kf railway tim table qrand trunk railwa uc cast oonra wear ktpnm ituw bonn smthki attv- vrm or otnn uiu acta vrv ms km oeim but us un tad sjo pa tjagtisli mfl dotes it us ua o ttmrtdar kireeet ateu special titoun ms pun jtjktn t tv wing tors to acton tor school books bible albania envelopes note paper pwsinjpmwbookitottdoai psrset vases pocket knives resort comb hair brashee nail ud tooth brashes wedding ud birthday p berlin wools zephyr wools ill shades ctmu table 8poona tee bpooos butter emves table knives ud iofks wetohet clocks jtltry ud spectacles a large stock 611 in goo rvnda jeweller iwy goods 6tore acton ont what do you think about it tkett u xjtw nduliht mart asa dm uj rrf twfcrtusy uk frloatu wounry n trery 4 larft btr of patnui art imjebitd to iku ofet ui nuu of deferent aagmtaie tie tujontf of wkom emld pcjr ji khahi tie lea potuut trome or lacoa rautxtt soxt ouni tint tkor ukfcotorfneu ufi taalaai pafug would it tanuy prr eepubte klluiii grta mutakt at antwjr all tit receipt it mertpaper ojlctt are a tsmll ttau tk number of atn w kaoj wu u i tie reader of 6t panvpapa ew oily o evinr ii nmluat ciirprecexi i ifwiia aaj yooi 4jo- tiu i rtad expect tiai matenut re- ijwuu ini it jinai tntfos ay may itui sea ww eomphf if p moors freeprm ofce acta onlano t4 r t- th graham lda surgeos destist bums orr wei viat profesaonillj aeion on mon div of ireek rooxs agnev i hotel all trorkuiranteed to pt sitoriietion jtaro tu hss acton bu on umaar ud hegatotlo k yr brampton jhaiwr ten dldnt rwd tint rm tttkit bra ammt aotoni maonof taurv wm rtimd tto thin yu hiinlaryiitm an unttonr iprtng pott wyt the fint bird at iprtan attempted to ting hot ore be ooold otter note he tell from the limb 4 deed bird wu hi hi the emtio had fni in hit throat the iteam rriit mill here it oloaed op owing to the failure at the manager mr w hobba it la taid a number ot tarmtre in theviciciiijofmiltoo are deeply inter- eeted ud will low heavily illtu vfw a oarairal wm held in the rink on tneeday evening the attendance waa air bnt the nsmberot oottnmen waa very meagre two or three reoea took pleoe with aboat the tame winnen at in former oonteata it it taid mr h h 8piert hu gien op hotelkcepmc in georgetown aiid it now engaged in the marble batmen we alto understand that mr robubennett of that tillage ik deairooi of telling hit hotel propertv we have been informed that mr robt agnew ot acton hat concluded to give up hit hotel butineea then having lost tome 1300 tince the scott act came into opera bon we believe he hat leased an hotel in guelph milto a our office imp rushed into the aanotnm on tuesday morning ud exclaimed that the grave quettiqn was settled at the cemetery meeting in the town hall the even ing before had he been an ordinary amateur punster we wouldnt like to have to answer for the consequences which would naturally follow as the result ot such a studious expression everyone likes to read and hear a good story one that is bright cheerful and enter taining one that will get the ltdt and lasses to oide at home o nights to read a good story will make the houtewif e smile and tse gude man clap his handt with de light- fe famdg ikrtsnn contains ex actly what will please ud instruct we direct osaueaders attention to its advertise ment umnr colon tale it itautiiluadr the various railway udw are making log preliminary unoonoemeott relative to their special treint to manitoba which will oommenoe to run in march the fare it it generally understood will be lower this year than ever before should the tprlng open favorably the number going but will probably be large tb annual ajnettmesl mr a a seoord the municipal col lectors advance agent it about to oom menoe bit duties give us a fair ud im partial assessment please if a working- mus property it worth 300 assess it for that amount and if a capitalist a premises is worth if 000 let the assessment nil say se if this it done honestly ud without fear or favor therell be no complaining abeut high taxes next tall 8tul they oome orangevtlle hat passed a by law separat ing the liquor trade from the groceries the listowcl council reduced the liquor licenses from eight to six in response to a largely signed petition and the banntr thinks the traffic would have been abolish ed if the petitioners bad requested it owlpi iitrcury and what is your good city doing in the matter friend mercury t retrenchment is the order ot the day ad vocate it and thereb do your duty in keeping guelph up to the timet ilumns and say read it and village varieties gellecttea ar lecal newt aa elktr sutlers er tmerial literal it r tillage kfadert tircmiut moxxbo feb s8 1631 jbits of brevity tax amtt tkerwls rrefare hr in r tke ak aa tetsmn fee readers t tke free frett testerdiy wis ath wednesday the weather continues changeable turn up voar light mr lamplighter beard of education next monday even mg dan t forget to renew vour subscrip tion the chief constable sports a bran new cotter how much longer is this open o winter eoing to us si55aatera council minutes on avoidably crowded out whit about fire protection and tbit new boiler flour mul saturfav is the 1st of march we may expect the month to come in like a i104 mr w kearnsmjp will kindly sc- cept oar best thanxs for parliamentary papers rev d b cameron is conducting a weeily gnmy ciass 1 n the presbyterian church let 8 see did we hear somebody say somethins this vek about changeable weather wonder how many orphan dogs the assessor wih discover while on his rounds this year testerdiv being ash wednesday ser vices were held m st alban s churebtat 11 p clock am forty or fifty of our citizens attended the opening of st john s church bock wood last sunday gk mr p keller is making arrangements for raising and otherwise improving his store on mih street mr t h graham ld8 of bramp ton will hereafter visit acton profession ally every monday several of our citizens visted toronto last friday evening te bear henrv irving the great english actor the measles art now following np the scarlet fever among the children in town- there are several cases reported bevs w bryers of trie methodist church here and g wdewey of george town exchangedpulpits last sunday owing to the opening servioet of st johns church boakwcod then were no services in st alban t church on ssnday january last was the coldest on record except 189 and 1857 the mean tethpera- ture of toronto being 6 si below 3e aver ge- arrangements have been made for ber p l spenoer of elote to oocupy the pulpit of st alkans jhurch next sunday evening hornby t m l c a at the annual meeting of the y m l c a hornby the following officers were elected for the current year honorary president john brain president robert king vic- president ja robinson jr sec wm mchugh corresponding sec george mcmillan treat alfred hem street director of ceremonies samuel armstrong doorkeeper john armstrong executive com jos canningham ud chat w cordingly literary com b f howden wm h lindsay and aratuc king the association is in a flourishing c numbering about 50 members spring the spring assizes for halloa mil be held at milton commencing monday 31st march hon justice otter presiding halton battalion rifle icatoh col allan informt us that at the annual meeting of the officers of the 20th lome rifles held at georgetown it was resolved to nold a battalion rifle match on the xtth at may next st johns church rockwood- eemces mil be held m st john s church next bandar morning at 1030 by rev p l spencer of elora and rev a j bronghau ma of toronto will preach both afternoon at 130 and evening at 630 auction sale a sale of farm stock and implements will be held on the premise ot mr john donaldson lot 19 eon 5 kassagaweya on friday march 7th ko reserve aa the proprietor bat rented hit farm e cap- man auctioneer new skatog rink one another a meeting of all interested in the forma- i tion of a company for the erection of a new skating and curling nnk in acton will be held in matthews hall this thursday evening at 30 o dock for the discussi and consideration of the question anton s glove industry messrs w h storey son ot the cu ada glove works here have just issued their annual price lust for 1881 which contains 311 different style of gloves mitts and gauntlets the cuada glove works is the largest glove manufactory in the dominion leg broken a couple of weeat ago mr john ryder of erin upset with a load ot hay while coming to acton and in the fall had his nht leg broken he it getting along nicely and is already able to be about again with the assistance of a pair of crutches jorrmthttio change mr w c scott who hat so ably ud satisfactorily edited the dominion oddtlum published at belleville ont since it in caption three years ago has jost resigned that important position mr r s bell hat hnl the position we wish him every success in his new offioc skatfngbao a twentv five minute race took place in the georgetown nnk last wednesday night between messrs w speight ot acion ud j langao georgetown resulting in an easy victory for the former the acton boys begin to think that then- man with a fair chance could take the championship of the county cjxttrch sodfll a social in aid of the methodist church will be held at the residence of mr wm moore 1st line esquesmg near acton next tuesday evening 4tb march- an en joyable event is anticipated provision hssieen made for all who have no meant of conveyance and teams will be at the church at 630 pm to take all who desire to attend the social another grocery there ire some busmenee which acton it deficient in but this cannot be said of the grocery trade as in tills hue we bare a super abundance ot solicitors tor public patronage on saturday 1st march messrs marshall 4 edmondaon will open a new stock of groceries crockery glass ware wall paper etc in the store recently occupied by mr j b pearson the mem ben of the new firm have had considerable experience in the business ud promise to supply their customers with good goods at low prniet for cash or produce by adver tuement in another column they invite a share ot your patronage halton teachers attoniauon as previously announced the regular half yearly convention of our county teachers association will be held in the georgetown public school next thursday friday ud saturday cth 7th and 8th march the programme of the convention has been forwarded to the teachers and others m the county and the work ot the several s is consequently before them since the programmes have been iasued jhe managing committee has ar ranged for a lecture on thursday evening in the town hall by rev r j lsjdlaw hamilton upon the aubjoct our fore fathers ud one on friday evening by rev j e luceley burlington entitled these lectures will add much to the interest of the convention every teacher m the county is earnestly requested to be present ud enter heartily into the discussions public school trustees and fnends of education are very oordudly invited to attend the meeting bockwood news tjmfa awm petibof week praying pi stringent laws tor sabhatfa tte coflectfcm 4ifierobt- toresgnttebtttw the average aobopl here last to enact more observance of the aid jj ttemps of mb the mors ahtotrage with sectelittte ttoeit terrier frank telottvao no toe family it extremely teeeorae artrsittalsadloiuetiier no empty houses in acton- where can i find a good house to rent is a question frequently asked in acton the only answer to tie question is every house in town is occupied there may be one or two second rate berates to let bat no others matters hare a very eneoureg ing aspect in this municipality it was ever thus with those placet where careful enterprise occupies a prominent position in their makeup it part every time the ossuan vindicator area publicity to u incident to show how a resident of that town spent four dollars in going to toronto to oonsutt a phyncun who was advertised in the local paper to be in 0th- wa the following day tue maj did dot iz isl paper aoi so had not teen to advertisement the moral of the tele it of course that everyone should uhsorht foryidrsed the ytjgw gtptiehejp tta shnrwtwwttifflbsejews oasoara bitters caret all diieaaei arising from the blood from ovr own corrupondau on friday evening the fnends of the presbyterian church eden mills had a sabbath school entertainment at which a gold watch was presented to miss m argo organist of the church a number from this village assisted in the enjoyable event mr d l shultz has sold his interest in the firm of shultz a straohan to mr mutne and in future the firm name will be mutne straohan mr shultz will now devote his attention to the stone and poet business which it now carried on ex- tensivaly here we learn that the trustees of bookwood eubiic school are desirous of securing the services of mr alex mcmillan at prinoi pal of the school if so we trust he will accept as having had so many years of successful experience in this work he would be the right man in the right place the social given by the young ladies of the methodist church was a happy and en joyable affair the opening of the new st johns church lest sunday was quite u impor tant event in the annals of this village and induced many from all the different de nominations in the village and surround ing country to attend the servioet of the day thethre services were largely at tended the church during the afternoon and evening meetings being crowded to the doors even the vestry and ohanoel be ing occupied bev edward a irving of st georges church guelph conducted the service of the morning ud afternoon and bev w j plgott incumbent of the pariah preached in ibx evening bev w w sparling of the methodist church end ber d straohan of the presbyterian church withdrew thei evening servioet in order to allow the members of their con gregations the oppartnoity of enjoying the servioet in the new church and rejoice with st johns congregation in such a welcome event bev sir pigot it deserving of greet praise fofbit untirtofteal in assist ing and farthering the work in giving much of hit time to the direction of the building and hit tnooessful labor in england during the pest summer the building requiret a few finishing touches on the exterior when it will be complete the new bell just re ceived from the troy ht bell foundry it a fine one and will be a very eatisiaatwy am atjnajats addition to the church the ediflc is on of pleasing architectural design it most sqbtju ojeofel it toasted it an ornament to our village aipretiitetugesotit feel ootj- sfzetahsflhiii liver and kidney8 price 100 per bottle at j s sttogkkrviae drug store aotoo mstclass groceries orookery glaasware ete cheap for cash at w p brown gos nelson mcfk clearing sale wsm rsert 8t0ck taking clearing sale at thb- mammoth house geqfigetjown hehod andeb80jtt ce i m i clearing sale clearing sale clearing sale clearing sale clearing sale clearing sale of rtmnsntt of overy description ot ladies furs mens fur caps buffalo robes ud rocky fountain wolf of dress goods clotkingg mantles millinery ud bhswls l of beadr made clothing ud overcoats in mens and boys of carpett oil clotbs and mats of winter tweedt and winter goods ot all kinds including clouds squirts etc great bargains will be given our dress making mantle and millinery departments are in full working order our tailoring department is a 1 i ejgf give u8 a call and see the bargains tfoleod andenon ft co ihialton dry goods tcqustf they must all co overcoats fare taies i sheetings towels cleatts j flannels- shawls tiekibxa winceys shirts docks cashmeres denims drawers collars i bowts hhees caps etc etc we have decided for the next 80 days to offer oar urge stock of winter goods consisting of overcoats readymade clothing mantles mantle cloths knitted goods in shawls clouds hoods ko at less than cost price we are offering no 1 value in gentlemans lamb caps pelt hate and caps a firstclass stylish hat from 60 cents up special value is ladies mafia in mink seal coney 4e at leas than cost price in ordered clothing we are giving ko 1 value ib tweed baitings good workman ship and perfect fits guaranteed every time the entire balance of our winter stock of dry goods and boots shoes we have lust the goods you want and yon cannot buy them cheaper elsewhere nor as cheap i relieve by 20 per cent as i will sell for cash inorder to clear out my stock by the first of april wiu sell you teas sugars and other groceries cheaper than any other house in town kesp thib fact in your memory and tbu all yotjk friends to go to i griffins boots and shoes in endless variety at less than raaaulacturers prices in groceries we are giving the best values to be had in the connty be aureand secure s box of those layer raisins we are offering first class fruit at 180 per box i we have the most complete stock of 60 cent teas in japan black andgreen to be found in town splendid values in stjgsrsl18 lbs bright 8ugar ior qne kftlar androrjthtog4uia rpjipi4i y with their ca8h for his motto is notto lkt the nimble sixpence slip in hope of the future shillings i will not cakrt over any t winter 8tockif t have to sell it at half prioe i w c b griffin cheap cash millinery store aau goods seuing at a great seduction- ff sawjshsl jmctui maepi6 tjjpelb an itoaartrafrtf jaotwb ort aa tttcel tt ilavm and straw hat eovwtatieiw j- flomwogs maio flpjv r fc x fl sis s