Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 2, 1885, p. 2

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ikpmr mm pvj3iit kf r it i i r c 1 i 3 ililon f r i -4- the news of tiijnprlsiui jui the noijtlj wert under ixjatvfuwl tlo to itijntor b97i f t i mi iwi 18 if baa filled the fobellibh shefciu l ourpeopla with pusteniaionj th wart ud military tjroijliles outeide if gahaia uowsiuk into iinsimficange th rpbellion atfhome passing jail -to- realty tho sttrn 1 i j i i troalities of war jo own country bos tig jboprduedj jsevjsr 6iuco jtlio jfc anion- wad of 66 has the cxcptomeut j cnna id by any national pxutarehed such a ju aajht as has done during tjvs past week ver bit jb rebellion and khisl subject kiaa i rraed hie allabsorbhig topip of couveret tipn heartless slaughtte of loyal ci istens alud aettkra in- the north west haj oused i he deepest feelings of every jti leueared canadian and ffcycry vpluute ir in ho domiuiou is ready rud anxious o ro fir ward ju the countrys defence louis kiel buptjidhave dean t aoged his treasonable offences long agi and government should now usejox orv rneius iu their power to bring this acendiury traitor into their hands avid the i procoed to mete out to liiin in short jrderihe punishm en ttie so justly deseryesl tho outlook is one of very perioia charuc tor and will iii inv event tenijl to shake the coufidoueapf the public in tlia ko th w the course of with tho closest anxiety events will now be interest not mm est watched sed with iiuilistii iii tor i he notes aid comment i j f i the ontaricjxegislatnre was proi jgued on monday afterjaooa with tlfeabual i creniou i i i after june next the posiago on ittera iu the united states wfll beitwbcenti foieiicli i ounce of weight or fractional part thereof instead of each ball ounce ak at present- this will be a great conveoieuci to pjjir americans friends and will make the ter carriage distance considei ed cheapest in the world j rockwood news frrtix iiiirotriit tvrrtipondiht 5tr i young police magistral froih oak viljlei lectured in the inrest of th scott act in itfcis village last w k the meeting was well utteuded i 1 last sabbath mr strathan i reached le i tike rhisahuiyersary sermon reiltrrini to the i j ireugacemfcuc tlitu was briski the police associations in hfs mnp yeart t rt i jjjjj pleasant past ami vpluntetrii lniviuj responded with many had come aijd cjflue j i vigorous fire the rebels iai a reported during that t ime ouehuhdrw and six had been membership dred and fifty ifiirtifnlars of the ducjk lake fight uwvo fcnf ts that tiie iniliawjar mi unsrtmstteeb jvmipki i march i a7waf4 despatch fipni jarttoq says major geo tier with 0 ie huutitcu tnuu oouipribinu mounted p liou jaud volunuers from 5 riuoe ak bwtltift fort torltttpn wednesday for tl lopnrpobo of pro ee iihx to i 10k lake oithio ten mileti ditant to real in posses 8 ou of some bupylies which i baa been syorbdtliwts nnd which the jr bels had buwlat thotiistputbrealc hey were cosaiilp tho resurvo of a ree chief niuiail beardy when they joiand the lljalthrjeeds va taken tip a 8 ourposi ition to bar their way the in bels were w iid to number over two hnnd ed whei c roiu rlorpe advanced the ebels at binit4d to surround thorn probably v ith tho iuteutien ottakiufth m prison era not sucpeeduik in this i tukt firsi a vollbt v hich was replied to by crpi iers men 1 lie hriu lastoi boiiie little jt me when c rovkr bndm his men lar pi tnumber- st rdtreatoil iq uood order tp fort jarlttoti the loss pu hia aid was t1nlvk wu15dj atd blbves wpundbd the killed wero constabh s i gibson arnold of tho police and oivilians aptaiu johu morton v napi m james liiokeley rojert middle ton i mciien ejd mulliail chavloshewi it joseph utierson alex fuher ulie wounded are police inspector owci corporal gilchrist oonstable tjiarrictt goutt table f gordon conbta jlusuiith constable jj codoon t table miller i civilians alex stewart a ilonabb w markley ga itimpore the lalter was the leader of t ie tolon- tee s ana had bis leg broken y a ride ljali i j wuidipeg match 20 the ireportsof the bill utng of fort carltoi and its t vacuatiouiby the mounted i olipe are louuimed by a despatch re wived by commissioner wrigiey of th hudson kay company from their chi if factor c arkc col irvine with 200 raliceaod oiuuters left the fjbst on thursday iast attor burning tire stores i nd other luppiieb likely to fall into the hands of the reljels its evacuation mi rendered cvtcesary fiom lack of prdrisinus tp uj ply tlie increased force in i tbpex uoseii character of the post in the event i an attack by rebels from the sur- rouuuiug hills the lprces hfi re cone to 1riuto all ert it being easiep a defend aud the larger set dement reqi iring prp tcction the only means df news now from prinefc albert will be- by courier to battlefonl a clistauco of 120 niles and thenby telegraphing to wiiini peg the i ollowiiig additional partiquurs havo lieeu received of the fight at duok jake tnu firing was begm by the i ebols while major crozier wa s holding a parley vith baetundor a tla4 of trnfce tho m seventy added la the jchurc the at ipreseut was iver o te him- he hoped the pe ce and goodieeiing would still contipuej one of thejpioueers of eiktnosj in person of mr robert farriesgh rrydale died lust wek having resided lere for thirty nine years two years i go mrs parries diedl at the funeral u la ge nnm- ier of neighbors ind friends atit- nded to pay their last res ecfi to deceased one who had come mi at a time when fe of jthe convenieucesiof life were to be hai endor- ing many hardships audsainfici ig many comforts in life iu order thatltheg neration following might occupy a mdre a vautage- ous position two of his sons are m ts in new york one is pastor 6f ol of i the largest presbyterian churches in ottawa one of the dan hters is married to kev mr cavanj and one to bev mr jr a straclian lime house sparks from vur ovh cjrreipoitdenl- 1 the mixxurouow is ice sdow ind slush hmen are all engaged at the kill s i j tour town bell now rings ioor ling noon and night j j telephone boijuection is to be i lade soon tin possible wtwxcn mr johnmo jros office and acton j j- t twelh cart loads of limehjufe been ship- v ped fromiiere during the pat t yo weeks 3ir alexander has givenop hi i sitaatiou i as foreman of dhebf the kilnb here and been appointed foreman of i thi kilns at alton whereihe and hisfamily uoyo this week mr pedinan has bien kpjpointed foreman in mr alexanders placi mr c moorewe hear intends photography with mr c v hil mr mcdonald section man in ek for kansas ing here next jsve taking his family with him ipng op acton i- is hjavf intends y wprk- miss nora parson has comnien ing in the woolen mills in the placi of miss mcdonald who leaves for kansas i what mfgfiti have resulted in a vary leri pus if not jfatal accident last sitnrday morning waaipreventedby tne section man discovering bolts broken and othef general disorder- at the switch just loug enc ugh before the fast triin cam5 ajng tpglveliim i itsfffe for the expri time to make i over mirfrch 30tfi 1835 is o oass k ck io have lost 43 killed and woui idea the rannon of tho mounted poliii rendered i ihective service in covering the retreat o fort carlton land hut for tiiem in- i jvitabe nisastert wojild j have followed i all the hndson bayfsupplies and gov i rnuicetstores being treight d to the ahrthwest from qnappellfr bavo been seized by the rebels at batoch a crossing l special train vt ith the secoid detach ntnudf troops frpw winnip g reached jaapiielle yesterdayi it is said that the half breetls in the ftood mouutain reg on jufet north of he american bouuuaryhay been pre paring for mbntbsfora iisinj there ire not over 3w of them fn it iat local ty bnftbey could easily rei iruit from he halfbreed settleuents in the north visiisouri country therear probably 10000 halfbreeds along tt 9 frontier jctween the rocky mountain r and the red river the indians at v oodmoun ain are also said to be c isaffected iain it is reported itliat riols tobacco nen have been seen and thai some of the hands bqae snioked a wl its settler trom big muddy creek jui t east of ft ood mountain says the 1 alfbreeds ire coming in largo numbers from the atoercan side and that vhen they liave perfected their organizi ttion they intend to move north upon r gina tear up the canadian pacific tracl and har- tiii ii ivioinhy pounilmaw has gt iiat open reliellloii andj- ho inatw toe and ajt it defiance hie peopj ha e left te ierandite oubceutritt ins in large numbers at battlelord thl hil saro awarding with redskins who uiiiaten to born os op and take potim- biopfthobraokbandtoreb yf viwfilittobtttv ort quarokiib nwit maroh 81-t- tha rebels am remaining between the soith and north saskatchewan iu ex- jiettation of a rising of halfbreeds at wtod mountain kiel with the cross- itn- s under hitl control can hold bis pre seit position agiiiu8t twico the lorct no v at general middlotous coinmahlj sh uld he fiucl it impossible hdwover he can readily crobb the north saskut- chiwan past carletn and strike into tht vrst northern tprest i the southrn lice it of this iprest isjonly co miles from coileton i iis regards iiupplies it is believed tho rel els have an abundant stjore lttrge qui mtitius fell into jtheir bauds at ba- toches cro88idgdiick lake chaffees farm the elbow jand chirkes crossing te imsters say that ever since last july arm have been going in to thorn lrom tb aaiericanj side iu october lorty were sent to jduniont at his prossing alx jolibois a metis of the wood cr es whp is lone of kiels bust men was a scout for the amoricnn trepns in missouri pegion cartridges hare bcon shipped in all whiter packed iu barrels and labelled pork tin red ochre c- ail uccounts agree in bay ing that kiel can hold out for mouths or untilrhe is overpowered by sheer weight of numbers and that then he can elude his pinsuers by entering the iuterminablo northern forest jtbom k1koston aku quebec b battery of kingston 100 men an 1 six officers under coionel monti- zaubert has left for the northwent tl oy joined a battery of quebec as renfrew and proceeded westward tl ey will go to the head of the canada pacific railroad and be drawn in wag- go is over the unfinished part ot the lin u and then go on to winnipeg there we s great excitementin both citieb and thi msandb turned 0 t to see the soldiers off and give them lousing cheers the batorieseachtook two guns ico car- tri igea and 5hk small rounds the troops in montreal nro holding thomselves in readinossto go to the frcntif necessary as also are tberegi- m uta i in londbu hamilton and other cities f jjkym rongp mma i hotauddryskiu fcaldiiig sonaitious i j wfilhiigof itie ankles vajjueieeliugsofkurost y j frtthy oi briokduhthnids 1 s aeid storflacli aching loins 1 crampa growing neivoushcbs straujte soitjuosf ofthe bowols uiiacoouiitablo languid foolings short breath and ploiirilio pains i ouo side hoadacho iackache ifcreuuent attiiuks of tho bluos flttterihg und diatregh of tho heart j alburaeu aud tube casta in the water iffilfnl rhemuatio paihs and neuralgia i loss of appetite flesh aud strength i conrttipution altoruuviug with looaeutsa of the bowels i abundant palb or scanty flow of dark water chills and fever v burning patches of skin then fott hatvce if ritflits disease ol the khlueys f the abovo symptoms aro not developed hi any order but appear disappear aiid re- apear until the disease gradually gets a irm grasp on the conatitutipn tho kidney- poisoupd blood breaks down the nervous system and finally pneumonia diarihcon bloodlesbiioas heart diseaije iippoplexy paralysis or convulaions eiisuo uuuthou death is inevitabto this fearfiil diueuse is not a rare oues it is auvervdivy djs- ordor and claiuls more victims tuini any pthcr complaint j it mubt be treated in timeor it will gain the mastery dont neglect it war ners sakjs cure has cured thousands of cases of the worst typo and itwiljl cure ydu if you will use it promptly uudias-di- repted it is the only specific for tl-jeuni- vdrsal brights disease kkrvam f sl o lis for sale ietliyderstdnbjhafoi4le a riuantltv jot jary cluftorjeod oat altjoa jotm coii lijecmesiiik boax 4iton to 1 r os bomekvillib nil yjmny workjiii florae apply at lot- i all atik8jindoutoa to the uulerslub-l- olt lorby uolo or book uoooiuit are hefoby uc tlflui that settliment must bemaiicby tbeirtfr ajril acroii its ruinninliib unsottluil lifter tbit ilatb wlil4je ilacotl in court tor colloetion 1 thoscmoqbr hoijml2arll lotfokha hkl ndees tlk gnbi offers tor sale his hpiiso and lot on main blroet it is alarue hquse iitauii oirht ldouisj jwitb feltohcn end wood- luodifid 1h wjll adapted for a tetremput or bpafdln j iioubo i good stable op tho promises 1 serins apply to ii d w cam ibbiili abton pr 1st 1685 warning and comfort i the discovery of the instantaneous pro- cebsof taking photographs has beeu quickly followed iu tho medical world by a perfect and lnstaucous remely for tjll acnto aches and pains as neuralgia toothache etc this valuable remedy is i eallecl fluid lightning and is so by j e mcgarvin id at 25 bouts a druggist will i lo do if troubled with iss general middleton from ife- if 5t- ithe cradle gcksbt in kcton on the 30th mari hi the wifeofmrfwm gurney of tdaui h sr wnxias- acton oil thejgth ma rchj the wife of mr wihiam williams f aj daughmr l r j osnbxowr in greenockrpn the st ii of j6yh the wife pf mr thomai gun c iiingham t son the altar liiss ibmonrin gnelph oh the tsth of jlri5ljibjij elder jamas iuilgou mrj jdonald m nn to miss mej naa 1 im rid j dimbghter pf councillor jhfmbrid alcton- i w 1 he grave iittiein ei in on thej25ts j illie inf at t son of i mr joel 1 mcujtl s and 11 dayb ili inn on jtlio 28th g 5j ji mi lolli mm ii- of of mp thomas jjeniett termi stha iiig xtermin ttor mpterr 3 worm p oo 6qai ndi atroyii g wurms fin fchilbren you get the marchi l slie mt rchj genjuihel while kiel keeps him employ d in front the news has created gene ral alarm iiid settlers are hurrying ii from all parts to organize for defence a num ber of jpung englishmen li ing in this locality uro forming a scout ing corps they know the country beti seb iquap- pie and prince albert pretty well and being good horsemen may gi e valuable aid to general middleton winxipeg march 31 tlie city is greatly excited over tbe onthiok in the north- west on account of a eneral up rising of indians reported to be immi nent a despatch irorp quappelle re ports an outbreak of lbdians in the file hills reserve thirty miles no rthwest of fort quappelle general middleton having ascertained that 300 ndians had joined the kiel movement there and killed indian agent nichols rent for ward to that point three conpanies of the winnipeg rifles and one gun and a ortion of the field battery general middlrton will nbti however more his main foice until the arrival volunteers frqm the east ab the press at- force is not equal to the emergency should the idmianijjoin lliel the removal of women aid children louibattlefordto swiftcuri entstatabn 80 mil- 8 is ho doubt to tat e dne pre caution the teleraph lne is still lian beyond battltford ind this is attributed to emissaries pf i etiel rather- ti an indians there is no news from olonel in ipe since lie le t carletoi with tlie mounted police at d civilians of that post he has doubil ss ere this ieachcdpridre albert a jiourier may ho despatched hy him via carrot eivei settlement to the telegraph station at huinboldt i the citizens lof -calgary- ire excited today oyer rupioted signs if an irsutr break among the biackfejbti thiflacks- cpiifiiniation but should the indian gftjptsllyitfike jo tlihwarn ith jrriva- indians indicate ithat it won d be on ac count of their being on tit o verge of starvation the last three nip nths tho ople past seen anxious al outlfriends in winnipeg portage la jli airier and brandon i unpl trouble is k iprehended at those piacesjtiiey heinig fqlly i00 rbilps from the seat of trouljl i battal ions are being raised thro agliout the provjncoand recrnits are vilunteering freely large oders are giv n in chica go by the hddspn bay company for provisitros battlefobd stenaiflp the jfoilo wing despatch f m battle- ford was received tlijs after u ou we are in imaiincnfc danger fro r indians in t r li the rear xcmbee of troops on tnk or0uxd anh os their way to the front the government has taken vigorous me a8ures to meet the emergency tbe w nnipeg battalion of militia 1100 strong with a half battery of artillery is uow at quappelle station jlistmiles west of winnipeg where several trails run north to tho scene of the insurrection carle- ton being 205 miles from qnappelle the pplico forco at battleford and prince albert numbers 70 and the gar- riion atcarleton 800 with pivilianb bo thit theieare 370 men withu stuiimg diiitanco of riel ami iioj volunteers wi th two armstrong guns six or sven dtys travel away in addition to this fo rce the government has de8atclieil sj0eu6tcrntroops to the spot this brigade consists of 100 men from each of the two jbjatteritb of dominion artil lery 250 men irom each of tho two toronto corps tho queens own and the grenadiers and 60 men from the school of infantry under the command of gol otter majorgeneral middle- ton who is now at qnappelle will take chief command of tho whole body of troops the men from ontario go by the lake superior route but it will be necessary to trauspprt thera by sleishs ovev a gap of seventy miles otnnfinished road t the toronto contingent toronto march 180 tho oxcitement here has been intense the order for calling out tho troops was received at eleven oclock on i riday night the officers of the bnyal grenadiers and queens own regiments called their sergeants together and before twelve oclock the bugles were sounding through the city calling tbe men to arms by eight oclock on saturday morning both jregiments were on parade in the drill bhed in full strength nnmbering nearly one thousand men twdhonurtd und fifty picked men wero selected from eachxorps andl by noon were ready to go tothc front eighty men were also selected lrom g company who are stationed af the fort the brigado was placed under the command of col c tter and was held in readiness to he j dsspafchedat a moments notice the j c ty supplied tliemen with warm under- 1 cothing and other necessaries a pa- 1 ntde was held on saturday night and another at 3 pm on sunday at 10 oclock on monday morning the troops aain assembled in heavy marching order and at halfpast ejeven were marched to the union station and em barked on special trains consisting oi immigrant sleeping cars supplied by tiec pr at a little after twelve t ito trains moved off carrying 580 from tiia city on their way to the front ovet 40000 people assembled to set tiemoff and cheer alter theer rang in tie air as the trains moved out of the station so much enthusiasm and ex citement has hot heen teen heresinci tie fohiim raid ihjlsfio utest tlie latebt reports would indicate thonp- ri3itgof the indians at battlefprd two ftrm instrucjorsj payne and applegarth and two settlers were killed while return- irg from the barracks to battleford for st ore3 a dispatch states thiat the indians hid possession of the town had ransacked tie houses aiid were preparing to attack the barracks whero all the inhabitants are barricaded the indians will jprobably lay siege to the barracks j the fortificatioiis are believed to be pretty stronglind a con- si icrable qjhantity of provisions has been laid in bottle 36 icliinen iqilifed fo uu uiiueultliy islow- liealiiii sure iise mcxinr- parkes- car- liolic cerito you will tind it invuluublt- for healing cleansing and completely re- muviugfoiir truubh if the blood is cut of order take with it a fcwj doses of mc- iliegors speedy ctiru from j e mcgar yins drug store j s9 mlvex moihm lianshlcm bo your own physician j a- lady who for years suffered torments worse thaeath ironi uterine troubles ialling the wombleucorrkcj suppressions c and who had despaired of being icured found a itenicdy which completely cured her any sjufferer from huch trniubles can use the remedies aud thus cure hrrnif without re icaliug her condition to any one and with out subjecting her womoiily modesty to the shock of an examination ja a physician the prescriptions and ullf directions for use sentc to rhv address securely sealed enclose one twocjnt stamp address naming this paper mrs w hjolmes ijs broadway new york aijvlccto uoiber are you disturbtd al mgltl and broken o your rest uy a sick child suffering and vrying with paiu of culling eetli if ao semi t once iiiiilet a bottle of mrs win maws souhiikj syrup fur children tathiny its value is incalculable jo will relievi llie poor little sufferer iiniiiediately de pend upon it inothers there is uo mistake abjuc it dictrrist8enttry audciiaiihoei rwuliitea tlie stoiniah and bowtls cures 1 iviud colic so wis the gums redujues iu- rtiirainatioii and gives lone ihid energy to llie whole systoin jv winmowsjolhihij sirap for chudren tttthiatj is pleaiiint in the tasliiiud isi the prescription of louei of iheoldikt and bust femalt nurses aiid poj liciaus in thi- united states and is for sah by all dnigyistitithrougliont the worm lrice 25 cents a bottle 1 41 j r lyim more monoyithau at anything else jf 111 jjy anything ilse by taking aniauency or the best selling book out beginners succeed grandly ijone fail ternis freejj tlliutt book co portland mainei ikl n atert 3h30d flhonoral lortfiint waitco apply ita- mu llately to n i mrtsihenddftppn lpujfttrwtliii xwb havitijj dlpiibed of hi old nfotttaiidneld ilcterlninnl in he as lig dry giinda houw in jjio cit pur buyer iur the factories fond wnrolioiifcs on ihis cnutitieril cotfo and yvoouii fnhrlf at htliow anything small ijuvers hiivo no access our kiirijinenh buyer was sent some montp nnnoniieo burstjock of 875 fak1is u antld cahllti wautollforourlist weuavokuropean f- uj ami aio to advertise farms for sale iu ivcr mx uowsp ipers in canada for six morithb iouimei cingou first ol april a beelng in bo- boving isuertaiu our terms tho names of tho jmperb i ml wlna puhllshed see buniiiesfl canl jiu anotl or rolu no no chojgo unlubb farmubo iqld vfrlta or iall at offlco tor particulars john jdaley suecossorto toinpson jackson v lllafie i waived besldbnt agexst in evfilty townoul city in the dominion also a f iw trav ullorg to sell our new air gns min or in al jthab co 1 equi uy as rood no are or power re mailo n all sireb f roru 15 bunihrs to 10o0 or priv ito hot sos storeb liotelb factorios mills streets niinos etc aildross caxapia am gab machine mfg co 115 3t francois xavier st 15-ly- i montbea bfi ff r aaiie vlito let phe jnde isigned offer for sale or to let on yearly lease- his nev oughcast dweuiag on will jwhtnet opposite tri jcuurrh of eng land j bib is in excellent profyprtyj and havi ng been bt ilt foi a permanent residence is supor- or in u any reipeots to tho ordinary tenement nouses tho bou8oho8 6ix rooms conyonieutly rrangc d and has liarl and soft water tho lot contains oiienfih of ab airorfrid is in spleii- lid con jition or ii gordon for further partic- tilttrbniply to thomas x mooke i 1rinciual public school the undersigned has been instructed by mr iex brown to sell by public auctio j on 1 ot 27 con 4esquesiugon lesjaly ing air gas 60 per com cheaper replete wit ji the newest mid loveliest goods and it the some time the cheapest in ontario theprojrietprs of the lton ire determined being useful l o the pfnple hv niwugkootl clieap ifll iiiics lely on thisf nt i that what they wrti b ijmied oi e p illar for elstv here tlrcj will iibftin ntjtht lion f r 75 cents atcjli cl all liew collie see luupei t and judge for youri i hisgrlobt intljtilo tlie lend for lie last tlireo mniths lucn inning wlicrc lie has liten buying the itidmg kcown htfrptoforo itid to which the ago to france aiid britmn and wc now psis spritlrt1 cuaf books and aj bii lines iri si usaicallr qoqoo m taxi crl prov hftt limbing shall stop thiir progress in lintiet uonrls their paijons mai jt iselv kiep iu muni tint oureods arr eives aud go home happy j d williamson co with reference to the aboye 1 shall be in ist happy from naiing yeya- ennactpnetcihid havinj a far larger uiidbtter assorted stuck rhaii4mi beeiiifiiuiidiii tht lioh siiprl lefrit i r a 1- i public to visit tlie lion now again the- the best f gaelph march 24th 1884 ab with j ie fiillesiicidtiilehceinvitp the tore iu w jsteru qntarin j d williamson new spring auction sale horses and cattle 7th of april 188 at one oclock pbj the following property bill- 31 ire 3 years old 6t by dust v miller bijown iave7 rears odin foal to koyakjooraa miirp 4 years ild nrod horsefiooil worker llny h6imv yeaisolil 1 good grade cows 2gaod gtado i loifers all in tvdf to an ayrshire liull 2 heifers two years old c steers two vears the cattle are all n good condition- thoroughbred jjerbsh reboar 1 lumber waggon pood cov ered hi gey fiingle harness tpjis otitic months credit on ajlprov ejl joi it uoles seven per cent discount for cjish ip lieu pf notes i w hembtreet march ii auctioneer estate sale m ffuii undersigned hasbeou instructed by mr aagueen to sell by iublic auction i on the premises op saturpay i ith t apr 85 at i oclock pm the following itpal estato house and lot blok tl lot 12 on maria et sri h of an acre i the bouse is frame with bui iunbl hjird and soft winter- a number of uit trsts on the lot all in good repair j the juildihg lots numbers 83 f6 37 aid 38 6u artbui stree and 46 17 48 and 96u boutb side ctiljll streei and 6 and 6s on north side of mill street these lots each contsin bnetifth of an icrat icy are beautifully situated in one ol the pest pjortionp of tlie village of aiton and ore walk of the post office title within indisi five ujiuutes tables a few fcriheuse-qf- limmm iteal iinilcomrurl o tlicsiirrilng bfowns household panacea has no edualfor relieyintr piiin both internal und eitsmal it cures paiu in the side back or bqwcltt sore throat rheuraatisin tiipthaohel lumbago and any kind of a piinor acjie ilwill mosistirelvqnlck en the blood and llial as its icting ponei is wonderful brow ns household p hi aoajbeiog ackilnwltdtd is the jriea1 pi in reliever inid of d mhlc the strenuth of any pt her elixii oi liniment in jlie wtirld should he ineverv fimil bandy for us when wanted as it really is the best reiaedy in tlio world for crimp in llii st imach and pains and acikm of all kiido an 1 is for sale by nil druggists at 25 cents apottlc 44 fbos sabin of ej liugtou say s 1 lwiv e ronoved ten poms from my feet with hoi lot ays corn cure reader oo thou find do likewise qosii to move fhe tote- els phitlii 2 to 4 riiis iw 4 71 c nut rpcrhice irih keitlc the ojhr dose in each czft ior coustlpatlcn or coftltcnce no icmeiiy is so cheiive as aveits tjixs they insure regii ir daily action aiid re store the bowels toa healthy condition for indigestlor or dysiicpslu aveus pills aro iuvaluah ie and a tiirc cure iartburn iibes of appetite foul stomacli flatulency dizziness bead ache numbnessj kuusca are all relieved and cured y avers tills in uver compljilnt juliaus dlfordcrs und jaundice avcus im s should be given in dobes largo enough to excite the liver snd j howols hnd- remore constipation as a cleansing melicln iu the spring these pills are unequalled- worms caused by a morbid condition ot flio bowels aro expelled by ithese tills eruptions skin diseases and piles the result of indigestion or coustlpatlon are cured by the use of a vrns pills for folds take a v ens pills to open- the pores removoiuflamiuatory eccrclions mid allay the ferir for diarrhoea and dysentery caused by sudden colas indigestible feod tic aveus pills are tha tnie remfetljv rbeumatlsin gout neiiralgln nud sciatleaoften re ult from dlgplio derange ment or colds and diwippcar on removing the cause by the use of avers pills tumors drops kidney complaints and other dtsorilers caused bjj debility or obstruction nro ured by a vsifs pi l8 0 suppression and rain hil itlenstrua tlon bave a taf and ready remedy in ayers pi1l ex d daily arriv3 ng at th ij i to meet my nunurons trienda wr m- goods fashionable x- a pj to rnhotv a magnirl y j cent stock this sealstiij ladies wil very interesting find it fstodit bucham 6c co i j i r haltqn dry rigooikv m ill to examine oitr v p tkllims hdnseaud lot 10 pericent of pur chase mono on day ofbile s150 in 30 days bal ance to suiii par hasers lots seven months credit or ijeserv i aetcjn slarl 23rd 1685 a buiii par nasers iiopb seven monens on furnishing api roved joint notes no spring at hand istire to uiollow w hemstbeet i auctioneer t h e- milnn froprietbr m my j o- co wll eilways be qfitlie best quality my porscnal onrlehvov will be to givft- every easterner sat f action 1 brad delivered a call sdlicittod full direetiois in arinns lauguagej id- coipa cijej i 1 gc ri j i li il prjca5iet co lowell maw som i y all dnigglito assure all that my stobkof bbjeaid 1 buns cqlifedtioneby ing purchased the bakery busi ness bf messrs e ntcklin sox i beg tiji solici t a continuance of the patron age o all wlio have inrthe pastfavoredthe eticesior bakery with their patrpnase bakers will be first- class and i can cakes grand millie fjiidy saturday jaj w- wxtql i weather chamber 1 i guelp phthe j presume ruii tended m actio on today i the hail is l taking the a m octoberl 1be over tbel good to l n jtrtel ijiffinj the st in town p sace an the cn no vjheredj rthe trotiblel unsettle week- ejrjntenil ojh sati werejart april ibtlilltli aetni rrol9 too d mann j ohm pacifi r r lands in lilnnwofa north oaxoif men- ii unaldihomihlnstonuid ongon vl fijom wke superior to paget oan at a ices rknglna chiefly ro if cre en sto 1 0 isr time this s hie betl l country lor t icurlng flood homes now men for eenlemenl c tci- t- ternment we have a siitiiir sal in d snrlineni uf uess atod ma f ynsj- m wvalhiuxs aiid a illf s gashmores and fafeftdnalkle dress gdods to suii the most f fctidiou a uf ot ol tin public wen ib the sarthfrn piclbe i flupgt lajb0bh t dkpixedof in isa 0me hwtfi liiods tor l end beautiful embroideries at jj 4 and 6 ecu lares of every flescritjon pink caivlinqtl blue and ihieksateeu coispts for que d6ljir look out for out spring c l i- our show of millhiefy sjiiki taiicy gbiodsllril spring will be tar iiiiadvanqe ot a dispay lieretfo4 diovvh miaciou wihavtg tnkcn great pains in selecting all the netvesiand cboutesi goo we irtive all the ihi- tiei in mi pes and strawigdsand triiiimilns e keepoiiitluiryttgh y experiefed milliners a jidiaraii- ee our vvorkmd tle etjuai m the best in canada in- pcction kindly invited cali on ns we are showing 10001 wort iofn bpimi roiids lieaper thiiii evr b 4 iii canada- lom y lira w new fess printsanki sateens la all qi fal itiei colors shailes ahii prices we will trv to please yon an gtve if qpi ndid bnrgmb inspect itn iitviteil siieciatyah inwiiitef aiid wifeh to beat i es ihandlcoiiipare our 6 atid 7 ot witbanyotheritoltoniiithpiyinoe i ir lilt tniumings tor s a yard ircuiarln a few das thfefiqs s con m fm 7 ivs ft

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