Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 8, 1885, p. 2

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i 1 ami r aim m v t 1 4 i acton council elbctins r ioeedoliaw4mem takes mr wewnsplao f i 11 f i x v r t r xx i r j stajouowing ditos li 1u fl i wiling upon the scott act tn th l imiwdi- v y kent out 1 thutituiy i6tl j taawrkioai n 1 lennox wad additigtou guelpli ottyv brome county quo carleton ont h ft i hi i t- x- r ii- t- ue l i v v k x l i-r- j election elsewber i moijdty naming t toiteoclotk tlieory in iho mwjto of the eicjoaoii f municipal cottuoil fot afcjnnj w a placid at a disobuut and r all the trad tier of closely contested election were so u observ ed to be iu actjual operation leot someireabou or other the iight oau jdidntes for elootion were divided iiito two sections two distinct tickets bei sg placed in the field the result being thai the two strongest men of eiotf par ty were elected by small uiajoriies otwf jutt fell w candi dates ft fas oertainly very amjinng when the balletawme being o ranted to findhrstope t read rjfyfp e eadeson mooro and smithy thin uieneit camer on fsmoud kenney and peasonithen therewould be a slight split-in- he ticket 7 and one man of either side get a rote from the other and n eerie taking this into consideration it isvomarkabl that the total totes polled hy eajji candid kte was so near the same verylfcw lumpers were cajst nearly every voter eke owing his full privilege by voting for four u en a feature of this election alto ether new in- municipal contests sof this iharaoter was the exercise of the franbhiie by thai wonien upw qoalied to vote op ach oocar- ions finenayjduring the a f ansious candidates might be seen gallab ly esoort- v ing one oir more of these newly privilej ed elootorawho had been persuade d to j te favorably to themselves or j parj y to boj polk poly seventeen of the hirtyfliur lady electors were however pe suadedl toj prelsnftbemselvea atthejbauet xxep ie final resultofthe ifs irocedirg 8 as follows vordxoi candidates henderiou winaonai j bj pearson g st smith d camenn jos eyfe r james mo ire j ketiney the coipoil fr 1885 yill oopfeeqnently be bricrt4w8l storey icopscn bsfb henderson ifljsmonttj j b pear am and c s smith this is i he same as that of laityear ex xsspt that mr cameroii falls ut tegive mr pears on a seat v j persona lly we would have bi en to have se su other candidates e ected- but taken all in au we consider he council chosen fe the present year very good one and i illy capable of looking after the affairs of the municipality wit i care and 62- 45 42 51 32 40 27 weunderstaud the miuister of education intends introduciuga bill at the forthooin ing session of the ontario legislature to have the lections for baboo trustees held at thotemo time as those for coiinojillors by this means unuoh more interesjk will be taken in the election of trustees a thing tliat has beeu sadly lacking in the past although wo cannot oomplain of any inat tention in this respect this year iu aoton i wardisoa total 69 121 55 100 57 99 h 92 ss m 35 j j 81 36 80 42 69 take from judgment provided of coarse they special p kinstp restrain hr is nond uujostifia ly and anneceasarili exceeding his graift ebr street and sidewal improve inents by 300 or 100 without t lsisanction of the cot ncil thus increasing t te rate of taxation is was done last year selections ei3ewhebe esqcfisbiorthe contest in this- town ship wjas between messrs w irren and cook fo the depuyreeyes hip the vote was brarnily contested but resulted in majoripy of 59 fdr mr wa fren the jconncil a inseqaently remains tl ersame as last year mab3ag wexa eseve menzie j deputyr eve vbeelihan xoancillt rs gould manjhall and little njslsoj beeve idward ial n dep eeevjohn butts conncmlors john porter js tt and beittie- tifax iini beeve rpbiuson first dep br3uck i2nd deputy mr jol nhusband councillt rssavage and cpok geohgj tows- beeve wmclbod coun cillors j r barber jos brbe geoken nedyilj todd miltoj vnmaybr solomcin hmnant by acclamat kw beeve j h m collom by acelamsi ion conncillors r n6i tii ward charles knees john hunter and john ffeboper lr acclamation south ward w hlbid say j e harrison a id george andrews by acclamation w hiam cle merits hiving withdrawn etstward- joseph jrother8 michael conway and benjamin jonesi by acclamation james lindsay having withdrawn oacvd lbrgeorgeiandrewtt ayor wm b chiaiolm reevef wasdl maurice fekn wm whakar and jthu d cmshole i i ward 2 wm bobe rtson wm joyce and josboon ward l miobael l bigg it choi w goote ani l benjamin johnstoi elected by acclamation biuiip ros mayotf m m iott beeve w a m sculla deputy reeve i tj stork gnrii j mayor wm steve ison jobos to mayor alex man ling thi american papers speak of the ap- tailing distrest prevalent among their people it is said in cleveland alone there are lojooo men out of work aqd destitute well thlings are not so bad as that in canada while many find the times hard there appears to be no more destitution than usual at this season acton is speci ally favored in this direction we are not aware that there is a single resident of this municipality in other than comfortable circumstances in verification of this it may be stated that during the whole of the past year there have been no local appli cants vjhitver to the municipal council j for charity the whole amount disbursed for charities last year was about 91500 and j this was expended in feeding triampa oardoftharis td tmediloir of the free prtit dziifi sib will you kindfy permit hie througk the medium of your valuable paper to return my sincere thanks to my- fellow- citizens of the township of esquesing for the renewed expression at the polls yester day of their oonndence in me as one of their representatives in tho township and county councils while tbe duties of my position multiply annually and its respon- sibihtesinorease iain encouraged to enter upon tjheir performance with pleasure and renewed energy determined ta do all i to assist icj forwarding and protecting the interests botli of the township and county wishing to all a year of happiness pros- i perity and peace i am my fellowcitizens i your humble servant r john wabben- esquesing 6th jan 1885 patronixe home merchants gentlemen if you are in want of a per- f ectfitting suit or overcoat call and inspect our goods we have an immense btock to select from and we guarantee perfect fits stylish cut and firstclass workmanship everytiine jwe know it will be tolyour interests ta give us yoar patronage we are satisfied we can give you better value by at least ten per cent than ftrm from other towns can offer you j nelsok mibae j the urgest and cheapest stock of boots 4 shoes to select from is at neuon mcrae6 i uscotoh english and canadian suiting a great variety at the east end clothing store jfyfeaoton j suits and overcoats at extremely low rateb and made in lateststyles be sure to calland see them j fvfe aoton rl m ss te h t ail x ih thd md9t teistpbtpf ever qjenr g gkis we nave shciwii and at rock bottciii j i v ptric3 iii every case not tho following spodal linos rs wk afeewtit mm aj i jjt aihiwoot grev fi liiiels 25 28 3 35c ckamblyiliimeia 303840c llotes and comments r tbeiominionactof last session mak ing it ompulsory that each package of canned i oods be marked with t le weight of content went into operation c n the first of janui iy canac a is making ia lively sort for a redproc ty treaty vith ns we dont believe she can reciprocate she hasnt half enough criminals to mak theawap anythin like even chicago n not the 1 m of revenue by the pt asage of tbe scott a st in oxford has rend red an in crease i i the rats of taxation 1 y 6ne and one- fift i mills jw the dollar necessary resides i isry stiiles j iarten butchei s are to be icensed j in plaii worfls aedwalltettbn ew the bqva ajtatemebt is feitt a i wilful misrepi sstotaiapnor the pat me of calp abieigi nrance everybody kn iws that thi scott ji jt has never been in for ie in iiount fefc ijtwilllnbt go into opjaratton jw ifiiext ma offect ti te rate gife n truth in i terutdtttfta checked uirion tffohiifeli 2025 oc 12 34 lsci best line check chintz best line white cotton 1 yard vvicle 7 9 j i best line grey heavy yard wide 7 8 9 l r i- j 3esl line wmecyj all colt rs j 10 12 lc interesting items one trial of mother graves worm ex- i terminator will convince you that it has no equal as a wormmedicine buy a battle andieeif it does not please you hard and soft corns cannot withstand i holloways cpru cnre it iseftecial every time get a bottle at once and be happy to see and try- is to like flints tooth powder the peerless dentifrice ajnovelty a beauty attractive style compact f rom superior quality f you want white tbeth anda sweet breath use it j sold in aston by jfjb mcgarvin druggist 25 cts as good as new if you arc bilious ap petite is poor stomach needs oleansin jrfr few doses of flints mandrake pills will makeybd feel as goqd afi new soli by j ej mcgarvin druggfct 25 cts j cure your corns by using the wondnrful corn bimover dr starrs com solvent no pain no trouble brush attached to cork fbr applying sold by j e mcgarin druggist 25c iv mr t c wellk chemist and drug jist port colborne ont writes northrop jlyipans vjetable discovery and dye pep- tdejeure sells well and gives the bait of satisfaction for all di6eake8f the blcod it never fails to rootjont all diseases irom the system cures dyspepsia liver 10m- plaint etc purifies 4be blood ar will make you look the picture of health add happiness some say consumption cant be cm ed ayers gherry pectoral as proved by bty years experience will cure this dnease when not already advanced beyond the raoh of medical aid even then its use akords vey great relief and insureii re freshing seep special clearing out of ready alade overcoats and ready- m ade sm its d ress goick in ottoman cord rep gostu me cloths clish meres c all reduced in price special clearing lines in knitted shawls of oud chjldreuf jerseys wool hpo is mii knitted skirls hi thisdepariment weareclearriigoutbtls p c discount i 1 1 1 ii special- 1 value n i adieft fur capes mufs caps iktitts gloves c tit lesj than costlpmce- tjiill lines of gents wjiol shirts an drawers hats and loaps and gentlemens furnishing goods uj m i mmm iv t6 vgl -t- ix ithi rfmt sw ices n i x8 r- t k- tf ft t wdd ilk8a kjtoi f ifr jtemcmnerij we can supply you with ajjood sotidoverr ctiaifdr 5 and a ood xolid ready- made suit for ipefilatjluotairions j 1 ptirfeot pit guaaiteed ef y timo j x i i20bit reduced to 18 20 overcoat reduced to 18 1 jx lg a- jjfi g h 16 ft ip u i 14 16 14 and everything in this department accordingly we are gjhowingttie contents of over 40 oases of bpptsnahd l shos in all ihe latest stylesr in tjbs iepartment we claim tojglye ipast ikiper cent better value than any other hi iuse jin the titade the rorinpuantity elell is a sutficiient guarantee of teitexcelleuce eiver pins whiohare sold by alt drttf gists everywhere at the trifling price ol enlr 10 r par bos are not only a relief but a podtlvi lor all intastit 8iok headache buiousneh gestion pyapepsla uver complaint jjasy ing bad taste in the mouth all this burgeti j cents cure indi- feel puubkeleahslng the s atasefflpof taemostl blood and removing r tbe pimples cni igt po j bp1 ac besides pplng liver of all impuritias leial means otjpuri- tro salt bbetun acne and all unsightly ddi- otebe and bowmiakhll r those who are udtortbnateljr afflicted q tipnto bnrgess 1fve j imtireventtagfevar exorefencs from the body aadjbr npfeeatby action m both liter and eid- bmramka wjten yon ean jray them for so ntis a ejtrmwiydrbrt at v rtjt 15 tit mm tettoomsdwwint ttem l anlmjn the gwralne take no othstsi v fa n re3iekber wbglfe you- ibs grranulatlld ftiia for 1 rnd th bst vlu iii 28 so and 76 on tea in japan biok and oraan special une of layer raisihs at k35 per boi m tv v x x th d bdoiint mm thdit lit jls- ti- tiesesd ij iv m a cipal lpok at this price 1m an4 n0tf thd qinge we have made in thepribe of o entires stookof v new 0oc ds fciportecl ircit- irointne mamj x factures iirmurope j tseanis ttriitie all woolprey flannels u- u- f i canf on flannels former priced presentlpri6 a all- wool can alh an blanketsi i f5ifiash which iiiables m to pliqet betbrijur pwrons jmsi- viljiel tou need not go- to guelpli toronto j tind btneir placeib fbr chipajp fifoodfei alvesnppljpuwith ar ducted iirj 6fhejr town i t v p i remernter po0bt k tfv al best canal mens shirts ant drawers f ifx v y v y f il v xkv j- ien 0 30 0 36 0 40 0 45l 0 12 0 15 0 18 0 20 0 2t 8 60 v20 4 so v 5 40 u 6 00 7 cotton hitings 0 u om to r 50 y x v 4 1 api es ijlster glots y m4 invited to attend xxxrx ilwivpi iiliiill pkssp3iiii 1 75 vq0 i 2 25 l 3 00 0 60 0 75 0 85 10o 125- 0 15 0 30 ois i038fm olovp 012 p 015jr 0 i7v 020 t 300 ah 35o 40fl 450 i v600 ouj m x 80i lv30 i60 t ilwv v 240 rfi 50 s q 60 10 66 0 80 1 co yeekb5l ibull our advertising spacefill not allow as to give a cemplete list of the sweeping re ductions we have made in every iepartinent throughoflt our esisdlishment iut we assure our friends and yatrons that never at the oommwpemen t of a seasons business tn gnelphj have the prices of oewoods deen cut asolose as weare now doinj v fi vv- j i v j ear b- 1 ls4 o be 44- fianhlsr er iliie- e yei rs the aluande e annual i viill vthte2ra3ai aril ai i t his iinvpjdi ewli jr herene 3ourtifo1r jhaizier l 0 life laditi nflue iiosfe are no aue i if llilllaai sain an replied week has n vnj carets iiacounaibs a i ftisees -xu- 308 sossaners have all leen mafrked at the keenest possible prjoea and are vbormeetltii reay adeb zi 41 this 8ea8ph miaea td 8nria8 made to render it the nijost ftttwicitiie i feajrbf 5r uifgv basibeasv die notice- wilt begw x m y ii inrt ul pparacee atbeilfction caiiialka wi fehaki haidsis ial ct ndi lami vbe poull ty v lflsociflj qnjtlmiyi beesdiiipri jt seriesot gress jip mcl ssh i fev mr e townj ft ia1bc cold tljedawa ed to sepelnadej v jyoujxe jo ivhjytess their enkip main jpieby imiiistiw rr therelfeasi vhns pond i 5 1 consequen ihose epga d l j daysetlijanl spjjiatior ifmroa tiv positonb ai ttiwldep j r tv i 4- i

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