Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 21, 1884, p. 2

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rfeift mmm lpipst sy svg i ctonmffms tncoynm m w fst 81 1684 notes and comment the toronto liquor meu have subscribed nearly 10000 towards the catnpaigu a- gainst the teropemuoo party the annual report o the militia depart ment for 163 sbovra that the total expendi ture tor njifitia services for the year ending juneth1883 vas s7s18ji halton reevei a motion was made at osgoode hall on monday to make a jiro imrnuito summons against dr buck and mr john hatband lat and iai deputyreevc of trafahjlr township on th pound of corrupt practices the judge directed reference to the county judgo at milton to take evid ence and inquire as to the charges of cor rupt practices last week mr jnowhlte reeve of milton was unseated because he ni bendsmau to the county treasurer wonder if mr mcleod ii really county warden after all robkwood news the report of the minister of justice ont from otr own rorrrapoiidcnf the penitentiaries of the dominion has just mr oshorwood of evorton who died been presented to parliament during the i last week irotn wood poiaouinfi was buried year under consideration the total uumber 1 ou saturday ufleruoou mr tjaherwood of convicts was one thousand one hundred and fortytwo m de lessens said at a banquet at paris a few days ago that hia scheme would seoitbo realized aud the desert of saharah would be turned into an inland sea the whole civilized world will be r ad to see that sea- a ooupie of the state not the american union hr been arc much upset by the discovery that forsed divorce papers have been sold by the hundreds the prevailing impression is tnat iu some of the states it would be about a easy to get a legal di- ivoroe as it would be to forge one the total mileage of railways in the province of ontario according to the re port of public works is sm7 this docs not include that part of the canadian pa cific west olnippissing 2sss miles have been built since confederation and the num ber of miles built last year was 105 while 703 miles are still under construction lcidu truth says prinoess louise and lord lorue will not go to italy at present as they had proposed for the queen de sires them to remain in england it is understood that lord lome will be called up to the house of lords by one of his fathers minor titles shortly after the meet ing of parliament the objectof the court politics appears to be his early appointment either as viceroy of india or as lord lieu tenant of ireland the people of canada ought to be con tested people- their cities arc not flooded ost by devesting floods such as are visiting pittsburg cincinnati and louisville at the present time they are not visited by cyclones that twist whole constituencies out of shape and blow peaceful hamlets into the next comity nor are they scourged with yellow fever or cholera but some people di6vt know when they are well off v toronto world was well kuowvaud respected in this com munity it is very satisfactory to learn from the report just issued by the treasurer that the new et johns church in this village now almost completed it to be opened next sunday free of debt all contracts and claims having been paid in full the building hs cost seoglj to date about tioo will complete the church and sur roundings pkttbiuia mr 3 c allan of iwfalo mt u visit ing acton friends mr john henderson of milton visited aoton friends thit week mr john fnlford and wife of flrockvillo were the guesu of mr j b pearson several dayt daring the week mr r hodd and bride paid acton friendt a short visit thit week while ex route to their home at omaha neb mr c c speight hat been confined to hit house for a week with a severe attack of quihtey but it now over the worst of it we are ploased to learnthat mr tliot lamb who wat so severely injured by the falling of a troe last week is rapidly re covering how to do it j too have an undoubted right to atop a newepaper when you feel disposed but i upon the payment of all arrearages do not hesitate to do so on account of tender- neis for the editor do not suppose he would stop baying sugar of you or meat clothing or dry goods etc if he thought he was not getting his moneys worth and why should you not exercise the same privilege with him and when you dis continue a paper do so manfully dont be so spiteful as to throw it hack to the postmaster with a contemptuous i dont want it any longer 1 and nave refused i written on the margin and have the paper j returned to the editor no gentleman ever j stopped it in that way no matter if his head is covered with grey hairs that should be honorable if you do not longer wish to receive a newspaper writea note to the editor like a man saying so and be sore that arrearages are paid this is the way to stop a newspaper correspondence we wish it to be distinctly understood that we do not bold ourselves responsible for the opin ion or exdreaaions of auv correspondents acton municipal council a special meeting of the village council for receiving the report of the special com mittee on tenders for pujlic oisces xnd other business members were all present the reeve in the chair the committee presented their report as follows 1 7o thr rrm and civzal grjrruatz tour special committe to twhom wai ifeerrd tii- tenders for offices of caretaker and laupiighter beg to submit as follows rvour com mittee have caref ally examined all the tenders for services of lamplighter and find the tender of mr thomas cok the lowest and recommend the same to be accepted and that mr cook be appointed to the office of lamplighter at the salary ofone hundred dollar per annum during the pleasure of the council- tour committee have also duly doasider- ed the various tenders for duties of eare- taker and believing the interests of the co will be best served by not ac cepting any of such tenders recommend accordingly tour committee further recommend that present caretaker be continued in the office during the pleasure of the council at same compensation as heretofore one hundred and five dollars per annum all of which is respectfully submitted b henderson c s smith rt wmismond committee d cameron w h storey coxszttex room c february isrth issi moved by d henderson- seconded by wm tsmonri that the report of thespecial committee to whom was referred the jen- ders for duties of caretaker and lamplighter just read be approved and adopted car ried- the following is the list ol tenders pre sented caretaker town hall james grant 141 thomas easton 1135 james sharp 103 j s worden 1105 ezra adams 1100 for lamplighter james grant fftbo thomas ebbage 1132 james sharp 11550 wm gurney 115 luther lyman 1110 thomas cook 100 the caretaker of the town hall present ed the following report for the year to the reeve and comal gcsilcicex i beg to submit for your infonnataon as follows during the past year i have collected and paid over to the treasurer rent of hall fourteen tunas 7800 which amount does not include any sums collected by any other officer of the corpor ation except myself i have furnished meals to five persons daring the year tliere have been broken six chimneys and one iobe during above time i am tout obedient servant tboius euros caretaker beport adopted council adjourned td meet again next tuesday evening hatton reform association the annual meeting of the reform as sociation of this oonojywas held at milton last week mr gecsmith was reelected president and mr e dixon secretary the vicepresidents were also elected for the different drritionsih the county the twasurer ibliittefi his report showing that all accounts bid been paid with a bal- aoee on hand it was the largest and cost enthu meeting held for a num bar of years- short speeches weremade by lfafr white baxter mcleod wheeu- hanand campbell and by dra robertson the new cemetery to lit editor of the frtc prat droa sra by request of the village council have called a meeting of our citizens for monday evening the 25th inst for the purpose of taking into eonaideration the necessity of securing suitable property for a cemetery the agitation of thit question is somewhat remote having oc cupied the attention of our citizena fer some years and the necessity for such a provision not only ttili exists bot increases as time rolls on this is so obvious to any one visiting the present buriil ground that a statement of the fact is hirdly necessary the time has surely arrived when if from saiiiury considerations only some steps should be tajen to olviate what at any time especially daring the prevalence of contigioos diseases my spread pestilence and dismay among our citizens my ob ject in writing this open letter is not to provoke hostility to the project but to eaiiit the symulhies of all good citizens who iu any way feel an interest in the mat ter and to urge upon such their presence at the aforesaid meeting to discuss fully and freely this subject the invitation to be present is extended to ill each as reside in the vicinity of acton and who may desire to bury their dead with us it is too often the case that the most desirable aims and objects of humanity are defeated by snpineness and indifference in this matter the common xood is at stake and it is to be hoped that our citizens will take hold of tie matter energetically apart from sanitary or other considerations it it due to theviliage of acton that her citizens should be provided with a respectable place of interment to say the least of it personally i do not apprehend any op position to any welldirected scheme to se cure sach a result- respect for the dead calls us to duty in this matter to protect and guard the graves of our households is aduty incumbent upon us while we live and when we die others will live to do similar duty for us and guard the peaceful city where rests our mortal remains presuming the necessity for a new ceme tery is plain there remains but one or two questions to discuss first the selection gay by a committee of citizens of a proper site and secondly shall we place it under joint stock or municipal control in either event it need be no burthen to our people as i think it can be demonstrated to be eelfsustaining trusting our citizens will evidence their interest in this matter i am tours very truly w h btosxt acton fob 13th 18w the toltonarthurs case to the edlior of the free prat due 8k in a late issue giving an ac count of the above ease you areslightly in error on the fasts it is not true that there wat judgment in favor of the defendant the plaintiff was only nonsaited and can bring an action at once for the loss caused by arthurs selling him a spavined horse it is altogether likely that at next court tha audience will agsin be enlightened on the qoestfds of bone spavin and mr law eon will have an tfpportnnlty of gitingbis knowledge on the subject of spavin as ex perienced by him in the sale and purchase of horses daring the past fewearsy bj ail means let the case be tried agalri and in the meantime the spavin of oouxse r maina- the same notwi ttsi edy the complaint yours truly icmetfejmkffiwi tatumat- the altar how divta at bt thomai church hamilton on the ltth inst by rev w b curan ma mr richard hodd of omaha nebraska to mist ella davit of hamilton for a couple of years a resident of acton the members of the fair purss staff ex tend their warmest congratulations to the heppy pair the grave eiu in guelph on the 18th inst james watson hall muter of the high court of justice at guelph aged 47 years bcu at the cliff on feb hth william devey second ton of she rev george a bull aged ii years funeral to st johns church ancestor on saturday feb 16th at t pm deceased was brother of rev george b bull for several mouths pastor in charge of st albans church acton tke best preef tax slobi i sell more burdock bloo1 bitten than i do of any other preparation in uock say t b jackee druggist torooio if the read er will ask any druggist in the cily be will gtt a similar answer to his query a proof that it is tlie most popular medlciue for the blood liver and kidoeyt kuown- 26 at this beaton of the year there hhould be a bottle of prvloru in every bouse it ii unequalled fo- cougbt colds and hoarseness is pleasant equally safe for children price 25 costs at all druggisti 80 wife whatltho real ter now john i husband ob that neuralgia aod tooth ache near kills me wife vby dont you go to j e mc garvins drug store sod get a bottle of fluid lightiisgt yu know it cures all such thjngs as toothicle xearalgia hiad- ache lumbago earache sore throat etc it gives instant relief i3 a basksbb ttstraost for a cough cold or any broocllia affection pcctnria inmopiuiouis just the- tliiuc i har used it iamy fmily fur cougbt nod co for the rrot four years with the mnt ut varied success aod touy mv opinion o it is that i coutinue to think itill more that which i began thiuking well of qeo kfrk mansger ontario bank pickering price cent at all draggitls so ii a few grains of common tense could ik infused into the thick noddles of tbo-ewbi- oerpetoally and alternately irritate anil weaken their stomachs and bowels with drastic purgatives tlley would om the llvlily accredited and lienubfu laxative tliu utuic nellliropi li in1111 vecelallc 11- eovery an i dypeuliciure which caur- goo1 digestion la jrail n appetite aud health on both 21 suuwa leddeal frank sliuk wittou aveoae trotilt wjme time ago received a bad injury by ai aiciilent on tle g t r the icvere con- tusiuna wete quickly healed by tlie use r hagyard a yellow 011- 2c are you troubled with salt kiietim rough flaodt or nld sores of any kind that cannot be beaud even though 1 bed years standing mcgregor parkes car bolic cerate will core it be nnd the abadir if a doubt it i the lsl healing comiiouml ever knuwn boilt feeteringi fnwt bites burnt or anv skin trouble are aliki cured by it- sold at 25 cents by j e mc garvin druggist s3 lil j iteklati rilesarssistutas sad can the lymptnuis are moisture like perspir ation intense itching increased by scratch ing very distressing particularly at night seems at if pin- worma were ciawlingiu and about the rectum the private parts re tometimes affected- ii allowed to continue very serious results may follow 8wayis onraext it a pleasant sure cure abo for tetter itch salt rheum all scaly crusty skin diseases rent by maii for 0 cents 3 boxes 135 in stamps ad dress dr 8 wayne son philadelphia pa sold by drnggitts 50 look out for something new in this space iktexit week whhowell dominion boot shoe store kenney bros 3ait st a0to2st aro dailv receiving their new stock of spring goods which comprises a large and varied assormeiit of styles from the oebt niaiiutncturors of the dominion and at the most reasonable prices everybody suited both as to quality and price ordered work in this department we are prepared to manufacture all lines and can guarantee satisfaction every time repairing promptly and xetulr executed eesney bros hi ersl tkertll htkerillf are you disturbed ul night and broken of your rest by a lick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutline teetbt if so o at once and get a bottle of mrs winslows soothing syrup it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediate depend upno it there is no mistake about it there it not a mother on earth whoias ever nied it who will bot tell you at once that it will regulate the boweli and give rest to the mother and relief and health to the child operating like magic it is perfectr safe to ose in all cases and pleasant to tbe taste and is the prescrip tion of one of tbe oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the united states 8old everywhere at is cents a bottle o prominent among the greatest medical discoveries by the many oures it has aftict- tixlteoreiivri sptedf cure leads tbe an snhiected to the mioofest chemical analysis it hat been found to contain one of ihote injurious ingredients obaracterizln the worthless specinca daily offered to the public every ingredient possesses s pecol- far adaptability to the rations complaints for whiehit hat been compounded and its affiosey tsbalng ektablisbed by testimonials hourly received we ere therefore conn dent thai have a preparation which we same t strffluon effort o aoton science tttrttsjm mbthjoh 4s for drtpepaia urn bom ptalnti i igettion oonslipfttion and in- pirs m wmaii j scotch eiiihth and canidiau suiting u roat variety at the east end clothing 1 to re j fyfs acton the best assortment of black and col ored velvets ladles mantlet woolleuand knitted ftoods in the town at nelson i jdciuct the moh iucredulout are firoed to admit that for prfaction to colors the trianple dyes baye no equal ask for three corner ed ptckagt and see that you set it 10c at j e mcgarrlns drugstore 31 mhe free pre86 w ts treat weak loafs always breathe throaizhtbe nuse keep ing th mauth olused at milch at possihle- u and til erect exercise in the open ir koe tho skin tclnpuinutlv clean and and take ilynrdv pecuiral balsam for coaght col u al brouchial troubles 2 be arer1 n kal ya eat the let medicine tutburitiv declare that nrras in the human syttctn are often in duced by eat ng too freely of uncooked fruit and too ranch meat chceaa etc vlifllever may be tlie cause preeinrds vvrrm powden tre tpeedy anj hfe to cure ihcv destroy the worms tod contain their iwn cathartic 10 elv them 26 bmeklcas aracc salve the besttahe iu tje wurld for cats bruises soru llcert bait 1 cam fsver sores tetter cnspptd ualid chilblains cjina nnd til sam eruptions and pi- lively cures piles t 01 pay required it it guiraiiicol topite perfeci satisfaction ur money retuudetl price 25 ceuts per iwx for sale by j e mbgarviu 31 fower printing house executes job work of all detertptiont in a very satisfactory meaner at moderate fates with de spatch in the tmeprosaiaad bus1xe8s ciaculaes letttb beam bill buds letter cibcolabs sote cibcclass 8cbixes8 cabds v18it1xc cabds pamphletfl eakdbills postebb etc etc particular attentixm etna to ptke w0re- and extra ears bestowed with a view to securing correeumta orders from tbe country attended to with de spatch and woak faswaxded immediately by mail or expxws try th caax paxes job otnoa or printinf h p moore pbopbietob the favorite oyster parlor pectoris pectoris pecloria the great remedy fnrcuubs coldt broocbitia 8ore throat instenxa hoimuess aud all affec tions of the luugs and throat nr cbett pecloria lmtens the phlegm nild breaks up the cough 25 cenls per bottle dont give op ontil ynu bsve tried pectoris all druggists and general storeaeepers sell it 2 joal for sale the undersigned intends keepine contlaaily ou baud a stock of bard aud soft stove coal of all kinds which will be delivered to any part of the village parties dejiriig coal should give him a sau c 8 smith rovswood clevecu open- ms the ondersiuued is prepared to convey to bockwood all who may deaire to attend tbe opening of the new st johns chnroh uext sunday at a reasonable remuneration those wishing to go will kindly leave word to that effect at the shoe store or livery ttablc by friday evening siod inst u b mccarthy aoton feb 20 89 a e matthews is sow kecutiso dajlt rrish i oysters fionan haddies canncsl flsbabd frntts ssmoautfonusses vrmpes confectiomsst and all other goods in his lioe siaouits the largest assortjarat of plain and fancy biscuits urlosm and from the beet msnu- faeturers my customers will had all my goods fresh and in every way satisfactory the oyster parlor oysters served in any style during the season or will in supplied by the can quart er gallon swgood cooking apples alwayt on hand aematthew public meeting by request a meelinu of i he citixens of acton end vicinity will be held in the town hall aoton monday evening 25th lost for the purpose of coosiderine the pro priety of securing a new burial ground w h 8tobey aoton feb 19 84 keere wantedt hew ast sbtkejob oanada maps it jbhartt as paying at any aganoy in th twru porjeus uoulan full and free address k c ttjhmir ssiekabslaadvolfi auction sale o tte village of rockwood monday 25th feb at uoolqck tbo following property belong- rag to j st johns ckarcfe cooperation bockwoosl will b offered for eate lef ltfee om onrck bbllttla avtvtrge box store 3ltofhtteplfln 4tnmmtmetlbn p- 18 iiy i3ltaswr flnjahjf tt- htubeaaabier tbrub 1500 and under ealh iver that amonut- ten per oent time ot sale balance 80 days rtppneyed jecurity erlrdrilarbon day ofw to mm t leave your spring at nelson mrae establijshment mill street aeton w aa n m v m 5 r o z tt- t a 3 hlf x aa x t 9 2 0 5 v o i isstr i 9 cd 5- is is sis if list zbi z 4 o s ei 1 1 cd j e 5 co ff i bigger bargains than ever fortkiasatntk i urn sstirtii arjwiilcstodtr watches a jeweuerv ac at bedifem prw r slwp is fiue4 with kevrf f- cosjsls new styles iti iy iin theow price of ay wimt cm84i lastliei ifatckea twih mtxut brooehea umtim sic mt rst la lo tare vrprift tgr tbfttikirig the- people 4jf actepi and vioiuitj tor the jiberal patron tinirtjrtenif tlie baiiviim i wuh them 11 j ym 2xl w3s k f 1 tm m59fi ki fe v

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