1 sb tae 1 tumgntnb every thursday morxikg ax tux- free press power kintinq house kill thksxi 4ctpk oxtajuo rt3wwx tttiib the fatlputs will be ut to ahbeonber pocte paid for 1100 per an- uam in advance tl50 if noao paid j4o paper discontinued till ill utetu axe pud except at the option of the publitkeiy uvtbtistsg rircs cuul idvertim- menu 8 oente prune lor the jlrtf inr- uon mud 2 cents tier una tor each ubw- qaent insertion cask professional cards 10 liner or less m0q per annum 1 square 12 lines 500 per annum payable in six months from datenf insertion anvbpecial xofcice the object oc which is to promote the pecuniary benefit of any individual or company to be considered an advertise ment the comber of lines rockoued by the spice ocenpied measured by a sckle o stolid xonpareil cojrnuct rates onccclama oaeyoar hah colamn one ycr quarter column one yomr orwc tobw 33 00 jo 03 55 co j 00 aoo i00 12 00 too ecoluma ax month kh column ax months pouter cjluraa six moaluc one colttmn three months hlf column three month qnurtercoltunn three months adtctuscinents without spoanc directions will be inserted till forbid anil chirped tccord- inglr transitory tdtcruteaents must be ptld msdraace- chnges for contract sdtrusemenls mast be tn the office by 9 un on mondavi othenrise iher will be left over till the foliowing veek h r moore editor l proprietor wewipper ad- who mrrnistclk t k1w vork business directory yvt h lowry h b- m c p s t graduate of trinity college mem ber of college of physicians and surgeons office and residence at the head of frederick street acton he webster 1ld c1l member of the college of physicians and surgeons of ontario physician surgeon icconchenr omce jfnisc regrcsa cjjipkils hotel acton x b- special attentfoti given to the dis eases of women and children t h graham lds surgeon dentist bkawtox okt willvisit professionally acton on mon day ja each week booses agnews hotel ah work guaranteed to give satisfaction llbekkett dentist georgetown ontario ttm rbt u termssioo in advance the ke-wspaper- a uap ofbusy life its fluotuationl and its vast oouoerns 15if notsopald volume x no 8 aotontont eagsspay august 21 1884 whole no 477 acton banking coy storey christie lc 00 christie baxkers 4cton ontario general banking busi ness transacted m0ot7 mask ok amotss soxas notes discounted and interest allowed on deposits hand bags a benutlful lot of samples bottjgut ami hold at hallprice choice new window shades all colors days bookstore n mvtt thewuut uoaxxxa acq si 1881 at cuelph ont 7ill open for the recep- t 1 tiok of students oa sept 1st next one of the finest suites of rooms in the city has been leased and is being fitted up in first class style embodying the latest and most practical ideas m business col lege apparatus a comprehensive and practical coarse of instruction is insured to the student by the services ola large staff of experienced lec turers and teachers the subjects taught are bookkeeping commercial arithmetic bankmg actual business practice busi ness correspondence penmanship com mercial law telegraphy shorthand cal- igraphing ar typewriting french physi ology and hygiene the annual college circular pvicg full details wilbetaailed free to any address hccormjck bogle tintmias tn aikless dektal operations litahzed air or nitrons oxide gas for painless dental operations at the omceof c brlyesljxs tov ells block gaelph onl upper wvndham slxeet f h riggs l d s o the firm of biggs ivoat tobotto be at campbeh hotel on the first monday of every month in the practice of his profession all warfc exeeated in the latest and most improved style of the dental art- so charge for consultation johx ijawsox graduate of ox- taexo vcttaikabt collcgs toeosto veterinary surgeon acton ont orna in eennybros boot and shoe store res idence in the rear horses examined as to sooudbsss and certificates given ah calls night or day promptly attend ed to terms easy m owat i- itcleax bamsteri fcohdlors notanet crart5- ancers ac 5ioney to loan ocacc town hilictou j a uoirir t a jicleix gr s goodw barrister solicitor kotarjr public tc gtoegetoltk t actoxv iactoa0s in mrs secords block tohx oav aechitiict grapb ovuuo omtis llotei biocfc market sqaare ta1x laidlaw i io bj0aitut a ftciuatorj omco 0a imperial bank a wel lington street east entrance eiehauge alley toronto joes bux q c c a mists wnxu lioliir geoboe kirttte 2000 cords hemlock bark wanted the subsenberff will pay r 550 per cord forall prime anility himlock bark de livered at tieir tannery in actun belore sovember 1st 1884 bark mast be bricut oq flesh flat and foil four feet lonr carted or damaged bark only receive i at a proportionate re duction we wish it distlucltr under stood uo bark will be received after tfie first or xorember wlta- oat special contract any other information will be gladly farniiaed tipoa appbeatioa at lae tanaerv to mr c r wilson beardmotq co actm apnl 1ss4 gvejlph day sells cheap coal and wood the uxdebsigned has jost got ui a larg quantity of nratclai lvg stove akd citestxct coal luch ue is prepared to diiuose of b tle car load parum using coal vill profit bj layum in their wintari ttocx dot i have also on hand a large tack of dr brd- vood 10 store tnd cord wood lenlha c 8 smith actoc july 2iid i8w pojtty 35 acres 385 acre fori thill nurseries tio latfit la hu osmlnioa sale8menwanted tobeginworkatodceonfallsales steady emplovncnt at fixed salaries to all willing to tfork men asd wo hex can bave pleasant work the year round goqd ageota are earning from 140 o 75 permontli and expenses terms and out- 6t free adilrcsa sloan woilsirwa- toteatc oat comedy ik oodbtbhip waudi each other throagh the room hate the gaaluiht love the gloom give the bonbou men a boom fast engaged speak of aiyjels without wings watch the stjle of wedding ringv do a thousand foohsh things jnst encaged iaw ns irouud her brother mike brings her dreams by marvel ik which the maid assumes to like hes engaged leaves off smoke and beer from date goes to chnrch to sit with kale puts two quarters on the plate hes engaged hastens on her friends to call blithe and gay announces all schemes for keeping old maids hal shes engaged chooses bridesmaids tan or eight baying gowns todeck her fete shes engaged go to playand opera sing the gobble and the baa have a fight about roche disengaged maiden keeps the long night through lovers beautifully blue lifes a tragedy to two kot engaged deep the chasm tween the twain morning has it come in vain but to rouse despair again kot engaged hark a ringing at the door and a voice miss kattie gore v basses bride the chasm oer keeugaged patests secured robdcvestions hexby grist omni curua 20 years practice xo patent so paj jtb tlaxcis xuxas successor to t f chapman bookbixdeb st georges squar gaelph ontario account books of all kinds made to order periodicals of every description carefully bound baling neatly and promptly done w tii himsttiebt llceieo afctloveee i or lac counties of wellington a halton order teft atthe frnxpeissofllce acton or at mf residence in actoa will be promptljattended to terms reasonable- movet to loii alwj monev to loan on the most favor able terms i and at the lowest rates of in terest in sums of 500 and upwards t the for sale i lime ca be had at the canada lime i tvorks in small or large quantities at any i time- apply at at the kin near toltous mfll or to- c s smith box 172 acton h acton fruit depot business change j m fernley has purdiasl the stock and basinets of a e matthews and will here after keep constantly on hand in season a fall line of choice confectionery fruit canned goods choice cigars c and everything kept in a firstclass estab- lishment of this kind ice gttjsjll ail oool susan briait always fee8h and ptteb- kindly soliciting a continuance of the patronage heretofore given the acton fruit depot am respectfully j m fernley post office buudlmr xctou established 848 underclothing mrs r creech has a lull assortment of ladies and childrens underwear and solicifs a call from the ladies of acton and vicinity cashmere xet sow in cnderelothins sade to order mrs e creech- acton may th 18w gueiph h hall our 8prlng8took is now fully assorted comprising all the newest shades in plain and fancy worsteds west of england trouser ings and scotch and canadian suitings pj3 toey savages watch cfock jewelry spectacle house large stock prices right srwe can astare our custovers and the general public that ive hare this season the choicest selection of goods we have ever been ahlc to place before uiem and iu cou- seqaence of the lor prices prevailingiu the vvholeaale markets we are able to sell clothing at very low 6gntes shaw crundy merch43t tailo io caeipb axlax babbkb shp 1 9 wobde has opened abarber shofin the premises lately occapied by drtorster as medical office and aolicite the patronage of this icinitv every department of the business will beeondocted in firstdaas style give lo jpwqbdek june 36th i88t special attention to flue watch bepairrbr b savage seaf petries jfew droit store cvelfb wellington marble work quebec st gublph john h hamilton prophibtor formerly mcquillan hamilton dealer in harble fltanit and everything pertaining to oemetery work received firsi prixea at provincial ex hibition gueiph the western fair and all local exhibitions for excellence of material and superiority of workmanship tour orders are solicited amer1cah 1m cclswws ih esntibs i i base ur4 teab l m i tear send time 20 stamps for sejnpla copy engllah or oermanl of the llmt aa4 bcft airteal- tarauairaallmdn waru 0ltja4d0o bniatotvuxm in bra4wr star tar rr 1 both sides op a step- ladder it c1e0use b lekos v i mrs lironaou was- crying as if her heart would break the cause of her crying lay iu al experience of tha day before but her temper had sustained her thus far till ten oclock the next mornings when anguish had taken the place of anger aud she had abandoned herself to grief and regret a carriage drove up to the door and the bell rang mrs bronson drying her eyes as well as she could ran down stairs sare of whom she would find there oh aunt eunice she exclaimed open her arms to receive a serenefaced and whitehaired old lady who stood smil ing on the doorstep im so glad youve come the welcome ahoue lu her ej es and need ed uo words uotwithstandiug the flushed and tearstained face at which aunt eunice looked wonderiugly ive been hoasecleaniug more thau a week mrs bronson explained as she lea the way into the little sittingroom i hoped to get to rights before you came but you see i couldnt quite accomplish it and somebody has been painting and papering i see this is delightfdl 3dra howland looked about the room with esident pleasure it is certainly dehghtf ul to have a clean house but aunt eunice id give more just now for a clean conscience mrs bronsous lip trembled and the tears began to fall again tell me all about it niy dear aud mrs howland drew the younger woman down beside hertrpoa the sofa with tender invitations of conndeuce and mute promise of unlimited sympathy it was not easy for mrs bronaou to be gin the telling he touched the plain gold ring on her aunts finger a wedding ring ive had my first quarrel with harry she said at last in a queer broken voice the result of her effort to keep her self control that is weve had a dreadful time but it always takes twjomfce a quarrel as well as a bargain cloesnt it and there was only ooe iu this case v mrs howland asked only oue and i was the one thats the worst of it you see i never worked so hard in my life as i have the last week why aunt eunice ive actually scrubbed floors and bhe spread out her plump lit tle hands with a comical gesture i hired a woman for two days i couldnt afford to have her longer and between us we got the carpet down but there wasnt a single thing in place when harry came home last night nothing i mean except the f urni ture all the books and knickknacks were jiiled into the closet and the pictures were standing around you see every picture nail was pulled out of the wall and it was anything hot easy to drive- them in again so far up well i asked harry to wipe the dishes for me after tea so we could get to work as soon as possible of course 1 supposed hed help me and be glad to do it but what do you think aunt eunice f he just came into the sittingroom threw himself down on the lounge and took a newspaper out of his pocket i never was so astonished in my life i was too aston ished to speak even so i didnt speak i went for the stepladder dragged it along to the mantelpiece and climbed up 00 it to pound that great nail into the wad pi hammer wasnt half ug enough either and i hurt my hand awfully see there 1 and she pointed to a little bruise on one of 88 her fingers then i got down again aud lifted that m youi wedding present aunt eunice aqd managed im sure i dont knojv how to get it on to the nail just as i was gulling the ladder away harry became conscious of what i was about oh let me help yon 1 he cried as pleasantly aa possible threw down his paper and took hold of the ladder by that time i was just furious think of his not noticing and not trying to help me all that time 1 no i thank you i said as hatefully as i posaibly could tisnt likely you would feel any particular interest in fixing up your own home if you could have vxa the look he gave me i but i didnt appear to notice him the ladder was so heavy i had all i could do to man age it i gave it a vicious twist and it toppled over struck the mantel and the picture aud smashed the glass info fifty pieces harry laughed and that was the worst of all will you let me help ou now he said no i wont harry bronson never as long as i live he gave me that queer look again muttered some thing i dont know what but harry ne ver ewears and took op his hat and left the house of course i expected him back in a few minutes but aunt eunice and mrs bronson laid her hand on her aunts knee to emphasize the statement which she made in a most impressive manner it was halfpast eleven before he came back of course i was in bed though i worked the whole evening as hard as i could spring you know how you can work when your tempers up though i dont suppose you do aunt eunice she added youre too good mrs howland smiled significantly and shook hathead harry thought i was asleep when he came but i didnt sleep one bit all night we didnt speak to each other this morn- ing either not one single word i never was so miserable in all the days of my life and harry wont be home till six 9 clock tonight the temporary excitement of her talk died away in another storm of tears mrs howland tightened the clasp of her arm about her nieces waist well talk over this some time when youre not so excited she said gently i insist upon your lying down for an hour and using all the will power you possess to get calm again but the house is in such a state and then there6 lunch and never mind about the house i can help you myself wheu im a utile rested aud we neednt think about lunch for three hours yet mrs howland had her way as she gen erally did and for that reasou it was for tunate that her way was generally a wise one she sat beside her niece until the tears ceased flowing and the tense har rowed nerves gradually relaxed under her soothing presenos then left her to fall asleep if possible twenty minutes after harry bronson came home he greeted mrs howland as affectionately as his wife had done then looked anxiously into the next room wheres sis he inquired upstairs asleep i hope i made her lie down but why are you home at this hour harry i dont feel well aant eunice i didnt times troublesome article human nature the elder lady replied one is too sensi tive the other too thoughtless one sees things in detail as women usually do the other in the large a days difference in getting a house to rights is a great deal of difference m the housekeeper it may very naturally seem of very slight account to the man who spends all his days down town i suppose you see how the same principles might apply to many different things mrs bronson nodded her head vigorous ly lifting it from her husbands shoulder for the purpose it is certainly unreasonable to expect that the man and woman will see things from exactly the same point of view mrs howland went on yet half the misery of married life comes from a failure to recog mze that fact to the husband or the wife harry bronson asked with a twinkle in his eye to the wife first naturally the more sensitive one she is hurt then she grows angry or melancholy half the time at least the husband is puzzled to i know wherein he has offended being so perfectly innocent in intention then what else can be expected he grows angry at her for being unreasonable and what a com fortable state of things is the result i told a out eunice about it as soon as she got here mrs bronson volunteered humbly 1 j and i told her as scon as i got here her husband added and we will never never quarrel again harry i ix you can learn to eipect less and harry can think to give more aunt eunice said impressively your accounts will balance as a general thing it will take time though you know that heaven is not reached by a single bound but we build the ladder by which we rise harry quoted not a stepladder i hopr laughedhis wife a little excitedly that was what nearly broke cur hearts as well aa the madonnas head and you must climb together mrs howland added hold of hands too as far as possible not on the ground on each side of the ladder and pulling different ways mrs brouson regretted that the article which suggested the metaphor belonged to oue of the painters who took it away the next day for aa she declared id like to keep it before me as an hourly reminder of aunt eunices advice ripe rd raspberries raspberries red will yon boy madam buy many a mileln the ton today have wa wandered far and far away dearlittlebobandl after these berries fteah and red over rocks and hills our way has led wholl buy wholl buy our raspberries red ripe red raspberries raspberries red j bob is tired and so am i and mother dear will wait and wait all alone at our cottage gate wholl buy whotlbay before their lustrous bkxta u shed our raspberries ripe raspberries red wholl buy wholl buy these raspberries rod ripe red raspberries raspberries red will not somebody boy 7 we harried along so fast so fast tstm might not be the very las with our berries rob and 1 for mother is poor and father is lead and we must sell these raspberriw red 1 wuoll buy wholl buy our raspberries red 1 ripe red raspberries raspberries red will you buy madam buy down under leans fresh and green coal and dehmoua delightful and clean see how tempting they lie heaped up so luscious ui dainty bed not a shade of their rich purple bloom has fled wholl buy wholl buy our raspberries red r raspbe will nebody buy nobody boy robs tears are making muddy streaks all down his dusky little mean bobby bobby you must not cry yon areso tired so tired you said yes tknow yon are raspberries red ah heres some one to buy our raspberries red humorous the inner man a convict in jail the richest planters in brazil live on coffee grounds dont shake a hornets nest to see if any of the family are at home familiarity doesnt always breed con tempt for instance there is the girl and there is the ice cream a fivepound lemon has been raised in california such a lemon should last a circus lemonade man a lifetime old birds are not easily caughf with chaff but young birds are fond of picking up the colonels when a girl refers her lover to het pa iie sleep much last night the suit is and j fi tht nrd to question tie ptip he looked as if she would find it a hard one to believe i treated 61s like a brute last night mrs howlands eyes invited farther confidence you see he went ou with a sort of desperation weve been all torn up here lately painting and papering sis has had ahard time of it for we couldnt afford to hire much help i have it hard too all the tune slaving at my desk from morning till night im always tired ont when i get home y was last night but i offered to wipe the dishes for her she looked so dragged out after that i lay down to rest and read the paper the first thing i knew there was sis tugging away at a greatatep- ladder heavy for a man tdhandle i jump ed up to help her hut i wont tell you what ahe said i couldnt haliave mv ears if she wanted me to help her why didnt ahe say so i should think that was easy enough yes it was easy enough in one way and altogether too hard in another prob ably she wanted you to do it without her asking but i didnt think of it very likely that was the whole trouble she might have been hurt because you didnt think pshaw thats unreasonable weve never quarreled before since we were mar ried i couldnt stand it going off this morning aa i did so i got away from the office to to i know i was to blame sis was as tired as x was and shes not half so strong i dont wonder she hated to ask me jl i was loo stupid to see it was all my fault f no twasnt harry it was all mine v they both started as a figure with white face and red eyes ranlnto the room and into her husbands arms the little do mestic drama which followed might hare been awkward to any other third party but mrs howland when yoojean each appropriate the blame in that wholesale iaahion she said smiling upon thim both i think you can be trusted for the futort but how could ws ever have done it in the first place r mrs bronson siked with vsgue phraseology j i youeshayaagowotiome- than it is to pop the question naomi was 580 years old before she mar ried the icecream business must have got a good start during naomis maiden hood i a st louis paper describes a remark able indian idol recently found in the west an indian who wasnt idle would be more remarkable a young nnupwanta to know what will- bring out a moustache tie a cord around it lightly hitch the cord to a fsnoe post and then run backwards how the scott act works the bnutclt poet of last week publishes the following letter from mr jasmenzies reeve of nassagaweya and one of the most influential and widely known residents in halton county dxaa snt according to promise 1 send you a few lines in regard to the working of the scott act in this bounty i suppose you are aware from experience that the way to find out whether a person is in favor of the act or opposed to it is- to ask the question how does the scott act work in this county ii opposed to it the answer will be it is a failure ii in favor of the act the answer wfll be it is a success now that a man may vote honestly and intel ligently on this matter either in this or any other county he ought to know where it has failed and where it is sasoscaful if the fact that liquor has been sold in this county since the passage of the act is true then it has bees a failure as witness the convictions but we have frequent violations of other laws and no one thinks of these laws being failures i believe the scott act has been fairly successful in this coun ty drunkennebs has largely decreased as ev by our county and township tall exhibitions and other gatherings the congregation of our young men and boys in the barrooms has entirely ceased as far as my observation gees and i think that this is one of the grandest achievements of the scott act because it was with recruits from these that the great army of drunk ards was kept up yon will also have no ticed in your travels in this county the different answers given to the question has the scott act injured business from one party the answer will bej nol and from the other it has ruined busi ness but if you have gone a little further as i have done and asked some one who is crying that business has been mined has your business decreased v oh no but business in general they seem to think that with their superior business ability decrease would be out of the question with very few exceptions we have the same accommodation as we had before the pass ing of the act 8ome people say that the tables are not as abundantly provided bat personally i have found ne difference in this township nassagaweya there were three hotels under the license system we have now two in campbellville we had two hotels and two stores before tbe-paes- mg of the act we have now one of the former and three of the latter yours truly airss mexzxes campbellville july 38th ibm her money the way to become interested in a good cause is to invest in a little time or money the growing interest will soon lead to larg er investments the following anecdote illustrates the fact that where even a little treasure is there also the heart la am bell a little girl seven years old entered the merrimack savings bank of ttfanrnrn ter nh and timidly said that she would like very much to be shown around the institution as generally as was convenient as amy is a very attractive little maid her request was complied with it was a doll time of the day and the treasurer ex- governor smyth escorted her all over the bank exhibited the workings of the big locks and laughingly introduced all the gentlemen to her when going out miss amy thanked them and said you see my pa has posited five dollars here forme and i wanted to be sure it was in a real safe place thank you and out she marched radiant and satisfied an anxioos inquirer asks where is the beat place or salt water bathing in the salt water dear friend can yon speak of a young lady as being browbeaten when she has her hair banged conundrum constructor a boaster in a hotel was tailing at the man sections of too country he had visited a fellow jsbyjtoc eter been in algebra t ob ye said the bomnwi inesthronghjbmtotapof s stage s pearls of thought tlie human soul needs to be mated to de velop all its value at twenty years of age the will reigns at thirty the wit at forty the judgment there is a moral worth in being swept sway by a crowd even toward the beat ob jecta no action will be considered as blameless unless the will was so for by the win the act was dictated they who do speak ul of themselves do so mostly as the surest way of proving how modest and candid the are hew aotions are the only apologies and expunationsof old ones which uie noble can bear to offer or to receive so quickly sometimes has the wheel turn- ed round that man a man hag lived to enjoy the benefit of that charity which his own piety projected never contradict anybody in general so ciety barely do it even at home nobody likes to be contradicted even when con tradiction is deserved employment- which baa been called natures physician is so essential to human happiness that indolence is justly considered the mother to misery philosophy on a fang auf adrampcoomsalongunt vanta t hire me ont on my vara said old sweit- jeroaree i oxamine bis fp more particular his pantaloons aid da vas batched in vront nut i some vork hav i gifnimachob hut auf day ves batched pe hiirt on dr sot town luaoe of bis preeofees i tou him i dont no vork got at present hot be can a leecue vood sawnrvor his preaktast oh i told you datsan who liart vorka dont vear end ms preaches pa- hint youohustputdotinyour pis ont c 05 beotge waakrngtoacflaldaa readftytell a lie as any other jne whao a politician trisatopsstreswonhlb a 1 t