Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 27, 1884, p. 2

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s- 1 y v y- t- 1 v 1 14- fefc vvi l m fi mm 7v i tijtus i 2jtjnvlfcvf 9i 14 y- r- 5 1 no ft and goiadmaeiixte it is said that the prohibition party is already iu fhe field for the presidential j looaffiift bf 8j they 5ri engaging mr i stitohnjkt aslary of five thousand dol lars toramp the while cohntry twenty c mumtes haw voted on the scott aettbia yei r two dqntwant itby small majorities c orapvrativy andighteeu mil have it i hey say by very substantial i majorities parliament is gettfrfg its answer tot ic question what do tetjjjiegiiltt joriittt and prop- town like alston inteistingwhijte si id- i ms p-r- j lli- v ir m v ill 3lbe jsov smber report of the odjario gureau of i ldnstriea chows thai the grain prop has hi en even tnoej abundant jthan was anticiptfjed or cohjeetured tbejropt cropt lis go d and also the apple crop 6thtiruit j were not so abundant this yearjislabt v a case wis tried at the st catherines y assizes cob rt last week m which a verdict of d000 w is given against the g t r fpr injuring a man uamed judge at a rail way crossing on bkcoount of not ringing a i bell and blc wing a whistle while passing 9200 was al allowed for a horse that was killed at th same time railway engines must signal the approach of trains at every crossing or i he company lis responsible for the damag more cos tanner a mammotk slatablishment filling anilm porttuol plaoe la altons imot i ulufabtpnm h- its extent iaad8aity lnoontmplatingithet ferity of hi enterprising it is aljvas pleasant and thoestbrbhraent dfap iwf staessn our midfjt or the extension and improve ment d those already established among the industries within the limits of bur corj tatntho mammoth 8ole leather manufactory rfm088rb jbeatdraore co is one of sithe mept important between foy edflftyyear8briotpns firsttannory was bujlt upoft the iito now occupied by the new one refopred to by a mr a kelliq isinoe that time the pro perty has experienced many upland downs thd buildings have thrice bcen destroyed by fire the premises ihave frequently changed hands and the place has at differ ent times been used in the mi ntifaoture of 0 f pe our pricef with nelph pliy otner tofn or oit frices i m its upper and harness lektliers fo parrjo s wanted in haltpn u ii i i4 toronto xtvs has the following i can as jure you said a leading real estate agent to a reporter yesterday that the value of proyerty will be raised in those countiesln fhich- the scott act has been passed tl e great majority of- those who come to us orfarms want them in scott act cohntie it the demand is especially gsftat fprtai ms in oxford haltouhurpn and norfolk there is one man who camt jrorn the sutes and purohased a farm in flalton beca ise the act sjas in force there another mi n bought arin there and was so pleas sd that he indaced a relative ito dolikewis even antitemperance men prefer to lcrate in these cionuties the farmers iii hapten say that business is much better many years messrs beardmoro t cocoon- duced a successful sole leather business ion the premises until about five ypars ago they opened a larger business at braoe bridge aid mr chai knees nowof mllwn occupied fiie place manufacturing cordovan jeathto for three years in the interval j haying in themeantime disposed of brac0bndgetannery the firm again turned their attention to their acton property and in may 1883 they set to workfcisrgenum- ber of rnec lianics oud laborers to tear down build upr rnodel and improve tbt property and put the establishment ipto the condition necessary for a largely increased business everything about the placewas removed to make room for new and improved buildings machinery and appliances except the main stone huildingand it was almost gutted for eighteen months the iimprovements proceedediand a few iweeks ago tho busi- aess wasoejae out in full blast thd tannery ia now oie of the most ex- tn8ive ad fully equipped with ail latest aid bestlmachinery in the dem nion it comipnsesj six large buildings jfour stone and two iron all fireproof as follows main building stone 90x180 feet two and ahalf8torics ilech- house iron 40x100 lf w9t mv im now as k rojg of this there ire three nev skjtrcsin tki town of hilton the storeke sperfe say fai fchey are now doing a line iash business fix tlie count jaitbf hsjtoiltljiere is oiy one prisoner aod that is zininterman an hotel ieeper- who js seniug two months for a third breach of tbtsellt act iron 40x60 feet 30540 feet sweat a lord dufferins tribute prior to hi sepueiriadi recently lord dhfferi i was tendered a banquet in belfast irel jndrand in replying to the toast of his leailth he made tho following referenofetoljapada j leait m ill can i f orgetthat memorable aight whn n wjbvjpf niy departure for canada ih5 sptensid chamber was filled with friends who had assflmbld together to bid me go ispeed and to assure me that in the opinio i of those who had known me ii the honor then conferred best and loi upon me by ed misplaced v ir nnobsevedj that occasion r ushered in thi of my life inatinctb sha lowed with gifts and qu jitiea which er majesty was notconsider- brightest andhappiest period period passed in one of the fairest regions within the empire amodg a people anii lated by thtf most generous all thenoblest distinguilhjthe british race i aid to whom i owe a deft of gratitude anc affection vrhose welcome burden i ahal carry to the w le iravew h a t f v suffer alpie tsbue of the paris eteteic contains the f oilowirig a large r tfijrbet of the business men of acton eluding mer- rjivita mtnuiacturbrs etc lhaw recently j declaredamt rfgst jjthir ti ijg3 that the scott aet h sin no jody mured business in oarnittbfetpfl tity acton is a village of over l2po pa pie and is rery near the j boundjary line between wet ington courityi v and haltpnai id wjthin wi iort run of the j city of gnielpl byg b where pleniy jof aeoominodition in licensed-iwhis- kay eaolbe hjdf ibutiljie people of thiv i thriving towa ire satisfied to trade with their owmeri hants wiil in the last six tenths betweiq thirty and forty faimlies have movod in o the village this does not look hke decs ring prosper tyj the only business which lias been inj axed in acton is the liquorb isiness and i about roinod feet crushing j house rolling house stone house stone 30x50 feet and the hide store hou8estone 24x30 feet the jmachinery is rnn byofie of messrs goldie j mccal- lochs splendid 40 liorse power cutoff engines and steam is geueratdd in two im- mehse boilors ihe refuse bark the whole of which is how consumed in the furnaces being exclusively utilized for fuel the whole of the buildings requiring heat are heated by steam the furnace cbimhev is a very finestructnre one hundred and wn feet high the most lofty in the connty it cost about 800 the tannery buildings and yards occupy abouti four acres the invested capital is about 75o00j i thetannery has a capacity of 600 finish ed aides per week and the firm expect to manufacture hbbut 25000 or 30000 per aahum worti from 37500 t 100000 to do this t ley will consumo about 3000 cords ofhemj xk bark at a cost of 18000 irhe product of the establishment is shipped weekly t tlie wholesale house of the firm in toronto duringthe present year they have imported from the georgian bay dis trict about 5000 jcords of bark for which about 830000 has been paid over 9000 has been paid at acton station gtk for freight on bark alone the hides are all imported from south america j mesbts beardmore co employ- from 28 to 35 men they haye expended for wages in connection with the tannery and for work performed for themhy jlocal me chanics in their own shops since the im provements commenced about 921000 the wfiple of hw sum being spent in acton and vicinity j f jthe leather manufactnres hefce is pro- nohnoed firstclass in quahty by those competent of judging and the wliole out put of the tannery finds a ready market m wffjopk with considerable iatikfaction apob the establishment of this important jhdustry in our midst and we feel ccinfideut that every citizeii isready to acknowledge and appreciate jls importuhces a labor- furnishing and moneycirculating factor in the town we all delight to sec prosper jmay the business be attended with the-suc- 4eps its enterprising management jdeserves i we mekf fcjapty edamt bftt oia fvoojwordpwiaj i thoobespeafallfplannehyouciin buy in guelph wtordfito are coarso and only 26 inches lido for 25c whilo w sill a better all- wool flaime sdj inohesiwide i formo andmo lf i vve sell the best fiufl english flannel for 7 oents j we soil thojbest chfltably flannel for 38c and 40clthe same flannel is sold a guelph for 4po we sell shirtb and drawers t 35c- thsame goods spiel at their boasted cheap i stores in uuelph at 37c r we seu al wool blankets for 45c a lb guelph pnos for same goods 55o i j j good lineus at 9o a yard i canton flanuel for 9o and upwrd j ladies fine shetland giirnsoys and pants i torn- i fv i i- wekeep a full lino of lwieg- underwear i in flue scotclrgoodv j j bbya and mona underwear in every v quality and size and special largo sizes for i at men j j ladies and childrens ulsters mantlos jaud walkincoat8 in great variety at prices p iliai defy obnipeitlon i i ladies fine mantles made toorder i overcoats and read yitoftde clothiiig for every man and hoy in halton we havo- no pumpkins clocks iwatcbes donkey i t carts and cheap organ to enable us toseu j our clothing our clothing is all made by j experienced tailors and fits every time we j sell no shoddy but firstolass gobds cheap i when a man oan get a good line tweed- overqpat for 7 and we can give it you he i should say nothing about the low price of wheat jtslfarmers if 86mekyids of produce is i i low others ure a fair price bud almost eyeryjthine you have to buy is ea ually lowi nobody jbmaking any money these dajsj so let ns jqin hands aud keep our epirits up for thereig bettertimes combg j ffbipyln sells the best 40c and 50c i ttea try it and bo ronvinccd we can farnuh over 300 names who will testify td this fact i laj5iag you need not go to other towns to find dress goods i we favhas fine a range of costume cloths at 20c and 25c a i ji caahtriercs setees rps ottqjpau h cords lustre pc as yoa ca find in any one store of the largd towns or small citiijs our prices arelopercentjowerthaneltypriee tliat wo know for ft fact for we have tien puins to inquire j i f we claim to have the best line of french silks i in tho market from v5 cents a yard upwards j velveteens all colors and swles cheap hats cars kirs and all kinds of wool goods to suit both old and yoang i latatronlto home merchants and let us build up oar own town we koop large and well assorted itocka and sell cheap why not encour- age us to maintain the fame- i i i r i i we takd in j j i k-t-i- ysj hgn- i 1 w4 m r it m ifimffsfbttli 4w npv frogresa jif jm x i u great vir m timm tot ran i the ibr- thbjmoheit haltoi dry soods l ipweabs b cimznsr bo yoti see this ivx i tee 1 i we keep instock the choicest grocenes wje cji n buy and sell very cloib for cash we watrt housekeepers who are particular about ta ito try ours we arc congratulated evcry day on tbe excellent goods wo sell 1 i t rf i elegabtch foryopt cjl itott i lin ihowntn order early ti gtejggism iiet 1 y mm a- v libpk at this price listiind ollangewef jiavmade in the price of piif jeiitiiy stcwjfebji j i ejv croods iihpprted lect orii wid tnam- i fecucers in europe fbr this seasons jtradd i j -ani- i i i our lffotto-is- to give good italua evew ie n busi v ness brvlftes i if goods are notwhsit i repreeht them to be they are subject jo bo returned i 1 s to lead that celebrated 50o tea con j if you cannot suit yourself at in groceries or crockery or anything ih my line pu will not get suited iq town fbr parties wishing to buy wedding presents- or any other presents i will floda fine assortment of vases toilet 8eur oruta in glass or silver butter -p- coolers tea sets fancy cups and saucers mutfs etc hand painted goods of all kinds fle sure yhu see what we have before buying elsewhere- wo consider it no trouble to show thepcopla our goods j aemembjjr f his rtitisfijt bememberlthe placeopppsite halton dry goods house i ani- y fcr atpwooji grey fi arnkts canton flannels former price- present price 030 js allwool canadian jlanrers v0f 0 mj rflaa tb fbaj ittdiaai i apply i am ihe ia m 4 r o i a is o so d- r360 h 20- h 7 20 vv 4- the arcistbisk fanners 1 v a- eiirpnil yonrj t j- i v interesting items that has been i if a few rrai is ot commoi sense couldbe iofosed into th thick noddl jb of those who perpetually ai d alternatel r irritate and weaken their itomachs an i bowels with drastic purgaiives they eonld use the highly aocredit 4 and health ul laxative and tonio orthro lymans vegetable pis overjrahd dyi peptic cjnre which causes good digestio a to wait ah jftppetlte and health jpnthj v j 23 sotne pacts abont our buitlneab ken aad honaes of benefltto our i keneral readers xlf jyon want a nobby durable siud cheap suit tffyfes fetbe placeogo p coal pill coal he plad io buy it the cheapest iu acn is at hdwsons f ihats from 54qt8 to 250 at j ifyas tf kp the largest and cheapest stock of boots shoes to select frjpjh is afifelson ifoeaes ll i i- suits and overcoats let extremely low ates and made in latest styles be sure co call add see them j fvfc acton dont jiojrgethowfoa gives 20 pounds of splendid bright sugar for 91 and the best brandssalrnbn lijc per can- j hsalt lisalt i sam 1 salt by the haijrel at howsons scotch english andoaoadian suiting n rref vatketyat the east end glothint tiqfc j tyfeactoni it j i j h jhatwdo r notice i i to f he inhaliitants of actph ald urxuhln- j 3b havingipurchasedlhe stocljand bosinesejoflthefirm ofjf arsl fill j ledmjbridaori grocers and flourfeed mercbarite 1 mill street aicton villoperi on i ii i i y st r with a large istock of frest and wellselected i i i i u nmii iflotoriftl pj cwria tecuria tlie remedy for cou hs coldflbronchitisso ptrott iflfloeb uihbrsbnea4 and all affec- thjelrtngs and thi pit pr chest f ejtofia lotee 1 1 the phlegm wd breaks hip- the cough jrcenui jjef jottle dont renp onil n a have jtrjet jp ectwla iffj w aj a store pflri8ell itj ia iinii howsan fcoowttel 1cgmidfwlqj i jakes bjoatt wo j a sfri ootid it i- k i k sjhr pa ion if troubled with an unliealthy 1ob healing sore use mcgregor parkes can- boilcceel you will find ib invaluable for healing cleabsing indj completely re moving your tronble ft the blood is hii otrder take wifh it a tew dososjof mo- cfregors pfiedy care frm j kvrmjcgati- hn8 drugstore- 29 hsdd licktaibg j reate hn tfew that have never iuffered ijmost intolerabl pain from toitlimbe cjhaan8tfntrelleffujdlrtghlningis a iplfwib ft time 6f tronbie o ig offecie medioinei to bf taken bjri oheippll catiph of fluidjllghto vi- ftw- jti r vf i if vfiv j f- v f i li lrf f viiivnit apk groceries c j- if j vf which have been onght for cash iii a most advantageo is mjarket and ml be spld at prices veiry reasonable land attractiive 1 ic t tjhe neve prprietbrwill dd lu qfrriost tppleaseall and endeavdr t6 k0lepin of acton rfll appreciate land conidn j thib tie ifeels jpliastae iu soliciting the hbral pfttkjnage accorded e j i i late firm apd i mil wel- come ally who v desire ifr h- heghedprjfbr i m mpm tv- farm prodnce v sj hty kkfsi2i3tei mi- we wtie a lare stipck oil dienjiaid- f whjiohw sojd tt e b -su- 11 1 j -r- vf i bescanapiancutton sfllrngs 0 18- mens shirts and drawers up a6 50 j o6 f v t- v nnj i j menus felt hatstewest lw l ril vvlhlw i i la7 200 2 3 oq b75i i i5- our advertising spade willnotallow ustoiye oomjiiete listif ihe- sweeping rei duotjons we have inade jn every aepartajent tnroujhouy joift esiattihme4k but wet vl assume our iriendsand patrons that never at thecpieheiis69i6iiaiqmi i mgdelphlhavetiiephcesof neirgbodeibee9cstsl6feawg6wn in- z tuuicipal honoj lirahhiarohd i ie day giaifiij8 ir i ladi es ulster cloths y r wlebhiaie remark beeyeehp i ri- ti f v s i -i- volveieens isilks casiffliere mantle cloths dress goods- hosisry il- t m n ffiiv and ttlster3isilk velvets silk plushes c op have all beeti marked at the keenest lipeaible ftibeis and are bore to meet mth roa4 bjale p- i sale ill i rrut ih wm au v f iifji tisfofaj 3 1av wmsou w fk dnffl6li36hb rnvitecftoaiienjfj 1 this seat on pront ses to snrpass n of oitropeuipgj rtqforlajsriieniip madeltd renaerf the acwtlattrietiye jero mtf large i iwipwjii

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