d piano co the ctorimtn mrens x te lirtccy in ih rrnxs it ptxkos rr 3 acton it in- gold x tlr ty 01 titrcee ylls he l ere id tec- pa i cir s alia i tverr or eolio- cxpolid -iipu- hi ti- fj cent stent la the crclcn lcfc to sore if u lonlcr cfo t wash- illoway- filittp jo tp succeed id to fortune 1 a aipa irs a dollar r adterife- hib exact ar list ot r famished atton few catalogue uch i detroit mich for safe rim utatft agext ire iss of tu fcieds ler u5ttgood- 1- coed markets rma- plenty of pry productive priice to teie charge od estqeei pluhccauew rweir cfle rftclca anc itcji iodl- ac phjtic- lopvonlyscls lais admirable m fjf m tiurtr aalaniilbjcoe- j cured without lmedicinrorr o batter t ssijs eial to levtr 1 pcbtwbxd j every thursday korkig it the fre press power printing house icll 6tueet ictok ontuuo traits the flue paras will be sent to subscribers postage paid for uoo per an num in advance 1150 if not so paid ko paper discontinued till all arrears an paid except at the option ol the publisher anvxattjsrso ritas casual advertise- meuts 8 cents per lino or the first inser tion awl 2 cenu per line for each subse quent insertion- cash professional cards 10 lmes or less mooper annim 1 square 12 lilies o00 per annum payable in six months from date of insertion any special notice the object of which is to promote the pecuniary benefit of any individual or company to be considered an advertise ment the number of lines reckoned by the space occupied measured by a scale of solid konpareil costbact bates one eolmna one year 60 00 half column one year 35 00 suarter column one tear 90 00 ee column six months ss 00 half column six month s3 00 qaarlercolumukirmohuis 13 00 one column three months 20 00 half column three months 13 03 quarter column three mouths t 00 advertisements without specific directions will be inserted till forbid sad charged accord- inglv transitory sdverusemeatx must be paid in advance- changes far contract advertisements mest be in the oscebv 9 am on ifondays otherwise they will be leftover till the following week h t hooee editor proprietor tu i da bcd mar be toend on ale st geo p 1 hlo rftrcil kowvll t cot swpapcr ad vert ismcbnieantw spruce bltwbef sdrerulrg ooscncumarbemadetccu ix kkw vork- business directory- wh lowry si b stc p s graduate of trinity college mem her of college of physicians and surgeons office and residence at the head of eredecick street acton- he webster md csl hember of the college- of physicians and surgeons of ontario- physician surgeon accoucheur orncx siill st resibesce cuftetljs hotel acton x b special attention given to the dis eases of women and children th graham lds sdrgeok dextist bexiarox oxr will visit professionally acton on ll dav of each week rooks aguews hotel all work guaranteed to give satisfaction l beksett uektist 1 georgetown ontario terms 9 00 in advance the newspaper- a map of busy life its fluotuationu and ita vast oonoerna 8150 if not so paid jvolume x no 13 aoton ont thursday oct 2 1884 whole no 483 acton banking cqy 8t0rey 0hri8tie it 00 bankers acton oatarlo p aislee3 dektal operations vitalized air or nitrous oxide gas for painless dental operations at the office of c b hates ljjs tovells block guelph ont upper wyndham street ch higgs l d s of the firm of riaos a ivoet toeoxto will be at campbells hotel on the first moodav of every month in the practice of his profession all wark executed in the latest and most improved style of the dental art- no charge for consultation iexeral bankikg busi ness transacted uokzr loaned ok approved motes notes discounted and interest allowed an deposits r acton fruit depot j m fern ley has constantly on hand in a full line of choice confectionery fruit canned coods choice cigars tvc and everything kept in a nrstdas6 estab- lishaentof this kind fruit a specialty ice cream ail cool srrjar driais always peesh and puee kindly soliciting a contiuuancepf the patronage heretofore given the acton fruit depot i iru respectfully jpis frmley post office baudin acton john laweok graduate of ok- fieao vexeiukxet coixege toeqsto veterinary sargeoa acton ont orncz ira kennrbros boot tnd shoe store res- idence in the rear horses examined as to soandness and certificates given all calls pignt or day promptly attend- ed to terms easr m 0wat siclean barristers solicitors notaries convey ancers ic a3soney to loan oeeice town hall acton r asiowii waliclni5 a s goobwillie barrister solicitor notary public ore geokgetgws d actok 3acton oce in sirs secord s block toec day architect gteesh oktuuo ojtice queens hotel block market square b ainlaidlaw 4 co baaararetta it soucrroaef omces over imperial bank 21 wel lington street east entrance exchange alley toronto josrr bus q c c a stistex w ludiaw geoeoe kipreix p ratests secured for ektentions f henry grist ottiwa cisuii- 20 tears practice no patent no pay ttrancis nunan successor to t f chapman bookbinder st georges square guelph ontario account books ef all kind3 made to order periodicals of every description carefully bound ruling neatly and promptly done txtsl heltstreet licekszd accnoxiza ior the counties of wellington halton orders left at the fan peess ofilce acun or at my residence in actoa will be promptly attended to terms reasonable mosbt to lois also money to loan on the most favor able termi and at the lowest rates of in terest ii sninftf to00 and upwards ti e for sale lime caa be had at the canada lime works in small or large quantities at any time apply atat the kiln near teutons mm or to c s smith box 172 acton- 1 ttanlan garber shop jp wohdes ha opened a barber shop in the premises lately occupied by dr fdreter u a medical office and solicita the patnmage of una vicinity eterydepartmentofthebabiness wmbecondnotedrafirstlrtyle give acal jpyobueif juae 36th uk guelph business college guelph ont offees youkgilen akd woken the best facilities for acqairingacoif- ptxtc tejjsisg foe bcsisess punsrrrs bookkeeping commercial arithmetic bankins actual easiness practice basi- aess correspondence penmanship com mercial la- thegraphy shorthand cali- graphy or typewriting french physi ology and hygeine are uaght by the most practical and interesting methods six experienced teachers and lecturers are per manently on the inching staff the various departments are elegantly fitted up with the latest and most approved appara tus for business college work thus insur ing the comfort as well as the rapid ad vancement of students students may enter at any time for a copy of the an nual college circukr miuled fkex ad dress hccormlck bogle tinualns 2000 corps hemlock bark wanted the subscribers will pay 550 per cord for all prime quality hemlock bark de livered at their tannery in acton before xofcmbcr 1st i88t bark muet be brifht on flesh lat and full four feet loqj curled or damaged bark only received at a proportionate re duction we wish it distinctly under stood uo bark will be received after tbe first or xo vember with out special contract any other information will be gladly furnished upon application at the tannery to sir c r wilson beardmora co acton april 1884 established 848 i savages watch clock jewelry spectacle h6usea large stocks prices right special attention to flue watch repairing b savage mear fetries iter drnfj store cdelrh hand bags a beautiful lot of samples bonglit and sold at haltprice choke new window shades all colors days bookstore guelph at day seles cheap coal and wood the ukdersigked has just got iu a large quantity ot untdiss egg stofe jlxd chestxut coal which he u prepared to dispose of by the car load parties ancc coal will nront by laying in their wurtcti itock now- i have siio on hand a large stock of dry hard- woodi in ove and cord wood lengths c s smith acton julv 22nd 155 325 acres 325 acres fon thill nurseries tbo ltrgert i tis soaiioa sale8menwanted to begin workatonceon fallsales steady employment at fired salaries to all willing to work men akd woilex can have pleasant work tbe year eoaud good agents are earning from k0 to 175 per mouth and expenses terms and oat- lit free address stane 8c welungtoa xoroato oat underclothing mrs r creech has a fall assortment of ladies and childrenvrjuderwear and solicits a call from the ladies of acton and vicinity aacashmere net now in underclothing made to order mes e creech- acion may 7th issh guelph cloth ha our springstqck is now fully- assorted comprising all the newest shades in plain and fancy worsteds west of england truser- ings and 8cotch arid canadian suitings ave can assure our custovers and the general public that we have this season the choicest selection of goods we have ever been able to place before them and iu con sequence of the low prices prevailing in the wholesale markets we are able to sell clolhin at very low 6gures 8 haw 6t crundy jltethast tioors guelph ctonmntmrm thtjaaoit moaxixfl oct 2 1881 poetry jot ib linked with jrief the fairest flowers that bloom on earth they soonest fade and die and joys that fill onr heart with mirth with wings inconstant fly the more we lore a treasure dear l we deeper feel its losa for even- joy that blossom here is saddened by some cross the mother loves her firstborn with all a souls delight but soon to grave her babe is borne aknd sleeps in realms of night friend love in heart each others joys as gay thro life they rove bat separations woeial voic dispels their dream of love and oft when homes are blest with joy the earth fectns fair and bright and cares uo thoughts of life annoy all basked in joyful light bat all at once the summers sky is clouded oer with gloom and warfares horrid demons fly from out the oneued tomb 0 life in all thy changeful forms how many griefs andjoys how oft arise loud raging storms where nought seems to annoy bat every joy iras some dark side ak every rose its thorn and so twill be in this world wide while sons to men are born duf stofy wellington marble work- quebec st guelph y v- john h hamilton propbietob formerly moqrallanhamil ton dealer in marble granite aad everything pertaining to cemetery work received first prize at provincial ex hibition guelph the western fair and all local exhibitions for excellence of material and superiority of workmanship your orders are solicited american a6ricultur1st f m calsusws ami 1m eacratlmgs ssi eaefc laame urdtsak tear band three to stamps lor satttljcoju rlaliah r oerman of tb mesvaajtbew larlesd tualaaraallmthe wrm onstt ftddpe dttld vjad4feit ib bmiway law tik ruth maxwells ride ar ejoue r ebighik hy name is ruth maxwell twenty years ago this very mornin when the air was soft and clear and the flowers as fra grant as now i stood in the doorway of our newlybuilt cottage with a bunch of pink roses in ray hand the rattling of wheels caused me to glance down the road and i saw if arms flint seated in a light boggy driving a fine spirited horse a moment after he stopped at the gate he was a neighbors son several years my senior and my staunch friend good morning rnfh im going over to cherrytown want a ride he inquired gaily l yes indeed was hay quick response get vour hat and come well have a jolly time i was soon ready and jumped into the baggy beside marcus and we rode away he had seteral errands to do oh the way and we stopped first at the postoffice ruth hold the horse a minute ive some letters to leave here dont be afraid dan is gentle as a kitten if be is swift as a racer giving me the reins while he was within the office a mis chievous spirit seized me i shook the reins purposely and started dan o5 on a brisk trot whoa whoa marcus come come dan is running away with me oh dear help he dashed oat of the door and run like a frightened deer after me in a few rods i pulled up the horse and laughed loud and merrily as marcus came up hot and pant ing im all right i was only fooling i said and i flourished the whip over mar- ens head as he jumped into the buggy youll find on some time ruth that fooling is dangerous business he said in a vexed tone- i only wanted a utile fan dont be angry fan made ont of tricks dont pay in the end we rode half a mile further till we reach ed the snug farm where jacob stone lived again marcas stopped and got out and left me in the buggy holding dan while he went into the barn to speak with mr stone and i could see them as they stood talking with the great doors wide open as i sat waiting for marcus return a boy ran out from behind a spruce tree and un furled a long red flag which rose quickly and fluttered in the strong breeze at this dan gave a sadden frightened jump to the opposite side of the road the reins held loosely in my hands received a jerk and were palled from me and fell to the ground and dan finding himself free started at a good pace down the road marcos marcas ive dropped the reins dans running away with me i shouted in real terror whoa whos whoa let him go hell stop when you get ready to have him you cant fool me twice its true the reins are on the gronnd ive lost em oh dear help whoa 1 whoa marcus did not stir an inch and went oil quietly talking with mr stone do come 1 dan is running away ha ha ha 1 yon dont cheat me again 1 by this time dan was quite a distance from mr stones from a quiok walk he took a slow trot and went faster and faster till he daehed ahead at a full ran the wheels rattled furiously over the road and the boggy swayed violently on dan ran at a frightful speed i held on to the seat with both hands to keep from falling out fortunately we encountered no other vehicle to cause a collision we had had a terrible race at over two rnilea and still the horse no madly on thirtyacre wood lot lay on one side of the road when we reached it dan in stead of keeping to the main road plnnged iifo the cart path which led through the woods soon one of the wheels struck a stump theu there was a snap and a fright ful crash the buggy was broken and overturned and dan and tbe whifnetree were out of sight in a moment i was braised and half stunned by my fall and remsined kome time in a state of uncon sciousness upon reviving i was quite be wildered at finding myself in a great forest with a broken baggy on the ground beside me soon all that had happened came back to me and i attempted to rise but a sharp pain darted from my foot to my brain and i felt dim- and faint my ankle was badly spraided and it was im possible for me to take a step oh dear what shall i do i cried while great tears fell fast down my cheeks then i shouted marcus marcas help help echo brought back my words they had reached uo human ear i tried to crawl bat had hardly gone two yards when i wu forced to stop the pain in my ankle almost drove me mad again and again i shootfid for help and strained my ears to catch the sound of coming feet none came the sun was nearly overhead and i knew it was noonday i must have been two hours fa that great gloomy forest and i knew by this time my friends most be searching for me my suffering increased my ankle was badly swollen and i cried and groaned in agony still no one came to my rescue and- i was out of sight and hearing of every one what if i should starve and die away from home and parents dreadful dreadful we will now return to marcas flint we eft him iu earnest conversation with mr stone standing in tbe doorway of the barn he thought i had purposely started the horse and when i cried that dan was run ning away he paid no heed to me thinking i was again trying to decive him but when he saw the horse go faster and faster he grew alarmed- do see that norse go he 6aid to mr stone i never saw him clear the road like that before he is running away with ruth in less than five minutes marcus had saddled and bridled mr stones threeyear old colt and was cantering fast after me but so trace of a runaway team could be seen dan had plunged furiously ahead and was far cut of sight and sound marcus followed the road for three miles and rode by the cart path without a sus picion that dan had turned aside and gone into the wood lot he methree foot travellers and some men in atwagon and inquired if they had seen anything of a runaway horse and a young girl none had been seen and marcus was greatly perplexed and distressed then he turned back and soon met mr stone who was following hard after him with a fleet horse and light wagon whats the news asked mr stone anxiously kone nothing has been seen of ruth or the horse no signs of a smash up any where mr stone reflected a moment you dont thmk dan can have gone into the woods do yon i maybe when his blood is op he can make his way through everything a full half hour was taken up in looking among the brushwood by the road and m examingvalis and fences to see if there was any place where dan could get through pr over when they came to the spot where the cart path leading through the woods joined the road marcus exclaimed excitedly look at those tracks dan made them ill bet my head he then walked rapidly into the woods shouting all the way holloa ruth maxwell ruth max well 1 holloa whoop 1 whoop ho i ho 1 how my heart bounded with hope and joy as i heard that call here here marcus this way help 1 he was soon beside me i told him quickly all that had happened and he lifted me tenderly from the ground and placed me in mr stoneb wagon dan waa found a little further on en tangled in some branches and slightly bruised and was led home mr stone and marcos drove home with me and my parents were greatly distressed at my condition dr phelps was sum- moned and my suffering ankle received the best attention the accident kept me a prisoner in the house six weeks what did i learn from this hard experi ence a lesson never since forgotten marcus was right when he said fooling is dangerous business tricks do not pay in the end droll telegrams there is probably no better place in all this world for studying human nature than in a telegraph office yon are brought in contact with so many different people made a confidant ot in so many important transactions meet so many peculiar people and see so many strange messages passing over the wire that yoo feel as if from some loophole of retreat you were viewing the world shorn of its shame and its pretences perhaps no class of men enjoy a good joke better than telegraphers and they certainly often find in the ordinary routine duties of their position many despatches calculated to provoke a smile an irishman sent the following message to his brother in liverpool your wife died yesterday we will wake her tonight come home p s- dont open this for two hours so as to prepare yourself for the melancholy news but the moat laughable messages are generally those from lovesick swains to their sweethearts a gentleman not long since telegraphed to his affianced your life is a rich boquet of happiness yourself the sweetest flower if northern winds whisper southern wishes how nappy yoa must be 1 good night happy dreams sweet love faux the following message recently passed through a london office i lent yon one year ago tonight one pound six if yoo have not had it long enough please keep it one year longer to this delicate hint this answer was re turned had forgotten it and hoped yon had let her run another year operators occasionally encounter some very strange people in the way of custom ers it is quite astonishing what crude ideas many even intelligent people have of the telegraph a german once brought a message to one of the branch offices for transmission it was so indistinctly written that the operator couldnt read it and asked to be enlightened hans itadied it carefully for some time bat couldnt make it out either alter a while however his face brightened up and he said oh well just send it that way hell understand it a porter belonging to one of the best hotels one night handed the operator a message and a half sovereign the operator returned him the change and was not a little surprised to see him walk off with both change and message aint you going to have the message sent he enquired oh replied the porter i thought you had sent it i supposed that all you had to do was simply to look at it a stout lady of color once asked what the tariff was to portsmouth twenty words for a shilling well whats a word i want to say arrived safe but my trunk hasnt come on- please forward it at once by express oare of mrs julia johnson without delay til write as soon as ever i have time is that more than one word he thought it was it will take about two rounds of four years each to knock oat both the old whisky- soaked parties prohibition is a vigorous yoong athlete and he is coming merjeaa exchange if there any girl who doesnt likfi to pop the cmestion even if it is bag year she can get around it by asking her young man if hed be willing to fill in his name on her marriage oertifioate a basbsx ow fwprooariing to the banbfc american it wmitol forty pounds of wheat or sj5 lbs mabsjielofgcioafloiir lmibt brsjnand screenings iwlbs lot not no- with nothing to chil1foooarb bwpsi cuote4to10inis7jlbiiihs an old maids solfloquy on leap tear so this is leap year now is the accepted time its just too funny for any use bow shy the men are i wonder if i had better get a seine or a hook and line what a blessing- that there are 366 days instead of 355 who knows what a day may bring forth what a pity it doesnt come oftener a girl ages frightfully in four years ii at first you dont succeed try try again 1 i hadnt much luck in 80 i hope 84 will be an improvement i know at least half a dozen lice young men who would be real eligible and mam ma and papa both like them too if i dont catch a bean and that stuckup mary jones does ill never speak to her again so there theres a ring afthe door it is a case of catohascatcbcan here goes bah for m merchant travtba ht lovb shes but a lajbbh txt my love shes bat a lassie yet a lightsome lovely lassie yet it scarce would do to sit and woo doon by the stream sae glassy yet- but theres s braw time oomin yet when we may gangaroamin yet an hint wi glee o joys to be when favtbe modest gloamin yet shes neither prond sx saucy yet shes neither plumb nor gaacy yet bat just a jinun bonnie bliukfn hiltyskilty lassie yet but o her artles smiles mair sweet than honey or than marmalete an ricbt or wrang ere it be lang ill bring her to a parley yet im jealous o what blesses her the very breezes that kisses her the flowry beds on which fhe treads too wae for ane that misses her then o to meet my lassie yet up in yon glen ise grsssy yet for a i see are naught to me save her thats bot a lassie yet national games every great nation has some game indi genous to itself as for instance the iational game of spain is boil fight- ing- ireland is content with dymanite festivi ties englands favorite sport is lawn tennis and mudeyed lords america has her base bailers and presi dential elections france is partial to the panpan and the catlet of the male russia fancies hideandgoseek in the mines of siberia italy has her band organ and monkey the great game of germany jost now is porker the game of games in palestine was pharaoh lapland dotes on aledge china has no game more delightful than rats eye home adornment gems of thought on their own merits modest men are dumb whosoever abolishes justice cares for no religion the agitation of thought is the beginning of truth a foohsh friend does more harm than a vise enemy it is vanity to desire to live long and not to oare to live well a man displeased with the world is never satisfied with himself thenars times and circumstances in which not to speak out is at least to con nive when the son of virtue is set the blush of shame is the twilight when that dies all is darkness sloth like rust consumes faster than labor wears while tbe key often used is always bright taking things as they coma isnt so very dimonlt its parting with than as they go tfiafs hard what are the best days in memory those in which we mens oom who was truly snoh i-v-s-wv- a people of intelligence like oars who by industry and the rapid growth of the coon- try are aocamolating wealth desire to ose the good that a kind providence has placed in their hands as a means to the refine ment of themselves and their families viewing it from our standpoint there is no greater refining influence in nature than that imparted in the cultivation of the beautiful in tree shrub and flower the hearts of the children are more closely bound to the sweet and pure ties of home if that home is surrounded by trees shrub bery and well kept flower beds contrast such a home with the one where the bare walls and the barren yard invite tbe search- ing rays of the summer sun to scorch and almost blind and the bleak winds of winter to shriek and howl about the house with no frieny trees to raise their arms in mate proteotwn we have scarcely begun to realize the commercial value of such an investment we know a keen sagacious business man in one of our large cities who has operated for past years in the following manner he buys a tract of land in the suburbs of the city cuts it into liberal sized buildinglots drives stakes for a house and immediately plants the ground with fruit and ornament al trees shrubs and hedges he then employs a good man to cars for them and does not offer the lots for sale for two or three years well knowing that when the purchaser goes to look atlthe property- he finds that when his house is built he has instead of a naked house on a bare spot a neat and beautiful home with its growing trees and plants which would have taken him years to get around him many of our most active business men are also men of taste and would be glad to improve and beautify their grounds bat they are so ooenpied with business that they have neither the time or disposition to find out what they want or lay out their grounds some competent man can gen erally be found to aid in the matter bot a few hints would probably be of service to those who contemplate laying oat a lawn or shrubbery in the laying out and planting of grounds have regard to economy of labor let there be as few walks as possible cot yonr flower beds not many in the torf and dont make ajjutwn a checkerboard of trees and shrubs msss them on tbe boundary lines or in groups leaving a broad expanse of green for the eye to rest on and the mower to sweep freely over if an nn- pleasant object is in sight conceal it by planting freegrowing trees if there is a- pretty view leave an opening while it is not well to have large trees near the house there should be at least one by the sunny comer for summer shade plant flower ing shrubs nd the smaller evergreens in circles or ovale and twice as thiok as they should stand when folly grown this will make a show at once and in two yean or more yon can take np one halt leaving the rest td fill oat thsfspaoe and obtaining a supply of finely rooted plants to set some where else keep the shrubs or trees onl tivated or mulched the first two years after which let the turf grow about them mow the grass frequently and top dress with fine manure everyfall and winter there are bot few persons whose know ledge of trees and shrubs is such that they make a jndioioas selection and to help snob we give briefly our experience straggling growers like forsythia and pyrns jiponica should be repeatedly pinched back or clipped during the growing season to produce a close compact arm weigslias and dentxiaa should be pruned like currants leaving the strong young wood to flower althaea end some ttf the spinas whion bloom on tbe new shoots may be prunedrback each year to the old wood avery beautiful hedge can be made by uteripingling different flowering abpoos apd clipping or allowing them to grow naturally i n i aaltsuteasacmreo an yon troubled with salt rheum rotfgh skinpimnleebr uenker bores jiieey sjo at ones to j k megervini st btore and get a pajgtotsfrxwnrtv flsdwlle- cetate wee at psate ifrwit nererkmwntrtul 13 mil j i- tm-r-