Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 30, 1885, p. 3

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sfssss f- i i if 5 co our and v- classics litnpini tciothhinrfms ar publishing ge 30 cents tvaluahle fch a bool x3ieth i a wonder withmaiiy bound con- alue can be diian itfieccnre ypsr be bmlft- ler xeirlorlfc sferpostage i icosuyiox j ihqre money in this world first hour 4 cjg before the tjirce address f ling eb besg to acton and litb give firsf- c roof paint- lijng and also styles all 1 to ip disks log i ovw5 ijnion ucues inted l od fau sales i f al men i ijra40to75 j 1 and out- i kstdii into ovr vj loftftint- 5 f work liter- f ijhid design i i fortnightly tf oiois weri j jl cent per i ge colored wtk mcentti iftloesj pjj- 4 v ijiv i i wjusiuay rk i oi cloasd it nya kiwltah mi ivtpmmktipigtojf canadian pacrtl east ns vbflt o inks8k tmik tabl i torobth ottatk moutnal quebec uoston toronto to detroit chicago stllioiis toronto 1 bm 1 strejsvulcjiinjj 10 4 sttbomas ljs cb panr- detroit t utt 8 chiooso 1 lrsftam tssj wining t pally ek9ptjjkoii47 towujo to m ontreafc quiblteo i idbostob uuiitedx j steaon ni i a7l it 63psni- riiilwayt braiititon to streetsvilie jl knmuiinon 7sbam stroetsvillujfct v brampton to orangeviile vad6 hrainptou i v st aon j j orangeville j til us it 9w5 u sounm c 30 pni h puroha ie yrjurtioills ly venlsoattdi new anp- popjtia llnb tbom-j- j j e mcgakjfljjj cket aent tjtoiut oullrii manitoba looilex 8 5s g30aia onrolrt t ss pm so 9 50pin iction walt faifbrzwll papek oivllmandeethevlargejbtfxk bf sam les of wall uajjer indibordbrsj the larg- ist stock to pick from j r weicaii sailj anjf persou it bo bynds actoji dealer in jewellejy stetioijery school booka and- fanev goods give as calll itton tee tmrnsijat mobxtno apbil 31885 wtm f i l v t -j-i-u- i- tih lvm fciil ivm ul tei tht ttouk stories will aoob mty b ip the ranis this- year ffwj jbha will bfebetoreen j e me- 90 wdll rinoip m tiwkl these eutlemi fo a cjoiipeofveibt8aud iuentlbii fspooklecl pauui rmr c las avwsgh tho proprietbt of the stj maoe new dnd ttepnu form ertyo q irrefowti i making vevy suobesa fnl progicb8 in tj jourualutio kol we jptah lfeobirve this and vysh 0har lie bontmtied prosperity ny was ii redletter day with the 8avatoij awny here ten or twelve of h mttit pre of the qttelpu corps were present u 1 the meetings of saturday hight ana spnth y were full of hiierest and were attended ly imroeise otowdfe new jivisonaf of the sons of temper- anoe have been organized during the past week in m lton and georgetown by mr s holland rov dep btp rev d l brethour iff ddgwp of milton and mr j a jean of georgetown 1 after tw first of may there will be preaohiug in the baptist church everj- sttjiday aitemoon at 8 oclock the bap- ti rf a a of geoijtown have been u foi ministerial supply during the year re mr sowerbv is the pastor crumbs for breakfast provided by the eywr thouitful free piess reporters j mavday tomorrow 1 i v gold watch and chain lost see ad council jneetinp totnorrow evening j fishiug tackles is exhibited by tlia dealer i j j i gardening operations iareuicely- conii incnced j ditiidpuiaiiuf jon sbda bisciitsis the latest iikizc i j read the s keeves proclauiatioli in an- other columiit 1 3 brpwiisi saw mill has cotnmeticed the seasons work 1 i s j i j rthe morning papers powj arrive on au pm freight itraiu both j queens jbirthday and dominion day fall on sunday tliisiycarj j we had quite a little winter ou toes 3ay it snowed nearly ajll day v 1 mr j iijsowspn isj bpeiiin up boots and shoes ima hardware blocks leave ybnr order lor shade trees for arbor dayhvitb the mnuicapal clerk rdoiijt forget to carrj umbrella aud watcrrprpof cpats uowaiday tliis istlie tinic thejie thiugsare neebvid i t3ue new idv of aesari jd villiam- j ojifc co gtelph on our fourth page will j be found inttesting by dur readers r mr fthoi c- moore jee mmehced-opera- timis uti hia factory iast friday he iq svoakihiinowoiishiglsjaidftave i i- i i k r u lijhtal with thf paiijt this spring cttfecu ijeatitify tlie appearance of your premises- aid help to iln proye that of the tovvik i thajpulmerstou ttteritph has entered upcu iti -tcuin- volume notwithstanding its esceiitricities we wish i i ntin4edpros- ieritv l the raiu falls not alike on thepust and unjust for the simple reasdnthatthe unjust tliivllyhas the umurella bejotigihg to the jasrmuu v i our esteemed friend mr charles ajrm- sltoiigof armstronglmilljj ouir thanks forjcopies of winnipeg ipd biver fails wis papers he re eve and cbunail a re determined that the oiwbylawbkllie strictly en- iorced this year and navejgiten due notice to that effeit the cat concerut have commenced u v i- u fei pastor one 0 the rnst enterprising journals on our ei change hst is the new orleans pieoifie thej pvntmi a a most worthy representative bf the subny south its dailyfep rts bf tlie worlds exposition now in pre gressin that city are ot a highly interesting charaoter and f ar exolipsethobo of any of i a local joohtemporaries a am adyf rbm messrsnelsonj morue co offc ring manyattractiou8 to custor raerbwill appear in uie fbee puksb next issue tt ey are oiis week showing spec- cialties in beautiful new prints from 5 cents up choioi 1 new dress goods from 10 cents up and innumerable bpeciil lines at sim ilarly jow pricesi i call and kee them domplaints iave been uiade to us that illr t5 beardtoore has a vicious dog ou his premises poring the past week we are infori aed it has attaoked a number of children iujnring one or two aadseverely frighteub others the inrjie should be disposed cf at once aud if ihe pwner does not jundei take its removal no doubt some gentlemat in town will do so to ensure the safef of 1 its owniand neigh xrs children jhe cvine fnw our office with a geutpj smile elaloratiug the beauty of his coun tenance s rd asking for pen ink and paper he wrote the pleasant spring has come again mid malting frost and falling rain now soon well look for pretty flowers and garden sauce and april showers the fro are singing in their glee tlieir very hoarseness making melodeeij while fi shers sport and cricket playing just at th s juncture the poet was struck he thou jht by dynamitefbnt it was only our devil i boot coming against him where he sat down we insert the above that all spring posts will know thtj warmth of thle reception witli which our devil has decided to meet them thii weeks bakings which are principally ijocal and all i interesting again wj judge tliisifrbm pile of brojcea crockery tain gentlemans window have jqstjput envelopes and arenow p seeing a large warn under a large btotk of sfei mnisi time ca 11 a id eiamine 1 lvp rr wm p cer- kpared to supply- vagcodwhitebusme68envelopineatlyrint- edjfor siojpperthbusaad j leis sel didbrt tije telephone co promis v painting would icertiinly niprov th ir appearance 1arid itsltimje hey were about it woaeftkind are a readj yanking up carpets and exercising 1 sops ver the floors wjiilp i jmale inmate s iare fighting with stovepipesla sure sigt tiftt spring is here there is saidvto hae bn discovered a kind m tobacco which il sri bked or cihew- ed will mijkeaman fbrgst leowesaidollar in the wcrm it iappears to be a veryipop- iilar variety we aie pleased to njtkethat citizens jij every pi rt of the tov n n respondiug to tour ad not to clean ui a preniisesrana j dispose of the winters o fiunulatibii at garbage ete j 1 caries will be woni hij seaaoiinemj twice b thick aridhega y 1 sthewe of ia i year and gany attenaiitec dudes are jii dpajr it tires oni o dbiwyliavy vcane a dc leknow 1 ith j fl altpndry go jj ouseanniun ces the tel i is giving gre ite barj spring 1 hst 1 ever bislorte ttiw njaxitissaej yiurepiayp6ni uejia scott act and taxes the ei iquesing township at stewarttown is empty tlie first time in many yekrs under croojis act tl ie pau pers increased but we are credibly i iform- ed that tl e xatepayers ofthe townshi p have saved bve r 6w in taxes since the at option of the st ott act surely thibshbvb how the taxes are reduced by th 3 scotta ti quarterly services the rev johnsliawiof 1oroiito j reach ed two iractical and eloquent sern onsin the metlnklist chufch last sunday after the mon ing service the sacrament of- the lordb sapper was administered ts over 100 persons bmr shawi assisted by the pastor ai id r v t- a moore the whole service w is ye yluteresting aud enjo rable a good idea i mr jolui j daley successor to 1 hphip- son a jai ksouv guelph feas issued a laud list contaiiiing prices and descriptions of iinproveid farnis for sale uij the proi intje of ontario nore especially in this ue ghbor- hood a i the list is being extensiv ily cir culated bth in this country and in great britain ii will likely prove of great benefit both to mr daley and his clients and to those who wish to obtain j improve l- farm property we will take pleasure k giving informaton resjiectingmr daleys system jpf dispoi ing of property to any desi rous of selling farms or other real estate fatal a deht from he herald we gleu that b r gil- ean mclean of esquesiug i met v ith his death ne ir georgetown on the n is n w railway it ia said he hid indulge very freely in intoxicants andj walking al mgthe track fel across tlie rails in which 1 osition he drop ed asleep the engineer 01 ah ap- proachiig train saw him but was unable either t stop his train or rouse tie man the trai 1 passed over his leg a litt e above the ankl 3 and also iriflicte j a scalp wound every ej fort was put forth to save 1 lis life but all v as ineffectual hie died ft om loss of blood shortly after his leg was am outated at the 1 nee jbiht ji leaves a fa mily of boys an d gife his wife having di id some time age dieceased was bbut 60 years of age- change of tram tune the c t r time liable which caine into effect oi monday created johsiderable of a revblutii in iij the train service tta morn ing ma il train frorh tt e east w nch for twenty years has arrivec here w thin 15 minutes of 915 oclock has been ohi nged to 1102 a id this is the fir it audibly tram wesiftvai d tiiitjl 547 pmji when tlje evening mailarives j the 83fll an imidniglt trains remain aff before the 610 an train goes eat twardjas formerly aaalsoiie 1102 atm at 4 647 4mj hut threis 10 train for the east after 5 17 pitn e conomy seems t- 1 be the watch w in 1 with th gtr and in 1 tursuing this lit e so rigid ly they rapparei fcly forget tp iai i ntoconsi leration in the ast degree the a sebmmod itioh of the pw lie the lim h mse peo ie have been ah losenjfcirely igc or sd and a re justly iudigna it 4vi6ij the nia t r they do over loostfoj sonre mails e ifahd aani an 15 p 8 inspeotqrate we undent md that mr alex momillnj late principal of rookwood academy is a candidate for he vacant p 8 inipeotbrate mr momillan is well fitted for the position liaving had bug eiperieuoein prepkrihg teachers for tljeir wprk however we still favor the appointment of dr lusk because of his being a bounty man and having spent many years in the teaching profession in- halton- salvauon army funeral 1 the funeral of mr john k fletcher who died last friday morning took plica on sunday at 2 oclock and was conducted by the salvation army mrrfletoher was one of the first to join the army here and had taken considerable interest iitj their meetings the soldiers left their barracks on church street about half past oue and marohed to theebidence of their deceased comrade headed by the armys brass band of guelph bjetween fifty and sixty soldiers were in the procession each of whomlwore a badge of white on the left arm alt the house praise and prayer were engaged in at the conclusion of which the proceksipii started for the cebietery the f uneva was very largely attended the band played sweet rebt ii heaven and other appro priate pieces i roi at therave prayers were offered testimonies made aud exhor tations given and those present could not but be impressed with the conviction that the army are anxious and earnest in their endeavorsfpr the salvation of qiosearpnnd them the ceremonies were conducted in a very orderly and impressive manner purely personal paragraphs respecting people with whom our readers are individually or collectively acquainted mil and mns w h stoiikv spent stm- day with friends in toronto miss claha boomkji of linwobd is the guest of miss lottik speight mrs tuoiitklt is visiting- her son mn richabd jn tiicrtkll of teeswater rev and mns wm shastjox of erin were guests of acton friends on tuesday mn s fkekmak of toronto was the guest of dn mcgakvis a couple of days this week mils james g hili and two children of monroe mich is paying friends here a visit mh c bgbivfin- oi the hajton dry goods house visited friends in newmarket jast week dric h lcbk of oakville was in town oii monday he made the fbek prkssa pleasant call r mb fnk cane of toronto school of medicine was the guest of dbwebstsb over sunday 5 miss lizzie forfkh of toronto has been engaged teacher of fourth department of acton public school mn aind mhs chas willis- of aurora were the guests of milthos tsitoobe principal acton public school last week mn 6 holla5iiprov dgwp of the sons of temperance was in town on tues day on business connected with the grand division j j j mkfredtowxsenb who has been seri ously ill during the past six week under the skilful treatment of db webster is now convalescent 1 mrs s a leslie of norval accompan ied by her sister miss mjskie lyons of cheltenham have been the guest of mb wji moore and family r few days this weeli m re8h a siwx wr0 d reliable qood n field and flower 8eeds including f urnip ail kindny mangel rape hungarian cc y v ii fishing rods and tackle ajcool variety i your bouses with ready mixed baiiis the largest mccarvins of paints oifsl varnisl es etc j in town and at thje lowest prices is til and best stock and stationery store tj6 er ii lower wyndham st cuelph mim vith thetdadand 0 mition it return here j limfehouse sparks from viir viva gorrekjiomkiit gardening and jiouse cleaning are the order of the day j mr thomas maiehall is still improving in health 1 last wednesday eveuiiig actons salva tion- arm v drum could be heard here mr s meredith is getting put btone for mr lindsays large new bani there is now no passenger -train- west froraiiere till 530 pm j as the morning mail onlyslackh up to exchange the mails the presbyterian sabbath school was reopened yesterday for the summer season there was quite an attendance of teachers andjscholars tiiere are some very nice looking fields of fall wheat to be seen hi this vicinity the limehouse methodist sunday school was organized last friday evening mr w lane was appointed superintendent the sunday school meff or first time yesterday at 1 pm mr ellis our g t r agent has received word to get everything in order for closing up the office here v v messrs john moore and james newton went to stratford satirday to see the superintendent of g t 3 about keeping the office open here for phej benefit of the passengers and shipping they were re quested to send word to jhead quarters in montreal they- are expecting a favorable answer april a7th 1885 rock satuboav april wth 1885 nowsboutadvertisuig first you will always tin d my ad vertisement in this spatje and i y ii esteem it ft great favor it yovj will take the trouble to look for it and read it ad vertising pays it pjftys the man who iwants to sell to j let the a know what he has and where he is it pays tlrje man who vauts to buy to become aware of the same tact j hence advertising is a means of mut ual benefit between dealer and customer it however only re mains valuable sp long as it is dotie on the basis of a straight up iand down statement of facts aud facts only confidence in the truthfulness of statement mustbe maintained the com- im munity ij as ready to hail n lie in an advertisement as in any other way and is likely to ac cord it the same treatment it payd to tell the truth even in an advertisement secoadly i east no reflections on ti single man my experience is that the wrd of at least nine out of ten business men isgbodr still there s that odd oneand his peculiarity causes people to view others with to feay the lea8tafairamouritpf suspicion now ii want to say his you will always find my advertise ments free from bombastic ab surdities and statement which the actual facts do not verify i shallalways strive to do a lit- tie better than t advertise thirdly i will esteemitareat favor if you not only read j but come and compare statement with fact i do ii livq pushing business i buy cheap rand siell cheapj and i ani going to ad vertise it and whether in my advertisements or intatements from lover our twuuters my business is going to be conduct ed in such a way that jlie small est child is treated as justly as the most experienced jbuyer cures rhenihatich neuralgia i lame back stiff joints anil chilblains maaneticoll curbs chapped hat ds frost bites burns and scolds sciatica etc vjfagfetig oil is a moat useful remedy for both man aud beast s maneticoiii is s plendid for coughs and jcolds sore i throat aud croup 1 maguetm oil is sold by all druggists at 35 cents a pottle and is actually the best liniment known insist on your druggist giving you the genuine magnetic oiu 1 important now that the holidays are over and the fafpiliee arcacain disunited and scat- tiered over the land the friepds at i i hone should sit for a dozen beautiful artistic cabmet photos at halls studio mill st acton to end to distant loved ones will be more appreciated by nothing them old photos copied er larged and framed in good style cheap aj lot of lovely frames on ha are invited to inspect thein essee my new combined m and eiish 1 cwl ing ait te qry iw y hi ftkk rmlisl hi ure o s i i tlvfta i i im oaisb ijtilfe friday sattprdi peil 10th 1 ljtij call spring cat js of new riess prints and our show of muliuety autffcucy goos this spriti will be far in advance ot iaiiy dispa he jefofore shown in act on we have taken great pains iii seleetiing tlie tiewesi nd choicest goods wehav all the novel ties jn sliapes and straw goods and trimming 1f keep only thoroiithly experiericecl m tee oul work anci siyie equdl to the best janadia in spection kindly invited i l j 4 ts bd on 11s vve areiiliowirg 000i wotlth podi cheaper thaii ey rb 4 iii canada 16 joo colors s bargai special values to beat ti call and arge ress and pi m sateens in all quahtfes hades anil pricesj o i f will try topleasje yon and gtvgyou a splenmd eiitibii invite i i in white aiid grey cottons impossible compare oar 6 and 7c cjottoiif th piovitice tbekf of colored aiid black silks yons and tfarvalebuxsi and a full as- a iritie triimhings for this please with aiy other cotton in wehave a sating satib de sortment of d spring cashmeres aid fasliioaafjle dress goods to suit thet most fastidious bea iitiful bjmrjroideries a 2 4 and 6 jceut s a yard i laces of evey desciriptipii pink jatdina corsets- for que dollar lok out for blue and j slack sateeh r bur spm circular in ob x5r1ffi id you ivkaltn prop er board of eduoation s ateacher engaged anf uue fourth de- partment to be opened seoond monday iniilayi j the trustees of actoh public school met on monday evening i embers present br lpwry chairman aud messrs w h storey j e mcgarvin and w p brown the application of miss llszie forfar as teacher of fourth department was present ed aud considered moved by w h storey seconded by j 33 mcgarvin that the application of miss l forfar for fourth department at s salary of two hundred dollars per aouum be accepted duties to commence on monday 11th may carried k i i the property committee was mstruoted to have room and apparatus in readiness to commence on above date board then adjourhedi thboradle howsox in esquesiug on fhe 25th april the wife of mrjohn a son the gravi i fletchkiwiu aotonon tfie johnk fletcher aged 4 howson of b thaprilmr years 27 lower wyridham 8t cuelph notice to creditors 5 i ix the matter 0 charles sipney smit dechised notice is hebebxrqivenjpurbuant to the proviblons of chap 107 bco and 40 vfct chap 0 ont to all creditors aljd other havfug- claims against the estate of charles sidney smith late ofthe village of actoh iu the con ltjr ot halton manufacturer who died qu or ab iut the wentyftf th day of marci- a d-1r85- tolde- jiver or bend by post prepaid to messrs mofat mclean acton f o solicitors for diana w smtththo administratrix of the estate aud effcts of the said deceased en or before tho fifteenth day of ipay a d 1885 their christian flames ind burnanies addresses and desariptiou the full particulars of thoirclaimb a statement of their accounts ayd the nature of the securities if any held by themaocompanied by a gtatui orv neclaratiou verifyiag such olaims and farther nottoe is hereby given that nil ue- diately after the said fifteenth day of may j ld the assets of the saldheceabeu 1885 will he lis thersto notice and the said adtuinistratrix shall not be liable for the assets or any port thereof so distributed to any person whose claims snail not have been received at the time of the distribution of the said assets mowat mclean i acto solicitors for administratrix april 15th 1685 4s5 surveyor john davis pl s ahj cie guelph orders for surveys by n kil or telegraph promptly attended to ofsee in days block guelph sttteifcibffi having purchased tlie b ikery busi- nfess of messrs e nicki ix bon i beg to solicit a continuance of he patron- age of al whohavo in the past avoredthe excelsio bakery witlijtheir pat linage my bckeiswill be firstolas i and i can assume all tljatiny stock of iotor bread buns confectionery i c oakbs4 c c wih always be o the perspualj endeavor wil be to custjomet satisfaction best quility my givefeyery biead peliveired 1 a oaju somted acijoii march 30th 1885 health is wealth j jiue fashionable millinery s ive beg to iimounc 3 the o millinery ahd mas rooms and thatve res tie mown mihijiers 1 anywl il trade uchan goslrh a few days opening iiinent stocki we avish it to be that the stock wc show i th of ppr own millh ers the purpose of ni dealing parties into plao- iiljr orders lire eq ial to any en- auywhere either iii thfl wholesale i or m ool ruing of our ie ishow wihgamag- distinct jiuiiderstood sv id th iproduciuiiis mdjuot importeotfor dominion boot shoe store feensr3fr have howtheirsplji value in the folio cents bo 4 gives the best of dmann iksq of alcohol or tobi j softening o insanity and leading to depression restsnbbte 4kd b asv t8eat- peciflo fohjtterladizzi- rte nertouf t neurama prostration 6 rosea by tho wakeful iw mental kent a guartuteed specsflo fo hjjsjwdo dizzi ness eonvulbions fits ni rejufaohe s prniafure old agelharreribess ilis of power in either sex involuntary losses i nd bperms- torrhobacdubed by overfexeioh if the brain selfabuse or overindojgeaoo iei ch box don- taibs one monthstreattient ope dollar a box tp six boxes tor five donors sent ij mail prp- k cg twemoka ijeesteboxes- ia- received by mb five dow wevul send thepnsthiwwour writ eaguarmt arantmsfeefo dy by john 3olepjpmras wswelt madison st oblcafq- nr paid on receipt of prloet i weg to lonip any case with eaoh us for sir boxes oceompadlea speight son aoton ii- im underta ers carriago makers i- m v bb0s ig stock complete m till lines and are effering the public extra ts and shoes hladie 5 shoes and slippers oys shoes in crieat variety boys shot s injpreat variety child renshoes of every kind r rubbers clippers trt i iksetc- alwaysin itock god assortment our ordered work satisfaction riepiiring neatly and carefully perfoftoed- we can sc it you likeiine ir mm m 95 tt p t h i j v- 1 1 are prepared to furnjbh everything tttltheir linei from the 8t qasketo the puaine8t coffin i ill ufim m mepjffi on th shore8t notieej aud at lpwt fterrasi promptly gall calls either night or dy faction guaranteed in every cas k firstclass s wd il every r xf-i- iv- i uromutly iatteuded- to slwsa arse fo areidn posu ontaslasfactortl fill orjers for flf filp n easonable hne t tw workmjihship 0 ii it0 yl weipl splendfllotorfi mtwc hojh commit kiifss 3 tcjmm we vil seilyou anybingii i ptsmmmss 4lwf a tloht mfif l viii satisi ire i w jii0

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