Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 19, 1885, p. 1

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m w by xt llmb- i j fftet to6ss pow bucnwre postage paid f noiu mvauls01f i ppe deieoutiued till oicpt at tho bptiqii ml jovsfttmsn butkk niu b ont jjer line tidik aitila cents per mu hoovsvai tihal lie iahjm ut 1 ad erttm- ttravfint instjr- for each aubsv lewtjohal pards wjiel 500 per aaoumj payable in six wontbstroaidiitoofjfeertwn anyhpeehu holier theoujpct 61 rtiom is to p ttinok the jjocouiary benefit of ay indivi limujor compiuy to bo ojtosidemi an adebiie- muiit tho number of knee reckoned by the sncb occupiei roeasureclbyj a i bale of solid siupawjil v- i qilont lusertion osh if 10lm4iorlea88400pf jj cotrac t rates 0 ae cotaran oao year huf column onojcorn quirt rcolunin ie ouo cblukun six ihonvus hlfcoluuuixiqanu v qurterolame lit months ooeommn tlire njonuii hull column froc months i quarter eoluritt threemoaths advertisstaenta without specific tuectious m will bo iuscrteatill torbitkind charged ibjjly trasijirsaatwti8cwhtn lajatltatte changes for contract advertisements qituoottii e i tbbvvrill uel mm moo as 00 90 00 35 00 woo mb 99 00 18 00 00 be rjaid t itch i itetfobs s v moorb editor aailjpr wrietor fif rbusin business directory of c if 7 i h iowrt si b m pjl 1 tt 6rduafeipf trinity rllejjbmw vj j ber of college of physicians and 8 irgeons office and residenpe ar the head frederick street acton s lilvebs of the college of physiol aus jind 8uriedu8 of outario phygioian j iurgeen acconcheur orrice mill st riumicerca hjbislib hotex acton i i1 js o special attchtioifwentp thedis eases r women and children- j fsesr jcgcdjiosi red iac slne it 11 lectridv it vscisj lrjlyfssct mtirpjiny ixti ifcdt a- neir lts cele- justl feoicinssof i jneapac- leshltaia lirablc-es- y yprs osquenees j iuiisejtrcs lthlcnifc isri cer- iich evert linavbtf rlkiljv ls bt evefv tirw lerji muhbo iatiiooffi o by fix m on uonaays othenriso ertftveroatntliofohowinf week koltbtloailbd not lotes dibcounteldd and interest allowed odepoeilis cox stock b llt beknetdentjbt f georgetown jonurio 4 c mekiklay iid s xs- deatiat claorjjetc vvn ont us si surgeon the rjewsystem of nitroas oxide gas 1 nkonly called vitalized a r for extraoting torth without pnin hav e administered it over a thousand times m toronto withont y tfvil xesultb having been demonsirat- orarid practical teacher in eoy si college of dental snfgeoni ton ow patrons may depend upon receiving 1 attraction ihahy eponkiocs performed office one door 8oqlh6l baptist chorch itononto hemljori toronto i i have in d upon o okers efk l xolimffe nt ciirct wire by which stock tju tations are tjan tv anv other ijlot ydrk continuous received more rapidly sjourcje j buy and sell on comntiision for cash or on margin allecnrit ca toronto montret j dealt inon tho njw york stock e jdchanke 1 i also wecuto orders in grain itid proviso iou9 on the chicago board of trade paily cable quotation of hudsons bay and other stock 26 toronto f4tslessiest4i operations f 1 j viliied air or niaxns oxide gasi 1 for painless cental operations at tho ofiicuof t 0 b 5ates l p s tovella bltck rguelpb ont upper wyndha nil btreetf rr- tviggsi noaty ientistbi xv eai ccwer king an9 jonge stf onth te ttesuto outario fiilesjt andi besjt set tjsh 5ioii8 gold ffllhigs lonejtllird r8 leave orderi for etii in tjie rjiorii niican bve them thi 1 siine day i we hvibeeiiadministerini hordsvit41wed airor tl rp of jteetii dur- instbep yearregar ies of wfiat others street 7 wellington marble works quebec bti positje school usepin the and qpuntry l schools areintockat id bookstore s 0- quelfh h hamilton propritor former mcqui han hamilton dealer in marble gran jto nd everything pertaining to csmeterj work beceived first prize a j at pr viucial ex- hibition gnielph the western fair and all local exhibit ions for excellence of material nd superiority off ojrktnan ibip your orders are solicited w j 1kt 1- iruts ai tricacatflul i john ikwsosgbawjatfe ofon- lario veterinary college toronto veternaury sturgeon acicmont owice in kiiny kros boot nod shoe store-j-reai- denceju tliircari horfees etaminedas to sonudfesst nd certifica s givdnu x j allli higiit or da promptly attend ed to tennsasy tmcleast ljlirrittersf solicitors jnotari s convey ancr e i3foney o loai ncu town hall aston j at wja mtfleax bjmtiatjrj solicitor 1 lotary i ublioj ioeiows aero fl bffice in irs sectcds block 3 ii 11- 1 1 tt abchttegt gjoelph oxi 01- n t hptel iblqck market sqane giln i p gtjfkii- lingtonstn auey toroai 1 jpiln bils vyioumt l j law feo sterb soucubus iver imp2rial ba its 24 wei- ast llntraric exchange c uw c a m uitek geobse kilpple ejjcjx xuuc feme yiatioii axil initit iijuir quujitycf ifivu orjjhiis klsvt jr thd livr tlnw iulo tnieolft for ime fsv i stlgyhliut tii-jveloitd- ujny oiberj i household il tuhivife 4s and til kett a6 abso lnil every forjjyljo- ili1iifijiit- wonojititis lfcf u tlim kiicimiijfli f x lftj icaljlikia j atelstsectil ied fpr intentions henky istjtttawsil casada 20 5ears praice so patent ko pay- orancis nal successoro t fchlpman bofflib nder st georges sqnyc gae ph ontario acconut iiooksa 1 kinds n nde to order periodicals of evy descripi ion cref iillj bound ruling uejtty and prjimptfy done hemst1eet liicensej iccti lit fpr the counties ofwellingtioi and orders left iny or a- atthfttepbessl ffiactod at my resident in ac on will bs promptly a nded t termi reaponablt oxssc to lo aibo mot jey to loal oi the most fayoi able teriiift and at tl oiowest rates of ii terest ib si ms of5 0 and np van a john jj dalea isacsmirtotiompstin jak6onl money t loan 1 fap rpp jrty hf peret mrtgj w purch ised money ifoaned- for parties in mbgtgag and other tfeecdirityi jonvoyar liogta i its iraneh- ifurbperlv s nd neat y woe cha ges k farinband city p jpett ft r bajle hiujt with fairmi for sale lenttoal parts of tl ipominiorr 6 intending phjehi sff ndoi ijliitedl in erirflpe euvopi wctpitalisi mntinj fa taii in x intarj ul h sent d j i ii agencie irmhi wajuwiior oujriistil ojrrespbii euoeihvilod offide near fee offii iielplf0 it a v3a i r- 1 lumber and lhe undersigned desirislitoinfohn thepoblic i that be has now on band p till koep lu stocka full line of pine uaa horn ock as well as other kinds of lumber also firpt and second elns pine shingles lathi coal wcod having p s smith i stove coal hardwood ashcodar aim able prices vood and ol dclitered urchoscd the poal buhi aets of mr c j snptil all- k gootl8tocko mill wood at cli ered tauesbuqwn ain prepared to suml all- kiartb of i have also a gool 8ock pf wood reason- cue business iguelphbntatio co da7 sslls cheap new goods bracelets braluelefrs briacelibts new stock beautiful patterns watcjhes watches vi watches i ypuu jeomei tomorrow wordb lightly said gaily she waved her little hand gaily jie bared his head i v i j youll como ltpdiorrow thcnuncl tna- miintih hiserniiid went i with n tenderj prayer in heart aifd lip yet or his work nitonti i the womtiti a moment lingered ipwould ho turnifor aj parting look i i then ivith baljf a bih1o and half a sighjher household burthen took i 1 r n- youll comeltoniorrow thenvaiid svhen thp morrow broke pale libs in the crowded city of tho rail way accident spoke j in walthkm and elgin in gold and silvei i cases split cord othiu venture dalrtl stoutly d so tho houbo was rented a bit of cotti gc with an 1 cre or bo of ground and plied with so rue pieces of oastoff f nr- nitui e to wiiiobj mibs celosia had fallen heir in variona jwliyb an old fashioned wooi endiesker i faded tig carpet bottoiried bedstead chairsi und a high posted a strobgmahi in a stranger ahomc deaths droadquiet lay f and a i woman sobbed a full heart out in cottage a mile away bo lightly our thoughts 10ap ton ward lightly we hope and plau r whilefato wjiits grimly by and smiles ito watch her playing man i 1 discounting the dim strange future while his blind eyes cannot soe j jtwhata single flying honf briirgs where toe next step may be i j jv and love float laughing onward and at his side glides sorrow 1 while men and women between them walk and say j well meet tomorrow t out storey nothing ventured nowngwon and liavingjjurohased a few needed arti cles together with agboafitockof provisiom she 00k possession as happy and indepeu dont as if shewere the sovereign of 11 the rus lias oi- any place else v ind now sie commented as sho sat down to her cozy sapper of tea and warm biscjuits chipped beef aiidrabpberry jam nptj let mo see first i must have a cow and sbmo b ack spanish hens taint like- living to d d without milk andeggs besides i can mike batter to sell and ifj my hens lay i cm sell eggs top then i must git the round broke up thatll cost sornothing 1 at it cant be helped an then therell be ardeh seeds tqbuy i can do f the plautiug hoeing aud weeding my- sejif ill git eph boyers to do the plow ing and ill tfiako out a list tonight of what seeds i wabt and git era right away soa i can plant em soon as the grounds re v aiid that night mrss celosia bat up until sojne unheardof hour quite unusual to her looking oyer various seed catalogues and debating the relative merits of suowflake and early rose potatoes dwarf and mar- rowfat pfeas six weeks and german wax- bachelor of about forty summers and winters alternately but like miss celosia ne looked ten years younger he was a neighbor and intimate friend of her brother bens and had seemed al 1 nost like a brother to herself in the old 1 lays before she had set out to mend her i brtune by vegetable raising and how do ypn gjt along with your ftruck missceloshy he asked with iu- rest- you must let me see your gar- leu i shant lltfeolared the lady flatly its full of weeds an grass j couldnt teep era out an fjcrmer podsonis igoin to shoot my cowj if 1 dojajt icep her ut of his olpverfield an how lie can keep h out id like to know when ic cant flyenlwol staiig warnirig ypin raenf itliatarl sej8 it diaflmre the m oitiidhisi ishg spoiinglier featureiii6 freili and 1 6m cut withi the kitchen clip don to i fcoij irving hrdws an aifairdf loi iis plenty of chajfais has the swetlit leg eyes of clear afeiure and teeth of su e i yet we must aik of herhedjantf if 5 en v la sbaa aamieil or is ahejah aplf a js h 8eoher grpwnbisfr her bangs afr iij or deeming herself the most lovely 6j gftfcgs gaklnethatbing with suon exquii itocm xik like a plaster br poultice of h iirsf yonng fellows stare t sucji girkjaa tneyj s btop- i i j 1 fffi not to othnire bnt to quiztheir utakej0fa saying with utterance qmet but ijeep 1 mocriae ought to be plenty ai d cheap- 1 grandmother toormust cbme t wjl v pang i ilearly as badat the rest of the an hidihfftheforehead that grand t under a frizz that she borrows or hires whyshojntdput women the loted of bur- iheartsr- j j 7 make themselves frightful by hideous arts why shbiild they cover their fpreheada bo fair worse than tho male fool uhojpiasterb his- hair i sho now- 1 why thats too bad 1 mr filbert looked as amazed and symj pathetio as if he hadnt heard the who jtory beforehand but i tell you what tis miss celoshy jsurely the serpent bequeathed as fan left iu the fiutden auilkirowij as- a ban let it depart and by no jnorelinsiduons ways may the beaotifnl matte themselves hideous n- out boysi a i ine a gold kings lockets ietc etc just opened b savage kenrpetries xcw urns store tilelm offers young jtten a sd w omen thebeitfacilitiesforaa uiringacom- plete trainin for business pu rsuits bookkeepingi conjmercial arithmetic banking actual bnsii ess p ractice busi ness correspondencey penmi unship com mercial law telegraphy 81 orthand cal- igraphy or type wrilai g fr nch hygiene and phy6iologj- are hal ton new butohei taught practical and interest hg msthodfi the staff comprises six and lectnrers the are elegantly fitted uji best apparatus for bniness students may enter a htforai copy of circular address m lege by the most ecperieiced teachers virions departments vitli 1 ho lakest and college work t my tine he a nnnal college jdjccqrmiok prihcipal hillis t good assortmpjnt on stovj5s criieap for cash beanslmammol i tinware op all kinds bottom prices at eavetroughing a specia ty shop thos bjriyside yjififpi the citizens would respeotfalw infprti of acton and- vicinity t ist he has opened a butcher shoj next to mogarvibsdrtgntcreand is prepared ito suiply having experiencej in th trade i assure all satisfaction and solicit a liberal ishare of custom 3ieat delivered cajsh for hides th03 burnside i agent for bur list l offioe near lie fah bar bb si op 3 p wobde i abarb r shop i i ihi biiftdw itoi aya old flov facto 7 nindsofic wtb patnm- ptrblic in tbi riinit ery i ijle j uain ill b i oondp ut- ddbtyjgiw waoad firstclass meat ofalli kin poultry andchmein season i al put up on shortest notice first class material onily usedv a callsoltcited i i j o hill milt st r hlpi tt re when i was in boand t few weekb ago i purchased some vet fc cht ice pictures ora country scopes idtje sties in englan scotlandireland did wales they ai pictures of weltremjs nber id noted pi w old countey pepplpabw living in caha ida the pictures are ai pv eminent iarwtbt earned intich hanasome gilt ifraniasjipxljnohejsrata very low cost it mil be seen that t i frai lesdre worth the prieaasved ftrtbejio3s ph i v and th ip itayur ia8fkidiier iynoxemonoy t ion t anything 1w anything a iety taking an agency for tbelbest sellini wok oht beginners succeed graflimy- s 1 ne f ail ermajfreef haixeot book c5 e jrtla idmajne tuift bilicopi 0 9oi iauisjop 1 t giimiph j f ctoth hal 1885 spring arrivals i u i received today pula ani rftaoy brrtfld c atli je mme tweol t- suiting 1 i merchant tallora ourlph 1 1 ut- i declare to man i wont stand it no longer 1 i miss celosia clematis looked as belliger ent as a settinghen wlien the privacy of her nest is invaded l its a going on nine year tiow that ive ep house fur brotherbenafthis fatrjlly jh joanna aint never give irjnso much as a christmas gift even recktin she thinks my board is onqngh pay forfotting np of mornings ail cookin breakfast summbrs tn winters rafn or shine besides doing the washing iroijiing mending aiid baking ja11 twelve in tho family besides a hired mun but ifae thinks so i dont why 1 might as well of married pete stebbins au iiis leven when he first asked me aftcr his second wife died bnt la i wouldnt have him rtek nor i wont uo its about time fur him to be arenewin his offer like he does every year but he wont git nothing onlyipo for his answer if he offers from how tilrkingdom cyine i miss celosia was strongmihded need less to add she was getting along in years fbavisto say snl was thirtyfive or there abouts but lier bright eyes and fresh com plexion ave her the appearance of bding ten years younger at least i wont stand it not anotherday long er went oh miss celosia jojinna gets jazier an lazier every day ajaying in feed rill breakfast is halfeat sometunesj an not purtendiug even to help with the patch ing an darning theres bens blue duck ing overhauls jest agoin to rags but liut agoin tomendlem ive pitched tho ast patch an darned tho last darn i lovl ito do intfjm house im sorry fur i en bough but j itll be better fur hiin ah the children too if joanna lias to stir herse if a little sho wont have so ranch time fur faultfinding ive been a fool fur 1 ine year but 1 aint t going to be one no iongerj and having twisted her black hair iua wghtknoton the tdpof her head and ied a clean apron around herkvaist miss celosia assumed hormost resolute eifp res- slbh and walked iptb the diniugromi where her sisterinlaw was bittingtv ith the breakfast dishes still ungathored on the table j dear me celoshy 1 she ginmblod f ot- fullyv if ybu haiiit got on your best calico frock an crossbarred apron here tis monday too annqthiu agoin not- even the washbtiler put over to heat wlni 1 on airth be you athihkin of id like to choy y i ill tell you what lm athiukin of joaiiha returned miss gelosia compose dly im tired bfworkiu an blavin funo thanks an my board if i cantiaru liothfn mpren my yittios an liouserjoin iworkin im agoin to quit tl ats what wall ij declare cried her isisterin law astounded at what she heard vaju im agoin to see if i wiht do bet- tfiriyselfjthan irnadoiihere coin iuu- tfd miss olosiai frankly oh o youre asoin to many pete stebbihs- jun his eleven young ones ifter all yorir fine talk be you sneered jo inna apitefuily j- i np t liaint he haint asked ine tijiis yeajj 5 yet in if he didj wouldnt wa i tjhe emjhatio reply if not very lucidlys iated aubver jbutril tell you what ah aig in to rjonuna 4ve got a nioiiey two hundred dollars or so t bat 1 let 3ei h4ve tho useof when iconx hero to live he promised to give it back rne w ui t wanted it so im agoin tft tako tba tija itebt mo a lie hjouse ah ajtpjft of gwjuaj an garrasltjfuoirthol qlalrlcef ijtcherpv plenty- of moijlfoftn h sugar corn blood beets anddsheart cabbage short carrots and butterhead her list was ried and thats the hull of it 1 1 bhautj deolared miss celosia hfi said i wouldnt marry pete stebbins if lie offered till kingdom come an i shantso therel who said anything about pete8tebbiu8 demanded phoebus i qidntj i want you to marry me pot him 1 you miss celosia stared incredulous- ly at her visitor yes me repeated phosbas stbutlt im jbired of keepiu bach an i reckin you air abouttired of raisin truck- yes i be declared miss celosia-lem- phatically i dpnt never want to tech a hoe nqr drop a row of corn the longest day iliyel r and so miss celosias venture turned ont a success after all helen whitney clark the years of adolescence are often fill of resflessness the bjy 1- j perhaps vet flowing with vivacitv and gay spirits lead uim to do ajnd6ay thing iliich look idle ind foolish jto grave nxddlk age on the other h andi he may deselod a tendency to morbidness retiring jntp himself and polling sympathy eitliei way be requires delicate handling it is an iriestrmable beneitto a boy to be confidential with his inotbef at this penod of ire telling her his trials and troubles and receiving hercoan- as a rule mothers do rot pet their older children enough the aveet softi words lthe- caresses which aip lavished ion the lettuce finally made syi however including several choice varieties of cauli- tlpwer and celery cucumbers eggplaut and spinalch t and with a tired frame but anapprov- itig conscience miss celosia sought a few hiiurs of repose ou her comfortable cord bedstead only to awaken when tho first pink rays of the morning sun crept in through the shining panes of ber little east window j the ground was duly broken up and harrowed by eph boyers and his yoke of ojxenj and after a little more help from liph himself with the spake and hoe miss l 1 celosia got to her planting 1 j the first pjikk rays of sunlight never caught her abed now she had her break fast overly daylight- nd long before sun rise she ws at work in her itruck patch i but garjleniiig is hard work and in spite spitoof her most indefatigable efforts thp weeds would slip inhere and there among her crops aid the foxtail grais persistetl cucumbers ahi what a husband should do babies are not freely bestowed on the older children and yet a mothers tender 1 faster than 4 in growing equashes i theni the weather not always to be relied oil implicitly and her first planting of ni am moth sugarcorn rotted in th gnjuhd j miss celosia bought more seed and re- placed tjiis time the crows pulledup twoithirds of it assobn as it had sprouted aaain sho replanted put up a scarecrow ahdjtbistimecorn grew rapidly i miss celosia hped it carefnlly atid laboij- iously giving a sigh of relief when she wsja through for booing com is hard work j aiki the very next nightfarmerhodsopis pigs fourid their way into tjie patch through iv gin in the fence made jby a defective rail and destroyed at leastjhalf the corn and all he butterhead lettuce mis celosia iwasalmost in despair but she replanted her coni and lettuce with later varieties aud worked away early and jate harder than any farmer of them all liut somehow or other fate or fortune or tho weather or all three combined seemed adverse to miss celosias success in struck raising 1 the rabbits eat up her early peas and cabbagesi thestiripedbags killed her cum- ciimbers and cassava musk melons gar den fleas devoured her pnrple strapleaf turnips and vtitabagwifc and the eqqash- bugs destroyed jlier young orobkrieokb and boston marrow squashes the out- worms severed the stalks of her thrifty tomatoes and the hawks foesl possums weasels and other vairmints feasted 6nher black spanish hens and fat spring cbiftkens jthen tho cow took to jumpingiuto farni- erihbjlsonbi clover field and lie threatened to shbot her- if her mistress didnt keep heroiitv this was tho last iiithe oataloueof niishajps and like the oftquoted camel miss celosia brdke down under it i jwhats a lone womau agoin to do id like to know she demanded wratfifurly 111 aprivatelnlierview with tferself r iwlieh the weeds on the bugs an tfie varmints are all in league agin em jan jow iny two hundred dollars is gone jafti haint rtised garden truck enough to do me oyer winter let alonehavih ate ip sell an an fow joanna will lauj x almost wish nojv spldont eitliei i jdont wish id jfarried peto stebbins an went to be i si if mother to tliem ileveri children hes sbiiless but i wout go back to bens thjatstoertatu f ill liire out first orgbanihbubkeeplfur sjmebody ihatlllna an- v isowjditdprlilias deloshyhbdeto cpehear voice v- hdtnei e w4mpopviltstafl i igin- thi rjrwylsbbste xhhisheul i v- 1l he should resolve when intending to tale a friend home to dinner to send a message to that effect to his wife he should resolve to eat his dinner plea santly even if it is a little cold through hib having kept it waiting half an hour he should resolve to give his wife a p note occasionally and insist that she spend it on herself as she pleases he should resolve to kiss his wife peca- sionally and compliment herjrjl wife as never too old or too plain to kppreciate such courtesies froto her husban w he should resolve whenimdifficultyto consult bis wife about the matter and in nine cases out of ten- he witljwbnder thai he allowed himself to be 60 troubled he should resolve torchrtail his little prk vate luxuries onehalf and give the saved amount to his wife fpr certain little things which will add bo iiuchtoihbr comfort and happiness he should resolve to speak pleasantly to his children when arriving home at night and if he should indulge in half an houre romp with them before they go to bed he and tliey will sleep all the better for it eng ex n a rat story ich what smoothing her big boyb brow her fingers straying through oils hai her kiss va pass- ing him are tangible evidence of her love which are beyond price i isbeautifnl jo bee the knightly grace the loverlike devotion which some sons shb w their mothers be assured that if voo would havi this crown of crowns yda must win it by btmjpur boys friend all the way on from his babyhood do not be afilidoftdemonstraitioii manya hungry sot 1 is half famished 1 the midst of plenty bin ply because those iround hiitore b6 afriid of shotting then affection by speech and smile and touch i tt i r instinct or reas6ii or both i3 honest farmer of versailles asked as ho re lilted the following marvellous rat sjtor tbaaetes reporter- last fah 1 f6un1l the work of rata in my cellar they wr s eating nearly allasf iny vegetables awl a i consider myself a successfnl trapper t thought i could fix them in short order t placed about two quarts of meal in a hall- bushel measure put a good trap an covered it upv in the morning i found j rot in the trap removingthe ganiel re newed my efforts the next tnoirii iug found the bait gone and touiy burpfibp sticks dirt and small stones thrown into i the halfrbushel trap sprung and nprat i cleared but the rubbish j in fresh frifial and upon examination next mornuig found nearlv a quart of stphs and dhrt thrownin on the spring of the trap again i tried with no success 1 repeated my efforts but found the rats equal tjothe emergency they got the meal and avoided being caught by covering up the sprins now if they did not show reason what did they show nurfh chautauyud news thingtf one should have left unsaid- j9few days emco a wedding breatfat wia given by a substantial farffierblessed with five daughters the eldest being the bride when a neighbor a- young farmer who was- honored ipith an invitation thinjti ing no doubt he ought to bay spmethiiig smart and complimentary upon thje jgyeni addressing the bridegroom aid well you have got the pick of the batoh the countenances of the four unmarried ones as may be imagined were a study had him say miatoi do yoa poujl want your valiso orriedasked istreeturchin running ai ter a man going down fourth street wiltli vaiise in his hand f l no i doplf answered tliemtoitl ai iaru vv v rilcarry ittp the dppot lor a dime v listedtbejboy i dont wvwt itcrriedt teu you s the iaan hurryingialbng iont your x vnxdldont y 0 istpr wbattl apkeus pamlri4t iitovi i- a1 jteniikiitib8tm si served hun right ornesaia it washaid orr fepillkuib and ancl they could not deny that it served hiiii right he was a jealous unoomfort ab e man ready to take offence where none wr s meant and so feel hurt where none ha j thought of doing him harm he wad n th misfortnne to be bild headed and he oo lid not wear a wig because it made his lie id ache this simple fact gifeps an in- sii ht into the root of hib mental disordei h s blood was rampant and unhealthy once jipoii a timej at an evening party waeresplllkins chanced to be present the gi is gptj into a gale on tho call for photo graphs inon fcpiukins was really and tr lly one f the handsomest men of his s t and to some his baldness gave him an intellectual look or ratheritheighk fei ed that already pob ft ell the girls two or- threo of them seized npon h m and jegged of him togive them hib r p lotpgraph i t xsl have none he told them 0 1 the 1 you muht hat borne taken ftl wiu you doit j 1 and he grimh pionuscd tlicm that he vi ouldthin i of it i a fewxlays latsi ti- ladies who had ask e 1 him for his picture received each a neatc e ayelbpe contaiiui g a card photograph- andawiii ten note the photograph wag a view of pillkinb imtk ji om ii moulders mtfiniply thebiiok of his head and it lpokedjlike a full mpon on a cushion the note read- is follows miss i send to you my phoiograpli as you req lested ind as it was evidently my poor b jd head that yon wished to pfct serve in memory 1 have had each a viep taken ther sof as i f lought vould do it entire justice bepsctfully spillkbt the younglidtes were eij soon gatbed inconclav and be sure they were indife- nant they wee uart and theywerp of the opinio 1 that th deed was an outrage r afewdiys later spiliktus read in his eeningpiper thai a certain dealer in au- t que bool a andpi cturei had on exhibition x athisplacebf busi less a wondeiful photo raph of the moon one of the most astolfe i ilnhg works of art and triumphs of science everibeon j spilikiis wits 1 joer of ar 01 ho thought liihiself jfo be aildhe made it id 1 is wayp 1 the fpil wiug morning to coll in i tthe an ique ait treasure store to loqk j at- the wo iderful p lotogiaph of the moo 1 judge of his but irise if you con of his j mortificaj ion atid lage upou finding tha j widely aj ivertised representations of me 1 moon to jienotluu more nor less than aie v foiir phot jgrapl is f his cwn precious baar less pcci iut wine 1 he had sent to therfpnr yoangla jes spillkiis wendfed hia way homewdrd flrnily cb ivinced that tile blooming dam had gott lie best o him scfjn 71 said 5 i s j i eev jigi fbllis dutton certifies for sot ip years rty w ife has been troub ed with dyf pispsia a nd has tried one th ngr ttfterauc thertdcomrayided vth but 111 tlej t do eff otii ad vwl ip give mcttregc rs syicetalbjthefjrst j bittlejlia6ibtdd afdteeideaf imrc j m pat an i eaikvi 4 cnflieneft jrooown n5 1 it 6j bp np 01 if iot the bostniedioujio psk it iirior jjiepsi m his inuawe c uefprl iver cptn luiut indigestion kidijjf pafoly pgetiwe o dwstwpi jskyjk fe

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