Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 2, 1885, p. 1

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s v j luu in me mlch rnikrobs ii-htrr-vs- excpt at the option jf the jpublh ior j pvuktimsn hatks qatfeual idveftise- mcuta s dents per lino fotthoi rat inser tion and a cetnta per lue for bjh subse quent insertion cadh professio lal carda 10 liiicai or lessl0 per aunuui 1 square 12 unci soiuo per annual paya lo hi six months from date of mac rtioji a ly special notice fhb objectot wh oh is t promote the pecuniary benefit ol ahy in ividuaror company jo pe considered an advertise ment the number of lines n ckouted by auired li the space occupied me oivpareil f okxtkavt i tks oue column one ycf hall column oup year quarter coloiwn oue year one column tu months halt coltwm 8i months f quarter column six moutl one column three months half column tbreu mouth quarter oluuin threo worths ydvortisoiueiitn wulioi it tpectfl 3 directions will be iusortedtill torbl and chi rsed inglv traasltbry advert ii ahvancd chances for contract tiivirtueu iutlio offlco by 9 sum lliev will be lit over imti 1 the folu h poore editor ai business director stments lust 1m paid a r0lo of li 00 35 cq ooou moo u0 00 1200 so0o 12 00 7 00 iccora- euta i atifjt bo n momliifb otherwise wing ps men hlowry m b mg gradual of 1 rhrity c duegj bev of college oi pliys icians ai sutgoons 03ice and rcsideiic e at frederick street acfrra ewebster an x3- of the colleteioi pi sdrgeous of ontario physic accoucheurs j orncf j mill st fclsfrb hotel actop j j n b special att ntaon gifren to eases of women and hiitlren week ivrcirtietor cyi mb hc head of m member ysiciuutsand surgeen rjlskkscl c mjclls the di3 l rfit i l- frrs i voftff 1 rsprv v- arait y ihv irv iei p mi irlui n ncw vui cele- iiiv6f i si mx 1 ic-pc- v m 1 ttiv 0ei 1 ti- y vif c j 8- tfllitc t- lrli l5 ic hh t liy li iviiry -it- rrv be uyrijrvksy 1 h ut ri tvry 1 r j t c iloklklay bexs kit dent st i gprgei jwn ontario lvd s kurgepn uentist geotown ont twes th nv svstein of nitrjiui oxiie das cbml iaonly called vitalizi djair for extractiug teeth without paini- iavo t dmiu jatereov it over a thousand tin pn tt routo withdut ah v evil results fta if ihg bedudenkonstritl or and practical teacher in royal coljepp of dental surseon tprout i 9onajayijr depend ppon recejv utfaatr jtih in any operaticjns perform sdj o liceonc soioi baptist chuwhj aikless dei tjajl perations vitalized air or fsitrcas oside gap tor painless office of dent j i ope ations c b tovcn block i ipper vty haye xaj east corner torohtb ontario teeth 55 tjkfc o rates lea ordef f ivlham doot oenetia l ha xklxo txansactela k01tey toalted on appe07ed 0tbs notes discounted aui interest allowed on tlepc sits stock brokers yf toronto kambers toronto stool exohwgie have mdepciaient direct yirc by which new york continuous stoewijuotatijnb are received niorc ripiaiy ihanhy any other source buy and sell on goiundssijn for cabh pr on rnarfiiivull securities dealt in on the toronto montreal fid new york j stock exchanres also execute orders in ttjjain and provis ions on the chicago board iftrado daily cable qwotatjions o hudsons bay and other stpck 26 toronto street city and country chool i are in stock at id vas bookstore dayblls 0bsa3 at the 3 l disi gudph oiitr street dektists south king a dlonge streets finei f audt best set iolo tilliuga i onethird for te th iii the morn ingi can have theia the tame day we have bedu administering ihurds vitalized air tor the paiules- extrsujting of teeth dcx nig the past year regardless vuayisay wellington marts works qtrebed st g jblf h john h hamilton prqprieior formerly mcquillai i hamilton dealer in marble granitt ajnd everylhing pertaining to cenis tery xvork received lirst prizes a provincial ex- hibitioiiguelph the vei tern fair and all local exhibitions for excel eiice of material and superiority of workmanship your orders ire solicited f nr 1 ft in cold 1 p ifiiijcjxk rltltybl fcrli licricif vttp r hif ng of teetn dur- i of wliat others 4 y john law sot gri duate of ov- o tario veterinary c liege toronto veterinarv surgeon acto j ontj qrce in kluuv bros hobt and shoe storejrsi fence in the rear hor s exaninedas to senudness nd certiticat s giver i all caiiy night c r day- promptly attend cd to tonn easy wtnslat tcleajj barristers solit iters xotariejs convey ancers jfmoney 1 1 loan oiru t 1 own e all aejtou tailonmv wjajklbs lumber shingles andjajth the uidersikned desires to iiiforui tbe pulilio tb4t he has now on hand and will kej iu stock a full tiue of iine audmeinlock na well ns other kinds of liuiibpr alf first aud kocouil class pine shingles tath coal barrister ylic tiaitoi ofticc- fohn day oiikt quexiji sqnaie oun laldllaw t w wood having liurchabcd the co lbu3intb8 of mr c s smith i am pre pared to iupply all kinds of 0 stock of wood jill wood at reason- wood and c04i delivered james rhowk stove cdal i havf also a hrnivood ash cedar aud able prices new goods bracelets bracelets bracelets i new stock beautiful patterns batches watches wjatbbns waltham and elgin in gold and silver caiscs i the heroes of the botjdan englandi9 thy glory fading v ib thy jidro spirit fled did thy eons forgot thobtory deeds of dn ringlife blood shod answer noble- valiant spirit ansvyer gordon leal an true christian solfliera christian hero with sad hearts wo think of you witness weary dciutert marches who are these that follow on eagorinow to meet she arab doomed to ifind their hero gone v witness stewart earlo and byre r korti gubjit gakdul wells witness patient thirsting wounded suffering soldiers 1 silence tells british people thesu are heroes dashing forward uoble brave burnaby at abujklea by the nilo a lonely grave why this wealth of blood aud treasure why these precious lives laid dowi england seeks to break thefetter of tho slave tis sacred ground christian- england rise to conquer free the blave at home abroad in their cause vlotdrious ever- pause not now trust thou in god avo these that he was danger ge swept over the boys a moniishthe was paleias atlhea ho gasped to the man il id robody tolten out the powder cried the man aghast wlmt where f heinriclis only answer was to rush past hitn up tlio long stairway as he reached the top he sawa loud of smoke just issu ing from the door at the farther end of the that the fire was steadily to the front hisflying an instant he passed two firemen still at their posts but them were ajready driven back comeback to heard them as he ran rap r the flame crackled m toronto march 13th 1885 qur stoy fr faithful and true 1 by milty a t stansbcllv pi1- ooodwillie tor n- tarvphblic ivcl tows aciuj in m s ecyds bloi vllchltkct gbixiu ont hotl block market buuitti rs oi hcks ove i wye iiigton street ei alley toronto john bain q wiuuam laiui siv co it ki ouch isl bapli trance atentscur5i fc r int r henry gj jti years proc rnraxcisnpnan -vx- v ihnccessoi to w gcoitui 2i wei kxchaugt r glel business oollece gueiiph otari6 offers yoitjngm en and wqme the bcstfiaeilities- bijacqniringacom- jplete training for bnsin s pursuits bookkeeping comn ercial arithmetic banking act uil busii ess practice busi- uess gorrespotidenee penmanship com- reercillawielegrapliy shorthand cal- igraphy or type writng french ilygiene and physiology are tlught by the mosjt practical andtlnteresti ng method the staff comprises sis experienced teachets and lecturers j i the y irious department s are elegantly titbed up villi the latest an i itest apparatus pr business college worlf studemsmay enter at sfor a copy of circular addrtss i- m- tny time he annual college a jues 1ist ci ice 1 0 patjirt no pay bg st georges sc uarc kiitklt entions 1iawa cakaia i chapman okbi stdek account bobs of all kinds made to order description carefully i utq iiiy tii si-i- slivi- lfciju i v wlils i- i ltf liver ii11 jill feinjo s for sfflbc j j u stfd i4ibt iii u- ck ci y uilr vry liiitischold j iuthi tuuiois- ccrgia iilu uk iiud allv li clitit ah slsol luia viid every i f i f fr hollo- j iif 0x1 ok d v so jll 1 jjd yf v t ki h tiix and iii feovents periodicals of ever bouudl rnling ueatlj i 4 w or m hemptrept ouelph ontario euaucormick principal tm butcher shop thos burn side would respectfully uforni the citizens iof acton aiid vicipty that he has openedabutchir shop nest to mcciajrvinsdrugbtoreand t iweparedi to supply firstcldss meat gold lockets etc4 etfc just oined j b savage near fetrics new urng store cideipii hilus i tip k stove dedott good assortm ent on stoves i ceteap for cash tinware of all kinds at bottom prices in the f all kinds auilp i romptly done ts ktsiii plitpittioh f ajhl iu the 1 meiliclnen 14 ifrfiiii jto jbjst if tlfeoj irvr imel llcesseuifctlon jelor theicounti s of w ellingtu andhaltou orders left at t ae fue 3 pbess i office actpn at my residence in acton avill he rjrouitjy attei ded to terras reasonable i onet o loak alsio iaaonoy loan dn the most f avor- ablq iertns an tat thuowesk rates of in terest in samej of s5c 9 and upwards poultry and came in season joen j daley i baccea or to thompson jackson money to joan n farm property at 6 per- tent mortgaga purihased imoney loaned for paities to mortgages and other eecurttyi coi veyan ingjin all its manches iprorerly and neat y dbn charges low farms andf city pr tperty for sale list with farms io gale 1 ent to all parts of the dominion tt intendi igpurcbaaers and oir- ctrtatecliii e tp european capitalists wanting farms in j ntario will he di rections throigh pur european ajgencies farts wanted fojnj onr lists cotrespon- dence iiyited guephiont h ittlm t aslan baf per sfloe x v worden ed a nrntckjss bjf 1 pfge near the pot office sjrinwx copr having experience assure all satsfactioi share of cnstin meat delive c th03 in the trade- i can and solicit a liberal d shfortfidefe urnside agent eayetrougtiing a specialty and pul l on shortest notice first class material only used j a call solicited j ohill mill st ouelph- cloth hall li li d for working ieople r ppcfci pobtage and send 10 cents we will moil 3 ou free ia royal yalnahle ban pie box of goods that jpwill put you in the wy of makiui more money iu a few days than you ever thought possible at any buaic 2 js capital lot re quired you can liy j at home and vork iu spare time only or a il the time all of both bses of all ag s grandlv successful 60 cents to 35 easily earned every evening that all who want wk rnay test theusi- uess we make this unparalleled o fer to all who are not well satisfied we w 11 send 8 to pay for the rouble of writing us fpll particulars dir sctiorls etc aisufrfree immense pay absolj tely sure for ill who tart at once dqnt delay ajdiesa t l i has opened i bar j irhop in thebuiiding neatlv oppoi te st ey s old gjoye jjactpryj mil street a ctdn aid solioittsthe atbn- aneof tbepnolif i thia vicinity eyery department f th inbinesiwii be sonduct- f j pwordjbn and maine t spring arrivals received today stod 10 packets of oho ice flower si eds j r tvrcatjrh e teuti 10 packets of 0h lee tegetaw seea i piit ftttnt v laapw or 1 eddiasr 20 beautiful plants vi or uue dalu 1 sen4orcatalogiiiitofranei6 lason j peterbiirongh onff pa and fancy vtoratea coatjlags scotoi tweed suitijngra v f shawcrundy i ft i i merchant tailors guelph cents for svle ijfbbchajijts and bthorsreqii vi for change cau be supplied tyat tho bbepbiii aiiiuy coppers with any quae 8- office it wan not the pleasantest thiiif world to be boyofallwork at harris but heinrich had been thaukfulenbugh to get tho situation and keep it in spite of itb disadvantages lie would havejbornoj anything for the sake of his mother and blue eyed baby ernest if was strange he thought that he should have beeij hired at all since he hadno recommendation to offer and could only answer in slow broken english the sharp rapid questions of the proprietor when he said as moch to his mother she answered gently nono 1 niy fteinrich 1 it is not a strange thing it is the dear god when he took the father to himeelf he promised to care forna j j mr harris had been a middleaged man so long that he had quite forgotten lever having been a boy ilore than that he seemed to have a strong dislike to boys and but for saving the larger wages pt a man lie would doubtless never haye had oue about him at all but having one ho meant to make him useful ydn may bo sure all day long heinrich was hurried from 0110 task to auother ho did iot mind that for he was willing to work but ho thought sometimes when his younglimbs stroiig as they were ached with weariness that ho would have given worlds for the word of approval that never came ho did not complain to his mother but she jknewi her boy so well thafjwhen some- tunes she saw him sitting iu tire open doorway afterthe simple supper was overp lus gentle face a little downcast and a faraway dreamy look iu his eyes i she knew that all was riot quite right she did not question him fqr she was wise enough to know that it is not best to itfake r t ones little troubles largos by talking about them hut she would cohiei aud sit beside him pull his heatl down on her shoulder smooth his yellow wavy hair with her tender hand and say if we do our duty my heinrich nobody can hurt us for nobody can take the happiness out of a heart that is faithful flnd true i i 1 heinrich had been sent one day upon an errand to a distant part of the city and and ou his way back lie heardf the lire alarm atbikiug the number of mir hurris district hehurriedonyaslast aihe could 1 and turning tho last corner he saw a great crdwd of people pressing upon the limits ofi an open space- which had been cleared for the engines the stream was escaping j in quick panting breatte and long hose eetuef like great serpeiitscrawl- ing up the brick walls in and put of the windows tip anddowu their rope ladders clambered the fearless firemen and liehind them rose a great cloud 6t fire and smoke now beaten suddenly back anjl again streaming up freshly towards theky heinrion uttered one cry of dismay for it was harris store that was burninij b fire was as yet confined to the reair of the great building in that part nearest to him men wew working like beavers to remove merchandise and valuables heinrich worked his way to the great door where is mr harris hp heard oue clerk shout to another gone back to his room agau laud the porter with him hes trying tp get out that cabinet v r i well iiellgooiice too often sell my life for a lot of dead bjligs iiny how heinrich uuderstoodit all in i tnomeui mr harris ouly pleasure outsiijethe strict raund of business was bund m the study of naturdl history and he had a great cqu lection of insects niany of them tx porridori showing working its way feet paused not one or most of boy shout the ceiling over hlsliead a- binder fell at his feet the smoke blindedand chocked him he gropedjfof it that dredful thing which jnobody else had remembered the lire creeeping toward it over it falling about it ho threw both arms around it aud liffed it he could scarcely draw his breathj uow ho staggered under his peril ous burden god help me 1 he gasped as he stum bled ljackwrd ithfough the doorway and into the long hal aeurreut of fresher s revivedhis failing strength down through the ranks of firemen below past mr har- ris and the porter balancing a glass case between them with dainty care across tho open jspatje forcing his way through the parting astouished frowdjfar down the street scorched blackened almost un- recogriizatilo te set it down at last the keg of piwdei which wouli have blown scores of j souls into eternity but for his faithful selfgetting courage the boy hero did not hear the great cheer which went tip from the throat of the crowd he had fallen fainting besides the dark trophjr of hiafbravery i need not tell you of the score of btroug arms that were reached out all together to lift him from he pavement bat yon could never imagiuetho look up his simple hon est face when he came to himself after his long aiddeathlikc swoon he had never before seen the iuside of so fine a room as this of ithe greti hotel just down the street whithai they had carried him his eyes i were bewilder id by the color aud gildiug his limbsstraigely unused to the soft bed where i he laj but the wenders of voh- ders was the ace of mr harris bent above him tender iremnloub wet with teats cojild it be tl at yoiee in his ears so sharp and cu itiug b ifore so gentle now my boy you have saved allour lives it w is heinrich s turn uow the color surged back into hiapoor marred faceand one gieat sob of thankfulness broke from his heart and then the door opened and somebody catne iu swift as the wind crying where is he and somebody else answered he is all right now 1 and the little german mother in her blue stuff gown and white handkerchief fell across the pillow ahd took her boy in her arms it all happened tenyeaes ago the new stove js larger and finer thauthe old and tho great gilded sign reads harris it cu see- therbis mr harris ajb his desk you would hardly know hiju for the oherry hajmy look lie wears and when he speaks to that flnt tall young fellow at his side at least fiv 3 years drop from his age in a moment for that is hajnriob junior member of he firm of harris co past anjd present wonder it tho young men of this j- enioy themselves as much as we old folks used to when we were their agev i sometimes think they do not hecatisothey paymorc attention totheir dress than theiij pleajsiire and liey seem to take their vices in coarser draughts than their predecessors ill the flowery paths of youth and riot but thiuimaybe only tho bilious view of a-dis- gruritleid philosopher who regrets that the wine hafj- lost the sparkle of twenty years ago alid one nights indulgence in the delights of thetableis followed by a weeks actlye palpitation of the liver v ppsitively one everyday young man is a rejietitapn of- the other they are as much alikis ts chinaman it is difficult to tell therb ipart unless biie fellow has a cast in his eye a limp or a broken nose to- me they lookab if the same iailor made their clothes the- same bootmaker their boots i i 1 audi their hair land moustaches were trim med by the same barber fscse imra- ibflvervaiaktqyminomihu just as loflglw flit hapet t lren youre tnarrfed til boobi fieirgv i despise amanwlio is misy won 1 j- by lo i will iot1e4 j nevercall masjster jtll answer norv i- ho ah angel hntifleli spoald plea9i that bittcrspoech was in y oars gone by tmid tho iairvblossoi us kf may by their scottish noifbbora remembered well v t till the sisterahad b jth grown gray v a halkhnewaff drawi on the cottage floor that divided thalrli res apart v asawallmifeht do ia ring on either hide all theipan of ayninded heart when the ir noighborslc ime in the afternoon to call they wentil is side or that bat the minister thr t gh hie visit rare pqharely over the c 1 ilkline sat wien the lack of spec j through the weary 1 i day j grew at last intotni rtal pain they werewoiit to spfe k to te w ary oat jwho peaf tllly hv n 1 with the 1 wain mm fefi their manner isms have been acquired by the same school andj their slaug studied from the same book they tire me because i am old and i detest a young fellow who cannot be drgtnai in somethingphis vices even if uothijig else be left hiifti thb old crowd the crop of gay boys 4t flourished twenty years ago were more in- der endent if one fellow appeared with ion ibair his friend would have his cut short if one invented and acquired an odd expression ath or otherwise his rig it to it was respected nobody tres- pasied upon his preserves nobody borrow ed his property his method of jighting a igar or lifting his hat or wearing his nee ktie was never copied by a friend in- dee i the man who could not cutlhis own- swethe who had not brains eiouh to de- ms a peofiliarity was barred- from our circle the jnylwide tne true wife so theiumtoertlays li 1 their order passedr jso the wijntir storn 1 j hustled by and the reyhafteft maidens pnw6oed uvea on 1 until age in its dnik drew nigh what repentant tho gate here had been none knew i what yearnings ore lost sisterhood but the stern old jsnff born in scottish blood jby thev6wftnliits wordiugstood elsie looked askance- now ahd then to see j that janet sat oite 1 at rest- saw sorely amazed 1 hat tjie bible page opened wideonih oaken chest often lacked iher glas fes acromslaid j andthebookraark acrossandaerpwn saw at last the ttu ih that the mark am i book v j very often were iuppiddown k f r with thesuh 4f may came the hawthprn6 bloom i on the bukh just 0 ltside ttieir door and the aistjern sat b r the windows liglri as they oten had sat before oh old janets face asyt shadow strange and a look as of btter pain after elsie said to the purring cat see the hawthoijn has come again janets workworn bjands overlaid heroes anda tear through her fingers slipped whenshe turned albodt f or her kerchief i- ter a tane df yarn she tripped j i and fell down atjlength verystul ahelam j svhileher sobs qoivered low and fast j shall i sefe nae mlir when the hathorn blowi m am i bliid hajs it eomo at last drawing near the line on tbo sanded floo elsies feet toit last bound trayed-i- grossed the lind of chalk in a momelat more j janets head on her bosom laid then a kiss of jwacte passed the twain s tween j and a whisper now let ris pray ens the pair arose as with tjne accord to brush the old chalkline away- -l- 1 1 -v- i rc 9k had moved wit h her owh life other side of c ftentinies i have been a tall ship glide by against the tide as if- drawn by an fa visible tow lino with a hundred strong arms pulling it her sails were unfilled berstream6rj were drooping she bad ueij thef sidewleel nor stern- wheel still si on safely in serene triumph but i knew that on th the shp hidden beneath the great hulk that swam so majestically tere to s little toilsimejsteam tug wjith a heart of ire aud arms of j iron that was tugging it 1 iravely oi and i kneiv that if the little ste im tug untwinecj her armsand iefohle- hip it avoidd wallow and roll about and drat hither and thither and go qff with the ref uent tidi 1 nomsjn kuows whither ana sd i have knowh more tlan dne genius hi hdecked fullfreighted widersailedgav- peunoned that but for the bare toiling irmsj and brave warm beating heart of the faithful little wife that nestle close to him so that no wind or wave could part the jw uld have goneaown with the stream akd ha ve been heard of ho more uliver wen- ttlholmei v good boys aiu tidv they never come tothe table with soiled hands and crumpled hair am oiujeblt rthey have a place for everything and everything in its place when any calamity has been suffered xluv first thing tobe remembered is hovv mnih has bben escapedoihsoh j- one trial of mother graves worm ejx- ermlhator will convince you that it jhjas no eqjual as a worm medicine bay 4 jjjit- tle aid see if it does not please you sard aud soft corns cannot withstand hdllovs ys corn cure- it is effectual every timei let a bottlo at once and he happy j wairt or ttare virtue j j is the common aud weuknown burdock 4- ijtia one of the best blood purifietb i 4hd kidney regtiators in the vegetable world arid the compound known as burdock blood bitters possesses wonderful power in diseases of stomach live tock in apruv ihe work horsep now nee4 an abundance of strengthening food eeep the harness i and soft ft is easier jp prevent gills tt an to cure them especially during busy season when a horsevlabors- most cc nstant and valuable many horses w jrkiug upon soft ground are bleat shod wiieu they are barefoot cows need care- lit 1 watching dilring this season ithehi a wsjtime approabhesi ithe feed should be reduced lwkcmt for garget and rise the simple remedies often mentioned in ihese columns ewesl with- lamljs need ahun- d mce of food otherwise the lambs as jveil awl waktley endeavor to keep their f f d ai bufferi if ticks jare blacked and their coats and hats tjgiublesome use a dip of tobacco wateri or shoes i blacked and their coats and hats brushed art rolltt they speak low and gently they apologize for mistakes they are as iijiother and sister as they are to kind to strangers vke tat uh iv they do little asked- abe citeertil 8ine one of the several preparations run on errands or ictsof kiriduess pleasantly when tliey enter the hreak- with a pleasant good morning disappoihtments bravely ant fast room they bear cjieerily are ikdekendent they sew on their own bujttens and take care of their own jr4ps j afie tehpiiiiatkthey never smoke liftr chew nor drink anything tfliat intoxicates j abe 1ravrbicl tjiey kneel night and morning and ask ds blejseing npph them selves anjd their friendw ari yph a good hoy will you try to be v r topped to hear a story sold iithe shops swine need srunjaudinay do mneh good ii the orchard if tho i oultry have vermin use kerosene opoi t the nobts land walls 0 thehouse i i enjoyed by fowlp7 i 4 for ilpn7 ath a dust inwwcaii afjriailtu i iwouldnt two ptaiigers passing rowland hills church pne da entered walked up the isleand finding no seat stood for awhile and listened to the sermon presently they turned to walk out before they reached the door the preaoher said but i will tll you a story- thisof iourse arrested tjlie strangers- and they paused tnrned again and listened gncej there was a maq eaia the preaclier whd said that if he had all tbetaes hv the vorld made into one greet ute- and all the trees in ihe wef id ma le i ito one jtnip ania te could wield the axe an i out doywhe tree he would rhilke itiito one great whip ta thrash those un- god ly 1 nen who turn their baeka 1 on the reason audfafth resemble thfe twq sons t f the patriarch reason is the firstwrn hut faith inherits the blessing altenxll live as with god audjfwhateverbeycrar iialling pray for the gift that will perfectly qualify you in it horace bushiielt sooner walk in the dark and trus to i jromise of god than trust in the lij hfc of he brightest day that ever dawned uh ipurgeon i f- when homo is ruled according to gods word angels hvightr he asked to s ay at uight with us 1 and they would net find themselvosout if their eleraehti spi rgcmv the presout moment may bo afeeai on of darkness how shall we find light j draw nigh to c4od aud lie will draw high to you draw nigh fpr god is lightftnd in lnm is no darkness at all gos 6l ly rare whioh he kept in his ovn private toom aidjoinipg his office and viadeel abovi ijj ti oublejeancioaii and stop tohear i story thearg tfrotble atid perplixity drives mef to prt yei and prayer dr ves away perplexity f but a tiie blood liver kidneys and vi v xo matter i no matter where pain lameness orlspre- ness exists hagyards yellow oil takisii at applied will give immediate relief tinlita positive cure quickly follows its use 1- 4 hearty uecoramendnuon i jacob a empey of cannamore ptates that he has taken burdock jblobd bitters wi tli great benefit in a lingeringcomplaint and adds that he would gladly- recdmmend itltoall i t a yalnabie patent i the most valuable discovery patented in modern times is that of the best bipod purifier and liver and kidney regulator known we irefer toburdock blooijbit- ters which is making so many wonderful cure and bringing the blessed b6oti of health to so many people o bortle of manofiester ontaroj co it yv writes i obtained immediate re- lief from the use of dr thomas eulectric- oil ihave had asthma for eleven yeitrs have been obliged to sit np all night for ten or twelve nights in succession i cin now sleep sonudlyiall night on afeatherf btd which i had not been ablotp dopreylotibly to using the qjlv v r v mr s a harrison chemist and- drug gist dunnville ontwrites lean with eoufideuce recommend northrop ly- mans vegetable discovery and dysjpepbc curvforbyspcjpsia impure bloodjpuiiples on the face bi hasnessandiconbtipation v such cases ha ing come npder my pefcsoual j r- i j observation v- i 1 rt how arev e ever going to get jtnrongh our spring am summers work iveare i j all run down tired out- before it bcgiia i so say man j a fanners fainilj answer go to our- druggist andj vpf dollars for six bottles of ayers sarsaparijlff i this ia just t ie me4icine you need ajnd x will pay cbnsi ound iuterost on iuvcjst- i i uii- j that slight cold you think soil ttlo of j may prove th 3 forerunner of a complaint that may be fatal avoid this ifulii by taking ayers cherry pectoral jthejbesi- of known remet fcsfprcoldcbnghsjetaixbs bronchitis- ir cipient consumptipua ai j y other throat jid lung disease j i j j sifououays puls important jfcwrj ithei delicate itjis difficult to deternhnehieii- ci winter or tl ejteen dry easterly though god has promised t tys te ia to hnia guide lusinquiriug children in the w y thrt m of ant is right he has nowhere promised tt make t this way now right to their f riehdsbi neigh bors or even k themselves hdlibu rton are you enriching yourself agerl y with knowledge osperience influeticot- reiltht yon inay pour all these thi igs out oonfetitnv autumn and imt nnjdsof- that upon a world that calls for you as mace donia oalled paul ghfistian uiioiic- men do thihgsi which thefpif atheri 1 would have deprecated and then draw about them selves a flimsy cordon of sophist ryj and talk about the advance of- hhman ty aftei liberal thongkt when it is hpihing 1 fter all iperice for inaivinalli ense rwjihilfim vf spring throughout the seasons good health may bo maintained by i qcafeiohai dosesof hoi owayi pills which pnwfythi blood and a t a wholesome sttn ittiatots to the si tin stc macliver bbwels unflpudk ueys this celebrated medicine befeni a- fai trial a convince the ailinj ajraiwr sponiling tli it it will rratpre and li gepsjesa withjut da iigerj pain or inmnewnevit pfmiiy jhosid bevftthoiit a tirflsss pillsjanoihtraehfcjift epi kffip

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