rj33je5p3gj rbi m i m fc m i mv mrx 1h ctonmntmms thraseitmoiixnta oct 16 1884 a market ditty biuyhadajittlerani ita fleece- was just soso it look ita way this is no sham to the mart of toronto a butoherman espied the sliocp it took his eye at onoe he said that beast id like to keep or else i am a dunce he sharpened up bis trenchant blade he whet ifcoa a stone and when one lunge he fiercely made the little ram was gone where is that sheep 1 where is that rfei riltell yoo if yoau know v it passes now as firstclass lamb in the mart of toronto crip humorotfa deaf mutes converse by signs because acboosspest loader than words jayeyesec and maud s are very fast but dr tanner was a faster the most tverdant young man of the period was the one who attempted to cut grass with a bicycle nothing is more tender nothing more violent than love says the man who never had a soft com a chicago lawyer has written a poem entitled my conscience he must have a powerful imagination all you have got to do is to plant the cabbage and nature will come along after a little while and put a head on it it is said that a good book is the best companion a man can have- this we imagine is especially so if it happens to beabank book a man has been arrested in london for simply laying up something foe a rainy day in his room over nine hundred umbrellas were discovered another cool wave as the young man said when his two sisters and three cousins standing in front of an ico cream saloon beckoned him to come over warning and comfort hard and soft rni cannot withstand hollows a com cure it is effectual every time get a bottle at once and be happy jacob loochman buffalo aaya he has been using it for rheumatism he had snch a lame back that he could do nothing but one bottle entirely cured him worms derange the whole syslem mother g raveswonn etterminator deraur jes worms and gives rest to the sufferer it only coals tw en tyfive cents to try it and be convinced mr j e megsrvin your drurgiavaays flints tooth powder the peerless denti frice surpasses any dentifrice ee has ever dfiered for sale try it best in the world f pnce 25c always insist on having dr starrs cat arrh conqueror it is prepared to meet serious cases a wonderful discovery sold in acton by j eucgarvin druggist atsocts works like magic flints mandrake pills cure liver and kidney disease for reaching every part of the human body and driving out disease they have no equal can be obtained of j e mcgexrin drug gist price 25 cts it is a remarkable- fact that dr thorns ecbctric oil is as good for interal as exter nal use- for disease of the lungs and throat andfor rheuinatism neuralgia crick in the back wounds and sores it is the best known remedy and inch trouble is saved by having it always on hand the old way a horrible butchery the practice of paring corns and wsrts with a knife or raaor the new way ia to call on your druggist for a bottle of dr starrs corn solvent- which will remove them without pain in 3 to 6 days brash attach ed to cork of each bottle for applying sold by s e megsrvin druggist s5c mr c e rigging beamsville writes a customer who tried a bottle of korthrop fc lymans vegetable discovery says it is the best thinghe ever used to quote his own words tt just seemed to touch ihe spot affected about a year ago he had an attack of bilious fever and was afraid he was in for another wheu i iecomended this valuable medicine with such happy re sults to assist nature most effectually in her efforts to throw off or resist serious diseases it is essential that an impulse should be given to functions which growing ill health suspends or weakens namely the action of the bowels bilious secretion and digestion oftunes though this is impracticable by the use of ordinary remedies it proves an easy task when korthrop lymans vegetable discovery and dyspeptic cure is restored to if a tew grains ot common sense could be infused into the thick noddles of those who perpetually and alternatelv irritate and weaken their itomachs and bowels with drastic purgatives they would use the highly accredited and healthful laxative and tonic northrop lymans vegetable dis covery and dyspeptic cure which cause- good digestion to wait an appetite and health on both 23 wirr suffer from weak nerves want of appetite and general debility j letting the loss of sleep and rest imporish the system and thin the blood when snch a really meritorious remedy as xoruirop t lymans juioine wine may behad at idy drug tore tina article is reaommended by the highest members of the medical faculty in cases of indigestion general debflity loss of appetite and nervous affections of all kinds it is also specially beneficialto children and de lioate females and to business men sta- v- deata and those who hatemncharain work wo would say never be wiffiont it it wustrangthen yon keep yoursystsn in regular order and enable you wsnccwaf uljy c r trapple with the work yon hnwto do it is pleasant to the taste end oostaini nothing injurious to the moat delicate constitution remember to ask for the quinine wine prepared by northrop t lyman toronto tad we are son you will be satisfied that yon liare fall value foiyonr money drug- gittiaeuit bylaw no a bylaw to iise by way of loanthesam of fifteen hun dred dollars topay the pur chase mouey of land for a public cemetery for the vil lage of acton and for the improvement of the same whereas the municipal council of the village ot acton have been petitioned to secure land for the purpose of a public ccmelerv and whereas for the purpose ot paying the purchase money of said land and im proving tie same it will be necessary or the said municipal council to raise the sum of fifteen hundred dollars and whereas it will require the sum of one hundred and forty dollars lo be raised annually by special rate on the whole rateable property of the village of acton for paying the said debt of fifteen hundred dollars u hereinafter mentioned and whereas the amount of the whole rateable property of the said vlilafe of acton according ta the last revised assess ment roll of the said village of acton is one hundred and eightysix thousand four hundred and thirtynine d ollari and whereas the amount of the debt of the said village of acton is fire thousand physicians could give no relief her life and twenty dollars and whereas for paying the interest and creating a yearly sinking fund tor paying the said sum of fifteen hundred dollars it will require an annual special rate ot seventysix hundredths of a mill in the dollars iu addition to au rates to be levied in each yearr be it therefore enacted by the municipal council of the village of acton 1st that it hh be lawful for the reeve of the said village ot acton lo raise by way of loan from any person or persons body or bodies corporate who may be willing lo advance the same upon the credit of the debentures hereinafter mentioned a sum of money not exceeding in the whole the sum of fifteen hundred dollars andlo cause the sameto be paid into the hands ot the treasurer of the said village for the purposes and with the object above recited 2nd that il shall be lawful for the said eeeve to cause anv number of debentures lo be made for such sums o mouey as may be required not leas than one hundred dollars each and not exceeding in the whole amount the said sum of fifteen hundred dollars and that the said debentures shall be sealed with the seal of the said village of acton and be signed by the said reeve and counlersiiinei by the treasurer of the said village 3rd that the said debentures shall be made payable in twenty years at furthest from the day hereinafter mentioned by this bylaw to lake effect at the office of the treasurer of the said municipality and shall have attached to them coupons for the payment o interest iih that the said debentures shallbear interest at aud after the rate of six per cent per annum from the date thereof wfiich interest shall be payable annually on the first day of december in each year at the office of the said treasurer of the village of acton 5th that for the purpose of forming a sinking fund for the payment of the said debentures aud the interest at the rale aforesaid to become duethereou a special rate of seventysir hundredths of a mih in the dollar shall in addition to all other rates be assessed raised levied and collect ed m each year upon all the rateable pro perty in the said village of acton during the continuance of the said debentures or any of them 6th that this bylaw shall take effect and come into operation on the first day of tlecember a d 18w and be it further enacted by the said municipal council that the votes of the electors of the said villsge of acion on the above bylaw shall be taaen between the hours of kine oclock in the forenoon and five oclock in the afternoon on monday the tenth day of xovember a d 188f at the town hall in the said village of actou and iu matthews hall in the said village ot acton and that john c hill of the village of acton in the county of halton shall be deputy returning officer at the polling place at matthews hall and that j e mogarvin shall be deputy keturning officer at the polling place in the town hall in the said village sf aeton and that the cletk of the council shall irim up the maaoent iisplay of nw ooods at the eight house just i eoelved at the kjght house an eoormons itook of linen goods purchased for ouh down pricea mneh below their cost ot making all lone roods are bow ready for sale at price low that they will loon be cleared out bleached table linens at 46c worth 8740 blaadbed table linens at 370 worth fc bleached table linens at 50c worth mo feroualitle in table linens at similar reduction from their ml value unbleached table linens at from uc to 1 per yard all of them splendid value liei handkerchiefs in ladiet and gentlemens aises at and 7e worth me otheri at 8o worth lmc otters m wo worth 15c and finer qualities al the same proportionate reduced prices vide pore linen towellings at 6c per yard towellings at 8c worth 10c linen toweuings from jo to isc per yard all marked i at low prices towelbat specially cheap pticea from 5c to 7oo each nioe pure linen towels at so each anotber lot at 7c worth more money jewels in one half down lota sold at wholesale price a grand di3play the numerous departments are oow largely aewrtedwitb the moot fashionable and reliable goods procurable in great britain the continent of europe as well as the united states and canada the millinery the mantle and drees mauoa depart ments are under the management of ladies who thoroughly understand their business aa there will be no regular opening day at the bight house the novelties of the aeason are now on exhibition in these departments customers purchasing at this establishment find so difficulties in making their selections as the stock la always kept well assorted there never was a aeason when goods hsye been u cheap u the present one and householders requiring firstclass reliable goods at tiie very cheapest prices should oome direct to the right house a fine assortment of ladiea plain and braided jerseys in black and colored blankets comforter and quilts alao ladies uinta and boys underclothing at an immense redaction in former prices come sad tee the new foods at noa 80 and s3 king street east near hughaon street hamilton sept 25 1884 thomas c watkin8 a 8agf eailea a days pleasure at your disposal instead of a days agony everyone who has corns can testify to the constant discomfort they tfiey produce i could have enjoyed the ball or the picnic or some other social pastime but oh 1 how my corn ached 1 no neceesitt now for auch complaints putnams painless corn extractor removes the cause speedily try it beware of another article just as good- take only putnamc- sold everywhere x a pol son t co kingston proprietors a keaurkable escape mrs marry a dailer of tuokhaanock pa was afflicld for six yeanwith asthma and bronchitis daring which time the best was despaired of until in last october the procured a bottle ot dr kings xew dis covery when immediate relief was felt and by continuing its use for a abort time she wsa completely cored gaining in flesh 50 lbs in a few months free trial bottles of thia certain cure of all throat and lung diseases at j e mc- garviua drugstore large bottles 100 these are mim facts the best blood purifierand system re gulator ever placed within the reach of the buffering truly is electric bitlers inact ivity of the liyer biliousnem jaundice coosipatiou weak kidne a or any disease of the urinary organs or whoever requires an appetizer tonic or mild stimulant wiu always find electric biitera the best and only certain cure fcuown they act surely and quickly every battle gurenleed to give entire satisfaction or mouey refunded sold al fifty cents a iwtlle by j e meqar- vin best aid cuaa rtle t ke 6nera browns household panacea has no equal for relieving pain both internal and external it cures pain in the side back or bowels sore throat rheumatism toothache cnmbago aud any kind of a fain or ache it will most surely quick en the blood sod heal aa its acting power is wonderful browns household pan acea being acknowledged as ihe great pain reliever and ot double the strength of any other elixir or liniment in the world ahould be inevefv family handy for ue when wsuted as it really is the best remedy in the world for cramps in the stomach and pains and acnea of all kinds and is for sale by all druggists at 25 bents a bottle u xdrteetohetken are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth if ao send at once andget a bottle of kn ifin- ikncs soothing sympfor children taiunj ita value is incalculable it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately de pend upon it mothers there is no mistake about it it cures dysentery and diarrhoea regulates the stomach and bowela curea wiad colic aofteos ihe gums reduces in nammatiou aud gives lone and energy lo the whole system ifra itiimfoiesowauij syrvpfor cluldrai teeouag is pleasant lo the taste and is the prescription of ooe of the oldest tnd best female nurses and phy sicians in the united states and it for sale by ail druggists throughout ihe worldu price 25 cents a bottle u the east end clothing store has a complstb assobtment op fall tweed suitikgs also a large variety of worstedt coatings in plain and fancy beautiful pantings in all shades and paterns sats caps and gents ft7z2txssxkqs in this department the stock is well assorted before purchasing your fall o utfit call and examine tie stock fit and workmanship guaranteed j fyfe fb a ivres 4 p ft an endless variety of plush and other picture frames su4table for presents photographs the latest style taken by the new process no long bittdngb brinff your pictures of deceased friends and have them enlarged in firstclass style cw hill acton firiiyces peotoria pectoris pecloria the great remedy for coughs colds bronchitis 8ore throat influenza horseuess and all snec tions of the lungs and throat or chest pectoris loosens the phlegm and breaks up the cough 25 cents per bottle dont give up until you have tried peotoria all druggists and genetal storekeepers sell it 23 number of the votes given for and againat the said bylaw st the mall in the said village of acton on the same day at the the hour of sfi oclock after the polling of of the yotes and further that the time and place for the appointment of persona to attend at the various palling places on behalf of the res pective parties promoting and opposing said bylaw and at the said summing up of the votes by the clerk shall be at the council chamber in said village of actou at eight oclock p m of the eght day of november a d 1884 notice take notice that the above is a true copy of a proposed bylaw which will be taken into consideration by the council of this municipality after one month from the first publication in the actos fees pexsb the date of which first publication was thurs day the ninth day of october a d 1884 and that the votes of the hectors of the aid municipality will be taken thereon in the hall in the tillage of acton and in matoews hall m said village of actoo on monday the tenth day of november a d 1884 at sine oclock in tile forenoon jemcgabvik clerk t tht mnnlntptllty of tb vmags of aston dated at atton the baranth 1 day of october ajtlsif sovrcaift ointment and fitusell help prior to the discovery of these remedies an easy ready and reliable remedy for out ward disfigurations and inward complies tions was practically apeaking unknown fo one need now be at a loss if they ahould unfortunately buffer from ulcers sores tumors boils bruises bprsina ic envel oping holloways medicines are yery iateu hgihle printed directions for using them which should be attentively studied and immediately followed by all who resort to his treatment sooner or later the bufferer will assuredly triumph over the worst dis ease this searching ointment disperses all those malignant homgurs which aggra vate diseases of the skin prevent the cica trization of ulcere and excite inflammatory tendencies in the system few are the remedies whose beneficial qualities and real merits have made them so popular with the public and increased tain year to year their consumption which hilat possessing the most valuable re- medical propertiea are jet so simple in their compound and so easy to take aa the quinine wine prepared by northrop 6 lyman of toronto this article is pre pared from the pore sulphate of quinine combined with fine sherry wine and choice aromatios which relieves the quin ine of ita bitter taste and does tut impair in the least degree the efficacy of its action upon the patient while small doees fre quently repeated strengthen the pulse in- creases muscular fane and invigorate the tone of the nervous system and thus by the general vigor which it im parte createa an appetite which gives to thb stomach tone and energy and fortifiea the system agssttall laieotioii batata- aak for northrop it ipnasi quinine wine sold biflai6ftvii -r- io dominion boot shoe store kenney bros maim st 0to3st fall goods c c speight dabties destfcvikg their buggies waggons cutters etoj repainted or revaraished and made equal lo new on shortest possible notice and at low est prices should leave their orders at once with mr j a speight undertaker and carriage builder or with o o speight the dominion organ ind ffaso co baa the sarpat a4 aaoat camvlete actor ta om 1 dcanlalobi 7wiw etta staws tm inm ta aty bate la tatvadl mntol ami pfrrttt f m ueealaspskoaudaaatnutawrl istbaa anida at isdostrlal lnutkm toromo aravisii wi aai aow ataatracrmndra square amd upr1qht pianos batnmlbattt otttajwodedcebondtei latiarlaulnui m atoewenuued fiw address dowmos oboa9 sjtd piajto ooupaxt bowaaxvtllsv olt e craixte agent aotoa ono haiti ball halll worth their weight in cold ac too march 20th 1884 t he fkee press power printing house we are now receiving a very large stock of new fall goods of every description onr boots and shoes are purchased from the best manufacturers and we are consequently prepared to guarantee all lines we have a large assortment and can suit everyone requir ing boots and shoes as far as quality style or price are concerned ordered work in this department we are in a position to manufacture all classes of work and will guarantee satisfaction to every customer call arid see ourlcoods executes job woee of alldsscrlftions is a very satisfactory manner at moderate rates with de spatch in the time promised bc8ixess clecclaei lettes heads bill heads l letter cibculabs sote ciecclabs br8lse88 cabd8 visitisg cabds famphlets haxdbills posters etc etc particular attention gven to fixe wobk and extra care bestowed with a view to seeming correctness orden from the country attended to with de- u ipateh and work fonraruedlmmedlatalyby mail orexpreaa try the fake pazss lob ofllce for printing h p moore pbofrtrvb acton aug 28th 1884 kexkti bros trade marie golden cream lut orbjme3 rdor the best trainrarlnn lrnirwntoscteactebsatlfjrmgui complexion one single application is warranted to beautlry hie race and give to the faded or 8adow com plexion a perfectly healthy natural anil youthful appearance it conceals wrinklee freckles crows feet and the evidence of age leaving the sdn soft smooth and white price 40 cents 8ent to any address postage stamps taken address au letters to crehe d or drawer 2678 toronto po aakyonr draxhat or it wholesale by all wfcols- aale druggists speight son acton undertakers carriage makers c hollo ways pills 0intmeit tbis incompabable uedicise kau ttcurtd for utelf an impermable fame throughout the worldor the areriafion and aire of most diteatet to traiei auntaxify w or he pills purify retrulate and improve the quality of the blood they assist the digestive oreana cleanse the 8tohach and bowki8 increase the secretory powers of the liver brace the nervous system and throw into the circulation the purest elements for sustaining and repairing the frame thousands of persons have testified that by their use alone they have been restored to health and strength after every other meaub had proved unsuccessful hills tin stove depot good a8soktment okstovj5s cheap foe cash tinwase- of all kinds at bottom peice8 v and put up on 8hokte8t notice i first class material only used a call sojjfctted 40 hill mhi s are prepared tp furnish everything in their line 4 from the best cafket to the plainest coffin on the shortest nbtiee and at lowest terms 7- 1 all calls eith er night or day promptly attended to satis faction guaranteed in every case i j- as a firstclasta hoarse for hire 3t we are in a position to satisfactorily fill orders for wajkoo carriages to of every deaoriptkn in reasoiubletiine tiocd workmanship ondb used we bore also a splendhj lot or rnittirj both cgnob ititf e oty aes rhycwjupijmcaskwif l j j cvs 5 vj fr qr1at onanc1 ws last a0jht8 to make money c ton wm tart our addraaa p1kb ast pcbliahiko co a st nalhartnas onsssto qanada afcytq hmcil i otheprssndenbioi thetjs plarg sl thatmies etluisjbooitoimsmqa immense profit to agent all itrcdllgiat rople wst it any xroe caq become a saicoeaarta tesnufme hillribooioc maine the ointment will befound invaluable in every household in the enre of open sores hard tumors bat lets old wonfaoouglu colds bote throats bronchitis and all disorders of the throat and chest as also gout rheumatitn scrofola and every kind of akin disease manufactured only at professor hollo- way a eatablisbment 533 oxford 8tbeet london and sold at is lid 2a 8d 4s 6d 22s and 33a each box and pot and in canada at 36 cents 90 cents and ii 50 and the larger sizes in proportion saciunos ijiave no agent in the united stales nor aremy mediemea sold there purchasers should therefore look to the label on the pots and boxes if the address is not 533 oxford street london they arejpnrious the trad llark of my aa d medicines is registered at ottawa and also at wash ington signed thomas hollow a 533 oxford street london adqi7c send six centa for post- rillafakae and receive free a costly box of goods which will help yon to more money right away than anything else in this world all ol either sex succeed from first hour the broad road to fortune opens before tha workers absolutely sure at jmioe address tan co augnau maine na puea st doomis as newspaper atoramis- tnf t ostr pracos tb exact eort of iuqr pant or list ol papers amtstiof temlahed twettpon application t send for new ca4lona j c houch adveraatos agmt uduauol detroit mick aa nfor the working class send 10 uu lalfoents for postage and we will mail yon fine a royal valuable box ot ample goods that will pot yon in the way of making more money in a few day than you arothoutpoewueatanybnatnoss capital notreqmred we will start yon ton can work all the time orin yoai span ttartonly the work isimivemlly adapt ed s both exeeyonnfi sad old ym can eaaily mm from 50 oenja to 5 errery even- uig thatall who wtjitwmkinay iaat the dumbss we make this nnpsjallefcd offer to all who axe not well fl jjj yend 1 to pay for the trouble bjttitiiisiia full particulars directions eclasbntiw fortunes will be made by ttmaa who sdw their whole time to the wotk groat auo oeaaabaolutelyaiire donhdelij start now andreas sraraoa a co portland maine h atiseat cauhce to outairoattalarsstnnot4oas7abt you wffl tad tsv waitbaioeatvsiaaxsaii manhood ow toht how kk8tke t t- 1 rsuiuirrobieeas stljift rv -kv- w