itvsffitk iw pt ifpfc u i5t fci a x f tee tinas tamday morxi acq u 1884 the ruls of health a correspondent ct the st janus gaxttt boggmta that the way to guard against cfaolera is to avoid worry and live as wall as possible listen to each simple rule aa to conduct and to diet yoa mast kofcp serenely cool though the cholera ran riot eat the best of ail things good neer a dish that very nice is hortp you while its understood yoa avoid too many ices you may eat all sorts of fish those who say yoa maynt talk gammon bat a prudent man wont wish toomuch cucumber with salmon and ol are yours to eat every dish a toothsome comer- but the chops of pork are meat that yoa need not try in summer trait is welcome too i trow when not overripe at present blackberries and cream youll vow will be found extremely pleasant keep yourself from worries free ii youve lawsuits you must gain em thus quite easily yoa see yoa preserve the eorp abernetkian anecdotes a goaty old squire once called on dr abernethy for advice and told him of all his ailments of course how do yoa live abruptly asked the doctor very abstemiously answered the pa tientw be good enough to particularize kir breakfast at ten luncheon at one din ner at six and tea at nine meat at every mealc and a bottle or two of old port to while away the afternoon what makes yoa drink jdne unpaired the medical man obbecause i think it does me good li its a he sir b its because you like it cr abernethy waponoe waited upon by an old gentleman who ha impaired his digestion by eating and drinking he in quired into his mode of living and heard that he drank so roach spirits before he got up in the morning and so much before he went to bef at night and so much in the daytime after which the doctor said he q nee a medicine lo purify their blood could not set hini fight withoat a years attention to diet regimen what said the man are you a great doctor i thought i had only to come to you and you would give me some physic to take which would see me right directly tou 148041 said abernethy do you go burning your bowels out for years and then come jto me to set you right in a minute 1 fssi the collection plate uncle bfiraus wha come o yo last sunday i didnt see yer to de church i wacdar saml i passed de sasser i oh dat pounts iv not seeing yer you see dars bees so much beggin goin on ob late dat amans gottergo down potty deep to fin saffinan i speck i muster bin down in de bottom o my pocket browsin fur cbjangewhen yo kim along an course couldnt see yer from dar the above reminds the editor of the praint farmer of an incident in one of the down east churches which he was acquaint ed with a pretty regular attendant at ways had bis eyes closed when the collee- fcion box was passed either asleep- or pre tending to be the good deacon finally became a little out of patience 4s the man was in good circumstances and abundantly able to bear a share in the expenses of keeping the church warmedand lighted finally reaching out the box be nudged tie sleeper and quietly remarked in a loud whisper lseaae wake np and pay your lodging l politeness in church the st georges church parochial mag azine for august has the following as a rule the st- georges congregation are at tentive to strangers bat it will do them no harm to read the extract beneath from a church paper pabushed in the states an evil common in many parishes and flrnffng to parish growth is the neglect of regular worshippers to show due courtesy to all who come to church and especially toetrangere there are some who mistak- ingly suppose that his dutyxievolves upon the vestrymen and ushers alone it belongs to every parishioner as in private life we are pleased with that graceful hospitabty which prompts our host to meet us at the door with a cordial shake of the hand so also when we are strangers in a city we are impressed with that christian courtesy which meets us at the church entrance with a hearty welcome assigns us a com- fortsbie seat makes us feel at home and invites as to come again guclph strald a tittle marys question a good story ia told of the bishop of at lanta georgia he recently addressed a iargecasqembly of sunday school children and wound op by asking in a very paternal i and condescending way and nor is j there aany little boy or aany little girl who would like to ask me question after a pause be repeated the qnestion is thereaany little boy or asrny little girl who would like to ask me a question a little shrill toioe called out please sir why did the angels walk op and down jacobs ladder when they bad wings 7 oh ah yes i see said the bishop and now is there aany little boy or aany little girl wlio woold like to answer iiaja marys question t the morning we lore the morning fresh and sweet at it is a daily new creation breaking forth and callimj all that hsvsliie and breath end being to new adoration new enjoy mente and new gratitude an obitary notioe in an ii con tains the touching intelligence that the ie- i acconialited a littib money 7 and ten chudrao- 4tfl pim the titer dyes are uoexctlle 1 for cheap neas and brilliant fast colors 10 use the sife pleasant and efl sctnal worm killer hothn qrtvoi worm exterminator uothitur equal it have you tried hollowas rn cure i it has no equal for removing tt ese trouble some ucreaccnecs alwavs ikskt ox hayiso dr starrs catarrh conqueror it is prepared to meat berioux cues a wonderful discovery sold ia acloa byj emcgatvni druggist at 30 cts- j 10c will buy a package of me triangle dyes containing sufficient dye of any color fur 1 to i pounds of any goods according to the shade wanted sold by j e mo- garvin 8alslkabicarct are you troubled with 9alt sheum rjugh skinlimplesorcake sores j it so go at once to j e ilcgirvin 1 drag store and get a- package of calre ta carbolic cerate price twentyfiye cents it was never known lo fail 47 ttkat we clalaj the proprietors of howards pure con centrated alkali claim that one box of their preparation will convince the most skeptical that it is immeasurably ahead of anything ever before introduced fpr sale by j e itcgirrin sole agent for acton 7 what a comfort to be able lo gratify ones appetite once more without pain after long suffering trom dyspepsia victims of indigestion wise enough to a xept the gen eral verdict in favor of xorth op fc lymans vegetable discovery and dspeptic care as true and use the article can enjoy the welcome rcliec obstinate dyspepsia con stipitioaand biliousness io variably yield to its potent regulating actio i yfhat de if troubled with an unhealthy slow- healing sore e jicgrcgor parkes car bolic cente you will find it invaluable for healingt cleansing and completely re moving your trouble if the blood is cut of order take with it a few doses of mc gregors speedy cure from j h ucgar- vins drag store 29 for its soothing and grateful influence on the scalp and foctheremov 1 and preven tion of dandruff avers hail vigor hat on equal it restores faded or jrray hair to its original dark color stiumlifies the growth of the hair and gives it a beautiful soft glossy i nd silken appearance avers sariapariila is desntued for thdse enormous clearing sale at the right house purchasers of dry qoode carpeu etc sbonld dot fail to nail at the highi hoafstiokse the wonderfnlly liw prieeaat whloh gboils are selling oft many lines of the follow ing new roods have been dropped lo half their former pricea muuneryiantle diaasod prints parasols lacei laoe ffci panoy handkerchiefs also hundred or other wort 80o grenadines redooed to 8cper yard black lustre at lfjc worth soc a lot of fancy datterh jf un8 veiling rodnoed from 6jo and 40o to 25c black and colored cashmere at famous low pnces in the cotton depertmeotsoe the fancy shirtlngi at 1210 formerly 13c shirtings at bo formerly ujc at 10c formerly 15c white cotton from 5jc white cotton at tj 0 10 ijj and 15c much under general prices tickings reduced from 20 to 15c tickings at 12jc usually 15c feather proof fancy ticking at 20c worth 25c special line of ticking at 24c formerly soc table linens trom 15c per yard table linena at 25c worth 82c table lineot at 40c formerly 60c fast red table clothing at 36jc formerly soc table covers reduced to sic each pure linen towelling reduced to 5o nice linen crash reduced to 5o pine linen towelling at popular prices toweu in an immense variety at reduced prioes boys jorsey suits marked down from 1175 to 125 jersey trousers for boyr reduced to 1125 jersey caps 20c a large assortment of little girlaand ladiea jerseys- oretonne fringe selling off very cboap a special fringe at 18c worth 85c another creuftne fringe at 20c worth 30c lace cartains at 125 worth il75 lace curtaine at 4275 worth 360 lace gurtaina at 2 worth 8 laoe curtains from 70c to w0 a pair toilet seta of 8 pieces from sc toilet 8eta at12jc worth 25c a larte assortment of toilet sets 8wiss and french antfmacassers take the elevator to the carpet department here job will find a large assortment of brussels tapestry wool and union- carpetings also oilcloths and linoleums wilcoi celebrated carpel sweepers window blinds hartaborn hollers bnui and walnut cornices and poles stair rods and other house furnishings kemember the place nos so and 88 king street east and tbe name is hamilton jnly 17 1884 thomas c watkitfs hamilton tv r boild them np increase their appetite and rejavinate their whole system kb other preparation so well meets this want it touches the exact spot its record of forty yearsis one of constant triimph over dis ease j wife whats the malterlnow john husband qh that neuralgia and tooth ache near kills me wife ifhy dont you go to j e sc- garvins drag store and irl a bottle of fluid lightning t von know it cures all such things as toothache xeuralgia head ache lumbago earache sore throat etc it gives instant relief 33 for brilliancy durability economy and bimpucily of use the triangular dyes stand preeminent equally reliable m dark and light shades try one package and be con vinced 10c by j e jicgiryin 7 atawjerkopiataa of interest a all j a tawney esq a leading attorney of winona ilinn writes after using it for more than three years i take great pleasure in stating that i regard dr kings new discovery for consumption as the best remedy in the world for coaghs and colds it baa never failed to cure the most severe coldsl have had and invariably re lieves the data in the chest trial bottles of this sure cure for all tiiroat and lung diseases may be had free at j e jicgarvins drug store large size tl00 oh how tired and weak i feel i dont believe i will ever get thtooeh tne spring housikleaning oh yes you will if you take a bottle or two of dr carsons stom ich bitters lo purify your blood and tone up the system in large bottles 30 cents 43 xcrowaiic jlerrr t the crwe4 unequalled by any remedy in ibc world putnams painless corn ertractor the new remedy for corns xever fails to cure never produces pain never mikes deep cavities in the flesh a sure prompt and painless remedy for corns sold by drug- gits everywhere dont fail to try it n u polson co kingston pioprie tors are you troubled witu salt itheum hough hands or old sores of any kind that cannot be healed even though it bo of years standing mcgregor parkes car bolic cerate will cureit beyond the shadow of a doubt it ia the best healing compound ever known boils feelerings frost bites burns or aav skin trouble are alike cured by it sold at 25 cents by j e lie garvin druggist 33 jacob h bloomer of virgil x y writes dr thomas eclectric oil cured a badly swelled neck and sore throaton my son in forty eight hours one appbcatiou also removed the pain from a sore toe my wifes foot was also much inflaaied so much so tlutshe could not walk about the honse she applied the od and in twenty- four hours was entirely cured pectoria i pectoria pecloria the great remedy for coughs colds bronchitis 8ore throat influenza horseness and all affec tions of the lungs and throat or chest pectoria loosens the phlegm and breaks up the cough 25 cents per bottle dont give np until you hare tried pectoria all druggists and general storekeepers sell it 23 thkoid wav ahorrible butchery the practice of paring corns and warta with a knife or razor the new way is to call on your druggist for a bottle of dr starrs com solvent which will remove them withoat pain in 3 to 6 days brush at tached to cork of each bottle for applying sold by s e ucgartrfn druggist 25 cts kot another phi shall go down my throat again said a citizen when i can gel such a prompt and pleuant cure for my bilious attacks as dr canont stomach bitters it renders the blood pure and cool and makes a splendid spring medi cine large bottles 50 cents 45 feitsv warren leund whom everybody kaart as the successful manager of tha urgast hotel enterprises of america art that vule panenger iron kt york on board a ihlp gtnu j around horn in uie early dayi of emigration to cal ifornia ha learned that one of the offloen of the twwi bad cared himself daring the toj- ts of aa obstinate dtseuo 67 the on of ayers sarsaparilla since then mr lehkd has reoommended anii samarnulli in many similar eases and he has never yet heard of its fao- ure to effect a radical cure same yean ago one of mr leulxds farm laborer broiled his leg orlng to the bad state of his blood an ogly sexofatow irelhng or lamp appeared on the injured limb hor rible itching ef the skin titu bttrninj and darting pains throufh the lamp made life almost intolerable ilia leg became enor mously enlarged and running olcers formed ditcharglng great quantities of extremely offemfte matter ko treatment vat of ay anil usta the maa by mr lclasda dlreo- tion m nrtplied tiih atdis sxuija- exxxa ybieh allayed the pain and irritation healed the sores remoted the sreiling and completely restored the limb to ue mx leulxd has penonauy used ayers sarsaparilla for rhenmaiitid villi entire success and after careful obeemtioii declares that in his belief there is no nuadlcine la the world equal to it for the cure of llrer dlsordarsf gout tho effects of high living salt sheum sores erupuons and all tho virion forms of blood dlftses we hate mr ldaxes rjcrmissian to latito all too may desire farther eridenee in regard to the extnordlnary cnratln poten of atcs sxaaapabiixi to sea him person ally either at his nuuvxnoth ocean hotel long branch or at the popular leland hotel broadray 2tth tnd 28th streetj kew yotfc mr leiakss extenslte ksovledge of the good done by his imequlled arodicafor of blood poisons eatables him to glre inquirers muck talaable infot speight son acton undertakers carriage makers i ssisrwaw- are prepared to furnish everything in their line from the be8t casket to the plaine8t coffin on the shortest notiee and at lowest terms 5 all calls either night or day- promptly attended o satis faction guaranteed in every case a firstclass hearse for hire aave arc in a positioa to satisfactorily fill orders for ofaggons carriages tci of every description in reasonable time good workmanship ood mrstclass material always used we have also a pernid lot or furniture both common and extra quality cheao ssf yoa will pay us cash we will sell you anything in our line cheapi j a 3pei0ht martager co to the old reliable clothing 8tore for your spring clothing nrmlnrn st orjcayerico lowell mass goldbyaudrnaisa slsi bottles tor si fccaweekatbome j500 outfit free pay vodabsolutelysure korisk capital not required reader if you want business at which persons of either sex young or old canmake great pay all the time they work j with absolute certainty write for particu- lars to h ffnim i- co portland ilaine you will iiud a still increased stock of goods iu all lines aditpted for the coining season at prices suitable to the hard times do not fail to see my 811 s12 and 13 suits made up in the best of style and perfectly fitting thcr finest stock of hats scarfs collars and all things necessary to a complete outfit satisfaction in every way guaranteed at tho east end clothing store j fyfe feklvces toronto weekly news ajsto the acton fhee press an endle88 variety of plush and other picture frames suitable for pre8ents photographs the latest style taken by the new r process no lone sittings brink your pictures of deceased friends and have them edii enlarged in firstclass style- cwhill acton 4 03 fb a tsrtes one year for 140 the toronto weekly xkw3 u tn illctntd paper untiin i 1 the fetcr of enterprisinc joumaiiim ic tnds coospicuoiu zmvug the best jour- nals of caaaij a completa aewspajcr which will be intercstiufc to err member of the tuniiy the chldren will like the jictuxei the young folk the ftirits ind the funny ikctchc the more niatare will be delighted with the editorixls and uervrt nutter which in every issue will be found piey htcuite aud cntcrtiiniug in ihe mmtter of telegraph rerrice eiiozths ftdrvntige of coonectioti with the to ronto daily xbws it uis et iu com mand all the dapatches of uie aociated pres besidei the apeciali from nitwri correspondenuin tery section of qouria far which the daily taper is sc runout aj newspaper it haa no traperior it is independent in politics presentitg til police news free from party bias or coloring and is absolutely without fear or favor u to parties the parliamentary reports are written in a lnmorou veia and deal with men and measure withoat eiotw and hating regard only to brevity juifjee and troth it if in the fulleat sense a family newspaper each issue contains a verbatim reportof rev or tilmares latest sermon in brooklyn tibernacle cura beues kew york fash ion letter the manabonttown vffrh of people and places a aerial story of ibeorbing interest a political car- toon and a rich variety of condensed note on faahioni art indtislriex literatcre etc etci etc its market questions are conpitte and to be relied uixn it is just the paper for the young folks ad the old folks will like it just as wt11 out epecial dnbbiflf tssnna brur it wtlrin r of all specimen coiiiea may l iifi a uj sendyonr subscription u il who is unaoquainteojkvlth the oeoouaphy of thitoouhtrv will see by fcxaminimc th map thatthl aai for the workidg class bend 10 uulu postage and we will mail yoa fru a royal valuable box of sample goods that will pot yoa in uie way of making more money in a few days than yon ever thought possible at any business capital not required we will start yon top can work all the time or in yoar spare time only tbe work is universally adapt ed to both sexes yonng and old yoa can easily earn from so cent to 5 every even- ins that all wbo want work may test the business we- nuke this unparalleled offer to all who are not well satisfied we will end 41 to pay for tbe trouble of writing as fall psrttonlars directions etc sent free fortunes will be made by those who give their whole time to the work great no cenabsolutelysare dont delay start now addiou 8ns60x a co portland maine chicago rock island pacific ry elnc the great central una ailbraa to travelers by reason of he jnrivatled sjeo- raphkml position the shortest end beet route between the lot northeast and outhsut and ttta west northwest and southwest it is literally and atrloth true that rest oonneotlons are ad of the principal lines of road between the auanuo and the pacific bv its main una and branches it raaohes chicago johet peoria ottawa la aalle oeneeeo motlne and rook letand in illinois t davenport muscatine washington keokuk knoivtile osknlooia falrnew dee btolnea west ubertr iowa otty auantlo avoca audubon harlan outhrle oenter and oounall bluffs in iowa oallatln trenton cameron and kansu otty in nssoucl and leaven worth and atchison in kansas and the hundreds of oltles vlttsajes and towns intermediate the j great rock island route as it is famlbajtf oased oners to trsilef sol the incident to a atnooth traok safe brtdsjes union fast japress trelnnpoesovof oowboom hstatn nattv upholsttsttd anllsmafta itorriiaowfnognhofn depots at as oonnetrtlne points fast bpress tralm40npom4f cqmmouiblumiu wbtttlarto wku latest deslspied and handsomest paumrfsxsbtfta omk and dmnttvoam thatsuacknorteded by press and peopla to be the flhibt jbmi jpo any road in thi oourtrt and in whiessudertornisus at served to travelers at the low rate of stvswtvivroairrs caoh thrn train each waroetween ohioaoo and tne asoirf rjvsw two trains aaoh wai between ohsoaoo and sawwuouaaittirr paul via the famous t albert lea r a wewaj livla isssm a aij stiwntdforthelivesofall ftulil i qtbepresidentaoftheds the largest handsomest best book ever sold for less than twice oarprioc the fastest selling book in america immense profits to agents all intelligent people want it any one can become a successful agent terms free huxctt book co portland maine the bennett churn tilt newest articl la the xufctt crhuraiaj ibda a fltuwt laatasa ef ta vnsltawnt tuk i ramshaw son acton have seenred the sole oontrol of the sale of the famous bennett churn this churn ia manufactured upon the most practical and oommoneense principle et- tint aud only requires to be seen at work to be understood appreciated and pur chased a member of tbe above firm ill call upon you with a sample churn sahssawais0s acton jan 15 84 c c speight pabties des1b1xg theill btjggies waggons cutters etc repainted or revamished aud made equal to new ou shortest possible notice and at low est price should leave their orders at once wiili ifr j a- speight undertaker and carriage builder or with c c speight acton march 20th issf t he free phes8 power printing house executed job wobx of all descnptjooi in a terr satisfactory manner at moderate rmtea with de spatch in tbe time promised sc8ixess cibcclaej letteb heads bill heads letter cibcclabs sote cikcxlaas hcsivess caud3 visiting cards pamphlets 1 h4kdb1lls rostehs etc etc particular attention given to fixe wobx and extra care bestowed with a view to securing correctness order from tbe country attended to withde- spatcb and work forwtrdedimmediatelytgmal or eipressr try the free pbess job office for lmutiug h p moore i pbopbietob hills tin i stove depot good asseriment on 8tovis8 cheap for cash tin warje of all kinds at bottom prices eatetroughing a speeiatty and put up on shortest notice and oouixiibhrfsssnratnvi area wtismsiallprlnolsw r r osibli jr fj f woiwr ajpallsoiaorrkd jt has the largest sad moat complete factory in tot dominion ltflbso eitat bsasis mr avirlai tatiy kttu i lis vou seeal aad dtploma as nentrnin 7 edal and xnplonu at bysner australia 1kt bold medal afpnnliclil bxmbltlci tor at a atthest awards at industrial esnluittoa 1 oronto bsvava wa aal sow miircvactcatxa square and upright pianos bast nt tht masooct oorrespoddence bolidted 6cnd tor niourstce cst- alogue mailed free address dcrmsiox obgas asd hako coupast bowsaxttlui ost e craiae agfiat aotoa worth their wejght in sold the pills purify reculnte and improve the quality oi the blood they assist the digestive organs cleanse the stohacu and uohtls increase the secretory potrtrs tf the liver brace the nervous system and throw iulo tbe cikulaliou the purtst elements fr sustaining and repairing the frame thousands of persons have testified thai hy their use alone tbey bare leiu restored to health and strength aflor ccry cither means had proved unsuccessful 1 will be found iutaluable in every household in the cure of open sores hard tumors e4 legs old vounda oougbj colds sore throats bronchitis anil all disorders of the throat and chest us also goat rheumatism scrofula and every kind of skin disease manufactured only at prufetsor hollo- ways establishment 533 oxfohd street london and sold at is ljd 2s od 4s 6j 23s aud 33s each box and pot aud in canada at 36 cents ooiceou and 150 and the larger sizes in propoefion s3caction i have no agent id the united states ecr are my medicines sold there purchasers should therefore look to the label on the pou and boxes if the sddress is not 533 oxford street lnnden thev are spurions 1 l the trade mark of my saiil mejicioes is registrered at ottawa and ohp at wash ington sifned thomas holcowas s3s orfnrri rrt lnnion apdi7c send six cents for post- tlltlf- age and receive free a costlybox of goods which will help yon to mpre money right away than anvthingelse in this world au of either sex xncceed from fi ret hour the broad road to fortune opens before the workers absolutely snre at once address tun co augusta maine te elaes a esssfi worth of kew edvertls- inct get oar prices the taaict cost of ear peper usa et pepera cheertuihr tarnished tveeeecm sspplteatknw tvsend tor new csrfalorse j c hough advertlslar agent e0u9bbuoe detroit jflch telawabk fakhs lor sale rrasaiee4rerere j 0 hendricks roal estate aeont aotuion delaware these farms arc improved with buildings fences fruit trees and berries of all kinds good water plenty of timber land good roads aohoola and churches good markets only 95 milea from philadelphia plenty of fish oybtera and game very productive land climate mild and pleasant come and ee for yourself and be convinced i am prepared with team and carriage to take visitors to see the farms free of charge j d htnroucx honetotr delaware j bv pills ointment trim incomparable ued1cise has erurfd for itoelf an imperishable fane throughout tie world forth alleviation aud ere of nuut dueatu to rhxeh humanity w heirx manhood how lost how slstsiib ediuon or calverwslla rele- jratwl taaty on thr rttdleslsi tf i i permanent cure without mull rwoij tbecelobraledauthor in this sdmreb eseajt olratly dsaotratrates frtta unrll yeanaacx iolprseumlbsalarmniein- first class material onlt isssilissss u88d shaijjsjijla wjmobla eooaiuoii may oe mayxirrr b irnsvi ensprlwwyjandrad1ralij- j jsfmimmmmii kwlur ahoow be ip the hai et ol evwyoothanttoverymanlhttitlani address fl cajlterwell heslltnl jtv t- iji ii vti il sjrs osee halfd 1 wtb l laadl 4 hecj rf 11 j s iiirl