Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 8, 1884, p. 3

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f h railway timb tabu orno tsffmlt tuilwx oounwctt 8jxch1 oxu utr mtat or ctoacre iota ooiai wtieu ui knglhl man tlw at ws utaamitr ju eft acton fruit dopot to day coooaaots rest bttuas dalss apples c 1 truants lot or choice house plants cheap sparties desiring any special plants or hollandbalbs i can supply at reasonable raf gin- mo acall a e matthews at geo hfatfg aetoa- fishing tckit rods hooks goodasaortjnent at geo uyndtaod robber balls base ball childreaieipro toys dolls etc geo- hynds the leading store iu acton for school books envelopes kote ppcrraujnt call dc t 1 1 1 f j i r j h gtiaham ld8 8ukge0x besnst slumk oct wql visit tprofessonallt actoa on mon day of ean week- roois agnews hotel all work tfuaranleedto pre satisfaction cand surveyor jdavis provincial land surveyor citil engineer draachtsmaa guelph ontahio roricc by tuail or telegraph promptly attended to 1 oomplaint was mule at the council meeting ou tuesday onaiiug aucut the n- geptleniauly aud uuroasuualilo iuanner in liich tobacco waa pit upon tliit floor of ilia oouucil chamber during the evenings ban practice a in progrom the mtliy habit moat be ditcoutinned from un bibk sodrty tfreonfcf we learn that the contributiona ot actou branch bible society for latt year amount ed to 1107 which amount was equally divided between the upper canada bible and the british and rnweigu bible societies georgetown contributed 167 aud milton tlso mr j b ieanou continues to make improvements in and about his pttmiaoa at the corner of mill and willow itwels mr pearson ii poasenedol that very commend able piril which assists so materially in beautifying and building up a town would that more o our citiwna were men ot like calibre in this respect georgetown has acted independently and organised a salvation army ot its own the htrald says mr goo kennedy was elected captain and mr j a dean first lieutenant twentytour names were enrolled on the membership hu the object ot the band i to make a special effort to bring souls to carat they have adopted a tew of tin best features of the salvation army village varieties a calleetu r lesl news ai etker aaatlen risttelal istrmlkxr yluace scatters ret mess tsmsunr moaxcro msr 8 ibsf bits qf brevity eat aa4 ataerirlse peaaresl by e vr r tie pea a letown imr reader ttkefrrt rreaa ice cream is again on the bill of fare t bread has declined to become any cbtipcr qaeeits birtkdsyiwo weeks from saturday- seaecv g krichum ha disposed of the hiiaw pj4- strawberries sresehir2 at 75 cents a quart in toronto there are 20i pupils enrolled on the i registers of actottlshlic school the warm weather and the showers of thepast week have givn vegetation s boom a number of or citizens met with very fair success in trout fishing excursions on arbor day it is the universal verdict that the fall wtreatjiever looked better at this season of the year than atpresent m- p s armstrong ivanhoei keb will accept our thnw for several budgets of xebreiis papers i the wellkept lawns ot ilessrs w h storey and c- s smith now present a very healthy and attractive appearance res- p l spencer of ekrs rural dean held an official meeting in st aloajti church on tuesday evening my john lawra t s sold hia road- ter yesterday to mr a j jarvis organ manufacturer london v s handsome sin the committee is pushing forward its work in connection with the queens birth- dav oelebratien and a big time is ia antici pation a magistrates trial ovjlr the shooting of a neighbors dog caused considerable amusement at the council c last satorday evening unte last week orahgetille was without i atownbell- afterconsiderableconsideration it was decided desirable hy the town conn cil to purchase on- ithe board of trustees talk of purchas ing the temperance hall property with a view to potting it into proper shape for an nfv3ftinnnl school building- mrs albert copelsrulof the township j of hinto hear palmerston gave birth to triplets on sunday morning two boys and a girl all are doing well tly jfyfe is adding to his 6plendid leidence on church sfaeet a neat and be coming portico and balcony the abstract of accounts 4c of this municipality for the year ending 31st de cember published in another column will prove of interest to the ratepayers mr h- b mecarthy furnishes the hearse with the most satisfactory outfit as far as horses harness and driver ot course aieooncemed that it has ever yet hsd advertising is a good deal like fishing the more ii you throw out the more fish yep are apt to catch but be judicious do no throw out baft that cannot be swal lowed the wauaahtrj enord credits bev c bookman of trafalgar with delivering the best address on the subject of temper ance ever heard in that place on sunday 28tfi april mr- a w green now sports one of the neatest rigs in town- his new plueton i quite attractive a- w takes about as much pleasure out ot a good horse and car- riage assny one we know acton cornet band eelebratod our first arbor 4jt by a street parade and open air concert last thorsdajr evening the bpyi j bye improred very perceptibly in their playing during the winter a veryijeaaant evening was spent on monday evening by nmnber of our young people at he resideoce of mrcs smith on the eve of the removal of mr wlu smith to denver col where he is about to engage in 3iieofrrsaliuuwctc the reaidenoe q the ute ilrs george tvalter ou bower avetme louict with the hoasehald fornilare ac vill be sold by public anctioa at the premise ou st- urdy ith instr at 2 pm hew houses mr cttsha- of limehoose hs par chised the property on mill street between the g t ic and bennetts liclcl he intends erecting thereon couple of two- story stone cottages during the samraer whiskys downward coone in waitin in the year 1672 there were co tavern licenses and 10 shop licenses in force ia is80 there arere 11 tavern licenses and 1 shop license kor there is no license of any kind for the sale of whisky in the coanty matales postpone wedding the best laid schemes of mice and taeu gang aft gleeso says bnn this u pe- caiiarly ihe cac of a wellknown young man in tie city who expected to be under theahellering wings of hymen tomorrow bat who has been confined to bis bed for a week with the measles gtdpk jrrcary crening classes arrangements are being made for the holding of evening classes in the public school anumbet of yooug men have re quested that- classes be orfened and itr moore principal of the pjblic school has signified his willingness jo conduct them we hope they will be attended with suc cess arbor day- quite a number of trees ere planted upon the- streets on arbor many as we had hqpecl the gaged by fhe council to deliver trees at the town hall square failed to supply the trees as arranged for however actons first- arbor day may be counted comparatively successful more definite arrangements will no doubt be made by the councilgo that greater success may attend arbor day next rear equal to city work wo have always endeavored to execute job work of a artolaa obaraoler and from the many flatten utf references to tho style aod quality of oar work wo arv satis nod that buoooss has attended our efforts our citizens may uot be aware of the fact that we have quito an extensive job trade outside of acton and unsolicited testimon ial similar to the following an frequently rocoiveddjofl 8ia tho ten page circulars priutd for ut are to h aud and we are well pleased with them we think they compare very favorably with similar work done for us in the city we consider your establishment ii a credit to aoton tours respectfully r w king dt co georgetown oar aim is to excel in every point aod detail disorderly conduct the meetings of the lords army uavc been most orderly from the time thoy com ceucod and the capuin as well as others has frequently cotuplimcntod tho young meu of acton for their excel leu t conduct at the meetings last rriday evening how ever a youug man named mcgrath who lives iu ksquciug couduoted himself in a okrtt disorderly and unbecoming manner diaturbiug the meeting and those engaged iii the service very innch lie certainly deserved a night in the lockup our authorities arc determined to preserve peace iu all public meetings held in the municipality aud foe any further dis turbance created the offender will be justly punished lords armylicfluers the meetings continue to be wry largely attended the general was present and conducted friday evenings ervioe the members of the army took sacra ment at the methodist church on fiuuday morning the hiltelujih braikfuta ou suniiy morning have been grand meetings and blessed with unosual power and interest tlie breakfast next sunday morning will be beld at 7 jo oelock it is a matter of considerable regret to many that cspl webb wis removed on monday from the command of the army here the efforts of the captain have from the first been exceedingly successful and his work has been blessed to the good of scores of our cituens the cap tain gave a farewell address at the close of the 6ervicj in the methodist church ou sunday evening and the respect and affec tion entertained for him by the peopfie of acton wat very clearly apparent and the good wuhcs of all for his welfare and con tinued prosperity in the good work in which he is so earnestly engaged was free ly expressed the captain was sent to brrmpton to take charge of the station there tfut though he is removed the work of the army does not come to an end his place is supplied by captain carrie and lieut dsan of toronto and lieut boss remains here we are afraid the new officers will hardly fill the vacancy caused by the removal of capt- webb the new captain beems to be possessed of that style to peculiar to the most immoderate sec tions of the salvation army and which ie effect of levity rather than rever- in religious services we trust that iess of this spirit will be evinced in future meetings than that which characterized the first meeting at least the people here feel considerably disappointed with the change but hope the for best aconnndruin in another column is reported ihc death of mr- john- turnbuu one of the oldest seftiersof the county and one of the first pcbuc school teachers of esqnesing the first anniversary of his birth did not occur until he was eight years of age can any of our youthful readers explain this strange fact could the same thing nave occurred in the case at any person born in any other year m the worlds history mr turnbuil was m his 89th year of age communion serrioea the regular quarterly communion ser vices in connection with the methodist church here were held last sunday bev t glover of toronto preached both morn ing a evening his sermons were un usually good and were full of encourage ment to christians to continually press forward to a higher plane in christian life the services of the day were a continnooi season of rejoicing and further consecration to god the day was indeed a time of refreshing railway buildings burnt at hilton the k s w railway station bufldiugs at milton were burnt to the ground on sun day morning- the fire had advanced so far before it was discovered that nothing could be done to save either the building or its contents- the station agents books were all burnt as were also agricultural implements of various kinds a valuable organ and other goods whicjiwerc storedin the freightroom cause of fire- unknown but supposed to have been incendiary as no trains had passed for about six hours afhaebortiait mr w h storey has just received from messrs shaw bros portrait painters barrie an excellent oil portrait ot his late son fred the picture is one oflhe truest representations of an individual as he really appeared daring life that it is pos sible to portray the form and features of our late respected schoolmate companion and fellowcitizen are depicted in the por trait most naturally and lifelike and it must be very satisfactory to mr storey and his family to be in possession of so true a likeness of their departed loved one early csoeing in g0tgtown we are pleased to learn that the early i s is in very satisfactory oper ation in georgetown and all places of business are dosed at 7 oclock each even ing except saturday it is only jost 1 the employees of merchants and others that this action should be taken health dtnanos tloat time for exercise and recnv atioun be provided in aoton this system was very successfully carried out during the winter months but for the past few weeks there seems to have been no limit to the time shops are kept open why shouldnt this matter receive attention in summer as well as winter let acton fol low georgetowni good example in this re spect febsonals mrs donald mann is dangerously ill mr rodger kelly of toronto visited acton friends this week miss josie 6leary of toronto is pay ing her acton friends a visit mr w 0 stewart of trinity medical college toronto visited acton friends last week mrw e bradley of milton was in town on tuesday he expects to be or dained into the church of england min istry this fall bobert walter mjx of the mountain psjk sanitarium werneraville pa miss maria walter stenographer to dr walter and mr and mrs david galloway toronto were in acton this week attending the funeral of the latemrs george walter the grate traxbcix at the hermitage township of kelson oh the 3rd inst john turnbuil esq in he 89th year of his age wxlteb- in acton ou saturday 3rd inst betsy vodden wife of george walter aged sixtyseven years deceased was for many years a most re spected resident of this community for several years previous to her death she was an almost helpless invalid but always en dured her sufferings with the courage and fortitude worthy of a christian seeds seeds i all kiuda of uardon and fnwcr socd by the package or in bulk aheap ii j e mccarvins 8n btottenr st4 aotoa turnip mangold millet uuhunriua bape etc etc etc oood fbbshi a rbliabl2 at lowett market price dead i no never a fact established that howell8 is the place to buy your groceries crockery glassware axd thk fime8t shades op congou gunpowder japaa ycung eyson ttas will pk focxd in stock at the c i t yg r 0 c e r y no old goods on the shelves but all are good and freid lam prepared to give you as good value for your trade or money aa auy other house in town brsnote the place opvasltstoiotilsxofcuiit gsrntr kill aaa icala strwti raotea john t ellis general agent aoton ontario betpbesentinor f hii following ftrms ontario primp co toronto sarnia agricultural implement co waterous engine works co braatford wellington marble works guelpl auy information respecting the articles manufactured by auy of the above will be cheerfully given upon application samples on hand jghnt iius dominion boot shoe store kenney bros iatiisr st acton are dailv receiving their new stock of 8prig goods which comprises a large and varied assorment of styles from the best manufacturers of the dominion and at the most reasonable prices everybody suited both as to quality and price ordered work in this department we are prepared to manufacture all lines and can guarantee satisfaction every time kepalrtnic promptly and keatlr executed kennfct bkos new harness establishment business brevities seme facta aboat our business it and houses of benefltw ear jranaral rosaers rphe uhdeesiflned begs to announce that he has purchased the business of sir e oreecb leased the sure of mr p kolloy and is dot prepared to receire orders for light hie avz zecajrjstiess ot superior hake collars whips trun valises c hiring had considerable experience in the business i feel confident that i can guar- antee satisfaction to all repaibing promptly and neatly excelled a call solicited hjmorton hati from 75 cents to 1260 at fyfi if ru want a nobby durable and cbaap ait i fyfes is the place to go the largest and cheapeal tock of boots b shots to select from i at kelson mceaeb aekleas iraca saltr tut bat salve in the world for cats braises soros dicers bait rhemn feter sores tetter chapped hands chilblains cornii and all skin eruption and posi tively cures piles or no pay required it is guaranteed to give perfect aaliafaetion or money refunded price 2j cents per box f or sale by 3 hodarvid 3j hul al last i an article that will give satisfaction howards pure concentrated alkalijfor cleaning and scrubbing purposes printers nseabeep wwiuig before sbesringaad also for talking hard and soft soap k sinils trial is but necessary to convince tho most skeptical of its great value it will make the flooring m bright new does not crack the hands every bo ly wbo has oscd it likei it it is put up in tia boxes with fall directions and add by our spedal agists only ihroogn too dominion stand ard cbemw o mlepioprtetors toronto 0 t j s urgsrvin sole amy m aotobabdtwoity i the best place to but- groceries provisions glassware l china and crockery is at- w p brown dos look at our beautiful china tea setts new goods just arrived subscritefor as i 11 our millinery opening saturday 5th of april and following week inspection invited nkwe81 parisian ekolish and american mill1neby goods ix the makket h cheaper than the cffeapest under the supervision of miss mcoartt who has had large experience throughout the united states and canada we are prepared to turn out work equal to any in the dominion satisfaction guaranteed can undersell any one in plumes halton dry goods house cb griffin mes b hi fjl3sq cheap cash millinery store 88 ail goods selling at a great reduction m bke88 and hastlfc haking done id au iu hraoeheu jackets eat and fltted felt beaver and 8traw hat8 made over in the newest styles see our lovely saratoga waves for 100 good sintches from 75 cents upwards combings made up k8 e pass st georges stjaare caeiylt spring opening pixes of new goods arriving daily at the mammoth notse geosgetwhn xnrstmistoli sfnrauki wvomhmrm vrw dmtvmaulagf vrw omkifitt xrnrklluiry knrfwthtn vtwtbnna v9 blbtom kavsatiltkrw nov snisrjr hv chotts nw oottoas vttnr bhlrtlajf sewqlnjtkm tlnttiaxt i nvbaitinflteftnklblu viiwtik irtw opapttts kiwamatsudtl uvsostinsi we bes to remind our patrons audfliendb that we have li we stooks in ill 4epartmentb that in ooneeqnenoeif the deprwaoi i in the cotton ilarkete we have extraorxunary argain onrordi red clothidg de lartmeht is in the best pbleishape iotnrii out the bert and oh iapest garments jn thecontitiy v our milnery and dress and judiiotts management entnirted to us in the beat style tpwj irrityouad tairetipeffirient to turn all jew mm id aasjujivitjj- i

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