Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 18, 1884, p. 1

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a f -rm- 4 tscstv f fiakqs pv acton it in old 31 ext tvl jti wfcls l lire ivlo very hcciaiioid ertrr cb kfesox hon- c3e oxfoird each tie- e shd xits fo cent in eippcrtrtt acesi in the ertfofe look 10 bc-i- if tlife nje- le101 aio rt wifc- illoway- 1 t illzli f t posi- re free a il help von to rirthngeise tr ex scceed tqid to lortunc hiute v sere he- i crusts iers ifor sale ricrr eskto agezvt latth laiitilkgb its cf fill kinds fcer land pd j gfcod markets phi plenty of fcrj- productive iat ccme and fritctd- i am inssrc i take j of chifge k3d estobei niiiehtdiaer cmelncele- f raafeii and jluloot medi imasprsjc jmarriseete i adiairtbii ltem jhiny ajarniaf ejin- 1iiiiii 4771 pi -7- the every thur8day morktko at tux free p8e9 power pftlntwq mouse- kill street acton oxtiluq tnure the fbce press will be sont to subscribers postage paid tor 1100 per an num in advance 9150 if not so paid no paper discontinued till u arrears arepaid except at the option of the publisher ajjtxittsog ritts calual advertise ments 6 cents per line for the first inwr- tioo and 3 oenta per tine for each subse quent insertion cash professional cards 10 lines 6r leas 400 per annum 1 square 12 lines 500 per annum payable in six months from date of insertion any special notice the object of which is to promote the pecuniary benefit of any individual or compant to be considered an advertise- ment the number of tinea reckoned by the spice occupied measured by a scale of solid nonpareil costtuct bates one colazaa one year 0 00 half colaain one jor 35 00 quarter column one jcr d 00 j one column six months 35 oq half column six mouth 90 00 quarter column six months 12 00 one column three monuu 0 00 half column three month tf 00 qoarter column three months t 00 adtertisementa withoat ipedfic diroctionc irol be inserted thiforbid and charged accord- fnclr- traadtory ivertiaoment must be paid inadttnce- chance for coatract adtertifiemcnta must be in the office br 9 thy n afondajx othsntise therm be tea aver till the fouortnk wefc r p moore editor proprietor acton bankinc coy storey ohristie k 00 bakkee acton ontario a geseral banking eust- ness transa cted x0hx7 l0aots oh apps07sb h0tss notes diaoounteii and interest allowed an deposita acton fruit depot tuift plpcdmarbfc4iodosflieatgeap n r bowli co nrroaprr ad- yetp ad- osr ail ctuxttic nkw vokk business directoiy wh lowkr il b 3l c p s graduate of trinity college atem- ber of college of physicians and surgeons office and residence it the head of frederick street jlcton- h ewebster ij3cllember oi thcodege of phyaicjans and surgeons of ontario physician surgeon accoucheur omcellclist r esmrar f i vwtrtrg hotel acton k b special attention given to the dis eases of vomen and children thgrarmr hds surgeon dextxst bkucftox ox-t- will visit professiodsuyl acton on mon day of each week rooaa agnews hotel all work guaranteed to gire satisfaction llbenkett dentist gedrgetgvrn ontario t3 ainless dental operations vitalized air or nitrous oxide gas for painless dental operations at the office of c b hayes ljjs tovells block gaelplr ont upper wyndham street ft h riggs l d s of the firm of v rlgos tfc ivoet toboxto will be at campbells hotel on the first monday of every month in the practice of fair profession all work executed in the latest and mostimpro red style of the dental art no charge for consultation john la wson graduate of on tario veteeecaet colliwi toaosro veterinary surgeon acton ont l in kenny bros boot and shoe store res idence in the rear horses examined as to soundness and certificates given aucajls night or day promptly attend ed to terms easv tutqwat itclean barristers solicitors notaries convey- ancers ac ahoney to loan ozticz town hall acton j a motat vt a mtlhas 0 s goodwill 7 barrister solicitor notary pcblic c geokgetowx t acros a3 acton osce in 5ira secords block toes dat i architect guele oktteio omce qnwti j hotel block 5iarkat square daix laidlaw co blzfilstebs t s0licit0e ottices over imperial bank h vtel- lirigton street east entrance exchange ahey toronto johx but qc c a iusrcx w n v tim geobge klpfele patents sec deed r fob intentions henby grist ojrxwi cikini 20 rears practice no patent no pay tkaxcis nunan successor to t f cnapman bookbtkdeb j st georges sqnare gnelprcontario acconnt books of all kinds made to order periodicala of very description caret nfly abound bolingneatlyaadpromptlydone tt71l bxmsteeet licexezd aucnoxeee for the coontieiot wellington ahalton orders left at the faze eaass office actdn or at my residence in actoi will be promptly attended to- terms reasonable mosetto lour also money ia loan on the mo6t favor able terms and afl the lowest rates of in terest ia sums of 9500 and aprards t ike fobsaie tiime cah be had at the canada iame works in small or lirge q dan titles at an time apply at at the kiln near toltons mfhf or to c s8mtth box 172 acton h anlan babbeb shop i p woedbk has opened a barber shop in the premises lately ocenpied by dr forstar a a medical office and solicita the patronage of this vicinity every department oi the business will be conducted in ffrstelaea style give as a call r jpwobdbk j terms- 810 in advance the newspaper- a map of busy lift its tlaotuationu and ita vast conoerns 8150 if notio paid volume x no 11 acton ont thursday sept 18 1884 whole no 481 business change j m fernley has constantly on hand in season a full line of choice confectionery fruit canned goods choice cigars eke and evenihing kept in a firstclass estab- lishment of this kind fruit a specialty ioe girieim aal ooei sumsur srinki always fresh and pure kindly soliciting a continnanoe of the patronage heretofore given the acton fruit depot i am respectfully j m fernley post office building- acton gu8lpti business collage cuelph ont offers young uej and w0mek the best facilities for acqniring a cok- pue txtrsrsg for bcsikess puestts bookkeeping commercial arithmetic banking aetnal basiness practice bnsi- oesa correstjondence penmanship com- merciallaw telegraphy shorthand cali- graphy or type- writing french physi ology and hygeine are tanght by the most practical and interesting methods six experienced teachers and lecturers are per manently on the teaching staff the varioos departments are elegantly fitted np with the latest and most approved appara tus for basiness college work thus insur ing the comfort sa well as ihe rapid ad vancement of students- 8tadents may enter at any time for a copy of the an nual college circular llmxn fexe ad dress mccormick bode si ttmmins 2000 cords hemlock bark wanted the subscribers will pay s550 per cord for all prime quality hemlock bark de livered at their tannery in acton before siorember 1st 188t bark must be bright oa flesh fiat and- fcll four feet long curled or damaged bark only received at a proportionate re duction- rfe wistilt distinctly under stood uo bar will be received after tbe first of november wlth- ont special contract any other information will be gladly furnished upon application at the tannery to uk c e wilson beardmoreco acton april issi established 848 savages watch clock jewelry spectacle house large stock prices right special attention to fine watch eepalrtnir b savage sear petries jfew drug store eiielpi hand bags a beautiful lot of samples bought and sold at hallprice choice new windowjihaaes all colorsj at days bookstore gcelph day sells cheap coal and wood the undersigned- has just got in a ltrge quantity of firtteias egg stove jlsd chestnut coal which 3i is prepared to dirpoie of br the car load paxtie tuiiig cou will profit by uring in their irintcri rtock now i hiyo also oa hand hirge dock of dry hrd- wood in tote and cord wood length- c 8 shith acton jolv end issc 32 s acres 385 acres fonthill nurseries the lrfvrt ia tilt doaiaion 8ale8menwanted toljegiaworkatonceonfallsiles steady employmect at fixed ularies to all willing to work men and w01iek can have pleasant work the year round good agents are earning from w0 to 175 per mouth and expenses terms and oat- fit free address stoat welliflftfla toronto ctat underclothing mr8 r creech has a tall assortment of ladies and childrens underwear and solicits a call from the ladies of acton and vicinity cashmere set sow in underclothing bade to order mes e oekeoh acton may 7th 188 guelph cloth ha our8pring8tockis now fully assorted comprising all the newest shades in plain and fancy worsteds west of england trouser ings and 8cotch and canadian suitings awe can assure our cuitovers and the general public that we have this season the choicest selection of goods we have ever been able to place before them and in con sequence of the low prices prevailing in the wholesale afarketa we are able to sell clethiog at very low figures 8haw 4c crundy uisnusttuxoas guelph wellington marble work quebec st guelph john h hpmilton pbopbibtoe formerly moqtull an hamilton dealer in marble granite and everything pertaining to cemetery work beceived first prises at provincial ex hibition qnelph the western fair and ill local exhibitions for excellence of material and superiority of workmanship tour orders are solicited- american agriculturist 1m clusu asl 1m ebcravufi lit sack tai be r urdleaa slwitear send three 8c stamp tor sample coot enaliih or germanl m tb waeat mmt beit aajrtsl- uuijmraaltke vata r 0nuf joddoo dfttuvjbtuplm niitmstwr eir terfc cton dfiree jbress tucaadit moisrxo shpt 18 1684 pqethy am ideal of the hummer time whan urn golden suuligbt danced on tbe bosom of the utreim and tho silver lilies ft ir like mong tbe olive sedges file4tn when tbe bullfroj seeks the cover of the grbses uu indrink and the pickerel at noonday seek the shadow of tho bank then the small boy goes hi swimming in the costume of the mode that wu worn by fsor gadiva when throagh coventry she rode he splashes in the limpid stream with many a gleeful shont and to the bank returning pats his shirt on inside oat and when his mother questions him how came that garment so 7 he looks npon it with surprise and says hfi doesnt know when further pressed to give the caosethis he employs i most have turned a somersault when playing with the boys- oue sroiy the farmers story seen you sitting on the fence sir writ ing in the little book i thought perhaps yon might be writing poetry a good many folks come down here of a summer and make poetry about the sheep and the moon peggy reads em out to me in the paper and the stories too sir do yon write stories 1 yes well thats a gift if i had it i think i could make one about what has happened to me peggy says it could be done now its all plain sailing nothing ont of the common tat i wasnt always a well- todo old farmer once i was a farmers boy a hand with nothing of my own but a stout heart and strong limbs and good health- manys the night when the stars were in the sky i used to go out to the great pasture where the sheep browsed all day and sit and think thoughts i had qo words for and make beautiful pictures for myself in my mind not fine ones sir this is what i used to see the oftenest a little cottage with a wide fireplace sach as they had in my day a dresser with a row of delf upon it four chairs and a table of white pine when i had these i wua to marry peggy grey but when i should have them and she her white wedding gown and the house linen neither of us knew sbe put her sixpence into a red earthen savingsbank aad i kept mine in an old glove for two years we had been waiting and hoping and were not much nearer than at first sometimes i felt downheart ed sometimes her letters were a bit sad and just aal sat in the meadow i knew she sat before her kitchen fire in the house where she livedo at service 8imple folks we were but we had hearts and felt per haps as deeply as greater folks might 5y master the farmer was a close man he squeezed as much work out of his hands as possible but it was a steady place and he paid all he promised soi stayed never thinking what trouble stay ing would bring me to trouble that never would have come bat for mark holier a gooifornothing fellow he was a disgrace to the rest of us and he cheated the master and left his work undone so after hours master kept me at his stint and it being indoor work i kept at it all night the old man liked that and set me a new tak every night all the better for me i thought he would pay me extra and what was weariness to me if it brought me near er my peggy so i counted the hours work as so many ahfllings but when saturday night came he gave me just my weeks work master said i ive worked over hours etery night you forgot that i hire you by the week ha said ill give no more than one weeks wages so if jou dont like it there are plenty of strong lads to be had if you are growing lazy then he turned his hack on me and mark laughed that angered me and words fell from my lipe we had a quar rel master and i and i called him a nig gardly old raecl and with that he dis missed me from his service at dawn you go he said youve worked today and have a right to your bed at night but at dawn you go i marched out of the room with words i never should have used and up to my garret and threw myself on my bed but i did not mean to stay to be turned oat at midnight i rose softly made up my bundle and climbed out of a window i out my hands with the glass of a broken pane and the blood dropped down upon mj clothes but i was too angry to feel tbe pain and i bound np my wound with a handkerohief then i trudged on men- ing to look for work next day bo i did bat found none then tbe thought struck me to make ray way to and see peggy it would be a oomfort to me what ever cams so i turned my steps in that direction and kept on uniil night fell then faint and weary i lay down under some bushes and fell asleep j out of that sleep i was aroused by a j shout and the clutch ef strong hands men stood around me one shouted my name they held ine fast and bound me istrutfledbut it was no use num bers were against my single strength what are yon bobbers ive noth ing worth the taking i said at last and when standing still i saw faces i knew about rae those of tho farm hands at my old masters you know well what we want jack marlorae said one if he did speak an illword atiast he was a good man iuthe main and yon worked forfeim thrfee yers you might have answered him as you liked but to try to murder him was too horrible we didnt think it of you jack we didnt think it mudeed iicried is our master murdered why lay it to me i swear i never hurt him if hes not quite dead ifs none of your faolt cried another man dont perjure yourself look at the blood on your clothes the blood from my hand was in blots all over my vest i felt my heart turn sick when i took heed of it master will clear me i said he says it was you said one of the men at least he nodded yes when we asked him if you did it then old master was not right in his mind i said hed never be against me after that i heard the whole master had paid the men and dismissed mark he had only said all right im tired of work and had eaten breakfast there and left in sighof all but i was gone and when they iound that master who was always up at cockcrow did not raise at nine they opened his door and found him on the floor senseless they thought dead at first he had been robbed of bis pocket- book a watch and an oldfashioned pin he always wore in his neckerchief the painted head of a lady set around wih what he used to tell us were pesxlaa ornament older than his grandfather they found nothing about me of course but the quarrel and my cut hand made the case hard against me ter dying as they thought him able to speak at odd times and said that to the best of his belief i was bis assail ant it was dark to be sore but in the struggle he felt that the ineji wore a cap and i was the only hand who had anything but a straw hat besides he came from the inner passage and down the stairs and did not break in through the door or win dow as a burglar would have done and l was the only missing member of the house hold so i lay in prison with t awful charge upon me until they knew whether master would live or die and my greatest grief was for peggy keep it from her i begged them until she must know it and they were kind and did if and her letters were sent to me in prison it was a weary time and the one drop of comfort in it came with those letters i had had five from her when at the end of one came this deab jicx i never hid anything from you and not to boast of my conquests a thing id never do bnt just to let you know that i keep no secrete to myself i must tell you what has happened our master has hired a man a lazy fellow that i disliked at first sight mark hulker by name and what should he do but take a notion to me or pretended to do so trying his best to sit up with me after hours and following me about wherever i go of a holiday then he tries to make me like him by telling me bow rich he is four hundred dollars he has laid by he says and has a gold watch like a gentle man the other sunday i was dressed for church and up he walks why peggy says he youve no pin to your oollar said i i cant afford money for finery then says he now how lucky it is that i have one to give you and he pulls a pin from his pocket jack i couldnt help looking at it it was a ladys portrait with hair all white though she was so young like an old womans he said it was powdered as they did in oldtimes and a pink dress and all about tiny btonos and nohgser than a silver quarter altogether howhe came by such a thing goodness knows but of coarse i wouldnt have it says he now do take it peggy i want to keep company with you and now you know the truth so says i i want neither your com pany nor your presents and please re member that hereafter it was rough i know but i hate him so and i was none too rude for he both ers me yet as much is ever though you know if ne were ever so good and handsome i am always your own peggy and i think of no one else psoor gsrr when i read that you could have knocked me down with a feather the pin was the one the old fanner had lost i knew and it was mark who was the thief and who had toed to mustier him i sent for the lawyer who was to take my side and who had all along believed me innocent i gave him the letter its old masters pin 1 said what shall i do sir and he said yon can do nothing my poor fellow hut wait and hone i have a due now and ill follow it then he went away and afterward i heard what he did he went down to the place when peggy lived and took her out of danger oi eavesdroppers and told her au that had happened the brave girl trembled and wept tot aha spoke out hes innoosoi the said td no jbelieve him guilty if an angel told m be was v and the lawyer said out of his heart though she was but a serving lass hes worthy of youypeggy grey i so believe and that is saying a good deal i then he asked her about the pin and the two bad a long talk it ended in peggy bursting into tears and promising to do anything and everything be asked if he would but tell me why she did it he told me afterward and it was hard work for little peggy with her honest heart bless her she turned herself around and made a different creature oi herself and she tried to make mark hulker think that she had been coquetting all the while ind oh how the cried when she told me that the let him kiss her and put his arm about her waist but she gained tier end by it one night my good old lawyer and two other men were shut up in a pantry with peggys master and sbe dressed in her best and waiting for mark hulker that night she had promised mark to take his pin and if he proved he had this money he bragged of to njomise to marry him and mark came as merry as could be and a little the worse of liquor now lass said be a promise is a promise theres the money to count and the watch to look at and the pin to wear now youtl have me v and just then the pantry door opened behind him and a hand came down on his shoulder well have you my fine fellow said a voice and there and then they arrested him for the money and the watch and the pin were old masters and one who knew his son james was there with the detec tives he gave up all hope from that minute and co everything how he bad seen me climb out of the window and so dressed in clothes like min and made his plans to throw suspicion upon me my peggy brought me the good news first brought it into my cell and threw herself weeping into my arms crying out youre free darling free and clear thank heaven they did not hang mark for master after a while got better and in the end quite well but they punished him for the robbery andorsomething he had done of id before ever he came to the masters and as for the old man when he was well he was so sorry for the charge he had made against me th ha had honestly believed me guilty as t weh knew that he made me the present f a little farm and stocked it for me and the wife gave peggy her outfit and here we are as happy as the sheep in the meadow yonder or the bees in the- hive hard by and when we hear talk of books and plays peggy says to me jack it they only knew our story theyd make one of it im very sure and as they say youre a writer why i tell itfto you sir 1 an important discovery many of our readers have asked us ques tions concerning the mysteries of the chinese laundry to all of which we have boon compelled to give unsatisfactory ans wers for the simple reason that we were not acquainted with the secret working of those establishments our friend toot stflingt has enlightened oa upon one of the secrete of the laundry in the following answer to a correspondent b lb c topeka ky what do chinamen use to give gloss to the shirts they wash v we have taken pains to find out exactly what they do use we inter viewed a chinaman who after some per suasion divulged the secret and we made him write it down for us so that there could be no mistake you first waahtbe shirt and dry it then yon put some on it- thats what he called it but as we cant pronoosoe it without stuttering we give it in his own handwriting then the shirt should be ironed if these directions are carefully carried ont so the chinaman assures us you will make a success of the business will it destroy revenue p the canada ctiaa replying to the as sertion that a refusal to issue liquor lioen- ses would seriously impair tbe municipal revenues shows that as a matter of fact the municipalities of ontario in the year 18823 received 2s48799 from licenses there were issued during that year 4104 tavern and shop licensee taking the average business doneij each as only f 13 a day and awmming that no liquor was old on sundays the us a day for 810 selling days would abstract from the pock- eta oi the peopleof this proinoe the sum of h536688000 this ertimaf is moder ate falling really somewhat short of on tarios fair proportion of the annual drink expenditure of canada- out of this large sum of money taken by our liquorsellers there was paid into our municipal treasuries only the compara tively small amount named to that the account stands a follows amount oo br the jtejsnrip ttit ss5slpw paid over to mnampaltjwbspji cost of fft fiafrj tho folly of ttopoucyal j 160 for bib asdm rf eeqter b m lea this ufeloapiiaat fenesdeumr murtpiiobl able to pay ih eat mom afctwul b ttatly better off am aqvoaattiiil i built a house in my youthful dreams in a sunny and pleasant nook whatelmigmllatentbewholedatlong totberomofttesrdmblimhriokt and broad and shining floori a bouse with the hidden charm of borne and the freedom of ontofdoors fair morninggloria climb and bloom at wfl by the eastern eaves and on tbe doorstep and window the roses shake their lava and fair omfaahioned luaa toss their purple plumage high while honeysuekle drop their sweets onevery peaserby down at the end of a pleasant path i a group of evergreen trees rine and hemlock and spruce and fir with their spicy fragrance and sweetert picture of calm content that mortal ever saw under a lowboughed appletree la a beehive made of straw i have pictured it all a hundred times i shall do it a hundred more j but i oever shall own the pleasant home with the rose over tbe door never a dram of mine came true- it is fates unbending law j never shall see the appletree nor the beehive made of straw but yet in the airy realm of dreams where all my ruhea be i enter into the heritage which is else denied to me i bare bnt to elos my aye to find my eden without a flaw the home the garden the appletree and the beehive made of straw 1 adviee to people who want to do right do right because it is right i dont expect any reward 1 dont expect anybody to think any the better of you for the good yon do when you give away your secondbeat drea to some poor woman dont be disappointed if she looks displeased because you did not give her your best one it is an exploded fallacy to expect poor people to be grate ful no matter if you do get criticised go straight ahead keep things correct be tween god and your own oonacieiioa and when you have elected to do right and stick to that decision eu have gone a long step toward tbe peace which make glad the heart you must expect trials you must be ready for tribulations you win meet with just si many afflictions as your neighbor who baa no regard for right and who cheat everybody be deals with maybe you will aak why and think it is rather a hard thing but it is so and grumbling will not help it the rain falls on the inat and on the un just the rmnsellesvwho ruins thesonj and the body of of bia victim willrsobably prosper just aa well as you do and you have got to see nim prosper and wonder why it is just as we all wonder about such things but you cannot solve tbe problem in doing right we must lava rewards out of the question or we shall soon get aground somewhere in gods good time we uiieve that things will be squared up and settled as they should be and let that be enough when you are satisfied that a thing is right do it and take the oonsequenoea not always will theybe pleasant not always will they be what you have ex pected you will want courage and backbone you may have to make flr if so make them like a man put selnehnea out of sight and tbougntv and do not aay will this be best forms but say rather will it be best for god and humanity try to do as you want to be done by when your wife wants you to split kind lingwood stop and think bow it would be if you were a woman and sbe were a man before you tell her that you have got to go down town and cant bother try and fancy bow ou would feel if you were a woman and had nerves m hoopskirta and ruffles and corsets and headache and didnt know how to swing an axe and there was the fire to kindle and nothing to do it with but an old naurs- paper and a stick of cord wood and a square section of pineboard bring it right borne to your soul and act accordingly and if you are a woman and tbe part- ner of yonf bosom wants yon to sew op buttons when your bands are in tbe oread and tbe baby ia crying to be droned put it right home to yourself and remember that a man without button is at the mercy of the cold world and then do as you would like to be done by in little things which come to aa every moment of our uvea use the greatest diffi culty we can bear a great wrench but a thousand hourly pinpricks drive us frantic it iaeesier to do right in one nianifioant thing which nearly rends aooi and body apart than it la to do right in the thousand and one small things which amii oar effort right along all the time one after the other bnt even this can be done and the satis faction of having overcome is better than any reward which comes from evildoing let everybody try it and see ft t a paragraph bvery newspaper ought to print every man official or scientist news paperman or lunatic who is responsible for sending an expedition to the artto re gion a oountry forsaken by god and de tested by man ahould be ashamed and the ghost of the victims should mass the uvea of promoters at expeditions intolerft- ble officers like grady who want glory can obtain it nearer tsbmevfithoutimparil- tog their lives officers like uelviqe who go on expeditions at danger became they cannot live peaceably at borne sail find afar relief in tbe h aoree oosrta where tbere la no danger of fi to s being com iff dog and two straps and sdottjt to peouuy barnaolee oct trom dnothv namnotctpuiss carta the artvirasjioni 1 si2sssi

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