Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 26, 1885, p. 4

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m m i 4 si p lb 4 i1 oh ive hwajijgenttp hidttier the vwilili t hours h gn jmesliug with sou on du ing him ik be mat butlvmto her bh eeyed da tighter though with oveawor is quitcj points she ptit i wt other d atv strivetby i bdr tobe a lady whats ajady p is it boim ethiufi made f hoojpi ttd tilki and aid used to decorib i the pari r lite tjie fane rugs am i chair js itjonei that wi stes on n ivels 1 erv feeling thatis ht msu it t this to i a lady tis ikttj this i o bo aiwo nan i mother 1 hert- vu itoiyour 6 iughtfer i3pea i sn ithjhg nig isr far thib to 03 met a fashion 9 lady woman is i he bright o4t star if you in yjinr lining aff cjtion jgrra yotrr sol fe be at ue rnarj uf6your iter no le ss strongly tjarise and e a vguru iri yeja arotavi brightest modal of tliu high uid psrfe t biaut where the min i ana sou and bo ly blend to wor t out life i rreat c aty e jiavoman n wght isl igher c it the gildec cnest of ianie f on tha c ulogt a ef virtu i j theres no bi lghter hi her pkile i- maxima tfribse antjl otherwise tears are iniktardpla iters to tlie heart an egg in jhecup is worth two in the neat never look a gift hprserpislpl inj the muzzle be goodjan 1 yoo wiljbe a cuiiosity a word iu tjhe mind s worth wo in the dictionary lore your eemy ha dontrbiy hip boy a drum discontent some men jire smart made to- smart i a soft answelr turneth sway y club keeps it ti trned awt y j a soft answ r turneth away vr ai stoat stick fret aejatjly ar nihilates it k wrofig tjo suppose that a rolling stouo gathers nojnpss it pry of tpn gathers remorsip i tom elliot a rich young farmjer oi kota having ai imqeed- hat hew auld lever marry nhlil w lent sold tor 1 p r bi hel a neighboring banner w ho has a willing to relee tons offered to tat e i his en ire crop j bushetfcnd gi s him a i heck at ding bismai k tribune ib the steim engijo of vvhile a glorious ambiticjn i said the sc thian arc bassador of ales anderif your persois were a valst as yom ambitiob the worll would i ot contain yui we ha ve now v conqoe vr whose ambition is as boundl38 as a sxaulders the old world was too narrow a ipbere for its exercise ke refer t i thomas ffoljpway whose desire tjo benefitmankind ihave by the countlc s cures 1 is niedii ines accomplished fe now activelj eagased in revolotioniziu the treitment ce disease conquest and subjugation are it obj mts the conquest and subju ation of hev irious maladies that nfflict in s human ace the troppiea of hii skill axe to be fdu id in every regiorj of the earth it has here oforsbeen the inhivenjal complain t against even the most popula raedicii es that bey were mere palliatii es relievi lg pain te npo rarily perhaps but uever reaihing the materitt inorbi or element of dsease in the blood the couprary act lse of the the fluids which tbfey iipringj liansectasi holloways pills on specifically upon the- p imary cal primary cause of the nialady in of the body and from in external disease thejointmeni an aniiliaryto thopils and is sanitivej efiects are scarcely lest wbnderf il we make these asse tions be id ajs they may seemon solid grounds we have warrant for them ii the sta omenta oi atudard medical peri dicals the pub iiahed acknowledgme its of ti jusajnds of grateful convalescent i and la t but not least so far aerour pri ate cow ictions ar concerned in our own personal experienci and observation tothe mjn whose j rofouml r jsearch and practical skill in medial scieni e have re suited in the production of such unequalled inratives and whose business mergy and nterprise have diffusi d them th rough every inhabited region betw gn th e juator and the poles ttte homage of thewojridib due- tht sunday iipalck 3it6 djmjcwioniarnhamdentjreiq flif writing afout r thonwtsv ecoecthc pill j saiys gebrae nsd it no hi s sim ans it cured bijjj of rheua atismwit inly afew j application the i alanco of the bottle e was nsed by an old gi ntieinan i 3r asthma iiiih the beit resnltsl acts 1 fce a chara fansed top no and nipure br iath arest 3 jiionebmitants of bill usne3s r ime lied b r jsfltthrop tilyritans vegetabl i discover and liyspeptii cure heartlurn whici t baraawbs tfi dyspepfe a afteem sals andts 1 i the perplexing and cl langeful s puiptoms t f establibhedl indigestinn are i ispftrsed by ii this salutary oprrecti c tnic i d celebrate 1 i xot jt it- is so agreeabfe lath th it da- daujghter lonelbiessj has at 91 per the i wed- iy spent on for articles jwitb mc pro soma are but a ibuta f liqt jut luivle piii from neuralgia or like acute paius suoh au instant ruhef us fluid lightning is i irutit ild blessing in time of trouble no liglsting offuuaive mwliciuen t rlvys oaf atipliuabiim of f in mti sild at f k drug stoit iood auvlee if our rdaders willl acocptt idvice they avill alwayb keep i hagyards yellow oil at hand mergoncios such as burns boat ik wounds lameness cruup cuilbltuus r uumatism itnd all yarieuea of uchea pains and i it 4ammatiou it willever be reliable 38 sffrlt f rottn dollar upoii dnluir ir fiituin the faith of roanmmenilatione entirely worthiest not so gregors jvobcly oiiro you ar not asked to purchase it yitilita merits are proven call at j r mugarvius drjif atore and getafrcetrialjiottleads ifni tj convinced it will cure of the worst fo rnis of dys pepsia liver cmiuplahit etc t o matter of linw 1 rjn if standing ii costs ysii nothing ild it 50c ainil hottlcs si testlmon- alftfriiin pttrsnnsjin yiur iw1riwd 29 t i hehlnrpiirh syiuplomki nil cure the ayiiipciitiiare iniittire like perspir ation intense itching increase i by scratch- jug very ditjtrissiug rly at night scoihs as if pin- worms were cu vling in and about the rectum- the privtte parts are diimetimesiiffucted 11 allowe 1 to continue very seriimsrtjsulturiay fijllow bwavnes oj sure pure also fur tuttir ijch salt rlieui jj all scaly crusty skin diseasos i sent bj mail for 50 cents i 3 boxj 1 25 in stamps ad- dresdrgwaynk son hiladelphia pa sold by druggists i 50 pnvnineat among the greitest medica lisuoveries by the many cure i it has aflect ed jcgrtjor zspctdu cfire leads tho van subjected tij lie iniiiutcsl cheri ical auatysis msabated chicago rock bsland pacbfic r ainstha oreat central lino affords to travelers by roason of its jnrivaled goo- xraphlosl position the shortest and best route botweon tho east northeast and tautheatt aidths wost northwest and southwest it i literally and strlptly true that itsllooiinoctlons nre nil of the prlnqlpat lines of road between the atlantionnd tho paqino i by its main lino and brnitohos it roaches chicago jomijt poorla ottawa- la ballo osneseo mollne and rook island in llllno3 tjaijonportj muscatine washington keokuk knoxvllla oskaloosa falrfleldfdos tvtolnos west liberty iowa city atlantic avoca audubon harlan outhrie center and council bluffs in iowa oallatln trenton cameron una kansas city in wlssourl and loaven- worth and atchison in kansas and tho hundreds of cltlbsj villages and towns intermediate the i it harliecn toiird lo coutain cfle of those injurious iitediouta claratterizing the worthless specifics daily oliered to the public livery inured cut poss esse3 a pecul iar adaptability to the variola complaints for which it jijis been compou ided and its efficacy is being estibiished ti testimonials qourly received we are th efore confi dent that wj3 jiihvc a jreparatiip which wc iein offer to the pnlilip withtue assurance that it will bq found jiot oub a rrlitf hut an abbolute cure for dyspepsia liver com plaint udigestinu ou9tipaiin and im pure lilonl free trial bottles at j e mugaivihsidrug store 38 t akrha mj tbtltwevt perhaps thje most estraord inary success that has open achieved iu mix ern medicine has been attained by the iix n treatment for catarrk ijout if 2000 pfi tients treated during the patst si c monthb fully ninety per cent have been cured of 1 bji4 stubborn nialady this is none the ems startling when it is remembered jthat tic five per centof patients presenting themselves to i i benefitted and other the regular practitioner arte while the ipatent medicine advertised enres never record a c at all starting with the generally believed bj the nioat scientific men that the diseaselis due t tho presence of living parasites in the tiss le sir dix on ajt once adapted his cure to their exter minationthis accomplishc li he claims the catarrh is pratcally cored and the permanency is unquestoned icuroseffeot- ed by him jfpur years- ago ire cores smu noone else has ever attempted to cure catarrhiujthis manner and 10 other treat ment has over cured catarrh i the appli cation of the remedy is simple and can be done at home- and the pre sent season of the year is the moit f avorabi e for a speedy and permanent cure the ma drity of joases being cured at one treatmeip sufferera j should correspond with messrs a hdix- on son 305 king street sjest toronto canada and enclose stamp or their treat- jze on catarrh iljntreatstyr nov 1782 great rock island route as it is fafnlllnrly oalled offers to travelers oil the advntakes and comforts incident to a smooth traok safe bridge union depots it mh connecting points fast eipress trains composed of c0mm3di0u3 vell ventilated well hiated finely upholstered and elegant day ooachebj a lino of the moaf maonifi0ent horton re0linhq chair cars ever built pullman8 latest designed and handsomest palaiie sleeping car8 and dinino car8 that are acknowledged by press and people to be the finest run upon any road in the country and in which superior meats nre served to travelerrat the low rote of 8eventyfive cents each three trains each way between chioaoo and the missouri river two train8 each waybetwoen chioaqo and minneapolis and 8t paul via the famous j i 1 albert lea route j a new and direct line via seneca and kankakee has recently boon opened between newport news richmond cincinnati indianapolis and la fayette and council bluffs 8t paul minneapolis and intermediate points all through passepgers carried on fast express trains for more detailed information see maps and folders which may be obtained as well as tickets nt all principal ticket offices in the united states and canada or of it r cable e st john vkwprest oenj manager cen tkt 4 passr ig chicago w si j v -i- tbie watch and plock house of uelph facilitie for ijuepairmg the finest and best wmsj new soobso cheap aoods spe8cht son aoton are prajjared to- furnish evcrythmg in c fstmdeka bm aim from the best casket to the plainest coffin on th shortest noti ie and at lmvcslt terms their line feitt eii dcrl to sntibr au balls cither nielit oijday proiniitiy faction guaranteed in evcrj casi i a firstclasshearse for hire r we are in i iinsitiun to istiafactorily jiill orvleri for wajgnns carriage o o lirstclass material always and extra quality cheap mr line cheap every description in reasonable mine cinil workmanship ond used we have aho a pplcrulifl lot or kujritnrc liolh common if you will pay uh cash we will aell you anything in a speight manager ii the- mammoth h0u3e georgetown hcleod andersdn x0x thk mammotli is bound this bensnu to all its former thorls ihthej way of selliiig goods clieap in hhowiiig a largij viirety in theget tip itjyle hndchehpnes8bf their mlllnfry tin- rorrtot tling in th8tylc make unilpribe in ilresa making we linvc a new targe and varied stock in ijlhlie latest nsvelties in mllidery- our dress goo is stock is now vcryljargc including silks batnif oitonvausjetc- a inagnificedt silk for 27jc worth 75c in the millinery aiid drtssinaking dtparluicnts wtiddiiifaihr mourning prdersa specialty tue managers of the millinery dressmaking unci mantle departnieutb are changed but have secured the heat talent extant ladies can cumevith coufidenceand lijavblheirorders i i ibrints andginglmrhs iu all the latest sfyles extraordinary cheap staples of all kinds iuchiding checked shirtings cottonndib grey and white cottons cottons abirt ings j cottoimdcs and al camuliau goods we buy direcllfrum the mills and sell them at wholesale prices l j i joar ordered elothinaand rents jnruihihg departnent was never in a awrecptn pletbi stale oeiitu men may come with th unqoht cunfideiiue ajid leave their orders audj we will suit themlli priie tyle4itji wdikniiinship and vatiety carpets we 1ivv an jjinmeuse tloclt from lijc upwaivjs hoots and nhoe a laige variety prices right readymade clothing we lmvn a lnrgi stock and we are holdilig aclfarhigsaleluutil we reduce the stocks t great bargains wo will give h gcod suit lorti we haye the ut- majit confidence in asking the patronage of the pubiicj we will sll you goodf ataway down bottom prices 1 mgleod anderson dc ga mamdtttb house percfaerq screes tie pctr tni rtgiitciwaa tbe ajvstoclt satepted from nfsl depar fji will tkelti forcpujghs coldsj iierdtip asthma aud bad that evevp an infaljt brouchitij hjagyard le f wfz pectoralbalsam is reliable mr jfoung dr ffdfbuayi pilli nervous 1 -ritiability- no pi jrc of the hap tan macb he requiri s more constant super isiontha thimervbts aybtem for tpon it or healtt snd evch life depends thef e pills sti 3ngi hen s 1 nervesancj are the infest gen ral purine 3 of the bloca naasc hesdacj e g iddines numbneasiiand rafnt i apathy riel i to the n they djspatch in a e ammary i iao ler tho ie distressing dyspeptii symptoq s si omach la ijastmr fulness at the pit of t io itomac i sjprpmal desteusic ti and t gulate alike zlx9yppetitea ndooiii ed bowel 0uiryxboa ijmying e gtia oidefi n rve tone fl howajls rpirt36alarl recoihn hd ito jmdsjdentt hritaw in4 ftljagrvons fn hprcl hoirsenesjj 1k 9 vegetable siciiiaii was the first preparation perf ictly adapted to earn diseases of the scalp ai ic the first sue- cemful restorer of bailed orirray lair to its riatural color growth and y iitufal beauy it lias bad many imitators h il none hate eo fully mtali uierqoiremc its needful for tlie proper jreatmsnt of the hair and siii ii alls jiair rnxicwcn has aluuitlily ijrovii in favor anil ajirirnl ibr faun indu3efiilics3 to erry quarter of the g1ol3jltsuiiiiiril- 1jled siifccf can be attribuejil to but 01b cause the kniire juljiincni oj hs promises the pjijririelors have of tei jbeen sunirlbuit at tho receipt of ordcjrs fro 11 remote euaii- i rlea where they hail never a aile an elf ort for its introduction tho use for a short tlniet f halls haie jlesnwcit wondcrfuhy 1nij roves tho per- oual apipearance 1 1 cluansi s the scalp from auiuipnrltles cures all liu tors fever slid dryness and thus nrevcnqs baldness it stimulates the wukimd gla them to push of ward a nt haoffcfa of this -ir- itby 2nd 18s5 the following editions of the dailt owbe will be mailed iijfff inmiiiout canada the united states and great briuiu imilv oitoiih morning kditwn i3tnosfl7s 6ni03js3jo 12 11103 700 daily gloni 12 oelock j loo f 200 400 daily oloiib 3 r 100 2w 400 uaily gi-oiie- saturday morning edition 85 i 65 125 ids and enables w aud vigorous article are not frrovlh- the offeefs trauiientj like tl oae of ale obollc prepara tions but remain along tin 6 which makca us u50 a lliatter b t economy buomlrhaftb die ton tbb waiskjiiiis will ehaiige tho beard t 1 itttrnt browp v or black as desired itprodrcesapermaiient color tlmt vlll noi iyash aia tonsistingof a single preparation n u t without houhlel 1 i i raemne0ri lppmcojsliaih soli by all ljealerslh f ijsdjelnei scrofulous blobrtty jrsbi ircteii ri the weekly special tral trlptwd months wo want to increase our present large listof subsoribers by ton thousand williintho next 30 days aud for lhispurposo makethoabove liberal and unpretedeatedoffer in addition lo the nbove ubeini offer we make the followiiib 1 anyone sexdikq us 75 coats and 5 subscribers will receive artjenrtra copy for two months free fl jo and 10 subscribers will receive an extra copy for five months free 1225 and 15 siihscribors will receive a copy of biography of the late forge brown 1300 and 20 sjb cribers will receive a copy of theweeklv globe for one year free m jo and 30 suoscribers will rectlvo a copy of saturday sdailv 6lobe one year free 750 and 50 subscribers will receive a copy of the daily globe four months free 1500 and 100 subscribers will receive a copy of the daily globe ono year free jsiablwheil rchi tatior irjach and amsrieia sit j tccts istamd j bwvrjfullr rtuated at ittii detroit kiverten 3cccsibie hv riiirond ivv rl i carnniu bjiiciirr ri hi lo tho 1 rra send jji ess savags 1ak ma f we have rel tditioj pf i4 frbra exeesesv 3e3lpriee in a soalcd or twclpostagi btamps tbeelebrated author say clearly demonstiij successful practice tliotl may be radically cured uso of internal medicind pointinrout a modcof tai and oectual by hcwe tle lerd of rrpt i 8 riieswcvil e civ nd bril fcrtcl rrt riiors 3- hotei c4ee fcnrrtnl v jwrrfoinpoi fr cataltnie itp hy ma uir dcrcl sith ot now x08t iej rsntb i w eutljyvublibiiea a new gjjllveiwcirs ceioj ss4j hratecl ssdny vm the ra atiil wl iss perraancrij c uietwithoisticeuiiue of nervous ijebtyity aleiitc 1atia physical jbcapac- ity impediments of 1 arriagoetc resultma lenvelopc oniy 0 cent iu tlijs admirable eh tee from thntyyoars uii ruling coiiaequencos without tmj dangerous r or the use of tlieknife meat onc jinpe cer- incane of wliith every buororno iititter whjit ills- ondition jaay- be may cure himself cheapl this lecture should bfein the fiau youth and every man h address privately anti radically h in the hamife ol every the und the cnkerwcjll 5iciirinl co 1 ann st vori4 post office bos 155 tlie east end citing j i has a complete assortment jof j fliqiax 012x1314 i ifisttad of runpiiic to the u5 whatpvrr recrtsliapptn hmppolntmpnt aftor vfths f wniinc njk at hkalfia7is james tlcif also 41 large variety or worsted cdatiros i iii plaiii and fancy fcubucrltje now aud sccare rflports of blbi parllnniejsts foronly 15 cents wstchej tiillsnt blsci srs7 oupnjtiitl hutrb conway and others a story of enthralling interest entitled wlrllarwa weiuij by hls bratldon is now running in thedajly and weekly globeland will be continued till completed it will be succeeded by a story from the powerful pen of jlstix nccabtuy and arte- the last named story is completed there will follow one from p l farjtuv the famous novolist r i locl i laaitifulpaiitingi in all shadesjand paterns a at caps ahd istoto rumissimb i j inthis ucpnrtnient the stock is well assorted i j r v j- before pitrchatiing jom- fall outfit call and examijne thestof k fit j and workmanship guaranteed v j fyfe tot offiol toj i auufol wcrt of lmpaits cocreii ririt and tmi iioiu tlthdrfrriitidns of- hit l iliivhs 11 vml iivu5 and linv- to pt n anil7 oniyl vhichmay belednclltl fmm srorder llswliat yoiitrant for tlie gsptrnsn icvts j rt- woeerr vit-tiit- lafcrnifiit ul tolt- vift fvtr iivtrv l rcchster k it y6rth their yight n coid mllsdinti in addition to the regular continued storsf there are always runnlngdn the 12 and 3 o editions of daily and in the wfieklvgtnbeoneor more additlonatnovols by authors of worldwide repute in this manner readersiet five or she opmplotc novels eachyear as n acttltlxtliral vewspapei the weekly globe is issmbpassedy asj spurgeons sfirmon revised by spurgeons ownhand given ev iry week in saturdays daily globe and in tai weekly globe under special ana oxclilsivo arrangement for the dominion of canadal the kev c h spurgeon is beyond queuion the most widelyread prpachcr in tho world ed is always racy practioal and instructivi- adclress the globe pointing co butti incomparable ildlclxft kccuriid j 63 hattoa as4oa todoi and 246 st james t montreal i ground scimitificaily from clenr- iind jdre pebble or optical glads pspeiiatlij nianuftidurcd for the tjitiijose flieyarrmtliyatijkitiun best lidapted to re ytbreih ravages of ugfi and to retain perfect vfyion they arc especially recommended by thimost eminent faculty f kvery pair ol spectacltsand liyegiasscsiis marked bi sole agent foragfon new dress goods eats featiierk flors eitofeoas loes et lit- rnm b he of enstumefft tjothih honse m i list iliie i ill jcrmiit itii make the rrinst of tlrtir ihou ncr of kiip strceteasl nutl h lghbuuj treet aud mind tlie uama ia mroul54lsrs5 utv- ijcijsiiv i iljiscjftlsi ai ngt a large quantity consitinc of 8ipwkages of new goodi hsvo arrived fin b tb ties bugld trimmingb dress gaods i asluilere seigos vuleniioe clnths mvitainbm v j enormous zvatf ttyad very olp ap vl m will be sold at u miuiilly iilw prices mshv r7 gt0ck8 consist of 10 piecesof mtisliusj hi great variety yiowriaf bus mhiiufacturev stock of ntw and istylisl giodh at about onelmlf their vwn lsi flf iv six diwh- of beaihiful lane seaks and ties whtte ami fiyioy jborderedi lawns laces coloretl net for r taking wes freveing ivfiir ivhiio nets thre 3 w 0 many other desinihle articles bich are tow sel fing pflat scotch cambriee pockhbndkrehiffi mantles u the very latent styles ladies wxxharcw t stvlekof csrieat received already tins sprlifr tim tie very best bnti prices that tistopish custjpmers bpiuint u v lots of the vih best five frame brtissels carpets selling iff at only fh manufacture 6 nonof uick had t pay ihe advice duty sothey wtllbe sj djfferv meap they make 112j john crule son nd jji lvruptjo makers best tr tt aafy of them aroworth about twice w excellentbedbhrnkhs alliood mthnveibeenmaaeddowtrvsilvbe srles at tbe rifclitbni alwats ituwrse dui n2hmrdtu then and frmile wtllkuwi riputimvnohisceblnitd house thi stiliewbyetan14irdtliw i w kia 30 kji jfissyfes it em p mbr tlje cor curie of moatdizma edl imjicr isliubli e- crtf ughoht the wormor the alleviation aid luwhith htimqnitt tvaj the piltls ifyrcgulute aidiimpivc lit- q aht theblood they acjsibt tin dit tti viisi clenae the s tomacei aud bow lfcs incjrease the secret ny powers of tbelivcr brioetbeuvrvoub iyctvui ind uiiw i0 jhj circulalinu ihe jiureat eiunts for uktaiulnff aiid repiiiiirg thij lriliie ithoustiudsdf ptrsiiiia havviisttied il byi theialsa alone bev huvei t toiheallh yind ulrctath iifl6r every oil nnjauahad proved m tl lutfucccssflft eishiiii 11 befiund jtval lable in every huuseht id the caris of olje i sunsi h ai il tuuioi a bad toga old vouais ooxielis oilclsv sore thro its broneh tis and fell diyordors of the t jroat mid client as also gout rheumatif m scurf ua ind- evi ry kindofskfti piseuici manufactured onh at pmfctej or hnk ways establish m nt 6s3 joxi 0 d street lokd wi it fed sold nt u 1 a 2s 9d 4k 6di i2 atumsseiu b bx ud ait d er 1 6 tr iv p potvlnid in cjaiia ilukiiu l la at sociiii co cebts the ld- tki and 5160 andlthe lavfier sizes ippjtopvrt mlpauiioiri- i have jio tjcnt in- united statesj nor nrjsiniy uieilicines f there purshawrs should ilittffttf the label ou the puts snd b if the address u wt fi83 oxford strtetlondn hev are spurious j the tradmiu j of my saidmeilieirv is wstrerectt otva pnd ao t aji v m tm t-iii-

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