Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 9, 1885, p. 2

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j 1 ft jf pit rfc ptl mij kme- f ipl rtasnil ejlrbtw fej jfflpv im hl- k-f- a mbe i m hslii mj 1 tfj hfe- jfcfktl wv ti v rw rj- bif e fl pi bp ei sk- sflj- j- kp- k ini r-ij- bit r 1 1 wv mb- it h b4- i ei -e- br 1 lclpij s ni 1 wm fcfy jr kvj nt isftl t1 1 ri- fc bfef 1 ff ll pi n mm kl v h li tncnsn t mom ariuxj s 1 5 v lioyaliwblimkgto asks for lite soot act by ajn xm iftjjaxse llajoiltyv v a hdqnal victory the electi ri on the 8cote act in weliiiuj top oountj lost thuisday resulted ovrwkeltnijt iitg major ty for the aot throe niunte pilitios nlthe wholo in a oyi count recorded jmi iorities a gainst jtho act an 1 these twjo nijsrit es aggregated uly lel votes j the coaw y jvjas thronghly organized in every section by th friendv of and it rnliutj bfe agree t satisfaction to see thoj result i their tindei atigabie efforts ojwinr to the rebellion in the sortiavestkheexott snient was not as it tfjejrwisfr woot have been majority is o hurgii that all should atistied that thocdi nty is anxiooi i for tt scott act to becomejaw within era ijts bord the full vote polio i shows a majority bit 405 for thje act pd it ik made up jut lvufcjiorthjs follows i i i arthur yulaeu arthur tonuship cutforl i drytouj v- f4 tot eriii township eramosa i fngus i gnrnfitxa oueljih township bumitou 4 mouut forest iiuthtirla iiuto mafvbbrougb vhiebol pel palmerston pilkingtou pusliucb t- majority for agttimu m ft a pose either of keeping them from the polls or of beii lg able after svarda swear that these pe pie accepted be act to them so great but tile 2i 07 21 i 308 s3 210 51 81 30 s3 190 185 60 m 5 u0 j iow th ids f total majorjtyfor a perusal of the above list will aj all the municipali si3s adjoiriinj haltou cbuuly gave large najorities for the ant notably iultho case f erin and ilramosa where majorities of 175 and 203 wiero ptill- hi- j throuhoat the cc ntest the an lis made a quiet but persistent struggle anc as uaoal resorted to tactics u lworthy an eanse towards tho last days of tet a number of tjheir agents ihade fy tohf of he townshijis represent jg theim selves as friends of ihe measure- the re verse as circumstf uces suited and dis tributed a mail sums of money at nong the least intelligent of t le electorafor the pir- 3b tpk ww our o prijioealbertsu rotate wha attack it stores and farm h0iji8e8 plun- dkjrd by mels horde kiel forms a oriijuiciit an prlsouers une ed by the lltble to time rovls jtfbmhsonthb war stjb aling j spttlbrs godds uifo im brave r i juappelle i mcjoral agiuqfit 9 113 is 1 boys arrived at last night alabm at swift current hfflsbhw dual gov- hold s many path lerjov ftbnorable the con- ii thenlowa froift the seat of war in the north west during the past week have not been particularly exciting the forces from oi itario and quebeo aire now noaring hoscereof action and the coniing week will no loubt bring jjmporta it news the f llowiftglespatches and gleanings will be ound of general int rest wiksipko april 1 3 tel graphic corn- is cut off and going ito bribes to ito tote for the act- ihis is of smal rnornt jnow however fo with a majority of over jl40q itis imt likely that any further -pt- -rtempts- will bemadfjl to defeat the 1 will of the people vvellingtoa ocoujiied a very peculiar position monj th a counties w aich had preirioualy carried t leact iuasm jch as in tracing i line f rom jhe to anothsr acrbsi the western portion of the province it stood as abirrei- betweet those east a nd west and north iund boatl of it now howeverj ftknoit direct lines tan be drawn through the pro vruce from jake ontario to lake huron tiiorn georf iari bay to lake tie and f romiake sim ioe to lake st clfiii overscott act territory thus thi sunlight of ths new and brig lit era which is ning to dawn upon our land is already visible claar through the pfovljce from shore to shore in siveraf directians we feel confident that i i- the course of a very few months nis5io rious sunligh will be ihiiiing brightly bve r the few co unties in this section if ontario which aie as jet hidden fromtheljgiit by the clouds legalized whiishey u afec municipal parliament a lot qf important businesi transacted isr- stbfherjso 6t takes hlis seilt 1 the counou met ih the council in tuesday evening members preset ti the reeve snd councillors henderson israoud find per son- 31rarithenystepjenson ed couhcilloijafteri ubscribing tc the ise claration of quaiilii ation aid of 0 sice tools bis sefit at the boar 1 i cexeisbv bytiw thepetition with reference to the sab- mission of a ibylat r to provide for a ceme- teryi for acton was mkedfdr but hot belnf complete was not considered after alitt croasariug it was decided to present ih peiitjon at alspecial meeting in a jew days j rriaiice the finance jcjom mitteeprjesen tetf tbjeit neverfailmg por recommending the disbtirseinenlt of fhe following sunp geo hyndsj meino ias wreath 6 01 h p moore printing fc adstertisi ag 5 2a thos c moore wot d 3 11 hart bowlinson stationery 3 6j john ihattuews o irtagei 50 m 1 m ipi a aejk jew v- h as b ntipiihaaiah suitjinj lore ijfyreacid a il w m- tl cbampei jocit poice f0b0e gouncillorhendersou witl cotisiderable eloquence aird aomt necessary explanation intrdiuoed a bvjjiw to providir for the s appointment pf a c uef constable and one pr more sub irdinafis for tip mui icipality this bylaw pass id its second reading vand the following ii tines wre inserted chieflcpnatable vm embtriset con- stables thos eauton and ichristopher masalas mr flemstreet declined toaicept- the 1 apoiiitment and th bylaw was laid over attcii heist meeting uponaotlon mi stephensba was ap- pointedlfnembcr a e thestrwt tad sidewalk hpomgiittei j ncajdjlirn i unjtil nest jcaesaay seenmg j i w- m as of the 19 14 council aaseutod ofnceb i sauklke auylfiw to the remuneration ol offieersiafthemunuipalityj and t provide for the payment of j he same was jntrodnc ed read thejfirst aid second tii nefe f iei which the council vent into cotr mittee oj the whole otftbe saiaebutadjournedbefon j t -i- j it ri n hey tcok all their famihei to the c p completing their wc rk r i munica ion with battlef ord news fr m the north is unobtainable except tiy mesi eager william howie of high blufl h x just arrived fro nluoh lake he say the first unlawful t cfs committed by the rebels were breaking into a settle mentstfre kept by georg carand the sacking of a store on the opposite side of the rive r kept by walters a baker what goods they found were taken and the store keepers made prisoners cattcred by kiel qoaielle n w t april 2 chief factor macdonald of the fort is in con stant receipt of- reports from the north brought in by teamsters arid fugitive set tlers regarding the prisoners take by riels r lien and they are said to have about 150 prisoners i ibvikewisis 1500 sms wco ipiso april 4 a telegram has just been revived f roil col irvine of prince i albert who was with crazier that they must h ivfi 1500 mop at once with suppliesr the j tefqu sioiix indiaijs are making trouble and stealing all kinds of eatables and pre visions j j owing to the ratbor alarming news from col irvine and the comparatively critical positioi i of the jjeopje at prince albert gen middle on will it is understood make an immedate advance upon prince albert when a and b batteries and the queens jown reach quappelle 1 a fboylsiosal oovebstlejrr the act of a provisional government having been established by kiel would seem to be true as the hudson bay author- ities ha ve received a telegram confirming the report that the half breads have formed a provisional government just as was done by kiel during jthe red river rebellion- this otacer telegraphs thatlhe has now in his pos session two receipts one signed by a person styling himself assistant botnmis- sioner and another to which the title of assistant governor for the provisional government of saskatchewan is added t wnat the teoop3 eivy wixjipeo april 4- thejratioji list per man pe r diem is as follows p lib cooked meats or bacon j oz salt 132 jz pepper 1a lb hard tack or liour 1 oz teal i 2 oz sugar 4 oz beans the winnipeg troops wlo are probably hardiei fellowis than the queens own ad mit ths t the march north will tax their endurance to the utmost the trails are in a shocking condition and will get worse when t ae thaw sets in all the country betwee i quappelle and the south saskat chewan has been stripped of its stores of fodder and supplies in fact it will be marching through a desert j j ornaui despatches otta a april5 special despatches receive 1 by the minister os militia today fromltlie northwest indicate that every- is progressing favorably gen uoved forward from fort he direction of touch- batteries are oni their way to rebell b tjw absenoti of mlrto jatljlef or w causing gravealarrh ia oodlmiiny of title volunteers suffered fjrjom trot bites while travelling on flat ow with the thermbsoeter 28 o below siero it b rejirlil that wlye inilw iof iele- graph lln lieuvebn duokike and darks crossing of the prince albert branch has been out down bo that it will be impossiblo to repair it j j the troops from toronto kingston land quebec arrived at quappelle last night their journey hasbeen a tedious one jand full of hardships the gaps on the c p r along the north shore of lake suptrlor were found much more extensive than at first reported the forces at prinoo albert have fortified the barracks near the water supply and also tpeeresbyterian church and manse and the hudsons bay mill they have a line of- piokets for twenty miles around and are prepared to stand a- siege of two weeks arms are laokingjfor niany of the citizens limehoube sparks from our ovrn correspondent very bad roads pleuty hot cross buns and easter egg- work went on hajre the sanie as usual tbroqgh the holidays robins welcome chirp was heard this morning our boys were drilling last week i mr newtoiis shiugb njill btarted today a dozen or more daily jolobea are taken here btonowork in mr newtous new well caved in he has had to crib it mr sharp has tomovo his house as it is dangerously nearthe blasting at the quarry rev- mr colling of acton preached toere yesterday i the methodist people are taking up sub- ccriptions f9r a church organ thoy have a nice sum mrs ed marshall and family have mov ed to erin mr marshall is boarding out mr mcdonald and family leave for kansas in the morning a child of mr w lane died last friday night and was buried yesterday i mr jarrtes mcpherson was buried today at boston church there was quite a large funeral 1 april 6th 1885 rook sotuddryiikinv joalding sensations jweiiing of the ankles 1 2im t y0 tj urlulits u the ubovo thing middle ton has i qn ap elle in wood quapjielle and expected to arrive to night ottawa april 6 the minister of -militia- has received a6ypher despatch from col irvine who is at prince albert it is understood that the telegram sets forth that whilel all is quiet at prince albert the place is surrounded by rebels and col irving and his forces are ntirely helples he asks that reinfprpemi aits be sent at oncp scouting parties belonging to the rcbsls arejm all directions and the i setilen houses are being plundered whie their lives are spared kiels forces are increasing and an attack on prince albert miglit any day occur thbilsdiass wjslstt wisipeg npjon april 7 an exciting despatiih has bden received from moosejaw to the iiffec thalt about forty cree indians in full war paint- entered swift current on friday about 330 p in and after holding a war lanes ho ped themselves to whatever they w mted 7agde i feelings of uiirest rothji brbriokjamli uhidsv acid atomuoli ytohihg loins 0rampsfirov iug hcjivoubuebs btraugo sore ioas of the bowels tjnaccouutab o jaiiguid feelings i ibhbrt breath adi plouriuo pains dub side hiadacho babkacho frequent attacks of the wuis fluttering and distress of the heart jmbumen diid tqbo casts in the vator fitful rbeumktic pains and neuralgia loss of appetite ilesh and strength constipation alternating wijli loosentns of the bowelb i abunduut pilo or scanty flow of dark waiter chills and fjever iburning patches jf skn ithoh scase of tlie klrtucysj symptoms are not developed in any orvler but appear disappear and re- apcar until the diseaso gradually gets a firm grasp on the constitution the kidnoy- pojsoned blood breaks down the nfirvons systom and finally pueumohia diarrhcoit bioodlessuoss heart disease appoplexy paralysis or eouvulsioos ensue uhd then death is inevitable this fearful disease is not a rare ones it is an every daydis- order and claims more victiihs than any other complaints it niubt be troatod in time or it will gai th mastery dont neglect it walt ners safe cure has cured thousands of joass of the worst- type and it willchre you if yonwill use it prornotly and asdi- reoltod it is the only specific for tho un veijsal rights disease how adtertisemonts tilllngles and wood rpilk uudorsluueiihuforsalb a splendia stock j of firfltclwahblnglen no f oedir 173 er bnuaro leflafei i p porsqusro alio alaroquanttof woodof all kinus from 135 alowl up to tijm tt adti ricord prime shory rtayds dud heading to tho tradci at bottom nhsdh thos c moobe factprt mahi st wast acton farms wanted t warning and comfort the discovory of the instantauoous pro ccssof titking photographs has been quickly followed in thp medical world by a perfect andinstantiousroniejy forallacuto aches anil pains as neuralgia toothache etc this valuable remedy is called lightning and issold at 25 cents a bv j e mcgnrvin druggist farms waiitodiovourllst weliavoeorciuoau ifionth and mo to ndvert ise farms for sale iit 100 uowspanors in icanndaj or six niontb loncjng on first of april as seeing 1b bo- llovlfig asoertdin our tcrrus tbo names of hie papers and where published seo bumuess card in another column no ichargo unless fartna be sold write or call at office tor particulars john j daley i siiccossortotorapsona jaoksou i j i wantud ixtiantbd a itesident agent 1nbvehy v village town andlclty in the dominlon also a few tawusllors to soil bur new air oas ma- cbueb tot making afr ga 50 per eont oheapfcr than coal equally as good no are or power ri- utrod made in all tzes from is burnini to 1000 or private bouses storesliotolb factories mills btreeta mrfiob etoraddrbb canadian air oasijaohine mfh co 1158tfroncqlbxaviorsti j 15ly i montreal i pq ix thf matter of the guardianship op the 1npantj cmtdben 01 bswjamiit ttilliam nicel1k ueceasku applicjation wlllbi made to the surrogate court ofithe county of haltou before the judge lu chambers at tbo court hoaroiu fan town of milton after tbo expiration of twenty dayh from the flretublicatiou hereof on behalf of jamehhkklitnickiuof tbo village olctou in tho county of haltou miller for an orderap pointing tho baijl james henry nickliu guariiian of villium john nickliu george robert nickliu jonathan koily nelsoiiniekiin infant childien of tho said benlainin wflliamnicklin deceased i james henry nicklin by mowatvs mclean liii fiolioitore dated at acton this 30th day of march ad isaj real estate sale fluid bottle 36 fwm 75 cents to 5250 hits- fyfos if vu want a nobby durable aud cheap suit j fyfes isthc placo to jjo the ikrgestisnd cheapest stock 0 boots shoes to select from if at nelson morae i suits and overcoats al fcxtremtlylow rates and made ill latest styleb be stirt to call and seo them j fvfe acton mother graves worm tixterinifiator has no equal for destroying worms in children and adults see that you get the genuine when purchasing i worms derange the whoty system mother graves worm exterminator de- ranges worms and gives rest to the sufferer it only posts twentyfive cents to try it and be convinced i j bucklens arnlen salve the lest salve in the world for cuts bruises soros ulcers salt rheum fever sores tetter chapped hands chilblain corn8hhd all skin eruptions lind posi tively cdres piles or no pay required it is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction oi money refunded price 25centb per box for sale bv j e mcgarvin t fl patronize home merohants j gentlemen if you are in waut of a per- fectgtting suit or overcoat call aiid inspec our goods we have an immense stock v itelect from tnd we guarautec perfect tit a stylibh cutand firstclass wnrkmnnshi every dime vo know it will be loyom interests to give as your patronage asi w aresntibtiud wecangive you better valu by at least tcu- per cent than flrmb from other towus caii offer you nelson mru tho pitizons jwere so much alarmed that r their dining rooms and determined to sell lives dearly use of mabcii the iine of march for tl e troops has been arranged by capt bedson of the i raiisport sets of cohtint ally between one other i hus maintaining an endless chain no il qrmppella 2 fort quajppelle 3hcughtonj 4tto achwbod 5 belson 6 sa t pla 7 wise 4 8 htmboldt 9 mdgund 10h odoo h miidletori 12- 13 ca merons 14pr nc albert i itis abped hat the tri ten day into th i serric if crossin ho has charge earns will pass station and an- htfas miles 20 v 20 l20 614 21i 17 ji7 18 jrl8 a 23 26 i oas be made in horbqsiwill be pressed if a tew grains or common scusc could tu infused into the thick noddles of thoeiwb perpetually aiid alternately irritatej an- weaken their stomachs and bowels avitl drastic jpurgataves they would use th highly accredited and healthful laxative gin tonic fsorthrop lymans vegetable dj overyand dyspeptic tu re which -causn- good digestion to wait an appetite jand health on bo h f m 23 1 lllaid llgblnjng j j thereare bn b few that hav never suftore almost liit-derable- pain from tonthnicut neuralgia orlike acute pains to- tliei sach an instant relief as fluid lightning j hiuutohl blesiirig in time of trouble ni lugusting offensive medicines ui he likii irdiysj 0u aoplicaton of fluid ijlala iug cures iiold vt 7 b mogarvint drug store 20 bestandooiurertto the suffering browns houseliold panacea hag n equal fbr relieving pain both internal lain external ftpurea piiin in the tside bael or bowel sore throat rhtftmatjbin toothache lumbago aud any itind of pain or jache it will must surely qujicl h the bldud and heal as its acting pqvii a wonderful browns houseliold p-u- icoa being acknowledged as the rea pain reliever and of double the btrenut of any pther elixir or liniment in tli vprld spould he in every fnmify handy fo use when wanted as it really is the w remedy insthe world fov cramp in l stomach and pains knd actiei of all kiiid ind is for sale by ahjprugsrists at 25 cpri a bottle j 44 willi to do if troubled with an uniiealthy slov hijaling sure ase mcgiccr parkei car- iwlic ceritc yim will find it iiiviilauble for healing cleansing and cbmplelelj re- mbyingyour trouble if the blood is cut of order take with it a fxiw do3cs of xc- i iljegnrvspocdy cure from j e mcgjar viiisllrastiri i29 mm mw tfe u ywmmm m m0m m his gloky f having disposed of his old stjock amiipoiug rlfcrte r m i neh to be as hitherto fhv li i fontorles toi jail buyers ha ve no accfew r 5 i laving didposed of bis old stjock and hofug netennined to be as hitherto f h lt iry goods hoyne in the city ourtufyer has for iholast thtve months bccri iixitjng i aotorles bud 1 warehpuses oiithlsqoi itinenk whero he hni been buying ilkj lending i and vvooilenfahriftn for hclbw niiyibjii ktown heretofore aujil to which the our liuropeaii j buyer was scjnt aomt inhounce om stock pf j e months ago tp france flndbritahiaiul we nw mivfk notkers llauijliteis be ybur own physician a lively who far years suffered torments worse that dearth from utoriuc troubles falling of the vonibleucorrbaa suppressions itcahd who haddespaikod of being cured found it remedy which completely cured her ahy sufferer f rem such troubles can- uso tiic remodics and thus cvnhhvlf without re- i i i vealing her condition to any one and with out subjecting her womonly modesty- to tic shock of fan pxaminitinu by a physician the preacriptioiis and full directions for use sentree toany addr9 securoly sealed enclose one- twocent stamp address naming this paper mrn w c hotsierf 658 broadway new york j advlcifto hullierh are you disturbed t iiight itnd llrokon o yojr rest oy a sick child suffering and crying with paliiif culling teeth if so acud at giicejindjjet abottle of mrs win- glows tsobdilttii syrup fur chiulrca ttttjiiwj its value is incalculable iu will reliqve ihe poor little sufferer immediately de pend upou it mothers there is no mistake about it it cures dysentery and tliarrho m regulates tlie stcnueh null bowels cures windcolic softens the gains reduces iu- dammatiou and gives tone and energy to the whole system mrs wiiitilowtssoolmnij syrup fur children teething is pleasant o the ttisle aud is ie prescription of one iof the oldest and bust female uuraesiaiid phy liciansiu theunitec states and is for sale ity ul druggisls throughout the world llrle undehsictned ban been instructed by j mr awttriseno6ell by iublic auction i on tbevrenliiies on saturday hth apr 85 at 1 ocriocr pm the following real estate houeo aud lot blocbt21 lot 12 ou maria st ontiflfth of as acre the houe is frame with outbuiliiingb bardand soft water a number of fruit uoes 611 tbo lot all iu good repu the building lots uuiiibcrs 85 so 37 andss ou arthur btnect and 47 48 and 49ou south side of mill strfcei and 07 and 68 on north side of mill fitroet these lots each contain oticfifth of an acrt thoy avo beautifully situated in one of tho best portions of tho vlllftgo of acton rind are within ave minutes waikof the post office title indisputable teumb hoiibe mid lot 10 per cent of pur- ebase money on day ofeuie 1m iu 30 days bal ance to suit purchasers lots seven months credit ou furnishiiig approved joint notes no reserve w hemstreet acton mftiv23ri 18sj auctioneer a- v rijpletc with the newest and loveliest rosds and attht same time the cheapebtirjiontari- i l i v the prbdietors of tfajs lion are jteterminewithat tloihiiig shall istop their prfigresajirk ing useful lothe jiwipleibygiving gobd cheap linuost gomla their pai robs limy afc limes tely onhis factjjthat what they hvili beejiagedonedollhr for cihch here tliey will obtain at the lion fjrl 75 ceritsi avafcch closely r kvep in mind thit our goods are all new come see inspect and judge foe yourselves aud go librni happy j1 williamson i cb ii i with rcxerfince tff the ftboye t sliall be most happy loirieetitfy niitneroub friends frimnaaihgawftvaj enniaototf oc and having a far larger amljietth- irstortedstjkik ihkn hosbeen found in tlie lion iiuoc i leff it i can with tlie fullest confideiioeiiivite the pi blio to visit the lion ijciw again the tho best i store in westeriioutario glttelpb march 24ti 1885 price 25 cents a bottle ai jui1j more money thau at anything elso ft in anything else by taking an agencyl tj t-i- j or ths- best selling book out beginners dfeacl jjellviercl mcceed grandly none fail terms fcfe ilvllett book co portland maine t h e- d mann proprietor h aving purchased the bakery busi ness of messrs enicwis 80s i beg to solicit a continuance of ihe patron age of all who have iji the past favored the excelbior bakery with their patronage ly bakers will be firstclass aiid i can assure all that my stock 6 bread buns cakes confectionery 000 will always be of the best personal endeavor will bo customer satisfaction quality my to give every th art interchange vm j87s5 1885 an illustratedhbhsehold journal of paint ng embroidery home art work liter atnre and artwith colored and deiigt snpjplembnt sheets published fortnightly price pert year 3k six- monthsi j1j60 trial thrpe months j100 15 oentajpei jdngle copy j a sample copy with fallpage colftre olate and a catalogue of other art wori handbooks sent on receipt of 15 cents it jbtunra j addtw wm whitlopki pabjisfcr 140 wassaft btrbet new ybrv- kings evil was the namvformerly given to scrofula beeause of a superstition that itcouidbb cured by a kings touch the worlu 1 wiser now and blows that v j scrofula can only be cared by a thorough purifica tion of the blood if this is neglected the disease perpetuates its taint through generation after generation among its earlier symptomatic developments arc eczema cutaneous eraiptlons tu mors bolls carbuncles erysipelas purulent ulcers nervous and phyf sical collapse etc if allowed to conj- traue rheumatism scrofulous caf tarrh kidney and liver diseases tubercular consumption and vark otis other dangerous or fatal maladies are produced by it ayers sarsaparilla p tfie onfjv powerful and always reliable blooitpuryglng medicine it is so effect ual an alterative that it eradicates from the system hereditary scrofula and the kindred poisons of contagious diseases and mercury at tho fame time it en riches and vitalizes the blood restoring healthful action to the vital organs and rejuvenating the entire system thisgr regenerative medicine is composed f the genuine honduras snnapariua with yellow dock stil- lingia the iodides of potassium arid iron and otheringrednts ofgreat po- toycarefally audi scientifically eom- ponnded its formula fs generally known to the medical profession and- the best physictaiiscohstantly prescribe ayers barsaparilh as an absolute lare for 4ll diseases caused by tie vitiatktja if the blood it u cbncentratedj to the big h jest practicable degree far ary other preparation for which like effects brecrsimed and is thereforefthe cheapest n1 well as the best blood purifying medl cine in the world i fl i ayers sarsaparilla prepareb prcayr is co lowe mast alyflcal enlists j 8bl6vby all priigglbts s pdeo 1 j elf i i a- 1 bottles for w a dall solicited 118 mrrh 3thl8f p mann tl j d williamson sring goods dlly abrtving 4t l-ille- fashionable i quelph r preparingtto show a magniii- ccnt stock tliis season ladies tyill find it vry interesting to examine oiu- stock j i bucham 4 co irv v speioh i undertakers i i i a re frqm the s l oil all callseithr night or day- promptly i attended to satjs- s faction guarai we are in a p isitioh to astisfaetorily fijl every description r r- lands in minnesota north dakota boif- tana idaho washington andqrcabn f from labo sajphor to paget koaud e wiqlib chletiy from 12 jo f 8 per acre on to 10 yearstlme th is the best country 0 securing good homes ntn open for settlement st q b e s of government r aml tnprtsilnruw wotb s 0818438 acr ob kobe than half of mi thepuwlcurndsdupweaof in ss man rn fbeb describloir tbe noirtbma l for saterad h addrsmchasa 1r landcotnr h s k st aj lrders few wafjnuacarrmge ci o iivreabonahle time gowl w yrkmapbhipondhrstciasbmiiterialvilways ued we have a so a splendid lot or fnrnitut holh common and extra qnalifyjcheap aarifyou willpiyuscash we will aellyjm anything iiionr line cheap j a speight manager burrtocii m o d sew a qoi mb alp gr5bls i i it- isrsasjsbf mmi- prepared to arbisk ej erything ijti tlieii- ime best casket to the plainest cote the bhbrtestikotiee aiid at lowest terra3 teed in edry case i j a jfirstclass hefarse for hire 4 j f 1 r iv cure or relieve biliousness dhzine88 dyspepsia indigestion jaundice erysipeias salt rheum heartburn heatiache dropsy fluttering of the heart acidity of v the stomach dryness 0fthekin from and every species f disease arltlni disordered liver kdniy8 stol bowel3 or bloodi jr 1 f v- jjile cakada dltizen j ai tehcerl vtk htttalu c anua gbbt trohlbitiqn paeh tlibjclieapest iml lbs best bdlteafcyfs spencl sixteen pages v etikly on fine toned ijaper terms wojiinadvainee f ltizftv pcblisaing co toronte at t8ei- mammoth 003e oearsetown mcleod anderson c0 lhe mammbt 1 sbinuud this season to eclipse all its former effiris in the wayjd elling goodschejipi in shaving alajrge va ety in the ct up htyle and cbpiipiftssjof heir mlllinety ithe lorrectj thing inttibst leniake sind price hj- dress making we mve u new large and vawd stock lb all jh latest novelties in ibilliuery oiiruress londs stock is ncw etiyhitgoiuomding sillis batinb o silk lor 27ic 7c h in themilunei7 and re8smakindeiiartmeiitsweddiiicaid mourningiorders a pecjalty the managers thesjoiiliuery iressmaking and manile departmrhthare hiinged but havi s se sured ih i best fajeut extaiit ladies can come with confidence aiid eave their orders f brints and oingharns in ill the latest styfetfixtrjionmiiaiy cheap siaplekiof all kinds including ihei ked slii rtings cbuorad s gry and wliicottoiis col tbusi shift ugs bottonndbs snt aucanadian goods we buy direct from the mills and sell itjieuvjat vhole8fdc prices t l our oidere jlolhlig anc jjcmtsvfurm a morecotjn lete stale gintlmen v cfimeavithtbe utrnnt coujuhn and leaye tiieiridrders and wo will suit themin pri re tjleflt ikmankhip aiiri variety carpets ave have in immense stock ffom 12j i tipwards bpi tsand shoes ii la go yari etvrrprices riuht readymade cjolliing e ha rpo- large itockjl ind we areholdiiiga cle ljug wle until wc ki rednco jthe stock most cohfidenoo in lowh bottom pripesj irjtaihs we wil give ngiod suit for 4 thepatrdhaeebk the puhiio we will wqhavetljejnt- ou gobdsat awn

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