tumgreeres8 ttrcaanav mtttv jew 8 1884 yolxna x with thi issue the fnxc ims enters upon its tenth birthday that proeperity ajidcattflcquent improve- nvmt have attended both acton and the fxxc press since the utter wis wubliahed very casual eorapfcritou of whit they wre urea and what they are today will determine and that both arc pcfoscied of that spirit and enterprise ueoessary- for couuu- uuual progress is most apparent to all wo hope to see the jear wc are just com mencing close tip as satisfactorily as those that are past the fete enjoy the sympathy respect uid support of its- many readers and in return wishes them all happiness and prosperity and kill endeavor at all times to look after the best interests of the oomntdnity represented- ths boot r act the county of wftdia toa and qu7 of guelph inter enootoaoiha proftpxctb the- lilt koxio0sweei3s the act for the supressiou of noxious weeds provides that it shall be the daty of every owner of land or occupant thereof if the owner is not a resident within the local municipality wherein the same is situate t j to cat dawn or destroy all the canada thistles oxeye daisy wild oats rag weed and burdock growing on his land and all other noxious weeds growing on his land to which this act may be extended by- bylaw of the municipality so often in each and every year as is sufficient to prevent the fipening of their seed 2 to cut out and bum all the black knot found on plum and cherry trees on bis land so often each and every- year as it shall appear on such trees and 31 to cut down and burn anv peach nectarine or other treesonhis land infected with the disease known as the yellows and to destroy all the fruit of trees so infected the daty of all owners or oceipiers of land is above very clearly laid dwn those who interest themselves in complying with the law will at the same time benefit them selves and helpto keep on good terms with thfcir neighbors i 1 christian fraternity j in an article referring to xhe several j icfiurdi unions recently consummated and to the warm fraternal greetings which passed between the several churches at their late synods mmf ka confer ences the loudon adtrriir rave the tendencies of the times would seem to- indicate an approaching harmonizing of religious denominations that will be as gratifying as it will be surprising a few years ago the several branches of presby- terianism in canada united into one organ ization this year we have seen a com plete union effected between all the different denominations that were 3f ethodist in their theology if not in name bat while these two great acts of unign have brought togeth- er denomations hitherto apart there have been some pithflritioss at christian courtesy among sects stih separated from each other that are fully as noteworthy utile jfeth- nrtfgg presbyterians baptists and can- gregtkinalists have always been w to reoognisethe rilidity of each others orders and exchange fraternal greetings whenever opportunity offered xhe episcopal body held aloof and has been content with keep ing up a street acquaintance with dissen ters as a certain church dignitary is re ported to have said- but the wall of exclu- srveness seems to be crumbling down in toronto the episcopal syiwd sent its dele gation with cordial greetings both to the presbyterian assembly and the methodist conference in london also last week the episcopals stretched out the hand to the methodists and their courtesies have been acknowledged and reciprocated by the bodies to whom they were extended there is no doubt that this exhibition of kmolj feeling will meet the hearty approval of the general public as well as of the vari ous churches represented a few bigoted fossils only excepted in this country trfaere all denominations are on a- perfect quality in the eyes of the law any attempfc- ad exclxtaiyeness or pretensions of superior ity on the part of any one sect is absurd every religions body here mast base its claims on its own foundation and inas- much as the general principles of the various ch ristifi n churches are identical their differences being connected more with matters ol disriplinff and with minor points of theology it is differ to see why they ihoahmtthaxmonhamore with etch other and be friendly even if they cannot be unit ed- absolute onion is hardly to be expect ed people will think differently on many poinfa and where they differ materially in their views it is not to be expected that they should work together in harmony better for thent to agree to differ and join hands only when the union can be real as well as nominal 1 notes and comments the 15tu inst has been fixed by the priry council as the day for hearmg argu ments on the boondry question the example long since sethy the united states and the more recent union move ment among the methodists of canada have not it would seem been without their imflnance in australia there the unhappy iriaionfl still prevail the union spirit homerer grow stronger and stronger and according to oat latest news the bible christians of socth australia and victoria ha declared to favor of onion with tb olw btioebes erf the methodist family of from the guelph xt remy we glean the following respecting th preliminary con vention held at fergusj isl thursday to consider the advisabiul of submitting the scott act in wellingtonjaudgaelph in response to a ciwular calling a oou- vculiou to consider the advisability of organizing for the submission of the scott act for the county 1 large number of flclegatcsaasembledinftaudrewschurcii fergus on thursday- afteruoou repre sentatives were present from nearly every municipality in the bounty including about twentyfive from the city of gaelph shortly after two oclock the meeting was organized by appointing rev w s grimn of guelph chiirmau and rev je ll black douglass secretary each representative was asked to state briefly what the prospects were in his neighborhood ou the whole the reports were considered encourkging ft was then moved by the rev w e clarke of speedside seconded by mr chas raymoud of g uelph that in the opinion of this convention it is advisable to organ ize at once for the purpose of agitating and taking the necessary steps to have the scott act submitted id the county of wel lington and also tn the city of guelph the resolution was carried unanimously by a standing vote it was moved by the kev donald fraser of mount forest seconded by rev j b mullen that a central committee be ap pointed consisting of a president secre tary treasurer and three members choseu by tlus meeting and a so that a president be appointed for each municipality who shall also be members af the central com mittee the following onicerk were then declared duly elected president j b mullan fergus secretary mir william castcll fergus treasurers mr geo s arm strong rev r j blaifc of douglas w f clarke of speedsid and mr cannon of elora the rev john smith of toronto was present on behalf of the dominion alliance and rendered taluable assistance in putting matters in working order after sometime spent in perfecting the details of organization ihe meeting adjourn ed at six oclock delegates wereentertain- edat tea by toe forgo friends rcauc itxtoxg a public meeting wafa held in the evening when st andrews chtrch was filled by a highly respectable and intelligent audience who seemed very mace in earnest in the work before them rev mr mullan was appointed chairman rousing addresses were given by the revsij smith of toronto w w dawley of goefab and rev donald fraser of mount forei a splended choir composed of members from several choirs iu the village rendered several choice anthemi during the evening all present were filled with enthusiasm and returned to their homes feeling hope ful of success the tavern keepers of fergus refused to provide meals or any accommodatiou to persons attending the scott act convention it was rtated that an agreement to this effect had been entered into by ail the tavern keepers of the village one gentle men from gnelph who went up on the train and arrived before this rest sacceeeed in getting his dinner before his business was known but when he went to settle his bill he was charged doable fare although the year 1iss1 has just entered its sixth month the number of lives lost at sea has been terrible by the four large disasters which have- already occurred 112 lives have been lost these figures of course do not include the scores of lives lost in minor catastrophes n business brevities i- some facts about eur business hen sad houses of benefltto our franeral readers hate from v cents to 5250 at j fjfes- if yau want a nobt y durable and clieap suit j fyfes is the pb ce to go the largest and cheapest stock of rjjj a few hirts forwii 01 d04bj- to mm iu tw i fn1 if 4 puui hahflr pw- ejptrteut rill dttut uu juftrdmtttmkcut for caiuupdob or coturaxm no nmtij u m iffectln w ami puu t1t lara rtfutar dllf irtloif ud ton um boli to liultlir eondliloii for idinilnor dtiip1i avai pi lu tn tailoiblo tnd raw cart beutbnpi low at appctlu roal stotudi ntalencri dlalntu held- idu nuidbiwi kim ltnllil md emwl ty arttl piuj la utcx oompuuiil bllloai dlwrdeti md jaaiiuw arihi piuj ihoold t jiret in jm lih euootl to ciclo th utm tad imi md rtnoti coiai it idemios mdwu in lie sprtaf lim pitu tn ttneqailled woniu cloitd by t mocwd condition ot ii botill ta expelled br h i enptlou 81fln dlwimi d to the reialtoc udjiauoiiorconitlp4tion u cbmd br uu om of avcbl pltu for colou uio aimi pttu to open lk pore itxnan lalimmitcrr hcnuotis md illr tb ercr for dunhah and dymntcrji ciaied by radjon colds indipntible food etc atcii pali tn u tnw nmedr mttaiiiatilxbv goatf kearmlcut and sciltio oftcansalt from digntlt deruc- smfit or eddf ud disappear on remottaf tic cum by tic um of arai pilu tumor droptr kldncr conrpuinu ud oticr dttorden ctokd br debllitr or oottraetion an cared by atxt pixu sappreaifoaf aad fmlnfal jeiittrva uon bntl afa tad ntdy remedy a ayers pills fall direciiem various laafuajoa ae- corjpiv well rkec orjcaycpttco sold by all dnnats witch clock house 01 gtjelh still ahead with a new stock whichcax besoid at prices lower than j ever having leased better rooms for my repairing department i cav cilve you- better satisfaction than ever the succets with trliicli the triiorle dve5 hive met prores them the most re markable dyes of the put or present they ore ittrirttag attentioa from all clauet of sodetv 10c at j e licgirvioc the tritucle uyes are inch as ouc frcnd can uke plciiurit in recotnmcdiug to another mirk well lit yna get a three cornered package for tbcv ar- tiie only re liable dyei in ihe marfcci 10c at j e hcgarvin 13 we s smith guelph k mcrac vrvthrictge writes i htte sold urge qasutilics vt lr tlmmas eclec trie oil it is arl far coldr eore throat croap c and ii fact for any affection of the throat it uorks like raagic it ia a fiarc care far barn woauds aitd braieea vife whats the matter niw juim husband ob thxt ncaralci nd tkith- ache near tills me wife vvhy dont you so ui j u mc- j gilt 2c ganitis drug store ind eet a bottle uf j fluid lighlpicg von know it cores all each things a toathacbe xeuralgia head ache larabago earache sore throat etc ft givea instant relief 13 insist os the oexcijte flints tooth ponder the petrleas 1 leatifrice an in- deocrthablc rwetnesa nirrounda the lady who nse it vie spcciall cctnmeod this dtitifrice solj by 1 e mcganrin drnc- boots k shoes to select from ia at xelaon itceaes txpe ivoejc oar readers should notice adrertisement of kejrirood co who claim an infallible rem edy for tape worm scotch kafflxh aid canadian salting n exeit variety at the east end clothing store j fyfeaxton snits and orercoi ix at extremely low ratea and made in iaieat styles be sure to oall and see them j frfe acton at chktaix scxso rs most efery ones appetite requires t ittle coaling food vontdigest flints fandrake pills is the medicine needed soh by j e if cgarvin druggist 25c at this season of til year there illohld be n bottle of pectoris in every hoise it ia unequalled for onghs colds and hoarseness is pleasait eqaally safe for children price 23 cei its at all druggists 80 there are lots of people going around grumbling and half si k at tbe stomach all tie time who might be well and happy if they only used drj carsons stomach bitten occasionally ft is a splendid blood euriser all draggis 50 cents 5 the triangle dyea 1 aye attained popu larity unprecedented ii i the history of dye staffs so wonder fo they are perfect in all their shades 10c at j e ucgar- fins drug store is not another eul shalgodownmy throat again said a citizen when i can get such a prompt and p eaaant core for my bilious attacks as di cartons stomachr bitters it renden t le blood pnro and cool and makes a tpl odid spring medi cine large bottles 6 1 cents 45 to be permanently iteemed idy artiole mhst have rirtuea so i arked aato be plain ly apparent the god naow of thatri oaglo dyes ii eldrj ofint tbsj proretomseltes alwa jsreuabte w at t e- mogarrlaabni jbttwe jtol salt ehetm fared are you troubled ith salt kheam eoagh skinvimplesorcanfcei sorca ifu go at oaco ta j e mciartin drnp store aud get a package of calverts carbolic cerate fric twentyrive cents it vu never knnwn to fail i oil liosv tired aud weak i feel i doat believe i will ever get through the spring hoojeeleitin oh yes you will if you take a bottle or two of llr carsons stoui cb biuers to porify voar blood and tone up the system ia large bottles 50 cents jterlprve dollar upon dollar is frequently spent on the faith oi recommendations for articles entirely worthless xot so wjth mc gregors speedy cure you arc not asked to purchase it until its merits are provcii call at j f mcgarvtns dru store and get a free trial bottle and if not convinced it will care you of the worst forms of dys pepsia liver complaint etc no matter of how long standing it costs you uothiog sojdin50cand 1 hotlle see testimon- als from persons in vonr own town 29 waul u u if troubled with on unhealthy slow- healing sore use mcgrecor k porkea car bolic cerate you will find it invaluable for healing cleansing and completely re moving four trouble if the blood is cnt of order take with it a few dosea of mc gregors speedy cure from e mcgar- yins drugstore 29 iuld at uut i an anicx- tlit will rive satisfaction howards cure- c ilirated alkali for cleaning aim tiiobiiicipocs printers use sheep wabmg bet rchearingand also testimony ye ages ok confirmation of the scriptures modem bcienoe and recent dicoveri ancient records and if on amenta tbe nuns of cities and kelica of tombs tbe greek and latin classics assyrian in scription and egyptian hieroglyphics antique sculptures coins gems and medals the ordinance survey of sinai the late exploration of palestine tbe lit eral fulfilment of prophecies as attested by the writings of heathen nations c jbj v ldefctces which the plain reader can understand which the scholar will appreciate and which the skeptic cannot rej gte i nblsom hpte respectfully ibvitjj latfention to ouel w men8e stock of agieboda ever- department replete with ftthetsfwest and raprt 3 s3 ftshable foods our dressj goods are the raoit compl we hayfi yet offered compnr ahudes iu ottoman cords bene cletlijuashme os and sprinesp iogs really beantifnl goodal j in oar pklnt depabtmit ive khow oyef 400 mttaaif ranging iroin 5c to 26c peryardi ii white and gtw coitsbtm- 1 we are giving some veryoloie quctati as we havebeeikeirkilrs to secare some special ajae we sve as immense stoefcot ship m- ings cottonades etc etct allprfces r m for nuking lard iiid jfisuap a singla trial it but necsirv t ccnviiee lue moat tkeptecalof its grtl vikun it wttl uiakl the flooring as bright as lie ucs nci crick theliandc krerjuojy who hasaced bi it likes it tt is put mi 11 tin bire witu herbert w morris od fall directions and 11 by ocr special l aat of science and the bible or the agentaouly turonrh the nonunion staod- j wcrk daya of god c ardchemilalc sciknoprietore toronto j oat j f- mtnvin soe agent for acton acd vitirit 45 u barlicaa aralca saltc tiic lxs salve in tjc wurld fur cats cruises soro ulcers ialt rheam terer sores tctter chipped umds cbilblajos corns and all skin eraptiona and pool tirely cares piles or n pay required it is gairajiteed to give perfect satisficlion or money refunded price 2o costs per box for sale hv j e mcgarvin 31 ittrlce to mothers are yoa disturbed it night and broken of yoar rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of catting teeth if so send at once and get a bottle of mrt win- tlavts soothing syrupor children ttdhing its ralne is incalculible ii will rtliove the poor little sufferer immediately de pend upon it mothers there is no mistake aboat it it cares dysentery and diarrhoea regulates the stomach and bowels cares wind colic softens the gams redacts in- flammatfem acd gives tone and energy to the whole system mrs winsunee soothing syrup for children teething is pleasant to the tbte and is the prescription of one of the oldesund best female nones od pby- siciaos in the united states and is for sale by all druggists throaghont the world price 25 cents a bottle 44 -f- hoiloways ffilu pure blood when the blood ia pare its circulation calm and equable and the nerves well strung we are vtreil these pills possess a marvellous power in securing these essentials of health by purifying regaltunc and strengthening the fluids and solids hoiloways pills can be confidently recommended to all persons suffering from disordered digestion or wor ried by nervous fancies or neuralsjc pains they correct acidity and beartburn dispel sick headache gaicken the action of the liver and act as alteratives and gentle aperients the weak and delicate imay take them without fear hoiloways pills are eminently serrlceawe in futaljda of irrit- scwrltotionasthetr wiollto itt nstural stifld uckltlk pli dfmf toou aad care the symptoms are mdistare like perspir ation intense itchiaj increased by scratch ing very distressing puticalarly nl uight seems as if pinwmais were crawling in and about the rectam the iirivsie parts are sometimes affected 11 allowed to continue very serious result may fallow swayxes ocrncext is a pleasant sore care also for tetter itch salt rheum all scaly crusty skin diseases sent by mail fcr sq cents 8 boxes 125 in stamps ad dress dr swavxe son philadelphia pa sold by druggists 50 prominent among the greatest medica discoveries by the many cares it has affect ed mcgregor speedy ctrc leads the van subjected to the minutest chemical analysis it has been found lo contain oaefof those injurious iugredieuta cbkracterixuia the worthless specifics dailj offered to the public every mgredieni possesses a pecal- isr adaptability to the various complaints for which it has been compounded and its efficacy ia being establish pd by testimenials hoarly received we are therefore confi dent that wc have a preparation which we can offer to the pablic flfttb the aasnranoe that it will be found not only a relief but an ahtoluu curt for dvspepsia liter com plaint indigestion constipation and im- pare blood free trial bottles at j e uecaivinfl drag store 33 this work contains over 1000 pages has 112 illustrations a dumber of which are excellently executed steel plates has 5000 scriptural quotations and also from 436 aathor it is printed on first class paper and is bound is the best style mr wm cripps agent for the county of halton will call upon yon with a copy of his valuable work tn the coarse of a week or two below will be foand testimonials from resident clergymen the pjlroosagef acton thursday jane 27 81 i have cursorily looked at tbe work testimony of the ages by rev w morris djx and find it all that it recom mends itself to be both as a classical and historical compendinm of very useful in formation and take pleasure in commend ing the same to the patronage of the public generally w j pigott ba- incumbent st albans church the masse acton june 18th 1881 mr wm gripps an agent of messrs bradley garretaon co publishers brantford called today with a specimen of the testimony of the ages in con firmation of the scriptures and it seems from numerous testimonials by ministers of various denominations that the work is very taluable and well deserves the pat ronage of the public d b cameron knox church acton 43 ljdlwrb early closing rs thukderbrrined w cbakt8 and buatneu men of acton hek- beraby tgne to close oar nmctin places ot basinets at tbe hour of eight o clock in the even ing- the 11 mw u ttqum u u4uv iu uio hyu- ng sasnrdats excepted on and after honday he9uidatojqneia6i- painless dental bperattods ftitalized iob or nitrous ox- t ide gas for painless dental operations at the office of cbraye8ld8 totexls block j upper wtndsam btreet ocaxf h instbvctionf m ik music 68 augusta micklin is pbe- fabkd to resume instructions on the piano and organ call at the residenoe llaln btreet for particulars 4mnicklm aeton uaruth i88i card of llhaves the widow and pamilxof the late b g hu esol xe this means of gratetnllyaxlmowlediingine many expressions of sympathy extended to them by their trianda in their late bereatoment esquesing july 2nd 1664 oooirtali sttatase at hb mccarthy kelson hcbee qoo hartll i b pearson kennerbroa hjalorton jfyfe chaa t hu1 acton june ath lbbi jahill b haalett wpbmrn whhowell marahall arbdmondson t h harding c b griffin american agriculturist la calasns ud 1m eagnrugt ia eaek laame rd num im 1 tear 8end three 9c stamps for sample copy enaheh or german ofttwowea i ist iars tartf jrarmal la ike world 0mc7tu0o sttuwmufrm ih braoalway hew jerk tape worm an eminentgerman soientiat hu recent ly duoovered from a root extract an ai soiafe jpfdlfc for tape worm it b pleaaaot to take aa is not distress tag to the patient but is peculiarly aloken intsnd stopeiyirut toav tsps warni whioh loosans its bold of its ticiam sod pssses sway to a natural an4eary mannsr esely w1ioieidtr4abwmstm auve ctjsioiiasnsmtlusspacmo toovrciaaa satiprdal 5th rpml wilx be ow openinc day aperri8iou ot miss tinair6t 1 ificent stock ot m rka filretcla8 millinery atasteastiiil trade remember oar opening day j clothing j a this deparlmejit is aalsoal first class parties ifeqniring j perfect fitting well yadefcd cheap suits f honld give m acall j 1 we hare a splendid line ofwts furnishings hats and csp 4 v2 i atii is dw goods i 1 boots tod shops we arc showidg this 6 stock wo have ever shown fip we are- giving speci are satisfied that we can can be had in the town in the most complete and ayiraetrvfc ijudies geuts and childrenifwebr value gbfefaebibs uea in 50 cent teas in sagare we 1 71181 a better article for less money than a rain thanking oub tlvu theib gemesot solioiij ps erlends and custombbs fob luppoet we rbspkctftrtiet nramjance of totjh favobs and wlbel confident that wl 3an givjeyou btteb vajbfob to b money than any other hox78e 1ncthe tbaos w motto s pbqglts and icketir 8 youbs bespectffflly 1 j-r- twi mcrae ij cms i iilt r m6