Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 17, 1884, p. 2

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x- jfw f tixsir ft hon mtt i mr ess u i i tw yve atv 1 bctilc uxir m mm ama 17 1894 arbor day re- t- ray that the councl le cctclifmip of the fiver aotoa munioipal council couijyit met on tucvuy evening mem ber present mr w h stony reevs in the chair ud meun c d smith wm imonj and douald cameron minutes n liat meeting read end con armed mr c b gifflu mr s a 8ocora aud mr go liyul a unused the council wtli reference to the raising of that nor- k un to h tacn uwmmuf of lw o ue qq lhq q iprointiiiiacialdfiyforpuniins trees j u blwett bclwc vwmu u on tbe sir iiii consideration at uie bloiv utid mri irwl tntcuii us tuesday ewiun tv resolution i the mailer wa referred to iho street was jiajl akiu the reeve to prod aim mdcwtlk coruuiuw they to wport at thursday may 1st public holiday or j mi inwliiii thi piryoc kcove and several inombcn of the tuis matter will be refenrd to more particularly in our nest issne when wo will pvnnl to our readers tho provisions o the municipal bylaw respecting uic plant ing ol trees on the streets so that all en- kagiti iu this good work may do so legally and intelligently and villi a view to geueral uuforoiitv a marvelous story told n two timn from the son rmss onllmtni my father rmta tt aiotrt uttw trom 8crt- will tan job lilt vt he ul fesu a past raffartr trom 8ert- tnolonu ltt iff it i j i ktv notes tod comments the honse ot commons will it is thought prorogue this week an ororiiatiou courposed ct prominent cituons his been formed in toronto called the temperance electoral union the grand secretary of the independent order of oddfellows having written to hon edward blake in relation to his recent speech on the oranje bill ilr biake re plies that his criticisms of socret societies included neither the masons nor the odd fellows j council referred to the matter of appoint ing a bpecal day for the plautillj of shade trees in the municipality endorsing the scheme as presented in the column of the fatr turss last week the financo committee presented their sixth report recotu mending payment of the following accounts tlios cook street lamp account m60o thoi kaston cire of tramps 540 hiyu llydcr shovelling suow 75 mi5 moved by c s smith aoeondod by d cameron that the report of the finanm committee bo adopted carried moved by c s smith icconded by w iflmond that the reeve be reqnestod to act apart thursday the first day of may as arbor day to be observod by our citi zens toe the purpose of planting shade trees according to the regulation of bylaw ol this village carried the street and sidewalk committee pre sented their first report recommending tha following improvements vrw uzxuxs vr ni i 7 111 i sitythree ruls of threefoot suiewalk mr chirltons sedacton bdl which on lange fetrct from v ismond s rest passed the qouse of commons was thrown dencc eatward out by the senate it is about time the j twenty one rods of threofoot sidewalk old ladies of the senate were tent abost on john strmt firoii church to agns sl then- business the people will not- much seventythree rods of fourfoot sidewalk longer tolerate having there will thwarted i on bower avcnuefrom willow to wilbur by an irresponsible chamber of political j reet pensioners totals 157 rods of new sidewalk at an i estimated coat of jj12 the most crushing objection thua far re- i ulaudthe a marralou tftwt ayers sarsaparilla hu had is hii otm i think hli blood mutt hare oontaued tba humor for at tut tan tmrt j but it did not abow umsi in uw torn oi a torofulou ton on tha vrlit until about oto ywn ago from a tew tpou whloh as- poaiau al that utao it gradually aproad to u to eotv bla antlre body i anura you bo ww unibly adiiei4d and an objoot of pity whan ba began oalng your modielna kov than ara few men of bla agevbo enjoy u good liaalib ai bo bu i eould eaally name qfty poraooj mlio would terttfy to the faoti la tut oan youn truly w 1l pkuaa from the father pts a duty for ma to rtam to 70s tha basastt i i hart darifad from the uto of j ayers sarsaparilla 1 but montha agolwaaeooapletalyeorertd with l a urrlble humor and aerofoloua torca dio i humor auad an uweanst and lotolerabla itching and tha akin oraekad to at to causa tha blood to flow la many plaoea whenever 1 x morad my lufferlaga vara graat and my lift a burden 1 oommanead the uta of uit euiiaraulu in april ian asd hart mod it regularly atnoe that uma tty ooodltlon began to imprara at once hie torai bare atl haalad and 1 feel perfeetly well is enry rttpeet balag now ablo to do a good day work although tt yean of age manrlnqulra what hu wrought inch a cure in my ease aad x tall them u i haro hero tried to tell you arxal fuulminx olover vl oct thttt youri gratefnlly hmili foitxirt attll simirierujimrm scrofula and all ftcrorolooa oomplalnta krjnln- aua baemm blstrworm ulotchea soraa boila tnmora and erapuoat of tha skin it clean the blood of all impu- nuaa akhj dlgtatlon itlmulatet uie tell of the bowala and that rwttores tilahty and itrtngthesa tha whole lyfteo rxsritzo bt dr jcayerco lowell mass taai fry all drugjlau- ii alx bottlea for tu -wanted- to let boots and shoes ull ilie jienplo of this vicinity know tliut he lnrgent mid best selected btock ot a recorded to the scheme for converting the sahara into a se has just dropped from the pen of a statistician who calculates that a canal 100 feet wide and twenty five feet deep with a flowof four miles an hour vould require several thousand years to flood the desert in halton it appears from the best and most authentic information lienor is sold to an enormous extent brrmifurri tce- crcni- yes if 10 or 15 barrels of liquor bold in a year is enormous then hubns bales under the scott act are enonnous the above is the real amount sold as shown by government statistics the methodist union bill has no w passed both the commons and the senate and only awaits the royal assent for it to be come law a similar measure was intro duced into the local legislature and passed without opposition the only change ol unicrtaice made in both bills was to alir the date on which the union should take place from july 1st to jane 1st the ontario minister of edncation has issued a circular to inspectors requiring j them to examine into and report on each i school as to whether the pupils therein have been required to get unauthorized text books- it is found that many of the com- plaints against the educational system in regardto the frequent changes of text books are founded not is the changes authorized by the department hut in the illegal sub- ititution of unauthorized books while goldwin smith in his weak way is agitating tbe annexation ol the entire dominion to the united states the com xnou sense of canada ia wholly against it thmw wbo arv not ever loyad to england want independence if they want anything there is uo more talk or wish or feeling about this question of annexation in cana da than there is in the unite4 states- s y rarld chancebt stptings wallace ti wallace the following report ol the contested will case in re the above parties from the onelfik fftrald will no doubt be interesting to our readers wallace vs wallace an action in which the defendant benjamin wallace of the township of eaquesing bought to have the will of his father the late ben wallace of the township ol naaaagaweya declared invalid on the ground of thamen tal incapacity of the testator asd undue influence on the part of the executors and legatee named in the will the executors applied for probate to the surrogate court of tha county of halloa when the aame was opposed by benjamin wahaoe and upon application being made to the chan eery division the matter was trarnferred to that court and directed to be tried at goetph judgment ni given declaring tbe will valid and ordering probate to iawoeall costa incurred by ti plaintiffs the execu- tora including the coats of a defendant lu natic to be ram by contestant w caaeels qc and w a mclean for the executors j j a mowat for the legatees d guthrie q c for the lunatic j dewar for the contestant x lacetidiary jires oh monday morning the btbles belong ing to mr h james ol glen williami and mr john harley of georgetown were oon- enmedby fire mr harley lost a quantity of hay pats etc his cow was alto badly burnt mr james lost his horse harness anduggy also aqnanttty of fuel as mr jamei and mr harley are oonatables and have taken antictire part in enforcing the flcott act there can be no diffioalty in oodv ing to a correct vonsltision at to the class of people who instigatod sod perpetrated this crime the policy je u insane one end will rejact n the beada of the hotel keepera and tbrntfiritmiitqtorgdeva cxtvzsrs t two at corner of frederick and church streets one on mill street opposite mr law- sons property one between mill and church streets on frederick street one on tonge street total five culverts at coat of say ij00 each j 1000 cbosstkos- oce on bower avenne at willow street one on mill street at wilbur stroet- total two at a cost of say each 12 etacn lixts tijw ontonge street three on bower avenue one on mill street near kicklins mill total seven lamps at a cost of say fl24 each j2915 toxil total estimated eipenditure for the pro posed work s2o575 ktmated erpesditore for other work aqi reiirin oi sidewalks 11425 llovyd ly w issnoad seconded oy d cameron tht the first report oi the com mittee on streets and sidewalks be adopt ed snd that the sum of sfocbe placed to the credit of the street and sidewalk com mittee to enable them to carry out the said work csxried council then adjourned peesonals mr ed hemstroet left last week for port huron mr hiram wordcn loft last thursday for peck mich mr james ryder of petrolia was in town this week mrs edward moore spent easter with friends in guelph mrs jas f smyth oi toronto is visit- ins friends in acton miss annie m moore spent easter with her brampton friends miss aggie allan paid her zimmerman friends an easter visit miss m kelson spent easter holidays with friends in toronto miss annie jago of bockwood visited acton friends this week miss anna morton spent her easter holiday in georgetown mr a e matthews visited toronto friends during the holidays mrs john speight and mrs h p moore are visiting friends in clifford mr and mrs jacob smith of glanford yiaited acton friends this week mr percy secord who has been ul in toronto is now at home recuperating mr j t hemstreet of sbelburne gave his acton friends a call on good friday mr eobth- watson of point edward waa in town several days ng the week mr and mrs thoa t moore visited their friends in king york co during the week mr james firstbrook of toronto spent coople of daya last week with bis anton ineuds bev chas cook of parliament st bap- tut chorea toronto visited his old home last weak j mr 6 1 atkins and family of hamilton were the guests of mr a a secord several daysiaat week mr and mn james mclamandmrs jos lasby paid stratford friends a visit daring toe week theoradle sai in esqucajng on the loth inst the wife ot mr james sharp of a son the axtab eorrxix srnovs at the methodist par sonage acton on the 16th inst by bev w bryers george bozzell of erin to belina symons of everton aimt etwti at st albaus parsonage on the 9th inst- by lie v w j pigott bjl mr john allan of erin to miss faoecca sewol of eramosa woonuq bowtaxii at the methodist parsouago bockwcod by rev w w sparling on tlie 2nd inst mr joshjffa woodland merchant durham to miss catharine kowiaud of toronto ill kept at the peekaboo 8h0e store and also tliat prices here nre far below any other establishment in town jigcall and see for yourselves womens boon from 50 outs a pair upwards mens bootfi iroin 100 a pair upwards h b mcarthy the watch clock house oi grtjelhi glasgow house hels0h mobab still ahead with new stock wuich can be sold at- business brevities torn fcu about oar buatueta ken and souu of benefit to oar j jja3rai readers lilts rrcai 75 oecu to 250 at j fylva if voi waul a nebby durable and cheap ait j fyftv i- lb uc to tro tile lirrv1 a cintpt5t ttck o bckit i ic- to khyi fruni ib tl xiin mceas suiu ovtrtcnaii at cxtretttciy lovt- rates and made in latctt itylea be sore to call and c thctn j fvfe acton for lxiatv ial darability of color the triangle package dyes beat the wvorld if you nettr me j thea before do ia oow aud bo ctiavincll 10 18 scotch l iluh and cstndian saitjdjt a trrext raricty at tbe et end clothini itoro j fvftactoo vifa whats the raaitcr nnw john husband oh that neuralgia and tooth- svcho near kills me wife vby dont you go to j e itc- oarvlus drug sfore and ret a bottle of plaid lightning voa know it cures all sath things ax toothache xearatgia hiad ache lumbago earache sore rjiroat etc it give instarit relief 33 a three cornered weapon the triaogu- lar ahaipw of tbe triangle dye package added to llifcir andonuted bupcrioritv have woq the day and driven all cithers from the field 30 colon 10c at jj e slcgarvine drug store acton 87 haying leased better rooms i for my i repairing department 1 can give you better satisfaction thas ever wm s smith we respectfully invite attention to our im men8e stock of spring goods every department replete with all the newest and most fashionable goods our dress goods are the most complete we have yet offered comprising all shades in ottoman cords nans cloth cashmeres and spring buit- ings really beautiful gupds inonrpklnt department we show over 400 patterns raiging from 5c to 25u per yard iu white aud grey cottons we are giving some very close quotations as we have beeu enabled iu tiecare suuiu special values we uuve au itiinieuse stock ol shill ings cuitouudes etc etc at all prices is guelph immediately church wasted a caretaker for st albani acton for particulars apply to i geo hykds acton april 15 st boltibe flour under tie care or tu ciirt tlie clen roller mill is hiatniuiu the fioar madt i aecond to none and cani f til t pkae the moat fa- tidiuu- irojsenift rcmerabcr tbiais none of your half roller niills but ia roller en tire grists exchanged llifihcst price tor good wheat joseph williams glexft illiahfi ont o loalfousale the undersigned intends keeping constantly ju baud a stock cifbard and toft itoit coal of ull kiuds winch will be delivered to any pan cf tbe village parties desiring coal should oive hun a oall c s smith for the ladies mrs r oreeoh denret to hereby intimate to tbe ladies of acton and burmudding country that tbe will open a fall assortment of ladies and cnlurebs vlfdebweait about the second week is april in the shop formerly used by mr creech at a hu neu shop the patronage of all u rrapectf oily socilted mrs r ctrech 2000 cords hemlock bark wanted tbesuhbcribert will pay 560 per cord for all prime qnallty homluck bark do llvered at their tannery in actou before november 1st 1884 bark mod be unvbt on flesh flat and fall fnur feet long curled or damaged lurk only received at a proportionate re duction v we wish it distinctly under stood uo bark will be received after the first or november with out speeial contract hits kate ani wu mt- m mn pwm h muses kate and unit mclean of efb tnroithed epon siiplication at the tannery ton and kiss contta ot brampton high to mechi wilsan bwewthegjcibwsjten i bbwdmore co taiuwily taxing uymk aoum april 188 mr ttevili james iiamh left oh monday for hake dakota where le iitnd engaging in the grain business jftr lewit b fox of toronto formerly accountant for messrs w hj storey 4 bon spent good friday with friends here mr d 8 hamilton aooountant for white jpselin a co toronto was a guest at poplar tale farm gsqhesin during the weak roller flour georgetown mill8 having spared noexptnfce in repairing my mill nd bainj put tlie latest and moat imprnved nincliintrj i am now prepared lo turn oat a iso i roller flour equal v any made in canada we chop every day give us a uiaj we gimmotte tutifttactioo j t rose j oaorgwtown carriage h c c speight arties deqiltlkq thkir i buggies waggons dutters etc e in acton marshall edmondson ttave nov on hand a full stook -of- qrooeries orookery glassware wall paper provisions c in the store neit lo the post office have bought our goods for cash and consequently secured good bargains mid intend to give those favoring us with their patronage tne lieuefit of good and cheap goods for cash or trade all kiudt of produce uken in eichalge hopinatoaecurea fair share of th trade nf aciii and vicinity yours 4c marshall jt edmondson dbpaetment saturday 5th april will be our openinc day this department is under the supervision ot hiss tilany a first class aillwer as we have a magnificent stock ol millinery goods we feel satisfied that we can turnish firstclass millinery at as reason able prices as auy house in the trade remember our opening day ordered clothing p jvrnv n8ibl fir8t clms wwe reqrdrintr perfect fitting well made and cheap suits shonliigive ns acalt we have a splendid line of gents furnishings hats and caps fcc all 2stbw goods r v l vr lltfee free press v repainted or revar uithed and made equal to new on shortest pi stihlo notlfoe and at low est pricer tlinnld leave tbeir orden at once with mr j a sp sight undertaker and carriage builder or with o o sb bight aeton marobsotk 1884 power printing house exacutet job woxtkoialluetciiptiontujatbry atttatactary manner at moderate rates with ds- ipatch is the time promised business circcl1u letter beads bill heads letter cihcolar8 mpte cibculaes 8u8uiebs cabds visitihc cardb pakpblsts hakcbillb poster8 etc etc paisteular attention riven to pinb wobk andbearebebtowedflthavlewto teourtng boots and hoes t t 8howin 8e the most complete and attrec stock we have ever shown in ladies gents and childii iw3 special value groceries y t z ssiser furnish a articie for we money than i immmis crgntimniheeonntrratteaaad to with ile- epatob aad work forwarded immediately by mall otm mat trythatawrasstjotoffloa r or prlnttn jiooeb- pnorwrrob thanking we numeeous friends and cdstombfig ji their geneeou8 support we rewecsula 1 solicit a continuance qp your i estebmep pavob0 and wepeelconpidbnt that we can give you errwr value for your muney than any oth to house 1nthe trade our motlafi22l ara quick returns- toslwswt nelson mcrae v w t- a famous st cent acton apriilati 1884 ll4si

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