaldmedicidca is registrred at ottiwa and aiso t vcah- tntnn t siiracrf thomas hollo ar bs ovfnrd funvit tldnn the key to health fajttiks bqciixo ajttthao ix harnesa or trunks to save money should go to r creech acton butcher shop r holmes would respectfully inform the pesple of acton and vicinity that he has pure baaed tht business and property of mr w c robinaon and ie ptepared to npply all with firstclass meat of all kinda and poultry turf game in seaton aaf meat delivered to any part of town at any time af havinu practical experience in the butchering business i feel confident bat 1 can suit all a call kindly solicited a holmes thbchimplos of the domes against the saloon a utterly prohibition paper the lever the leading temperance journal cf ihe united states oppoaed to license in tllitaiorros the fearlea advooate of thettal prohimtiooof the drink trafflo bohtpaob ftrrrbrrcoltiaiji wnuriy r srliheral reductioftlo olulai agitl wanted saropha frb chicago rock island pacific ry belnz the oreat central llneafforda to travelers bv reaeon of ha jnrlvaled geo- craphlcal position the shortest and boat route between the last northeast nn southeast and th west morthweatand southwest s i it la llteully and srnctr true that its oonnectjona ar all of tha prliunpal llneuai m road between the atlnntlo atnd tha pacific j by ita main line and branches it reaches ohloaajo jollet peoria ottawa la saue oeneaeo mollne and rook island in illlnoj i daren port mtuoattn washington keokuk knoavule oaltalooaa fairfield daw moinaw ws ubevtrj iowa oltr atlantic avooa audubon harlan outhrle oentor and council blutraj in iowa i oallatln trenton cameron ind kansas ottv in mhnourl and laavarh worth and atchison in kansas and tha hundreda of etttak vulaaraa and towna intermediate the a great rock island route aa n h famlllarlj oalled oners to travalara att tha skftaurtasyaa and oarnfort motdent to h ajnooth traovaafa brldcaa onton taapota at aftoomaetlrotata art ipreau trains ocnoosedof commooioub wiu vottiwto will hiatbdfwtly upholsterto and twoamt la ooawfls ta uni of ttj most batwifionrr hortoh koumino cha oak aver twm pwusurt htteat deaurned and handaomaet pauoc suipma oasrav and wnthotomh that are acnowladsred bv preaa and people to be tea finest run upon any road in the country and in wmohtepeilor inaati reevvv4rravirvsn tha lowrata of seventyfivl othts each nvunmwn thrtt trains each way between ohicaqo and the missouri rrvkr tmniaimaewavbetwemohioaotwul a baaabbbsaiib aaaaisssssbaaababs staabtamk blnllsbsifall afasvasasl vfjvsfvsjn sersffleavrt avvwf yeaia a a essjaatsaajj fatflffl jnesipollaalhy tm caraaiavasi aaaiageriw tleaoraeafaitm y sferj ti imm hills tih stove depot good assortment on stovij cheap fob cash tinware of all ztds at bottom prices unlocks an the clogged atennesof the bowela kidberyn aad idv oftrry iogoffjrradoadlywithcatweatauningtbo aymtarn all the impuritiee and foul hmnora of the secretioris at the same time correcting acidity of tba bt curing suidusness jojra pepaia headaches thhhtiaii hoaxtimm conatipeiion drjnees of the bkbi dropsy rioneea of visio jeamdiee salt bhenm kitbipelaa serofdla fhxtteridgrrlf the heart nervousness and den- end deadlity all these and many other similar complaints yiel to e lntppy i of bitrkock blood eetxeb t bmai a cfx proarteicrv adri7e send six cenu for post- i ulatcace and receive free a costly box of goods which will help you to more money right away than anything else in this world ail of either wx succeed from first hour the broad road to fortune opens before the wirters absolutely sure at once address taxie co auiusta maine will cure or relieve uuqums8 dizziness dr8pep8ia indigestion jaundice ertsipeu8 salt rheum heartburn headache ffden speeue uf daasaae artabur freaa omifsr flutterin9 oftuehmm acidity of the stomach dryness of the am t iilborh 1 6iv toronto i- i put up ok shome8t notiok juist causs maikb only 1ji fh h the class send io uvialloeots for postage end we mall 5 mail you free a royal valuable box of ajmrje good that will pot yon in the way of making more money in a few days thai yen ever thought poesihle at any bnatoeaa capital not required we will start jdu yoacan work all the time briofour spare lc tu ed to both sexes young and old you can t centa to y ven uu that allwho want work maatteet the btunneaa wemake thia unparalleled offer i sr weu tiafied we wai send 11 to pay for live trouble of writing ns full irtkular directions etc aentfree 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