i ruraspo- morr t aw 2 1884 antiscott act logic english osccr in firing a tiou of the great battle of waterloo coo- s v f michigan and hassachnsbtta and wen -w- j 6k th u anouler 8pecimen o antiscott act logic therefore the bcott act will be a failure in canada the law for the pro tection life and property is failure in mexico therefore it mast be a failure in canada all this cry o prohibitory laws beiui a fuiurcimlilios that the lawa are the an enguah os j md the tkaamuuel and educauon dudes u follows many a valuable man of the people are the same it implies and brave aoldier was restored to life by that the pruiciple of prohibition wherever found aud uuder the most f avorable cir- cuinsunces must always fail this is uofc tree the yriuciple of prohibition inheres in all government and forms part of all lac it is not true that prohibition has always been a failure and mast be it is uot true uiatihe scott act in this county has been a failure druukeuuess und crime have increased in the stifle of haine under the ifaiuc la still another specimeu of logic there fore drunkenness and crime mast increase in canada anderthe scott act it is pot true that drunkenness and crime have in creased in the state of maine under the maine law there is verily much less drunkenness in xfaine in proportion to the population than in ontario if the ilaine law is such a curse to ifaiue as the anti- teuiperance men sav would they throw the whole question- upon the people now and seek to put k in the constitution of the state maine votes for the prohibitory amendment on the 8th of september one day before the vote in halton maine will sustain the law by a large majority- let halton standby the scott act and rebuke the hired advocates that are sent into this county to persuade the people to vote for whiskey temperance hotels have been a failure giving braudy md spirits to the wounded the above is clipped from an article by a correspondent in the atforrfn if august 22nd look at the logic many a valuable man and brave soldier was restored to life by giviimbraudv aud spirits to the wound- j id therefore license the liquor traffic incauada some soldiers iu the battle ofrvtalerloo who were dead or nearly so jwererestoredtoiife by spirits therefore it ia good for men women and children who arc neither wounded dyinor dead therefore license a drink that kills more than war pestilence or famine as mr gladstone says because whiskey is given to weak and fainting men an the battle field therefore open saloons in our coun ty mid put temptation before our boys and teach them to- drink venly clear and logical reasoning it is but it is the best they can do liquor saved one mans life yesterday therefore let it kill ten to- daj give us facta arguments and illus trations gentlemen that can command the rwpect of ordinary common sense prohibitory laws do not make men sober jit is certain none can say that license laws make men sober it is certain too wherever triad what follows therefore the sale of a jv 3i j 1 i v vlr v si 1s- r t i ji v t ti r jj t v m e m3 mmm jthat the liquor traffic under license makes liquor is necessary to make a hotel pay men drunk and license is a rand success j great effort is made to make the people jtjiider its fostering power in 1882 in this believe this hotel keeping and whiskey iprovince it caused3197 committalsto the uinfl are not the same the one is not j jail and prisons and in is33 tfaenf were necessary tothe other hotels can be con- s59o query how long wu it take license to stop drunkenness in ontario at the rat of 39 increase each year the scoti act in this county has made a great many men sober many who dran to jreat excess j now drink more moderately and many who drank moderately before the scott act came are now total abstainers this is a fact thai cannot be successfully contradict- ed7 the question is is it better to regulate the liquor traffic bv license or to prohibit hy thescqtt act- i this is a clean cut question if you regulate by license you have no hope of im- provementw things will never be better drunkenness prverty crime disease and death will go on yearly every civilized nation on earth is groaning uuder its fear ful burdens it u cursing the nations to- dav as they were never cursed in all the past by war pestilence or famine pro hibit the traffic in strong drink and yon are sore that its evils will at once begin to grow leis it is too much to espect and no reasonable men will ask it that the scott ar could in two years cure all the evils of the licensed dram ehop this trade has had its way of rain in canada for 70 years give the scott act a chance where- ever prohibition has been fairly tried it has been success- t the scott act prevents a man from having a glass of ale or wine and is an un righteous interference with the liberty of the citizen too will rarely hear one of those lectur ers speak of drinking whiskey brandy ttc hut tis always a glass of wine and ale on readers can easily see through this sophistry but does not the crooks act i ducted and are being made a success with- i out the sale of liquor it is entirely incor- i re to say they cannot be i give us a general prohibitory law for the dom imoa or province and we will vote for it some say this and so they wili vote against the scott act this is not con sistent voting for the scott act is the only way we can show that- we want the general prohibition if a man will not votcfor the act we have it is more than possible he would not vote to get one we have not the question of repeal shall we or shall we not vote for the repeal of the scott act the present is an eventful time in our county the attempt that is being made to reintroduce the licen sed sale of intoxicing liquor with all its demoralizing tendencies and influences calisloudly to all who desire the peace and prosperity of the county to be up and do ing it is no longer a question as to whether prohibition is a ieneut or as to an open letter tvi the rtttt and countil qffise wuagc qfadxm j gextlewxx wiitle this season has becu one of oouaiderablfl depression in all busi ness departments and while it is generally known that the financial condition of our vulag ia not of the moat encouraging aature at prwent we find you carryiug on the affairs of your offloe in such a man ner that i foe i called upon to ask the roa- aou of such a waitefal expenditure of our funds especially at the bauds of your street aud sidewalk committee referring to report of this committee 6howiug estimated expenditure on streets and sidwalks for the present year see frxx przm april 17th i find the follow- ing work recommended by the committee and agreed to by the whole council viz i 63 rods sidewalk ou tonge street from w ismonds residence eastward 33 rods sidewalk on john street from church to agues street 73 rods sidewalk on bower avenue from willow to wilbur streets be sides other work such as culverts cross ings and seven street lamps the com mittee aakd for a grant of h00 which sum was placed to their credit now gentlemen an analysis of this work shows us that the sidewalk on tonga street extends from councillor ismonds residence nearly to councillor camerons the sidewalk on john street extends to councillor ismonds preperty the build ing of these sidewalks so nicely placed forthe convenience of the members of your street and sidewalk committee while so much other necessary work such as grad ing and draining our streets has been left- undone is in my opinion a base misuse of public money surely councillors ismond and cameron especially the former must be contemplating an early retirement from municipal life to go openly spend our money in such an extravagant manner the sidewalk on bower street is doubt less a necessity although it is a fact that the property benefitted is principally owned by the other members of the council the culverts and most of the crossings were necessary but where the necessity arises for putting three street lamps on yonge street is more than i can imagine per haps this also is pap to your street committee agam if reports of your proceedings are carefully published in the fkee press i ask where the chairman of your street aad sidewalk committee obtained his authority to build a new sidewalkilrom church street tocol allans property as i sae no in stance wneremr isiuoud presented a sup plementary report to the council asking permission for the ueotry expenditure and this to benefit ouc iuai and he one who is always opposed to am thing likely to advance the interests ot uitj municipal ity you have the honor to eerve to sum op the whole you mive expend ed in sidewalks aud limps which benefit scarcely anyone but yourselves aud col allan according to your own estimate about 20u this will entail an extra an nual expenditure of over 3 i to keep side walk in repair and lamp lighted this enew r atent dust prmp cas e for 8ale by w s smith the watch c clock house of guelph extra facilities for repairing the finest and best watches wm s smith v guelpfl 10c will buy a package of the triaogle dyes containing suflicieat dye of any color fori toi pounds of any good according to the shade wanted sold by j e mc- garvin 7 oacklctts jtrnlcatfalre the best salve in the world far cuts bruises sorn ulcers salt rheara fever sores tetter cbippid hand chilblains gyrus and all skia eruptions and p-i- lively cares piles ur ni iuy required it is iuarauteed ui give perfect satisfaction or inuay refunded price saceata per hax friit iu- j e mcgarvin ll light of al n oo to the glasgow house for r cheap shirtings cheap cottons cheap winceys cheap flannels cheap dress goods cheap hats and caps cheap gents furnishings cheap white shirts thrisil in black cashmeres we claim to show the best 50 cent line iu the market the7tl all uftbeu m toy salei jp6t opened today a full range of knitted shawls tor every wear special valuee every lady should secure one a splendid selection- of fall tweeds very cheap remember we make clothing to order aud gaarantee perfect fitting cloihiog every time and cheaper than any other house in the trade first tim taea in tne now world of the litest greatest zoological wonder ou earth the sacred siamese white elephant lkbtofabfl exhibited without extra charge the counter for liqabr sold nnder license that farther rsameni is anuecessary the litter i proven by the repeated conviction of so many of those vrho formerly sold under license for violation of r law- and now the great question i how are yoa going to vote on the sth of september are yoa going to vote for the repeal of the scott act and the opening of the barrooms with all their deadly influences the places where above ail others the name or god is pretentamanfronbayinga glass of ale j ussphemed the day of god profaned ox whiskey when he wants it if a man t word of god despised the law of god whether tbo law can be inforced the j 3 not j the work ou bower avenue former is clearly demonstrated in the j 1 fl no a 1 proper- diminution of public drunkenness inand 1 tlcm 0 oar citizens are benefitted by it about barrooms aud at all public gather- had you h this amount in properly t imp- and in the improved condition of j jrradiiii and drsiuiu our streets yoa could miny families whose means of support wasj 0 t0 liie let j feeling that j formerly spent in the barroom paid over j votl j djde vii senice ad- an 5w outfit free pay ydoabsoialel ai no risk capital not required reader if yuu want business at which persons of ciibei 1 vooug or old canmake great iy c tlic thjie they work with absolute certainty write fornrtica- lars to h holrrr i co rortulu maine wants it on election day or on saturday evening or sunday he cannot bay it or perhaps drinkers under a license law never want liquor at such times- why should denied the image of god defaced and as natural and necessary result the crea tures of god demoralized and ruined in person property and prospect ruined in t i- 1 4 i ody a soul for time and etermtv and the license law prevent a man from getting j all because honor was sold there- can it drunk on saturday night or sunday it is an interference with individual liberty just as real as thescott act the crooks act aims at regulating the litjubr tetmc aiid keeping it under yes it ainuic it bat never hits it jx regulated the hotels in the city of toron to the other day see daily gku of aagoat 18th or 19th so well that 60 drunksvere before the police court at one session we do not say anything against the re strictions of the crooks act they dont is not that magnanimous 1 how long since it was true we have some remembrance of the liquor sellers and their friends petitioning the legislature last winter urging for the repeal of the 7 o- clock closing hoar and asking that the time be pat later how very gracious it is of them to coma now and tell the people of halton that they do not sar anything against those w6 remember too not very long ego thfly wfire rebuked by one who seams to hold jtheir destiny in els bauds that their propev afctitode before the public was defence not defiance fbey are now wishing to take the crooks act just as it is with all its faults if the electors will only try them once more the prohibition la the croaks act is beautiful andjidmirable thing the crooks act may prohibit as from baying liquor 30 boats ia a week and on el0ctiondays and there is do gag about if bat when the scott act says yoa cannot buy it at any time it is a tembie thing no man can logically ac- cept the prohibition clauses in the crooks act and refuse to accept the prohibition of the scott act j if hotel keepera dp not keep thajaw it ia not so much their fault as the laait of the officers whose duty it is 0 enforce it j this is a favorite statement wjth the antitemperance lecturers of today is it thebnty of a constable to watch a man be saspects and prevent him from stealing or bailing stolen to bring him to justice it is anewcodepf duty they are teaching how can an inspector prevent a man from breaking the crooks act 7 impossible and absurtl this statement is an apology for all lawbreakers and especially for the vio- uters of the liquor laws it is a declara tion that no liquor seller will keep thelaw crooks act or any other act prohibitory laws wgre a failate in be possible that any eane man with his eyes open to all the evils done in the past thronghiliquorsold under license will vote for the repeal of this temperance law that man is in a deplorable state indeed who with the dreadful catalogue of murder execution and deth after death in our own county of which licensed liquor was the direct cause before his mind who will take the responsibility of voting for the repeal of the scott act and so legalize the frame in an article so evil in its effects and so ter rible in its results do we consider or are we conscious of the fact that all the crimes committed and all the suffering endured ahdall the fosses sustained yea and all the souls lost through the effects of intoxica- tingdrinks were before the scott act came into force the result of the leal sale of liquor licensed by the people of halton agazifr let us not ice that for the past two years fend three months not one crime was committed no suffering endured no losses sustained and better still no lives were were lost through liquor licensed by the people of halton and we confidently trust that there is in our county a sufficient amount of true christian principle sound intelligence and fellowfeeling for suffering humanity to save us fro returning like the dog to bis vomit and like the sow that was wajhed to her wallowing in the mire therefore to this end looking to and trust ing in god for success let every man on the 9th of september vote against repeal and so save ourselves from the guilt of pat ting a stumblingblock in he way of the weak- we owe it to ourselves and oar familieij we owe it to our friends and foes we owe iteven to those engaged in the de filing traffic to do all in our power to main tain the temperance law and so save ourselves from the guilt of licensing a traffic dishonoring to god and ruinous to the moral and spiritual interests of all com ing under its baneful influence god is blessing us with an abundant harvest let us not turn oar blessings into a corse on fha 9th but sustain the right vote against repeal john wareen esqueeingang 26th 19sl a consistent christian will support his principles and his prayers at the polls equate to tbc amount spent bat how your street pud sidewalk committee dare aain ask the suffrage of the people of actou iu the f zee of theseextravigencies is a problem i for one cannot solve cut perhaps thee gentlemen think we have placed thera in the council to speud our money in sach a manner as will best suit their own private interests other matters as grave as these also demand oar attention of which you will hear more anon i remain tours truly llx acton aug ord 18w i 1 scott act news a special correspondent of the toronto acios closes his communication as follows before- 1 close this correspondence i want to make a prophesy when the vote is taken on sept 9th the scott act will be sustained mind now i fell you just mark this please christian voter the iasae is sqaarely be fore yoa this year yoa cannot possibly dodge it ton must vote with the support ers of the scott act againstthe liquor traffic or with the whiskey party in sup port of it which will you do it is a question of conscience the scott act supporters in the county of halton have the sympathy of the entire temperance party throughout the domin ion they have already received substan tial tokens of good will and there are more of the same sort to follow god speed the right say we and let there be no re laxation of effort until the act be re- affirmed by galjant little halton brampton banner an attempt made to repeal the scott act in houcton k b was defeated by a majority of 730 the act was submitted to the people there in 1879 vhen the total vote polled was 1062 for and 299 against the vote for repeal was 1044 and against 1774 so the vote to retain the law ia greater than the combined vote for and against it in 1879 the people of moncton have apparently found what they have been seeking for the scott act has never yet been repealed let halton electors pull a big majority against repeal httid llfktalbf there are bat few that have never suffered almost intolerable pain from toothache neuralgia or like acute pains to them sach an instant relief as fluid lightning is an untold hlessing in time of trouble ko disgusting offensive medicines to be taken for days one application of fluid light ning cares sold at j e mogarvina uragstor i 29 sche jcobv exlleb dr stans com solvent the wonderful corn remover it is paj3y applied causes no pain and will positivelt remove the moat obstinate corns in 3 to 6 days sold in acton by j e hcgarvin druggist price 25 oenta igke1t chance to outfit worth a llv im m maacyru ftee yen will find voar fcrtaoc ur circular adlrr frvs aitt pomjsiiixc co sl cllari- ouuxio canada 0 last aczhts to make money utenn and outfit fre yoa will find car circalar a prize adtires fixe aet plhliskikg co- st catharines ontario canada waterdowm jbbh school this loas etabiihod and thoroughly reliable institution reopen ou 1st sept 1 claises arcaniied or matriculation ia art law and uodiiine also for intermediate and tcblts certificates preparation ortcaencr a specialty keoood of school foe piit t y 9i naoed kuccessatully 1m26 163 31 ifi 33 the niajoritv gaining the higher grades all icho trote at the university and professional teachers examination were particularly bqc- cesatul ko high school nvostafiio has ibet- tes hecobd teaching staff in principal de- nartmenta gradaatoa of toronto unitrity pupqa mar enter at any time good board in private tamuias at 5220 to f3j per week d h hi stek hu langaaces 4 literatore head master matbematics and science w t evikb ba ilusicand drawing- w x steveks pro carti grad ont art scbool keading and bhetoric i- faaaua ftot- cert1 for fortber jiarticulars apply to head master auction sale of valuable farm i lathe township of naasaga- weya in the county of halton these will be sold ox monday lis 32ad lay of srattmtei 1384 at ooe oclock iu tbe fternopd at the dominion hotel dj tbi village of acton by virtue of a power of sale contained ia a certain mortgage which will be produced at the sale the following property under uortjrage from adam cokbot the yuuger the weat half of lot no twentynloe in the sixth coocesjioo of the township of xaasagaweya county of halton containing one hundred acres more or leas aate and except one acre aold for ftcbool site the following improvements are said to be on the premises 90 acres cleared and well cultivated the property i accessible by good roads with markets convenient terms onetenth of the purchase money to be paid down on the day of sale for balance terms will be made known at the sale for further particulars apply to jones bbos h ackekzie soucitori masonic hsll toronto or to william haeknes8 esq krin ont toronto august 23rd como isi eeo this silvery saciea syabsl sf sim krl-rttrhtri- an object of syrrie woeder end mboaiidd admiratioa thousand non thoasandaaiiailtthroagmjourciivahajs to ae this lilflookiiif aientevod craatore that in the country of ita capttire u an object of tka moat azaitad reveranee and vorabip it fa beliered ereiywhfire ia farther india that the divine buddha must delight to abixle in the white elephant tueir qth incarnation of purity and one quarter of a 100 trained elephants coming nov on its aoth annoai tour of america and vrtll exhibit aftebnoox and exn- dgat2and8oolackral the oreat forepauoh show at guelph saturday sept 6 colnaal gathering of all nations and first time seen in america of tbe sultul ova 0ulru of tho desert 1 accompanied by a real arabian musical band with 1000 wild beasts 1200 men and horses 3 circuses 3 rings 90 acts with romajtf hippodrome full halfmile race track uaces br ele phants camels hones ponies men dogs monkeys and all kinds of races and just imported thirty thousand dollar stfd epfglish race horses r0 max chabiot races grand museum of marvels giants 8 feet high dvarfsand littae wonders from ererywhera 8eats for x00 four bail way trains worth mueeof trarol to see tb grand and gorgeous historical i street teveiatl 6 sands of uuslo wide open dens of sarage mongers 50t koaixt eobd pbocumiosiists venudqoddebs of ixnre cleopatra lalla bookfi all the vfajth pomp and pagoantrr of tbs distant indies absolutely larger than bar- nams or any and all the qther combined 6hoirs in existtnee admission onlysooents cfahd- ren nndero years as cents extra trains loir bates to andlrom town to see the great eore- paagh show dont forget the day and date t is never changed adam fobef atjgh bole proprietor strayed strated fboh the premises of the eubscriber a wtajte yearling heifer also a small red and white yearling steer mark ed with- ringworm en the side of the head any person giting information that h1 lead to their reeoterx will be rewarded hels02tbtaxdi8h lot 19 6th concession esquesing cattle astray strayed fbomlot 14 con 5 erin six head cattle two steers 3tearoid red white spot on face and on right shoulder four yearlings one roan steer one white heifer one roan heifer and one red heifer with white faces any person givink information whieh will lead to the recovery of the same will be suitably rewarded hugh mcmillan brisbane po farh or sale a good stock a grain tarm ifpaailaiwrsaif of xot ed cw 1 eriawwr7ro clesovtt scree good boah uncoued there is s good frame hones and frame dexnoaistone tonndfttion a- weus and b orchards a nererfailing spring creek crosses it weufeaoedendln good condition lot smile tram mimaakjirhexe there ere cihtirches schools storeftjwrt oftoe 8 mflee mm gsrsfrmts station on cvlagoodimatkm for sil farm produee apply on wmtt u iwi6reesibioiet0 m r co o s o k a d o a- c o o d go o pi a d o 0 new gents scarfs and ties a choice selection new hats the latest styles tti 8pecial values in boots and shofs special values in bron sugar we have jusf received anotueb lor of that famous 50 gent tea i ft weeson st mera4e ifst ve