v through lead wiles cflowrs ft prize jasuig hours ui swell u- wh a boy begins to dislike lidnye aid to ink to escape com it ho hu vary often reached the ant milestone on the way to the bad dtlstaiu0acorxsolvsvtwiy positively do ail that ii claimed tot it then is dot a ootu la the world that it will not remove ii uaedaccordingta directions soldinaclou by j e mcgtrvia dragjisti pnee 25 cts laid lltataiai there ire bo t few that hire never suffered sluicat intolerable pain from toothache xeuralie or like acute paint to the in such aa instant relief u fluid lightning u an uolold blessing in time of trouble xo disgusting offensive medicines to be taken tor days one application of fluid llihl- uinjr cures said at j b ilcgarvins urug store 29 1 kuow it is uo part of prudence to speak lighting- of those that others admire bat that prudence ic bat crafty that com mands an uniaitlicul silence t clbortle of manchester ontario co xt wrilea i obtained immediate re lief from the use of dr thomas eccctrlc oil i have had asthma for eleven years have been obliged to sit np all night for tea or twelve nights in succession i can now sleep soundly all night on feather bod which 1 had not been able to do previously to using the oil are yoa troubled with salt huvao rough flandi or old sores of any kind that cannot be healed even though it be of years standing mcgregor parkes car bolic cerate will cure it bevoud the shadow of a doubt it u the best healing compound ever known boils festerings frost bites burns or anv kta trouble are alike cured by it sold at 25 cents by j e ilc- garviu druggist i 33 the only thing vothlnving in history aa in life is truth atkl wedo wrong to ourselves and oar posterity if we do not strive always lo render sample justice to lessen mortality and stop the inniadx of disease use xorturop lymans vege table discovery sad dyspeptic cure for e- i f liiiil ml the great sale ifcj the rigtii house is aa immense success the exceeding low prices which the goods are now itlllug off n m tract tens of ii nidi of customers who throng tbeae enormous stores so that frequently there u scarce- it room at the counters lor them all and the whole length of both stores 27 lee lung u crowded daily this great sale has bn got up on the principle nf giving ev ry customer extra good value iu all they buy while some hold lotteries in which only una in perhaps 5030 will get anything while lbs principle of depending on the wheel of fortune fir oar wants hu an immonl iunutuoe ou all who do so and is ruinous tb both the public and private welfare some defend this wioked plan of gtlini iff their goods by abusing their competitors who would not stoop to such a degrading mode of procedure and make statements about them jwhich have not the slightest oundalloo iu truth lritoad of resorting to cowardly model of defence let them show fay moral law that lotteries are harmless and give up their quibbling their aboe und their filse in sinuations last fee a lew of our prioea white quilts marked down lo twothlrus their value while quilu from 1 to 4 yards loug french crepe all wool d cms good at 25c which ii good value lor 37 ic allwool french twills w worth sfc afo selling off at 35o prints which would be cheap at lijo are telling off at 7i other priuta worth 16c are marked down to 10c wincey shirtings down rom 20c lo lfic and from 80c a s5c handsome colored silks in new shades are put ilnwu from 73c to 5jc from 00c lo7oc ud from f 125 to tl table damasks marked down from joc lo 10c aud from 40u to 80c heavy cotton sheetings down rami 25c to 13c from 86c to sue lscecurtsiiis greatly reduced in prices beautiful swiss set curtains very chcip black sdkv velvets reduced 25 per yard a great nuvelty in em broidered swiss muslin robes just srrived direct from swiucrvind sixteen dosen of childrens new siyjcs nf collars xuns veilings bantings silk oretwlius and vel- veteeas iu ruck and the newet colors all tory cheap new styles of tablu oil clotbs in ilia initiated marble tlranlte and fancy patterns ml lic per yilil lv ulan old prices a big redaction off last seasons priest iu carpels bdlv agsntt here tur toe wilcox unequalled carpet sivecper king street east close to hagbsoi rtrecl the name is i thomas c w atkins hamilton mmfkmtsm- hamilton june 12 1884 aoodur nothing jdysatousc are the i lasting eolors 9 rides questions of i pends the seals rf varieties of corns f will remove any of t i ial prerairatioa have j all diseases arising from impure blood vial intelligent study tfliied as in ayers f the list as a truly ji for all blood diseases ly to believe everything drous wise aa to be- getting relief for the littic u raves worm extermiua- f and sure care cttre of catarrhal diseases irrh conqueror cores nth ascixt few days old chronic cases in 3 ia t sboiths sold br j- e mjgirria agitvs9e- r saattv is crucible in which all gold roeha oit of it is drawn only one of two pains vanity or disgust fu be permanently esteemed any article ajjat have rirtues so marked aa to be plain- i fyagpmtnt the good name of the tri- mgte dyes is evidence f merit- they iptp themselres always reliable 10 at tjft megarriat drug store 45 i lie titat will believe only what he can i lofly comnrehend must have a verj- long h jhmd or a very short cxeed- ribjoriona enects can fooow the use of core in the treatment of mal- 1 1 con tains betides a specific antidote for miasmatic poison rxemediai agents whidi unite to expel as hemors parlxy the system i iccrc it in a healthy and reinvigorated uci as pimples blotches biliousness indigestion etc etc it has coequal mrs thomas smith elm writes i am using this medicine for d t ipepsia i have tried many remedies but this is the only one that has don me anv eood taaaluclvtax bar it now seems the general rule to crowd into one day the thankfulness of a whole year the exception to this rule is in the case of those who have atcd putnams painkss corn extractor with tne invari able results attending iu use for a perfect cure they feel thankful always try putnams painless corn extractor safe sure and painless sold by druggists every where x c rolsoxtco kingston proyrietors ko i i ague untiling a v m with which the triangle ji jryeeriave met proves them the most re- 1 inarble dyes of the past or present they rntacting attention from all classes of f tadtr10catj f itcgarttat 49 ii a fellow screws his courage to the stick- t mgjiace when he puts a postage stamp on the written proposal of marriage triangtw dyes are such aa one friend eaa take pletwrrein recommendnig to ilark well that yon get a three cerwexed package for they are the only re- liaue dyea in the marxet 10c at j e a whats the matter now john husbadmil nat neuralgia and tooth- acjie near kills me wife vvby dont yon goto 3 e ho arrina irng store and get a bottle of ffoid lightping von know it cures alj next thingsaa toothache xeoraigia head ache lamhgo earache sore throat etc it gives instant relief- 33 there are no depths for a brave heart from which bop cannot mount hope which ootlaata gold and the grave ho d harrison farnham centre p writing about dr thomas eciectric oil asyt tjeorge bell aaed it on his son- and it cored jrfoi of rheumatism with only a few appgeationa xhe balance of the bottle was aaed bywlald gentleman for asthma with the best results it acta like a charm sail kkesutxxe are yoa troubled with salt kbeum bough skill pimpletor canker soree if so go a once to j e mcgarvins drug store tb gt a package of calverts carbolic ifeetwstyfive cents it waa nerer known to fail 47 ja gof aynd despised are much given to boasting they feel that their position is equivocal and tfcey brag to make it less so bow tire and weak i feel i dont eiwfl eferget through tne spring t jn yet you will if you a bottle or two ofur carsons stom aob knew to porify tour blood and tone np the syatem in large bottles 50 cents h wneo there is an intelligent demand among die paajents for thorough work in school we shajl better results than we if a few grains of common sense could be infused into the thick coddles of those who perpetually and alternately irritate and weaken their stomachs and bowels with drastic purgatives they would use the highly accredited and healthful laxative and tonic northrop lymans vegetable dis covery an1 d yspeptic cure which causes lf digestion to wait an appetite and health on both 23 la aaswer vraae4- cm any one bring us a case of kiduey or liver complaint that electric bitters will not speedily cure we say they can not as thousands of casts already permanently cured and who are daily recommending electric bittere will prove brighta disease diabetes weak back or any urinary complaint quickly cured they purify the blood regulate the bowels and act directly on the diseased parfe every bottle guaranteed for sale at 50c a bottle by j emcgarvin rv dollar upoi tlte faith of s3ss33 kigl jjferll pravea illar i frequently bpeat on lendationa for articles to with mc- slfcedyjfce yoosnitm haatantilila merita are pr9hn k eoarriiia drag txort ainr bottle and if not contlaced wcfuitt frop pecloria pectoria peclorif the great remedy forcoogjus colds bronchitis sore throat influenza horseaese aud all affec tions of the langs and throat or chest pectoria loosens the phlegm and breaks up the cough 25 cents per bottle dont give up until you have tried pectoria all druggists and general storekeepers sell it a twjeis otiuiaa oriateres t sll j a tawney esq a leading attorney of winona minn writes after using it for more than three years i take great pleasure in gating that i regard dr kings sew discovery for consumption ss the best remedy in the world for coughs and colds it has never failed to cure the most severe colds i have had cud invariably relieves the pain in the chest trial bottles of this sure cure for all throat and lcnr disease may be had free at j e mcgarvins drug store large 2el00 ajs cmd la same kerapfhff edward bhepherdot hamsburg 111 says- having received so much benefit from electric bitters i feel it my duty to let suffering humanity know ft have had a running sore on my leg for eight years my doctor told me i would have to have the bonejeraped or leg amputated i used instead- three bottles of electric bitters and seven boxes bucklena arnica salve and my leg hi now sound and well electric bitters are sold at fifty cents a bottle and buckleas arnica salve at 23c per box by j e- mcgarvin j houovntf oinlmoil and ptllt influenxa sore throat qninsey mumps and similar complaints always abound in unsettled weather and are mott safely and effectually subdued by rubbuu hollowatt ointment at least twice a dty upon te chest and gisxids of the throat the ointment pene trates fhe skin reduces im heals nwatfont this treati dent for curing the most serloj plicated throat affections pio aft fills be taken at the tame waltowinggitetpm be relied on tut improving sy glnlet deglituton la chitii peoemnoeia plenrisj cough incipient oonaamptwu and meaalea hoheways medl leas talnable in imtlgating tie tiou and ent is saffi and corn ed hollow- when iticent may admit bron- hoopiog scarlet fever are not tapable- icertaln in vegetable sicilian laireenewer tu th am pnpantloa perfeeux tdipted to curt diioaact oc th icalp and uw flnt inc- culiil restorer of tided or gray hair to ui natural color frotth and joathfol beamy it haa hxd many imitaton bat none ht to fully mut all the requirement needful fcr uiq proper iretment of 40 uair md icclp iulli luix bxsiitefl hu itcadilr grywii la fitor and anread its amo and uteliili iu lo ererj charter of lie glob iu unjiril- wed loeeen can b ittribated to bat una eaoh utntirtfuittnauqfittprmueu tb proprietor luw often been rerprlscd at the receipt of orden from remou coan- triea vbere the had neter mada an effort for lu latrodsction the om for a short time of vllll qua ecanrta wooderfaut improti tbe per- onal appearaoee it cleaniea the tcalp from all impuritlec corei all htunort ferer and drywei and una prerenta baldneai it itimoutei the veakeoed glanoj and ecblea them to path forrkrd imt and rfforoas rovth xhe- effect of thia article are not transient like loos of alcoholic prepari- tjocsbat remtun a long- time wlikii makei la an matter of economf buoeinghams dye roainx whiszers will dung the beard to t naloral brotrn orbbfcck u desired it produces permanent color that till not viib airay consisting of a single preparation if if applied vttlioat trouble ebepaked dr l p hall co haslraa kh sold by all dealers in medicine fob all tee poems or sctofttlaas itercnrlfll and blood utt arder the best irmlr twsiasc the mast nsxcliiaijj utotxiagii bloolparincr u ayers sarsaparilla 6oalbytadrugclataaislxtcueats speicht son acton u undertakers carriage makers c a ft uljltrowautedforthelivesof all hulrl i othepkraideottoftheus the largest handsommt beat book ever sold for leas than twice our price the fastest selling book in america immense profits to agents all intelligent people want it any one can become a successful agent terms free hamm boot co portland maine arc prepared to furnish everything in their line prom the best ca8ket to the plain e8t coffin- on the shortest nortec and at lowest terms ai1 calls cither- uight or day promptly attended to satis faction guaranteed in every case a firstclass hearse for hire aawe arc in 2 jioaiuonlu satisfactorily fill orders for waggons carriages c of evcry description iu reasonable time good workmanship osd nrstclaaa materialslways used we have alo a splerdid lot or fcrcltuie both common and extra quality cheap trtfyou will pay u c ash we will icll you anything in our line cheap j a speight manager co to the old reliable clothing store for youhi spriijjg clothing ftftl for the vvottdngctass send 10 llulijceutsfor postage and we will mail vqm fnc a royal valuable box of sample ffcods that will put you in the way of making more money in a few days than you ever thought possible at anybusiness capital not required we will start yoa you can work all the time or in your spare time only the work ia universally adapt ed to both sexes young and od you can easily earn from 50 cents to 15 every even ing tliat all who want work may test the business we make this unparalleled offer to all who are not well satisfied we will send 1 1 to pay for the trouble of writing us full particulars directions etc sent free fortunes will be made by those who give their whole time to the work great suc cess absolutely sure- dontdelay startuow address stokix a co portland maine yui will find a still increased stock of goodsau all lines adapted for the coming season at prices snitahle to the hard times i n do not fail to see my sli 12 and 13 suits made up in the best of style and perfectly fitting i the finest stock of hats scarfs collars aud all things necessary to a complete outfit satisfaction in every way guaranteed at the east end clothing store j fyfe 38 i acres 3s5 acres f on thill nurseries the laxttti itt tie dominion salesmertwanted tobeginwortatonceonfallsales steady employment at fixed salaries to all willing to work mex and wosiex can hare pleasant work tiie year round good agents are earning from 40 to 75 per month aod expenses terms and out fit free address stent ft ttellisxton toronto oat ttaderolothing mrs r creech has a lull assortment of ladies and childrens underwear and solicits a call from the ladies of acton and vicinity asrcashmerc set now in endcrclotliiuc hade to order mrs b creech acton may 7th 18s4 fejfia2saies cd h p an endless variety of plush and other picture frames suitable for present8 photocraphs the latest style taken by the new process no long- sittings- j brimr your pictures of debeaaed friends and have them enlarged in firstclass style c w hill acton 4 gq fb a tvtes who is umaoquaurrto with the oeoobaphr of this country wiu is by examih1mo this map that ttu t he free press 1owcr printing llonse executes job worectahdescriptiousuisvery satisfactory msnner at moderate rates willi de spatch in the time promised i busikes8 ciecdlabs letter heads bill heads letter cfgcclabs xote ctbculah8 bosikess cakds visttlsg cabds 1 paxphtets haxdbills posters etc etc particular attention given to fixe wobk and extra carebestowed with a view to securing correctness orders from tils country auended ia with de- spateh and work forwarded lnmiediately by mail orexpnaa l try the fxtz funs job oxocs tocdrrintlng hp moorev psoflubiob chicago rock island pacific ry being the often central tine affords trj travelers py reason of its jnrlrated geo graphical position the shortest and beet route between the east northeast and southeast ana tits west northwest and southwest it la llteralr and atrlotlv true that kit oonneotiona are all of the principal lines of road between the atlantic and the paettlo by its main line and branehes it rleaehes chicago jollet peoria ottawa la salle ceneseo mollne and rook island in illinois i davenport muscatine washington keokuk knoxvuie oskatspsm fairfield dee moines west liberty iowa ctr ataantle avoca audubon harlan outhrle osnter and council bluffs in iowa oallatjn trenton cameron and kansas otty in mlasouh and leaven worth and atdhlson in kansas and trie hundreds of- cities villages and towns intermediate -the- i great rock island route all th advantage and comforts union depots at an oonneottng points odious will vmriutto will noant day olmohjn i a tine of the l chair oars ever dalit pullmans slupino cars and dinino oars to be the finest run upon any meals are served to traveler at as it 1 famluarir oahd often to ineldeitt toastnooth track sate brt fast ixpre trains ooiapoeed of hiatco finfly uphouteitcd most maompionrr morton rccunij hrtt designed and handsomeet pa that are ackriowledged by prasa and road in thi oountry and in wl the low rat of sawdstyfivi oikts thru trains each way between two trains eatofi svajr between or la the famous t lbert lta route plrtmvta iport new richmond and ooumllaufl8tpahl qhioaoo for more i awuastlelu lljici mmneapou and pan n rled at aus twl sea ma jeand ofb snijfi ii and the missouri rivsh and muomapous and st paul the bennett churn tne hmst truoli is ta itorkstl oiuraia kudi 4 plmtut xxuttid of in unpleasant xstkl ramshawson acton have secured the sole control of the sale of the famous bennett churn this churn is manufactured upon tbeinat practical aod commonsense principleex tant and only requires to be seen atwork to be understood appreciated and pur chased a tntober of the above firm ill call upon you with a sample churn zxbbw son aclon jan 15 si c c speicht pauties desirixg their buggies waggons cutters repainted or re varnished and made tonal to new nu shorlest possible notice and at low est prices shoutd leave their orders al once with sir j a speight undertaker and carriage builder or with 0c steight acton march 20th l8st cra week at home isoooutfittree pay uuabsolutelysure so risk capital not required reader if you want business st which persons of either sex young or old can make great pay all the time they work with absolute certainty write for particn- lars to h ffmrrr 4 co portland maine butcher shop r holmes uoam respectfully inform the people of acton and vicinity that be hu parchued the basines uid property of jjr w c robiosoa aad it prepared to apply all with firstclass meat of all kinds aad poultry and gtiuie in szatou 3meat delivered to any part of town at any time s3 having jjiucttctu experience in the batcberinc basinew i feel eocfideiit tl it i can aait all a call kindly solicited r holmes iomiikoafictil55 elhnt stun tmkntui to uy kotr u tim vctll omi tt gentwinlal isk at stilnrtaiijtnai 1b7j ladiu sztltlontoranto 1878 bifbeti awiflli at indiittrtal exmbttloo toroaio w in mow itavtcnrsao square and upright pian08 bur or th yuxxrr ktewndenc solicited- bend for mntatal cat alocae tnafled tnc addret dosasio obgas asd piaxd qqxpxsy banxumxia orr worth their welfht in cold holl0vva pills olintment tbis incomparable medicttr hu secured for ibelf an iwperishahlfijnlfst throughout the worldor vtf alienation and i cure of mott distac4 to which human uj m hrlr the pills purify reitnjateaud iiii prove the quality of the blood they tubiat the digegtive ornann cleanse the stojutuaud uoivkls incrtaae the secretory powers of the liver brace the nervous swum and throw iolo the circuuiiou iliepunrt lilenjenls for sastiidjnfi aiid repsinug the frame thoasaoda of peretes hv testified ihal hy their use alone ihty have ijecn restored to heaiih and etreath after every other meaua hadpruved uusiicccesfnl the ointment will befound iuvaliuble iu ever- household ia the cure of oieu sorts hard toniors sad iiofisfli old wounds ocuelu cold sor tbroal ufouob tiaiind b disorders of the t lit oat aud chest aa also cloat rheqidatim scrcfala tud very kind of akin disease maonfactured only at lrufessor hollo- waya establish meat 3 oxfokd street londun aod sold at la ld 28 4s 6d 22a aod 33a each bax and pot and io canada nt 36 ceuu 90 cents and 150 and thf larger sizes in proportion cacttox ihave uo apent lu the united stales uor are my metltcinca sold there purchasers should therefore look to the label on the pots and boxes if the address is not 533 oxford street london they are spurious the trade mark of ruy said medicines is registrered at ottawa anti niso at wash- inttton signed thomas hollowat- ios otfnrd strwt ttnn 4 a ph8zl hrtsfirie pcshja cm hurviprsmapaliw sklyilntuiaiay thatlalasaar lit am ss3 hills tin k stove depot good assortment on stoves cheap for cash tinware of all kinds at bottom prices and put rjp on shortest notice first class material only usebi 4 aairlsoialtd ks scud ix cents for pot- u tt rtceive free a oostly box of oods which will help you to more monev riht awu thu anyuiilgels in this world all of either sex succeed from trm hour the bread road to fortune opens before the worker abfoirfely sure at once addres- tir- a co au5tta maine t dvertisers before yoa place a dollars worth of newspaper advertts- xng fta omt prices e exact east at aur paper r list or epers cheerftdlj fnulahed jewpon bppucatlon ia8en4 lor new tsstalogue- j o hoiich auvertishie agent s0t9b buc1 detroit luca d elanarfc fakms tor sale fron i l v per a ejre nr j d hehdrtck real estate amt hooaion delaware these furma are improred with bnildingb fences fruittrees and berries of all kinds good water plenty of timber land rood roada schools and churches good markets only 95 miles from philadelphia plenty of fish oysters and gmo very- jirodnotive land climate mild and pleasant come and see for yourself and he convinced iam prepared with teai and carriage to take ton to see the finis free- of charge j di hkxncilkr ftoiitin t visito i manhood how lost how bestobaeui wehavcrinjeuil putlnhtdanew edillouof dr favcrwejhsalr brates ksaay on thcraafral y b permanem cure llhout xactu- lnofnrvoodiblltjmeitlan pblc allneapaaltyimpeillmentsnrsinrrrarreir resnltlnkromexcesses ssvi 1 aseaipd envelope onlvset ar ortwo postal sumps tbeelebratetl author lo uii admtrtblo easao- nearly demopatratea rrvmthirtj yersajccesalnlpramlct tbatalansleteiuar aettoepeo may be rsdteally eared wltaessa- sh daexeroua oeoltulernal medlelasor- theueiiltliekicpolnmixojt medeof ooreato4iefvlmplerttainaadtbelpajby meaoit erwhtolreywrtanfleier no xe after wbatblaooporauaifjrajyeuvrlilroaevh oneaarttbtelysiadasgleaaiy r rm teerfslwflaa in the birdvt iwiavablbt1avleit tiv