Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 31, 1884, p. 4

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wv nflff cton4rm grots tauaaoar koutixe jctt 91 1884 r mm ufa 4v i rr- br 1 v mh wmm- ly woman suffrage in compliaooe with claoie s of the hani- cipi amen4mnt act of lut session of jiving widows and unmarried women who an in their own right fescued for a proper- ty or inoome qualification sufficient to qualify male toter um right to vote at municipal elections tie names of all the women possessing the required qualification have this year been added to the voters list this introduces thirtytwo new names intothe voters list of this municipality mu aspirants will consequently have considerable new material to canvas at the coming election in the meantime they will require to invent a series of gentler tactics than those pmendly in vogue on such occasions upon the same principle that the mania pal franchise haa been granted to women why should the parlimentary franchise not be extended to them also if they possess the same qualification as male electors who vote at provincial or dominion elec tions and are considered fully capable of voting at municipal elections why is heir blilty to intelligently cast a ballot at parliamentary elections questioned and a barrier placed before them at this point if the one is right and just the other cer tainly is also bat it is only the question f a little time when they will be granted equal rights wiihjthe sterner sex then wa will undoubtedly see ladies at the poll ing booth and political life will necessarily be conducted on greater and more reason able lines the public health the board of health for this mtmidpal- itjv which held its first meeting last mon day evening has considerable worfc before it the board has been put into thorough organization and for the protection of the public health in the community intends to carefully carry into effect the provisions of the act under which the members hare been appointed and are working a notice from the chairman of the board in an other column requests dl residents to ex amine into the sanitary condition of their premisee and see that the regulations of the act are promptly and fully complied with the board is instructed to inspect the premises of erery resident in the monies- pality and has the power to cause to be pot into a proper sanitary state any prem ises that have been neglected at the ex pense at the owner or occopant of the same the statute requires that all persons own- ing or feccopying premises in the town must see thavall rubbish garbage refuse c is immediately removed and water closets properly cleansed and disinfected stag- nant water or sink slops must not be al lowed to accumulate or any other such like nuisance permitted to exist whereby the general health of the citizens is en dangered pigpens must be kept clean and free from bad odor and those withis the prohibited limits removed the mem bers of the board of health have no desire to use the powers cbnf erred upon them in an arbitrary or overofficious manner but for the preservation of the health of the general public they intend kindly but firmly to insist that in every case the law most be complied with there as no doubt but that the dreaded cholera is steadily ma westward nfl it consequently behooves every one to in terest himself in securmgfbr the section in which he resides perfect cleanliness in every quarter if the provisions of the health act are strictly complied with no fears need be entertained that the pestilence will strike us- there is certainly no ex cuse for canada to be caught unprepared for this or any other serious epidemic notes and comments all liquor wjimg ajd gambling devicea at agricultural faira in maine are prohibited by law he im not much of a temperance m who does not carry his principles to the ballotbox and vote them the hon e w scott the author of the canada temperance act states that the working of that act in counties where it has been adopted has fully realised his ex f the deliverance by- the masonic grand lodge that it is not desirable that spirit- nous liquors should be placed on the re freshment tables of private lodges is an im portant recognition of the growing temper ance sentiment of the age of all the rnillip upon millions of he brew wealth invested in various line of trade in new york it is said that not a dot- iar belonging to a jew can be found in tha retail liquor businessand there is not a bar in gotham presided over by a hebrew the map publishers have all they can do to keep up with the times the progress of exploration the changes in frontiers and the building of new cities and towns make an old atlas as inadequate for todays use as a- last years newspaper the map of africa is changing more rapidly than that of any other partof the wortdv many ex plorers and pioneers there supported by gorernmentfli geographical societies or misaiooary agencies are all the while add ing new facte to geographical knowledge tz there are already five applications for iimctjeie coomiiena by the dominion parliament next nation a ilia agnate committee anally oeeupy the peatr part of a eeeaion inoonafclering one case owing to the time they waste in wrangling and tkeir otter noompetenosi for business of a judicial character the proapeotaof the par tial lor obtaining the desired relief are pretty slim the senate divorce commit tee meeting aro exoallent u a fane bat some people look upon divorce u a serious matter which ought oot to be turned into a burlesque by the antics of a lot of senile buffoons toronto ietri the toronto sacs says if there is one thing more than another for which the managers of the victoria park deeerre credit it is for the exclusion of liquor from the grounds and the boats under their con trol the day baa gone by when the boys can sound their haxoo on excursion steamers and affright ladies and children in the public resorts the boy may re gret this bat as public opinion haa under gone a marked change in this direction within the part few years no one else will on saturday the groves rang with girlish laughter and merriment and children sported on the greeu without fear of drunk en men stumbling upon them and destroy ing their pleasure crooks act cases reference was made in these columns a couple of weeks ago to the action of a num ber of fergus hotel keepers in refusing to provide accommodations to delegates to the scott act convention recently held in that town the amendments made to the license law at the last session make it a penal offience for a licensed hotelkeeper to refuse meals and lodging and other neces sary accommodation required by travellers unices there are good and sufficient reasons for such refusal in new of this the license commissioners of the county in vestigated the matter last week and the board after hearing the explanations and considering the case passed a resolution in structing ithe inspector to proceed against messrs spires course and if orrow in the usual way by information before magis trates the result of the trial haa not yet been made public the hotel keepers find that everf the crooks act bites hard when its provisions are violated iv i communications wnue we stb vfuiac at all times to open our colnana for the publieasoa oicommtnueaiians on sq subieets o nlezt to the general feubiic we wish it to be distinctly understood that we vih not hold oartetres rapotuoie for any opinions which mar be expressed br our cor respondents that sunday parade to he editor of the free prett due 6ra it would seem from the rev d fi camerons commonications to the fan paass that sunday parades do not affect the rev gentlemans sensibilities aaf much as the quality of the music ren dered on the occasion no doubt the un- meloous din of drums cymbals and hnwinf tamborines grated very harshly on the highly educated and musical ear of the rev gentleman while the excellent music rendered by the acton cornet band even though accompanied by the same drums and cymbals sent a thrill of delight through his righteous soul the realcause of the eev gentleman zeal on the present occasion seems to be the presence of the lords army whose influence he has en deavored to lessen by every means in his power notwithstanding which many of the villagers oot barbarians are now through its instrumentality rejoicing in a knowledge of sfna forgiven from the milton ana we are reminded of a former epistle written by the eev gentleman by which he attained to the unenviable position of champion of the liquor sellers of halton and from ijis present action he would seem to be desir- eos of adding to his former notoriety the zesi exhibited by the bev gentleman on the present occasion reminds us of paul when on his way to damascus hoping that the scales may soon fall from the bev gentlemans eyes and that in his declining years he may endeavor to undo the mischief he has done in the past i t am yours truly obsavrk acton july 29th 1881 sunday parades sec to iu editor of die fret preu dejib sis inyour issue of the lothinsfc a also of the 19th inst the eev d b camerontakes occasion to air himself on thisquestionsnrt to vindicate his spleen and sarcasm by reference to your reasonable remarks on the volunteer church parade with yourself many citizens rejoiced to witness the worthy colonel and his com pany march to chnrch headed by the acton cornet band and i am quite sure no sen sible person felt shocked or had their mor ale injured either on the occasion- the gist of the bev gentlemans remarks lead to the conclusion that he most necasaarily condemn the church parade music or refer to some one who did in order to- get a fling at the lords army and justify his condemna tion of their dram parades the whole of this uproar about church parages arises from the narrowintolerantspirit of the gentleman in question towards the lords army aa indicated by his futile attempt to array public opinion against themi which he did by getting up a petition to the council bat which he was afterwards wise enough not to present surely it has hot come to this that any narrow minded person provided with the prefix of bev shall aasume the dictatorship over a free people and say what form of proceodure shall be observed in the conduct of public worship and what shall not dogmatism such aa bev d b cameron is accuatomed to maybe tol erated by people in bondage but not by an intelligent people en joying the liberties of the nineteehi century religious conflicts are usually the most acrimonious and better arousing the strongest antagonism of humanity especially when they are the re sults of bigotry andintolerance and the rev gentleman should certainly have ex- himtedtwtter sense than to rush into a newspaper controversy on such a subject it is not only anevidence of indiacretion- but also of very bad taate when people possess each an estimate of their value in a community as to scribble oh toil or other lubjeotaylt would perhaps be well first to consider the result and the influences direct ana indirect arising there- born i assure yon i have no desire to belittlr- th bev d b cameron or his in- finance in this communication my object is simply to let him know that in this com munity religious freedom is tolerated and the bev d b cameron dont rule yours dec eotrrrr acton july slth 1881 business brevities sen raota abent ear bnatneas men and hone of baaafltlo oar asnsral raadera hats from 75 cents to f250 at j fyfva if von wants nobby durable sad cheap suit j fyfes is the place to go the largest and cheapest stock of boots shoes to select from is at kelson sfcraes tate votut ourreeders should notice advertisement of heywood co who claim an infallible remedy or tape worm scotch karliah and canadian suiting n great variety at the fast end clothing itorej fyfe acton suits and overcoats at extremely low rates and made in latest styles be sure to oall and see them l fvf e a cton fusts tooth puwdcu the peerless dentifrice renders the teeth pearly white the breath sweet rem moves tartar from the teeth without injuring the enamel sold br j e mcgsrvin druggist acton price 24 cents ir roc have failed to bo beucfited br other catarrh remedies try dr starrs ca tarrh conqueror it has received universal endorsement l e jfcgarvia will supply you price 50c there are lots of people going aroand grumbling jud half sick at the stomach all the time who might be well and happv if they only used dr carsons stomach bitters occasionally itii a splendid blood puriser all druggists 50 cents 45 the triangle dyes have attaiued a popu larity unprecedented in the history o dye staffs xo wonder for they are perfect in all their shades 10c at j e ucgar- vins drug btore 45 if a few grains oi cmmon sense could be infused into the thick noddles of thoe who perpetually and alternately irritate and weaken their stomachs mid bowels with drastic purgatives they would use the highly accredited and healthful laxative and toaic sorthrop t ljmaoj vegetable dis coveryaml dyspeptic care which cause good digestion o wait aa appetite and health on both 23 focxd at last a sure cure for corns warts and bunions warranted dr starrs corn solvent the wonderful corn bemover sold by j e mcgarvin drug gist ask for it price 25 cu llald ifgktxuat- there are but few that have never suffered almost intolerable pain from toothache neuralgia or like acute pains to them such an instant relief as fluid lightning ia an untold blessing in time of trouble no disgusting offensive medicines to be taken for days one application of fluid linht- niuj cures old at j e mcgarvins drug store 29 baekleisa arafca salve the best salve iu the world for cats bruises soros ulcers salt rheum fever sores tetter chapped hands chilblains corns and all skin eruptions and posi tively cares piles or no pay required it is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded- price 2ocenta per box for sale br j e jfcgarvin 11 est aad cmr rf fee faf rerlbr browns household panacea has no eqaai for relieving pain both internal and external it cares paia in tbe side back or bowel sore throat rheumatism toothache lumbago aad aay kind of a pain or ache it will most surely quick en the blood and eeal as its acting power is wonderfal browns household pan acea being acknowledged as the great pain reliever and of doable the strength of any other elixir or liniment in the world should be in every family handy for use when wanted as it really isthe beat remedy in the world for cramps in the stomach and pains and aches of all kinds and is for sale br all druggists at 25 cents a bottle 44 at this season of the rear there should be a dottle of pectoris in every hoase it is unequalled for coughs colds and hoarseness is pleasant equally safe for children price 25 cents at all druggists 30 feud at last an articla that will give satisfaction howards pare concentrated alkali for cleaning and scrubbing purposes printers usesheep washing before shearingand also for making hard and soft soap a single trial ia but necessarr to convince the most skeptical of its great value it will make the flooring as bright atnew does not crack the hands everybody who has oaed itlikesit it is pat up in tin boxes with fall directions and sold by oar special agenbsonlythroaghxthe dominion stand ard chemical co sole proprietors toronto out j e jfcgarvin sole agent for acton and vioinity 46 prominent among the greatest inedica discoveries by the many cares it haa affect ed mcgregors speedy ouri leads the van subjected to the minutest chemical analysis it has been found to contain one of those injurious ingredients cbaractaririni the worthless specifics daily offered to the public every ingredient possesses a pecul iar adaptability to the various complaints for which it haa been compounded and ita efficacy is being established by testimonials hourly received we are therefore confi dent that we have a preparation which we can offer to the public with the assnranoe that it wol be found not only a reucf bnt an abtouiu emrt tor dyspepsia liver com- plaint indigestion constipation and im pure blood free trial bottles at j e mcgarrmsdrng store 88 the watch clock house oif gtjeilb still ahead with a new stock which oiu be 80ld at havikg leased better rooms for iit repairing department 1 can give yoc better satisfaction than ever wm s smith guelpfl painless dental operations 7ttaiized aie oe kitro0s 01- t ide gas lor painless deuuioperstlons st tbe office of c b hayes lds tottlls block ttpier wnuiljani street gutlpk cattle astray strayed from lot li cox 5 erin six hed cattle two iteerc arecrold red white ipot on tux md on right tboolder four teaiuna one ron ateor one white heifer one ron heller and one red heifer with white faccc- auprwn gttinffirjformihcni whichwiil lead to uie recovery of the kame will be mitablj- rewarjm hlghuohllas brisbane po poundkeepers notice auctiojn sale i hereby give xotice that onlaas rrreriaajuy claimed and charges paid i will offer lor aale at the poand oa my premises e lot u coo- 2 esqaetine on friday mil august 1884 s white pfga befog 2 hogs and 1 sow f supposed to be inpifil jules gibboks ewttma jal r s m poundkeepcr coal and wood the undersigned has just cot in a large quantity- of flrstcism egg stove and cffestxut coal which ho is prepared to dispose of by the car load parties oalng coal win profit by laying in their winters stock now havealao oa hand a large stock of dry hard wood in rtore and eordwood lengths c s sang acwu juiy 22nd iffct board of health public health notice vtotige is hereby given that j3 ill owners or occupants of premises in this mnnieipautf are strictly requested to examine into the sanitary condition thereof and to take immediate steps to remove any and all sub stances and nuisances deleterious to public health persons nting complaints to prefer will direct them to the sanitary inspector or tbe chairman of tbe board of health w r storey acton jolj 26th 188 chalrmaa guelph cloth hall our sprlngslock is how fully assorted comprising all the newest shades in plain and fane worsteds west of england trouser ings and scotch and canadian 8u kings rve can assure our custovers and the general public that ive bave this season tbe choicest selection of goods we bave ever been able to place before them and in coo sequence of tbe low ericas prevailing in the wholesale markets we are able to sell clothing at very low figures shaw grundy vubchikt tinoas gnelpb testimony raflgesi ob confirmation of the scriptures 1884 voters list 1884 municipality of the village of acton 13 the county of halton vtotice is hekeby given that jji i have banamitted or delivered to theper- gona mentioned in the third and fourth teetioni of the voters lfit act the eopiea required by asid section to be bo transmitted or delivered of thvlhrt nude pursuant to tald act of all penoni appearing by the last reviaed assessment boll of the laid municipality to be entitled to vote in said municipality at elections for members of the legialatlveajsembly and at municipal elec tions and that the said list iras first potted up at my office at acton on the 8th day of july 1034 and remains there for inspection electors are called upon to examine the said list and u any omissions or any other errors are found therein to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to lav 3 e mogabyin clerk of the said hnnkfpality dated at acton the berth day tfjnltmsi f modern scienoe and recent discoveries ancient records and mod amen to the ruins of cities and police of tombs tbe greek and latin classics assyrian in scriptions and egyptian hieroglyphics antique soulptdres coins gems and medals the ordinance survey of sinai the late exploration of palestine the lit eral fulfilment of prophecies aa attested by the writings of heathen nations c hi v i uttfctges which the plain reader can understand which the scholar will appreciate and appr reruk wellington marble work quebec st gubiiph john h hamilton pbofhietor j formerly mcqnillanhamilton dtaler a marble granite aad everything pertaining to cemetery work eeceivad first prises at i provincial ex- bitdtion gnelphj the western fair and all local exhibitions for ezcelleneeof material and superiority of workmanship yoor orders ereaolicitad which the skeptic cannot retnte bt herbert w morris dd author o science and the bible or the work days of god o this work contains over 1000 pages haa us iuiutrationa a number of which are excellently executed steel plates baa 5000 scriptural quotations and also from 436 authors it is printed on first claas paper and is bound in the best style mr wm cfipps agent for the county of halton will call upon you with a copy of this valuable j work in the coarse of a week or two i below will be found testimonials from resident clergymen i thb saasouse actonrhnraday jane27 m i have cursorily looked at the work testimony of the ages by bev w morris dj3 and find it all that it recom mends itself to bej both aa a classical and historical compendium of very useful in- formation and take deaaura in commend ing the same to the patronage of the public generally j wjwgottbx incumbent bt allans church 1 xms vusez i acton fane 18th 1884 mr wm grippe an ajjent of moure bradley qaxreteon a cto publishers brentford oajled todv wiha spepunen of the teatirnony of tie ages in-con- formation d to scripture ima it seama from nmnerona tnmict of various denrmiintions hmhe work- is veryvraraakle and wet it theajat ronageof thepubbc d b toattjltatmll k nelson sc imcrae acton diodes of white and crey cottons dundas shirtings cottonades brown ducks etc at less tiaa maaufacturers prices v 1 l tr job lines of tweeds and suitings suits made to order from i o perfect fit every time job lines of boots and shoes i ooo pairs t i to be rushed off at any price job lines of hats caps from 16c up i we are rnsbing oft balance of our millinery stock at 15 per cent less than cost splendid value in sugars a nice bright raw sugar 15 m fdr 100 faral m c3as we intend taking stock in about fifteen days we are deter mined to reduce our stock and in tend offering big bargains in all lines do not fail to secure some of our big bargains andl andc ill v sorkl aayt v ofe remember our famous 50 m4 drl deall 6vip fmim u ft qsmmmmm m3l wjs t i-vjiv- r wi a frt lyfelsl alt imti 4st mm m smsmmfpsi

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