Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 8, 1884, p. 2

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rirfpjmjzzf- rtongntgm8 tiikih ljtiu mat i l r i f notes and comments the temperance advocate o benfow arc actively working op tho cane in that dis tact and intend to s avmil the scott act to the ratepayers at an cirlj dale the lead en arc sanguine that it vail carrj r w phipps left yestordaj raornrag for waahington to attend thcamericanforestr- conrcss which meet there this week ou behalf o the ontario government he has been invited to deliver an address to the congress there are 8652 churches ui the dotnin ion divided as follows methodist 8 017 roman catholic l3 presbyterian lms church of liquid 1s3 baptist w concrocaticnil 110 lutheran 9 discip les 85 tjuiversaiist 7 other churches sj6 in ontario there ire 5 075 churches of which 2 275 are methodist the dlou has despatched to new bruns wick a cotrpetent member of its own staff with uiilructious to make a searching in wstjjaation into the operations of the 8cott act he will report things exactly as he finds them where the act has fail ed or i ignored he will endeavor to trace oat the canoes of tie failure his instruc tions are c it to mmcc matter in dealing with any suui failure bat to expose it and la hare its causes with the view of fur nth the means from wkich onunans can decide whether or not the failure isdce to local lukswiruus to onie imperfec tion m the ct itset or in the machinery for enforcng it or to some radical defect in theprnc pie of 1 icil prohibtion he must be blind who cannot preoeive that the temperance sentiment is making gigantic strides in canada there are several distinct clashes of people behind it there i the teetotaller or prohibitionist who late strong dnnk tor its own sake and who denounces it with a zeal there is the moderate drinker who will not op- poae temperance measures because thev are so respectable or because dnnk is in junng his on of some otner relative and there is tle weak eel who hates dnnk and despises himself for j leling to it but with whom drinking hat become a disease he would fan be protected against himself and hundreds of suh woold vote for a law to put dnnk oat of thcr own reach to- mt vtorh another week wlieu wo hope to be able to make aotno report of a more satisfactory nature v h srosit signed j e mcqarvin icommittee jamot moore report adopted the finance committee pretested their fifth report recommending payment of the following accounts thoa tmoore salarj apnl mi 88 miss morton 8708 mm grant 90 88 mrs adams 6 88 h p moore pub annual report 5 53 peter mccaan repairs 8 80 a 6tephenson 80 detailed statement j of thb- exttentutnre or he naicipallty f acton fr the year ending slat december 1883 -wanted- 110981 report adopted the head master presented hit report of the attendance of pupils during the month of april aa follows senior department nonf papils on re gister 51 possible attendance 970 days actual attendance 655 days j second department ko on register 66 possible attendance 1820 days actual at tendance 787 da vs third department no on roll 81 pos sible attendance 1630 days actual atten dance 1089 days report received board then adjourned stasxth sinttwalts bid0t itc paid james brown 88 81 jam burns 17 88 r edward dynes 86 so firatbrook bros 98 87 jatnos grant 10 19 wm ourney 87 50 geo haviu 18 75 wm iamond freight on lumber 88 80 lather lyman donald mann 48 09 6 00 wm maaalaa 12 50 john matthews i at john miller 17 os jas mclam 75 thoa mclam 8 75 e nicklin a son 18 00 j b pearson 86 75 abram stauffor 3 50 j no m stephens 500 duncan taylor a 0 wheeler 5 75 r 75 h sallmtra acton municipal council council met ou taesdir evening xtem- ber all present kinntfis of last meeting reid and con firnrtd lr crswahaw of llmelionse tdircsaed the council with- reference to the closing ap of tbxt potlion of guelpfa street lying be tween hilt street and bower avenae- the coancil decided that it to not de arable to close the street referred to the committee appo jited to examine and report npon the matter of raising the side walk on south side of kill street between main and willow streets reported as fol lows your commtlae met and caref oily exam ined the sidewalk in question and after great consideration concluded that any matenl raising of the siwalk woold greaily inconvenience a nanxber of the ratepayers reading adjacent thereto your committee whilst depirous at all times of meeting the reasonable wishes of ratepayers in thematterof pubhc improre- menir are of opinion that any mate expenditure in altering existing sidewalks 13 not advisable while so many parts of the village are still unprovided with walks we therefore recommend that no change be mm this vear in the sidewalk in question wm ismond d cameron i a dynamise plot our provincial parliament buildings kar- 1 rowiy escape a profoaud sensation was caused in a ronto list wednesday afternoon through the discovery of a powerful dynamite cartridge with wire and faae attached under the crown lands office parliament buildup it was fojnd by a son of one of the csxetakerp about 2 30 in the af teraoou a thotojh arch was then mado by the ol as and two more cartridges were fojud under the 6teps approaching tlio speaker s chamber laving also wire and fus attached the officials state that no eaiucioas ltyiking peons were seen axaand ihc eicitcmcnt about the parliament bullngs reigned sapreme tho cartridges are about eix inches long b an inch and a half in diameter and are called etna ko 2 tnanafactured by the etna powder co chicago the shells appeared to be newly oiled to keep odt moisture one of the cartrdges would have been sonlcient to blow up the wing of the buildings the imscrennts must have been disturbedi as ll atuchmejt was foand lying a short distance from the cartridges o cine has jet beer obtained as to who put the cartridges m the ventilators- the go emmeat held a cabinet council the same aitcnocn talked the matter over and de eded to offer a reward of 3iq0o for the ar ren and conv cuoa of the parties who pat the cartridges wncre they were fand oie of the cartridges found beneath tle parliament bujdilps has been analyzed and is proved to have been filled with qualm a stronger explosive than dyn amite scotch lauiii and canadian salting a xreit variety at the east cad clothing storejj fyfeacton wks whats the matter now john 1 iubaad ob that neuralgia and tooth ache near kill me ifc a hy doatyou go to j e 5fc- girwus dru istote and get a bottle of fiaid lightning you koow it cares all su a things a toothache keunlgia head- aefce lumbago earache sore throat etc ft gires instant relief 33 at this eosou of the tear there should be a bailie of pectona in etery house- it ti unequalled fo- coagfaa colds and hoarseness is pleasant equally safe for children price 25 cents at all druggists 30 h23 92 paid thoa eaaton caretaker 71 co j e hcqarnu clerk ttcas 60 00 thoa c moore i a 5 00 aematthewtl 5 00 a a bocord asmuot 25 00 wm herastreet constable fio 00 luther ljman lamp lightor 41 6 yo let u p othia vicinity know that tho largest and best selected stock of boqts and shoes 18 kbit at thj peekaboo 8hoe store aiid also that prices there are fin below any other establishment in town jscall and see for yourselves womens boots from so cents a pair upwards mens boots iroui 100 n pair upwards k b mcartltx glasgow house nelson ft xobaz c b bmith rcommittee d henderson w h storey j report adapted- trie finance conimitme reporied as follows your committee bann dammed the auditors report and detailed statement of the recapts and expenditure of this mmu cipalitj for the year ending slat dec 1883 find that it haa been prepared with care and recommend that the accounts of the corporation as audited be declared as finally anditerl and approved yonr committee also recommended that the auditors abstract be published in the actov fez pezss in the usual manner d henderson chairman report adopted the chairman of the committee on streets and sidewalks reported that he had commenced work on the streets and that he intended to advertise for tenders for tmildmg all the new sidewalks the matter of allowing the band to prcdce in the council chamber wae refer red to and it was decided that owing to the filthy habit indulged in by several members of the bud of spitting tobacco orar the floor they must hereafter practice in some other part of ihe hall council then adjourned board vt education the trustees of acton public school met in the coancil chamber on tuesday even ing members all present mr james moore in the chair the committee to whom was referred the matter of providing accommodation neoeaaary for an additional department re ported a follows your committee have made the enquiries neceaaary and find the only premises at aa available at present to be the temper ance hall tnlshowerer would neoawrtate the expenditure of some considerable money either by this board or the trus tees of said hall to make the premises t ail fit tor oeeupants and inaamqph ag toe treats do notj wish to incur any soco njmtt is necessary tour committe do not tstror that position owing to the bare poaaibiiiiy of their being able to seeqn other premises soon we ask that the time for naaing our final report be extended tor total s287 27 eaid public bchool cks2 00 i rliextctb am loam paid borrowed money debeuture ko 2 h603 70 ico oo paidc s smith mrs s ppeiiht ux3 70 ii 74 a 68 total us 62 ciuarru paid w ii soix for tramps c r ffmith itj i0 00 10 00 total i0 00 primivo ap trxniivi uy paidh p mooro j mcgarviu rowsell hutchinson 16 4 17 2 88 total txtibxst paid interest on debentures tc nov 1st 1s83 interest on borrowed mouej m 2i j31 00 57 7s total 378 78 covnci vi llv paidj e mcgamn attcciiup court revision ac thos hasten betl kinging lxtra and wood tlos smyth sight walcli hcnr marlatt do moses braith do kl e2 3j ig ic 00 n co 1 00 the watch clock house of gtjblph col ulan grant to wunleers it 00 c s sirjthexpnstooshawa i 00 wm smith rent polling booth 3 00 mrs j adams cleaning hall 10 00 geotre btorey wood 3 25 d henderson conveyancing 3 13 jas grant trees far hall l 25 still ahead with stock which cak besomj at n f w e respectfully invite atllention toour im mense stock of spring goods ever- department replete with all the newest and most i fasuopable goods uavikg lea8ed bettee booms for sit repairing department i gas give you- better satisfaction total 1159 13 abstract of accounts of the municipality of acton for the year ending 31st dec 1884 de receipts balance of 1882 2184 57 taxes- collected 19 mills on s 32c0 07 lxensefond 25 00 clergy eeserve fund u 30 fines fees ac 3 00 monev borrowed on bills payable debentures fcc 1503 70 bents and tolls 50 00 legislative grant h2 ee- miscellaneoas i 66 70 total a 7199 m cz paymests streets sidewalks bridges t 123 92 salaries 287 27 schools 962 00 debentures and loans redeemed 1663 70 taxes befonded 18 62 chanties 20 00 printing postage and stationery 71 21 878 78 bents bepairs and buildings 2763 91 fl 07 miscellaneous contingencies l59 13 total 67m 91 balance on hand 11113 s7199 81 assets cash balance 31st dec 1888 111 18 buildings and beal estate 6917 15 debentures mortgages it bonds 1800 00 arrears of taxes 329 12 miscellaneoas 213 29 total 9203 9 liabilities county bates 128 11 debentures and loans 5190 00 interest accrued 61 90 by balance 8888 58 total 19203 59 we the undersigned auditors certify that we have examined the treasurers books for 1888 of the murdcipsdity of acton and found tham oomot and is ae- joordsnee with vouchers produosd balance on hand 81st december 1888 huit taos tma dated this 1th day of march 1881 iiiaa ever root rcruas ixi mrtlmxes paid on town hallw a hcculla contractor ji52g 50 oshawa cabinet co farm tnre 828 11 the jones a co troy x t bell 219 85 i b pearson chandeliers 4c 2x0 9 mallorv a son architects 113 16 j c hill stoves ac 75 61 geo havii do 13 35 jno dewar solicitors fees account of 1882 is 58 grand trunk r j carpet 4 express 35 70 peter lfccann 2 95 edward matthews fretghton furniture 27 06 thomas ebbage repairs to vault library 15 78 jos speight hahfumiahg 11 00 koah l piper a bon out side lamp 10 10 i jas mclam placing outside lamp 3 50 rice lewis fc son flag 7 50 m 3 hines a bro piaster casts 2 25 james matthews bent of hall 1882 50 00 insurance 36 07 wm se smith gtjelph total k78t 91 we the undersigned auditors for the village of acton do hereby certify that the within is a correct detailed statement of the expenditure of the said municipal ity of acton for the ear ending 81st de cember 1883 a e matthews thob t moobi acton march 1th 1881 go big pastureto let two hundred acres of pasture to let for cattle half a mile from crewaons corners four miles from rockwood with never failing creek running through and well fenced mr shirlock living on the place will give them salt twice a week terms three dollars for the season for yearlini and four dollars and fifty cents for cattle salt given in and all gates kept locked dnrmg the season i have had this place far three years and have given good satisfaction mr watson mr hanes near eden mills have had their cattle in for the last three years and highly recommend it for gracing purposes after putting in your cattle it is not necessary for you to see them as mr shirlock will look after them once a week apply to a waters ou the market every saturday from 10 to 12 oclock or b waters rockwood or mr shirlock ou the place also a new log house with good stone cellar and four acres of land with firewood place to pasture a cow for three dollars per month good locality for work winter and summer half mile from crewsous corners apply to a waters guelph near london road underclothing mrs r crteech has a toll assortment of ladies and childfens underwear and solicits a call from the ladies of acton and vicinity fcashmfere net now in imerciothibg made to order ubs b osbeoh acton may 7th 1881 suits and- orereoats at extremely low vasts andnad in lstettatrlos besnre to call and see tbstn j fyfe cton tobal qucu relieved oit lungs mt ui ctt nsed use of ilia 1rctoiul a peraa- ftc and afforded me ui rest for die recovery of my strength br tb avers cherry pectoral ko othf t cooipudnti ire 10 italdiottt tntbetr aujck u uio titeciing tbe throat tad hmgf nccfl otndcd vulx by uie majority of raffer- en tlie onuturr ooagu or ooll resulting ic iu from ft tritlng or odootudota x- t u often bat tlie befinnlof of t fcul t il a area cttaur pectoiul bit tl 1 rotfn 1u efflettcr in xortj yean hgiit vi ji uiroat and long diseuet and iltoaid b uca in ti cues witliotjl dcuj- a terrible coajh cared inittoakattereeold which affected v v lauy i bad a tcrnble coofbjud tumd lil ajwr iljut niilioli tleep the doctors ine me ap 1 tried aves t cnxjot pec- iaat r tlie 1 1 rta tie t cae tu effected i am dot cr yean old ltale and tteaiiy and am tatlaflod 700 cuijutl tectobal uted ida horace fxiannornxb boctingiiam t jojy 15 issl croup a mollier tribute wlille fu ibccouuuylnsiirlnterinylhti boy uir ywrolri trxfuen ultlth crovp it keuied is it he vould die from traxuro- latioa ouc of tle faoii y suggested uia um of aveii a cuiauv fixtoiul a botua of irtileb m aiiriyi kept in uie boate tbii f tried iu small and frequent doaea and to our deligltt in leu uian half an bow um 1 lie patient vu ljreatlilngeaiuf the doc tor uld that uie cnnibv pecromal had tared my darling life can jou wonder at oo gratitude bmeereltroura has emu onrjrrt 159 west 12su1 btj hew york buj 16 uss u bite tuedatea citesst pectobal in my family for mreml years and do not hesitate to pronounce it the most effectual remedy for coughs and colds to bare erer tried a j cbjutx lata crystal minn ilareb 12 1882 isuffered for eight yean from bronchitis and after trying many remedies with n tne oess i was cured by the die of atkrs cxa u ikrrorix joseph wxldzx dylialla allss april 5 u8s i cannot uy enough in pralsa ol amf cbzert pecroaal oeuettng a i do that but for its use i should long since hart died jtom lung troubles e blaodox palestine texas apyuss ubz ko case of an affectim of tbe throat or hmgs existi which camwi be greatly reliared by the use of arm 1 cttcsbt psctosx and it win alwayt cure when tbe disease is not already beyond tbe control of m ratrmanpt dfjcayepico lowell mitt sold by all druggists new cash store marshall edmond8on ttav always on band a fell stook of- hooeries crookery glaaavare wall paper provisions c in the store next to tie post offloe flour and feed hanog pnrcaasad the floor and feed business of mr j q matthews we vill be pleased to supply all bis old customers and aay new ones reqairinf roods la this hoe good and cheap goods for cash or trade au kinds of produce taken in eicbange hoping to secure a fair share of the trade of acton and vicinity yours sx marshall edmondson our dress goods are the most complete we have ye offered comprising all shades iu ottoman cords naiis cloth uatjhmei es and spring bait ings really beautiful goods in our pkint department we show over 400 pttenie raugiug from 5c to 25 per yard in white and grey ucmtoss te are giving some very close quotations as we have been enabled to secure some special values we have an immense stock ohjhitt- iugs qouonades etc etc at all prices millinery depaetmbnt saturday 5th april will be our openinc day this department is under the supervision ot miss tilany a first class milliner as we have a magnificent buhic of millinery goods we feel satisfied that we can furnish firstclass millinery at as reason able prices aa any house in the trade remember our opening day ordered clothing this department is as nsual first class parties requiring perfect fitting well made and cheap suit8honldgive ns a call we have a splendid line of geuts furnishings hats and caps c ajll isthrw goods boots and shoes we are showing this season the most complete and attractive stock we have ever shown in indies gents and childrens wear i j 4pi k special value groceries we are giving special valuetlu 50 cent teas in sugars we are satisfied that we can furnish a better article for less money than can be bad in the town itokl fob sale th undersigned intonda keeping constantly on hand a stock of hard and soft stove coal of all kinds which will be delivered to any part of the village parties desinpr coal should give him a call c 8 smith ptotlce with a view to increasing the stock of treat in the pond on part west half lot 88 in 2nd con adjacent to o t b trespass ing on premises adjoining pond or fishing therefrom will be strictly prohibited during the season by order d hendbbson acton april so 61 pectoris i pectoris pectoris 1 the great temedy forooughs colds bronchitis son throat inbaeaza horeeuess and all affec tions of the lungs and throat or ohatt pectoris loose the phlegm and breaks up the cough is cants per bottle dont gireopootil yon hare triad peotoria all druggist anfienerujreimepra sell it 2000 cords hemlock bark wanted tbe subscribers will pay 550 per cord for all prime quality hemlock bark de livered at their tannery in acton before noveafter 1st 1884 bark must be bnsht on flesh fiat and full four feet long curled or damaged bark only reoeirod at a proportionate re duction we wish it distinctly under stood uo bark will be received after the irtt or november with- at mmalal eoatraet any other information will be gladly furnished upon application at the tannery to mb a h w1xboh beardmore it co acton april 1884 rpekdebm fexhlstewalk tenders will be reorivedbp to the sou hay for the laying of sbrods of three foot running sidewalk on young street u rods torse foot running sidewalk en john btreet and 7j rods three foot sidewalk oo bower aveaus also ferfltaaitarts and two cross- legs touwtjebjanwiu be given npon appboatloa to 155 18kom1v 1- a lkieasrlwnj aotonatar7uuss4 thanking oub numerous friends and customers pojt their qenerotjb suppqbi we rk8pe0tfuliy sojjcit a contihuahoe of tour es1eemed favor8 tand we feel oonfident that we can t31te you better value for your money than any other house in the trade our motto small profits ad nttmtrttttn yours re8peotfully 7 quick returns nelson mcrae remember our famous 60nt acton april 1st 1884 thai tmm i ii m m m9 i r i i i

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