Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 20, 1884, p. 2

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m v s r- i n mmm il- tttcxsciv mhrklso nov 30 1884 ft r iftfclia ta h vi- f 1 i- us- the atdenie ncjtesand comments thorepubiioaa8 wui lx uwirdefojiv to tiietooljince party a over 800000 pro- hibitioa votes were polledforbt johuv aotonthesoouaotltakepiaceitt branttord on tli 11th decetnber ajud in leedfljand oronville on 6e 18th cj the aaineinpnth j the 5oott aeit is certainly tiot political for proof bee the reform conutv of huron with its majority of 1659 and the fsjry conhtrof dnfferin with its olid 865 wfleon tsyvssbxr xs not a foruiid- per but itatruok it about right whenstgjkte thjese instwctions to kill a town always growl resist taxation kick against iibptovernentsi i i the statue of the lata hon geo brown to be erected iti qoeeas parmfloronto has arrived it represents the latei eminent atatesjnau u the attitude pf addressing an audience with his left haud extended and his riht holding roll of parchment the likeness is tery striking the well reipember- odfeairea bemg brought out moat faith fully- y n i f i irt i thepetitjon praying for submission of the scott act in the couity of welling- ton was deposited in the sheriffs office to day too late to enable the mercury to giye in thitfissue the uuxnbef of signatures in each municipality the whole number of signatures however is 3566 which is con siderably abovejhajthird of the ratepayers merauy- y on wednesday evening says a teeswater jsorrespondebt some persons broke a wiu dow and damaged the ashj in the grocery store of e f howson bf that village j beneath the broken window was pasted k i card bearing the jlegend- there is scott m actforyujyon f- lookout j on the card was drawn a sketch of a coffin with a ekutl and crossbonej the act was carried on tuesday in i i norfolk by a majority of 1000 in renfrew i 4twa3 also carried by about 800 on friday last what a lot of fanatics and temper- ancer cjankg there- are in canada we ehall have to commission gdldwin smith and thet hamilton spectator to enlighten these deluded people andsave them from i the dire cojssjnence of their foolish acts t milton mkfi f- eight huudrtd bar ow hive already been toalevaaijtim w irijav eirjplon4tl new olrlfwiftbj- lwj bo atliro rbuili ings tiat these dxttbtti are cawy notice able lt esti4atutiat 500 sj lod will w receied at jthe gftnnds 01 pre paratiua are ih idj mieionera of iflveral europjjn o untriea are on the ground firrajoiitl b exhibits i ithe general bulboojapany of houand balea a grand display of 300 00 bulbs qfneial diaa haa aotifjed the lirector general of enormous bhipnojenbi ofitibpioal plants and a steamer has ieiicwtered by the ex position to bring the collection ookwooa news t the counting of the 0811013 in the recent u s presidential eleotipn hs beeu com rpleted and cleveland is officially annonn ced preadent elect judging froht the despatches blaine seems resigned to ilia de- leat and gracefully bows to the verdict of the peoplecrthjregublican leaders in new york have apparently followed h b example and it will we hope be accepted in a sitftj- l ilar spirit throughput the union i v acton municipal douncil v councilmet on tuesday evening mem bers present hessrs p fentferson c s snrith d camerob and william ismond upcm motion mr ismond took the chair minutes olast meeting read and con firmed i f 4 i the clerk reported the cemetery bylaw defeated byvfeajbrity of fifteen iffbylaw to provide for the collection t of statue labor tax a3 infrodnced reid the required number bi time and passed the name of thos eastoh being inserted as collector i r befinance committee presented their ltth report recommending payment of the fallowing accounts t h moore printingv and aa verti3- t ing icemetery bylaw 39 31 satectore of jurors l 3 00 ihjart uawlinson v w 1 78 c- f r a moved by 1 henderson seconded by c a sinith that the sum of s1360 be remit- t ing taxe3 levied upon tie methodist parsonage for the current y ear as the property not being liable for taxation carried t t councfl adjourned board of l the board of trustees of acton public school inet in the council chamber on bdaveyebtthg 17th h oy members all atfj 12-4- i james moore in the chair i i of last meeting read aid cob firmed j j j moved by tv h8torey seconded by wi p rown that the application of iatilda pzaper for second depdrimerit isghtryif j300 pet annum be i a s- si f- eivw ptirptoa corrifpoi dttti t r paamoni hal four alieep lately j only one ft a imo was taken etamosa tovlnihip ploughing mat n camfeoff ast week asout forty compel i- torsseeropresents i i i j j the indians whe sp nt thb iwinterie e some three or four yeai a agowve returned and arc jlying their iisual tradrbasket making about thirty f them occupy two dwelkng5neartheiwlaie y j a memorial aervici was heldj in the methodist church on sunday evening in honor of the memory i f the late ftancia tout rev mr spjar ing preached a very fitting discourse the funeral of the young man last friday wat largely attended many fpin the villaje and surrounding country being present t pay their last re- spects to one who wast niversally esteemed- and respected amou the pall beare rs we obseryedmr ife nel son of aotohic ne of deceased most intjima e friends iujtheir schoolboy days editoits cabtf ocbeiittle osks 1 his excellent juvea ile magazine is now idded to the list of american magazines eprinted in great britain thus one mo e triumph ia gained for american artists an s wood engravers interesting items if alojwrramsoticofcrtonaecouldbo x hrinslir lg store j 89 lluld llfcfetblnbv thorpjare but few thai have iiever suffered ialmosi jiutelerable pain from toothaohe neuraigia or like acute i pains to thi m sttoh m i mtanir relief as fluid lightning is an uutold blessiog in timedf trouble no disgusting bffensivo medicinoa to be taken for days one application of fluid jllahh inij cures sold at j e mogarvins urug store r i 2j9 j peotorin i pectoris pejjtorio the gteiat reniedyfortoughs colds brodohiua sojije throat influenza horsenosp and all affee tionsof the ljings and throat or cheat peclorla jbosenp thophlogm and breaks up the cougihi 25 cents per bottlei dont give up iattl yu live triod pecjoria all druggist ail d fibneral storbkoeperas dl it r f l prominpnt nmong the greatest ixkiiou diseoveriaa by jthje many cureait laqctj ed mcgrigorn speedy jure lejidt tli van subjectedito the minutest chemico i analysis it bas been found to coutaifi one of ilhosb injuriousjngtedienta character iinft the orthlefts specific drtily offered t9 the it is admitted by every one tlfet 0r tittle e igredent possesses wecul iar adaptability to the various complaints ones is as far scperir to the european juvenile magazinesj as are the century and harpers magazine to their respective rivals negotiations aae pending for the publica tion of editions in both france and ger many t pictcmsqe casadi the last numbers of picturesque canada have been delivered and we are jleased to say the 35th and3gth numbers sulip the high standard aimed at in the samplecopies shown the editor shipinchief of the work was wisely eh trusted to principal grant whose firm yet graceful touch can be traced throughout the letterpress the illnstrationsi for which mrjjbrien accepted the responsi bility depict the natural beauties of the dominion which lie scattered all the way from prince edward island to british col umbia whether regarded from a literary or artistic point of view the nbrkia credit able to canada and we must congratulat the art publishing company upon theii 8uccpss i i y ajpopirqafi weeiotthe betfdiv com- mercku advertiser is the most popular weekly hat reaches our sanctum and w find it necessary to lay itty in some safe place iieat the exchange fiend always on the lookout for our best exchanges shtiuld depart with at before weihava had an op- ioitumty to read it ourselves it is a nandsome 8page paper 7 columns to the page well printed from new type and a dapted to the general demand for a first- class family paperj we commend the detroit comniercial advertiser to all vho desire a good general wiaekly newspaperii in connection with their own local paper and advise our readers to send a postal card request for a sample copy which will be cheefullyforwarded by the publisher wm h burk detroit- jdichigan i business brevities some jfacts about onr business men aind houses tff henefltto our m renorareaders if you want a nobby durable and cheap suit j fyfes is the place to gbv 4hats from 75 ijents to 2 50 at j m i t j w lw amm fiui- iofuaed i nto the thm ioddleb olthoeelio psrpbtuii ity and ivalterwttefv iitritto m wekn thw tacinii jbiwels with drasiic pijrjratl tlie fouid t the highly at oreditednd healtfiifllajcatiyo and tontot n rthrbp it lymans vtoditable dla bver ami dyapeptlciure jwhiioh causes digestion to wait an appetite and heauvojnblhi i 1 j iftroihlbd with an junhoalthyi slow healing i ore aae mogrogor pairkes car bolio poi ate you will findit inynliiiablo tor heali jg cleansing and completely ro- moving vour tronbie if the blood is cut of order take with it a few dosea of rib prfigor speedy cure from j e lqac- 3 t i compare our prfcg for which it haa ben compoubded ard its efficacy is being established by testimonials hourly received ve are therefore confi dent that wo hav uvepiratibn which we can offer to the ph illic with tlieiissu nance that it will bejfmvcu not ony a rle r biit an o6ohicrfc for dyspepsia liver com plaint- indigestion consjiipatrafirand im ptfresbipod ijree mcgalvms druj s ora ti32s trial bottles htv 33 jcnjcjzijey on u i ladts bo0k will be i sent for oiie year- to any address receipt bf 250 which should be sent- t to the publisaero the p godeys ladys boo is the oldest family magazine in america aiiifts conceded by the press and public to be the lead ing fashion magazine especially so as its ovpa- latiou probably covers the largest area ofiuty american publication ia patrons being found in every civilised counter under the sun i 1885 will mark the fiftyfifth year of thla magajine and it is proposed that it shall not only execod ia excellence in every department anything in ita preriou history but sarpass in attraotlve- ness quality and quantity any other magazine published for the same price the magazine during 1835 will contain v f j ioqo ps4 reading consisting of stories novels romances sketches poetry historj bi ographies by the beat magazine writers ajso art and current notes charades dialojudu liessdiiadn dressmaking and cooking t on dressmaking and cooking mop ctical pecipes besides descripuoi of faahio is domestic and foreign 1 iso psjg es illustrating fashions in colors and the only handling kinlffs r i button m- lace joiots guaranteed with plph6r any r oily prices i e make no empty poast it ott re eyetfiro rltireiay he cheapeit alutvpol flannels you can bu in guelph or toronto an coarse and only 25 inches ide for jj6oi ivliile eell aitterjvllvvojl flannel 26 j itkehea wide toijiio and 2j5 t the best j pine english flanneij cents guelph foe 4pcj soji tije beat obatmbl iflannal for and oci ho aamepianc el ia aojd in 3 j i lb e sell shirts and drawers t 35c ihme gfkiila ijold at their boasted oheap ifc wd sell ah- wool blsnkeu for 5c gmelph prt es fo same goods 55o good linens a 9c a yard j canton flahhe forjte and ubward ladiea tin st ethajd gurnseya and pants forl j f i a t we keep a full line a ladieaf underwear h fine scotch of ods j v i li boya and m jnti lunderwear m every ualitt and biz md special large alzek for afmgn k v- j ihi ladiea and childrens ulate s i mantleajl f jki walking coats in great yr ew at prifies i n j- t iifij j ladies jflne m htlea made to orer ji qyereoata andileadymade01dthiug fdrit every mahjand boy in halton ive hnve no pumikirisclooka wntel dobkeyi jarta audjcheap jrgana lb en ijetia to sell i our clothing our clothing is jail made by i expetiencid tailoj i and fits evjerjy itimo we sell no shbddy but firstclass igoods cheap when a man ctu get a good njjo tweed qyercoat for 7 i rid we can ciyeityoa he shouldaaynothinj about the lowrice of i i i- ome kinds o produce is wheat j aarfarifters if ibhfothsrs arela faij price and almost il eperythini you have 1 to jbuy ia eahalylow jfobodyif making any money these daja iap let ua j tin banda aud keep our spirits up for th i ajbetter times uommgl j qblpint sella the best 4o aud 50a f tea try it and be ronvincedj s we era j furnish over mo n unea wbq wll- c8tify to uusfak f v tvri h t lasz29 vinu nbednot eo to ott er towriaj to fih4 dreis goodk we have ai flhe 4 rango of costume cloths at 20cjhn il 25qa yd casi uteres eerges repsl ottohjariif cijrda luajres a as you can tin i in my 6 ir atore ofj thrilarge towns or sme ii cities our priced laro 10 per ceu tloworihinuypricear that we know for a faetior we have ta en painat to inquire f 1 i we claim to nave thb best line bf fre ich ailka i in the market f at from r5 centa a yard up rards volvoteens all colo saod shades cbei p hati caps pars ai djall kinds of w u goods to suit bothoh and dung orpatrouize home merchants on kee leu6 build up our owh town i we keep jargjo and well- assorted stocks and sell cheap why not encour age ub to maintain tl ib same i onii wb white so baes ulostratiog fancy- work in cojors land pliokand white i d white of select music lgre vines ins of archil ions of hoosehotdln ore and j movied bywje iwry seconded hy thosc moore tlujttbe apph5aton of miss barajb black for third department at a adary of 25q per annum be accepted moved in amendment by wt h 8tc eecondediiry wp brown tht ttie ippji cation w miss alice baxter at the same salary b accepted i the amendment was carried the flnancommitteepreseiited their ninth rrt recommenning payment of the following sums -i- thos moore salary october 45 mias gbowfe8 20 i mis jennie 1 grant t 20 lmfaffyvm i- 0 h p mooreiadv for teacbera tc wm gumey cutting wood v t mfi report adopted j i ill l ertsh oajtmeal for ior basery nickl atjtherixhu ifortt aitbilietptti i lfom icases ql all despriptions fresh at the exeelsior bakery trsowsbn wants iaiy qhantdty of good fresh butter and eggs and green apples order for cakes bun6 fec filled on shortest notice at the excelsior bakery coal oil i 3oal of the place to buy it the cheapest in acton is at howsons the largest and cheapest stock of boots shoes to selectfrom ia at nelson mceaes i t i saji i salt 1 balltf i h bait by thebarrj at sowsons scotch enwiah and canadian suiting ii rett variety at tie east eh cupthinic atore j eyffactoh- ii j remember howson will pay 20c per pound for no 1 butter and 20c per dozen for any quaititiy of fresh eggs 1 suits am 0vercat8 pt extremely loij rates pnd majde ici latest styles sesure tocallahdaeetheni jifvfe acton j patroiie sme merchants gentlemen if yon aje in want- of a per- fectfitting suit or overcoat cah and inspect our goods we havfif an immense stock to select fromaijq we perfect fits stylish i cut and firbtcla8s workmanship evert titne werinpw itwill be to your interests to giveub yoursaljronake we aresatbfied we can give you beiter value byat least ten per cent- than firms from other tons catt offer yotii 1 x p nen merit proven dipllartjpon dollar ip frequently spent on the faith ofrec6pimendatioha for articles entirely worthless j not- s6 with jmc- gjregofs speedy care yp are not asked to purchase it until ite merits are proven callttt ji e egarijna drug atore and get free jtrial bottle andvaf not convinced it will cuijayoiijof tiiejtfototiys pepsia mver oomplat etc no matei of ltoiwlwgjjiidg ilea i w s you snouting see teatimon- 29 2jjl lbs of architectural pesiejns bo- 8toric each subscriber will be allowed to nialfe a selection eiih month of a bull size cut paper pattern of any design illustrated in the zine without extra costjtbese patterns aie worth more than theprcfhe uagazine watwill alsoprsaattjsbvery snbscribera steel engrav ing fqrfranlinb of peraulfs caldhratad picture bleeping ijove prepared bxpreasly ffflltbla migazino n ed years yeansuj offer beingfulfilled uf thejetter subscription price eotrbtyear sample copies 15 cents j address godliysijadjrs book p- 0 lock box hh phujadelphiaj pa 5 resloresv wftu the sliv audj ireshucssrof youth faded or gray hair to n natural ricli brown color or deep buckns may be desired by its use light or red iialrioaybe dnrkeneli thin hair iliickeiiodi aud baldiicsb of te j though not always cufed i fjit checks ifalling of the hair andstfaii- lates a weak and eicklygrpwthw vigor t prevents inidj cures aeurf and dandrulf ki i heals uea4y disease peculiar to tlla aealpv as af ladles hair dressing tilo vioob is nnaqualted j it contains neither oil nor dye readersltlie hair soft flossy aiid liken in appearance and imparts a dalle agreeable and lasting pefrfume i vui o b t3rttwltxir do you see i s i buyaud sell very eloae jfor yifi to try ours- we are congratulated every day on t e excellent goods we jaeil we keep iiilstbok the choiojest groc jrics we eh want lioubtj tceperawho ar4 particular about te e b our motto isto give good v a i ilue every time if goods arc not what i represent thent to bo they aic subject to bn returned x that celebrated 50c tea continues l jlf you can no suit youtself a lri groceries or crockery ranything ihjmy line you rill- not get suited in town tspavijes wishmg to buy weddinci presents ot any other presejitfe lsmtemf sarsj there nd lie no doubt libout the iboverl coolers tea setc fancy cups and siucerfl mubs etc harid painted good of all kiudsj be sore ypu see what we have before buying elsewhere avtecousider it no trouble to jshow tlieypeobie our goods ii m remember ftt th tsi 50v7bll wul seuyou goods as obeap as il iilip 016paeak7b0meliiiet5adfc 1 i f 1 the placesopposite haltoffidky goods house h howell i i j- f o the inhabitants of wof adfeon and surrounding i nearly bald i user part of a bottle of i ayebs haib viaoa wljloh stopped the fall- ing bf the hair and ataned a uewlgrowtu a v have now a full heailoc hair growing vigor- -j- ousty and nm coiiriircem hint but for the use of your preparation i should iutf been entirely bah i j jj j w bowknroprieibr of the ifcarihun i i ohio enquirer says livfens hair vioott i l ia a most excellent preparation ifortho haltvi i speak of it from my own experlehoe lis use promotes the growth of now hair an makes it glossyiiuidsoft llieviaorlsali dandrutf not wiiln n rledge has tho preparation ever faili estteastiafaeiipji i irhanon paiiidains leader of eelehratef falrbairu family of seotflsl voeallsttif writes jfrom batten man 1891 erabic my hair vary erldeiiee of the chaugo which heetln time proeureth i have uaedlavtibs hal 1 1 vicraa and d have been able to maiatai an aripearance of youthf uluess a matter considerable consoattepee to tmiuisteron p tors actors and in fact everyone who live a in the eyaa of the public l as olaipaascott writing from 18fi i t sty charletfimj trait april ifbsz says twoyeiraagpaooirt twplnteof inyluilr earns off it ihlrineverraniuy and lws fastgrolng bald on uilngavbas hai t yioqthefslllngstoppedaikianswgrowti oomhienced and in abou t a nionth my hea l was complcelir rtth- short hair it lias continued to grow u d is now as good a i j before it fell i regular used but one bottl t muvtoobbutnowuie itooeaslonallyi a dressing m t i h jv we we hundreds of simlwr testimonials to tha eincacy of avebs haia vioob i t ineisds jbnj atrial to cbnriliw the niostskept i cai of ta value- 1 j- f i41erabep bt j dr j c ayeftici lowell maasj 1- litef j i ilvqlleh5 it l i goiintr vi i j ill- hfilvjing purchased thdstiock and jriess of thefirmof iarshau badndson jourife fud merchants mill street acton willqpm on v satu rday november with a laree stock offresji and w ejuselectea groceries ac wfjpch havd bqeri bonght ro dashlin f flaosl i- ii- ir i and wtll tie solid atjprices very rekscihvlilailirjrtttta efv j the new prpprie0jnl keep in stock mob a t 1 il iv j t will agpreciatfe lji tbja i i iani il mr da his j trndbt to pijei claab of- t odsaathe and tenjoy in cpn8idratioh slpieasnre v spuc ittag th patwnage i acfjordea ty firin and wilji wet- i iidebire jljta st h iih xl qm mrqt ie all and endeavor to mmz i-i- mm i h w m m is f5 11 t mmsm r-ir- bmb m uaas i iy m wm- procpresll v vl sft i0t iyo i 111 h w s i jiaqianda f1 a- w 1 immjmjmm 1 fflw wil nm tr ifi sjse f respewm df lasli fbetp v slreadyl attieatojre piaedppjd ing whativbrj on fed ant andtiwt intal look at thfis priee list and note the angse vm v ht -i- i 4 i ia m r have made ihtlie price ol our m11stib6 new gbtfdfe imported direct piianu- factutefs in ejitftifbrimjieihfi- te kv m m thatfronti ipbi i better i newal 1 ifdrmc i v y jlll wool oreyflannels i yvv u- -rj- j i v e it cintolj flannelsj it i r i v 1 i allwool cain asian blankets l eest canadi4n cottj6n shirtlngs 0 18 iilnb shirtsjanq dkiwehs 6- st irrr l- mens pelt hatsfnewest styles i 1 q0 ii i j 11 i i14p1 es ttlster cflottis ipreaenti price i o26 j it- rf -vio- i- oss 01t- il o20 3 h mf- m -v- ivweekj l- fill ircalves bbotrs oomnin are frojaen ove r o 37 1 etr v yelveteens silks ca hmores mantle cloths bros y 0 80 t 00 ri 30 il 6q i torontanext 1 j tjtttrlawl val is almoin opinl ir jpur advertising apace will not allc w us to give a conplete ljst of the sweeping rei ductions we have made in overy dej artment throughout jour estajblishmeat but wo assureour friends and patrdhs that ntrei at thecommepcrflfcbt a seasons busmess in guelph have the prices of new goodfs been cut ai clbsi as weare now doing m 4- meiiioam chnroh an wprth two a a butchershap iir aiihm dwelling on hn fml tjg bnjwslill j sanjtaeti aboob i aad ulstsra silk velvets silk plushes dove ial been mari it t ie enesl mwihi iweiftdy mtfe jstthe highest pricesl paid for all kinds of j 3- i fflti wmmlff m 1 rs lifep g v ja i- wvued tpiattehd lint tiniirikfninirdiiwmrfvihrt department s advejfaaefh in thjri b5fcu nbeingfaewt mtoptrir sjiysocapjiotitoaclifoi itbel iffit lip- i i rlfcss si -r- iv5 fvfci tyizw bpi i rijk vi s4i i i t

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