s7 t ui tm tlm 4m grns ent 97cv aality ol i he ltcr jrow into 1 stent fr tumd tha u restored i lh other j r horcad i tb r tfit 114 a i- as lis ifii ctctt i- hojc- i utoen i 0 mill c th cf fold k u if it loa4on r jlcios i- it wash j wat vrt thvmday v0bma ar too pw www mmtmo houm i uha streetaot0s ost aewfll pm u t kul to pwrtndhuu arrears are pud except t the option of the publisher two and cents per hoe tor each subse- quenuueeruoi caah profeorional cards w loes or leea woo per annum liqun p ma parable in 6 moathuromuteofinaexbou anv special notice xht object ot which u to promote the pecuuian benefit- ot an individual or compear to be conndered an advertise mcuv the bomber ot lines reckoned in the spaee occupied measured bv a scad o solid nonpareil d u t coluin n one rear ceo co halt column one rear is oo viartereoumnooe year oo uaseoiamo six mooun js oo salfcjamn hi monltii torn iaartereolaniuitxuioolut 12 oq ummiim three monlqi join hnirmlaiuttarmmonuif is00 ltirvreolii three mootnt too in ki directions lose rt4muufhrbuaoieharxwlaortl- to t advertisement mmlbe palaluedvue chaacea tor contract adverusemeuumust n oac t a mou mandat other wise ttierwill be left orer till the lollowtnc tee k p moore kdrlord proprietor s aoooml titdad terms- 100 in adtanec the newspaper- 4 map of busy life its fluotuationt and ith vast conoerns slsolf aetaopftid volume ix no 5l aoton ont thursday june 19 1884 whole no 468 acton banking coy torey th1r mpcrnvternlobtutoecp wlbjfcmab since ftlivbrrr urtwtiur balnea mil be math tor u jr kwv ojxk business directory tt h lowrt mb if c p s t grdot of truut college mem 1 tr ot college of physicians and sorgejsns osce uii residence at the head of fred t nci st acton ohristie bkehs ic 00 acton ontario a iexeral baxkikg busi ass transacted 1cqhxt xroaxss qh ippsovsb k0t3s notes discounted and interest allowed on deposits ioe wall paper window shi baby oarriaoes baskets ll bexkett dektist totnonl george li for port e free a p too lo june else sccceed i to f orroec fjelv-src- accsta- johv lawsoy grabtate of ox tixlo vcrxixixt colixgc tososto veterinary sorgeon acton ont otx in kenner son s boot and shoe store res idence m the rear horace examined as to soundness and certificates riven all calls mgfat or dar promptly attend l a to terms easy ch kiggs ld s of the firm ot rica 4 iron- taaofto will be at campbella hotel on the first hondav of crery month m the practice of m profession all work execnted m the 1 atest and most improved strle of the dental art xp charge for consuftaboa- dnai arerti- h r sale sasest coed nantets ct tud i sjn prlarare owat sicleax bsmsters sohatcas xotaries conver arrets ic t3stoxrr to loii orrpr toira had acton 1 ailcarr vt a hcllui g s goodwtxixl barrister soheitor xotary public georgetown a actox eiacton office in mrs seeord s block u ico toevdal trchixect otldi qaen sonsrc ontario s hotel block icarket j ornc uxlg6t0 llb bimerat inucrras comrrxsceil tc sext door to hynds jeweuen eore iqi street acton big- stock at days bookstore cie day sell rtishing busy at the lacentstomiocent new baskets ah sorts and sizes cheap lirjfl stock d hit stmirr oiup lup stock ojtuwaw ohit lmjt stock of vwei tor oiuj 10 cent store and cheai cish b4zu dircclli oppccite 6ll stand htiletoos block tjypsrwtadiijiist qteljii jasfkidner a e matthews 1 -omrbcholce- i orantcv lemons red baunnnx plncnpiiles iocoannts strawberries dales figs pure haple sjrrnp t ixixuvlor fresh canned goods i im cimicr ixit or odnfectionery esco early csetnblci choice llouw plants ice cream tiuu making ice cream tins heisou b s ttcvr recipe which even ouc pronouuecs jal to aaj to be had in the citr kaiui refitted tm ice cream parlor i am in a posiuon to gie good satififaclion to parties wanting cool drmks or ice cream b the dish or quart rtpic mc parties applied at niou abk jatcs please gie me a cu lven thing fresh even thing cheap aematthews fruit depot lardinet machine oil t ludixrhisileln wytdld cold and silver medals wuekemut tiuihtei fanners threshers mill men sjllu0l by tmviardixe ts ill oatwtar lard or fcal oil aod warranted not to ccj manafactared only br mccoll bros toronto t5for ale m acon t j e mcgarvtns drti stork ctonjurtegms thosoit xfonvtsa jrvx 19 1884 poetey bilx latdlawaco baheistees solicitors- oirra over imperialbank 21 j el lnrom street eat entrance exchange alley toronto josibus q c c amrc rr b brvgg practical miiira of flour jlills bpe p 0- ijdress box 103 bocxarood pat ktkobiat ortic 1 xer practice o patent o paj guelph cloth hall our springstock is now fully assorted comprising all the newest shades in plain and fancy worsteds west of england trouser- ings and scotch and canadian suitings 3tt e can xsarc our ctlftorcrs ind the tenenl i auic tht vrc le tins reason the cwees jctm of eoods e usee ever beeu awc lo place before ihem and m coo rmtik amos icsx jast d obe0 ltedaoev us cejr e acd lplilr reetr imlrasli i thirtj alsf esn itltoot irjfifs or bicde of ctoalbt i matter hlnuel aads ol br m okei to loax ar eer sent 1 clarke cakmflt bibeisreas the oldest drub store ih ouelph ctjlttjked maidens and the vase i i rotn the madding crowd thej stand liart the maidens oar and the work of act and none might tell from sight alone in which had culture ripest grown the gotham si ilh m fair to see the philadelphia pedigree the boston mind of aore hue i or the walfal soul of kalamazoo i for all ioed art m a seemlj ws itli an earnest soul aud capital v long the worfchipwd bat no oua broke the kacrod sullne3 until ap spake tlie western one from the namelcfis place who blushmg said what a loel asc 0cr three faces a sad hoide flewi and tlie edged awa from kalamazoo kvlu gotham s haoghtj sool wa stirred to ctoui the stranger with oue small word deftlj hiding reproof in praise she cries tis indeed a lo eh aze but brief her anworthj tnamph when the lofty one from the hoase 6f penn with the conscioamess of two grandpa s liclaims it is qntte a 1oyin vahsl anl glances round rith an anxious thrill awaiting the word of beacon hill bat the boston maid smiles coarteooslee and gently murmurs oh pardon me i did not catch 5 oar remark because i was so entranced with that charming due stofy farmer bentons mis take cmwfi block guelph tttotxclb nunan vfcacccsrtot f chapman d00kbho5er- george sqnregp hehstbeet jl0 aactaoneer v thecoonfam of weurngtoo and hauon or t readenee tn oro term reasonable sequence of the lor pnees prerailio m the wholesale markets we are able to ku clothma a rerylo figore shaw t crundy jlearhartaiujbe gaelpft t nrr t jnetouuniuiemostforable ais0 tti uietorert tek of interest rarl4k barber shop has 0p4 3arber rhop in the premises lvozaui by dr forster a medical s eer departmeot of the coodaeted in firstclass trie wtfoscjl pff0rdejrf itfle ttossc 2idvst established 1848 savages watch clock jewelry spectacle house urge stock prices right special attention to fine tfateli bepsirfas b savace hear petrieg wew drmt store ecelpb after all our jears of ttruggle and labor tv if e we shall lose the dear old home at iat it is too bad exclaimed farmer benton rising and walking up and down the cheerful pretts dimng room- it is cer hard reuben but we nave done the best we could fate has seemed against ul other years the profits from the dairj uae iwen so large that i felt mv time was no lost in making batter bat who coald hate foreseen the fall in prices 1 and last ear when roa planted wheat evcrv one said the farm would have paid better if 3 ou had put m corn instead and now that you have lned corn the early frost has killed it all it does seem that luck is against us perhaps mr sill will gie us more time m which to paj the mortgage if we can onh raise the money for the interest it is no use o ask iiauuali i met him esterda and he said ho must have the mone this fall and there b no help or ua if we had had a son it woaldhave been different but we have made a fine lad of our daughter i was alwavs a gainst sending her to the city to be taught farm impatiently uuwered her father a groat lump which seemed almost to choke her came into fanny s throat and she said to herself qh if t could only tell him what x have done and all i hope to do he would not misjudge me so bat i mast not for my expectations may not be realized and i must not raise hu hopes only to have it all end in disappointment turning to her father she again asked him if she might go to the city oh es oo if you like i don t care he grufflv rephed as he rose from the table and left the room tardier benton was not unjust or unkind geueralh but everything had gone wrong with him for the past few jean two years before his crop had failed and he had borrowed money on a vears tune gn ing a mortgage ou the farm m return he expected to be able to paj it within the year bat the late spring frosts had killed his peach crop on which he greatly relied and he had to get- the tunc extended an other year this jear however had beeu equally disastrous and he saw uo wa of meeting the pavment his daughter had not beeu unmindful of what was going ou or careless of her pa rents troubles but she thought she knew of a way m which she might aid them her success with her pencil and brush had been remarkable while she was in school and she asked herself why may not people buy my pictures as well as those pi others tjie spring before she had taken a little water color sketch into the citj and offered it at several picture stores with the usual result the- answer in mart cases being it u verj good bat we want only pic tores of artists who have made a name we have no sale for others poor fanny began to despair how am i ever to make z name f she thought h no one will bay my pictures at last she found an art dealer who had the courage to decide for himself and take work 6a its merits he offered to pat the sketch among his pictures and if possible sell it for her it was one of the very pictures her father had spoken of and rep resented a maiden at her churn when she want next to the city she was delighted and surprised to find that it had been sold for twenty dollars i she could hardly keep her secret when she went home that night and saw her father s tired worried face bat sh thought she might never be able to sell another picture and decided to aa nothing aoout it till she was sure of earning enough to be of real help to her father in paving off the mortgage- i 11 gtm wrlien ssr staler tlxoogiit she as idling ski bad kept hard at work and now she liadneark two haadred dol ian in bank the week before she had eft fire pictures ia the city and she was the most congenial couple on record best canadian goal oil only 20c a gallon now is the time to buy your cjoal oil hicinbothams condition powders have gnen nuvcreal satufacoon and all who have used them for hurt s and ctttle testify to their er tclkncc prepared only bj w g smith aco wiater fluid an elegant prepara tion for roughness of the skin chapped hands sore dps frost bites c tre- pared only bj w 0 smith k co thorleys hone and cattle food sold in so quauaity lo sail purchaser wlainond uyes the best md cheapest in tre market w c smith ft co dispensing cbetinifttfl guelph 10th deo 88 all sorts of nonsense that ia of no use to a farmer s daughter perhaps now she might hate been able lo help uq if instead of learning to speak french and paint pictures she had been taught some good trade at least she coald have earned her own living don t speak w reuben dear broke in his wife yduknaw ou are fond of fa no it if js true she added with a sigh she hma hot helped me m the le batter as she might have done but tseiiubtiitittd whagood would it has e done 7 i have onl made ten dollars on all m bommerti work the worst of it is she seems to take no interest m our trouble but spends her tune in idleness while we hardlj take ume to eat and sleep i tell jou wife faun 12 ungrateful aud does not appreciate all we hae done for her while farmer jbeuton and his wife had been talking a pretty delicate girl had ap peared at the dbor when she uoticed tbafr le conversation was about hex she turned to leave and the tears came into her eyes ah father fahe said to herself ou will learn before long that you have been unjust to me that day at dinner fanny akd if she might go to the city in the afternoon and her father who before had never refused her request replied no i tell you fanny oa will soon be without a roof to cover you and then ou will know that money does not grow on bushes i have no money to spend for oar fares you were in the city only last week father i d not ask for any monej i have a special object in going i need some paints u- finish the picture i am making yon evui not object to my going will you father to buy pai its if what has been spent on your paints ind painting had been saved we would noi now be almost without a borne j bat fathe r when i vent to school you were prospera g please do not think all the money spi nt in thai way has been lost yon know i have applied for the district school here tl u winter i am sore of get ting it and lien i can help you and mo- flier yes when it icftsp late ii save the anxious to know what success thc art dealer had met with in disrnng oftw efrerf fret press her heart beat so load she felt that etery one near her must hear it as she entered the store it had seemed to her as if the time would never pass until she knew her fate and now that she would know in a few moments she felt that she must have more time what if noue of the pictures had been sold bhe could uot bear that thought 1 ah hiss benton said the dealer ad ancmg you have come to hear from 3 oar pictures well i have good news for 5 ou i have sold them all and today i our work or pictures have had two calls for more of from people who have 6een yc all summer said her mother i have been an old fool forgive me my daughter said her father as he held her to his breast i have learned one thing not to think that because people do not work in just the way i do they are idle there must be workers in all fields the field of art as well as of wheat and com i will never make that mistake again jamiev old watoh on brush street near jefferson avenue for an hour the other day a bruised and battered old dumb watch and chain lay in the gutter where same foot had kicked it from the walk if an one gave the toy a second glance it was- to recognue that some child had lost or flung it away the case was battered the face scratched and scarred and no boj would turn aside to pick it dp i bv and bj a cunous procession came ap from the brush street depot it was com posed of a man and his wife both past fiftv vcarsof age and four children the youngest of jwbom seemed to be about twelve thej wertf spread oat on walk and street heads down and moving slowly and there wu a look of anxiety on every face some one asked the man if he bad lost his wallet and he replied no not that somewhere as we came along we lost our jamie s watch very valuable weil sir uot so far as money goes but it a relic of the dead and sir and oh it was an old dumb watch eh yea sir you u find it in the gutter up by that post the entire family made a rush for the spot and the watch had no sooner been lifted than the mother kissed it and the children shouted their exultation ft may seem loohsh to you sir ex plained the husband as he wiped at some thing like a tear in the corner of his eye but it s a long twelve years since jamie died that watch was the first toy i ever bought him weve been horned ont of house sud home twice since he died and that s the only scrap or relic left us of the little one you see it s old and bent but money couldn t buy it every fame we look at it we call ap his blae eyes and chubby face and the thought that he is waiting for ns up there almost answers for a meal with mother are you going away yes across the ocean to oar old home in england we mast leave the dead be hind had we lost the watch i believe the mother would have broken her heart 60 lone we have it the boys eace oozni and we are never to see his grave kiommamooa t dlttxliom upon a ahoitorj night and sl without a mood ot warning a trooper band orfrimd he did ana bald ifrin the morning we wen not waked by boglenote no cheer our dreame inraded and yet it dawn thek yellow ooeti on th green slopes we careleii 1 oik the i till one day idly wij we marked npon the a crowd of tetentne t they shook their trembltoglssftasjuid with piide end nofaeless laughter when welladay i they blew aay and neer were heard of n bsooxo ainoas 0 ragged ragged sailors i i pr7 7 answer me what may yon all be doin so far away from tea 1 loitering by tw roadsides weresingenng onyne hills totalkwitl in stiff and snowy frills and though onr bine be ragged bight welcome still are we to tell the nodding lasses long tales aboat the sea home sweet home where 1 when the dear old mother runs from her arm chair with a smile to greet yon where the true hearted father clasps too m a warmhearty grasp where tae bright faces that cluster around yon are full of happy remembrances and every heart throbs m unison with your hie and labor where when the bustles and hurry and strife of living are over the weary bands and aching heart can he down a while he down and wait a little and look into the far off celestial city just beyond the bil lows that touch our feet where some one will miss us when weve crossed to the other shore and loving eyes will look wist fully through the surges and the mist that he between them and us and their have will bear ns on almost to the portal where heavenly messengers wait god pity the poor wanderer wbjacan never know the joy of this earthly resting place this little glimpse of heaven to the heart so long a stranger to the tender accents which fall from loving lips or the gentle touch of father s mother s or sisters hand with the warmest solicitude smooths our way ink the valley of the shadow of death poor stringer who is ma far off land amid sictoessvpoverty and want can only dream ol the home heniajeteroh tm- cared for unkind alone sweet ainta4tfa come to on baggertthe hungry the siok the homeless the outcast of the earth who take them mall their poverty of body and soul far within the pearly gajfe that en close the fathers manflntm it was sent to her house a certain pretentions shopper after teas ing the clerks of a dry goods store beyond the forbearanee limit pompously ordered a spool of thread to be sent to her house it was agreed that she should be made an example of and a warning to her kind she wa surprised and her neighbors were intensely interested shortly after she had arrived at home a oommon dray down four horses proceeded slowly np to her to us we can almost hear hiflaogh door on the dray with bare arms were again and it seems more like we had laid a number of stalwart laborers they were him awav to sleep an hour or two than holding on vigorously to some object wbian heaven that we hare it it was jamies she could not see at the houses of their fnendk i assure you voar work will soou be in demand we shall ha to raise joor prices these have brought twenty five dollajs each fanny could not believe what she heard as she hstened to his words and took the hejianded her she had in bank aud seventy five dollars and si e had earn ed it all herself before the n ortgage fell doe she could easdy make up the rest for the art dealer had said he wodd take all the work she could do before chnstmas and pay well for it vow she could tell her fattier and lift the load of care from his heart he should know that her time had not i teen wasted bat first she would go to the b ink and get the money and take it home tc him or he would think her dreaming when she told her story when fanny reached home it was dart fanner benton and his wife were sitting by the firo place with no bjjht hot what cme from it fanny entered quietly and neither her father nor mother looked no as she came in her father seemed unos tally depress ed and bat with his face buried in his hands and hib elbows leaning on the table fanny stole quietly np to him and put the crisp new bank notes beside him on the table j why where did this come from be said as be looked up and saw the money whose money is this v yours father said fanny bursting into tears for in her excitement she could no longer keep them hank i have earned it all and am going to eara a great deal more you and mother nwd worry no more about the farm hog married folks quarrels more or less remarked uncle mose bnt 1 knows a man and his wife what hasn t had a furse for the las fire yeahs am dey libin togedder r sartainly dey libs m de same house she goes off ebery mawmn and washes by deday but p raps dey quarrels at uight how does vou know dev dont dey don t hab a bit o trubbie i tells yer she am out waahin all day and her husband he am night watchman m a big sto he goes off before she comes home and be don t get back in de mawmn until she has gone out washin dats been goin on fur de las five years and de fust cross word hasn t passed between em yit it was a most puzzling affair the neighbors stared after a deal of whip- eraokmg and other lmpresstve ceremoniee the oart wu bsolasdigainst the curb there reposing calihly end up in the cen tre of the cart fiebr was the lndenhcal spool of threadrwhich she had ordered it seemed tohje coining all right with the aid of a plank it was finally rolled barrel fashion safely to the sidewalk after a mortal struggle it was upended on the purchasers doorstep the fact that the purchaser came out a minute later and kicked her own property into the gutter detracted nothing from the effect happy 6idnev smith cut the following from a newspaper and preserved it for hrmself when you nse m the morning form the resolution to make the day a happy one to some fellow creatures it is easily done a leftoff garment to the man who needs ft a kind word to the sorrowful an enconr aging word to the striving trifles m them selves light as air will doit at least once in 24 boors if you are young depend upon it it will tell when yon are old if yon are old rest assured it will send you gently and happily down the stream of time to etern ity if yon send one parson only one hap pily through each day that is 865 in the course of the year if you live only 40 years after you oommenee that course of medicine yon have made 14600 beings happy at all events for a time and then she told her she had at first thought if story and how the ooold only get ave dollars each for hi piet4res how happy she would be she kdom only thiol father i lfy first picture hatwasold1jieoneof herlathet churn brought twenty del sna twice as much aa i i amid churning farmers think of this are you soaking any arrangements to give your boysan interastin anything they may grow u not you are neglecting one of the most important parti of your bad nees you have no idea how a htfle pecun iary interest will increase the boys love for labour and his oarefuuee and thougbtfulnessastobowheoanbestmaka itasuoooss wearequltssureynu wfllbe the gainer in a monetary poinjaf new aa well as awoken anewdesietn the boy to do hj worka utttotattor lhanjwelie buten t yonjbstsoi make afewdoliaips leesiiky uog ad tyes- ban roeolucciatarnier oat of toot hoy limekiln dab mottoes j as the meeting opened the presiarsij announced that the following snottoeb would be hung tm tl wallsaartfigthc coming week pay cash deal on the squ sell your dog j v no man can sit on de fence ahsdant ions time wastedranvshillins los out ofv hole in at pocket if it am pouybokb gainst taters take detaten l an hour wida saw book am moah valu able dan an hour wid af statesman de man in debt am a swimmer wid his botes on rvwer of imagination mother may i go to see the baas ball game this afternoon no johnny youve bean to see sev eral games already we oant altera oo moeh expense jost imagine you ate ft that will dojoot aowou ju1 right nasher thats a good boy now un sad brag me a bucket of coal right quiokrf- just imagine yousee o bncketofj settin there mother rtj moeh good then jchrfny toagjaed be aawllan ther reaching aftthecoalhtoagoodboj j l toyisosjcdrrtbiftjb itboroersonthtjoied8ateev 1 a younioerchantwho had and dollars toapar ceseiomev wtjotirt frjend whb wrm sayottoarfio roe 6lj jh ml yoovfredj piwdutho hnomentitnyrvecbn-fta- 4trgandhiawpn abasemoni round thf tm 4saoawlidvs9iqyt6btoiia ijldp dow there aefeor worth ajiiiajfeai jfsrtlfca