swastiifcyi ilsuirjsi5htafeesaiifefe ifsv ffiiastf p is fc 4 iff 5- tsilv bi i i i mit c- pki m w ktcn ie ich one colnuiu ou year halt column on year quartrcoltuin one year one column six mouths half column sis mouths quarter column sftc montl p one column thi jo niontlu hall column uw ee month i quarter column three mo ltua uvcrtsameu s withoi it fftee press power printing mttlbi rehtj ac vs ostaj8 f kith fct ofus tin will lie sent to jauhscnbei4p sro p di for j10 pr aid hum in tyivkiiic i6c iji not so aic no papei discbijtt roed tll all arrears ampaid uxc t at tlxej iption of thetpablis ter auvernktlto rttts catisual i dv 2rtisp meats 8 cenji per line for thefi rst inser tion aiid j craits per 1 be for oai h mbap qnont imertio i o8h professior aloards 10 liua ocleas 5400 pe anuum 1 a mare 18 lines 5a0 per aun mi payat le- u nfi months froinjc ate of insertion aiyfipecfvl nbttco tho bb eokif vfl itch is to pramole thoecuniary bencjufc cf any ind vidualor company to conwiered an dvtise juent the n amber o lines ttkkotiedby the space occu pied me isuredliy a sipuo of olid nonpare i ovrnvci jutes specific iircctioui will be inserted till forbid ana chart ad fccom- inly trauit4ry advertisements aujst la paid inadvane changes for ioutnict akvrrtibomer48iiiustle in ilioofflo by 9 a m oa mondays otherwise thevwilbc left over untif tbflollowlpg peek lrh fnd v5s yrfi ce oirrrv 01 4 ci uini of inciiise- esultss- ti jiio euiti i ltt 1orfc ws h liwry b mi ilcffs jradkat- of thnity oolle tejmem ir of college of pliysi nans and i uibeons office and residence at the hpad of frederick str t acto i l dentifet geiorfittown ont asesthfe new system i f nitrou s oxide gai conl- monly called fitusized air for ex raotin teeth withpu pain lave admini tared it over a thofe rd times in toronto n jthoat hd y evil resul 3 havi i been den y lstrat- or and pract al teacl er in royal ttollese of df utul sn i aeous toronto patr is may depend tjpon receivinj satisf actio ijin any operations rformed office o ie door south of tjap list church e 10 qoldr air fqr the p i inless tirij the past p mssav ht 3 oore eilltoir an1 1 roprictor h tesistertdcm of tha collec of physicjajia and sureous of qntar jphyjrioian accoucheur office mil t hotel a n bi 4spe lal attoujtiou riven t eases of iom u and children r stirgeeri i t lie tia- befsettl i entibt c eorgetowu ijitario aisle dental opera vitalizocl air or ifitrons osi for piiralossf dental operationb oflice of cbhayesld tuvelksblocl gaelp i xjpj r wyndham street iggsi rvory east rner kiig and yxmge itreete xuiimto on mo i inest iand b t set teeth 55 to i s gold fillinss on sthird ratea jleav order fb teeth jjn the ins carihavii them tie same day have fcqeh ac i ninisteri g hords y ear riega rdless f wfia m b- it jent oiioi vvil ti- ditvi ll iliut ills ii he- liycr biiow iiiio pltiiiirufr ie tiireu iliiil lij rtwjrtd ijrv other ttuuseliolii ittiinors- p and all- it an alto ad every rtwauo soecni ircportuiji akiaxlw ltrliikly i jiif j sjfi owat iiarristers ancers ic oltk j a my wat grk barristei t oh 1s oirif square oaiitldla to m bai onk iiugtoh stotf east alley toror o johkbain qc wuiuaui iilw p thfliollowlhjj go0o 33 00 30 do 8900 00 13 00 jo 00 laoo 700 qekeral banking j than acted m01teyl0a1ted on approved notes notes discounted and interest allowed on depot iitla business books cox members stock brok toronto toronto stock jsxehftoge have im ependent direct vi new york ontihuons stock qjtotjationb are received m re rapidly than source buy and on margin mi fsw dentists morn- we vitalized ractink of te thdut john la wsos graduate c fojs- lario vsterinary college toronto veterinaxv s i rgeon a ton ont o ircfi lu kviiiiy bins boot alnd shoe store j-resi- deuce- iutlw i ear hqrses examine i as to sonnducss a d certificates given j i all calls tght or day prbmptjy ftteno- ed to tern i eiisv i mcleax- solicitors notaries c nvey- i iiafouey to loan towirhall actpu- v alean ont sell on commutiiouji for caah or all securities dealtiiu on tho by which or inv other torpntoi montreal jfew tork e ook exchang alo xe ute orders iri graiil aiid proyis ions oh th chicio board of 5rade daily cable quotations of hudsonls bay and ether stock -j- 26 t3r0nt st weltirgton marble south quebec st guiiilh s john h hanjiilton proprietoi former y mcquillan hamilton dealer in larble qranite and everything prti lining t cemetery work receivet first prizes at pronincial ex- ihibitipn guelph tile western fair and all llocal exhibitions for excellenci of material jand superiority of workmar ship your orders are solicited used in the city and country schools are in stock at idats bookstore oetrj o others lumber shliigles and lath rrvhe undertifinwl deitlres to info rm the public i that he has now cci hand auc will kep in stock a full jine of ihnf and hemlock as well as dther kinds of lumhcr alsobirtr rnd socoud class pine s lingles a ifti coal wood having pi rchascd tho coal busiiies of mr c s smith 1 1 in prepared to 6upply allkinda of stove coaj i have also a good stock of wood ii hanjwood lah cedar apd mill wood at rcasou- able prices wood aud coal delivered tales bkown gocdwillie- olicitor rotary publj of kojtowx a acnik eiaclii offlce in mrs secordj c block architect i i gtrlri 0r i hotel blocl market xsteks ov solicitll jver imperial banj ten secured for invefctions hesrt gristottw 2d years practice no pi w 1 i wml ft- eutranoe exchango j circular- fldrea c amas xs ctonokbirieui wei vai tent sasiua no pay day sbuis cheap new goods bracelets braomjbts bra0elets new 8tock beautiful patterns witches watches waltham and elsin in gold and silver cases gold rings lockets j etc etc just opouedl b savage near fetries new drug store viielp4i oaiilj to arms 11v a minklesex volvktegb sons of britain arise arise gird on your armour bright i your latentfoe before you lies prepare you tor thejight go forth ye gallant sons descendants brave and true of valiant sirca who fought and won oii the plains of waterloo arise your nation calls you press forward to the strife heed not what fnay befall ypu face danger vith vour life ye solis of erins isle with hearts ho brave and light fill up your rank ami tilo be foremost in the light brave caledons advahce s press onward to saskatch fear not the foemaua lance your mottos tho black watch i 4 up up canadians all of whatever clan or state and drive yburi enemies to the wall behold they lare at the gate s glencoe march 3jc oup stoey and thijovv the light right on totlw door and there wjas th president j iustead of calling for help as i thought hejwould he stepped right iijsidc the dpor and shaded his eyes with hik handj looked at rne i knpwed i ought jo knockhim down and cut put but im blest if x could i was that surprised whb are you says he whj arc you says i thiuking that was iiriiiujocont remark as he commenced it and a trying all the time to collect my self m i im tho president of the bank said he kinder short somethings the natter with tho lock by george i the idea cameto me then yes sir says i touching my capmr jenriugs he telgraphed this morning as the lock was out of order and hb couldnt- get hi and im come to oponit for him i told jennings a week ago says he that lie bugbtto got that locklfixed where is he he been a writing letters and hes gone up to his iioubo to get another letter he wanted for to answer well jvhy dont you go right on says ie vl got almost through says ijaud i didnt want to finish up and open the vault till there was somebody here thatas very creditable to yon says he a- very proper sentiment you oant bo too particular- about avoiding the very suspicion of evil he goes on coming round by tho door j no sirsays j kinder modest like the crakmaiis yarn a graphic stiory of a bank rob- t juery by onjb of the perfesh i klim1 business collece jtuelph ontario offekjsv0ungmen an women the 1 ktstfacilitieji for acqt irihga com pletetraiiiliiia for biiajnesa puriiuits bookkeeping comfrrlercial arithmetic banking actual btisiness pn ctice busr uess corr spondenco penmai sfiip com mercial liw telegraphy shorthand cal igraphv or type writfng french hygiene and piiy blogy are taught by tbe most practical lnd intereatingmeiihods the staff comprises six xperienied teachers and lecturers the various departments are elegantly fitted upl with the latest and bet appantus for bujjiness college sork students i lay enter at ally tinip 2for a copy of the- annual college gqod assortm ent on stove finuln vr t j a s h i cheap for tinware of all ktnus bottom prices at mmacomicii principal tjlrancianunak isnc f sor to t f chapman bookbinder j st gebkeb square gaelph cntario v i h j account b ks of alf kinds made tpordfer periodicals i f every descrjptujn caref uuy bound rnl ng neatly and promptly doile x7a4hfmstreet i j j bi cesseii atctioneeb forthje cpua ties of wellingtbnaw haltbn orders jett k t the fbee pbessoffioe acton or at rnyl residenoe in acton will be promptly ail ended jo terms reaiouable t- money o loax ajaombnieytojoanion the moat favr able terms- fnd at the lowest ratesof terestin iaiaa of 950i and upwardb ijfew butcher shop thos burnside would i espeotf ally inform the citizens of aeon and vie iiity that jhe has ope tied a butck er shop next to itcgurvinsdrughtorejand i is preparec to supply finstclass meat m- x 0hn j daley tf succiwortotbompson jackson 3ney to loan on farmjpropbrty a per cent lilbrtgagos purchased mo0m toahedfor pitties jn wrtgages ana othi security c jnveyahcdng in all its branchei operly aad neatly idorie charges low farma and- city property for sale lw with farms ibv sale t to all partbof thi dominion td infcendir gporcnaaers tnd 41rh cufated in fitirope enropean cabitahsfc l waiting ian na in ontario mil boienti rectns thrflogh bui eoropeantencies farms warjtea for pur hets jfrrmgoji dence invite 1 guelph oiji h 1 offitt anlaj babbbr sop j p wpbdiltf wai ooened a sarber sliopjfn the luildiri 5lot ibepiblio to ihu viomity nrr jstofrwisirtym arvenscjl near the port offics pwcrdly of all poultry and ciime in eavetroughing a specialty anj put upion notice shortest kinde 8eason havingdaxperience in the trade i can assure all satisfaction and solicit a liberal share of oustom meat delivered csh for hides rhos burnside agenti first class material only used a call solicited j j ohill mill st jt rr j 7 guelph glothh i ucr dior working i vr postage abdj pie send 10 cents pwe will mail you free a royal valuable sample box f goods that will put jjou in the way of making more money ima few daydjthan you ever thought possible at any busitjessi capital not re quired yoli can livi at hbm 3 aud work in spare timeonly er all tho ti no all of botb eexes of all iigeb grand v successful 50 4 to so easily earned eery evening that all jwlio want work may tebt the busi ness we make ths wnparall led offerto tall who aire not well batisfied we will send 1 to pay- for the trriible cf writiug us fall particulars directions e to- sent free immense pay absolutely sure for all who start at once do it delay address bttsson it co portlind maine t 10 packets of obip pe pioti or seeds j j abr twebllvejtentti 10 taokjets of olio we veptawe ieede lrtwcalj-flvecent- 30 beautiful vkdo ir seddiag plmxtl 1 lor line bollar sendffri0atftiogueibprajdlsma80n seteibovpngh oht 1885 my profession j isnt a pbplular one in fact there is considerable prejudice against it as for myself i dont think its much worse than a good manyothers however that has nothing to do with my story some years ago me and the gentleman who was at the time connected with me in business hes met with reverses siuoe thenj and at present isnt able to go oiit was looking around for a job being at that time rather hard up ab yod might say we struck a ttmall countrv tovfn i ajnt agoin to give it away by telling whro it was or what the name of it was there was one bank there ttiere wasnt anothep officer but the cashier and they had a boy who libed to sweepnt and ran errands i the bank was on the main stijeet well up one end of itfa nice snug place on the corner of the btrefct with nothing very near it we took our observations nudfouhu out there wasntno trouble at all about it there was an old watchman who walked up and down the streets nightsj when he didnt fall asleep and forget it the vault had two doors the outside one was chilled iron and had a threewheeled combination lockj the inner door wa no door at all you could pry itopen itdidnt pretend to be nothing out fireiprsof ami it wasnt even that tile first thing we done of course was to fit a key to the outside doo as the lock was an old fashioned bacon lock any gentleman of my profession who chance to read thisartiele will know ust how easy job was and how we done it i may say hercjjhat the gentlemen in my line of busi ness having at times a great deal of leisure time on their haiids do considerable read ing aid are particularly fondof a neat bit of writing in faotinthe way of literature 1 have found among 3m however this being a digression i drop it and go on with the main job agftiti this was our plan after tho key was fitted i was to go into the bauk jim that wasnt liii name of course but let it pass was to keep watch on the outside when any oncl passed ho was to tip me a whistle and theln 1 dousethe glim and lay low after they got by i goes on again simple and easy you see well the- night as we selected the presi denthappenodto be out of town one dowu to the citv as he often did i got in side all right with a slide lantern a breast drilla steel jimmy a bunch ofskeleton keys and a grequ baise bag to stow the swag i fixed my iigh and rigged my breast drill and got to work on thedbor right over the lock j i probably a great many of your readers are not so wall posted as me about bank locks and i may say for them that a three- wheel combinatin lockhas tho three wheels in it and a slot in bach wheel tn order to unlock the door you have to getthe three slots opposite with the lock say3 he i dont rightly know yet says i but rather think its a little worse on account of not being oiled enough these ere jocks ought to be oiled aboutonco a year well bays be you might as wcift go rwelli to the jatohman xll go ard pick up my tools and get ready to go j went back in thebank andjt didnt take long to throw tli door bpen and stuff them bonds iuto the bag there were some ibdxeu lying around and a safe i should jraher liked to have tackled but jt seemed lie tenipting providence after tho luck wed had i looked at ml watehj and seen it wiisjust a 1 marter pasttwelve there ws an express went through at half past twelve jl tucled- my tools in the bagou tle top of the bonds and walked but tcithe frpnt dpor- the watchman wjis on the mfoft j i i dprft beliele ill waitfprmrjenningb sys i j spppose it will be allright ii gve yo key j jthats all right said ihe watjehrnan i wont go away very far from the bank 4y i j no more i will sayfi he j ill stay- right abouf herb all night j good night says j ahdi shook hands with him and me and jini which wasnt his right jnaniei you iiinderstahd took the 1230 express and the heat part of the job was we never heard anything about it it iiever got into tho papers m m a true gentleman a few years ago a young man fashionably dressled took his seat at the table of the gpard house in pliijadelphia there was arj air of aelfcohsciiiiib superiority in the yqntljii which attracted general attention hi read the menu with smothered disgust 1 qh im the first robin just dropped into town i pa wee i peeweo 1 pleowiddleaewinkj cfttebon to my olster all lined with swans down i 1 pewiddledewiddledewink f piay pai don my voice i isoafrw in my throaf and i ret lly oan t tackle m wayup note- witu mj feet in tho pockets of my utpffea coat itewiddledewwdledewrnk so tlifl is the ndw style of beautiful spring a iwee eewink i peewiddledewink itvlioye jt hasjrozen my northeast wirikl pewidd ledew ddledewihk ive iust ha m trea cfast of i icecream on 1 wast 1 f arid ilbrgiorahot stive togetasiiin roast if my jio e gets much redder ill kindle this post 1 ewiddledewiddledwink if thisiis thb best stylo of spring youve on hahd- peiwee pmvink pewiddledewmkl just stuff it orframe itdyonriderstaud iewiddledewiddledviiilv j ah here comes a hunterwitb tin full of w i thinklll meander to my little bed he mighs aim at me and shoot somebody dead 1 ata t see you later dont drrnk what do you suppose was the matter gau his order with a tone of lofty condes- iththelock saa he l j 1 r i i v cedsionland when his neighbor civilly right on now im bersjl will stay till handed him the pepperbpx stardd at him for his presumption as though he had ten dered him an insult in short a person of tle wood could not have regarded a mob of serfs with more arrogant hauteur than did jennings comes can t t help you jhold your lantern or something of that sort the thought cametonio like aflashiau i turned round and says how do i kpow yqure the president ilaint ever seen you afore and you may be trying to crack this bank for all i know thats a very proper inquiry my man says he and shows a remarkable degree of discretion in you i confess that i should not have thought of tho position in- which i was placing you however i can easily convince you it is all right do yon know what the presidents name is no i dont sajy i sorter surly well youll rind it onthat bill said he- taking a bill out of his pocket aud you see the sameon these letters and he tooki some letters from his coat i suppose i on jht to have gone on then but i was beginning to feel interested mak ing him prove where he was so i bays you might have got these letters to put up a job on me youre a very lrpnest man says he buo amqtiga thousand dontthink that im at all offended at your persistence no my good fellow i like it i like it and he laid his hand on my shoulder now here says he taking a bundle oat of his pocket is a package of 10000 in bonds a burglar wouldnt bo apt to carry those around with him he i bought them in the city yesterday and i stopped hero tonight on my way home to place them iu the vault and i may add that your simple aud manly honesty has so touohed me that j would wllihgly leave them in your bands for safe keeping you neednt blush at my praise i suppose i did turn sorter red when i see them bonds are 4ou satisfied now says he i told him i was thoroughly and so i wab so i picked up my drill again and gave him my lantern to hold so that i could see the door i heard jim as i callhim outside bhee or twice and i like to burst out laugh ing thinking how hepinst be wondering what wols going on inside i works away and kept explaining to the president what i was a- trying to do he was very much interested in meohanicb lie said and he said he kuowed i was a man as was up in my business by the way i went to work he asked about what wages i got and- how i liked my business and said he took qiiite a fancy to me t turned round once in a this iad the respectable travelers about lirmj presently a tall powerfuljbiiilt old man entered the room and seated himseuat one o tme largest tables he wa plaiifly dress- ed life language was markedly simple he erltehd into conversation with his neighbor whbihapponed to be a poor tradesman and occasfouly during the dinner exchanged ideas with a little lady of five summers who sat beside him the colored servant spoke to him as an old friend how is your rheumatism john 2 he said to one- and remembering that aupther bad lost his sen i who is that oldfashioned gentleman asked a curious traveler of the steward- oh that is judge jeremiah black- the greatest jurist in the countrj 1 was tlie en thusiastic reply j and the young aristber it he surely is somebody of note j i- he is a druniuier avio soils fancy soaps i judge jeremiah blackwlio has recently died was noted and feared j u public life for the massive force of his intellect every blow kills said a listener one of his arguments on the othejr side an old farmer and neighbor wrote bf sleep and rruin t think the intellectual and moral con uectibns t f sleeping have not been snffi ctently ar predated bjeu and boys have been praii ed for burning the midhightoil npwthi8 midnight oil is a delusion and a snare the student who is fast asleep at eleven oclock every night and wide awake atseven t slock every morning is going to surpass a lother studept of the same mtel- lectual al hty whogoes to after twelve and rises before five v in sleep tho plate on which ocei ving its chemical preparation and it la plainjhai that whiehis the best prepared will take the best picture men wl ipare the fastest asleep when they are asleej are tho jwidest awake when they areawaki 1 great workers must bp great resfcirs every man whojhas clerks in his ernf ioyoi ight to knowwhat their sleepmg hab ts ar the young man that is np till two thre and four oclock ih the morurhg and must put in his appearance atthe bank or s orea nine orten oclock and work all day cam ot repeat this process piany days witl out a certain lakinebs coming into his syst sm v bicbho will endeavor to steady by sbm i delt 8ivesfitnjilu8 it is jin this way that man fa young man begins his bourse v to n lin heneed hot necessarily have been in hi d coi ipauy he has lest his sleep and isigsihgl iis strength and grace here i s the outline of tho history or a suicide within my own mowledge ayoung man a st ranger in new york in a good sit nation ii a large boarding house- has plea saht your g tompauidns spends his e enmgs put goe i to midnight parties hjs nerves become d istcrbed theri a little drink a lit tie mista ce in bn8iness drmk re proof fro ralemployer more drink more mistakes joss of sitdation no help from frivilous onppanions money allgono then credit al gone then turned out of the boaming liouse wandering thejstreet mor tification desperation shoots himself nalvsjciifnaloftieiilth i hini we spring arrivals received today plaia and fanoy worsted coatlnes scoton tveeft suitia shaw ctt uuy merchant tailors owelph enrfor slifk mebchants and others requirini for change can be supplied with a tltftttp9 fbbb pbess coppers any quaq- ii each otlier at thetopof the look of course if yon know- the nbmbet the i look is set on you can do this but if ypuidpnt ybu jiave to depend upon your ingenuity thereis in each of these wheels a small hole through vhioh you put ai wire thrdiigh the back of the lock when yoc ohahge the oohibinatibn now if ypu car bpre a hole tiiroogii the dbor and piok nj these wfieels by runninga wire throngl these bolesiwhjyou can open thodoor i hope i may make myself clear iwabor- ingi that hole jthe dbor was chilledkkm rv abc ut the peatesb stpff i ever worked on i went steady enough only stopped wjiei 1 jimwhichas i said wasnt his realnami bistled outside and the watchman tod dled by by ind by i when id got prett r netfr through 1 heardjim so to speali whistle again i stopped and pretty boo v heard fobtstepb outside and im blamed i f they didnt com 3 right up the bank btepsun i arid i heard a k 9y work in the lock j 1 wa s so jrirnbfqundeil when i heari that that jo 1 could have slipped the braoelets rig t on me i pick id up my lantern and 1 1 be hanged if 16 idnt let thoslido slip dow 4 shall novor have- another man as pure kindly and simple among us v tho boys who will make up our uest generation could find much to study in the rbabsive nature of this old man with- his powerfulbraini his simple direct manner and his unfaltering childlike faith in god with his last bpeatb hb took his aged wife by the hand aiidsaying lord take care of mary so died iv l agjjodlcittle boy two little austin schoolboys got into a quarrel and 0110 of jthem said to the other if it wasnt for sour ma being slioh a good woman j idteft your ihirt topieees you tear my shjfrt if yii dare i i aint agoing tj tear it- because your ma would have to jinend it and i dont want to put her to jahy trouble becausbslie give me two cakes the othep day as with some grown uppeople the way tb a childs heart lies thrbugh his stomach this accounts for the f aojt that some peo ple wont pay bheirjdues olthelcird except at a tea meeting 1 j i m i i father hubbjards while and looked at him a setting there as solemn as ap owl with my dark lantern in his blessed hand and i blamed if i didnt think i i should have to holler right out i got through the look pretty soon and put in my wiro and opened it then he took hold hold of the door and opened tho vault 1 ill put my bonds in said he and go home you cap look up and wait till mr jennings- comes i dont snppese youll try to fix the lookiouight i told him i shouldnt do auything more with j it now as we could get in before morning j well ill bid you gobdnight my man 8aybheasj swung the dwr to agaitt just then i heard jirrj whistle and 1 guessed the watchman was coming np the street r t to the presideut you might speak to the watchiriau if you see hjm and flhimto keep an extra lobkout tonight tlwill says- he and we both wentto the firorjt door t i 1 there comes the watchraan np the street says he wawhmau tijis man has been fixing the bank lock and i xcant you to keep a sharp lopkbut tonight he illstay here nntil mr jtorringb returns gbod night again says bejiand be went hpthe street the other day when ol jmaj solman an nounced his readiness to proceed in the di- rectionofthe ohuiich hisijwife appeared wearing a mot her hubba rd dress the old mariiutentby iegarded herjfor- a few mo ments and asl ed l t mary wh it sort of a c3at do you call that th prpseand the poetryof pun- i erals they i ad the poor woman in a s30 coffin the beat tiful bnucb efr white roses in the onehand that was exposed diinot conceal the marl s of toil oulier fingers the cal loused pi ices the distended joints and the laugh sk n her irongray hajir was neatly prushed down on the sides of her wrinkled forehead and the black silk gown folded so gracefully about her was full- of lustre brandnew andevidontly expensive there were tehbaeksfor friends of the family and tlfe hearse was driven by a man m liveryi and badeight costly plumes on top how natural she looked and what a lovely funeral said wqtnan who had knowd the family jiow unnatural she looked and lvhat ah inhuman thiilg that funeral was said fi male cynic who accompanied her whylrv- because there was a good woman a harlljworkiug wife and mother who never basis ride in a hack whose fingers never pressed a flower and lvho never wore silk she didnt have time and didnt have money now look at her flowers tarei arid sweet inher dead hands loti of car- jiagesifpilowng her hearse and a costly shroud for a body which in life wap deemed none too good for 30ceht worsted a queer wojrld this which ignores fashion in life andfails a blind votary to it in death she layluher lonely coffin with her wasted fingers pressed over the fair full roses theyhad placed upon her breast and the bead that ached no longer and the pitiful haggardlace they had pijlbwed withglearning satins j had shaded with costly lace 11 then i said and my heart was heavy i recauinherlife forlorn i ilet none lay arose on my bosom who have plaatodmylife with thorn 1 v selected j 1 1 ft itlsa mot ler hubbatd jeems air you gcin to wear it to church why cerainlyieimb mothpfc hnbbard is all the i fashion now wellilto glad to kn sr it the old man replied j u it wait uni il i get ready and wellgo j the old uiai went outiiito the kifohen took a couple of meal sicis cut the jbot- toins out sowsdfthe tops tigether and put them on in in itation of iai italoods when hixeturhed wswifentttirxid a loud cry of astouishment and exclaim d vgbatgoojdnessjeem vthis that father hjubbard t ie pld manfeplied youre nc t agbing t a vear them sacks areybu iimyegottp befashicjnible to- keep iup what jestia is able to do for yon aaletb make all grace abound toward you that ye always having all sufficiency in all things may aboandto every good work 2 cor ix 8 that are tempted isaw juiiicediihbiibw on is by jajgresiu the other aide of the street as t tjie btbopvvithlthe watchman a pa fur the dadpuf hnhbard mgby bad i s m aate to succor them abm to keep youf rom falling and to pre- l sent you pacwless before the jresenet k of his lory with exceedingjoy jnde 24 abix also to save them to the utterrndbt jthat cbmo invito god by him heb vu wfthyou tegot a rnubh right to wear tnesetrieal bt gs as jjott 1 are to go r thai blrainliack riltake ftoff iailright off gpeithejpatherhabbaril ajndtnrnin awayi ihe wlded to himielf only onb wjay ttjdeat a worh and that with her if ij jiadnit beep id a aeeni ii 0 what he iias promised able aiso to jiot oifprm able also toj make vou stand rom iv j j raini to keepthat which lhave committei uilto him 2 tim i 12 abl t to build you up and to giv 0 j onan in liiritante amqhgiall there which an sfinctmed-actsx- i abi ko do esceegvbundantly abor al tl at we ask or inkidi 20 abi e to subduo all things pmmil i- s fai iimwhfrwha hath rv a so wlpitir i ivieb pli6f