i tesers- i rcaumou evebv thursday kormxg t tn ttlef press power pmmtnra house vim street actos ost trsxs the fax passs willbe beat subscribers postage paid for 1100 per uum in advance 130 if not so paid xo piper discontinue till all arrears ire paid a icept at the option of the publisher aovxartsixa rixxs casual advertise- aiente 8 cent per hue for the first inser tion and 3 cents per line for each subse quent tnsertiou cash professional cards 10 line or less 1 100 per annum laquare 13 hnes 5500 per annum payable in 6 months from date of insertion any special satice the object of which is to promote the pecuniary benefit o any individual or company to be considered an advertise ment the number of lines reckoned by the space occupied measured bya seal of solid konpareu coxtract kates out coluni none rear 6800 halt eolutnu one year is oo ii tarter eotutnuoue year 20 oo ma eilutnaslx momns ss 00 kttfeultunutlx mouths m08 aiartereolaranslxtnontns 12 00 l l column three mouths 3000 half 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at sons boot and shoe store res idence in the rear horses examined as to soundness and certificates given all call night or day promptly attend ed to terms easv ch biggs l ds of the firm of eigos tt ivoar toaaxro will be at campbells hotel on the first monday of every month in the practice of bis profession all wctfc executed in the latest and most improved style of the d art so charge for consultation terms 8100 la advance the newspaper- a mop ofbusy life ite fluctuation anditn vaatoonoerns sssttssi 9150 if not o paid volume x no 5 aoton ont tfstjftsday july 80 1884 whole no 474 war attjwa jran ja agtqh banking coy storey christie fc oo backers acton ontario a general banking busi ness transacted h0sz7 wausd ok ajps0ved u0tss kotes discounted and interest allowed on deposits acton fruit depot dan mnt ffress turisnit mossrva jctr 30 18w poetty bet your toot with hthe johh m owat 4 mcleak barristers solicitors kotaries convey ancers 4x- tasiovet to loix ornce town hall acton 3 a jtoiril w a jtrllui g goodwillie barrister solicitor kotary public georgetown t actok tr acton office in jtrs- secords block tohs day aechitect guelph ontaxio ornce queens hotel block market square jijvikgstok llb bisbxstek sozjcrroa cowetisceb ac orf sent door to hynds jewellery store still street acton vf tjak laidlaw co v d baebistes8 t solicitoes i oftces over impenai bank2t wel- encton street east entrance exchange alley toronto joes bus qc c a 5isrra wnxilm lilliau gtoegt klppeix vy j b bragg pagtic al 5i1llwiught rearranging o flour mills specialti p 0 ijiress box 103 eocturood patekts secured for ixyextioxs heskv grist otn- cisiiia 20 teirseractice ko pataat ko paj f irakc1s kjjkak successor to t e chapbau bookbikder at georges square guelph accoant books of all kinds made to order periodiau of every description carrfully bound ruhngneatly and promptly done w jl kejistreet bicensed auctioneer for the countiei of weilmgfon andhalwn orders left at tie feee pas office acton or at my residence in acton will be promptly attended to terms reasonable cr u loan also moner to loan on the most favorable menus and at the lowest rates of interest in sums of 1500 and upward t ime for sale lime can be had at the canada lime i works in small or urge quantities t any time apply at the kiln near tollon s tnttlorto c s smith kay 1st 188 bormacios r ttaklak babber shop 1 1 wobdbx 1 offim and soucita tbi patronage a m ticinity everyderarbrientrfttoboamebs will bo conducts in nratcuatyl give m jpwobdesi 3ub9mth iw4 j m fernley has purchased the stock and hnsines of a e katthews and will here after fceep constantly on hand in season a fall line of choice confectionery fruit canned goods choice cigars fcc andccrythicg kept in a firstclass estab- ft lishment of tl is kind ioe cbeaim aii cool soamsr orinii always feesh and pure kjndli solidtinfi a continuance of the patronage heretofore given the acton fruit depot lam respectfulij a h fernley post office baitdiiiff teton hand bags i beautiful tot orsamples boaght aad sold at hallprice choice- new window shades all colors at days bookstore gcelpr 1 set your foot witlituiue jakn let us step together if the road be good or bad fine or stormy weather put your hand in mine john clasp it strongly brother strangers cannot be to us what were to each other il wed the same good father john no boys had a better to his wisdom and his lotc both of ns are debtor wed the same sweet mother too ko boys had a sweeter we must love each other well or how could we meet her in when we wore but tittle chaps driving home the cattle then we shared each others ull fought each others battle then we had the self same griefs and the self same pleasures held in common bats and balls and oar boyish treasures rv kow though we are bearded men still you know were brothers far more to each other john than we are to others i for you and you for me in lifes changing battle as it was in bygone dat a driving home the cattle so pat your foot with mine john we will step together if the way be good or bad fine or stormy weather lot the world go well or ill pot your hand in mine brother strangers cannot be to us whit were to each other day sells cheap 2800 cords hemlock bark wanted the subscribers will pay s550 per cord for all prime quality hemlock bark de livered at their cannery iu acbm before xoremberlst 1884 bark mast be brrbt on flesh flat and full four feet limn curled or damped bark onlj refuel at a proportimitle re duction we wlsb it tustinctlj under stood uo barfc will be received after the first of xoventber wltn- out special contract any other information will be gladly furnished upon application at the tauuery to jib c r wilson beardmore co acton april 188 established 848 savages watch clock j ewelry spectacle house large stock prices right special attcntlou to flue watek repalrlmj b savace jlear pctrlcg new prnjc store gfelph restored high up among the iulk on the wagon road that runs through the caacita pas is a small tavern much frequented by com mercial travellers and which bears the odd title of the long pack does that mean a long pack of cards 3 inquired a traveller glancing at the swing ing signboard which also represented the weatherworn picture of something faintly resembling a noldier9 overgrown knap sack ko replied the grayhaired landlord it means a peddlers pack xowadays they call them sample cases i believe pointing to the baggage of several commer cial drummers that stood in a corner yon pee i have a good deal of that sort of cus tom i try to make the road boys as comfcttabla as possible for i was a httle too hard on their fraternity once how was that well said the mountain boniface who had waited until his daughter a box- om matron had left the room it aint a tery pleasant story but i like to tell it sometimes joat to remind myself that the worst thing that a man can have in this world is hot obstinate temper yoa see i came to this coast soou after the gold fever broke out and settled down in the santa barbara valley below here ranch ing i was a widower even then and had 5rooght with me from the states my only child a daughter past seventeen she was a pretty girl if i do say it and being as good as pretty jou can imagine i was quite wrapped up m her of coarse i as anxious to keep her with me and if not thit at least i looked for her to do some thing better than to foil in love with a peddler and did she t yes you see in those days the coon- try was foil of young fellows who had struck out for themselves and were trying to get a start by carrying knickknacks around from one mining camp to another some of them were lively chaps enough and well edacated hut i was fresh from the states with all the eastern prejudices and it almost drove me wild when nellie told me she wanted to marry a young fel low who brought his pack through our district a good deal oftener than the trade seemed to require i was a hottempered fool in those days so i stormed threatened locked xellie up for a week and sent word to hflrjover that i had loaded my gun for wildcats and peddlers what did nellie do v r yoa might have guessed it stranger one day when i came hack from a cattle sale she was missing i chased her a couple of days but they had taken o the tall timber and it was no use after a while i got a letter from frisco audi wrote back saying that i disowned her and that he had better keep out of the range of my deer rifle what did you do then v s offered misterjnst suffered i knew i was wrong bat id have died rather than give in for four years i lived like a toad in a rock hating the whole world all the pleasure 1 had was in watching for peddlers the dumber i chaaed off the ranch during that time would aatonuh yoa one even ing after a terrible rainstorm one of the tribe came to my house and asked or iheiter for the nteht he waa a thin weak looking fellow with his face covered with a huge ragged beard be carried on his back an enormously long and heavy pack and seemed so eihamted with bis tramp through the mire that i hadnt the heart to do more than order him oft the place that was pretty hard said the listen er x s appose it was the peddjer seemed all broke up when he found i wouldnt give him even a bund of straw in the stable and no other house within twelve miles instead of complaining however he mere ly begged that i would let him leave his pack which he said contained goods of value under shelter from the rain i fin ally consented to this so aa i had sworn one of his trade should never cross my threahold i earned his pack inside while its owner limped off to crawl under some bosh or other didnt you feel mean v yes mean and hitter at the same tune for something about the man reminded me of nellies husband a httle however i locked and barred all the doors and win dows as usual for some road agents had been around those parts about that time and had stood up and robbed several ranch ers and as i told you i was all alone somehow i couldnt go to sleep when after that i went to bed after tossing around for awhile i got up and sat by the fire brooding over my trouble and trying not to think of the poor devil shivering out there in the cold and rain somewhere i looked at hia pack sitting up in the corner and wondered what made it so long as i watched it i fancied i saw it move 6awit move exactly i wouldnt believe- my eyes at first but after watching intently for a while i distinctly saw the front of a hand pressed against the caavas from the inside like a flash then i understood the whole thing the peddler was one of the road agents gang and knowing i had considerable money about the house they had adopted that plan for smuggling one of their crew inside the hoaae after i had gone to sleep the fellow inside could let in the rest and finish the job i walked quietly across the room took my gun from the antlers knelt down a few feet from the pack aim ed square in the centre and pulled the trigger go on mnrmured the listener with a ah adder but the gun didnt go off continued the landlord clearing his throat the nipple waa rusty and wouldnt work so i laid down the rifle and got an axe from the kitchen it had been newly ground that day and when i lifted it over my head i counted upon cleaving that pack robber and all clear to the floor 3 ust as i raised the axe and braced myself for the mow i i saw a ghost a ghost 7 m yes sir the pack opened and i saw sticking out of its top the curly yellow head blue eyes and rosy cheeks of my nellie when she was a httle tot of four the shock staggered me so that i sank on my knees i wiped my eyes and wonder ed if i had not gone crazy i was almost certain of it when the ghost stretched out a pair of chubby white arms and said deevnin dranpa ah said the guest with a relieved eigh i begin to see and what did j oo do then i dont exactly know said the land lord softly but if there is auythin that will bend a stiif stubborn neck quicker than the arms of a httle child id like to know what it ia i pat the tired httle prisoner dawn bj the fire opeueotthe door and held out my arms and the mother u yes nodded the landlord they were both there and mkter i guess thats the end of my story and the old niau wiped his ejes you must excuse me stranger but that was a wet evening and somehow i havent got quite dry since c horrors of tightlacing a girl who baa just returned from lon don tells me says clara belle that in the health exhibition there one of the exhibits was meant to depict the horrors of tight- lacing a waxen figure was subjected for the purpose of divulging the secrets of the ladies torturechamber to a compression of the girth which a woman may with proper self-respect- measure around the waist the sufferings of the dummy in audible save for the creaking of the ma chinery which in the forcible compression of the waist might well be mistakeu for groans were quite terrible in their realism but the female spectators laughed instead of being instructed the tact is that the old curmudgeons who take corsets as a text for sermons against ufl are left very far be hind injuriously tight squeezing of the waist is rare indeed nowadays the coming man and woman says dio lewis will be joat as large at the waist as at any other part of the body what an old fool 1 did he ever see a fiji island woman i have she had never been compressed by so much as a calico wrapper and yet her waist had a goodly taper to it pretty soon lewis will be demanding legs as big at the ankles as at the calves every base- occupant makes one sharp in patience and dull in every other as ceremony is the invention of wise men to keep f ools at a distance so good breeding u an expedient to make fools and viae men- equals where the money goes a medical gentleman was taking a walk in regents park london when he observ ed an old man seated upon one of the benches by the roadside whom by his dress he recognized as a pauper belonging to the maryleboue poorhouse the gentleman stopped and spoke to him its a pity said he to see a man of your ears reduced to spend the remainder of yonr life in a poorhouse how old are you close upon eighty sir what was your trade carpenter sir well thats a good trade to get a living by surely now let me ask you plainly were you in the habit of taking intoxicat ing liquors no sir that is i only took my beer three times a day liks all the rest i was never a drunkard sir if thats what jou mean no i dont mean that but i should like to know how much on the average your beer cost ou per day t weil sir no more i shouid think than sixpence a day and how long did you speaking rough ly continue that expenditure l i can hardly say sir but it would be about sixty years the gentleman taking out his pencil be gan to make a calculation while the old man kept on rambling about his temperate habits and the misfortunes that had over taken him when the snm had been work ed out the gentleman very much to the astonishment of his listener said to h temperate asjousay your habits have been my friend let me tell you that your sixpence a day for sixty years at compound interest has cost you three thousand two hundred and 4weat live pounds sterling- and if instead of spending it on your beer you had put it aside for your old age you would now have been in receipt of one hun dred and sixty pounds a year without touching the principal or in other words of three pounds a week in place of living in a poorhouse and being dressed as a pauper that was an eyeopener to the old man and if he had opened his eyes about it sixty years before it would have been a good job for him john b vs tjnole s there is no end of stories of the contests between john and jonathan as to the re spective merits of their countrymen in which exaggeration plays an important part we doubt if any reader of the fao press has heard the following excelled an englishman and an american in making a voyage together after discussing various other points came to bragging of swimming feats and in response to a whopper from the yankee about having towed a flatboat down the mississippi from cairo to new orleans by swimming ahead of it with a line in his teeth the englishman thought to put an extinguisher on him thus why thats nothing you know its 3700 miles from new york to liverpool well the last time i crossed jugt after the pilot left us at sandy hook one of the passengers fell overboard it was rather foggy and our steamer stopped and sailed round and round trying to find him and we lost a whole hour supposing he had sunk we went on jost as we were completing the voyage on looking out we saw that same man swimming up the liverpool harbor he climbed on the deck and waved his hand to us before we came to anchor to which jonathan ooolh re plied yes thats so and i am glad you saw it and can testify to the fact as it might not be behevtd from a less truthful witness i know it was so for i was that man the above reminds us of two clerks who vere boasting of the extent of the business of their respective establishments one supposed he had reached the climax in saying that it cost his principals 5000 a year for steel pens alone whereupon the oiher promptly replied in outplace the correspondence is so large that we save 120000 a year in cost of ink by omitting dotting the ls and crossing the ts vacation visitors this is the time of year when your un welcome city halfcousins begin to think of paving you a visit la order to brace up their childrens health give themselves a rest eat fresh berries drink new milk save doctors bills sit under the trees pick all your best fruit ask all sorts of foolish questions give you a great deal of informa tion about which you know more than they do patronize you with amost condescend ing and orbau air wonder why yon do not have chickens every day for dinner tell you more about politics in one minute than conkling or tilden ever knew in a year wonder why you dont stop in the middle of your work and take them riding and sit oq a fence wondering how stupid you are anyway they will leave word with their toity friends that they have gone to newport or the mountains aod tnen they will make you pay for their pride the day after they come tll them that yon propose to send your son or daughter school in thp city during the fikd and wintand wjil let them be tbegniiaw tpjateuapax- agrapb upon theinsids of iheflfwjw- rtwmdoor r f what a vote mayxtol hammou a vote if so who gave it to yott and to whom are you responsible for the use you make of it the greatest ques tion before our country today is shall the 3iquor traffic be protested and perpetu ated or destroyed fhe question of the settlement of the boundary award or the disallowance of the streams bill was of small importance compared with the momentous issues involved iu the liqnor traffic what is your position towards this ques tion for or against f which why do i ask you do you say because you are ttie proper one to ask you are a voter so am i by our votes this liqnor curse lives and spreads itself everywhere it could not exist one hour but for these they give it a legal right to be here and cloths it with all the respectibility it pos sesses by our votes we have put it upon the throne where it now sits and have giv en that throne ita stability by our votes it rems and conquers do you know we ark parents in the business and sharers in the responsibility for its crimes there is ncrf a hquor dealer in the dominion but can point to our votes and influence as the reason for the existence of his dreadful trade in deathdealing drink we are re sponsible for the opening or shutting of the drink shops how is that do you say because the hquor traffic is protected by law and our votes say who shall make our laws and approve or disapprove of them after- they are made jf we vote for license we vote to make it morally cert that at lead 7000 per year of our fellow citizens will die drunkards we vote for a traffic thafi makes 75 criminals out of every 100 that are sent to our jails and prisons that produces threefourths of all the crime in our land we vote to make thousands of wives widows and tens of thousands of children orphans and paupers why should we do this do we hate our kind that wa 6hould seek to perpetuate a business that ruins multitudes of them with license we are helpless to protect the weak againsf the strong with prohibition you can punish the man who sells another liquor you make the liquor traffic an outlaw and all who sell are violators of the law and criminals prohibition will dethrone the liquor traffic from ite place of power as a party weapon in politics and brand its use as thrioa accursed in social life are we not our brother a keeper let us then shut the door of this great temptation that lies open at his feet thereby lessen the proba- litiee of his utter ruin and protect his wife and family from cruelty and hunger it is time as electors that we spoke out on this subject that we freed ourselves from com plicity in this traffic by saying no license shall be given with our consent shall we do it let reason judgment and con science answer and as far as your vote and mine will go the wrong of license shall be righted and the right shall be submitted vote as you pray selected she rose at the early duyhrsakv with a sick and aching head and she said this croselittle woman i wonder way girls trill wed they wouldnt i am sure if they reckoned the things that a wife most bear the neverdone frork of a household the neverdone mother care six down pieoes to wash today i a anildren must go to school ana every one knows on washing days baby fs crosvas a rale and bridget is not to the work yet oh dear iww my head does ache yet i shall have the dinner to cook and all the beds to make but as soon as the breakfast waj ready father came in from the yard he kissed the sick little mother was sure that the work was hard v he said to the noisy boys v b still 1 your mothers not well todav and when he bid her u goodtr u he could loss the pain away and the coffee or kiss which ivas it healed like a mgtr1 charm the spirit of diligent gladness was everywhere on the farm the father worked hard at the ploughing the mother forgot her- pain bridget did well with her washing there wasnt a drop of rain the baking and cleaning was over when ths boys came home from school baby forgot it was washing day and pleasantly broke his rule and at night the house was clean and bright- there was not a thing amiss tis only a wife the father thought would do as much fora kiss and the wife sitting down in the firelight the baby asleep at her side her husband chattering and watching her with a husbands loving cride thought much of her full and pleasant home of her children asleep in the bed and said with a sweet contented laugh ko xcondcr thai girl will wed how funny old love letters read a lady of the north side says a reporter was looking over a bundle of old love letters recently and chanced upon this one from her husband in his halcyon days and she read it to him sweet idol of my lonely heart if thou wilt place thy hand in mine and say dear love ill be thy bride well fly to sunny italy and neath soft cerulean skies well bask and sing and dream of naught but love rich and costly paintings by old masters shall adorn the walls of the castle ill give thee thy bath shall be of milk a box at the opera shall be at thy command and royalty shall be thy daily visitor sweet strains of music shall still thee at eventide and warbling birds shall wake thee from thy morning slumber dost thou accept say yes anil fly oh fly with me and i flaw said the wife but if i had been as fly as i am now i wouldnt have flown humorous the dearest girl on earth is the one that eats the most ioe cream it seems odd that a flying debtor should cross the ocean to avoid the billowes a shoemaker may not be able to breathe hie last although he often eats his awl an ohio newspaper speaks of a man being bruised by the emphatic gesture of a mule people learn wisdom by experience a man never wakes op his second baby to see it laugh a new york stock broker was bitten by a dog a few days ago the dog hasnt got over it yet the easiest way to mark table linen leave the baby and a blackberry pie alone at the table for three minutes when you form good resolutions use them the same as you would fainting ladies at a ball carry them out a miss is as good as a mile and good for all the room she wants in a crowded street car if she is finery dressed a young bride claimed that her husband waa a model man and he was his oc cupation was making rinmmiee for clothing storey tlie society of women is the element of gocd naanucrs ycnncibriithaeti3qtoi tttvcltiimfariiabsftoml tukas yoa believe the best atotnewb wjttwfti laiss bnt ifffhft if b him quiet momenta i no more dare fret than i dare curse and swear wuuy little things console us because little things afflict us wo watch your own speech and notice how it is guided by your less conscious purpose otoryt euioit a conscience void of offence before god and man is an inheritance for eternity daniel webster many men have just enough faith to make them miserable but not enough to make them hopeful there is as much light in scripture as will satisfy those who love the light and as much darkness as will satisfy those who love the 6utknessaai in our large cities there is a distance of 100 miles between the fashionable and un- fashionaole sides of a brick wallvompa cook 1 v young men 4o something- in this busy bustling wideawaie world stove about for the benefit of mankind if not for your selves oongh creditors have better memories than debtors and creditors are a superstitious sect great observers of set days and times ivuttttm it is a great act of love to god to trust like a son gods tremendous power there can be no confidence without the filial feel- ing we always get- back to the point god is oar father f if riaer what gunpowder did for wax the prist- ingpreasliaa done for the mind and the statesman bffio longertclad in the steel of special education bat every readug man is his judge waukll phillip 1 dying words jeanne darc ended her eventful stormy life by tittering the sweet name of jesus boilean it is a greatconsolation to a poet about to die that he jias never written anything injurious to virtue lord byron shall i sue tormercy come come nolweakness lets be a man to the last queen elizabeth all my possessions for a moment of time george iv to sir waikin waller who was ami sting him to a seat when death eame2 watty what is this 1 it is death my boy they have deceived me countess huntingdon i have no hope but that which inspired the dying male factor and now that my work is done i have nothing to do but to go tomy father la fontaine it is notorious- that i have published a book of inlasbons tales in composing it i had no idea the work would be so pemioiuua as it baa proved i wish it were in my power whelly to sup press it feter mill had i a thousand tongues they should all be employed in praising god and had i a thousand lives they should all be devoted to him mirabsau give me more- jlaodanum that i may tiot think of eternity and of what is to come hannah hare joy paine i would gtfe worlds if i had them that the age of reason bad never been published dr payson the battles fought and he victoy won for ever i am going to bathe in an ocean of purity and benevol ence and happiness to eternity hold oat faith and patience altamonv myprincipleshave poison ed niy friend my exiravagenotfhas beggar odmy boy my rinkiodneas ha murdered my wifeindis these anotharj heflf oh thou blasphemed yet meet indulgent lord god hell itself is a refuge if it hides me from thy frown i pearls of thought one always haa time esdqgli if one will apply a well behaviour is a niirrox in which every one shows iis image there are never is the world two opinion alike no mora tbntwoha4re rtwovaina titijoos niuotiriqttiitty qieiiaflwrtmrlfce batsmn c- ii