Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 8, 1885, p. 4

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tmampaymoifunftj j ax 8 ip83 ironing shirts tess isming mynusbftiids shirts si id she with n ttiotion of easy grabe as over the linen the metal flew while the ibvelight wpt her i aco j tittle she thought how those sirh le words sttmd within nieuh6 love of old hbw the painjiiiot through mo to thtnk of so lobe in their grave socold thatbosoro so vfliite that earn t care i that iiever a orciase or seam f should mar the linen to her so mt was to me like an oldtime dream ah i many a the thriesu days goujeby as with weary hands i strove i i have vished there were not so many to 11 i fork wifes or jv mothers love st and often i said aa the suik sanl low t01it im glad my work is donje so many so raaby 1 alas poor i they have now not everebnie l xh fivtel be patient and rriothere be j ssttongv v r- for the toil that comes today tis easier far for the heart to than thaveihem far away francip doage advice ivnmkpr are you dlsturltwl nt nigbl i jyour icsv by 8lokoud8iiarlngad frying with pain f cutting jteetu t if 3 end at ohoe and get a bottle tit mrt win hu xoithuitfpforkildre tttthiiig iuivaltj is incalculable ii iquew lie poor little snffeiw immtiiatejy jw iteud upon it mot hers there n ho ibjut it 1 1 purcsjdyscntery a id di kjihoeu kgulatw the stvujiuch and biwel ci wiuil colic softens the gums reduces u- haramatiotr and gives tone aid euejrgy to hb wholajsystem mrs wimoufaoofking syrup for children tttihvigi plessuut u lie taste and isthe prcsoripti n of one of lie oldest auit bist female uuries and phy- licanb in tlie united states and is for sale y all druggists ythrbughou the world 44 wariving andcomfprt bands 1 bear price 25 cents a bottle beat ana comfort to ike 8 iitta m rs i joseph rtisau percy writes i was induced to try pr thomas ecjectrio oil for a lameness which troubled mp for three or sonyeats aud i found it the best article i ever used ilt has boei a great blessing to ine frauds may in litate dr xhomaa ecleoijrie oi in appear anoe and name but in everything else the are doad failures j if you have a cough orcold dc notjncg- lectlt many without a trace off that her- ediury disease have driftedintoaconeump- j live grave by neglecting what- was only a slight cold had they used bickles i anticonsumptive syrup beforej t was too v late teir lives wbnld have beu spared mr aw levy mitchell wijites i think bicklesanticonsumptive yrniuthe best preparation on the market for copghs and severe colds about six years ago i caught a severo cold which settled ou lay loop and for three months i ihad a cough i had a- physician attending me be t gradpal- ly grew worse until i was on the verge of consumption and had given jup hopes of s v being cured when i was induced to try i 1 bickles byrup before i had aken one bottle i found myself greatly reli eved and by the time i had finished tie second bottle i was completely cared i always recommended it for severe colds and con sumption y 26 has no i browua household flansjoea jqjual for relievine puiu both internal and ternl it cares pain in the side back or bowels sore throat rhea toothache lumbago and any kind of a pain or ache j it will most surely quick a the blond aild heal as us acting power 11 wonderful brownslldttbehbldpan- loea being acknowledged as toe great pain reliever and of double the streneth jot any other elixfr or lin menl in the world should be iu every fanily handy for use when wanted as it real y is the best remedy in the world for cramps in the stomach and pains andichebbf all kinds ind is for sale by all drugsibts at 25 cents bottle 44 and cafe itehtaeplleitirmpwbii the symptomsare moisture likeperspir- itlon intense itching increased by scratch ing very distressing particularly at night ieemsas if pin- worms were ctawling in and ibotit the rectum the private parts are iomeiimes a tfcc ted ii allowed to continue ery serious rtsults may follow swatkks i 3istvestuib a pleasant sure carle also for tetter itch salt rheum all scaly crusty skin diseases sent by mail for 0 lenta 8 boxes f l25 in stamps ad- r whatlled if troubled witb in unheallhy slow- healing sore use moljr gor parkes car boliccerte you will bnd ty fnyaluable for healing cleansing and completely re- moving your trouble if the blood is cut of order take with it a few dos of mc gregor4 speedy curefrbm j vins prog store iress dr swayne son pa sold by druggists t mcgar merit treves dollar upon dollar is frequently spent on he faith of recomniendations for articles jntirely worthless not jsd wijth mc iregors speedy cure yoii are ncjt asked to purchase it until its meijiti are proven call at j r slcgarvins drug store and get a free trial bottle and if not convinced u will cure you of the worst forms of dya- besia liver complaint etc j no matter of how long standing it costs you nothing yold in 50c and 1 bottles see t istimon- its from persons in your owu towi 1 29 philadelphia 60 atentdustpreop cas for8aleby s smith he wtch anji clock house of tjuelph facilities fqr repairing tlie finest and bet m smith r ouelbh m isast 2nd clotiiing store has a complete assortment of f a1bo a ljirge variety of i wiobstede6atings i in pluin arid fanrjy j u i i a uld ticbtnln there are but few that have never suffered i almost intolerable pain from vtbothacbe xeuralia or uue acute pains to lheu sacbau instant relief as fluid lightning i- an untold- blessing in time of truuble s disgusting offeuiive medicines to be ukei if or days oop application offli lid liuht- iok cures sold at j e i cgarrtnt drugstore 29 pectoris 1 ivctorial pecloria 2 the gre entedyfor coughs colds bronc litis sort intiuiioa horseuess anil all affec i lions of thelungs and throat or cheat pectoria loosens the phlegm and iresks u fthe cough 25 ent8 per bott e dont i give up until you have tried pestoria al druggists and general storefceep erssell it i e r 1 3i if a lew grains otcommbn sent ciiuld be iinfused intothe thick noddles of tbde whi perpetually lnd alternatclv irritate and j weaken their stomachs and bo wela with drastic purgatives ihey would ise the i highly accredited and heaithfaflakailve and i tonic northrop lymans vesetalfle dia overy and dyspejjtic carei whfch causes wait an-appetite- and i 23 backlen8 arnicn salve the best salve iu the wohd fcr cu juruises soros ulcers saltrheum ifeyer i ores tttter chapped hands phijblairis rjorns and altskin eruptions a id bosi- ively cures jilea or nopay required it is guaranteedho give perfect satisfaction or jmoney reluqded price 2 cunts per hoi foraalo bv j e mcgarvin 31 i i i tutc dadcd piar b fotzn1 onflloatoeof i nlorarcn romll t conikewspaper art- vertuflng burwia k spnice 6ta where dterttilng intracta may l made for it in new vokk beautiful panting in alt shades aricl paterna ats caps ahi jests anjssings in this department thestockj is well assorted j l bjeforclpurchasiiig your fall iqutfitlcalliand jexarrjinei the stock fit and workmanship guaranteed i v j x ijawwiriffiai aaaaaa3iaoaq9bhai fjirlrsjh rap 3pei0ht manager tpreparatlonkiiowntosoicnceforbeae tifxingthe single application is km ranted to the face and give to the faded of si how com- a perfectly healthy natural and yonthfnl ape it conceals wrinkles frfeck es crow bean pleji feettovd jtbe e vldonceof ageneaving tbetschv sottl stooots i id white i piucemrients sent to any address postage stamps taken address all letters to ceme r0r 2678 torijnlo fo 1 ask rour druggist for it wholesale by- idl whole- i ajtedrhiiisu t i i b health is wealth j db e c wests nebve ax mejjt a guaranteed ipi ness convulsions fits nervous neuralgia ill- headache nervona prostration cansd by the use of alcobdl or tobacco wakefulness mental depression softeninr of the brain resulting in insanity and leading to mtsory decay and death premature old age barrenaebs loss of poifer in either bex iavolnntary ijqes andjspenha- torrhosa caused by over exertion of the brain selkabase or oterindalgenco bach box con tains one months treatment one dollar box or six boxesjor five dollars sent j by mail pre paid on receipt of price we guarantees boxes to cure any case with each order teceivedby ns for six boxes accompanied with five dollars ire will sehd the purchaser our wrijtten guarantee to retnira the money if the treatment does not effect a cure guarantees issued only by john c webt 4 c04 sole proprietors 181 ijffl west liadsotr st chicago 111 sold by j e ifctparvin good digestion to health onboth i t prominent among the greatest medical discoveries by the many cures it jhas affect ed msd regies speedy gun lead the van subjected tothg mibutestchemicl analysis i it has been found to contain ono of those injurious ingredients oharactezing the worthless specific j dally offerid- to jthe public every mg edtent poasesstes a pecul iar adaptability to the various complaints for which it has been compoandejd and its efficacy is being esi ablished by testimonials hourly received we are therefore confi dent that we have a prepafation whieh we canoffertothe- piblicjwith the lassurance that it will bef bund u6 only a refier hut an absolute cure for djfsppsia l ver com- plaint indigcstfr cobstipatiot and jlm- purebloodt fred trial potties at jk mogatvins drng store 33 i f a atakbbj i mew tteatest i terhaps the mo it extraordinary sneoess that has been aobi evedih modernj medicine has been attained jythe dixon reatment for catarrh oat of 000 patien s treated during the past six months fnlly ninety per cent jiave bee i cared of this stubborn malady this is none the less startling when it isi renjfmi ered tbatvnot five iper cent of patients p esenting then selves to the regular pzac itioner are i enefitted whle the patient medicines and other advertised cures never record i a cure at ail starting with the cliim now generally believed by the ntosti scientific men that the dwes se is due to the presence of ifvihg parasites in hie tissae i mr dix on at once adaptjei i his cure to their exier- mination this awomplishedbw claims the catarrh lspritically cared j and the pennfcencf ismniiaeatonedascarebeffect- odbyhim four jfears ago are ebres smjl no one else hai jver attempted to core catarrh in this m inner andoo otjher treafc inentihas ever obr 3d catarrh tjhe appli cation bf the rem dy is simple and can be dotoe e home t nd the present leeason f tie year is the m st favorable for a speedy 4ndpr a being hoold oorrespodd 4 measrs al h dec- os son 305ingiiei west toronto f le on oatarr4- filrwcrm v i7w acers tectoial no other coinplaiuts are s insidious in their attack aathosealf ecting thethroat n jidj lungs none so txlfledwith by the iiojority pflstuter ers- the ordinajry cough opioid rouiting perhaps from a i trifling or- uncohsbidus ex posure is often vut the beginning of in fatal sickness ayens cherbv pnqiii has yellproten iujfficacy in a forty ydarh fight with ihroatand uhg diseases and sliiluld bo uken ihau ease without delay terrible cough cured in 18571 took a severe colli which htfccled xy longs i had a terrible cough nud iisncjl bight alter night without sleep tlic ovum gave me up i tried avers pninnv pec- tobai which relieved my inngi imluced sleep and afforded me ffoe rest nedessarv for the recovery of my strerigth by- tile continued use of the pectoral a perma nent cure vas effected i am now ta years old hale and hearty and amisatisfied your casks v pectoral saved me horace faibhotheb bdckmguam vt july 15 1s82 cropp a motkers tribute while in the countrylast wuter my little boy three years old was taken 111 nith croup it seemed as if be would die from strangn- lation one of the family suggested the uso of avers cheurv pectoiial a bottle of which was always kept in thej house jliis was tried in small and frequent doses imdi to our delight in less than half an hour the little patient was breathing easily the doc tor said that the chliiuy pkctobai had saved my darlings lift can joiii wonder at our gratltnde sincerely vouni m jmks emjja gedxev i jb9 west listh st new yor may 6 u82 s i have used avebs cllebbvbewfohal in my family for several years and do not hesitate to pronounce it the most eifreinal remedy for cooghraml colds we havd icr tried a j cbase lake crystal minn march 13 1882 i suffered for eight years f rim brenehitls and after trying many remedies with no sue- i ce i was cured by the use ofavrits chek- sypxctobal joseph waiine j byhauatmlsi april 5 1882 i canno cberu v pectoral t say enough in praise of h i ilievlng as i since b ive died avtbb do that socuro itli shadow ro the ubstatco rdee photographic artiti j is now executing photographs pf all kinds and size ecjual to tho turned out by many city galleries nnd at much lower prices j j seehisspccimcbs llicytirenewindeilgnandpleaieall the new instantaneous process used special attention given tovcbii ren attractive scemry tasteful furnish ina comfortable waiting room c tsspecial attenticn paid to ploturetraming fl3see thestereoscopicvlewe j of acton and vicinity i c whill acton je a in addition to further reductioj day dec suplalgrandfthiaa tent bur patrons with inanyvalu goods amounting from 2500 50 600 to 100q 1100 itb ltftfl iftqcf to 2504 2fl00ito 50 j iaprices of all poods we shall con mence oh mon- ly gift entertainment dhringwliich we wilb pre- preseuts oar plan ijj this to purchasers oi present worth m 00 to 45w dominion boot shoe store kenney bros 1 1 rv are now receiving a very large btock of new i fall cfbpds qt evirydepcription obr boots arid shoes arepurchased ifrom the bei t rhanufactarers and we are consequently prepared to gqarantbe all liriesi we have a large assorlmertt and can siiiteveryone reqnir- iri boots and shoes as far as quality dtyle or pribe are tsorj pern ed i ill 5000 a magniflceii f the largebt pi next thirld in every depnrlment j wo are rio addition vrp shall jriis nt eatyi of the thrfilarjgesit ipurchlaeerh during the mdnth of duo jmber provided each purchase is oyer u it 30io 75 to 1 125 to 200 i h 5te 225 te 3 325 to 4 450 to 5 ifajjt jbtrfiqtv ithaea trefi automatic bobbin winder s iiiiiiiniriiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirndiiiiiiiiiij cha8 raymond i manufacturer iioelph ontario ik cs- r grain felaetoi sland npme stock farm cwts lie wayne co mich saobi- fasndui oiibtqbs 50 00 00 00 00 of furs in the followi jase superior prime v i ry n i i s i clearing i at the set worth ne order e 000 3500 j 000 iisinss and are bound to mi ntrt6ney j williamson up business and iaro bound to mke the goods fly e whnt n6ney i wimpojztem- ah ittoclc selected fibm the get f strw and dsnut of established reputation snd 1 egwcied tt the french and ameocan stud bool i- i i hpriemi lj beauoaiiiy tituited at jheho d of gxohs iu ihthedetnik ssvjerten miles- be ojt isaeeesfible by rsilrotd ted tit r not fcmiliar wfia the location may i 5 campsu buildlng nd snekor wmsccoipr themtththe tmmsendforc1sto uofreeby i address savac faxhuw dt amu mich 1 pa a 01 jossi iu ibe otbechytid tlei ctlvit tsrtoini may e1lif city office how lost iiovv kkstokil iiveityrhi f bee p3s3s yiffjntiiii 1 t ki tkbk thes f subscribers jpo3ts ndlu in advanced jjrpaper discohjtindd jf- excipt at the ortl apjmtirrfes ri ment8 cents tiou ahd4 cents quent insertion lqjinns oriesr vi iine3 s30 pej months fromdat nnoticetbaobjbcl the pecuniary bef company to be i ment the b i the spfice dccnpii eolfdnonpareilr coil onecolnmn one half eblurhn one j quartt iolnhjs or one colainn six taja half column six n quarter column isi fine column three i half coluian three f quarter column tnl i 1 advertsemnteij will be inserted jill ingly transitory i advance- change fojeoal in the office 03 9 1 they will be etoy 3u9tnp i wh bo gradna ber of college ol office and re u hi7wbbf j oftfife surgeop3of accouche nri iorric5f5lili9 hotelr acton i nibujspeci eases of wometi thgbah- tenma will visiiprofi day of each weett all work guaranl lvbensi lu 1 n co tmm we have recentiyipiblisbod i a- now edition of dr culvtrwolls ceie- prated esany oh the mdicjil and pestnanentcuretwithbutneciicine of norvoussdebiiiti mental and physical incapac ity impedimehts of jfarriage etc resoltinc from excesses t 1 jjjprice in a sealed envelope only g cents or two postage stamps 4 i the celebrated author in- tttis say clearly demonstrate foi sncoessfol practice that aiarmlnh consequences maybe radically cured without the dangerous v use of infernal medicines ortbjo uso of tho knife pointing out a iaode afienre atouce simple- car- tain and effectual by meansloi which every suuererno matter what his tonditioh fi ops j i athor in- tlfts admarable es- nstratc horn thfrty years iererno matter what his fonditiop may be t address thetcalvi 1 1 4 well jucjdicaldo lana st vew tork post office box 450 erw of aton aug 28th 1884 ordered work i thisjdepartraent we are in a position in manufactureiill classes svbik find will guarantee satisfaction toevery customer call and see our goods kennjl beos 63satton garden london and 24 st j james st montreal q oifnd ecientifically from dear and myi m an ifacturedjor thephrptsi they without t ord a favages of age and to retain perfect j recoi intended by- the mosternineitt faculty irery pair of spectacles and eyegl j e mpgalivin bat for its use i should li from lung troubles te bnadous palesune texas aprlie j882 no case of an affection of tlie tt lungs exists which cannot be greatly bpthe use of avxbs cbebbv fei and it will alvxtyn cure when the not steady beyond the control of mi epabkp blr df jfci aytr ieo wjassi sold by all druggists agent for acton ont prices down 25 to 50 or optical glass wpevidlly option best adapted 4o- re specially on they are is marked m advertise a iyi discounts bht obmle and i see the goods laid out at and we are satisfied will convincothe most sceptical furs dress goodp dresa silks mantles ilahtle clothi cheokedwinceys and cheoked flannels checked shirtings i prints tw6eds readyimade lothihgovercoats gents tjndt rolothing in fact all kinds if heavy goods 1 i krtm cents f6ksjibe v m mehchant8 laad others r squiring coppers- sfor chftngeicanbe supplied itbjany quau- attbe j t- fee ft les ffce ttranttsv virahted a eesicent igsnlr tojeveby jiy vulagectpwn and city n tlo dominion also afew travstlers to sell bnijs ovf air gas ha- cbipes for rhaldiig qir gas 50 pe cenfc cheaper than coaliieqaalljy as good ndhroior powe-rre- quired made in all siresfromji bdrniretolflob forpivatohouse8sterjs hotels factories mills streets mines etc address qaaniaham6abmacmb ilsetfrahijoisxaefst- 15ly mc stbeal j fr a c kceii ientisil new system- p j rhonly called w teeth without jijj over a thonssino i any evif results i or and jractical bf dental stirg depend upon rej operations pe south of baptist tjalslessl vitalized a fof painless d offioeof tpvells block j wbrthtrieiriit in gold r oeorgotown mcleod c anderson we are and goods will bei slaughtered regardless of oosi wei bhall qnota no prices no jf at the prices they are f au immense driye in grey cottons and blankets we call especial att intion to hemp union all wiol and tapestry carpets to be cleared outiat unhearilof bargains our ordered clothing milliner and dressmaking departmen s shall be conducted as before ar price tp meet th times meurninr at d wedding orders a speoialty in our b ai inss ah th goods suitable for such purposeii kept in stookl we appeal- to the people if they wont mbney salvedsfco patronize this isennina olearingsfile mtiyeoliranderlsdc c mammoilp soiji3e pcen siiccejff bi cleariiie sal u i- mc prjdtt atarorenoughto make 1100 drosses foradies of thin one line of dress ftcfeat wul be sold fyis seanatthebighthouse be sure to isee the blankets thev are beautifuli s tfree from jute and greatly reduo4 in prices j apjmmens won h sonble the money enormous redactions in trie prksof carpets thew best fivefjrame brussels carpeteare selhn off at 8u2j croteley srns erybest tab strr carpets are selling at only 75c lthoujb wth o nioehra wiunonmrpets r 4to 1 tjiweft ve cit lprbw juttmheil2tei flannels the 26 incheslnebeavy jdrt e thenl nice fine 40 inch grey wittoh qnly nice stfinob orey tylm only u checkeianlswdhrmgiatankmmense reduction chrl itiuas presentsland ghristmasand new years dijirds therets an imr ieneo yariety of theni and tl e yalufe is hyst jraie fr worth 121 to 8c another shipniedt advised of thoseelebiated all plod t hughson mrid the name is watkins has been busy dy after dav for a lengih of time marking don his winter eoods so ast rtfn ton qfi t and mdnyo them under the actual cojit pnjjes aftd thej stores are crowded with pnstomets daily just i iuiuk of it about 300 pairs of lace curtains selling off atabout ipnehalf the actual value there is a big range of prices fro n 70c to 812 400 ladief- mantles and dolmanr ranging from lto 25 all offerintfat from ouerthird 6 oriehalf less than they were three weefcs ppp and t ley were very chiso then all the trimroedmlliuery is biarked town to about onehalf and spine br leas than half twpricjbs uv wfcre laty an enormous stook otve jetefens in- all use alsbkdesin plain and embroidered at far legs thn they areworth wide brbohe klbbons dowf4m 75 w26o iadies feilkt down from 75to 50o snd 40 lossc got d colored kid gevcs f rom il tosoc kid gloves in small sizes dowr from 88 to 26c cloth gjov b8idon from 40 to 12j0 long jersey gloves marked lownfrom 60 to v 5ot a larae lotbi very beautiful fur capes marked down very cheap jtiadies and misses meuj ind boys hosiery ami underclothing exceedingly ch jap jdantle clo himarked away down wlow ladies wqolfen clouds down irfam jtosc from 4ato 25c irojm 35tol2jc ur capes reduced from w5 to wiwltoi froi i to u andso ok be sure to sethcse capesld the mantlesand a illicry veiy superior wafe tiebed gomfoirs putdovvn from sl75 tol50 underc lojth- idwn fromll to 87c dress goodbjedoced from 20 to 15c oer firesslgobda ptr down from 55 fq 85fi nieewide prmfai dowr lo bey other wfde fast colored wool french dress goods worth 82pdown to 25e k z t t kidirfhf qnrtoa j ll brw r iisv this will mafcelabout 200 pieces brjlloiooo ir i 4 1 oiggs xv qijeonstil widens torontj teetb5to6i rates leave ojf ing can lave have b n adtnil atrfortliepaii injl the past ye mw say john lawti tario votbrintiry fiiirt iu kiiiny biosj deuce iutlio- roil soundness iuiujf all calls i4lj to jlcrmn e 13uiriiterritjo ancors vc offick j a mowat txgoopi barrister soli gkiii tfr acton dfficcl mommmi 5 ohkdal piinimemt medicika tnismci yjipajtabm cut secured for ioielfan imptrisbablt fame hroughoiu the yorldfor tiw hevfatign and cure ofnopt eases to icatct li tmdnilyia heir oitick jfrqu square tais basris oracks 0 lingtoil street alley toronto tomi bux wirxunliaiij purify reula eanqimprovelibeqiality cf ilieblbod they a6sitthtf digestive orghua cleanse the u stomach and uow els increase these retory powers of the liver brace the nery ms system ard tlirnw inlp- the circulatioii tbellburest- eiemetiu for sustaining and iepaiiifig the f raine m thousands of persons have testlfiedithat by their use alone tiles bayei jeej jrestbrcd p atestsf to heath and atrength- sf ter jqieaus had proved hhsuccessf 1 1 eyeiy dther the ointment be sure to see the toys remember the right hooiae ki lg street ea- iteii wuifbefnuudiiivaiusblein eve y hoijsehpld inthe core of open bores ha rd tumors bad gs 011 wouiiast loughs icoldssore throatbj broucj sand all disordera ibf the thrbtt aiid chest asalso giiut rhenrntism scorfulp and every kind of skin diseasei i j i manufactured onlyat pibf iior-i-bjollb- sys vbstablishment 53 i oxford rrbet oiosdo md o fat is ld 2s 9d4s qd 32sjan133buch box and potj atfd in candda ajt 36 cei its wbents abd150 and tho larger sizes i n propoirtion i have no igent iti tlie ubited states iirrare my m bdicineabjd there- phrbhasf js- eihouid thtvef ore loi fa to the label on thepote and pxeis if the addreasi8 not s33vpxford street lbdpn evyfcspuripus i j the trade markjof my said medicibes is regutreyed at ottawa and also qtvfaih- ington i -t- signedr 4 oxfort street londoii henry 20 yeats px3 tnirancls suoceas h 1 bl st geojtgef account bo periodicals of i bound ralin licj fob the coikntl orders left at or at biyj promptly atteij alsomotey able terms anl terest in sumf t imefoll lfrdecajip works iti siba tirpe applvl millorto r ft i m h nlan hftsojpeuejf n nearly ojippsitj milh rij aueol departrnjent o i ed in

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