Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 8, 1884, p. 4

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tt mnt mess thtmm moimxn mat 8 164 1 the tttgoihtlh bjffylo by a u muic old doctor jolly chtuccd to meet two little brothers on the streets gjod mornioj he remarked ami then how do you do my little men f j ah noyoujdoul cried wary ned dont et inj know lisped jituo tod and ther the doctor eyed aakanoe suspiciau growing with cadi glance well boys why not the doctor smiled cause papa says apokc oat each child for only asking how wo arc you charge 3 regular wit and humor r- r to the ladie mamace is ever a milter- m y bat anything ia better than perpetual misscry adam was an odd fellow until he got asleep and was evened up- a fellow screws his courage to the stick ing place when he puts a postage stamp on a written proposal of marriage dr deems says kissing ia purely am erican habit then the other folks dont know what fun theyre missing the reason why fred douglass married a white woman is probably because he wanted to make his trouble aa light possible a vermont woman is said to have lost a goose that is koown to be over 100 yean old some one must hare stolen it to cut into bullets a lady who read that its lucky to pick up a horseshoe picked up one in a black smith shop the suddenness with which she dropped it shotted that it was not lucky a lir i9 talking about the jaws of death re marked a man who was living with his third scolding wife i tell yon they are nothing to tbejaws of life use uio star dyes if you want brilliant and fast colore 8 alolher graves worm exterminaur is pleasant to take sure and effectual in de stroying wanna ivhr go limping and whining about your corns when a 35 cent bottle of hollowsys com core will remove them oh how tired and weak i feel i dont behave i will ever get through the spring housecleaning oh you will if you take a bottle or wo of dr carsons stom ach bitters to purify your blood- and tone i up the system in huge bottles so cents pectoris pretoria fcctoria the great remedy for coughs colds bronchitis sore throat influenza horsenesa and all affec tions of the longs and throat or cheat pectoria loosens the phlegm and breaks up the cough 25 cents per bottle dont jgive up until you have tried pectoria all druggists ana general storekeepers sell it 03 mr g w xlscolly pavilion mountain bx writes dr thomas eclectrie oil is tliebet medicine lever used for rheu- matisla- xearly every winter i am hud up with khcumatiam and have tried nearly every kind of medicine without getting any benefit until i used dr thomas eclectrie oil it has worked wonders for me and i want another supply for niy friends ac the triangle dyes have attained a popu larity unpre ip the history of dve staffs so wonder foe they are perfect in all their shades loo j at j e mcgar- vins drug 6tore f 45 salt kkeaom csreel are you troubled with salt rheum bough skin pimples or casket sores if so go at once to j e mcgarrins drug store and get a package of cairettss carbolic qerate price twentynye ceutav it waa never known to fail v 47 kot another phi shall o down my throat again said a citizen when i can get such a prompt and pleasant core for my bilious attacks aa dr canons stomach biucns it- renders the blood pure and cool and makes a splendid spring m edi- tine large bottles 50 cents j 45 what torontos welltnown good samari tan says i hate been troubled with dyspepsia and liver complaint for over 20 years and hare tried many remedies but never found an article that hasdone me aa much good as xorthrop a lymana vege table discovery and dyspepjic care clarae porter haltf f ffcta-iaa- there are but fewthat have never suffered almost intolerable pain from toothache xearalfiia or like acute pains to them such an instant relief aa fluid lightning is an untold blessing in time of trouble no disgusting offensive medicines ta be taken for days one application of fluid light ning cares sold at j e ucqarvina drugstore 29 xo other preparation so concentrates and combines uoodpurifting vitalizuig enrich- ng and invigorating qualities as avers saoaparilla quality should be considered then making comparisons many ladies admire grey hair on some other person but few care to try its effect on their own charms nor need hey since avers hair vigor prerents the hair from taming gray and restores gray hair to its original color it cleanses the scalp pre vents the formation of dandruff and won derfully stimulates the growth of the hair hollovayeptfle liver complaints and disorders of the bowels it is impossible to exaggerate the eiaordinarytirtue of his ihelicine in the treatment of all affec tions of the lirer or irregularities of the bowels id ease of depraved or so persbon- daat bile these pilla taken freely have never been hnown lo fail in bowel com plaints they are equally efficacious though they should then be taken rather more sparingly fcr every medicine in the form of an aperient reaoires caution whan the bowels are disordered although at the sametime a gentler or more general peri est than these poia in moderate drafts has sever yet been discovered if taken ac cording to the mated instructions they art only core lie complaint tat improve to be bermaorotty ssttemed any article must have virtues so marked u to he plain ly apparent the good name of the tri angle dyes is crldenee of merit they prove themselves always reliable 10 at j k mcusrvlui drug store 45 there are- lota of people golug around grumbling and half tick at the stomach all the lime who might be well and happy if ihey only need dr carsons stomach bitters occasionally it la a splendid blood puriser all druggists 00 cents w are you trouhlod with salt kheum rough hands or old sores of any kind that cauuolbe heakdt even though it ha of years standing mcgregor parkes car bolic cerate will cure it bo rood the shadow ofa doubt it is the beat healing compound ever known boils feslerioks frost bites burns or auv skin trouble ate alike cured by ft sold at 25 cents by j e mo- garviu druggist si a keaaarkable eaeajk xfta fary a dailev of tuukuaonoek pa was afflicted for six years with asthma and bronchitis during which time the beat physicians could give uo relief her life was despaired of until in last october aha prccured a b it tie of dr kluga new dis covcry when immediate relief was felt and by continuing its ose for a short tim she was completely cured gaining in flesh so lbs in a fw mouths free trial battles of this certain cure of all throat and lung diseaaea at j e mc garrins drug store large bottleajloo if a few grains of common tense could be infused into the thick noddles of those who perpetually and alternately irritate and weaken their stomachs and bowels with drastic purgatives they would use the highly accredited and healthful laxative and tonic northrop t lymans vegetable dis covery iand dyspeptic ture which causes goodjdigestiaalo wsitaa appetite and health on both 23 tme laway sver walking the source of so much misery to many becomes after using putnams painless com extractor a service of pleas ure corns are email in aixe but their im portance ia not tobe judged by their sire as any one fond of a tramp can testify try putnams extrsctor for coma no discom fort no caustic spplicatiou no blood letting and yet splendidly efficacious n c pol- sox co kinestan proprietors est aad ceamlart tie latteruc browns household panacea has no equal for relieving pain both internal and external it cures pain in the side back or bowels sore throat rheumatietn toothache lumbago and any kind of a pain or ache it will most surely quick en the blood and heal aa its acting power is wonderful browns household pan acea being acknowledged as the great pain- reliever ind of double the strength of any other elixir or liniment ia the world should be in every family handy for use when wanted as il really is the best remedy in the world far cramps in the stomach and pains and aches of all kinds and ia for sale by all druggists at 25 cents a bottle m tiese ire 6elm i acta the best bljd purifier and system re gulator ever placed within the reach of suffering humanity truly is electric bitten inactivity of the liver biliousness jaun dice coostipatido weak kidneys or sny disease of the urinary organs or whoever requires an appetizer tonic or mild stimu lant will always find electric bitters the best and only certain cure known they act surely endojiicldy every bottle guaran teed to give entire satisfaction or money refunded sold at fifty cents a bottle by j e ifcgarvin xertc prevew dollar upon dollar if frequently spent on the faith of recommeudationa for articles entirely worthless not so with mc gregors speedy cure ynir are not aaked to purchase it untilits merits are proven call at j e mcgarvins drug store and get a free trial bottle and if nut convinced it will cure you of the worst forms of dys pepsia liver complaint etc no matter of how long standing it costs you nothing sold in mc and 1 bottles see testimon ials from persons in your own town 29 lfajtrifk t mwwmmmmvmm vsslst goods selling at the right house for 60c on each dollar of original owt aonu ba bought for cash down and among ouniieri of at tyi per cjn lass than tbr regular prices ibat is one- luctiims froia the net prions an now offering at leas than vary best values that couu i ock whlcbhepnrobasedktst third off the uct invoice unoes an j tuoac goods wlfii several aiheriou that be suooecded in obtaining at great rtductil any wboloaale house in canada would all the same goods for juat read ilia prices an call and tea tha goods and you trill be astonished at their eneapmn excellency t e lsrssolsal about half ibeir actual raluo in a great variety of prices about 700 pairs of nagiiin- gns nl 10 piles of excellent lace corlaips are selling at one third lata than ihe ibanj facto rer prioea a large lot of ribbons going at leuftan half their actual value very fashionable newstyleaof dress goods selling for 25c whioh would be cheap at j7c nir linen towels closely woven and good sites going at only 5c worth 8c belter andlaruer towela which would be cheap at 15o are offering at only loo bstmr an i as 124c which are good value fcr 17c the 1 towrlsara well worth 20c 1 owels of extra good vaoo in all prices np to 76c pure linen towellings at only oc jnai ee them at all prices they are surprising good value the table dmak nnrt table napkins bought direct fmm the irish makers for caah are exwanrdinary good value ivy table damaak worth 87jo selling for 80c juat imagine the b0 g2j and 7ac and on up lo i for very ttoe wide bleached table damask the table kspkna while la europe last winter kir win t watklos took an citra long time to bunt l extra cheap bargains he louoeedcd in cettiug was a porlion of very needy mahofaetnrert boloaali qualities beauty of designs and charming colors a largo lot of liamlso cent laoe curtains at all prions from 80o upio very rich bwlu new designs nl ii0 qood hear arevory handsome new pattorus which are agre to allwool french dress goods nt only 13c black and colored french a ii- to plcaae the ladies t ivw iiimv u wool dreas goods at 18c whlck would be cheap at ilic an immense assortment of vory stylish makea and newest shades in drees goods at eitraordlnaiy low pinea lor such good qualities the right jwourt king atrvettasl close to llugbson street the uame is haoiilton jlyl 1884 thomas c watkins hamilton ayers pills a larg proportion at taa u whlok isanwiei raaali troa aaranrs- mbl of tu iswili bowtal sal llrer arms ostlsrnc pou set olraetly upon tnaaa otgtns and era assatli designed ears lot llsaasas eaaatd by thalr daranfe- bmat lasladlag icoasttratlori indjtss- ttsas p n draegtsry and a host of other ailments for all of which they are a safe sura prompt and pleasant remedy the extensive at of these pius by emujent naysfetaas in regular orse- ties shows rmailsrskshr las estimation in whioh thai era held by lb medical profu sion these puis are nrsnpnmiiud at vsf stable substances only sad an aheeseteli free iran calomel or any other injurious lajrtdlsut a tnlerer trosn haaoaalis wsttea i a vxas prus are invaluable to me ana are my constant companion 1 have been a atvara sosarer from headache and voar aibf i eosld look lo pills are taa only thing 1 bowels ana tn mv head from pain ther are the most effective and taa easiest physio i bars ever found it is a pwatnrt to me to rpaak la tbalr pralsft and i always do so wnea oeeaetoa offers w l pias of w l page ft bro fraauln st bkhmoadva june s 1si2 i have used arms piua la nssaaer- leaa lastancea aa raoomsmaded by yon and ban never known lham to tall to aeeosapllaa tbe desirad rasnlt we ensiatsiitlyaaeti usees on hand at oex home and prla theaa as a pleasant safe aid rsllaau bunuymaulcun roudibpkpsiaunyartuivmluaola ibpkpsiaunta tlexla texas jmw 17 1 jt havtj speight son acton undertakers carriage makers c are prepirvcd to furnish everything in their line from the besjt ca8ket to the plaine8t coffin on the shortest notiee and at lowest terras promptly attended to satis- tbs set fxxxoa b bsjuows wriunf too atlanta 0l says for soma yean east 1 have bean subject to e irom which hi spite of taa an of medi cines of vanoos auaa i snflerad laeraaslns uwouvenlence until soma months an i besan taklnf arias pnxs ihey have entirely oorreetad the costive bahft and aarevastly improved my gaaeral baalth arai citauanc pnxs sorrset lmgu- larities of the bowels stimulate the appe tite and digetikm sod by their prompt and thoroof u action give tone aad rigor to taa whole puysfeal a a11 calls eilter night or day- faction guaranteed in every case a firstclass hearse for hire s3ve are lu a position lo satisfactorily fill orjen for sveggpus carriages tc of every description in reasonable lime good workmanship ood 6rstclaas material always used we have also a f plerdid lot or furniture both common and extra quality cheap fif you will pay us cash we will sell you anything in bur line cheap si a speioht manager co to the old reliable clothing store for your spring clothing reiriigdit or j c ayr 4co lowell mtttv soubysudrdggasb all axpertsooe the weastexal t0un6 dolt ay sartaparilla med t23 oue taint saaysa seeds sasstsn aaat strong fcadhyannruggiatsi fl six bottles tor you will find a still increased stock of goods in all lines adapted for the coming season at prices suitable to the hard times da not fall to see my 811 812 and 13 suits made up in the best of style and perfectly fitting thalia if troubled with an unhealthy slow- healing sore use mcgregor farkes car bolic cerete you will find it invaluable for healing cleansing and completely re moving your trouble if the blood is cut of order take with it a few doses of mc gregors speedy cure from j h mcgar- yins drugstore 2 prominent among the greatest medical discoveries by the many cures it has affect ed mcgregor t speedy cure ieada the van subjected to the minutest chemical analysis it has been foaod to contain one of thoae injurious ingredients characterizing the worthless specifics dally offered to the public every ingredient possesses a pecul iar adaptability to the various complaints for which it haa been compounded and its efficacy is being established by testimonials hourly received we are therefore confi dent- that we have a preparation which we can offerto the pablic with the assurance that it will be found not only a relief but wabtoluucurt for dyspepsia lirer com plaint indigestion constipation and im pure bloud free trial bottles at j e ucgaivms drug store 33 advice te maskers arc yon disturbed at night sod broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth if so send at once and get a bottle of mrt wi- tlowi sootiunq syrvpfar children teething its value ia incalculable it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately de pend upon it mothers there is no mistake about it it cures dysentery sod diarrhoea regulates the stomach and bowels cures wind colic softens the gums reduces in nammation and gives lone aim energy to the whole system uri wlwxji soothing syrup for children teetuug is pleasant to the taste and ia the preaerlpdon of oho of the oldest and best female nurses and phy sicians in the united 8tatss and ia for sab by all druggists throughout the world prieawnts bottle v eollee 1 flour under the cre of a expert the clen roller mill is humming- the flour made is second to one tod cant uu to plcue the moat fu- tadioas housewife remember thistsaoas of xott hflf roller mills bal i roller en tire grists exchanged ulfihcst price tor good wheat joseph williams lks williams ont the liuiisl stock of hnu scarfc collars and all tbinga necessary to a complete outfit satisfaction in every way guaranteed at the east e1s clothing store j fyfe i fb a inties roller flour ceorcetown mill8 earing spared no expense in repairing my mill and baviog put in the latest and most improved machinery i am now prepared lo turn out a jfoi boiler floor equal to any made in canada we chop every day gire us a trial we guarantee satisfaction j t rose ossorgatown an endle88 variety of plush and other picture frames suitable for pre8ent3 photographs thejatest style taken by the new process no long sittings- bring your pictnree of deceased friends and nave them edij enlarged in nrstclass style c w hill acton sa s- sjfvwantdforthe lives of all audi i thepresidenuoftheu8 the largest handsomest best book ever sold for leas than twice our prioc the fastest selling book in america immense profits to agents all intelligent people want it any one cam become a successful agent terms free hulett boot co portlaud maine- the bennett churn tu mprtrt arttel in tn xwkft ohuraiaff xavu a plurow instead of tn tnplmitnt task t ram8haw80h act0h have iecured the eole control of the wie of tbe famoti bennett cbnnj this cburn is mauofjw tared apoa the moct pnicliau tvod common mase principle i- uot tad only reqaire to be seen at work to be anderstood appreciated and par- chased a member of tbe abore firm ill call apon yoa with a mm pie chars suusssw ft so acton jan 15 84 ftta3tts who 18 unaoouaintio with th cioosmwlt c tht coomtty wiu scs by cxaminiho twanmfstsut tml for the ladies mes r oeeeoh desires to hereby intimate lo tbe ladle of acton and surrounding country that she will open a full assortment of ladies and chilelrebg cndebweak sbont the second week in april in the shop formerly used by ur creech aa s bar- nesi shop tbe patronage of all is respectfully socuted mh8 e cbeech mhe free pbess- fower printing aoose executes 10b wobk of all descriptions in a vary satisfactory manner at moderatexates with de- spateh in tbe tuneromlseu busiirtas cieculahj i lettee kead8 bill heads letter c1bcdlabs sote ctbcolabs bckbte88 cajtds tuitisc cabdb pajsthlets hixdbillfl posters etc etc psrueular attention given to fdib wobk and extra care bestowed with a view to tweuring eomctneas orders from the country attended to with de- sjateh and wort forwardsd immediately by mvu orazpnaa try the fais fbzss job offloe f or printing h p mooeef i pawpwjtob c c speight ta8ties de8ibing theib buggies waggons cutters etc kepainted or reraruiabed and made equal to new on shortest poaafblo notice and at low est pricef shonld leave their orders at once with ur j a speight undertaker and carriage builder or with c c sfeight acton march 20tb 1881 wtti v ho slow ays puilsaolniment u tbi if com pin i blk usd wise uu hatred or ifelf an iptperuhaut fame throughout the- worldor ihnduhation pd evre of mot dueatet to wkuh humanity u heir purify regolaie sod improve the quality id tbe blood they asaiatthedlgeslive oicaoa cleanse tbu t stohacla and brttl increase the secretory powers of the lirer brace the nervous system and throw into the circulation the purest kletneum for snstaining and repainig the frame thousands of persona hard testified that by their use alone tbey have deen restored to health and strength afler every other means had proved unsuccessful the ointment will be foood invaluable in every household in the cure of open kores hard tumora bid letfi old enaoi ooutrlu coldara throats bronchitis and all disorders of tbe throat and cheat aasjao gout rheumatism scrofulh and every kind of skin disease maoqfactnred only at professor hallo- way eatahliahment 5s3 oxfohd street london and sold at la l 2a td 4s 6d 22s and 33a each box and pot and in canada at 36 cents 90 cents and 1 50 and the larger sizes ia proportion tcaotiow i have no- agent in the united states nor are my medicine sold there purchaaers sboujd therefore look to the label oo the pots and boies if the addreas is not s33 oxford street london they are spurious the trade mark of my said medicine ia registered at ottawa and also at wash ington evaed thomas hollow ay s3s oxford street jjaninn adqivc send six ceuts for poai- nlaccsge and receive free a costly box of goods which will help yon to more money right away than anything else in this world all of either sex saoeeed from first hour the broad road to fortune opens before the workers absolutely sure at once address tatr it co maine cc week at home 1500 outfit free pay tjouabsolutely sure no risk capital not required reader if you want business at which persons of either sex young or old can make great pay all the time they work with absolute certainty write for particu lars to h hxllxtt 4 co portland maine chicago rock island pacific ry atng the orssvt oatitntl una affords to t by rsataon of ita jnrfvaled eo- jraphkau pomuon thehortawt antj psast rout bartwssm th cast norttmsun ana oathaaut and tlis wssst isorttmwst aftd i it la lltamny and atrlethr trus that lt connection ar allof tn prlnolpai line of road betimsn thsi attasitjo nna tnsl paottto br lt niaun no atxi branohas it rsaorts ohloaso jotlrt paorta ottawa la taula oanssmo mohm and rook island in litlnolst darmport muscatine washington keokuk knorrtn oaksjocsa rsnrrvsts oao asolnsss wssrt ubertj iowa orty atjanuo aroea audubon hartan quthrfs oshtsr and osunon wutta m iowa oanatln trenton oamaron bno kanaaa otty in athaourl and lssw worth and atohlaon in kansas and th hundreds of oltr slnsajm and towne mtaamsmsata tn great rock island route aa it la famlltarh oanad offsra to travelers m th artianlam and eamforti inoiasnt to a smooth traok serf briacss union depots art aa eo points fast uprws trains eo tjosodfoiji wstu vuststrtbla will sswatav tmslv uihtm3tdrfd most atsaninoatjithosrrosi rtl latast ovsignaej and handsome n that are aoknowladcod by press and mao in thi oouimsr and in th low rat of tvksstynvk thitas tains atoh war twotaummsaaaonway via th famo albert a and mnot una kukuurr bay ormohuy m daa of ttas wo chaw osinrsrssu1ttjujsyui lutfino ttm ism owmo oam robwtha fi1inrkim upm amy arlor mania aro asatad to trasafara at ohsoaoo and tha masmumsnvn iioaoo and minmampou and err paul a route jsrshs and tunoniaftanrlallnn mtfmush p esmrrlatt qprn or mmdsatsolad irrforrnatiohi wstv9ksaiisaprtimlpaltlc4t m9ii 1 butcher shop r holmes wonld reapectfnlly inform the people of acton aad vicinity that he baa purchased the business and property of mr w c robinaon aad is ptepared to aupply all with firstclass meat of all kinds and poultry and oame in season ear jj delivered to any part of town at any time sa having practical experianet in the itchering business 1 feel conndeut that i a suit all a call kindly solicited b holmes hills tin i stove depot qood assortm enton stovh8 cheap for cash tinwari of all kinds at bottom jibices c hough advertmng agent slocx detroit suck telawaaik farms for sale rnaa4smjeraeit 0 henorincbesi estat ajttt havnbs dtxtarra these urmsfcu improve with buildi fenoes fruit trew and berries of rfkina good wvier plinty of timber unci rood roadav bchools abd churches good nurkete only 95 miles faun philadelphia pjenty of fifth oyster and game tjy productive lands climate mld and pleasant come and tee for yourself land be convinced i am prepared with team- and carriage to take visitors to see the farms free of charge j d ftimpkickk houston delaware 2 acre 35 acres fonthill nurseries tio laittwtia the sotnialoa 8ale8mertwanteo to begin work at once oh fallsales steady employment at fixed salaries to all wqunr to work men ajjd women can have pleasant i work the year aosuad good sgentaarb naming from 4q to 75 per month and expenses terms and out fit free address stonj fc weuiartoa toronto oat ii r- and- put rjjp on notiol shortbst fihst 0a8s matbslai omit aoallsoliotnm 4vttfs-1- aai l workingelase send 10 utiliioeutsfor postage and we will mail you free a royal valuable box oi sample goods that will pot yoo in the way of making moremoney in a few days than yon ever thought possible at any business capital not required we will start you ton can work all the time or in your spare time only the work is universally adapt ed to both aexeayoang and old yon can easily earn from 50 cents to 15 every even- ing that all who want wotk may tea thoj business wetness thia unparalleled offer to all who an hot well aatianed we will serltopayfprtbtrobleofwritinitns full particulars directions etc aenttrea fortune will be mad by those who gin their whole tim to the work gnat ano- oesiabaolnlelysure dontdeley bturtnow addas8nkao a co portland afaine manhqqt3 bow lost how ns8t we baveraeehtl rjii edition of br calver kraled eaaaj ou ui permaheni cure rvlinojif medl- eshiwi jollity feitu phyle aunopacllimpdfmentaofaiarrlaiftc reantlitromexiaaes j jjprleetn a sealed erivelqpeonltt eta ortwo postaie stamps jr tusfialebrateduithor in tibia admtraihlt stay oleari 4emoostratea m at ttttrtl yearaanooeauulnraetlee thausaiunaaioai- aequsbee may bis rsriltsahjjoswsdtioat th daatrona use rt i nterni r medletnnnr the use ol tbe knffe pouunfoat a snose of eureat oneeslmple seitalndnd ehvelotb wj saisrrno fftatejyan3raowirj i awi iaj i flslaljliyp katatojafi sssw glg it9arrrwsrr

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