i 7 i k si t m yti iw lsbv ms ii 5i fe- mjfftisff ten little toes baby ia clad in iflv nightgown whitc pussycat purrs a aoit goodnight and aomebody talh or somebody knows the terrible tale of teu little toea iuout rooi tbia big toe took a small boy sam into the cupboard alter jam thia little toe said oh uo no i thia little toe was unions to go thia little toe said timt quite right this little tiny toe curled oat of sight lett foot this bic toe got suddenly stubbed thia little toe got ruefully rubbed thia frightened little toe criod out bears this little timid toe run upstairs i down came a jar with a loud slam 1 slam this little tiny toe got all the jam that home of oqiis in these daya of low pricea when pretty print or mnslin dress can be bought lor fire or eight cents a yard cambric and battens in choice colore or fifteen cents or ootten and wool fabrics or suits at twentyfive cents there ii little reason why lady should not be pettily dressed when about her work at home if the warm damp weather takes fthe curls all out of her flrizzes a few moments should be employed alter the family are scattered to pat them up again a little more trouble and ei- penoa will more ihanipay if the little chil dren are overheard to say u doesnt moth er look street boys especially re very early influenced by the surroundings ol home happily the old custom of having a best room shut up except for wed dings funerals or occasional company is fast being abandoned now the home rooms are all thrown open sunbeams are welcomed for it has been found that it is a choice between them and malaria or disease in some form- all the best things are not crowned into one room and the others left bare and shabby a notorious eavesdropper rain has he star d res if you want brilliant and fast colore 8 stage struck hit by an omnibns jlother graves worm exterminator has no equal for destroying worms in children and adnlu the heated term lou are a liar thos sabui of eglinglou says i have removed tencorus rain ray feet with hol- ioways corn cure an inndepeadect the hotel waiter ax absmlute ceue of catarrhal diseases dr starts catarrh conqueror cures ftsh cases in a few days old chronic cases in 2 ito i months sold by j e afcgirvtu drugiist 50c it tou surreewith sick headache con stipation soar stomach or bilious attacks flints mandrake pills will relieve you sure they have no superior sold- by j e- mcgarrin druggist acton price 25 cents j the good waiter is one of the few individ uals who knows how to serve a man right at thia season of the year there should be a bottle of pectoris in every house it is unequalled for coughs colds and hoarseness is pleasant equally safe for children price 25 cents at all druggists 30 in a real estate transaction a man is never willing to take the word for the deed do yon wish a beautiful complexion then use avers sarsaparilla it cleanses and purifies the blood and thereby removes blotches and pimples from the skin malting it smooth and clear and giving it a bright and healthy appearance ifdoes seem that the only rights the white men are willing to concede the red- man are funeral rites joseph rusao percy writes i was induced to try dr thomas eclectcic oil for a lameness which troubled me for three or four years and found it the best article i ever inea it has been a treat blessing to nie beware of similarly named articles they are imitations of dr thomas eclec- tric oil salt kketrin cored are you troubled with salt hheum raaghskinpimpiesorcaukersores if so go at once to s e ilcgarrins drug store and get a package of calverts carbolic cerate price tweutytive eentc itwas never knovo to fail 7 the best medical authorities acknowledge the great value of aj era cathartic pill and frequently preacribe their use with the ut most confidence well knowing that they are the most effectual remedy erer devised for distases caused by derangements of the stomach liver and bowela vtbat wcclaxaa the proprietors of howards fnre con centrated alkali claim that one box of their preparation willconviace the most skeptical that it ia immeaaurably ahead of anything erer before introduced for sale by j e ilcgarvin sole agent for acton 7 iysietos the gektjik flints tooth powder the peerless dentifrice an inde ecribabie sweetness surrounds the lady who uses it we specihr commend this dentifrice sold by j e hcgsrvin drug gist 25c what 10 ds if troubled with an unhealthy slow healing sore de mcgrecor parkas car- bohocerate you will find it invaluable for healing cleansing and completely re moving your trouble if the blood is cut of order take with it a few doaea of mc gregors speedy cure from 5 k megar- vina drag store 29 1 a steward of f 10 is offered in good faith for a hard case of corns that have stubbornly refused to be relieved by the use of putnams pain less corn extractor the great corn effract or thousands in england canada and the 8utet testify to he efficiency of thia cele brated corn cure and the proprietors are sjurious to bear if there is a stogie case of failure addreaan- c- polww i co kingston uw eatoaaja com extractor sure eafe and the leading brewer of emporia kansas declared he would tun his business law or uo law a correspondent of the city rtpublka called on him the other day and interviewed him he was boarding at the jail and in answer to the question does prohibition prohibit answered main got in himmel i tink it do hi opinion on that subject was effected by his environments for brilliancy durability economy and simplicity of use the triangular dyes stand preeminent equally reliable in dark and light shades try one package and be con vinced 10c by j e mcgarrin 7 taaaeaada ba 8a strt w atkins girard kan writes 1 1 uever hesitate to recommend your electric bitten to my customers they give entire satisfaction and are rapid sellers electric bitters are the purest and best medicine known and will positively cure kidney and liver complaints purify the blood and regulate the bowels ko family canafford to be without them they wih save hundreds of dollars in doctors bills every year sold at fifty ceuta a bottle by j e hcgarvin are you troubled with salt kheatn rough sands or old sores of any kind that cannot be healed even though it be of years standing mcgregor parkes car bolic cerate will cure it beyond the shadow of a doubt it ia the beat healing compound ever known- boils festerings frost bites burns or any skin trouble are alike cured by it sold at 25 cents by j e mc garvin druggist 33 wife whatsthe matter now john husband oh that neuralgia and tooth ache near kills me wife vhy dont you go to j e mc- garvins drug store and get a bottle of fluid lightning you know it cures all such things as toothache xearalgia head ache lumbago earache sore throat etc it givea instant relief 33 disease gathers strength as it advances annihilate it at ita birth when the bowels became alaggiah digestion feeble or the liver torpid they should be aroused and stimulated witu northrop k lymans vegetable discovery and dyspeptic cure a medicine foremost in usefulness amoog alteratives it should not be abandoned if an immediate care is not effected but be used as it deserves systematically and with presiatence it will then prove that it is thorough oh how tired and weakj i feel i dont believe i will ever get through the spring hocsecleanin oh yes you will if you take a bottle or two of dr carsons stoni ach bitters to purify your blood and tooe up the system in large bottles 50 cents new fall dry goods at the right house new foreign dry goods and house furnishings are arriving at the righthouw almo jiily the following list embraces a few lioea required for the early autumn trade a large assortment of kid gloves shown in clasp corset and batton makes in the new colore also in black the litest novelty in taffeta glofea known aa changeable shades shown in jerseys 6 and 8 button lengths new black and brilliant lisle serty gloves new black and colored uibbon velveta in- all the principal widths ne jet and fancy metal butlooe a superb essortuitnt of swiss mealin erabroidqriee marked at very low prieca cashmere hosiery in childreni and ladies aiaea new french twill flannala auitable tor making morning dresses kew black cashmeres morton crapes and other black dress goods kew colored dreaa gooda a lot of new embroidered table covers at 250 each worth mare money lace curtains and lauibreqhlna in cream and white in choice deaigns new fall straw millinery in latest american bhapes kew ostrich tips also maav other lines of new goods too numerous to be mentioned here velveteens hare grown m tsvor and promise to be more fashionable the coming season than ever special attention is called to the kew fast pile velveteens in colored and black an immense stock of velveteens at various pricea a large stock of woof damuk imported speolally for church pew coverings theclearing sale of summer dry goods has heen attended by thousands of perobaaera tbe eaah tales for the laat two weeks havo been very larje customers are surprised at the low pricea which gooda have been marked down to the celebrated health preserving coiled wire section corsets are selling very fast hundreds of pairs have been disposed of ask to aee them cromptona famoos corsets in various makes are sold at thi- tabllshment every pair of cromptons corsets are guaranteed to wear well be sure antfcall at nos 30 and 32 king atreet east to aee th new goods also the bargains offer j in every de partment the name is aw thomas c watkiffs hamilton- paotoria i pectoru pcctori tbe great remedy foruoughs cold broocbiti sore throat luflaenia ho recces and all titec- liotiiof the langs and throat or cheat pectoris loosens the phlegm and bfelu up the cough 25 cents per bottle doat gie apoqtilyoa hive tried pectom all druggifttaand general slorekeepenbell it 23 wr aler robinson of eieter la writ ing sboat one of the most popaur articles and ooe that hs done more cood to the ificcted tha tay ulher medicine iu duriag th- short tiraeitlmbeeninexisteace says i hive used four bottles oe northrop t lymans vegetable discovery and dyipeptic cure aacc hive beea cared of dyspepsia jtiut troubled me for over tea years part of that time t hid it very bad and ku at considerable eipense trying to get relief bet this excellent remedywaa the first icd only relief ijeceiredv xot another pill shall 0 down my throat galn nid a citizen when i can get such prompt and pleasant cure for ray bilious attacks is dr carsons stomach buten it renders the blood pore and cool ant makes a splendid spring meli- cice large bottlea- 50 cents 5 a walilflj- skeleton- sir e springer of alechxpicsbnrjt pa writes i- was afflicted with lung fever and abscess on longs and reduced to a vxiumvj skeleton got a free trial bottle of dr kings xeir diseotery for consumption which did me eo much good that i bought dollar bottle af ttr oainr three hollies found myself once more a man completely restored to health with hearty appetite and a gain in flesh of 48 lbs gill a j e ilcoarvine drag store and get s free trial bottue of this certain cure fcrlt inug diseases large battles 1100 hollovat oiitlmau find pills sui win ter advances and the weather becomes more inclement mf trying the earliest evidences of illhealth must be immediately checked and removed or a slight illness may result in k eerioas malady selxed and sore throat quiaaev influenza chronic coagh bronchitis and most other pulmonery affec tioui will be relieved by rubbing this cool lag ointment into the ekin as nearly aa iracticable w tbe seat of mischief phis treatment simple yet effective is admir ably adapted for the removal of these dis eases daring infancy and youth old asthmatic invalids will derive mnvellotis relief from the use of holloways remedies which have wooderfally relieved many such sufferers and reestablished health after every other means had signally failed fond at last in article that will gire satisfaction howards pare concentrated alkali for cleaning and scrubbing purposes printers use sheep washing before i hearing and alio for making hard and soft soap a single trial is but necessary to convince the most skeptical of its great value it will make the flooring as bright as new does not crack the hands everybody who has used tt likes it it is put up m tin boxes with fall directions and sold bj our special agents only through the dominioa stand ard chemical co sole proprietors toronto ont j e mcgarrin sole agent for icton and vicinity 45 prominent among the greatest tndio discoveries by the many cares it has affect ed mcgregors speedy cure leada the tarn subjected to the raina test chemical atulysii it has been found to contain one of those injurious ngredienti characterizing the worthless specifics dally offered to tbe poblie every ingredient possesses a pecul iar adaptability to the various complaints for which it has been compounded and its efficacy is being established by testimonials hourly received wo are therefore confi dent that we have preparation which we can offer to the public with the assurance that it w31 be found not only a rezkbut in absolute curt lor dytpevh liver com plaint indigestion constipation and im pure blood free trie bottles at 4 e megarrina dm stk 38 ayers cherry pectoral ko ouier complaint are so insidious is their attack u those affecting the throat and luafs none to trifled tlth by the majority of luffer- err tua oniiiiary cough or cold raulttnf pciups from a trifling or unconscioni ex- fure is often but the beginning of a fatal tkcatts iyia1 cmatar pacroaix lias tcu proren its efficacy in a forty yean fight rith uiroat and lung diseases anil should be ukeh in au eases without delay x terrible cough cured inis57l took a setereooidthicb affected uirlan-o- i bad a terrible cougband passed nizht alter nrlit wulioat sleep- tbe doctors jate ice up i tried aveel cntbkt pec- oral vhlcli relieved my lungs induced sleep aad afforded me hie rest necessary for the recotery of mr itrengtlu by the couiiiaed use of the pcctoail a perma- uut core vas effected i am now ci yean om haie and hearty and am satisfied your cttxaay pectcjul sared me horace faiemothkl saxkingham vl jnjj 15 iss2 croup a mothers tribute while in the cooctry last inlcr my little boy three yean old ai ukec luwuheronp u teemed as if he tou id die from itruga- lalion uqe of the family suggested the use of axetts csecav pectobal s bouac of uich was always kept in the house this tis tried in iiuall and frequent doses and to oar delight iu less than half an hour the little patient wis breathing easily the doe- tor said that the cnntttv p ectohal had tared my darlingi life can you wonder at qargrautude sincerely voors mhs ihlha gzvjtt 153 west 126th sl new iork may 16 13k i have used avers citehev pectohal in my family for setcnl jearr and do not hesitate to pronounce it iuf wost effectual remedy for coaghs aud cli vc haro ever tried atckasx lake crystal hum atsxeli 13 si2- m i luffered for eight years from bronehitit iad alter trying ruanv reaedie with no ta wsf i tis cured by the use of avers citkk- kv rrrrosie losrvu waujex b halia hiss april 5 12- nt cannot ssy enooch in praise of axfrs chekttv pectoral twlierinc as t do uiat bnt for its use i shoum lomr since bare died from lon troubles k baacoox pawuiietexa5 arl liki ko case or an ii of the throat or jungs exists rfaicu r be greatly reueved by tie use of avtcv ornfcat pzctoeal sad it vill altcavt evrt then the disease h cot already beyond the control of medicine prepared by drjcayercolowellmass soljbraudricista speight son acton undertakers carriage makers c are prepared to faruiah everything in their line from the be8t casket to the plainest coffin on the shortest ifotiee and at lowest terms eefau calls either nigbt or day promptly attended to satis faction guaranteed in every case a firstclass hearse for hire a3we arc in a kililionla satisfactorily fill orlers for vscoos carriage tc o erery jescriptioain reicriniue lime good workmanship ondfiratiaaa material a ways used we have ilso a fplendid lot or furniture both commoo aod eitra qaaluy cheap a3ifyoa will pay us cash are will sell you anything in our line cheap j a 8pei0ht manacar golden cream ta graeme hqr tbcbeat preparation known to science orbeaotwyinguie complexion glttiamt raaeaor esudwom eejtit natarai and yonlhrol eala wrtnuea freckles crows e of asa leaving the skin baft trade mark one 6k0le appucation la warranted to bcaalifr the face and give to the faded or sallow com plexion a perfectly health appearance it ccmceala feet aad the evidence of asc leavuc smooth and whlta pbioejo cents 8ent to anr address postage stamps taken address all letters to creie 0 or drawer 2678 toronto po ask your druggist or it wholesale by all whole- sale drugglata fiilidles an endless variety of plush and other picture frames suitable for presents photocraph8 the latest style taken by the new process n o longr sittings- brirut your pictures of deceased friends and have them enlarged in firstclass style cwhill acton firhyces xposition teui oitemitf tpcofog deowiber 11884 caotfotjjuysltscs lxo thi ausncxs or tux tjnitsd states gdvsrnnibnt 1300000 apprapriateti hj ue general goretameat 500000 eontriwed fay the citizens o kcirorleaal 200000 appropriated by mexico 100000 ap by tc sixte o lotrhza 100000 from 5000 to 25000 approprixteti by rrannbie states citica and foreign cotyiics ewtysu id trrfyy in lia uoa raprntwitati country of tha tryarii his bjpst exhibit lh kn boiming tad uo bljgest latiaswal eint la tea wortt- history trijeitioirs rot sxkintixtjitjtexmui jrtiaoxsspiciikaatm tiziitt tie dieapest rates al intel ertr bonn in cae anili of trtasportaiioa lecsred for tiv people etbrywbere tor tnforciatina t4dre a burke dinxtax geacnl vt lao c e who is unacquainted with the oeooraphy op thi oouhtitv wiu see by examinino thm hat that thi kt ph the workingclasi send 10 uhjcentjor postage and we will mail yon fine a royal valuable boi of sample goods that will pot you ia the way of making more money in a few days than yoa ever thought possible at any business capital not required we will start yon ton can work all the time or in yonr spare time only the work is universally adapt ed to both sexes yoong and old yoa can easily earn from 60 cents to 15 every even ing that all who want work may teat the business we make tbie unparalleled offer to au who are not well satisfied we win send tl to pay for the trouble of writing ni foil particulars directions etc sent free fortunes will be mde by those who give their whole time to the work qreat rac oeaatabsolntelysore donwelay startnow aidieae nnob a co portland maine chicago rock island pacific ry qi xuma mnrom m munng sna mm raoitia by its main tin and dranehm it reaonea omoetgo jollot ptona c la talle oenaaeo molln and book island in illinois daren port mua waahlngton kaokuk knoamlls oakaloosa ralrflaw das molnaa wast i bains aha oraat central una affords to travelers br raaaon of its jnrlmlad cao- sraphlosl pbaltlon tfta shortast anal bast route between the east northeast and southeast and tha wast northwest and southwest it is literally and strictly true that its connections are all of tha principal llnee of road between tha atlantto and tha pacmlo mueoattne fast liberty kma city atlantic aroca audubon hartan outhrte center arid osunotl blufta in iowa oallatln trenton cameron and kansae cttrln nhsaourt and leaven worth and atohiaon in kansas and tha hundreda of attlas vfllaajaa and towns intermediate tha great rock isuumd route as it la famltlartr called offers to travele an tha athsmtaajee and eo moldant to a emooth traoat safe brmaree union depota at au eocmaatlna points aat ea trains oonpoaad ait txmlmooiou well vsatttlated will heated mnely upholsteretv and eltoaiit day ooaohw una of tha most buqnirioint morton rbounintl chair oasis avar bomt i pullmans lataet deslned and handsomest pala0c sleeftno oars and wnino oarb tttmanaauowledsed by prase and people to be the rtnest run upon amy road in theoountryand in which superior meals are aanrad to travelers at the low rate of seventyrive ohts each three trains aaoh way between ohioaoo and the mtsbouh river two traimaaoh way between ohioaoo and minneapolis and st paul via the famous albert lea route a new and direct una via seneca and k itaa isjoawmr bean opened b ne ihaya w oiiwsvwatt ti and lafayette and ooundl blufifcstjabpo4laandlntennaoaootr wpairiifajaasfafjsaairtwmofi paatt liaraaja ttalna t uprlmiliaaltlokatoatvaaamtrml paaawas i bluffs st par autnrpidjhl itauad infon iat all principal tiokat offices mtriallntted vyc aa1 chjoaco a n c ait c wantedfortheliveaof all auku 1 oheprealdentaof tnetjb the largest handsomest beat bock ever sold for leea than twice oar price the fsateet selling book in america immense profits to agents all intelligent people want it any one can become a eucoesafnl agent terms free hiurrr boox co portland maine the bennett churn tie strait algols la tyfiterfctt rawaisc utat puaatut jaiuai of ta uaslsamat task ram8haw son acton have secured tbe sole control of tbe sale of tbe famoos bennett chora tbia cbnrn ia manofactared upon the moat practical and eominoaeense principle ei unt and only requires to be seen at work to be understood appreciated and pur chased a member of tbe above firm a ill call apon yoa with a sample cborn auussaw fe sos acton jan 15 m ge painting c c speicht variies desie1ng thk1k buggies waggons cutters etc repainted or revaruisbed aod made equal to new on shortest possible notice and at low est prices sboald leave tbeir orders at ooce with mr j a 8pe10ht undertaker and carriage builder or with o c sfeight acton f arch 20th 1884 fphe tree press hie dominion organ and pianoco baa the larjrees and ooat eompme taetoir hi tbs domlnk 150x155 batet san im itsiass la aay vattr ia tts tatll medal aad dtploma at oebtenaud lax medal sail diploma t stdaet anstnula 1s77 sold medal at pravlndju exblbkloa tortmtp ists blgbest awards at industrial exubttlofi toraato tmsob v wa axx sbw auarvacrubise square and upright pjanos bxsr nr thz auaarr rrespondenee bundled bend for dhuttaied cat alogae mailed free address doircnox ohqas akd piasp oompast bovjmijj ot e ciaiae agent aotoa worth their weight ci hollii pills 01intment t8is 1scomparablk medicine has teevrtd for ld an imperishable fame throughout the world for vie alleviation aid cure of moit diseatcj to which humanity u heir the p lls purify rtutilate md improve tbe quality of tbebjood tbe usaist uiedigttic oietto cleantetiic stoliacli and itowfcls iocteistr ik ikirttiiry ivwirs of tbe- liver brnce tbe mtrvocb tttu oud tbrojr inlo ihe circauuou tbe imint elements for sasuiniuk ud rtjainn the frame thousands of pertktis h4vt ititetied that by tbeir use iloucibcy bavt betu reitored lo balb aod fttrrnyth ftcr eviry other mcui htvd proved dnuccsfnl the01ntment power printlris boose executes job work of all deaciiptiontinaverr satisfactory manner at moderate rates with de spatch in tho time promiaed bcsikess ciecflass letteb heads bill beads letter cibcclaks xote cibcolabs bcsikess cakds visitisg cakds pamphlets haxd81lls posters etc etc pajticolcr solution givea to fesfi work utd ezljv ejc bestowed tith a rfev to mcqting correctness orders from the country attended toirith de- spatcb and work forwarded immediately by mall or exprass s try toe faxt pess job office for printing h p moore pboprietor hills tin stove depot good assortment ok stoves cheap for cash tinware of all ktnds at bottom prices will befonnd invaluable in every household in the core of open sores hard tumors b4 lg old wounil oougii colds 8ure throats bronchitis and all disorders of the throat aud cheat aa also ooat rhedtnatim scrofula imj every kind of skin diseaae manufactured only at prtifessor hollo- ways eaublishrffent 533 oxford streetiondon and sold at is ud 2s od 4s 6d 22s and 33s each box and pot and injcmada at 36 cenu 90 cenu and 150 and the larger sizes in prapcrtioa eac actios i have no acent in the unied stales nor are my medicines aold there purchasers should therefore look to the label on the pota and boxes if tht address is not 533 oxford street london they arc spnrions the trade mark nf my said medicinee ia regiatrered at ottawa and also at wash- inetu thomas h0ll0wa7 53s oifnrd ktnet tendon and put up on 8horte8t notice first class material only used a call 80utjk1 addi7c seud six cents for post- r la i ad w ace and receive free a costly boi of goods which will helpyoa to more money right away than anything else in this world all of either sei succeed from first hoar the broad road to fortune opens before the workers absolutely sure at once address tbue co augusts heine advertisers b baton no hiam v a badate k place a doners worth tif newspaper acrvntla- tnc fa oar pilaca ihsomt eeet of ear paper or lias of papers b fnratahed p tt applleatlea iw send for kew catalog j j houch adttrtblor jkcent itovbbblocx dctruleh manhood how lost 110wre8tkel ee tss las vesr jarvasjh rnt mt a racieel attat t permaneci cure alihonl medl arrlafeete ahnoapacm impedimenta oft reaoitufrramezeeaaea hprlceln aiealed envelope only eta ortwo poetefe stampa oleirtis detnodatratea frrm thiray seqvaaeeetaatae radiaallr eared atltbcta tbe aaaiwrufserrlat theoaeojtueknlfeipuiiitnioat s uettitt e7bbt i free pbesi anx txasa- fnbsuiideib nam in adn paper dlaoooi eiieptatt menti jrtesti i mil quest msetj t0 lines ox 1 lines isjl hel jdne column half eolmnn i quarter edni one oolnma a half eahunn quazser eolui one column t half column- a qoazter eolttr iselawark farms for sie 3 freaa lis la merer acre tl 0 hendrickw eltat astat houston delaware these fanuaaroimproved with bnhduics fences fruit trees aad berries of all kinds good water plenty of timber land good roada schools and churohea good markets only 95 miles from philadelphia plenty of nahpysters and game very papduetive land climate mild and pleasant come and see for yourself and be convinced i ant- prepared with team and carriage to take viattora to see the fanna free olcharge j d biksaicu honatnn delaware thitvp tentsmsfi ber of office ad fredericks tt a u oh sotgeoot c aeconel orncs h0ttlj nb- eueiof i t will visit day of e all work t p viv fur pis office of tovella a will bei monday hjsi tateetaaal art sof r eu inl idenoeittl souuneasl aueaill ed to j tl ancend j a hot saractol j guslvb orncil sqaue b lingtoni ajfijt iobxi wo p r beq wtei btj aa pei bound vp tor the ordersl or si nromp i also ail i l lin works tone mill oa w haao hvaelyj v v