v s t sws xtongr gms tarwut mnrxrv aprix 24 ism the birthday lub cmuc luis moniinc bhocnn u i he dafcuint jifchl that iu her hitte cradle huik wth the pares wurcv wruppcl ui utv4 mi ucek she sleeps in luk cahu still a r vuowlitc lily little pk jylm to palm just h svoet rare secret that ikver a morul knovrs uer cr are fomod together like leaves of the budding rose only s line ot piuk the folkvl bosom cleaves but wc know the rose is there with uli ilfculed icvraft the hutpu hold the sou aui ihclrapctlawer holds the wine the mruc ijjiis th- atizcl tu-tvc- holds the tuirino tiieliiy kevpi the saint tlu motbt the tnivr wife aud tho love that seal her knows tiw secret of her life- roles for the jouraey of life never rescul a supposed injury tilt yoa know the jaou os of the author of it ind on no cecajc i elate it kevcrshuv levity when people axe en gaged in worshp never think worse of another on account of his djterini fro a you in political and reliioas subjects always tiie the part of an absent person whtis ceuiorwi in company so fax as trutli and proiriety will allow not to dispute with a man who it more than seventy years of age nor with a iceman rcr with any sort of an enthusiast to speak with calmness and deliberation on all occasions especially of circamstaiicea which tend to irritate not to effect to be witty or to jest so as to ban the leeliasa of another to say s3 little as possible of yourself tad those who arc neai you to tin at cheerfdness without levity never to court the favor of the ricfi by ft altering the vanities of their riches frequently to review your condact and note yozi feeling value of a cat a short time since a poor irishman ap plied at the church wardens office at jlan- chester for relief and upon some doubtbe- ing expressed as to whether he was a proper object fcr parochial relief he enforced his suit with mach earnestness 4 yer honor si id be sure td beecstarved lorutsince trt fcr my cat but fcr whit tsked the astonished interna itor ity cat replied the irishman shure yer honor 1 sold her eleven times for rrce a tiraeand she was al ways it lon- before id got there myaelf how they do it a sturdy mc of scotia was diacourisng rweet l rzc on his national instrument when a ccarle of little crls who had been listening to the melodious sounds thus ex pressed liemsdres do yon know said thp elder a voting lady of apparently about ten or eleven cummers why it is that the scotch d wars win all the battles they fight ko bunny said her little friend why do they 7 weu replied the first speak- r its no the shot that they use but it the bagpipes which frighten the enemy away tvice tsj xre sir of us sir ara bnt three nine are but four of us whit can it be t would you know more of as ill tell yoa more seven are bat five of us five ue but four ahxuxr the number of letters contained in each of the numerals mentioned- tie hm itei itckige dyei to asc are the star dyes itfiii and living colors 9 hlfiuir io t- and sh cause enrus- hollowiv c ru cure u the article to uie if jvur ri i uru a muld with worm gir tlctn ilitiitr gnvra worm exlermin ator sife f4rt- acd tffectaal if yoa lure n faled cloak or mantle make it ne- br crg a pickaxe of the triangle dyee ail the prpulir colors always certain 10c by jje jfcgrvin s7 the enervrtian and lassitude of spring time are but iudicatinni of the slnggisb actfoa lod overloaded withcazbon- ales accumabtd by the use of heating food in winter thiscooiitioncnay be remedied by the use of ayers sarsaparula the beat bloodpurifier known the navy blae seil brown olive green und other rich dark colors of the triaade dyes are as perfect as brigbt shades they never disappoint the user 10c at j e mcgarviuv drag store 83 as a superb hr dresaiog and renovator ayers hair vigor is universally commend it eradicaed scurf and dandruff cares all eruptions and itcuiogi of tbe acalp pro motes the renewed growth of tire hair and surely preveats iu udinjr or turaiojr jrray a host of bodily troubles are engendered ly chronic iudigcttion tbepe however f well e tbeir cnuae diaappaar wlej tbe lafihly accreilcd in rigor nt andalteratire kurtbrnp ad lymnus vegetable djacov- err aod dvsepnc care is tbe agent em- ployed for tbeir removal a regular habit of body ami a due secretion and bow of bile in variably result from its preaisteat use 1 1 cleanses the system from all irreeu- utfties and restores the weak and broken dowa coiutuatiuq to health and strength aaedllaystrltase theieoop keaioreiliuirofft wayne j ind gazette writes for tbe past five yeais bare aiuvh used dr kiopi new discovery for coaglu of most severe cbar- acteras well as for those of a milder type it neyer fail- to effect a speedy cure my friends to wham i have recommended it speak of u m time btgn trms hawni been cure1 by it of erery coutrb i bve bad for hvt i car i uwwttu t he oolr rdinme and sun cure for coabs colds ps call jsa stow sod get a akmlbotoe xrge8iml00 the most lucreduuios are ftrcod to admit that for prfctirtn la colors tbe triane dyeshayo no equal aik for three comer 1 packageand m that you ftet it 10c ntj k mcoarvlnn drugstore s1 very kenhlavrketfrr mr ilea v vuiug- of mnnoheaief mich writes my wife baa beu almost helpless for five years liclplti tbtt ihe could nt turn ivit io bed alone 8li used vo buules of klectrtc bitter and is in much improved tint ihe i able now to do bvtottu mork electric b liters will do all that is claimed for them liutidrea of tcttimomals attest their great curative poweis only flftv cents a itoitte at j k mcgarvius pecoria i pcctoria pcctorin the great miufdy ftirloujtbs odds broocliitis sore tliroat luducuia hosiiesf and all affec tion of the linp aud throat or cbet pecloiia ttiuts the phlegm aud brrks up tlie cough 35 rente pr bottle dont iave up until you luvc tnd p velaria all drugnts and civurral storeaeepcr cell it 23 tr sew story not a talc of faluve r dipaprkiinltneot rotihcld ttory tf the vicliai f causil pilutim- and the rviltv attmidiug thcif uve but ihe new story of m of fret- duui frum pjtu and coumquentlv abseoce df tpnia left in tbe rsh putnams painless cini etlruetor iivvs iupritioii for happier rvpirtsi ntid fuffercra from coins need dot hraiuw to try it sld everwhere bv drupstshnd deilcre iu medicine n c poison i co kingsum proprietors salt rheaa cure4 are you troubled with salt rheum ryugti skia puupiesorcaukei sores if io o at once tn j e ucgirvina drujt store and gel a package of calretta carbolic oerate price twenty6ye cents it was never known io fail 47 llidl tberear batfewuil have nevjriuffered almost mtderuc pain from tonthache neuralgia or like acute paius to them pach an instant relief as fluid ligblniug is ta untold blessing in time of truuble no difgustiug offensive medicines la be taken for days 0c application of fluid liabl uiuit cures sold at j e mcgamns urujc store 29 houoieat puu with darkening days and changing temperatures the digestion becomes impaired tbe hverdisordered and tbe mind despondent unless the cause of the irregularity be expelled from the blood and body by such an alterative u these pills they directly attack the source of the evil tbrut out all impurities from the circulation restore the diiietnpered secre tions sach an eay means cf institaling health strength aud clieerfolnee should ie applied by all whojc tt tiiach are weak whose miudi are much harassed or whost- brains ans overworked hollo ways is essentially a blood temperiog medicine whereby its iutfuence reaches tbe rvmotet filrre of the func nduffccu a uaiversal kood merit prorea doiur upon dollar if frequently ppent on tbe faith of recjmmen latiooa for article entirely wortblef not 10 with mc gregors 3kely cure yoa are not asked to pirchase it atuil iu mriu are proven call at j fi- mcgitviut drug store and gtt a frte trial bottle and if nit convinced it will cere you of the worst forms of dyfi- fhpiia lrer c mjjaict e no iratter of how- long standing it cota you unthinr sdd in 50c and iwtlcs see ustitnoo- ial from persons in yiar ou town- m are yoa troubled with salt hheum rnagh sands or old sores of any kind that ranuot be beakd even though it be jf years standing mcgregor tfe parked car bolic certe will cure it be ond the shadow of a doubt it i the lmt lealinff compound ever known boils feateringi frott bites barns or anv skia troable are alike cured by it sdd kt 25 cents by j e me garvin druggist 33 if a few grains nf common sense could be infused into the thick noddle of tin e who perpetually and alternately irritate and wcaku their siomachs and bowel with drastic purgitivts they would use tbe hihry accrrtlited and healthful laxative and tonic nirttbrop t lymans vegetable dis covery an dy- peptic tore which causes good digestion to wait n appetite aud health on uth 23 ttkat is ds if troubled wrth an unhealthy slow- healtng sore ise mcgrecor parkes car- bolic cente you will find it invaluable for healing cleansing aud completely re moving your trouble if the blood is cai of order take with it a few doses of mc gregors speedy cure from j e mc gar- vins dmg store 29 prominent among the greatest medical discoveries by the many cores it has affect ed ilcortgor speedy curt leada tbe vac subjected to the minutest chemical analysis it has been found to contain one of those injurious ingredients characterizing the worthier specifics daily offered to the public every ingredient possesses s pecul iar adaptability to tbe various complaiou- for wbich it has been compounded and its efficacy is being established by testimonial- hourly received we are therefore confi dent that we have a prep ration wbich we can offer to the- public with the aasuranoe that it will be foond pot only a rtlief but an absolute cure for dyspepsia liver com plaint indigestion constipation and im pure blood free trial bottles at j e mcgaivms drugstore 33 et ersl holfcerstl uersmi are you disturbed b ulgbt and broken of your rest by a sick cmld safiering and crying witb tbe excruciating pain of cuttiop teetb if so go tit mice and gets bottle of mrs wiiulowa bhj thing bymp it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately depend upon it there is no mistake about et there is not a mother on earth who baa ever bted it who will oot tell von at once that it will regulate tbe bowebi and give rest to tbe mother and relief and health to ihe child operating like rooklc it is perfect safe to oe in all cases and pleasant to jibe taste and is bf preatrip- uon of one iof the oldest and best female pbysiciau and nnmesio the united suteav sou ererfwttro at u otata ft bottle new carpets new dress goods new silks just arrived at the right house hamilton i march 27 1884 thomas c watkins hamilton vegetable sicilian hair eenewee vu tbe first preparation perfectly adapted to core diseases pt tbe scalp and the first iuc ctsaful restorer ol faded or gray hair to iu natural color growth aud youthful beauty u has had many imitators but none have u fully met all the require met is needful u the proper treatment of uio hair and fp ualls lulx ecxcwut hat hcflluy i tn favor and tnread its aiue and us to stcry quarter of uie globe hi uci- leled lueccu can be attributed to but o cause tkt cxtin fliment y itiirvwict tbe proprietors hao often been lurvrivl at tba receipt of orders from remou cuuu- trlee wbero they had never made an effort far la introduction ike cm for a short time of hills luia bctnrca woodertuily improtes tbe per sonal appearauoe it cleanses the scalp from all impurities euros all bnnwrt fever and drrnesa and uios prarcuu baldness it stimulates the weakened glands and enables tem to poab fonranl a new and tisowui grortb tbe effects of this article- am tn transient lias tbosa of alcoholic prepara tions but remain a long lima which makes lu use a matter of eeouomy buckinghams dye whiskers wiu change the beard to a naiural brown or black as desired it uroduies a jieniiauciit color that will not wash away conautlneof a slngls pnparatlon it is applied without troubla prepanedbt r p hall ft co ladnia ih bold by all dealers in medicines speight son acton undertakers carriage makers c axe prepared to furnish everything in their line from the be8t casket to the plaine8t coffin on tho shortest notieo and at lowest terms eau calls eitier night or day promptly attended to satis faction guaranteed in every cuae a firstclass hearse for hire itwfl jro in i poiitiootoaatiafactorily fill oniera for varcftbb carnftgea tc of every description ta rcaonalile time go1 workmaaihip nnd 6rstciasi material alwayi used we liare also a fplerdiri lot or furrjlturf mb eommod and extra qaslity cheap 3if yoa will pay us cash w will sell yoa anything in oar line cheap j a speioht managr co to the old reliable clothing store for iyour spring clothing aajw foe all the loexs or ah firrofnlon ktirii and jm mood ilio ilrw j the brt rm blootlpurifjfl tip a r c tvfl i tiiorocjii ayers sarsaparllla bom by ail druggists 1 six bottlea as baekleas irsicssalte the brtt mlve in tlie world for cuts bmiaes soros ulcers bait ueum rcvcr sores tetter cuappcd tiaiids cbilblains corns and all skia eruptions sod ivi lirely enres piles or ni pay required it ia juarinieed to gi perfect aatisfacuya or money nfuudtd price 8oceits per box for sale by j e mvoarvin 31 ucblajc piles arnpums aid cure the aymptomtart moisture likepcrvpir- aiioo iulense itchinj iocrvaaed by tcratch- ingj very jisirtslup pirtialariy ai night seems aa if pinwoiina wcreciawhugin aud about the rectum tbe private parts re vtnetims affected li allowed to continue erv serious rcsulu may follow swaysi s oiktkest is a pleaaanl sore cure alio for tetter itchnsali nheum all scaly crusty skin diseases sent ly mail for 50 coots 3 boxes- 125 in stauips ad dress dr s wayne sok philadelphia pa sold by drugpsls 50 you will find a still iucrened fttock o goods in all lines adapted for the coming peusuii al prices suitable tj the hard times do not tall to see my 811 sis ad 13 suits made up in the best of style and perfectly fitting tlie finest stock nf tints searls collars and all thing necessary to it complete outfit sitisftctiun in every way guaranteed at the east exd clothing store j fyfe frames cca week at home 500 outfit free pay vduabsolutelysure korisk capital not required reader h yon want business at which persons of either sex young or old can make great pay al the time they work with absolute certainty write forparticn- lara to h hilicn tt co portland maine uf autcfl aqentswsell if mn i cu kew asd suptbjok oanada maps tc charts aa paying aa any agency in the vorld for par honiara oil and tree addreaa b c tcjihov sm biebinoid at loadon am an endless variety of plush and other ricture frames suitable for presents photographs the latest style taken by the new process no long sittings briiuf your pictures of deceased friends and liave them enlarged in lirat clasa style 1 c whill acton 4 fb a ivtes who is uhaoouaintio with thi ocoobaphy ot this country wiu u by txaminiho this map that thi delaware faitms for sale crua 110 f m per acre j 0 hendricklfe etutt aesat hotuton delswsn tliesfi tarma are improved with boildioga fencs fmit treea aad berries of ail kinds good water plenty of timber land good roads schools and churches good markets only 95 miles from philadelphia plenty of uah oysters and game very productive land climate mild and pleasant come and see for yourself and be oonvinced i am prepared with team and carriage to take visitors to see the farms free of charge j d hrxtirtora hnnston delaware 38 acres 32j acres fonthill nurseries i ti largmt ia the scslsion 8ale8menwanted tobegin work at once on fall sales steady employment at fixed salaries t all willing to work men and women rail bare pleaiant work the tear round good agents are earning frou 140 io 75 per mouth sod expenses terms und out lit free addrem stoat velliaftoa toronto oat ai ms champion or tlie homes against tbe saloons a moterly prikibltion paper the lever the leading temperance journal cf the united 8tatei opposed to license in all its forms the fearless advocate of the tital prohibition of the drink traffic bight paoe ftrrtsnt coldmhwxiilt teraatoaly si m vtt tear aarliberal reduction to rlil ageuu wonted 8amplps f ree addrees rarixbtlitoomjb chicago rock island pacific ry balnj the oraat central tine afford to travelers by rason of it jnrlraled gao- rtphleal position the shortest and best ratrta betwaan tna cast northeast and outhaaat and th wast horthnast and southwast it is ikaralr and atrletl tnw that it connections ara all of the principal unas 0 road b the atiantlo and the pacfflo br its main un and branohos it raaohea ohlcajo jollet peoria ottawa la salle qeneseo molina and rook isiahd in illinois 1 oavenport muscatine washington keokuk knoiyiik oskaloosa fairfield das moines wait ubertj iowa oiqr abantlo avooa audubon harlan outnrle center and counou bluff in iowa 1 caltatln trenton cameron und kansas cltj in missouri and learen- worth and atohlton in kansas and the hundreds of oltlas villages and towns intarmadlat the great rock island route a it i faminartv oalled offer to travatsr all th advantag and oomtorts inddsnt to a smooth traok safe bridges union depots at all connecting points fast cspraa train ooiooed of commodious wttj ynmlatss wtll hiatts fimcly upholstcttto and eltoant day ooaohcsi a una of the most maonifrocht hortom rtoliniho chair oarji am built i pullmans bttast designed and handsomest palacf slmpino oars and dinino cars that ara aoknowladged tor pre and people to be the jf1mcst run upon amy road in thi country and m whloh auperlor meala are rvd to traveler at the low rat of satosmtyrivi cints each thrci trains each way between ohioaoo and the missouri rivsr two trains eaon war between tjhjoaoo and minneapolis and st paul via tn famous albert lea route a new and direct una via seneca and e reoenttr been opened between newport news rlenrhond otaotrmati indianapolis and la faveaa and counoll ufnstpaulmlnmarxn and mtsrnd5m points 1 lontastiapfiaettaln r aawntedforthelivesofall mulln i othepresidenuofthens the largest baadaomest best book ever sold for less than twioe our price tbe fastest selling book in america immense profits to agents all intelligent people want it any one can become a successful agent terms free hillitiboox co portland mai no eat aad safari ittke safferlag brown housbald panacea has no equal for relieving paio both internal and external it cures pain in the side back and bowels sore i broat llbeamatuun tcolkacbe lumbago and any kind of a pain or acbe it will most aurely quicken the blood and ileal as ft acting power is wonderful browns hunsehold panacea being acknowledged as tbe test palo reliever and of doable the strength of any other elixir of liniment- id the world should be ia every family bandy for use wben wanted as it really is the best remedy in tbe world for cramps in the stomach snd pains and aches of all kinds and is for sale by all druggists at 25 cents iwttle the bennett churn tat hewait artiel la tot luikrtl diamine 1u1 s pumwur zatusd of m v9liat task ramshaw son acton have securetl the lulo oontnd of the sah of tbe famous bennett chum this churn is mauafsctnred upon the moat prnctical and comtnonaense principle ex tanl and only requires to be seeo at work t im understood appreciated and pur chased a member of the aboi firm aiil call upon you witb a sample churn saitsaaw a- son aclon jan 15 84 best family newspaper ih canada kino o weeklies weekly free press xjaxgo 1 esaper s pages cut pasted by hew machinery contains all the news special market department agricultural department capital story always running ingenious puzxie colomn funny eumorisms jnst tho tata for the family 13beud s1j and the papor will lw tonrarded to you to january 1st 188a 81 looo in premiums tho moat liberal inducements ever offered in canada 10 partial getting up eluba fortha week ly free frees sand for premium list vreekay freb press firheb8 auyocayl aeal to lt jaaaary lags rr sl-il- addreas- feel pess office lendoa ont butcher shop r 1jolmes would reapcclfully inform tle peeple of acton and vicinity that lie baa purchased tbe buaineaa and property of ilr w c robinson ind is prepared to anpply all with firstclass meat of all kinds and poultry and game in season o- meat delivered to any part of town it any time sr having practical experience in the butchering business i feel confident that i can auitall a call kindly solicited h holmes hills tin i stove depot goo d a8sortm bkt on 8tovb8 cheap for cash tinware of all kinds at uottom prices a hollowaks pills ointment a incomparable ukdjcinb ha ucimi far uxlf an itiperuhailt fame throughout the world or thr allatiathn and rure 0 mo duetuatokhuh kmau u heir the pills purify regulate nudtjuyrove the quality of tbe blood they astist thcdigeative oiuaus cleante tbe 8tomacu and bowfclk incsisse the secretory powers of the liver brace the nervous system and throwinlo ihe cireulalion the purest klemenla for subtaining slid repairing tbe frame thonaands of persuna have testified that by their use sloue tbey have deeu reatored to heslih anjl strength sfler every other meaua had proved nnauccessfnl the ointment will befouud invaluable 10 every household in thore of open sores hard tumors st4 legs old weuxfat ocafcou colds sure throats brooch tie and all disorders of tbe throat and cheat aa also gout rheumatism scrofula und every kind of skin disease manufaclurtd only at professor hollo- way a establishment 533 oxford street london and sold at is ljd 2s 9d 4- 6j 22s and 33s each bcii and pot aud iu canada at 36 cents 90 cents snd f 1 50 and the larger tizes in proportion lricatrrios i have no agent io the uuited stales nor are my medicines sold there purchsstrs should therefore look to the label on tbe pots and boxes if the address is not 533 oxford street london tbev arc spurious the trade mark of my said medicines is registrered at ottawa and also at wash ington signed thomas hollowa 53s ovfnrd street london the key to health tjnlooka all the clogged atermes of the bowels kidneys and id vex carry ing off gradually without woutexdng toe system all tho inrpimties and foul humors of the ssexobons at tho same time corroting acidity of itht stomach coring biliousness dys pepsia headaches juzziness heartburn constipation dryness of the skin dropey dimness of vision jarmdice bait eherim erysipelas scrofula fluttering of the heart nervousness and gen eral debility- all these and many other similar complaints yield to the happy i of bttpdock btjood hllimlhllis i mubtkil cxj rioph vjnsats aqqi7c send six cents for post- w fllataaxe and receive free cwtly box of goods which will help you to rhoremoney right away than anything else in this world all of either sex succeed from first homv the broad road to fort one opens before the workers absolutely sure at once address text a co august maine i ywa place a36tuua worth of newspaper advertis ing get our prices tbe exact cost of any paper or sat ol papers cbeezfally fnrsiabbdv t u application ty send tor kow catalogne j c hough advertising agrn fifivsh bloc detroit mich th family welcome this is one of tbe largest and beat atory pa pers publiahed in america it is full of starr aad resaaaee vrilaaabaaaer xaeodaleaaj idyeatare iu fad there will not be a siugle line of doll reading in it published the 1st and 15ih of everjpuonth terms oue dollar per aonuuiru advance agents wau ted every where samples free address the family welcome loudon out all through pimngoi nai lift 1 e weu astaomet at all prlnolpaf tieket orboe hi ttie r rxabli m8 vasjvran avoeal tjaneejar penh mw beojtitalneoa canada or o iiv and put up otf shortest nofiica y first cussmatajrlal only j itsri i acall80u0itrd pai nor the working class send 10 uuliioenta for postage and we will mail you free a royal valuable box of sample goods that will pot you in the way of making more money in a few days than you ever thought possible at any business capital noti required we will start yoa ou can work all the time or in your spare time only the work is universally adapt ed to both sexes young and old ion can easily earn from 60centa to to every even- ing that all who want work may teat the business we make thia njiparallelei offer to all who are not well satisfied we will send to pay lor the trouble of writing us full particulars directions etc sent free fortune will be made by thoai who give their whole time to the work great soo- osssaiolntelyanredontdelaybtartnow address rtdiboh a cnportland maine vmanhoqd how lost uow kestojtfd wehavereeeritfpniuheane eulllou of br altmwejp vel hrated uaaj 01 ti raoicefii auraraulmpedlmnuoistarraiv reaultin romexceaw meeie tbsvprleeln iw sealed envelope onke etat ortwo poatare stamp om to celebrated ihjor inihla admvrabl bxar oh nil jemootrata fr re thirti yrtnsqtwaunlprltiii aeqoeiicrv may rwradlnllr enivriaiiil the oaniermyoertsitvafi ihaaeojtheknuv isi5w3os fppipi inftwrrnmii mi it 1 fti mtiiiri itt niiniwlbp lr i srrfi fk