w jfrton jfjw mu thrusrat morvpcii apeil it 1684 a model woman i know a woman wondrous lair a model xconan ho vfho never runs her neighbor down vtheu she ioes out to ua she reor cossipa after church of ires or of hita she uevcr meets the bcwiuj school and jous thcui in their apftts she never beat a salesman down nor ass for pretty plaques she neet asks the tlioasiiia things which do his patience tx the- wiaiomcnls may seem very strange at lci they may to some hut jut rcinetnber this my frieuis the woaius deal and dumb t iiii lii 1 u ait rrtf1 lm4 thai t ptrfciiiu m rtilnr iltv imhiwiu dye iajs no rqunl aek ft rt luce corner e 1 package and mjc that you fcl it loo at j k mcoantn irug8tore 3d how to boil water v i must tcl yoa tho old story of how the late charts deliaonico uel to talk about the uovr water cure he eaid the del- moncoi wrc the first to re common it to pncits who cosiplainei of having no appe tite take a cup of hot water audtcnuoa and yoa would feel better wis the formula adopted aui the cap of hat water and lemon was simply a little hot water with a drop of 1c ion juice in it to take away the insipidity for this antibilioas remedy ie caterer charge the price of their best liquors thirty live ceau or more and it certainly wa i wiser way to spead- small change thiu a alcohol v few people k4w b3 a cjk wiur charles asci a asirni- the secret u in p-ttui- ood fresh vratjc into a neat lcciile already asive wijra tii sctuu tiw water to boil- ioj quickly ai then taking it riht o5for use iu lei co5ec or other uruks before it is fpoiiei to let t steaai aud suniner and evirite cui the aod water is in the atisys hrt and the lime txiid iro uud drci culy iet m le kcte bib i that is whit miiti a ret mmy peopejcfc ani is ware than noj water at ail evcrr laiy who rcida this valuable receipt thool i never ferret haw to oook water a modern bread maker bread exdaiaeia va5sar college prl breai well i should say i can make bread we studied that in our rt year tcu fee the ycast ferments and the pa tiros farmed uenneats everywhere- ted transform te plastic muerial into a clearly obvious atomic structure aal thea but what is thephistic material you speak of oh that h coaunooly called the sponge m but how da yea mike the fpune way you dont make it the cook always attends to that then we tet the sjuue with the thermometer and hydrometer ahi a lot of other instrameats the dines of which i dont remember and thea hand it back to the cook and i dont know what she does with it then bat when it comes on the table it is just splendid dravring ms own life insurance charles barrett of ashlrambira iciss now 00 years old had his life insured for 5lko in 15ic ilavine reachel the eitrerre limit of life according to the table of nidrtiiity on which the insurnce com- pany da basin eas the prcfident sent him the other diy a cheque for the amoact of hjs policy it is believed to be tht only cae on record where a man has beatea an insurance company by outliving a poiicr mr c k rtrtim beamsvlhc wtitej a customer who tried bottle of northrop lvumni yrgvtauo discovery uys it u the itcat thing lie ivvt used to quote hi onu wordt ll just itemed to luuoll tht iit tiffvrttkl about n ycai aohe had an iuek uf niltniif otr and vaa afraid he wa iu fur another wlicu i nconiinaudei this valuamv itkdicinv with cueh happy rvjsuht haldl ghtnifts there arr uilfc that tiav never luffered iniil lutkriije jjin from toothache xiuraiit ur utv cuie piu t- thein such nu instant rvlicf as fiuld lighliiiug ib an unlilu blctug in titiic of irulde k diustii ffftu6ic mliciop tju be taken fur ty oi- aiipluatton if kiuid liahl niui cure sold ut j v xicgarvius oruc store j a lawyer opinion or late trii o 4u j a lwar tq a leading attorney o wiucida u ut writes- after usiim it for iuiirvjha tlree years i lafce preal pes ue iutitti4 tint t regard dr kuirb xw discovery fir cttumiiliin is the best rvtrtedv in ue m rul for coughs and cold it hai ulvtr filled in caw ihc tuost 6cvre c d 1 f lave hud and invariably re- tev5ltuc pad iu ihe thesl tr-al- btl f thi stiru cu fr all thror d lkhi asc rtay he hud frvii a- j k mcjariiiik pruj store uirg- re 100 herl provcu 1 jltir vp m ihiir is f ioqueuly fpeut on i thj faith i c uiju btitiiu fur rticlv entirely ivirih n t ii with mc treirv si li tu vflj in- dt aaked i i trchic uittliu luvrits ire prnvin c- l it j- k mijrvin drui auirf and fte tril iiiilic and if en ctmyioced w ill cure- ij nf id wirl form f dys- i iip livtc c nupaiiit ee d iratler of hi hig ftaidiiti it cista yon utbing is dt in 5jcaud i lrjkt see testimiu i iaufiom pts n in ytur tiva town 20 in iawcr wanted cr my oe 1k u a ctsc of kidiuy or livcr cntiplin that ekclrlc bittcrt vill n it iwvli curd we ay they can n ns thnjttdc nf ca ahiadv jk-rma- neatly cure iil w iu- tie ldv rcosoimrctd i i kleciric biiice- ii prnr brijilt d5fie di uu 1ve4kbjck or any urinnry cmtiijan autckh cured tbc parity the bl l rcjlate tle biwcli and 4c direct lv on lh- dieavcd parta every b n tic guaranteed fr saeat50cc a bottle u s e mcfiartriu- g us ihe star dvesff yutt want brilliant and fast c- lure s pleasant as syrup nothing equals it as a worm tadiac the came is mother tsrivtrs virm eitermilitnr give kcjias c ra cure a trial it remortril iz wrus froia olc pair of feet without tc- pain if roa have a fa led cloak or mantle make it ncx by ulinga packie of the triangle dye au the popular colors always certain lgc ly j e ilcgrvin 37 perftx tiutdlei of body and mind is passible onw with pure lhiod loidin medical ajihjritiestf all civilized ccjuu trie endr attv safijriilaiaihebe5iboi parifida nitdicile in riitence vastly lncreaetr tie tcrhiugacd productive jj-jw- ers of uah laudbratn the civy blue eil hruwh olive reen anl otltr rich dark colors of tjc trimble dye are z perfect a bri tiiey netr di- ppit ihe nier 10c i t e mef arviu dj store 33 ayercaihariic pillfre tuied to every as- big tu ircrjatal tley are eaiy to lake andiljgh niliaulpleaean in action are tiiircgh andfcearchtq in eftt their efscacy iu all disorders of the stomach ani bowels u cnitied to ly eminent phyiciait prominciit elijymen aid many of oar bet citizens salt ebenm cured are riii trunhled with salt ebeum rough skic pitiipletor canker sores if i ho at once vi j e ucgarvmv dnirc store and jet a package of calveita carbolic cerate price tweiftyfivc cents it wm never knon to failj 47 pectoris i pectori 1 pccloria j the great remedy foruoujjhi dolda broochilia sore throit influenza hoieaea and all affec- tiona of the luogs and throat or cheat pectoria lxisens the phlegm and breaks ap the cough 25 cents pet bottle dmt give np aaul you have tried pectoria all druggists and general storekeepers sell it 23 ffolloicdiji oiununi aad pilusan re lief the week and enervated suffer aevere- lt f rorc nctvinii affflctoiwrheo ttormg or electric divuritqces aitau the atmoaphere nearaljjia gouty paitga and flying palna very diarcfifiimr to a del catc system mav be readily removed by rubbing this omt- ttitnt epu tiie affeete par after it has beeo frjpicate1 with warm water the pilu laktn occasionally i the dnses pre- teriberi by the imtroetiauj keep the digth- tion in oider excite a fiee flow of healthy bile and rtplenib ibe impireriahed bloo i with ihos lirher otnhtitueiits which result frumihtaa ly tuimiitwl fki iu the absence uf which the strongest mot iuefi- taldy toon niukmut feelibnefs and the de- ui ju- tid it d fficutt 16 maihiutn eztetire hiillowayjjomtuieuiandpijjueijjxalhbe ccmediee j iveirfricipe4 the principle up a wbicu puicauiipaiu its corn extracttir is entirely dew il joj uot eiuk deep tuto the flesh thereby prtkicdnj toreness bet acta directly upou tbe exurnal covering of hc corn separate it fritn the unler layer removes the d reel prcujnre ftxiuj the part aid at onco effeju a rrilicil ctre ttitiout aty pair ordiscom firt lzt tlkie who are stiff- ring frotn etif yei fkpcil of treatment try it and bv the cmplu ns of the cure they t ii l reaiy to recommend putnams paid- cm extr to iiiira sq polsox co kiigiotj proprietors are ya t rouble t with salt kheuoi eich rlanda nrod sores of any kind bat cana lit healdi even ihodgh itbfl of years itandiiijj mcdtvgnr ife parkes car bolic cerate will care it beond thethadok of a doubt it ia tbe beat tealiu compound ever kcuwn bji fclerinc frost btta barns or rcv skit troabtc are alike cured by it ivild id 15 cents by j e mc- garvin drcgpat 33 if a few craius of common sense could be infused into the thick noddloe of thoe who peqjetaillj and alternately irritate and weaken their stomachs cd bowels with drastic pnritivts they would use the highly accredited and heafthfal laxalire and muic nuitbrop t l mius veselable dia- envery in i dyppic tnre which cauaes gol jigettion ut wait aa appetite and health on both v 23 what 6 do if troubled with sn unhealthy filow- hefi sore de mciecori parkea car- lolic cente yud will tind it iitvidaable for hehn cleans- in and completely re- mviug oir trouble iflhe bljod is cat of order take with it a few dosea of mc gregors speedy cuie frum j e mcgar- viuv drusstore 29 prominent nmoig the grealest medical discoveries by the many cares it has affct- ed ifegregvrs sjttdij curt leads the to saltjecttfd to the minutest rtjemical unalysii it has lieeu lound to contain one of those injurious ingredients eiiaracierizinjt the vorthlevs fpecitics daily offered to the public every ingredient pfjsseasea a pecul iar ndapubililyto ibe various complaint for which it has ijeeo compounded and its efficacy ie being otabliahed by testimonialfi hoorly received we are therefore coofi deut that we have 4 preparation which we can offer to tbe 1 public with the assurance that it will be found not only a tflitf hot aii obwluie curt for dyspepsia liver com plaint indigestion comiipalion and im- pure bioml free trial bottles at j e mcgainns drug store 38 bst eril hotheril uerall are yoa disturbed at night aodbroken of your rest by a sick child basering fcnd crying with the excruciating pain of cutliog eetht if so co ni once and ret a bottle of mrs winalows soathinfj symp it will relieve the poor little sufferer i m media tejy depend upon it there is no mistake about it there is not a mother on earth who has ever need it who will not tell you nt once that it will regit bale tbb bowels and give rest to tbe mother and relief and health to the child operating like magic it is perfecty safe 10 aft in all caset and pleaxatil tn 1 be 1 arte and is ibf prescrip tion of me of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in tbe united staut sold everywhere t 25 cents a bottle new carpets new dress goods new silks just arrived at the right house wktkin ud bu ilnff olmt 0 nuuotlitc bcoii vory lny tbl wock reolv oil menu of now good direct irom tut jlotv irf u r ilitra n the ro no very cbenp that u hu orowdotomtomori daily who era nui ilrauure at tli ml ii ni 10 be ibiudwl tt- bouoeu rrltl the lul tc day lit hat opeood up iu oaeea unit balo at now uooda thia aprinf and chnrhlni silk marreltiiik urocliea and saliua jaat nrrived frum i yum in prauuo llil beat maker lit silka in hie world aud thoir mako of silkn will nut ml ut gut flouy u cai sew linnlouina etc nil offiing vury low lirtahoiug yinllw koller and dtrora l ptin aalliikr nfl 1 mifit dirrl tlmn 4ilr vmlm pvllinl w tnk lr -f- xmrh untititill nu and u hjht- o u week lue will pleue remember thai bomtt ami 0j j u uimillon march 1884 thomas c watkins hamilton- ayees hair vigor restore with ulq ta ami ircahuess of yotttli adetl or gray imir to a natural rich brown eoldr or deep blck as tuaybe dtred bj iu psar light or rcj hair mav be darkened uiifl hair thlcaeued and baldnou often uiough uot altays cured it c beck i falling of th hair and luina- lates a nak and iiklr grovui to rigor it prevents aud cari scarf and daudroff aid heals u early erery dlseam tiecullar to ui kajp ai a ladies hair dresslne th yloos li uneqaauod h contains ueilher oil nor dyo rauders ui ualr soft c aud allkeo la appearance aud imparts a dollcata agtmahle and lasting irf oraa mtcpbaickr writes from airy o jfi lci iju fall my uair couiuciccd faiinig oat and in a short liiiw 1 becniu btiarly baj i um part of a bmto of avtas him viaon whicu sloped tho fall- lug o uia uair and started a new gronli i 1ut no a ful headot liairgroiviirg vigor- ooit aud am convinced luii iyt ut uq cm of your preparation 1 suooij havu been ulirelj baldl jw bowtx proprietor of tu ifeartknr oiio irjbirrraayi avlftsh milvlgca u a uiosl eiceboil iirtiaratioufr lijc lar 1 ipeak ct it from hit om cxijerieiier ii om proraotf liic enimli of ur hair aid kiaaeei it giaaay mid soft ttir vioor isilio a lor cure lor dilrult nrl ttln inv knoirledgi liu ti iteinilot cvu fajd to giro euiixe aaiiafacuon ma asnri fiaaatax leader of tha elobraied fairbairu kajujr of scottish vocal jta vrrltaa from bat an au k6fi 1630 liter since ray hair begru to cjtc sil- tsry evucucs of tho cuaug wbleli oeellrg tim procure ill i hai used avuas uia yiooa anj so hav been able to maintain anappeanuioa of yoauif uhieas a tnattcrof tonsltlerable cotueiueie to miuisten ora- tort acton and in fact every ouq vuo lira in ilia oyes of ui public mas 0 a pnescott trltlnr froovlf ei rtiwfisr april ft 1mj lays to yean ago about ifothlrvl of mr hair ams off u thinned tery rapidly and l t- fast t0ta2 bald on telaf avrjls ham viooa ui talllua stopped aud a tie grotilt onunceel anilu aboat a nionih my bead as eomplcty eovrrt villi bort hair it kas eontinaed t giw and i nru gnral as befire it fell i pcurriivbai one bote of lht viote bat uot om it occasion ilr as adxesalng wfl har hundreds of limnarttatlmonials to taa efficacy of arms haia viaon it neds but a trial to cootiuce lie most skspli- ealof luraae drj cavepcacoloweiljmast- sjabiahdmiisu speight son acton undertakers carriage makers c i are prepared to iuniih everything in their line from the best casket to the plainest coffin p on the shortest notice unci ht lowest terms 33 all call fit or night or day- promptly attended to satis- fnclton lnaraiitecd in cvwv case a firstclas3 hearsp for hire 3vc are in a iiiti lii asti-facmrirj- fill nrlcra fir varcnti ctrrilgt 4o of erry 1icnpiop in rtunillr lime oorfi ttnrkmanship rnd hrstchis mattrial uayi used ur at lf a pf ihd lot 1 1 ftiillnif ltlli coitiujin and extm quality rlieao sif yni vil il cash e wi h v anythlig ill nor line cheap j a 3pei0ht manager co to the old reliable clothing 8tore for youh spring clothing baeklrwi iraoralre the lst aalvc in the world for cats braises soro ulcers salt r learn fever sores tjttr cbappctl hioj cliiltilains corns iind all sitia erupttoiis atd p si- liceh cure piles or n- pay truirwi it ia jutanltel lo pitv per feci salisfictttii or money teftiiidel price soeesu pyr iiqi for sale liy j e lgarviii 31 uehlncpuft ftymptontsaad care tbe syiuptriuii are uijislure like percptr- atioc iuteae itcbiog iccrcasfth scratch ing very distrusaii pirticuurly aitiitit seems a if pin- worm i were ci avling in and about the rectum the private parts jc ometimeb tifficlcd il auotd io couiioue verr seritius result may ullow swavnes oistuekt is a plcaaaat sure cure auo for tetter itcb sal j rheum all cajy crusty tkfu nigeaee sent iy miil fcr 50 cent g bnei 125 hi sanip ad dress em swiyneic sok philadelphia pa soldliy dnigcistx so yu will find u still lucre hcj 1 stock of mu in all lines adpted for ilic cciiiiii seitfiu at iriht imiable ti the bard times do not fall to see my 811 812 and 13 suits made up in the best of style and perfectly fitting the finest stock of ttnts setwla collars mid till things necessary to a complete outfit sutufrction in every way guaranteed at the east end clothing store j fyfe frames an end ess variety of p ush and other picture frames suitable for presents photographs the latest style taken by the new process ko long sittings bring your pictures of deceased friends and have them enlarged in nrstclass style c w hill acton afcca week at home jjoooatiitfrec iay duaboiately 5ure no risk capiuluot required reader if you want basincss at which persona oe either sex yoang or old cn make fireat pay all tbe time they work with absolnte certainty write forpartica- lars to h hamm t co portland haiue fe3vces i wanted- agents to sell unisons fett 4sd kupuuok oanada maps charts as paying a any aeocy in the warl-l- for jior- ticalan lull and free address a c tcmsqy 3s8biiltliiobt loddub on who 13 ukacquainteo with the ogociuiphv of this country w1u sa by examimno thli map that thc d eliwarfc fa ms for sale from fie i per icrt johemdrick roal etta to agent houston ilavaro these farms are improved with buildings fences fruit trees and berries of all kinds good water plenty of timber land good roads schools and churches gxd markets only 95 miles from philadelphia plenty of fish oysters and game very productive land climate mild and pleasant come and see for yourself and be convinced i am prepared with team and carriage to take visitors to see the farms free of charge j d ftjcvrimrttfi ftontnn tviawrt 33 acres tt5 acres fonthill nurseries tbe zjaxffet i tie scmixiou 8ale8menwanted to trtgio work at odce oil fall sale steady employment a fixed lalanea in 11 willini to work men and women can liave pleasant work tbe year round qood ageota are eiiming from 40 to 975 per mbath add ezpeoaea xertna uiid out fit free addresa stai ft wolliufftoa toronto oat thechampwaof tbe homes against the saloons a materly prnrfibnioo paper the lever tue iutding teroperaoce joarnal cf tbe united states oppoaed tolicenae in all itainrma the cwless advocate of be tital prohibitum of the drink traffic bohtpaoe ptrrt8n cotmivvfnzkiy termioalr um per tear ia7liberal rednotinn to elulw agents waotcd sampliv free address rasflbbtkwoum st rfomidtrtojift chlcaf oill of all chicago rock island pacific ry belnz the great central line affords to travelers bv reason of its jnrlvaled seo- raphloal position the shortest and best route between the last northeast and southeast ad ths west northwest and southwest it is literally and atrlctlr true that its connections are all of the prlnoloal lines of roaa between the atlantia and the pacino by its main line and branohes it reaches ohloaso jollat peoria ottawa la salle oeneseo molina and rook island in mlnosi oavonport muscatine washington keokuk knoxvllle oskaloosa pmrflald dea moines west liberty iowa city atlantic avooa audubon harlan guthrie center and oounoll bluffs in iowa i gallatin trenton cameron und kansas city in mlssounand leaven- worth and atchison in kansas and the hundreds or oltles vlllagee and towns intermediate the great rock island route as it is familiarly called offers to travelers all the adrantama and comforts incident to a smooth traok safe bridges union depots at all connecting points past bprees trains conpased of commodious whl vdftilatcn well hiatid pinilv opholstwid and ttmawyacmstaluve omhi most maonificent horton mounino oh air oars mmblim puixwuts latest designed and handsomest palaot slttpino oaks and ofnimo oars that are acknowledged by press and people to be the finest run upon amy road in the country and in whwrrucotmrr the low rate of seventypive cents eaoh awwnwsjssnsilb three trains each way between ohicaoo and the missouri river twotrains each way between chioaooaod minillatolwand sttpaul albert lea route a new and direct line via seneca and kankakee has recently been oaaned between newport news rlohmond cincinnati tnemnpotm aurnats and council luffs st paul mlnneapolia and lntera rarkn all through passengers carried on fait aipreea trains por moredetalled information see maps and fo4derewhlch may be obtained as well as tiekata at all prlnoipal ticket offloes l the unread stataeahd canada or of r r cablb b st john vicpretoem manager oenitkiti pasar at ohicaco a rt aipftwante4fortbeliv auen i othepresideotsdfthsus tbe largest handsomest best book ever sold for less than twice oar prico the fastest selling book in america immense profits toagonls all intelligent people wantit any oie can become a socoessfql agept terms free hautt boos co- portland maine real aad aafart ulae ssrerlng browns uooabald paoscca baa no equal for relieving pnin both internal and exutdiu it cures pain in tbe side back and bowels sure ihroat kbeomatism- tolkacbu lumbago and any kind of a pain or ache it will most lurely quicken tbe blood and heal as iu action no er is woodcrf ill brtwns hunsehold panacea being acknowledged as tbe great piq ieliever and of doable tbe strength of any otfeer elixir of liuiment iu tbe world ibnuld lw in every family hanjy for ae wben wanted aa it really is tbe best tvmrdy in tbe world for cramps in the siomach and paroa and achea of aq kinds adt is for sale by all druggists at 25 cent hiille the bennett churn th3 kivttt aruols la to icrktt oaamiaj jcslo psure instead ox a u4puiunt task i jamshaw son acton have securltl the vole coutrd of the sale ot tbe unions bennett chora tbis cbura in mauafactanxl apon tbe mosl practical aol common tens principle ex tant and oalv require to be seen at work u ite qnderiuod appreciate and par cf rased a to em lie r of jtbe above tirm ill call apou you witb a sample cbqru baltssaw ft son aclon jan 15 84 best family hew8paper in canada kino or wb7frrrr3 1 weekly free press ijare iaper 8 pages cut 4 pasted by mew machinery contains all the kews special market department agricultural department capital story always running- ingenioss puzzle column fanny hamorisms jut tae thing for the ttaily tarsoud tloo andthepaperirilllw forwarded to you to january ut isii 91iooo lrtpremlbras the most liberal lndocementa ever offered in canada to partial eettinc up elnba lor tbe week ly free press send for premium list weekly free press 4 farmers adtwatk seal u 1st jaaury 1su far slts addreia- feet pbe8s office london oni butcher shop r holmes would respectfully inform tbe people of acton and vicinity that he baa purchased tbe holiness and property f mr w c robiospo aocl it ptepared to supply all with firstqlass meat of all kinda and poultry and game in season s3 meat delivered to any part of town at any time s3 having practicr1 experience in tbe butchering businem 1 feel confident that i can snit all a call kindly solicited r holmes r hills tin stove depot good a8sortm ent oh 8tove8 cheap for cash- tinware of all kinds at bottom prices worth fheir welrtt la bld a and put up on 8hortb8t notice y first class matbelal onts used i a call splioited i hollow pimis ointment tlllh isooupabable stedlcixb hat iccttralfor ucll an imivrishailc fane throughout tht worldor thr auaialivn nrnl turt of mod dimamlt avac humanity i arir thr pills purify rugulcte and improve tbe quality of tbe blood tboy insist the dignsliveoigans cleanse tbe siollacu aud uoivtxs iuciease ibeaecretorypowtij of the liver brace the uvrvons ayauui and llnow iuto tbe crrculaiiun ibe puuat klemvuls for sobtaiulng and rtpmriugllhe truiue tbousauds ot iporsuns have iratilicd that by their use alonitbev3iave i reaioied 10 healih and strengtb alter eeiy other mcauahal proved unsuccessful the ointmlnt will oefiulld invsiuauie 111 cvcruouebold in tbe enre uf uhu rirs haul tumuis bavd ltgf 014 woutdj ccuglu colda sore xbfuau lirouth tifc and all disorders of the tbtoat and clreet as also gout kbtuuiatiiu bcrofuta aid every kind of skin diaeaae munnfsciured ouly at pnlrisor hullo ways estalrislniivnt 5s3 oxford steeet london mu sofl utu 1jl 2s 9d a 6j ti- auil33 ea b bix and pii ami iu ctmda at 36 c nt do cents and 1 60 aud thr larger ik in proportion aacacti0k 1 bavt no attit lutba uoiteil staim nir ore my medicines sild ihere purcbawra should thtrefore lk to tbe labtl on the pols anil boxes if tbe address is not s33 oxford streel london thev art spurious tbe trade mark of niy aaid medicine is registrered at ottaws and also t waiji- ington r svud thomas hollow at botfnrdrtnet inlnn the kev to health unlocks all the clogged avenues of the bowels kidneys and liver cany ing off gradually without weakening the system all the impurities and foul human of the secretions at tho same time carrectino acidity o tht btatoaoh curing biliousness dys pepsia headaches dizziness heartburn constipation dryness of the skin dropsy dimness of vision jaundice salt eheinn erysipelas scrofula fluttering of the heart nervousness and gen eral debility all these and many other similar complaints yield to tho happy i of buhdock blood bittehfi it aulbtbs t co pratrl- eta auqar send six cents fcr post- i nlatll ar and receive freeta costly box of goods which will help you to more money right away tan anything else in this world ajl of cither mi succeed from first hour the brocd roa4 to fortune opens before tbe workers absolutely snret at once address ttue col angnst maine before too place at dollars i vrorth t new spel adrertlt- xng get our priees the exact eoat ot any paper or list of papers eheavfuby fumiahed tree upon applleaiuon srsend tor new catalosue jc hough advertising agent scuob bi0cx detroit liicli ut famiu we1g3ml- this is one of ibe largest and ivest ftnry pa per published in america li isiulfof sterv ad ismsacf witnad nauer aaerdotr aad tdventare in fact there will nut lie a single litofdnll reading iu ir pulilisnrd tbe lvt mid 15th of every month terms 0ie dol ir r aununi in advance agtnls watiltd tvervv where sample free address tbo family weleume lortnii out prtl afor the working class send 10 uu hloents for postafje and we wilt mail you frte a royal valuable box of sample goods that wdl put joo in the way of making more money in a few days than you ever thought possible at any business capital not required we will start yon xon can work all the time or iu yoor spaiel tone only the work is universallv adapt- ed to both sexes yonng aud old iou can easily earn from 60 cents to 15 every even- uig that all who want work may test the bmnness we make this unparalleled offer- to all who are not well satisfied we will send ii to pay for the trouble of writing as fuu particulars directions etc sent tree fortunes will be made by those who give their whole time to thevwork great tnv s dontdelav staitimw address btdtbov a co portland maine f lyianhood how lost bow kest9ke0 jkto wehavrrerentli pni llahedaslw otmofnevvouiblluj x tilm ptle allnoarilinrllmenuormkr1 resultlit romexcesses t eabvprlcelnaiealed envelope onh ets ortwo postage stamps j nei b tneelebrated aiuor m m adntlrabli jlasaj uarlj jemonatrate rr jkf yeaniue smnener may be radically eiwd wlthoni tbe anxerbos t i lternjfceslriaiv2 the use ol hie knlle polnuii o isekj ear at one impie ovrtalr ind ff 2f si means of vhlen every swftm aviuaaw whatfila oondlum wastarvf ft oheanij wtvateli trjjasi t jre abnom b lis ua h yt wmmkd u iisa2