miftiiimim u it- tkchsdit mown jrit i 1884 i 1h thx qhxldres the children i ah the ohfldrenl your innooent joyous ones your daughters with reals of sunshine your buoyant and laughing sons look bug el their happy faces drink love from their sparkling eyes for the wonderful charm of coudhood bow soon it withers and dies a fear fart vanishing summers a season or twain of frost and you suddenly ask bewildered what is it my heart hath lost perchance you see by the hearthstone some jono stately and proud or a hebe whose soft ambushed eyes flash out from the golden cloud of lavish and beautiful tresses that wantonly floating stray oer the white of a throat and bosom more fait than blossoms in may and perchance you mark their brothers young heroes who spurn the sod with the fever of antique knighthood and the air of a grecian god but where ah where are the children your household fairies of yore alack 1 they are dead and their grace lias fled for ever and evermore 1l wt i s 1 tfiouglitb for farmers keep the best and sell the rest use the stacy yea if yoa want brilliant and fut colors 8 the balky driver makes the balky hone infitting boots and shoes canae corns holloways com cure is the article to use weeds exhaust the land as badly as use ful cropi as well expect life without air as health without pure blood cleanse the blood with ayera sareaperilla a good cultivation is equal to a shower in a dry time- gentle firmness should be the rale in handling all lire stock if yourohildren are troubled with worms give them mother grayed mjorm extermin ator safe sure and effectual there is more profit in keeping one good 1 than two poor ones stox t axtsg and baching away at your coma try the swirihle remedy drstarra corn solvent the wonderful com remover and be happy sold by j e ilcgarvin druggist price 25 eta tie manure bank is of more importance to the frr than the money bank habttcai coysnritios is one of the most unpleasant and injurious conditions of the human system j flints tfsndrake pills relieve the bowels ict as a toeic so as to restore the organs lo a healthy condition sold by j e mcgsxvia druggist acton price 25 centi employ the hired hand whose clothes are patched in front rather than behind the success with which the triangle dyes have met proves them the most re markable dyes of the put or present they are attracting attention from all classes of societt loc at j e if cgarvias 49 it is better to sell when you can get a good average price tbaa to hold for a high er one the triangle dyes are each as one friend can take pleasure in recommending to another mark well that yon get a three cornered package for they are the only re liable dyes in the market 10c at j e mcgarvwa 49 tjnderdrajrifnft increases the fertility friability warmth dryness and moisture of heavy seals c a livjngstone pkttrrille says i have much pleasure in recommending dr thomas eclectric on from having nsed it myself and having sold it for some time in mvjjwn case t will say for it that it is the best preparation ihave ever tried for rheumatism think carefully plow deeply manure liberally and cultivate thoroughly and you will gather largely sail stheeas tared are you troubled with salt- rheum rough skin pimples or cankersores ifio go at once to i e ktcgamns drug store and get a package of calverfa carbolic cerate price twentyfive cents it was never known to fail 4 he who would have his soil feed him boaniifnuymiist not forget or neglect to feed his roil iiberalir l facts are stubborn things and suffer ers from chills and fever generally find their complaint a very stubborn fact until they commence the use of avers ague cure that medicine eradicates the noxious poison from the system and invariably cures even the worst cases the light otscience and experience focal ized by the agricultural press is the best guide to success in farming vrkaliea if troubled with an unhealthy slow- fuirre tocmt powdm the peerless twlfrice renders the teeth pearly white tbe breath swoel remnv ivea tartar from the teeth without injuring the enimtl sold by j e mcgarrin drngist acton price 5 cents wife whats the matter now john husband oh that neuralgia and tooth ache near kills me wife ivhy dont you go to i e mc garvins drug store and get a bottle of fluid lightning you know it cures all such things as toothache neuralgia head ache lumbago earache sore throat etc it gives instant relief 83 thomas robinson faraham centre p q writes 1 have been afflicted with rheuma tism for the last ten years and have tried many remedies without any relief i got a bottle of dr thomas eclectric oil and found it gave instant relief and since then have had no attack i would recommend it to all oh 1 how tired and weak i feel i don believei will ever get through the spring housecleaning oh yes you will if you take a bottle or two of dr carsons stout ach bitters to purify your blood and tone np the system in large bottles 50 cents 45 ii a few grains of common sense could be infused into the tck noddles of those who perpetually and alternately irritate and weaken their itcmachs and bowels with drastic purgatives they would use the highly accredited and healthful laxative and tonic northrop t lymans vegetable dls covery and dyspeptic cure which causes good digestion to waitan appetite and health on both m enormous clearing sale at the right purchasers of dry goods carpets etc should not fail to nail at the right house to tee the wonderfully ltw prices at which gooi are idling aft many lines of tbe follow- ing new gootjs have beeu dropped to lial their former prices mflllnery mantlei dreso h prints parasols laces laos ties fancy h mdkerehlefa aieoioodreds of other lota offering at nearlyhalf their real value this attractive display is drawing hundreds f customers in the print department prints formerly sold for 80a bare been marked down to 10s english fustcolored prints at 71c worth loo flowered sateens at 15c north 80c scutch dress ginghams at 12jc wort 18c cretonnes rerioced from 18c to 18k satin cretonnes reduced from 30c lo loc purchasers of bluck goads attention is called to the allwool summer reigea at 20c house worth 88c costume cloths at 120 worth joo grenadines reduced u 8c peryard black lustres at lmc wortk 20c a lot otfanoy pattern nuns veilingrediioed from 6s and 40c to26c black and colored cashmere at famous low prices iu the cotton department sec the faucy shirtings at 12j c formerly 13c shirtings at so formerly 12jo at 10c formerly 15e while cotton from oc white cotton at i 9 10 u and 15c much under general prices tickings reduced from 20 to 15c tickings at 124c usuallf lfa feather proof fancy ticking at 20o worth 25c special line of ticking at 25c formerly 30c table linens trom 15c per yard table linens at 25c worth s2c table linens at 40c formerly 60c fast bad table clothing at jofc formerly 60c table covers reduced to 35c each pure linen towelling reduced to 5c nice linen crash reduced to 5c fine linen towewog at popular prices towels iu an immense variety at reduced prices boyajersoy suits marked down from l 75 to 8125 jersey trouiirs tpr boys reduced ti 1125 jersey 6ps 20o a large assortment of little girls and ladies toners cretonne fringes selling off very cheap a apecial fringe at 18c worth 85c another cretonne fringe at 20c worth 30c laoe ourtaioa at 125 worthl75 lace cnrtnins at 275 worth 350 lace curtains at 2 worth 8 lace catlalna from 70c to 20 a pair toilet seta of 5 pieces from so toilet 8ets at 12k worth 25c a lare assortment ol toilet seta swiss srnl frmch anlemacassera toke the ekvator to the carpet department here ynu will find a large aasortment of brussels tapestry wool and union carpetings also oilcloths and linoleums wicoi celebrated carpel sweepers window blinds hartshorn boilers brass aud waluiit cornices and poles stair rods and other house furnishings kemtmber the place kos 80 and 33 king street east and tbe name is hshi for healing cleansing and completely re moving your trouble if the blood is cut of order take with it a few doses of mc gregors speedy cure from j e mcgar tins drugstore 29 books and papers are essential to a com plete home and in e- fanners home some of these should be devoted to agrioul rural subjects e llfnirwer store pipes are supposed to move the deepest and most profounddesire to swear that it is possible for man to experience be that as it may we venture the opinion that corns producer as many startling ex clamations and the introduction of put nams painless com extractor seonhf be hailed as a moral influence in the world in- dependent of it power as a reliever of 1 physical suffering 8old everywhere take only pnfaams extractor n c pol50n co kingston proprietor sheep in inmjner want plenty of fresh graa4 good abide and pnre water in win- terpioteetionfioni atana- good veatfl- taon s4 regulation to feeding in both iflbpotty hamilton july 17 1884 thomas c watkins hamilton healing sore nae mcgregor parkeacar- bolic cerate yon will find it ivlaawrtowylebt jrt window i soothing erllprevta dollar opon dollar is frequently spent on the faith of recommendations for articles entirely worthless xot so with mc gregors speedy cure yoa are not asked to purchase it until its merits are proven call at i e mcgarvins drug store and get a free trial bottle and if not convinced it will cure you of the worst forms of dy pepsia liver complaint etc no matter of how long standing it costs yon nothing sold in 50c and i botlfei see testimon- als from persons in vour own town 29 after years of suffering persons who have vainly sought remedial help from other sources have obtained the long desired re lief from korthrop k lymans vegetable discovery and dyspeptic cure which puts a stop to the tormenuof dyspepsia renewi activity of the bowels and liver relieves malidies incident to the gentler aerhnd builds up failing health and strength gives purity to the blood and tone to the whole system are you troubled with salt rheam sough sands- or old sorts of any kind that cannot be healed f even though it be of years standing mcgregor parkes car bolic cerate will care it beyond the thadow of a doubt it is the beat healing compound ever known boili festerings frost bites burns or anv skin trouble are alike cured by it sold at 25 cents by j e mc garvin druggist- 33 tkese are saud facts the best blood purifier and system re gulator ever placed within the reach of suffering humanity truly is electric b itters inactivity of the liver biliousness jaun dice constipation weak kidneys or any disease of the urinary organs or whoever reqniresan sppetirer tonic or mild stim ulant will always end electric bitters the beet and only certain core known they act surely and quickly every bottle guaran teed to give entire satisfaction or money refunded sold at fifty cents a bottle by j 4fmcgarvin pectoria fectoria pectoria tbe great remedy forcoaghs colds bronchitis 8ore throat influenza horseuess and all affec tions of the longs and throat or chest pectoria loosens the phlegm and breaks up the congh 25 cents per bottle dont give up until yoa have tried pectoris all druggists and general storekeepers sell it a kemarlcabte escape mrs mary a dsiley of tunkhanoock pa was afflicted for six years with asthma and bronchitis daring which time the best physicians cooid give no relief her life was despaired of until in last october she procured a bottle of dr kings new dis covery when ucmediate relief was felt and by coutinuiugits use for a abort time she was completely cured gaining in flesh 50 lbs io a few months free trial bottlesa of this certain care of i1 throat and lang diftexses xt x e kc- garvins drugstore large bottles 8100 advice to batters are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth if so send at once and get a bottle of jfr ifin- sfovs soothing syrupor chudrai ttzihing it value is incalculable- it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately de pend upon it mothers there is no mistake about it it cures dysentery snd diarrhoea regulates le stomach and bowels cures wind colic softens the gums reduces iu- flam mat irmand- gives tope and energy to uii i ti 1 tr n rrr r c bgntf forckim tathing it pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female nurses and phy- ricians in the united states and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world price 25 cents a battle 44 xot another pill shall go down my throat againaaid a citizen when i can get each a prompt and pleaaant cure for my bilious attacks as dr carsons stomscb bitters it renders the blood pore and cool and makes a splendid spring medi cine large bottles 50 cents 45 leklatrilersarau aid care the symptoms are mbiature like perspir ation intense itching increased oy acratoh- ing very distressing particularly at night seems as if pin- worms were crawling in and about the rectum the private parts are sometimes affected if allowed to continue very serious resnlta may follow swatiras onmoarr is a pleaaant sure cure also for tetter itch salt rheam all scaly crasty sku diseases sent by mail for so cents 8 boxes 125 in atampa add dree dr 8 wayne t son philadelphia j pa soldby drngiatr t ml a few him for tbi w of jxmx ih sues las tow- penile j to 4 puut ommfklr 4 la t piltt eipmact tcuuteut lis proper dsm is bb am for qonsupatlon or ooattveneas no remedy is so effeesre u avzss pius ihsy insars regular dally action and re store the bowels to a healthy condition foriiidltaucm pols are invaluable and a lure cure heartturn lcs of appettta tool a ntnln7i xmtslnesa bead- ctw kumtoeaa kassef an i all relieved sad bratims pitu in liver complaint bilious disorders and jsondlca anas fiixs should bs gtran in doses large enough to excite the mvar and bewala and remove comtipstlon as a cleansing medietas la the spring ukm pills are uqeoulled wormsi eansed by a morbid condition of the bowels an expelled by these puxs eruptions skin diseases and piles the result o imucestion or constipation are cured by the use of arias pills for colds lake arans pills to epsa the pores remove inflammatory seerstioesr- snd allay the lever for diarrhcm snd dysentery caused by sudden colds indigestible food eu a ties ptlls sn the troareisedr bheumatiam oeot rtaurelgta aad gctasteaottaa remit from dujastlve daruta- ssast or colds and ilrsrrtr on removing the oaan by the use ot atns prux tumora dropsy kidney complaints and other disorders eansed by usbuty or obstruction sre cured by arrrs pnxs buppreuiou and fainfal henstru tion have a saie snd ready remedy in ayers pills fall directions la virions langusfsa ac company each package rnrrarrri bt 0rjcayef4icolowell sold by all druggists speight son acton undertakers carriage makers c from are prepared to furnish everything in their line the be8t ca8ket to the plaine8t coffin on the shortest notice and at lowest terms satis- f5 all calls either nigbt or day promptly attended to faction guaranteed in every ease a firstclass hearse for hire amcareina position to astisfactorily fill orders for waggons carriages ac of every description in reasonsble time good workmanship ood firitelaas material always used we have also a splendid lot or furniture both common and extra quality cheao s3lf you will pay us cash we will sell you anything in our line cheap j a 3pei0ht mantgtr co to the old reliable clothing store for your spring clothing aai flfar the worfcingclafis uulllo you will find a still increased stock of goods in all liues adapted for the corning season at prices suitable to the hard times do not fail to see my 812 and 13 811 812 and 813 suits made up iivthe best of style arid perfectly fitting send 10 cents for postage and we trill mail you fm a royal vlable box of sample goods that wul put yoa in the way i of making more money in a few days than yoa ever thought possible at any business capital not required we will start yon you can work all the time or in yoor spare time only the work is universally adapt ed to both seies young and old you can easily earn from 50 cents to 5 every even ing that all who want work may test the business we make this unparalleled offer to all who are not well satisfied we will send vj 1 to pay for the trouble of writing as fall psxticttlarsr directions etc sent free fortunes wih be made by those who give their whole time to the work great suc cess absolutely sure dont delay start now address snxsos co portland maine the finest stock of hats scarfs collars aud all things necessary to a complete outfit satisfaction in every way guaranteed at the east end clothing- store j fyfe 3 acres 385 acres fon thill nurseries tie lirjtrt la ths eoniiion ale8menwanted to begin wort at onceoafallsales steady employment at fired sajarica to all willing to work- hex and wojiex can have pleasant work the year round good sgents are earning from w0 io f7t per month and expense terms and out fit free address stout ft mulattos toronto oat frames an endless variety of plush and other picture frames suitable for pre8ent8 photographs the latest style taken by the now process no long sittings- brinjr your pictures of deceased friends and have them edii enlarged in firstclass style c w hill acton fb a tvrss underclothing mrs r creech sas a full assortment of ladies and childrens underwear and solicits a call fromthe ladies of acton and vicinity aactunmere net mow iu underclothing hade to order mbs e oseeoh- acton maj 7tn isu who 18 unaoouaintio with thi cstoosuphy op thi oouhtry will u by examining thw mstvthat thi fjthe feee pbe8s rower printing house xecatea job wore of all descriptions in a terr satisfactory manner at moderate rates with de spatch in tbe time promised busike8s cibcclaai letteh heads btll heads detter cnculabs note cibcexahs bcsijtess cabds vuitihc casds pahiet8 aaxdbiixs postekfl etc etc particular attention giten to fine wobk and extra ears bestowed with a rlew to soenring mtieotneaa i ordanlrom tbs ooontrr attended to with de- spaisban4 work forwarded immedutely by man orexpr4 tij tba fnz paaas job ofsoe for prtatinf a chicaco rock island pacirc ry aln tfta ml osmtral una afltordato tf raswonof ha jnrtralad ssaor iirisf mt the laat iteriiiaaut and craphloal position the ahortaat and baat outhsaut and th west saortnsnat and souiftwawt hiutasvllrsuuatr1cuthsttjtonnstknsuwaaic4tnaprlnolaalllnm of road batman th atjanoo and that its main una and brenoha tt raaoha chloaco joh poorta ottawa la alwoafwaao moliiw and rook island in nunoja oannport muaoatlna wsuhfaaoaiaoituk kriosnilo oalnsiooaiii ftumold dm ssxilness wat utnror iowa ottjj attsmtjo awfea audubon ksulan tnrtlirts oantar and oounoll blufta in iowa oallatln trenton oanwron and knm otttln waaourl and tswwn worth and atohlaon in kanau jtnd th hiibdrada of ottkas irfllaam and towns intemwdlat t great bock island route as it l fsttiqlarl oshad osra to jwtswwjt tt and oomforta tnoldani to amoorh trljek aafabridessa tilo0s9ots oonnsotkicpolnta aat tsprsoa tralna oofapoaed of qommfftioua wiu vnmutib wiu p upomtfeo md aoifmht day ooaohe a una of th iiorr auijaiiirkwrr hqrtohreouaonaohaj tmits nrbtiwti rnilumns tatsft dao and hsmdaw faul laubplno outb and otsirma car toao in thi o0mtji4dsawpor msataisr aanatt to tnaratara at rha lewrau swrostyrsxara suxwk a tha famous ajsawfcndttrot faaaffeaksaha fssthjaaaav wsam pvswvpn impoft y lid oounoll wufaivbt ml all throussh pmfbutojl sa jawaf ftwantedfor the lives ofall nutn i qtbefreaidedtaofuieua thelarsatluvndfomet best book ever sold for law than twipe onr price the astn selliog book in america immense profits to egeote all intelligent people want it any one nan become a snooasafnl agent- terms free hsllitt boot co portland maine the bennett churn tfct xmitartlolt la tiu kwkst tttuaiaar plsuwo zuttad j ot a itapimjt tuk i ram8haw80m actoh have secured the sole oontrol of tbe sale of tbe famous bennett chnrn tbi cburn is mauafaotured opon the most pradtieal and commonsense principle ex tant and only requires to be seen at work to be understood appreciated and pur chased a member of tbe above firm a ill calliipon yon with a sample chnrn saicfl2atr at sos acton jan 15 84 carriage painting c c speight tarties desibdfg their buggies waggons cutters etc hepainlod or revarnished and made equal to new on shortest possible notice and at low- est prices should leave their orders at once with mr j a speight undertaker and carriage builder or wiih c c speight acton march 20tb 1884 jcca week at home 500ontfitiree pay sjuuabsolntelysure no risk capital not required besvder if yoa want business at which persona of either sex young or old can make great pay all the time they work with absolute certainty write for particn- lara to h hixinr a co portland maine american agriculturist 1m cwiumii tad im bagrarlkki la eaeb imslce 4rd ttll si m i tear send three 3c stamps for sample copy english er oaraunl of the eldest sat beat azrleal tarat jrarsuu la ike warid onag ftoaqo datujuadprot iji reedway lew lark tape worm an eminent german scientist haa recent ly disoovbred from a root extract an no- vjlutf ipedic for tape worm it is pleasant to take and is not distress ing to the patient but is peculiarly sicken ing and stupefying to the tape worm which loosens its hold of its victim and passes away io a natural and easy uunner entirely who le with sup and while still alive one physician haa used thislpeciflc in over 400 cases- without a single failfue to void worm entire success gnat intend no pay required until removed witt hemd sena stamp for circular and terms etwoeb at co 19 pars place n wtark hills good assortment on stoves cheapjok oashi tinware of all kinds at bottom prices mil astseaunsartaa prlnofpsutwiuh and put up on shorte8t notice ir8t cla88 materia u only a oaiilwuoiesj jv u t 1 1 ben f aaii ii tv commion itonsa btsstaasmratirfsdtisjkiivjfct at cenlernilsl iro tacv aosirit 7 ecnibuloq cr t1 bkmst awatcs at inoastrtsl rffilbuloa tucuu wa xx aow luartacrralvo square amd upbicht pk baar t raa haaarr mrespondeaee solicited send fur nioitrt c slofne mslled free aocm doktsiok 0boa5 asd puso oli- nowauxrilla oxt i b craine pills 01ntmjent this incoxparabij medicine has kcurtd forwielf an iixpcrijkabu fame otroughout the world for thi alienation and cure of most dueasu to which humanity t heir the pills purify retnlato and improve the quality ol the blood they a 1st the digestive ortadl cleanm tbe stohacu and bowels ifiiree lhe secretory powers of the litcr brace the dervoca bvetcm md throw into the circalaliua tbe purvct elements for sosuioiq and repairing the frame thousand of persons have testified that by their use aiouc they bare been restored to jhealth and atrtngth afier every othjr meisuis had proved onsucceeafol f t the ointment will beioond invaluable in every hoosehold in the cure of open tfores hard tumors 8i legs old vouala ooughj colss sore throats bronchitis and all disorders of the throat aud cuesr as also gout kheumatim scrofula und every kind of skid disease iffluufsctnrcd only at professor hojlo- ways establishment 533 oxpokd street london and bold at la ljd 2a 9d 4s 6d 22s and 33s each box aad pot aud in canada at 36 cents 90 cents and 150 and lhe largersiaes in proportion t3caunos i have no agent lo the united stales ncr are iny medicines sold there purchasers should therefore look to the label on che pots and boies if tbe sddrearis oot 533olford street london they are spurious the trade mark of my said iledioines is regietrered at ottawa and also at wash- ington fthoma8 hollo wav s3s orfnrd street london a dd 1 7 c eed 1 lilasacake and receive free a costly boa of goods which will help you to more money rieht away than anything else in this world ad of either eex eoceeed from first hour the broad road to fortune opens before the workers absolutely eure at once address tare co augusts maine betore jen place dosais of hm kewspsper asreertia- ct otxr pxieea tlie eotsct ms of ur pmsmr or hat of jopew rti frrmtelsft lrjjbpon smdloattoa asr8end tovnew csusjsav j c houciv adrartttub agent 8bh8sbuq setretl islet neiiwart farms for saie fs le o star eraere a ohemiwicircboaeutaeat honaton oauware these farms aroimproved with buildings fences fruit trees and berries of all kinds good water plenty of timber land good roads schools and ohurohea good markets only 95 miles from philadelphia plenty of flah oysters and game very productive land climate mild and feasant come and see for yourself and beconvinoed i am prepared with team and carriage to take visitor tp see the farms free of charge j d hxmaica honatnn delaware manhood hiw lost sipw bestokba we hatlcfjeentlj ivrtiiahedstiew filliss l taiitrerjch- cwe oratetf usaj- on the radical snd permnnent cure without medl olnjorkervotidebmttuentalaiiiiphle airnpaelt impediment or merrloaetetf reanltinirromexeeaaes r r irprlxln asaaled envelope onljlela rtwppostie alampa rnecalebrstedjuihor in tuts admlrabl essay ifartj demonstrate rrrauitrt 2 aatulpraeueei thatsjaolnps aeojnet nay he rseajlraretw1iawt f totebsfspettjisw the use olthhtuiu polntinjoat a mode jf eateitosrtvmuple cerulvhdflouptrs oieaattrinrlwt1rndradearji 3 wh lieior vejrrjoriirimn mf- m m m 1 m-r- 1 r m h i vil hoow bi lertasjirtsi r r r i br llv vs ifl ifee r i lis3 i- mm- mm ss f m st- rrai gvj5l asfeil 31