Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 2, 1884, p. 4

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xii 1 itimmmz tarasntv moexixo oct 2 lt ih sf3o 2 iaf fevta ses ss skiarj the sparkling bowl touch not taste not the sparkling bowl the goblet of intoxication that fruitful source of in and dole of darkremorse and degradation take heed nor ever let its bright and red libations drown thy roason for a most false and brief delight be thou riot guilty of such treason against that high and heavenly power vho in his image formed thy being and who ophoide thee every hoar with love omniscient and all ageing torch not taste not the sparkling bowl that bres tb brain with mad excite ment that kills the virtues of the soot- on 1 what a terrible indictment might be drawn np against this that corses earth displeases heaven 1 what moltitades its snares entice when thos are to destruction driven that shun the dronkard s maddening bowl the goblet of inebriation that fatal source of crime and dole of rnin and of desolation fcifsvic ppix l la prdiiibitipa a novelty p there is a good deal of porblindnoss says the waterloo chronicle to borne plain facta among oar friends who argue against the adoption of the scott act on tire grounds of qovelty spoliation sumptuary legislation or injustice prohibition asjpptinciple u the law of the land now it u so generally 5 m the shape of the scott act itself which is uke a loaded gun ready to go off assoon sthe people pall the trigger it is 6b specifically in many other ways of which the following example should be noted 1 499 people oat of evert 500 are now prohibited from selling liquor j 2 the 500th is prohibited too unless he pays a fee and complies- with certain con ditions and then he only gets license for one year 3 the nortfcpest territory is under total prohibition i sales to indian minors and habitual drunkards are absolutely prohibited every- where v i 5 to sell on sundays late on saturday nigixtsor on election days is prohibited 6- kot one in 10000 of our people dare manufacture alcohol orbeer or even have in their possession a worm or still in the face of these facts which no one can deny what is the use of talking about prohibition being unreasonable dr novel if it be for the rood order peace and well- being of the people at urge to stdp the 500lh man from selling or the 50006th man from making this thing why should we nottreat them like the rest it is clearly within the right of the state to complete prohibi tion to treat the minority as it does the majority the question narrows itself to this would canada be better off without alcoholic firing than she is with there 1 am editor trtfct theism p keator editor of ft wayne ind gatt wnlei for the part fire yeirs have always ad dr kinfft hew dtafoterr for coughs of moat mt character as well as cor hose of i milder lypa it never fails to effect a ttpedy cure my friend to whom i have recommended it bpeak of it in gojie high terms having been cured by it of every cough i have had for svc vcarr i consider it the the only re liable and sare cure for coaghs colds etc call at j e mcgaryini drag slow and get a free trial bottle large bim 4l0q happr cmuauiealloa discovered the means by which any lady may wear slippers or shoes one or two sites smaller than usal ever one who has used patosiui painless com extractor is pleased with the result verj few jpenoas are exempt from suffering great discomfort and pain from coins bat corns are of small importance when they may be removed by a few applications ot putnam painless corn extractor beware of substitutes and hip counterfeits sure prom pi and painless sold everywhere by druggists x c polsok t co kingston proprietors haiti ltfatalsff there are bat fewthat have never suffered almost intolerable pain from toothache neuralgia or like acute pains to them such ah instant relief as fluid lightning is an untold blessing in time of trouble no disgusting offensive medicines to be taken for days one application of fluid luht- ning cures sold at j e ilcgamns drugstore 29 ic rw- wrinkles disfigure women less than ill nature travellers change their guineas not their characters we confess small faults in order to insinu ate that we have no great ones thenaamstrengthandrforceof alawcon- sist5 in the penalty annexed to it but little evil wonld be done in the world if evil never could be done in the name of good in judging of others a roaq often erreth bat in examining hjnwlf always- laboreth fru jtrntt we may laugh or weep at the madness o rriankind we have no right whatever to vilify them i no action will fee considered as blameless unless the will was so for by the will the act was dictated doctrines are of use only as they are practised men may go to perdition with theirheads full of truth be courageous and noble minded our own heart and not other mens opinions of ust forms our true honor i have seldom known anyone who desert ed truth in trifles that could be trusted in matters of importance the living christian pure of heart and unspotted by the world is the best preach- -7- er of jhe gospel in these days that state or life is the most happy where superfluities are not required and where necessaries are not wanting nothing s great but the inexhaustible wealth of nature she shows us only sur faces but she is million fathoms deep the years write their records on human hearts as they 44 on trees in hidden inner circles of growth which no eye can see a loving act does more good than a fiery erhortatioi what mankind needs is not more good talkf but more good samar itans the proper channel for the escape from the system of impurities which would if they remained poison the blood is ihroinh the bowels when this outlet is obstructed it rnsy be disencumbered with xorthrop t lvmsns vegetable discovery and dyspep tic core a remedv which reailates the system inrigorates digesaon and is pore otd safe as well as effective it cores all diseases arising from impure blood few are the remedies whose beneficial qualifies and real merits have made ihem so popular with the public and increased from year to year their consumption which whilst possessing the most valuable re- niedical properties are yet so simple in their compound and so easy la uke ss the quinine wine prepared by xorthrop lyman of toanto this article is pre- pared from thj pure sulphate of quinine combined wili fine sherry wine and cboicejtfonutics which relieres the qoin hie of its bitter taste and does not impair in the least decree the efficacy of its action upon the patient while small doses fre quently repeated strengthen he poise in- crease mnsctlar farce andiarigorate lie tons of the nerrous system and thus by the general tigor which it impark creatss its pptite which gives to the stomach jusysdjiiiiiirij and forties the srstem iuilfl ill infrijhn diseases ask for bgisbw wneas qninlne wine sold piisfiiw io magaiatoeirt display of new jooaa a tt ittgkt hpuie i them snsd vake linen hanoffirhthlf i vw j s n air real value onlleaohed table lmens at from fie to ii per yard all of notexsstthdl hamilton sept 2j 18s4 thomas c watkins pectoria i pcctoria l the great j remedy forcoubs colds bronchitis sore throat i ofl a enra horseness and all affec lions of the lungs and throat oc cheat pectoris loosens the phlegm and brpalcs up the cough 25 cents per bottle dont give up until you have tried pectorll all draggistssad general storekeepers sell it 23 terr ec mar table kceovcir kr geo v -wtiling- of manchester ilich writes my wife ha been almost helpless for five years so helpless that she coald not tarn over in bed alone she used two bottles of electric bitten andiso much improved that ahe is able now to da her own wort holloways corn iire is ihe mediciae lo remove all kinds of corns and warte and only costc the small snm of twentyfive cents there is nothing equal to mother graves worm exterminator for destroying worms no article of its kind has given such satis faction affccfroas of the liver bilioas diioirdere sick headache etc are thorocghly cured by flmtsmandrake pilu sold in acton byj e mcgarrin at socta electric bitters will do all that is claim ed for them hundreds of testimanials attest thar great curative powers only fifty cents a bottle at j e mcgarvins if yoti have failed to be benefited by other catarrh remedies try dr starrs citarrh conqueror it hxs received univer sal endorsement j e stcgarvin will sup ply you price 50 cts found at last a sure cure fo corns warts and bunions warranted i dr starrs corn solrcnt the wonderful con eeraover sold by j e mcgamn drug- rist ask for it price 25 cts fhnts tooth powders the peerless den tifrice now being introduced in this vicinity by j e mcgarrin drutonst is a preparation for the teeth of which everybody speaks with enthusiasm large rize 25 cts mrs e fl perkins creeke centre warren co 5 y writes she has been troubled with asthma for four years bsd to sit up night after night with it she has taked two bottles of dr thomas eclec- trtc oil and is perfectly cured she strongly rewnimends it and wishes to act as agent among her neighbors mr george tolen gravenhurst onc writes my- customers who have used xorthrop f lymans vegetable discovery and dyspeptic care say that it has done them more eaoq than anything they have ever used it has indeed a wonderful in- saence in purifying the blood and curing diseases of the digestive organ the liver kidneys and all disorders of the system are you troubled with salt liheam rough hands or old sores of any kind that cannot be healed even though it be of years standing mcgregor tfc parkes car- colic cerate willcureit beyond theshadow of a doubt it is the best healing compound ever known boils festerings frost bites burns or any skin trouble are alike cured by it sold at 2o cents by j e mc garvin druggist 33 if a tew grains ot common sense could be infused into the thick noddles of tho e who perpetually and alternately irritate and weaken their stomachs and bowels with drastic purgatives they woald use the highly accredited and healthfullaxative and tonic korthrop k lymans yetretabie dis covery and syspepticcare which cause good digestion to wait an appetite and health on both 23 kolloicajs o iaimau amd pills rheama- tism and neaolgtituaagb the former disease remoreieaslf attacks persons of all ages and the latter ruthlessly selects its victims from the weak and delicate the persevering use of these remedies will in fallibly cure both complaints after the affected parts have beea diligently foment- ed with hot brine aad the slpn thoroughly dried holloways ointment mast be rubbed in firmly and evenly for a few minutes twice a day and his pills taken according to the printed directions wripped round each box of his medicine both ointment and pills are accompanied by instructions designed for tie public at large sod no invalid who attentively reads them can now be at any- loss how to doctor himself buccesafolly prominent among the greatest medica discoveries by the many cares it has affect ed ifcgrcgort speedy curt leads the van subjected to the minatest chemical analysis it has been found to contain one of those injurious dngredients characterizing the worthless specifics dally offered to the public every ingredient posseaseas pecul iar adaptability to the various com plaints for which it has been compounded and its efficacy is being established by testimonials hourly received we are therefore confi dent that we have a preparation which we can offer to the pnblicwith the assurance that it will be found not only a relief but an a boluie cart for dyspepsia liver com plaint indigestion constipation and im pure blood free trial bottles at j e mcgarvins drug store 38 ayers cherry pectoral no other complaints an io insidious in their attack as thote affeetizif tha throat and lanp none to trilled villi by the majority of iuffer era tfae ordinary cough or cold rasulthts pertip from a trilling or unconscious ex pos art if often but the beginning of a fatal ifckueu arai chzxt pectoeix has wen proven its efficacy in a forty rears figt viih throat and long diseases and should be taken in all cases without delay a terrible coufti cued in is37 1 took a severe cold vhicfa affected mv luces i had a terrible eoogivand passed night alter night without steep the doctors gave tne ap 1 tried atebi chxut pzc- tosxl vhlch relieved my lunet induced aleep and afforded me the rtn necessary for the recoterr of mr vtreufth by the continued use of the fectcxaiv a perma nent core m effected i am nor 62 yean old hale and hearty aad am satisfied your cacaar pictobul saved me hoeacc fiixaotszs eoctinihun vu jut 15 u51 group a stolhers trlbut hifla in the country last winter my little boy three yean old wai taken 111 with croup it teemed as if h would die from sttanfu- latfoa one of the family suggested the use of areas caxaav pectoejx a bottle of which wai alwayi kept in the home this was tried in small and frequent doees aad to our delight in less than half an hour the little patient was breathing easily the doc tor said that the cuxaav fxctosui bad tared my darlings life can you wonder at ourirautuds sincerely touts mm emu qruxrv us west jythsl xew tort hay 18 u82 i hare used arxxs chxbxv ptcroril tn my family for ferenl yean and do not hesitate to- pronounce it the most effectual remedy for coughs and colds we have ever tried a j clltm lake crystal mimu march 13 1882 u i suffered for eight yean from bronchitis and after trying mxnr remedies with n oc- eess i was cored by the nee of atcrs cheb- e v p-ecroaai- jositii waxanr ii yitalia itiss april 5 132 1 cxnnot sar enough in praise of atztts cuuanv pectoral bellcting as i do that but for its use i ehoold long since have died from lsng troubles e beu3doj palestine texas april 22 isc no case of an agenn of the throat or htogs exists wliidi trt be greatly reiiered by theusa of avzn5 ctruufir fxcrouix and it tiu alurryt cure when the disease is not already beyond the control of medicine prepared bt drjcayefcoloweimaj sold by all druggists jceui oslemii ipulof damtcr is ctolinjlfaj31i53 vkvlil mtiixticts or toe united states gdveroment i l3ooooo appropriated by the general garcnnneoti 500000 ccntrifcatedbf lie ctzensof kew orleans 200000 apiropruted by mexico- 100000 afzxaptiii by the slxte of ltxrizin 100000 arrr r city c orleans from 5000 to 25000 appropriated br irzmnenblc states cities erryslslt 4 trrtjxj tn th vnksn trtnu3 currtriofnr ffoth cha eldest eiubttiis biogest bacoaqini tha biggest fntfasircti eient a oil worlds hkory tthcitiors rot sihrofrsiibfutrtairtma vjrc uozsaracx ko i obcjim taairrr or scwhrrs this tsobc or axt- eirosmos rrtx bxuj the cheit rate of traref trrr jtsoyra la he lanjjs of truuportation secured for tiu prople etcrywbcre for jafctrnilioa address e a etnucs director genera w- l c c e new oaixuaslu speicht son acton undertakers carriage makers c are prepared to furnish everything in their line from the best ca8ket to the plainest coffini on the shortest xotiee and at lowest terms fcall calls either night or daysprorantly attended to satis faction guaranteed in evqry case a firstclass hearse for hire arvte arc in a position to astisfactorily fill orjers for apjoos carriag c of everi description ia reaaonable lime good workmanship onfl firetclass matcrialalways used we hive also a fplendidiot or furniture both common and extra quality chest htf vomnll pay us cash we will sell you anything in ourline cheap 4 a speioht ffanager l trade marie golden cream la cheme dor th e best preparation anoint to science f or beaotiryingthe complexion oke sixgle afplicatiok js warraated to beautify tno face and give to the faded or sallow com plexian a perfectly healiiir natural and youthful appearance it conceals wrinkles frecklea crows feet and the evidence of afe leaving the p soft i5mootb and while pricettcenaj sent to anr address postage stamps taken address all letters to crebe d or drawer 2678 toronfo po ask your druggist for it wholesale by all whole- sale druggista fra-mes- an endless variety of plush and other picture frames suitable for presents 0- photographs the latest style taken by the new- process no long sittings brimr your pictures of deceased friends and have them edij enlarged in firstclass style- cwhill acton 4 k 10 peames aai fortlie workingclms send 10 llfllfttnfe for postage and we will mail yon free a reyal valuable box of sample good that will put you in the way of muring more money iiva few days than yon ever thought possible at any bosines capital not required we will start yoo you can work all the tftae or in your spare time only the work is universally adapt ed to both sexes young and old ton can easily earn from 60 cents to 5 every even ing that all who want work may test the bnsiness make tluvnnpaxalleled offer to all who are not well satisfied we will send 91 to pay for the trouble of writing ns foil particulars directions etc sent free fortunes will be made by those who give their whole time to the work greet sne- oeoabsolntelyiure dontdelay staff now ashriv brntsos t co portland maine ha jpfll sajw who 18 uhacouainteo with thi ciooraphy of thi8 country w1u see by exawinino thw map that the ohicaco rock island pacific r smns me oraat oentral una affords to traretan or reason of ra jnrlraled no- graphical position tha ahortat and beat rout batweon tt east northamtt and outheaat and tha wast northwest and southwest it is literally and atrlotlr true that its connections are all of the principal lines of road between the atlantjo and the paolflc br its main line and branohss it reaohss ohloago jollet psornv- ottawa la sale oensseo mdlne and rook island in illinois daren port mueoatlne waahlnston keokuk knosvlik oskaloosa palrflald oss moliws west ubertr iowa oltr atlantic awca audubon hartan outhrta oanter and oounoll lulls m iowa i oaftatjn tntnton oameron and kansas ottf m anssourl and leaven worth and atchison in kansas and the hundreds of oltles ullages and towns intermediate the great rock island route as it is famlllartr oatted offers to travelers an tha adnntacss and oomfort incident to a smooth track safe brldsjse union depots sit an oonnso points fast eiprsss trains eonpossd of oommooious will ventilated well heated finely upholstered and exeoant rmytoaohesl a una of tha most maonifioent horton reounino ohair oars aver burt pullxaits latstdsslcnsd and handsomest palace suavmq oars and oinino oars rhatajaoknowulsd br press and people to be tha fmest ruji upon any aoao in thi oountry and in whkm superior meals are ss ie tr at the low rata of ssrvstjityfivi cents kaoh t illtii b ohwaoo and the ejjmoum rtver two trains eaoh war bstwsen ohroaoo and mllwiapolis and st paul via the famous t albert lea route afsw and direct una ma seneoa and kankakss batwaan nswuoi t ihnraf rlohrnond olnobinrtl and oounoll luffs ft paul mhinsapous and uitst am throusdi pa oarrlsd on fast fsr more detailed i n aastloluttsallpi1iwipaitlokm r h cab1i v gilw visa pr osal itanagar laoaattapolls and la farstts i brtsfmadta notntt on past i isssti alias aa liprliuhmtiokstonosslattistjltsd lisasoanadsuorof qhicaqo m j ut ftwantedforthe lives of all allcll i vthepresideutsotuietjs the largest handsomest best book ever sold for less than twice our price the fastest selling book in america immense profits to agents all intelligent people want it any one can become a successful agent terms free hnimbou co portland maine the bennett churn th nfwirt artlole u the ictrfcst ohnia k4 flunrt iitsl of sn itapuuut tuk i ramshaw son acton have secured he sole control of the sale of the famous bennett churn this churn is manufactured upoo the moat practical and commoncense principle- ex tant and only requires to be seen at work to be understood appreciated and pur chased a member of the above linn ill call upon you with a sample churn ailfshaff ft so acton jan 15 m c c speicht pieties desibkg theie buggrles waggons cutters etc kepainledor revmished and made eqoal to ew on shortest possible notice and at low est prices should leave iheir orders at once with mr j a speight undertaker and carriage builder or with o c speight acton march 20th 1881 nnhe free press iower printing- house executes job woreof alldekripuons in i very satisfactory manner at moderate rstes with de spatch in lhe time promised bcsixess cieculam letteb iteads bill heads letter cibcclabs kote circclass bfsixess cards visitikc cards pamphlets handbills posters etc etc particular attention giren to flve worx and extra care bestotcd with a view to securing correctness orders from the country attended to with de spatch and work forwarded immediately by mail or express try the pkze pnxss job office or printing h p moore proprietor hills tin stove depot good assortment on stoves cheab fob cash tinware of all ktnds at bottom prices oiottvt v a and put up on shortest notice first class material only used a oaial solkhted ohlaljtt sas the largest and most compete taotorr m the dcsblnfoo ssflxus dgstst tan rjrf annm w sty late la tts tah medal and dtp u centeonlsl is uedsl idj dtptosaaat ertaej htf sold medal alftotladal blbsaonttwoate ma blgbett awards at laanstrtal ktmhltlnn tensna uti ws in scvlltjrcricrcsxfe square anti upright pian08 basror rax maaxrr nreepondeaeesoudted send for mnssnted oat- tiosne loaned tree address domtjnos obqak axd piaso 00mpa5t bowilurnixa oxr r craiae ageat act on worth their height in gold hollo ways pills ointment this ikcomparable medicine has secured for iueif an impcrithable fame throughout the world for the alleviation and cure of matt diteatet to vhtcjt hnvianify is heir the pills purify reulaie nod improve the quality of the blood the itasut the digestive oicans cleanae the stomach aud bowels iacresse ihe secretory powers of the liver 6race the nervocb system wih tlrow idio tiii circuuliod lee puree i euments for susuiaidg aud repairiog the frame thouaandi persons lave utl6ed that iiy their use albiit ibtv have ueen restored to health aod elrenfith afler even other nieamhad proved nnsucceesful the ointment will ire found invaluable in every household in the core of open sores hard turners sal lew oli v7oiuxl8 oouslu colds sore throats brouchitis and all disorders of the threat and chest as also goat bhenmatiom scrofula and every kind of skiji disease manufactured only at professor hollo- vfays establishment 533 oxfokd street lokdojf and sold at is ljd 2s 9d 4s 6d 22s and33seach box and pot and in canada at 36 cents 90 cents and 150 and the larger sizes in proportion acacnox i have no agent in the united stales nor are my medicines nold there purchasers should therefore look to the label on the pots and boies ii the address is not 533 oxford street london ihey are spurious i the trade mark of my saad medicines is regiatrered at ottawa and also at wash ington signed thomas hollow ay 533 oxford street london appitf send six cents for post- i ii i l t wc and receive free a costly box of goods which will help joo to more monev right away than anything else in this world all of either sex snooeed from first hour the broad road to fortune opens before the workers absolutely sure at once jddress tuce a- co augusta maine rtisers baton tu place a dotlsi worth ox new advercts- tnt et oar prises the ttxaot oost of anr paper or hit of papers cheerfollt tarnished free bpan appueatum ty send for new cstalofoe j chough adverdsuig areas b0v9s 8l0cl vbetrolt atictw relatvaek fabms forsile fresatlle4periaar j 0 hen0rickm1 eut actat bouaion oaiawara these farms areimproved with bnildings fences fruit trees and berries of all kinds good water plenty of timber land good roads sohools and churohee good markets only 95 miles from philadelphia plenty of flsb oysters and game very productive lane cl mild and pleasant come and see tor yourself and be convinced i am prepared with team and carriage to take visitors to see the farms free of charge j d hxxsucks houston delaware 3 d jw stvsvr- it y fbb sabt manhood how svmt how be8t0be1i wehaverecentljpnbllsbedanew sa nti essar on tne radical and elftm permtaeni care wllbout medl olwofnervousdebllitymenuiaoci phjwe allneapaeltpmpedlmenu oajlatrlasefele resnltlncrromueessea savprleelnaseaicc envelope onlvects orlwopoawresupps tbsosl urmedsnihor lathis admirable 1 essay eljsriv damobatratea rrcm thim yssisunafcssfnlprscueefliitalaralntmal ssoasness may k ridleally cured- srilaonth the oierooamaoilnternarmdjelosr thenseolttiekrdfejpolntintosta modai oureatonoejlmpleoeruldandensiaal si b s t nbref no batter whatblaeotidluonmajroembtearibkniassr ebaaplprltatjtawrslds this xiaetater should be la tha ni trwtruaeri7 sjlf oase hallo hairet batfo v iv- 4 1 u t wail 3ai m w3 i th v mmeec-

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