l 1 l tummnt sr ess thtosbit icortxrxo oct 1884 spsi v 1 a v v sejllll u xit- mastke 8qotrrel master 8quirtel blithe and gay come and km with me i pray nuta have ifor thee to crack g ingerbreatlkiajt mvir tack sogatjtumi and tacom tweet for thy plmsanceahalt thou eat a gilded eae ahall be thy nest a bed of down thy place of rest a lite of ease thy lot shall beg if tun wilt conie and lire tftui me kay my winsome little maid 1 prefer the glen and glade in the tree hare i my home through the woods im free to roam katshave land eke to- spare fruit and corn and berries rare when the sportesmans gunl hoax hanv a hidingplace is near a golden cage and wealth to ma are no exchange for liberty u p itofcok is st iurhotaj forottober bill nye on phrenology aa erroneous phrenologist once told me that i would shine as a revivalist and said that lotght to marry a tall blonde with a nervous sanguinary then he sail one dollar please and i said all right gentle scientist with a tawney mane i wift give yon the dollar and marry the tall blonde with a bank account and bilious temperament when you give me a chart showing me how to dispose of a brown eyed brunette witha thoughtful cast of countenance who married me in an un guarded moment two years ago he looked at me in a reproach al kind of way struck at me with a chair in an absent minded manner and stole away aa ea4 m bene senates edward bhepberd of fearrilburg iii ays i having received so much beaest from electric bitters i feel it my duty to let suffering humanity know it hare had a running sore on my leg for eight years dreddollare to pay the purny doctors told me i would have to hare bylaw no a li yl aw to raise by way of loan the sum of fifteen huiv loves labor lost jlsdamxnay i kiss these beautiful children irjjlured uncle dick oglesby as he leaned over- the front gate cer tainly sir there is no possible objection they are lovely darlings said uncle dick after he had finished the eleventh i have seldom seen more beautiful babies axe they au yours mnf the lady blushed deeply of coarse they are the sweet little treasures 1 from whom else marm could they have inherited these limpid eyes these rosy cheeks these profuse curls these comely figures and these musi cal voices the lady continued blushing by the- way marm said uncle dick mayrbother you to tell your estimable husband tharichard j oglesby republi- cancarididate for governor called ninn hinlthiseveaingf alasgoodstrquoth the lady i bat these children ma dam you surely are not a widow t i feared you were mistakfltt sir when you first came up these are not my children this is an orphan asylum ckkaqo xact advice to young sportesmea always bear in mind that it is the m of a guu that is dangerous there fore never allow the muzzle to point to ward yourself or any other person kever put your hand over the muzzle of a gun nor allow another person to handle your gun while it is loaded use a breechloading gun with rebound- iig hammers a tnrtttlaln gun is both inconvenient and dangerous to load harmless guns are beautiful and conveni- eat weaponsbut they are not fit for boysto use especially boys who are just beginning to shoot j h you are hunting in company with others be careful and courteous always re- framing from shooting at birds that are flushed nearer to your companion than to you and do not allow your gun under any circumstances to poini at or in the direc tion of any linmnn being open your gun at the breech and take v shells before climbing over a fence getting into a wagon going into a house or handing th gun to a person not used to firearms kever drag a gun toward you muzzle foremost treat an unloaded gun with the same care that you would use in handling a load ed one i did not know jt was loaded has effused many terrible accidents it is best to thoroughly clean and dry a gun after it has been nsed all day and when not in use ahouidbekpt in a woollen or leather case kever shoot at harmless and worthless birds just to try your hand most small birds are pretty some of them sing sweetly and nearly all of them are useful as insect- destroyers it is brutal to kill them for anypjher than scientific or artistic pur- poaeit wnen out hunting observe everything so as to remember the minutest details of visible nature knowledge thus gathered is invaluable boys when hunting together should be very cautious in thick covert as there one may be quite near another and not see him warning and comfort electric bitters are sold at fifty cents a bottle and bucklens arnica salres5cper box by j eucgarvins a lady writes i was enabled to re move the corns root and branch bythe nee of hoeowayi corn cure others who haye tried it have the sane experience dr starrs catarrh conqueror instantly relieves sneering cold in the head aod stops ringing noise in the head ask for it sold by j e if cgarvin price so cents ifyon wusj as every intelligent person doe for white teeth and a sweet breath i imrt tifrice i sold in acton by j afcgarvin druggist price 25 eta worms cause i eyerishoess moaning and restlessness during sleep mother graver worm exterminator la pleasant auve and eftectasl if your druggist hat none in took get him to procure it far you mr y7 maguire merchant at franklia write 1 was afflicted with rialu in my ahoulder for eigtt years almort helpless at tinie have eried many remedies bat with no relief nntai used dr thomas fjeotrieoa after a few applications tne- pain left me entirely and i here had no ptiniainor dopottakeeeotricoielac- faonoila bbtseertoilgrthoiiiaj beetrfem j v chase money of land for public cemetery for the vil lage of acton and for the improvement of the same whereaa the municipal council of the village of acton have been petitioned to secure land tor the purpose of a public cemetery j and whereas for the purpose of paying the purchase money of said land and im proving the same it will be necessary for the said municipal council to raise the sum of fifteen hundred dollars and whereas it will reouire the sum of one hundred and forty dollars 0 be raised annually by special rate n the whole rateable property of the village of acton for paying the said debt of fifteen hundred dollars as hereinafter mentioned and whereas the amount of the whole rateable property of the said village of actoo according to the last revised assess ment roll of the said village of actoo one hundred and eightysii thousand four hundred and thirty-nii- dollara and whereas the amount of the debt of the said viuageo acton is five thousand and twenty dollars and whereas for paying the interest and creating a yearly sinking fund tor paying the said firm of fifteen hundred dollars it- will require an annual special rate of seventy sir hundredths of a mill in the dollars in addition to all rates to be levied in each year be it therefore enacted by the municipal council of the village of acton 1st that it shall be lawful for the reeve of the said village ot acton to raise by way of loan from my person or persona body or bodies corporate who may be willing to advance thesame upon the credit of the bebentures hereinafter mentioned a sum of money not exceediog in the whole the am of fifteen hundred dollars and to eanse the same to be paid into the bauds of the treasurer of the said yiuge tor the purposes and with the object above nailed 2nd thai it shall be lawful fore said reeve to cause any number of debentures to be made for such sums of money as may be required not less than one hundred dollars each nd not exceeding in tiie whole amount the said sum of fifteen hnudred dollars and that the said debentures ahall be sealed with the seal of the 6aid village of acton and be signed by the said reeve and countersigned by the treasurer of the said village 3rd that the said debenures be made payable in twenty years at furthest from the day hereinafter mentioned by this bylaw to take effect at the office of the treasurer of the said municipality and shall have attached to them coupons for the payment of inlent ith that the said debentures shall bear interest at and after the rate of six per cent per annum from the date thereof which interest shall be payable annually on the first day of december in each year at the office of the said treasurer of the village of acton 5th that for the purpose of forming a sinking fund forthe payment of the said debentures and the interest at the rate aforesaid to- become due thereon a special rate of seventysix hundredths of a null in the dolhtr shall in addition to all other rates be assessed raised levied and collect ed in each year upon all the rateable pro perty in the said village of actoo durin the continuance of the said debentures or any of them 6th that this bylaw shall take effect and come into operation on the first day of december a d 18sf and be it further enacted by the said municipal council that the votes of the electors of the said village of acton on the above bylaw shall be taken between the hours of nine oclock in the forenoon and five oclock in the afternoon on monday the tenth day of november a d ism at the town hail in the said village of acton and in matthews hall in the said village of acton and thatjohn c hill of the village of acton in the county of halton shall he deputy returning officer at the polling place at matthews hall lod that j ew mcgarvin shall n8eputy ketornlng officer at the polling place in the town hall in the said village at aetoo and that the clerk of the council shall sum up the number of the votes jd vert for and against the said bylaw at the hall in the said village of acton on the same day at the oie hour of six oclock after the polling of oftheyotes and further that the time and place for the appointment of persons to attend at the various polling places on behalf of the res pective parties promoting and opposing baidbylawaod at the said summing up of the votes by the clerk sball be at the council chamber in said village of acton at eight oclock p m of the eight day of november a d 18m notice the bone scraped or leg amputated i used instead three bottle of electric bitten md wren boxes bueklenv arnica 8alre and my leg it now aound and well heat aid caaararl u she rareruf browns household panacea has no equal for relieving pain both internal and external it cures fain in the side back or bowels sore throat hhoumauain toothache lumbago aod any kind of a pljioraehe it will most surely quick eljpi blood and meal m ita acting power is wonderful browns household pan acea being acknowledged aa the great pain reliever snd of double the strength ot any other elixir or liniment in the world should be la every family handy for use when wanted aa it really is the best remedy in the world for cramps in the stomach and pains and aches of all kinds and is for sale by all druggists at 25 cents a bottle the east bad olotmag store has a complete aflsobtmekt of fall tweed suitings also a large variety of worsted coatings in plain and fancy beautiful pantings in all shades and paterns hats caps and gents ftjniselns in this department the stock is well snorted before purchasing your fall outfit call and examine the stock fit and workmanship guaranteed j fyfe frames take notice that the above is a true copy of a proposed bylaw which win be taken into consideration by the council of this municipality after one month from the first publication in the acrox tesi pais the date of which first publication was thurs day the ninth day of october a q 1881 and that the votes of the electors of the said municipality will be taken thereon in the hall in the village of acton and in matthews hall i aaid viluge of acton on monday the tenth liar of norember a d ism at nine oclock in the forenoon jbkooabvjh n clark f the mnrdtlyajl trot the vmaja of aetoo ait vice tamatkers- are you disturbed at night and broken of your- rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth if so send at onee and get a bottle of afr win- ilovt sootking syrup for children ttkinj ita value is incalculable it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately de pend upon it mothers there is no mistake about it it cures dysentery and diarrhoea regulates the stomach and bowels cures wind colic softens the gums reduces in flammation snd gives lone and eoergy to the whole system jfrr yihipvi soothing syrupjorchildrru teething is pleasant lo the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldit snd best female nurses and phy sicians in the united states and is for sale hy allvlrngguls throughout the world price s3 ceuta a bottle- tf if you suffer with sick headache consti- nation 60ur stomach or bilious attacks flints mandrake pilla will relieve yon sure they have ap superior sold by j e mcgarvin druggist actou price m cents sure corn killer dr starrs corn sol vent the wonderful com rtmover it is easily applied cubea nopam mid will posi tively remove the mis alistinate corns m 3 to 6 daysj sold in acou by j k mcgar vin drugxut actuu ince 27 cents pectoris pretoria pcctorii the great remedy foryoughs colds bronchitis sore thrott influenza horsehes and all affec tions of the lungs and throat or chest pectoria loosens the phlegm and breaks up the cough 25 cents per bottle dont give op until you have tried pectoria all druggistaand general storekeepers sell it 23 if a tew grains ot common sense could be infused into the thick noddles of those who perpetually and altematelv irritate and weaken their stomachs and bowels with drastic purgatives they would use the highly accredited and healthful laxative and tonic northrop t lymans vegetable dis covery antl dyspeptic cure which causes good digestion to wait an appetite and health on bath i 23 maladies multiply- one another a simple fit o digestion may especially if the constitution is not naturally vigonwu throw the entire mechanism of the liver and bowels out of gear sick headache follows poisoning of the bleed by bile en sues and there is grave and serious disturb ance of the entire system check the threatened dangers at the outset with nor throp k lymans vegetable disco rery and dyspeptic cure the medicine that drives every impurity from the blood tldfotttft pilu the diseases common to our rigorous climate ahich endanger the constitution willalways exist though many may be mitigated and their effects removed by- timely aid appropriately applied hoi- loways pills are acknowledged far and wide to be the most effective purifier of the blood the irost certain regulator of dis ordered organs and the safest and surest aperient that can be prescribed this medi cine is applicable to au alike young or old robust or delicate it increases appetite and regulates the bowels after the disorder is subdued occasional doe of these pills will prevent any relapse and moreover secure promote and testify khe good re suits which flow from perfect purity and regularity why suffer from weak nerves want of appetite and general debility letting tbo loss ot sleep and rest impovish the system and thin the blood- when inch a really meritorious remedy as northrop lymans quinine wine may be had at any drug store this article is recommended by the highest members of the medical faculty in cases of indigestion general debility loss of appetite and nervous affections of all kinds it is also specially beneficial to children and de licate females and to business men stu dents aod thosewho have much brain work we wonld ssynerer be without it it will strengthen yon keep your system in regular order and enable you fo aucoesaf ully grapple with the work you huve to do it is pleasant to the taste and oontalns nothing injurious to the most delicate constltauon remember to ask for the quinine wine prepared by northrop lyman toronto and we are sura yon will be satisfied that you hare fall value for your money drug gists sell it is an endle8s variety op plush and other picture frames suitable for present ph0t0craph8 the latest style token by the new process- no ldntf sittimrs bring your pictures of deceased friends and have them edii enlarged in firstclass style cwhill acton firaivres speight son acton undertakers carriage makers c are prepared to furnish everything in their line from the best ca8ket to the plaine8t coffin on the shortest hotiee and at lowest terms ir all calls either night or day promptly attended to faction guarauteed in every case a firstclass hearse for hire satis- 0we are in a position to satisfactorily sll orders or waggons carriages 4c of every description in reasonable lime good workmanahip ond firstclass material always used we bare also a splendid lot or furniture both common and extra quality cheap s7lf you will pay us cash we willsellyou anything in oor line cheap j a speight manager pabmeesi for keapdcg oimbvrivg jfachlxes use lardine machine oil no cum no crit and will wear longer than any other machine oil foe sale at j e mgarvins drug store only dominion boot shoe store kenney bros jat2t st a0t03st fall goods we are now receiving a very large stock of new fall goods of every description oar boots snd shoes are parchased from the best manufacturers and we are consequently prepared to guarantee all lines we have a large assortment and can suit everyone requir ing boots and shoes as far as quality style or price are concerned ordered work in this department we are in a position to manafactare all classes of work and will guarantee satisfaction to every customer call and see our goods kennkt beos acton aug 28th 1884 1 golden cream ionx 8tk0u amjrjatioh u warranted to beantuy the fan andefareao the kadedor sallow com plexion a pensctty heamit natural and youthful appearance jt conceals wrtmktee fneklea crowt end the evidence ot ace tarring the 8ub sod bmooth and white phicbooeenta bent to any address poatan tampa taken addreeaauiattento creged or bream 8678 tersartopo aikyoctjlrutarlst to it wholesale by all whole- carriage painting c c 8peicht pahties de81mk0 their buggies waggons cutters etc repainted or reramiabed and made equal to new on shortest possiblo notice and at low est prices should leave tfceir orders at onee with mr j i- speight undertaker and carriage builder or with r 0 0 spblaht acton march 30th ism piano co t he fee preb8- power printing honse ezecolea job wor ot all descriptions in a terr mtlstaetott manner at moderate rates vlth de spatch in tne time promiaed bcsivess cibcclira letter heads bill heads lctter cwctlars xote cibcclabs bcsisesscajujs visitikg cabdg eamphlet8 hahdbiuj pocteis etc etc particular attention given lo flve wobe and extra care bestowed with a rltw to securing correctness orders from the country attended to with de spatch and work forwardedlmmediatelr oymail or express try the psze pkzbs job office for printing h p moobe paoraxtob hills tin l stove depot i good assortment on stoves cheap for 0a8h tinware of all kinds bottom pricbs at and put up on shortest notice first class material only used a call solicited j 0 hill mill st griat jtos last amhts to make money tjtenni and outfit free ton win find our circular a friaa address fine abt publishing 00 8t catharines ontario canada a ayytq huklt t othepreaidentaoitheu8 thehrgeat book erer sold tor lew than twioe bar prioo the fastest selling hook in america immense proflta to agents all intelligent people want it any one can become ihiuissful agent terms free hjjxitt bool co portland mains a6keatciuaceto makl moniy outfit worth a large sum at monsjr ao fbbb ton will find ytr rshuntmaxaclraadsr address fnte an puaxrarrrke co st oatha ontsjte panada mine isbdm ffc bgaatt laws irat avartai t atj airr la tit warlt medal sad pfttoms stcistlemral is gimk arada st isssstrlal 1 ws abb vowliabuaol square amd ophioht pianos basr n raa kabsxt ansspoa4eaeeoueued send far marttalsd est slocse w tree address v dokcnov oboaji aitd ruslo ooarajtr bowbjarrnxa oxt r oraine agent aoton fbe3 son i muninl paper c exoepti worth their welrt in cold holloway3 pills ohntment this rncoupabamlshsdlclss hat tecurtd for ifelf an imperuhable fame throughout the world for the allexiatiob and aireofnottdiieaiettokhiehktmailyitheir partly reirniate and improve the quality of thsrolood they assist thedigeatite orcani cleanse the stomach and bowels increase the secretory powers of the ltiter brace the nervons system and throw into the circulation the purest elemenu for sustaining aod repairing the frama thousands of persons hare testl6ed that by theh use alone they hare been restored to health and strength after every other means had proved nnsuceeaaful the ointmrtnl will befound invaluable in every household- in the cure of open sores hard tuners 7 bailn014vomrucouena colds sore throats bronchitis and all disorders of the throat and cheat aa also goat rheumatism scrofula and every kind of skin disease uanuiactnrcd only at professor hollo ways establishment 533 oxrfthd street london and sold at i ijd 2a 94 4s 6d 22s and 33a each box and l and in canada at 36 cents so i cents and sl50 and the larger sizes in proportion tscatmox i have no agent in the united states nor are my medicines sold there purchasers should therefore look to the label on the pols and fioiej if the addresa is not 533 oxford street london they are spurious the trade mark of my said medicines is registrered at ottawa and also at wash- ington j signed thomas hollow a 533 oxford street london annitt send six cents for post- st ihavcsage and receive free a costly box of goods whiah win help yon to more money right away than anything else in this world all of either sex succeed from first hour the broad road to fortune opens before the workers absolutely sure at once address f co augusta maine inaxet onr pries thsexset east ot saty psbi r list ot p cbswrxutr fmwuh1 xvws npoa sjpwnshesi 1 trssad farjtsw rataloaws j c houch adrertsstrai ageav nmiloa detroit hick 7s suirj and overcoats at extronietj low ratat and oaada iu latsat atyis beaara toeaalaaathean j prfi aotoa magnificent of no w oods at the ilight noue just l eoeivod at the right house an enormom stock of linen goods purchased for cash down prioa nuh batow thtir ooat of making jllkdtalrlejj at fcaaatthesolowftatttsy will aooa be cleared ont blokquxdtawjissxsuisa worth ftjjol slaaoha4 table ttasaa it tho wotsiitbu blaaxswl roawaieccht table linens at 50c wortb95o finer qnautoia table them splendid valoe linen h andkibcinfiw in ladies qaauties at the same proportionate redaoed vsflwlttvxsoxwwfosixitir 25c per yard all fcarked at low prices t0wisl8 at apeoisily bsaisdijhiiiv6ettt mkfc money towels jn one half ttozan lots sold st trhnlranlfi prices aobanddnrajat th and reliable goods proearajfla inoiffcl britain the eobtbatitof enodwaa wu aj itto wteftl menteareandermansrnantollawhothsstt season are now on wejlasaortei prices a laafc7 dated at acton ttirbsvsntbl sm5 j aagasw immibmsmmtiwmmm ttblai sheas goods row twaor bajtol awmupjjjvoo wurumm i4ssbiowajnr par huso towels at fe svsajcaw ail slsmstn j 7a worftloe others atjbo worth 1 otlvwa 1 iwallhatfeyoraioa laaatt ieu aro s asrsmasmtttto tb1 jshfor the vforkingclass send 10 uuiauoento for postage and we- will niail yon fveei a royal valuabls box o sample goods that will not yon in thevwy of making more money in a few days than yon ever thought possible aui business cartel not required we will start yon you can work adths time orin yourapara time qtdy the wox is universally adapt ed to botn aaxea young and old ton can easily asra from m cents to 5 every even- ing that all who want work may teatthe bnameas we make this unparalleled offer to ao who are not well satisfied we wtav send h to pay for the trduweof wrrungns goupa ireotkma eteaonttree rybmeswillhemade by those who give tibetr whole lrntotrwoj3reat is oessateolutely sure iwtdauy atari now j addreas sxntaoa 4 co 1 i maine mawiptp lefmu alif isjmssbsyroawanesaea r vt ibesehra5ajfiw aaar 1 i mens thss solid lnlhso tbsya bar of 4 tt for ofhoe t cu w211 his i aateetl art au edto1 b for i orat hi t vrffll t 5stbs3skirs3ea3bs73