m t tb beott art ar tjnlo ine baptist tb ftuowiajt resolution was unanimous ly ntmatvy kansaqptiat tloion at brant- wtmab tbe mat of intoxicating liqnorr at oteitsa existing evatttierod trlbe wont of conaeqaeooet toaociety the litrre aadbssandauotontheeivuis- sittbnol the 19th oentuary tad whereat tlie foverament have placed oiruie statue book of oar ooonlry a local option proliibi- toryta tnown aatbe canada temperance act watch it adopted tad enforced it cal- rnihm- to mitigate this aril therefore boohed that vra recognise frith pleasure wad euolaetmo the temperance agitation no is pragraai throughout the provinces tor he ttiifltetiiijii and destruction ot the uqawtimfle tad sre hereby express our sriatvthjt arith and oar tnuingueea to sup- port tajr bboortble movement which has toritaehjentthe total prohibition both of the biking sod telling intcsctting liquors ue beverage the mnnling ol men uoatht etc actions tptak loader than word although we an not banking institution nor the ton of t bothsohlm w with to in form the mighty gentlemen that we intend in the future u in the put to run the 6v independent of ollqtw or faction dealing jtutty by all udeoriap tote and that we shall exereiae oar cat judgment on all mattert of public or local interim having to far freely allowed oorreepon- denoe on both idea of the boott aot quea- tion to express their views fovoring neither we therefore consider this action of the hotel men to uy the least uncalled for cowardly and unmanly keep a stiff front to the foe brother the petition of the will bo respected by every right thinking peraon in your community while the action of the dia- pentere of the souldestroying beverage above referred to will only have the effect of briuciurf upon themselves the contempt they to richly deserve never fear the boycotting whiskey will be boycotted from simcoe before the year if over if every man doea hit duty th8oott act and the presbyter- iaa assembly ibe totosfocfaie atya the moat taotatn friends of prohibition and the 8eotf act were scarcely prepared for the j farthnaiaaticj unanimity diaplayed by the ji assembly just held inthia oitj on the subject of temperance the taport pmented wta stronglyworded i lit and yet was not so i to awaken the smallest amount or to call forth the feeblest aaott flint iwtitatlpiulwt everyoueeeem taa more anxioaa than another to endorse law tnr aailtba scott act or even aome- tlnlaetill more vigorously tgrrestive to abuaiearadoaa there wae not in that whole atatanbly saw mdividnal who had a tingle stortuo urge infevor ol moderate drink- acan seamed taverns we abould aacsat toast there wen none with to little htrirfrnrlfi at to allow themselves to be u wes into- aileoee about their genuine jcfanionb on theiwatioii at issue and still lata thavt ens ana ahoold afterwards hare y himself for hit lues or sdf-re- apect and tor bit culpable and oowardly sakaoe with a glut of wine or a tumbler ot on the contrary we be lieve that all teqt in what was car ried because all approved of it and were all anxiom that die aaaexnhly should ap pear to be a emit on the subject because it actually watsot r notbs akdcomments these are the twenty four counties and cities in ontario that are getting ready to submit the scott act stormont glen garry and dundas ontario norfolk rus sell and prescott york perth carletou feel lambton leeds aadgrekville sim coe huron leonofand addington grey bruce prince edward brant kent nor thumberland and durham elgin d offer iu brautford st thomas middlesex there are also agitations sin several counties in quebec tnie panadiau goverumeut is sid to have under eousideratioa i proposition to be forwarded to the wsanngton authorities tending to closer commekiai relationship with the united states indications point in the direction of the liberals adopting nsciprocity with the united states as a prominent plank in their platform at the next general electiou and the government propoeee taking the step as an offset to the unusual activity displayed by liberal leaders daring the past few months there are rumors that a general election will be precipitated in 1 885 ao that the sense of the people can be taken on this important ques tion which has the warm support of the thinking- men of canada irrespective of politics lkirvit cimkutariat adtxriufr etqnently given for the preparation of pltaa or a hoond story to be built on the junior and senior departments the plana will be completed in the oourae of a week or to and the work will in all probability be eonuntaoed with the cloee ot the school for lunimer vacation i court of revision acton municipal council met at a court ot revision and appeal on tuesday oven lag members all preaeut reeve iu the chair i the workof the court was considerably lighter thau usual the following la the liitof appeals 1 dokild fenocsoxl assessed too high 2 to have income attoutnent struck off court confirmed assessment s n ucqaarik assessed too high court confirmed sseesament- 3 c b g arrnx personal assessment toohighbyelooo upon affidavit by mr griffin respecting ownership of stock tho courtredaced assessment 500 1 joux wcnac asseaament should be changed to joseph hulart dismissed for want of evidence 5 w d beibwioiu to be assessed as tenant far elk s lots 28 u and 15 in- iteadof hbsherman allowed g hcsiiy- foxta su ixt hrxar jiv- xua js to be assessed for e lot 28 con 3 as tenants to george walter al lowed i 7 p lecarthur to be assessed for moo income allowed 8 crscs v sriiroiui to be assessed as tenant to 3irs emma stafford dis missed upon motion the assessment as revised was confirmed anj- further sppcak niuat bo made to the county judge th watch clock oif grtjexips k few hints fob thi osi of dose to ssore u te- di failf 2 b mil honagilf 0 puu erptrinct rilliceu uf prvft dot u tack case i i the scene has changed xbrte ar four yean ago when this county waai bahtg agitttni with a view to subniit- trng the scott act to the electors a great try wat rauaad by the supporters of the tkjpoc ttwffie the action of those iiiferaated in tiiebamahment of the licensed enrae frrifn ftmfry pntintgthff rmrnty flp r4 fn awiftnfm the q bot lo how the acene has changed what do we find today the men who champion theiisinar taado and pretended to be to tt for the comitys fmamal wel- farehateapparently forgotten their former osttery forttey an now finanaetma engaged iatlcajawjiia atp a contes with the intention tsfruajjii an f which wib coat ttaeoamty considerable money and this ton when tbey have not the slightest pros- pact of aacceat but then conaiatency is mteaeesnedavirtaemtimereectof those wiio are anxioae to the perpetoation of the irtrhrirrj traffic etpedally when aelfiah in a at at tfce sect aot came to stay and stay it wis smta taoejinosw effective law ii enact ed if every maa in the oomrty will vote honettlj tceording to the dirt fat of his eobseietlcctr lef every man do hit duty baton jod and lait fellowmen and the mmtumt6m wtffj of money donated by jsttanatod ikjoor aehera onuide the oonnty to fight the seott act will be of no avail ibr observation of the public jagntunent in favor of fli flcott act- intjss oonnfy daring the tin years we fad confident thai if matter of appeal really comet to a vote the right thinking people of halton will rite in tbeir might and at the ballot box aanrer the qneation at totbb deairability of a jattim to iicetue lew is a voice to iossf and dear and ontnittakable that- jhe faydmbeaded monster whistoy -will- he ooiittndned to hide tut ngiy head forever team the jtxe of fbt lawabiding retidenu of the comity of haltrm british faie playp t3 scott act agitation it now in full llntinrhniootcoimty and friend jewell tltbimofmrsia pvet the following re- lactml of the boyjjottin raeoezt of that town idayattomoon of lift week the l olfljht vufctga ietitend the tanc- i ot ii ow ooaot in a body ntoat flmtr eoata jatter hanging atonnd ahont finntnntnaawomrje one mnttectd up trfteamaoded hit bill and j id1ie otbert aaid r oftbe caottcoo itkmbpsttfraan ttido i trithydn amd ax bam come to aatutt that yen an favoring hie rjaamamatai hare therefor ojosnailfluug isoar power to iowttorandinfeet we have eted attanatnitult far jttstatl too maeh for nt imfiift b eta onr hair lawflwff trrnirilfifl and a jsvuaaed oott in a few wehadaaroeieatiy n- ej to infcrro ftem pi the tefaafl to aate who an tomtistjai irf ir i t sad fatal accident sodden death of one ofesquesings oldest and most eesrvtert relrtenu last saturday evening one of the most sudden and melancholy accidents that have ever taken place in this county occurred in esqnesing near hornby r s hall esq being the victim ifr hall and his soninlaw ur john howson were engag ed in conveying straw from the barn to the stable and while driving down an incline in the barn yard the horses started into a smart trbtr which caused the load to be l and in the confusion mr tttl was thrown off the load and falling upon his hea4 his neck was fractured death was instantaneous the occurrence has shrouded the community in the deepest gloom mr hall was one of the first settlers of the township of esquesinjr having been a resident for over fifty years he was loved and respected by all who knew him and his acquaintance extended very generally throughout the county there is left be hind him a lifelong christian experience of the most practical and consistent charac ter one blameless and unapproachable in every teauect he was a prominent member of the baptist church and hit home al ways extended a hearty welcome to minis ters of the gospel not alone of his own de- nomination but of all religious bodies his worthy example did much for trft eleva tion of the morals of the community he gave considerable attention to the education of hitehildren all of whom are occupying good positions in society and each is en deavoring humbly and consistently to serve the god of their tainted father deceased wat one of her majestys jus tices ot the peace and has repeatedly occu pied a teat at the council board of the township at well as various other offices of importance- in the death of ifr hall the temperance cause loses one of its ttaohebett supporters for- through his whole life he has been actively engaged in advocating both by theory and practice the abolition of the whisky curse taken all in all b b hall esq wu one of the few men whose departure from the acene of action it f eli to be an trreperahle lota to the whole neighbothcol wherein he has resided the mortal remains were followed to the aahpove cemetery on tuesday by one of the largest processions of friends neighbors tad acgnaintanoea jhat his ever been teen in the county bevj jamet conttt of gltmmis formerly pastor of the george town circuit of the baptist church im proved the occasion by the delivery of a very appropriate and impreaaive discourse the torrowing friends and relatives have the warmest sympathy of all in their very solemn and heavy affliction a new school buildings the board of trustees of acton public school with the committee of citizens ap pointed visited the tchool bnjldinga last friday to examine into the practicability of erecting an additional aory on the pret ent braidings the deputation concluded that this plan would be more featable than that of poi np a building separate and dittibot from the present one in tbat it ooldie more economical in tie matter of cot of emeson at well at ofjbaatmg the vsriont sasbopl rooms the appearanoe of airipoldffldhigiwfllalto le consider tiiarbvanat1d11aonlrtory b wtecciderdiriaibbswprooeed ingwuitlie work bare taw opinion of wexptrieooad architeot in the matter and for tto pupomkvuioi r architect of trjwotofens5sthtl s fare it at bit iaatthatafl tpt ortbi teodmgt eaafttx e-oaai- for constipation or oueumie no remedy is so effeettra u anas prut tuey tsaora rscelar daily actios aad re store the bonis te a healthy eooditioau for indlreaoon or oytfepala atxal vint an urralnable and a rare care heartbars low of appetite real stomach rtatalesur dlxtuaeat head ed kntabottt kansea are all rshevad and cared by anas riixa la liver osaaplainl ouiaoa dlaorders aad jaandice areas piixs sboold bt liven in doass large cuoocu to excite the urer aad bowela and remor coostipaaotu as a ekaaataj medicine in uie spring tbtta prut are unequalled warms ceased by a morbid condition ot the bowela an aipeued by these pius enpuosu skin diseases and puee the result of indicesthjo or constpalim ire eared by the saa of avtaa pitta for colds take anas pott to opes the parte remova iritis mmtlnry secretions and allay the fever for dlarrhose and draeatery eassed by sodden colds isdlrestiblfl food cte arraa pitts are tat tree remedy bjmqnaatiaxa govt rtearalcla aad bdatks often result from difesure davanfs- bmbt or colds and disappear en remortm tba eaase try tba saa of anas pnxa tmnors dropaj kidsey oemplaiafs and otber djaordera eaosed by debllty or obrtrocuoii are eared by avral f gsppresisloo and falnral xeastrwa- uos bare a safe and ready remedy is ayers pills full dlreetfomt la varlora laspnujes at- company aaeu package rarraarn ar orjcayerescolowellmiu sold by all druirlata virjirisihssajhcsssi rjatj9fstftff m wi still ahead th new stock which can be sold at prices eavik re leased better hooms for siy pairing department i uak give you- better satisfaction than ever wm s smith guelph business brevities seat facte about ear bnttnett ken and kobeeat of besmfitto our treat red readera atwiva iksist 0c hi vikc dr starra cat arrh conqueror it ia prepared to meet se rious cases- a wonderful discovery sold in acton by j e mcgarvin druggist at so cents tax old wav a horrible butchery the practice of paring corns and wsrts with a i knife or raxor tbe new way u to call on your druggist for a bottle of dr starrs corn solvent which will remove them with out pain in 3 to 6 days brush attached lo cork of each bottle for applying sold by i e mcgarvin droggial 25 cla hats from to cents to 250 at j fyfes if you want a nobby durable and cheap auit 1 fyfei ia the place to go the largest and cheapest stock of boott t shoes to select from it at kelson ucbaet scotch korlialiand canadian suiting n treat variety at tbe east end clothing store j fyfeaotoh suits and overeoata at extremely low rates and made iu latest atylea be tare to call and see them j i vie acton the triangle dyes haye attained a popu larity unprecedented in the history of dye stuffs ndwonder for they are perfect in tfl their shades 10c at j e mcgsr rint drug store 45 not another pill ahall go down my throat again aaid a citizen when i can get auoh a prompt and pleasant cure tor my biliout attacks at dr cartona stomach bitters- it renders the blood pure tad cool and makes a aplendld spring medi etae irge bottle 50 oeata 45 iteaum pheaaiwrpiean aad care the tymptomiare moisture ukeperapir- tlloh intense itching increased by aoratch ing very dutretaing particularly at sight teemt at if pinwormi were crawling in and aboflt the rectum the private parts are toinetimes affected if alio wed to oontioue ytryteriontretsus may fellow bwayiflti onrrassttt aire alio for tetter itch sajtbotnm au tcaly ctasiystodiaeaies sent bymail fin 40 eettte boxawum itampi ad- eatavda swathe jtsok pnlladalphia jfcrsaulqumgfla at this aeason of the year there should be a bottle of pectaria ia every house it ia uueqaallfd fo- coajjhscoids and hoarsencfs iilmaal wiuslly safe for children iricc 25 ceuta st all druggists 3 x mcracjwyebridge writes i have sold large qaantilicaof dr thornas eclec trie oil ilis qiedfnr colds sore throat croap tc sad ir fact for any affection of the throat it works like magic ii is a sure circ for burn sroundi and bruises red tt u au irci ic that trill fire latisfaction howskiv fun- concentrated alkali for cleaning suj iciubljiup purposes printers ttsesheep waun befurc ihearingand also for making bani and fl sp- a single trial it but necessary to convince the most skeptical of ill great value- it will make the tlooriiig as bripht ai ucw does not crack the ban ds everybody wlio has aacd it likes it it is put up in tiu boxes with full directioni and sold by our special agents only thnoairh tbe dominion stand ard chemical cjj solj proprietors toronto ont j f mccsrviu sole agent for actn aud vicinity 45 baekleaa xratcakatre the lst saiic in tie world for cats bruuee sorosj ulcers halt rheum fever sores tetter chapped hiuds chilblains corns and all skia eruptions and posi tively cares piles or no py required it it guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded price 25 ccata per box- forsalc by j e mcoarvin 31 f- bs itli an anhealthy slow mealing sore ase mctirror k parkca car- bohc cente toa will find it layalaable forbearing cleansing and completely re- moring your trouble if the blood it cut of order tako with it a few doaea of mc gregors speedj cure from j e mcgar- yini drug 8tor 28 pasttrkto let excellent pasture with plenty ofirster apply to jane th 1671 ad wright acton v at the office ot painless dental operations italizedare ok nitboos ox ide gas for painless dental operations i a b hates ld5 tovirtts blocs upper wvudhsm stroet gcetru iiw8tructeon8 is huhic miss augusta kicklik ib pre- pabed ulresaaia tjutrnctloq on the iuno and orgato cj1 at uio rtmidenoe mala street for parti cnlan 1 a 1l xicxlix actoo uay utb 18k good stable for 8a1e the ukdebfiloked will sell far a remaontime prloe the etable at prea eut located on bar propertr on frederick covet tbe tmilding ii of piod 101111 frame about 18 x w feat in aixe and nac leanto lixm feet apply u thli office or to ubs edward moose actoo jane i m e marshall edmo0dson h ave alnays on hand a full stock -of- qrooeries crockery qlasitvtare wall paper previsions sec in the itoro nett lo the post office flour and feed having purchased the flour and feed basineta of air l q mstthews we will be pleased to supply sll lis old customers and any new ones reqairing goods in thle line ttexrd and cheap goods for cash or trade all kinds of produce taken in eicbangc heaaing to aeeue a f air share of thj trade of acton and vicinity yours c marshall edmondson 38s acres ks acres fonthill nurseries tie larftit lathi domltilon salesmen wanted tobegin4orkatonceonfall8alea steady employment at fixed salaries to all willing to work mex and women can have pleasant work the tear round good agents are earning from ho lo 175 per month and expenses terms and out nt free address stoat ft wtulrtoll toronto oat 2000 cords hemlock bark eaklt closing we the ukdeb8jgned meb- charttfi ana basinets men of acton hereby agree to close our raspsetive places of business at the hour pi aaren o clock in tbe even ing saturdays excepted on and after konday the 9th dayof jnne f88a hb mccarthy nelson hobae geo ravtu jbpaanon eanney broa i h 1 morion j cbat hill acton juno sth uta i c hoi bhaelett wpbrown w h howell marshall a bdfflondson t h harding cborunn ladle work qtjbbbo at qublph john h hamilton pjlopbihtbr formerly moqi allan 4 hamilton dealer in marbi o anite and everything pertainingto nmetcry work received flrtt iri es at p rorinoial mi- biution ottmire western ir ifjthtl eilllfw fw imtalaale nf- tad anrrlority of wprkmanahip ordert are toiloited wanted the sobecribers will pay 800 per cord for all prime quality hemlook bark de livered at their tannery in acton before november 1st 1884 bark oust be brirbt on flesh flat and full four feet lone curled or damaged bark only received at a proportionate re duction we wish it distinctly ander od kark trill ke reeelted arflw tte4mr9yarwteik omt spesdal riosttrarit any otber information jejll be gladly forniahed upon appliaatiottatthe tannery to me c b wil80n beardmoro it co aoton april 188 imlwaubt vtaia i esse asatase rr clascow house kelson ft moras w e respectfully- invite attention to oue im mense stock of spring goods every department- replete with all th newest and moat fashionable goods i our dre8 goods r are the most complete we have yet offered comprising all shades in ottoman cords nuns clotli cashmeres and spring bnit- iogs really beaatiful goods in our bkint department we show over 400 patterns ranging from 5c to 2oc per yard iu white and grey cottons we are giving some very close quotations as we have been enabled to secure some special values we have an immense stock of shirt ings cottonades etc etc at all prices y hi depaetmbnt saturday 5th april will be our openinc day this department is under the supervision of miss tilany a first class milliner as we have a magnificent stock of millinery goods we feel satisfied tbat we can furnish firstclass millinery at as reason able prices as any house in the trade remember onr opening day ordered clothing this department it as usual first class parties requiring perfect fitting well made and cheap suits should give tw a call we have a splendid line of gents furnishings hats and caps te a xii 3ste 0oo3ds j ii j h j boots and shoes we are showing this season the most complete and attractive stock we have ever shown in ladies gents ana childrens wear i i special value groceries we are giving special values in 50 ceut teas iu sugars we are satisfied that we can furnish a better article for leas monetf than can be had in the town t f r- r i tbankinq our numerottb fkibnd8 and cqstomu their geneeou8 8uppoht we respbctfullyi 80licit a continuance of xou r esteemed pavor8 rand wefbeloonfident that we can give you bbtjer value for your hone thaw any tjthj house tn the trade our motto safaluirpbol quick returns yours rbbcjttully nelson mcr eemeiiaber bur famous rfff atrton april m mi v fob i x isv land v wow 4 v hf tta-j-l-