Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 26, 1885, p. 3

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mi sstiaeipai4jjafeisihini n i mdsr8jftnje3 1 xtlx pass imyi n m jhwttufcaispiu rudto liouteuvst- inita eist 1 mto isa eereia kxprei s expre ill mai apodal not stop jctixli ni aw mmiisiftp4ii ciialtsli mail c osodat lh antj iari pjaclfic to ajlt points c0hessk1 time tjble toronto topejriot stfioiusk 31ucago toronto 8 strettrlllejuu9 stthauis 1 detroit i chiego wiunipog7 w v toronto to siofttr 1 quebec and joston toreuto otuwa maatrcat hostou iiii lited brampton to branioton streetsvhle jct 937 u g st brampton to brampton ormgville pweu sound purch ise new and j ticket it an 10 1pi 43 twj 47 am 30 am i20p in u pm i37piu guelph oawe inosilay railway ssf fici6cjex 135 2 19 5 23 8 3u 7 55 and manitoba m uily cxojptmon ky lioenlex i 10pru air- 53 s 39 am 45 pm wellington county up no fyr jtherp is lilt scott act will bo 8 irriod overwhelming majoi i y the hamilton j ptttalar says moore have both got her it their mills for operations will bo weeks rfronvwportbbii t from all parte tjf j owu nnd thomas c i n good stocks of tinr thiahcasonb outting ommonoed inafejr md tho returns made e doubt but that tho thoro byain cold winter when ret loft from thh sfneo first of januar y tl bill to a demon i ration pur issue of is s si week coutaiuing tho excellent illustrative ht of messrs w h storey a sous ne r glovo factory add the accompanying d 3 liription of tho build- i b received with con and favor notvfith- jng and business siderable admiratioiji standing tho fact 500 and 600 extrajt already exhausted hmr ti p hall moatroal ex 1 55 pm 3 17 am 8 60 9 so pm 8 3um e june hon 4 ot pm 4 25 drajgeville and owejt sound in a big atooli lines in statipnerfc always ns a call geo i pm our tickets by tl popular from 1 1 mcgarvin t acton ontario 5 45 pm 6o7 iff so line notice to patents tjcnchrs and cholars the hew ec nd book qntaric readers uvill bein styckfeitgeo hynds acton on april 1st call at gjeorlhynds for yjoujr school books and stjatiopery hynds ise is cheap irian tucisuiv m school uppliei and full in stak give ynds ctod ft ibsixk mak 2li crumbs i or breakfast provided by th i ever thoughjtful free j pres a keporters vbb 1885 a be a city stbis evening jstraiford ia coriuail mee jyinter certi inly dies very hird good fridv weevfirom to sui sow jta nav select your new spring pnnp etdck yards i lastjiasoe fir it quarter of 885 the lldunt dins j of the fiuc fruss iu the viiat ujjjut uiid pushtlic s hemc in the spri d the btiv turns to my 1i i j sreadmy ea press crrffjn 1 atcept oiuj thapksforcj biidget of ottawa a d montreal di of i ppliers have beeji received from 31 rs p s hnhoe does open upjit will prob- u rash ijow is thfe tiriie l k a nninter j inonok fujiest lmi snorts a new nowracetlid farmer kiudly reoeived it wjodstook colleko last week continues hall is doiug well in quite a favdrite witt tends making tsome tho science departmi a larfic number to antitsoott actor a result of the elections thepaiit winter flhod its a i mt wo issued bctwh the entire cditidn is 1 a sbu of the late k s hall esq euuesins has been vety principal iu the lienc department ifef press have said kitiily and complimentary things client the to the southern worlds cotton c new orleans whicji press a epnple of his new position lis the canadian baptist the following prof liis new position boiug tho stndenta hd iu- mportaiit ohangeb iin- mt in the near future of our brethren of the resorption of ourjtjip ites and visiit to the tennial exposition at appeared in the fbki weeks ago your kind wo duly wish yc timejfpr of courts newspaper men t the weeds rakings wliioh are principally local and au ini resting hello central hd lo the telephone bi very satisfactorily of business is now t prising raanaser 1 1 forms us that insti a line from here u iu operation the lion guelpl in our advert isin the announcement williamson fc go guelph a change firm and the prese j i words aro jail apjjeciatcd brethren and could each spare the niouoy is object i to enoy a similar pdting iness here is extending a considerable volume unsacted and theenter- r j e mcgarvin in- imcnts will be put in or a- number of tiw subscribers shortly this sprtngumi buainess itoports of early robins iand bluobirds arc several weekii lato this yjjar and if the birds are wise tliey will wait a while longer on the wheto the oldest inhabitant has to brush up bis mefaovy to find a winter which boats the oho now drawing to a close saored to his memory j the funeral of the lato abram matthews last thursday afternoon was attended by a large concourse of oitizqiih and friends of the deceased on sunday eveuing a memorial service wns liold in the methodist churoji which was filled by a largo and altcntivo ambience the altar railings and pulpit furnitureiwero neatly drapod in black the sermon by bevtmrcolling bissed upou hob vi 19 20 which hopo wo havp as an ahohor of tho soul both buk and steadfast and which enteroth iutothftt within tho ycil whither tho fore- runiior is for us enteiod even jesus was particillarly intgicsting and impressive find his roferenco to the deceased gleaned from personal experience and conversation with him was of a character most com- forting and encouraging to the bereaved friepds j the caretakers benefit carnival tho carnival for the benefit of iv it fredrick caretaker in the rink on monday evening was well attended and considered quito a sueoesb the following aro the names of costrimers miss jessie nieklin fisher girl e barry euchro deok bella itiitushiiw btais aud stripes a aldous queen of uurtk messie perkins union jack a dryden stars and stripes clara itamshaw night caiuoron pearson three merry gypsies allan lottio homstreet fkeu lnnss eliza bell y tics mr a strachansailor boy john mcltao clown f strange policeman i p barry indian chief bngs nieklin clown jylin farrish knight of the brush j john lafferty lacrosse tho threemile raob for a silvercup was won by a hemstreet who also won the twomilo race the fastest couple were a e matthews and miss katylawson boys race john lafferty worst kater p barry limehonse vyill soon lie columns will be found f the new firm of j d that cheikc faclirv gentle pung njaua tatiey hihights of love the street a ldsidewalk committee will on require to i icke observations hal ton- cot uty spriag show will taie plice at milton n the 24th of alprik jr after jthree months hing the r iads hav idlx of uhinterrnpted a begun to break a acred c ncert ia billed for tompr u evening ju tht tbwn- the flatfoii j ifr mast oxit of iof smith spiina sufts tfim clotiinig 3 eisily sijtisricd mr wl mcctraney m baptist church george- the towe ball is floating at respect to the latecduncilf is the placard in a cer- ore well some men are -mi- mr new headers bookfl druggist stationer acton ont begsto inform the public prepared under the s educiilion anda flclvopls- ot- tlat fhvnew ontario readers superiiitewleiifto of the miiijater of tthott2erl by him forupe in the ontario are now- in presb are now and will be followed rts i and jll in stock imnieaiutely by the second book and later on by the third and fourth books be sure and youkreadpr frcin j e m e b boi 27 lower wyndham st i will please ilics of iutdrejiting armstreng i when sprin atbly enme all of 3 advertise and commit tb xebraska be preprjed third r lemory before taking t cqminaiidraeut to downi the stoves qtheriseive ypur tinsanith 4 job tlie wiv tj says a scientist is fjo tfiink of nothi ig btlt thisis a mistake he way to sit jp is to think it is timeito etnp i j xi you bvt juytuingtofcehadvertise the fiiee ipjess tjiepapr which has ihe circulatiori t ud ib cirefally reaby all- vhotafieit- i the brampti m banner has been enlarg- i id from k fffrti to a forty eight column paper apd has been much eueral alppfearai ce the membei spf tho board of trustees board of ijealt i and municipal ofjficera ire requested to meet with th the town hall th sovenngj at a very int resting andcbrnptehensive article from the ejiof dr geof stewart respecting thes store ad faterns rled v i ihe tjiejtok fi- i iin the last toronto mv m etlw from grjoversii lejjty 1 will dispose oj bis auction in thejshop n kiekliiiis bak- i 30 oclbck son have christlned theit newljacquired mill jrop ety on saturda veniijgjat mssrsi ll sicklfn erty m guelph the old tijvie bo mil of a circus han bill fa ii the hun o bee js vfill replaces th dejintiijia yot had mil w4mwkmss- van bl ifklju for h onsehbld xt ta s jeeavale mills the savored too much jhe ni iwproprietors the oran leyille 3 complimentstho fuel pries on the dp npti m of our trip to thetjunny so ith and nd t heii aunouuees that its isue of this jweftl will containa synopsiaaf oui reportj ioi lutter usgreat ly friend pout improved iu council in 7j0 oclock ott ac jin helton appears 10 of the canada citizen trns returned s family he goods by i ire of the old- licuij has been made in the t jt proprietors claim thfit they now have a fa larger and better at ok than for several yt irs the lion invites a visit from the people of acton nasaga- weya and erin aih ifeels confident tha an esamiuation of ip stock will guaraitee purchases public school eri niinations the easter exaii imatiftn of the pupi s of acton public school will beheld next ieek as follows first department mr mooro teacher oil wedne iday aftemoon- second department miss telly teacher on thurs day afternoon ihird department miss baxter i teacher oi thursday forenoon the parents and r icrtids of pupils are or- dially invited to hi ijjreseut let therli be agccd attendance j ministerial suocaus the fallowing fiom the seafortii sun will interest tbe many friends here of the gentle man named r v jas broley fonneiiy of gorrie is draw ng large houses in sea- forthand preacl ing powerful sermoiis hcwick jjiittrpria we may also add that the demand for si ting is so great tat tho pew steward iruiable at present to silpply all who have app ied for them we learn also that a largo iinmber have been added to the membersl ip of the church during the last three nioiths l plenty of dweuu igs from present indications the iisual scarcity of dwel ling houses in acton will not be flxperieui ed this summer mr a w grecin hab fit ed up the second story of his shop on main street forjlwellings mr john cameron purposes converting the temperance ha 1 property into comfort able houses and ten or a dozen new brick and stone houses will be erected doling the summer besides iu former years people have beeudeterre d from settling hero owing to the iiupossibil ty of securing tenements the salvation a riny the jubilee ii the salvation army bar racks on saturda y evening was largely at tended staff c tptain gl ver of toronto was present and iddresset the meetings on saturday night nd sundfy lieiit tillie haldane has bs eu jomo ed to meaford tillie was a plea laiit and iiitelligent oftica- and a general faorite s 10 will be missed by a large hum ser thi i vacancy has not yet been filled the arm y is adding mem bers to its ranks every we k we trust the efforts i which a re being lightly put forth by- these arduous workm will result in permanent bene fit to th ise taking an in terest in the- sei vices acton satchoi t ndpurs i faotory some of the finest hi es of goods in sat chelb travelling bags pmses c manufac tured from grains alligators and plain and fancy leather of all kind j and in all sizes are now being turned out in the new sat- chel and purse laotpry o mr james moore of this placfl hey are certainly superior goodsliud we si puld judf e much more sale able than those generally offered mr w frick the siij srintende it deseries con- siderable prais n fdr the tifstend skill ex ercised in the matauf at ture of the goods turned out 5 jr mop s travellers take the road today with a ii ae of hampies we hope the biisini jss vill meet withitlio great est success x f realbstatosele in another cilumnl mi- a wjgreen ad- i yertises a sail of a poi tion of his real es- xflng 1 icuved with the frost and so viral pah4s have- been broken hi ilie jwiudovs v we ra 6 toynei -sun- bi the oar sijperflucfas etdck of springpoetry t ft end n jeland i i better sad sad and fatal illness on thursday 10th instmrcs smith proprietor of acton knitting works was taken suddenly ill with pluresy medicul aid was summoned but his condition re mained about the same for several days on sunday he seemed to bejeome gradually worse and continued to fail until j yesterday afternoon when he expired we do not luiow that a death over occurred here before when the shock wis more keen v felt by the community it seems i like yesterday since mr smith as a business mau was going in and out amongst us and as no alamiing symptoms were announced until a few hours ago his demise seelus more than usually sudden poor fellow now hes gone forever sydney was a friend to everybody and every citizen feels that lie has losta friend he has for many years been a member of tho municipal council and his is the first death of a member of the council since acton was incorporated the funeral will take place on satuidav with masonic honors leaving the residence at oiiepm- the sorrowing family have the heartfelt sympathy of the entire commun ity in their sad and sudden affliction willie the eldest son has baen iu denver col during the past yearbiit is now on his way home he is expected here taday a successful acton boy it invariably affords us pleasure to mote the progress and success of acton boys who have launched out in business for them selves whether at home or abroad the following complimentary item from the monroe mich commercial respecting mr james g hill will be rea j ghill monroes popular photo grapher has the best equipped studio for a city of this size it has j ever been our pleasure to visit the bperating room besides having a fine skylight is furnished with cameas for taking photos from cards to lifesize also back groundsbalustrades and other accesories used in the produc tion of the very j best work the parlors are cheerful and well furnished and the walls aro tastefully adorned with specimens of mr hills work without attempt at lavish display soiviugthat lie has attaiii- eja very hih decree of art a line com bination group 22x23 inches of the pres byterian synod which met at monroa last october merits special praise for fidelity and clean sharp work as yvell as for skill ful grouping a fine collection of outdoor views of ahe river and bridges during the icegorge court house churches private residences excite general admiratioii mr hill is well known as- an enterprising gentleman whose chiei aim is tbe produc tion of the best work possible tit living rates and to afford the- fullest satisfac tion it is very gratifying- liavc friends and when qn occasions one becopiea in an especial ihanner the recipient ot thiirj 4 good wishes and expressions of eucouuvgeiuent the path of lite docs not seem so stormy after all nothing so helpful as kind wordw since opening iny new dry- goods store at no 27 lower vvyndliam street we have been favored with the attendance of crowds of friends ivlo have givenus their patronage eoup- lejd with expressions of confi donee and giod wishes we sliall nitike it our endeavor to ho for t j mfernley v has always led in tlie confectionery trado in acton and owing to this he controls the bulk of custom but he is now in a position to surpass evyu his ovn for- nier record his latest attraction is a line of fiistcluss i svlixed candies 15 cents a pound ake our new business worthy such confidence wo invite of th fitkr our ensive nt o all the readers ot tne phess to eoiiio ndseo u stock is very cojmpreli we have fitted up- the most at- trnctive millinery show iii the city and millinery dicssniaking iiig ov staple and- fany wc lire goods wc jire ready all to the best ad come and see us an your friends as we sell on credit you will benefit for cash this quality of candies is often sold ifor double the mono v i dysters always fresh and good and below oity prices extra choice cigars always v in stock acton frulfdepot j wii fernley post office buildins actou demerara bitters the finest appetizev known it cures 6yspop3ladiarrhoea fever aud ague demerara bitters rooms vhetlverj in gllth- eady to serve vantage so d bring do not ijet flill prevents the bad effects of ah cqholic- liquors demerara bitters it ts the finest flavored tonic bit ters now ill in tho market domerara is specially adapted to counteract the injurious eff- ects travellers are so subject to f rum uiiiiking impurb water ask foriu take no other to be bad from youf- druggist or grocer and at principal hotelsl cascar a bitters co acton ontabio iu3 the mst 3omp4tie stoclf general goods we b aive ever slfiown ard a1 rook prices in i every i wm it t3gisi usissm i v rv i vs i i l iirs ifsp i 2 s mm of bottpda case note tho piowiag spo 4 i a i xffi dress gord in ottonian toid ee costume gfhs casluneres i ajl reduced iu pric4 special ceamyr lines in khltilec stiivvlsj giouds ehilduif- jerseys wcflrjdoosm in this deparuueui vve arceicarmgoiiijat 15 p c diintf f t i specjial valine in radies furjdapes mufife xjaps mitts grlovis c at less than cost p vfuullinesof genin obl shirts and caps and gentlemens ftimishijn tn j drawees fyig goods allwoo grey fli nnlj 25 28 301 35c chambly flannels 301 6j8 40c cheekel tjihoii fiunuels 20 25 j 30c bestline check cliinti 12 14 fliic best liiie wliite ctyton- 1 yarcl vyif e 7- 9ine best line griey eeavy yard wide 7 8 9 lc 4 xi i- r i best line winceys all eolms 8 1012 15c iice i e r bollert 7 lower wyhdharn st ill magnetic 01 cures kheumatics jseuralgje lame back stiff joints i and chilblains the altae j stomehodse speight inj the methodist church markham on the 18th ihst by bev s e philp eevj j stopehouee strathroy to miss hattielspeight daugh ter of tie late thomas speight esq markham j utilize some of ill the gravj3- fiiiies in eramosa on tljo 21st march robert fariies aged 8 years and 8 maisketic 011 cures chapped hands frost ifites burnsand soalds sciat ca etc magnetio oil both mitn the 23rd iust john leavens tato sil uited it j actoii on saturday 11th april in thii lis included jbhe jicuse and lot on maria ntreet opposite col allans residence and en lots oi mill and arthur streets in ypui igs survey thes6 lots are i valuable build eg sites and are situated in one of the basi isectipns c f the town they roconyeniei tly situated for post office railway ie ud are juit enough retired from the busi i ss places to make them ap preciablo for j i ivate rei leuces a number of new brick rjuildings will be erected on cpftiiguous lot i th coming summer this property eboi j d audi po doubt will sell wol months- leavkss in acon on violet j daughter of mr aged 4 months smituiu acton on the 25th march c s smith esq aged iu years months the funeral will take place pn satur- dayj at one oclock afid proceed to st albans church where a short service will be j held funeral sejrvico in jtbe same- place oh sunday evening ramshaw iu actoii on the 23rd inst olive gracie jdaughter of mr tliomas hamsliaw aged 1 year and v moilths slies on thesaviourb bdsom laid i aud feels ifp sorrow th shes by her heavenly father fed and needs no more our care i is a most uaeful remedy for and beast magnetic oil is splendid for coughs and colds sore throat and croup magnetic oil is sold by all drusaists at 25 cents a pottle and is actually the best liniment known insist on ypur drugfhst giving you the genuine magnetic oil health is wealth i gauh ion each plu ofvthe 0 is marked t m iii biouze letters j mm other genuine ayers han- vigor stimultjtes jtbe cells to healthy action and promotes a vigorous growth itconlaiuadil that ibaii be supblied touiako the i atuiaj hair bflaut tiiulapd abundant keeps the hcalrj if ree from dandruff prevents oho hair from i be coming dry and harsh and makes it flexible uiulgloasy special clearing out of overcoats and ready special quot readyma ie made suits jtemfmlier ve eai suply you ayiili a roojsolid oyer cai ftnr 5 and a uood solid head made suit for 6 ation in orl s ordered clothing perfect fit piatee e wry tike 20 buil reduced to 18 20 overcoat reduced jo 18 18 16 16 18 16 and evierythiu i tms peparit fent aecordiugly m port ant iow that the holidays are over a families are atrain disunited and siat- tered over the landthefriend8b home should sit for a dozen beautiful artistic cabinet the l lie bf over 40 cfees in we are showing jhe contents boots and shoes in ail the jjfetest styles this department tve claim tc give at leej3jb 2q pr cent better value bi ad any otlji jp houjsn iitie traded the e iiorlmbus quanti1- we sell isa sufliciehtgualrantee pf their exce v- d e c wests nesve inii bitus tkeat- mpnt a guaranteed specific lor hystarid pizzi- uesa convulsions kits- nervbus neuralga headache nervous prostration caused by the use ot alcohol or tobacco vafewulnesb mental depression softeniurof the brtin resutting in insanity and leauiug to misery decay and death premature old age hurrennesb loss of powor in either sex invdluutavy lo sns aud speriua- torrhoea caused by overexortloiiof the bralu selfabuse or overindulgetoce each box cou- tainb one months treatment oue dollara box or sis boxes lor fivo dollars seut by miiil pro- paid on receipt of rice irtk tc wegujirautee six boxes with oach opev received by ocureany us f or bis boxeb accouipduied with nve dollars we will send thepurchaser our ritteri guarantee to refuud the uionoy if the treatment does wot effect a pure guarantees issuea only by john cl we8t co sole proprietors 181 163 west madison btchicagbihl soiaipyje mcgarvin ituiq brdcb miiy bo fouijd onfliontgco p i ituj trrcll towel l xbkowbpixr au- at halls sf mill st actoitr to eiidlti distant loved ones j otbing i will bemore appreciated hy them old photos copied enu rged and frarned in cood style chpap vontracts mar ibemadotprlt i wjb a lot of lovely frames on hand are invited to inspect tliein aud ensei you relitimbm we 01 vl y0u i 1 5 14 granui ate0 8pfiart0l jv d the best value in 25 5i ind 75 cent tea in japan black and green sjtt m k ttata i our jopti8 beain v wiiich emaultj us to plejivur patrt 1 valu i j you uee4 iol go to uelji fc roj to md otlief cheap goods as eau m are 1 quoted in tber yulhvll new vooqjbided mwio raci bw- qw wt- remeiilr tluds at leps ir cphaii laiseifor

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