Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 23, 1884, p. 2

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mm pill ft if i a- s y r tfrm j tmumv- umsiko oct s3 16 t the cemetery question the average rural banns ground in the country thorn bat little ot the good taste that marks those ot the cities end larger towns it it too often u desolate in p- peerance u it is solemn is ll associations it is frequently an example of the saddest uqdrjf neglect the fences enclosing it are after dilapidated and sometimes so low that cattle can walk over and gctza on the graves thorns and thistles grow unmo lested while the dried stalks of last years burdocks are monuments not to the mem- orjr of the dead hot to the thiftlestness of the living the wild grass wares and the weeds ran is rank luxuriance where gleam ing marble and fragrant flowers should re cord the virtues of the dead and testify to the tenderness i of the living thisappeara to be a common thing and is indeed a trne picture of the premises knows as the oemetery save the mark is this municipality owing to this we must be discredited every day in the eyes of visitors asd they are no doubt almost led to conclude that acton is inhabited by a class ot heathens judging from the evident neglect to pay proper care and respect for oar dead and why is it that matters is this con nection have been allowed to assume so neglected a state 8imnlrbeeaase it has bees knows for years that the present cemetery being about filled up was soon to be abandoned and from this considera tion very little attention has been paid to the improvement or beautifying of it asd many who have buried their departed loved ones postponed the erection ot headstones and monuments until the new cemetery was opened four years ago a movement was set on foot for aecanng a new place o bn but through the interference of certain parties interested in other property than that selected by the citizens eommitteeappoint- ed by a citizens meeting to so select the bylaw then submitted was defeated by a narrow majority from that time to this the old bargrjg place has remained sneared for until now from sanitary considerations asd the fact that the place is almost com pletely filled up it has bees considered absolutely necessary that steps be again taiento secure the most desirable aid much needed end and again we find a number of people interesting themselves to secure a second defeat of the bylaw and what are the reasons presented is opposition to this im portant matter are they reasonable are they charitable are they usselfish do fhey exhibit proper respect for the memory of those who have departed from our midst do those who oppose the matter offer a more feasble scheme thas that at present advanced no the ob- jeetiosstmade are almost invariably from selfish unfeeling nonprogressive or un reasonable standpoints this should not- y the new cemetery is urgently needed- the cominittee composed of competent citizens considered the proposed site a saitable one- the purchase of a cemetery wutoertainly cause no perceptible increase n taxation and can we feel confident be roads a source of revenue it will improve and lend attraction to our little town asd will show to the world that we have some respect for the memory of our departed loved ones let us all then as property owners quali fied to vote on the bylaw bury our dif ferences and join in nrnfrfp sis matter a present asd permanest suocesa by so doing we will benefit the place in which we live and assist very materially in tnfthtrg the scheme financially successf ul if how ever this unreasonable opposition contin ues and the bylaw is affected by it there is trouble is store for this municipality the old cemetery must be closed asd a new one is consoqnezrttja necessity the long er then the matter remains unsettled the more it will cost the place it ihe bylaw is now defeated it is only the question of a few months jit farthest when it must be again submitted and itmustbe knows out the submission ot a bylaw is a mat ter of no little expense again the pro- posed properly can be purchased now for a remarkably low price and it cannot be presumed that it will remain at the figure named for any length of time it wql be economy from many points of view to carry the bylaw now work for it and serve the best interests of your town awmi notes and comments- steps are to be taken at onoe for the sub mission of the scott aet in toronto the official return plen the majority for the scott act in bunco county at 1181 daring twelve yean the number of school teachers is england alone was in creased from 18000- 4q over 87000 the government is obeying the liberal states mans suggestion and educating its future masters october 5th was arbor day in the pro vince of new brunswick and on that day judges lawyers clergymen editors mer chants and others of st john turned sat in force asd replanted a large number of trees which had failed from last years set ting out there is no desisian given u yet in con nection with the recent argument on the dominion license act but it is hinted by the toronto iorld that the judges are of the opinion that the power to prohibit and the right to deal with the manufacturer and wholesale trade rests with the federal government but the regulating of the re tail trade and licensing power wkh the sev eral provinces proclamations are issued in the canada qaactic appointing the following dales for voting on the scott act is the places man- tioned peel bruce york n b bepealj prince edward co huron dufierin oct s3 oct so oct 30 oct so oct 80 oct 80 renfrew lanark nov 7 nov jo the key note sounded w p brown has now on hand the largest best a- sorted and cheapest stock of glassware china and crockery the wonderful milt progress i progress i ic y y a ptttliq fecial arrentioisn is oalledto the large stock of y decorated china and stonevyare sets just arrived at w hhowells in all the newest designs of the day the powder mill explosion the coroners jury think the coropasy axe f- j to blame cponssvniivoct 20 the enquiry into the explosion at the curominsvqle powder mfli was concluded today at the dose of the in questions weep submitted by the oorooer to the jury to which they re- tamest the following asswers first that the crackerswas the first building to explode causing the death of wro heatheringtoij harry tibbie and wnj murray second that the explosion was caused by friction of heated journals third we believe the machinery was not in a safe state of repair considering the nature of the wort fourth we believe they were mannfaci taring at too great a rate of speed to be consistent with safey fifth we helievehat the press ignited from the crackers and was the seoond building to explode causing the death of george matthews and dan dougherty and seriously trading albert cnip and be lieve that the machinery in the prase was to aatete of repair sixth and in iwnrlnron it is oar opin- jpbtbsoetprata to ktamejn the f- the scott act is to be submitted is mon treal asd a series of scott act meetings will be begun at once all the churches is the city are interesting themselves in the tem perance movement and it u said that the roman catholic priesthood will use their great influence is the cause of prohibition when the churches protestant asd bomaxt catholic unite to secure prohibitory legis lation in a ooustry where the churches yield as much influence aa in canada it looks aa if it would not be advisable to spend much money in ntrgiiig breweries and distilleries fuethee victories starmost duxulas and glengarry ttr into lisa chbrlottetowii sustains her honor- the scott act elections last thursday all resulted victoriously the combined counties of stormont dundas and glen garry gave a majority of 1749 it was carried is dundas by a majority of 733 is sot a single municipality was there a majority against it in stormont the majority in favorof the act is 572 there was a small majarity of six against it is cornwall township and is fisch of is is cornwall tows there was 6 majority in it favor and is the township of osnabruck the very i large majority of 423 la glengarry the majority is favor of the act is 444- in iiancaster the majority against it is 40 asd is lochiel f while charlottenbury the majority in favor is 25 and m kenyon 26 the rcpru bcrcirrs in charlottetown s b the election for the repeal of the actproved that the people are satisfied with its working notwithstand ing the fact that the whole liquor isterestof the province was centered in this contest the repeal was defeated by of a majority acton municipal council council met on tuesday evening members present mr w h storey beeve and messrs d henderson w dtmond asd d cameron missies of last meeting read andoon- firmed the finance committee presented their 14th report recommending payment of the following sums thomas cooicoa account 21 00 h p moots sdv and board of health tact u 03 p k hecani liumer for hab sou h b uccsrtbr tone hire 1 so 38 5s bepori adopted the committee on finance also present ed their estimate of revenue asd expendi ture for the current year as follows nrriuxxn xxruaes bonding sidewalks and repairing ftreeft and wtjis 00 00 salaries of xmmleipal officers oerx and trtmurer 60 00 assessor and cdliactor 57 00 constable 60 00 cmaxtrafxrnxhall 105 00 lamplirfiter us 00 r7 woo aim to 00 is 00 13 u 0 00 ao u a oo w n 30 00 us os s 1598 s3 printing chariaos baund account torn hall improvement latubbst on bozrowod mousy board of health tnxtlngaeim uneonectablfl taxes- county bate xrmraxzn axctms bents from town hall 4u0 00 9000 0 00 1000 btatate bor tax dogtax fines and fees 7 fl2 nulls on aaseument of 5187 31 m 93 liases the smoust required for town hall deben tures matured is mfiuo i mtua and for school pu seven nulla making in at two mills less than last year tour committee in the early part of tbe year nad anylrifsfm that by a careful i oftbecoatroiubteexradittirtxf3jedttevenaa for an purposes eoula hare been obtained from an assessment of 15 mflli bnt tbe street and sidewalk committee o meet tbe wishes of ratepayersdeemed it advisable to expend on pahliemrprovemantaalaifarsamtban at first contemplated your committee in view of tbepaeaateonbe bylaw providing for a public cemetery waaeh win no doubt pravs another source of xmnse for some years are sopeful tats next yearwfll wtta a atql further r to rate of taxa- uou ah of which ts respectfully submitted dhbnmaox v chairman flsaoos committee the bylaw to provide for the expenses of the village of acton and tbe support of aston puhlkfscbool for the current year was introduced read the required number of timea and pa theratahavinvjn atrnck affixed at seventeen mills on the dollar byiawpapttrnesitof ootleotorwlll balntrniionsd at next meeting camafl djoamed to mwi sfaia aett ttmttlmtg ever shown at one time is actoa tom- prising colobed tel sets in oreat vauiett whlte and color d dinner sets wjoare dishes- grand display of tea sets china beautiful colored and wsite toilet 8ets china motto and mous- tache cups ix all the l tzht sttles fine choice in mugs vases and jugs dlassware all lines complete in the latest de8iuns white stoaeware in any quantity from one piece to a thousand ts variocs pattkhss lamps lamp hods glass and fancy lamps lamp shades and rings plain and fancy chimneys wick and burners groceries my stock of groceries is complete fresh stock arriving every few days teas a specialty fine flavor and good drawing qualities sugars 12 pounds granulated to 18 pounds good brown provisions fresh buscuitb all kinds butter cheese apples and potatoes on hand woodeavare a good stock of wooden ware well absortedr coal oil j good quality in small large quantities we do not iateaci to- be undersold bfr anyone in the trade oome and ace tor yotrtwavia gbeat price paid for oood batter wim adaili great change in prices startling reductions the discount plan discounted look at this price list and note the change we have made in the price of our entire stock of new goods imported direct ftpm the manu facturers in europe for this seasons trade peigb list axl wool grey flannels have yon seen those new glass tfca 8bt8 3 the design is log cabin they are really beantifol gooda and are being ad mired by every one that aoes them i have on hand another lot of glass fruit jabs i that celebrated 50 cent tsa ia the tea of all teas try it once and you will have no other all are welcome f j i look ont for new advertisement next week i odpeasriiara- v3 and display of fall and winter goods saturday sept 2tth ocop canton flannels allwoolcanadian blankets best canadian cotton shirtings mens shirts and drawers mens felt hats newest styles ladies ulster clot eft former price present price i w so 1 0 31 0 25 0 30 0 40 0 35 0 45 0 38 0 124 0 10 0 16 0 12 0 18 0 15 0 20 0 17 0 25 0 20 ets s 60 3 00 4 20 3 50 4 60 4 00 9 40 4 80 6 00 6 00 7 20 6 00 itings 0 18 0 14 0 60 0 37j 1 00 0 75 1 26 0 80 yles 1 00 0 80 1 60 too 1 75 il 30 2 00 1 60 2 25 1 90 3 00 2 40 0 60 0 50 0 75 0 60 0 85 0 65 1 00 0 80 1 25 100 oar advertising space will not allow na to give a complete listof the sweeping re dactions we have made in every department thcoofhoni our establishment but we assure oar friends and patrona that never at the commencement of a seasons business in gaelpfa have the prioes of new froods been eat aa close as we are now doing velveteens silks caehmeres maatle olotlis drees ood hosiery carpets laoe curtoiae astracaa jackets fur capes ladies rubber cbssamom and xtlsters silk velvet silk plushes o have all been marked at the keenest possible prioes and are sure to meet with ready sale our millinery department this season promises to snrpass any former attempt we have eve made to render it the most attractive featow ptau large bnginess dae notdoe will be given of our opening andetery lady is oordially invited to attend rvv at the- f halt0n br aoods house great bargains in every line of goods nrsbsction invited c ba griffin jeoti torts i itjl wehavepiieanrein cefveda ial 1884 i mr t nab and goods ehi in both in depealsji jshlmto t- dr 0u8 department our u nslaasffi5lsaisiffl we have a superb stock of muhl i the pmp id trie of vbieli uananrpaaed asd tbsfraaati trsjljtc rfesr sk- j 32 s5afe

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