Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 30, 1885, p. 4

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cm m whi yivi were totwnkom when 4uiy fs i the you jig folk youisoliki aswcttjus tlv you kiuwj low and liovyuo sijsrtls6aijsstwiihfeiifes vi just hytu t wejsed to e dont 1 hftislo i the young f61k fat ler ydu liked a tittlie as well as try youiys i isnt iijt tlt lunbut work liltdy and work i mk iht- to have warrii lg and pomf i t miicudtetrost and sickness in iscau exte oausi m 4 can ivn afpfeparingi y likolhailni yiiik oinl okkating voii vjerc id folks ukl to jairjk you twxv huamyc biiy yes ksr yiijii- havo y m ov and nilke thcyvplajy the idout kjiovr ibo wlum they its nothinj 1 and nst you jkiijkjatom ojvne hildven oar bovs av j 4 smart know at anything ilitorteliiudertal as boy wito itorjyj years a tbegirlvaijinrigfttand haiulisoiika now as i was amlwir tjjc aiivhowj i k j l they vah and iroi and cook am tidy the huwjis well as i can dot j tho tiiiko their xlrvsses and itrita their bonne s i fickraek and ustcowiirktoo rgaii and knit and piutv vhoibusv if niv sarin aint t i waia a little frolic j woro than we have wane justlet tjhprrio without faultjlinding to damp tbfih spirits and spoil their fun you know ourtisliilren theyll do ii wrong feo give thein ji kfsfe and send ijhiivi ilong the time iiv e changed as trt have father their sports are not what oujrsjhhvrcbeen fkit the doyland girls akijusjs licely and just as useful as theyweetnen and it doesnt seem sostrango to nie that they are just whattir used to bfr r taterestiiig items these are a liituiber of varieties of eorns hollovrays corn cure will remove i any of them calf on your drnggistaud jei a bot- ltlaat ouoe j jthe secret out j the secret of success of burdock blood bitters thai it acts upon the bowels the liver ue kidnevs the skin and the blood removing obstructions and imparting health arid vigor j doubt delay ingetting relief fortbe little folks mother gfavesworm exterminator is apleasant badsure core if you love your carld why do you let it suffer remedy i3 so near at hand xkvt peilfaessbc tared mr john ckrk of miudridsfe put do clarea it can and that hagyards yellow oil is thetempdj tliat cored him it is also aspecifib for u inflammation and p z i iquautitv sn medicinb is no inlicatiou of value ayers sarsaparilla is concentrated and powerful requires a smaller dose and is msreftsfective dose for dose than any other sirsaparillit it is the best of all blood mpdicilies i sed by wor ns mother gri iv js worm nnuator givo it iv trial and bo 0 hcjlloways clvn cure dbstro ofjconsaihl wirts root aiulbn then suui tlli nciv ease mov yfhii of tie body ijdocssity iif or- 1 lo oaso wi plis l that- em and costivcues ed iho largest dollar upon thu entirely wort orekorsspee to j cal get it w when a- als faith i mm ivcsroliof would endiivo tlioin withb ffeotual re men yitliiti rci a ihnravi 1 ilk jvfeiikeuin o siritvy snnilnev days s of llio ft eblo anil doerep may ovout lateuuless somt as thoso iinrif yitijj liils 1 osinvct thpdisvrdering uudoucjsr ays modicino j ivus potency to system which is tlioj source ivpresi dos ovpr h inaintailis the growth ai so onooau over c ping the nerves i h whieii these thoy are tile failug antidoles toi indigestion irregular oircilatkvi palpitation- sic jieadaohes 3 aud have thci eforo attaii vle aiid highest herlt provcui dollar is frcquv courniebdatioli ly oure you ai o urchaseit until its merits it j l mcgarvins dri x free trial bottle and if not ill ouie of the worst f pensia uivor soiqplaiat etc lujvrlong stai ding ieosts bol 1 in mc ai d 1 lio t less not so i from pers ns iii yiur own children by roi n vltig tlie xv inoed all kinds luh who ic olieaj s psv mmm mm tjs tpp td jcxi jll xj o is the cry in the grent northyfe8t and the s weather stain tin and dis restorative ound u houowj he norvoui of all vita yovy aotioit drellboinr estamatd the wiili strung ills uccomj- most uu irregular reputation hi f spent c n for articles nithmj lot ask d are prove a store aid cuvlnciid rwisjf dyfe matter pf tics sieo oil hotbiu tostimori- toivn itcklnc piles symptoms nnl curie he sy nipt mtis are moisture like persp r atiin intense itching increasedjby scratch ing very distressing particularly at tugli scferris as if ptawormswenee awlingiaa id but the reitum the private parts tre sorietirnes aff acted ii allow jd to continue very serious i csnlts mayfollo swavk is oitsiesr is a pleasant surj cure a so itch salt rhei mj all sea y diseases s i y mail for 50 cchts 3 bo es 125 j in itainps d- drpssdr saynejson philadelphjia druggists foi tetter criistv skin 1 1- pa sold bv liscoveries by the many ciir i v rcat illslnlic cf- it is a great mistake to suppose that dys pepsia cant be cured aut must ba endured andlifemade gipopay pnd miserable jhere- by alesaadc-i- burps of cobqurg was curedafter sdifstingfifteanteari burdock blood bitter caredhim i a goi tcsi c2n years tr 31 everest gf od iivayii retoril balaam resrtdili iici it promincni for ovr forest has aiid its s cures c is picas m ii 1 takt a id all tli omplamts er a siifl suits oft bowels i bitters regii 7 fiitl tp ilenieiu r ih time sav nine serious rc- ic a nelct pi constipated bad hboct lbardcck blood and purify tiie stomach bowds iiverkidneyraud the blood take it tn time c a liyiugatquo piattsville saya i have muchlplijaiura ia reconimending dr thomas- i3ietricoiffroin imvingused it myself ald- having sold it for some time it is hourly retce dent that w can oiler to that it wril nil absol c pjaict ladi ppre biood mugaivms i cft1 spady tiurt eadathe vm the minutei t che uieal analyi lis tias been i iucd to contaii one of thwc jurious jmiidieuts ohafi ct rizing ke decitics dfily offered to he ry ingredient pb isfcises a pecnl- jty to the varijn8j complaints iu ed mcgriijo si bjectcd to it in worthie- pilblic eve irr adaptabi fcjr which it litis been campomfled and efficacy is being eatabliihediy eatimon als ed wcfire theiefore confi have a preparation which i we ho pnblii witli tli e assurance ie fdund iot only a reiki but uv for jpapsja liver cpm- the glasgow house i j jlas also stnrtod rebellion but not ngainstny par- ii i- ticnlar individual or government but acainst the ruinous prices y- charged by other houses tot- dry goods grrbceries bodts aiid shoes ordered 01bthingeeady made clothing hats and oapsgentsfurnishings prints whiter arid v j9 fililflimi h the o gttielxiia could ubtdo an entiioly cash trade we our gbodsl uotue- and see ud judge wlietbcr our statements are r li our goods are marked in plain markj thata child if be knows lettejrs git nee and know alloitrprlceg co t on cotton shirtings cottbhadfea hosiery embroidery c o asr s gloves w 75 c 10 c 1 50 among tbe gratest hied ca s it has au3jot and veare detcrniindedto furnish the above goods at prices away down below any otherhouse in the trade our stock isj uov ful ly assorted and having been purchased on 4he most favprable terras jfor cas h we arc desirous- that- onv patrons may reap the benefit- and we invite a coniparisnn of the prices of our goods with other houses to prove the truthfulness of our asser tions of selling the best goods for the least money ourjnow jyitem of doing bnsinebsis already producing its effect o l- tlie lion has never in the past hadwmuoh reason to ft now tlijit appreciated bv the public as at tbe pre lent tunc we jhavi taken aeinv uiotto floacst qtow ollo psioo ad dajlh oolirntl aiej detorjhhied to follow it out to thctjirery letter although our frieids hnyb siid we have eomojitted onrsolves toit t n farjexceedaourmostbangulnbexpcotationa the only way such is to be dm ie suoce isfully is to btrietlyiadliere totho only true system of doing busiuessi having the very idweat jitkjbtlyjauuere totho only true systeb of doing busiuessi haviiu prtoesfor goddsund giving no credit undiby having that price farbtdov as in inspection ot our prices will conlvinoe- any one weqiiote such astonishingly low prices for our goods as ti th tf we can hot do as we adverflse notj7 what we do say youhave in ejur advertisement we quote th rices o wo are not responsible for tho c liagrin felt by those who cannot conpeta v prices for we are bound to keep prides dojjvn let them say or feel as tp y may show whnt we are doing at the lion the e giye you 75o black and colored gros grain silk 8125 gros grain silk for 05c mbre for 50c a lovely lot of all wool the ducks and demius that cost elsewjhera 18c we sell at 12c uqnsets lor 75c 75c for 50c i 50c cents i i king of the dry goods at 45c j- w6agrps grain sjilk 160 rich heavy mevellejiiix forisa 7 cashmerea worth 85o we are rushing of here 18c we fir 85c 12 jc such arfaterpt t4ie lines but pur stock iaall equally cheap so liiidjout that at all- times our word is for fiood chenp goods for the public jd jstew goods arge variety 4at thk- ohiia lake out itude the mul its efforts are if our i tny other store pppone its say soluo able or hotj as canrend at a ingoff ab2cc corsetis is follw sl print for 9c 80c lottonaf e qnly williamson cheagdm uecess 75c c me aloi g and jtipn cjmstipatiou and im free tr drug sto bottl it- in tny ovra ease 1 will say for it that the best preparation i have ever tried for- rbeuipisiii r lllhxaji oiitienl am pulifiura re lief the weak and enervated suffer severe ly from nervous affections when storms or electricuislurbancea agitate the atmosphere neuralgia gonty- pangs- and flying pains- very distrebsingto a delicate system may be readily removed by rubbing this oint- meht dpon the affected part after it has been somsnted with warm water the- pills takeii occasionally in the doses pre scribed by the instructions keep the diges tion in order excite a free flow of healthy bile andiepleni3h the impoverished blood with thoseliicherccnstitueuts which result from- thoroughly assi milateif ood hithe absence of which the- strongest must inevi tably soon sink into feebleness and the delicate find itdifficult to maintain exist ence holoways ointment and pills are infallible remedies those twin foes to bodily comfort dys pepsia and biliousness yield when war is waged agaibstfhem with northrop ly mans ye j table discovery aijd d cure its upe also insi ires the removal of jkidneyinc uterinema adies pnd promotes hnob3tructidaction oi the bowels the ipurity of its ingredients isanother point in its favor s s bloood purifier it has no equal itis alsija great favorite with the ladies r mcgregors 6peedty tare it is popularly admitted everywhere that i mcgregors speedy cure is the safest most reliable and by far thecheapest remedy for constipatin liver complaint indigestion iibpttre eftaodxloss of appetite and all similar troubles it is not necessary to take a grit quantitybef ore any result is invnaiiraui i a few doses will convince yon trial bottle given free at that hi i his boji iprcitiviii curi th per cenf iui lalady ienjt is r ent of p the teilv yise the ddvevtised at ail s generally b inc that rjf livinj pa on lit one ininatio the oatarvl permaueuc ed by hiiii no oua uls catarrh iu raent has e cation of tl done at h the year is j produced of its merits 12 p- i 1 mcgaryins drugstore j- tapcnsatliin ait uuparallatd sensation is being created j alt bver cnttrib by the wonderfui andun- equalled aanner lnwliichnenralgla tooth- achcmuiuruitism backache headache svemoyi d by but ne application of fluid lightnih to osmisixe disgusting drugs lieed be taken fordays it ia- ah instant cure t y a25 bottle from j jicgar- 1 j vmjirugist 42 i skrbe ieccivcil c bewariof iiny druggist who will try io i introdu y6to uke a tiling in place of mcgrcrgar c- parkes cai boho cerate it ib 1 a marvejof heahug for sored cuts barns etej no family should be without it jt hs no cual get mcgregot t parko t4jiaya no otlien only 25c per bo at i mbgcvin drag sw n rh- sj ianu5t a aciiid sat j iv k5eitent ctrao di jary success tin in cl ru medicine io l sen treatment poi patients treated bnth i fully ubiety red oi this stubborn 1 ss startling ibt five per femselves to benefitted and other rec ifl a cure the claim now nor art jdifines er th iiilhvtf out of as t i o been c his ianoijia tho iirtemherell tht eats pres4fitiiy- t lractiti patent f cures n mrtins lievod b4 the m jst scientific id disease sdue to the presence risitesin he tissi e mr dix- idapted hii cure to fhieir exter lis aceolaplisliec he claims is pratiiully cu ed and i the is unqud toned i s enreseffect- four years m it e cures smll has evomitteiirited to cilre this main r nndi oothertreat- ercured iitarrh the appli- ie remedy is simp e and can be ime and the pre ent season of the moit 4voribli for a speedy andperriia lent cure the maj irity of cases being curedt one freatmert sufferers bhouid coricipond wi n ilcssts a h dix on sos 305 kini street est toronto canida aid enclose stamp fir their treat- ize oh catqrrhv molireal 8lq nov 17 s2 nc so ti ilfeil with l the periian irom a trifl i- ordinary c iihtlirdat andlun rij uii liijiira gave jiio toixl v eieo an for tiie continue nent cure il bale ciinuitv xo other ooniplaihl are so ins idiouaintlieii aitaek as hose atfecti ig tho tlir at and lm gs r the maji rity of sat er- ingh or pid resull ingt pjor uqconscious ex- pftcn hut ho begim tngof afutal avebs cnpuay i eotoeal lias n jts efficacy in afoi ty years fight diseases and shoultf be u cases rittont dela terrible couglt cired i took ascfidre cold vhioh aff etjted 1 had a terrible cou h aud pai sed iruiglit vuudut sleep the doc ore ill i tried aveiis 3iiennylec- tiich rciiejeilniy 1 mga iadsoed 1 ailuiilcillrue the lest uecesisry ceovcrv of my strei gtli by the tiso of tlibpitctoijii a periuv was effected i am now 62 jh srs mill hearttiiand ant satisfied jaur feciiohali waved m honkbe pn bbotuebj jtociin jham y t tfiiiy 15 isfl cci iii a wliih l i others trlbut i u uic couiitfy last y inter my lljttle hoy tine yeirsolilhas talcli 111 with crt upj it veme as if he liyuld die from 8trai gu- 1atiou t ne of tlio fmiiily sug estefl the use of ayins guiiiinvj ictojula bottln of bhieli wis always ikpt in th lioiise stiis was tried in small fid froqu snt doses tud to our de iglit in lea mian ha f an boor the little pat eiitnnsbreithliigea ily theiloc- tor said that the q ennv i ectobal liad saveil my darlhigs 1 can rou wonder at our grata uile sincerely ydui s its emm l gedket 169 we itl2fh st j ew yorl may 16jd b82 i hai o used avi as cbti by bjecto ial lfl my fc miiy for se oral ya s ana do iiot i hesitate to pronoia i e ic the most effep ual i remedy lor coughs lid colds wcihate iverf tried i i jlcbaxi lsko c rystpl mipiliareh 3ls2 j i suil red for cigl 6 years f i m broncwtis aiid aftci trying min i remedii 3 with no ac cess 1 v 3 cured by i id usevjf tnes 0 eb- 1v ikiokal jos kv1 1 waldei l- aii i miss ap i smtfli i can jot say eno fjli in pru iss of ayins crrnif iixtohal elievlnj ris i da j hat but lvii s juseil she 1 d long t ptjfc have 3 lied from hili troubles ii bttaodoji pitei is iexas i rt 22j it jm f so ci f in i j 1 gf tue throe or lungs ox ifcts i 11 retdi rehi red by the 11 ia of 1 1 i c 1 iru ylpecioi at and it will aticwjt 1 ae ulieu the dlsei 9 u not alroi dy beyond 1 ip contro of nbecuei io pbet u3d by dpdoayopdt 1 jeilv vellmalss 1 eoldbyeidtugsi4- j i 1 we wish to call t lie attention of tbe ladies of acton p- and vicinity to our g3gr 3 j 1st id4d milloery -02j- thtjrsd ayi friday s ateday 9 loth a2p lit 0 iiprii and we jordiiilly invito you to call and inspect our stock as we feel assured we can place before you the choicest and most complete assortment erf millineiy and jmillinery goods th it you- will have air t opportunity of peeing a special mammoth house georgetown mcleod anderson iliik mammoth is bohnd ibis sasou to eclipse all its former efforts in thtj way 0 elling goods cheap in showing a large variety in the getup tyle nodcheapness of heir millinery the correct thing in the style make iud price in artesii- iave ii new large and varied stock- iw nil the latest novelties inluiillibe loords stock isnow very large including silks satinsj ottomans eti silk tor 27ic worth 75c v 1 id moii in the millinery anujdressinaking departments veddipcr and specialty the managers ot t lib muliuery dressmaking und manthj d epartbpknts ate jltte state gentlemen mn coniu with the utmost confidence and lei ve their orders ind wo avihsuittliem in price tylej fit workmanship aiid vatiiatyi mu talent exlant ate ladies csn come wjjth changed but have secured thg hejt leave their orders j j brints and ginghams in alltiielatest styles extraordinary cheap kinds including checked shirtings cjottonades grey andfchitecotton iugs cottonndes and all canadian goods we buy direct f rpm thej mills aid sell jthem at ivliolesale prices our ordered clolhiug 4utl gents furnishing department was heveiiin rice in irameusestoek from 12ic upwards boots and slioe9ja laigij variet readymade clothing we have a larg stock and we are hnldinga elenriiig sale intllwe reduce thtj- stocks great lwryaiiis we will give a goodisuit for 4 ve havi the ut most confidence in asking wie pair inaaeof the public tid willlafll you goods down bottom prices itli just i for cash- go jjaiaa the fvorit aai3aasiaaaa3iia tvc uis tfm 1 mmm 1 xi iv- 1 bs high arm- s322a2n high fin isilgl 3 yj ii 1 free soi sbt 5eura6fe kalitne fiaymbnd bhutiloll- v are fitted with tho pdta 8 automatic wk winder i bhutto ilftctuiics u dtat ti i s iiilllihiliiiiitiiiiiinilkiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii chas rftymowd mnufflcturen nj guelph i ontario k ir crame aent cton pagrtcoloral platband 1000 lly tutailrius with dcscrjiitaom i of the best flowers an regttables prices of 8ls ai d planla and how to grow pem printed injairilsh anl gejman price ordi u jentt trhicb may lie dfdnctei from first order rt jells what yon want for he garden and how to get t instead of running fo the gi xry nt the last moment to oy wbateter seeds liappenti j be left orer meetine with lliwopolnlment after weeks f waiting bdy outix no8 8eedsatheajqjasters sjau vicktbochester n y 1 i maotioob how lost iu w kistokew we liaxe recently jiublislied a new edition of i r cblveiiweujs cele brated ea ay oh the radical and pernuuiente ire without medieinol of ketyous debility ment 1 and physical incapac ity impedimontsof slarriage etc yesultinq tropn excesses price in a sealed en vieloi only g cent or ftwo postage stomps the celebrated autho iu this admirable eb- sai cleif ly demonstn ites from thlity jears snecessful practice tliai alarmihg consequences khay be radically cnrec without the dangerous ijsa of internal medicin ai or the use of the knife polntinbut a toodedf mre at once sfiliple cer- tain and effectual bj- means of jvliich eycry aufferorno matter art it hiscoiiditiouuiay be a miy cure himself cheap rprivately and radically j this lecture should lo in the hands ot everyi yobthahd eyeryman it iheland t address 1 i the cnlvprwll sledical e yl 41 ann st sew torki makirig we y qiir dress a magnificent irning brdere a confidence and stapleiof all cotfods shiru com- post office box 0 1 f ac v mbhi teet over anyt or an osyie farm- crosse he wayne co mlchr savage fabkum fsopietoe c irjiets ive have the east end clothing s care has b 2011 exercised for selection the spriiif the of our stock season and tliis department is under the management of first class and exfej titei istoei id nvixijriinrears remember our opening days iremeuve ordered clothing department under our 6vn special manhgemeiit e guarantee first class and perfect fitting garment at the jlowest possible prices a cood suit to order j for i i kv ne display of spring tweeds worsted coatings an series at the east end clothing store our garments ire mado perfect fitting and in the lajtest ariistic designs a pine assortment r prio sright at awav mclaqp anderson v mammotti lhotse j or 17 for offiia tove tet enc red to iu of spring hats auc xr s rz m m on feiand perch esri orses au stock selected from the get of sires and dms of establisaed reputaljoh bnd rcgiueied in tm french and american istnd boots slani hdme is lieautifully fitiiatediat the fiesdforgpofss tim la the- detroit river tea miles fcefowmiegty and is accessible lv rnilrosid rindscainhoi alsucrs not familiar wfih the location ropy callfli city efece jacampau building and an cecoh will accompany them to the farm send forcatalopuef fteeby nall address savace faiaum detroit mich i ba worth f heircweieiht in cold bemember oiir famous 60c tea nelson mcrae v co targe sliipiaejit of gqod ftliis w it the bifflht- aotifs illod hamilton april lqtli 1885 63hatton qaraen- london and 246 st james st montreal romtictencaotcaaki2wepfiweoi optical jlds vpwmlly manufaeturcd for the purpose they are- without exception best maptul to ten- tore thp ravages of agaj and to retain perfect vision tieijure wpeoiquy recominended by the most eminoirt faculty every pair of spectacles and eyeglasses is uied w l j- soziagent for agto- ont from o i j there have been 42 paoksres bfrnew spring and summer i usefal goods everoflerjd to tlie public py this celebjfated mouse ormans stocks as they are sold off njewiupjilies will be coming l qr house tlie stock contains a f uh asss oi t infent of the latest novelties and consists of over 250000 worth of the roost derable goods at prices far lqwer tht n they uoulfbe for if thelsamegooda werebonghton oiadit but watkins pays the cash ddwn for his gopdsraud saves a nice profit between thp manufacturers prices and the j reduce i priees ilebnyb ffem them at and in the large east discounts he obtains front them six casefe of ne dress goods this week another baletf new prints this weekl tw i casesof new table damasks from scotland ar a iceland thisiweek threecases oi millinery woods this week a case ofiprench laees this week including many novelties another case of muslins this week a case ouiosiery tnis week tw6 white and faney bbrdered cambric handkerchieiaifrpm belfast iffd glasgow this week a large lot o those qelefcrated rightly damaged white cambrio handkerohiefs jnst in seethe slightlv damaged bleached table dainsk wii h is slfehv ing at onethird less than it is worth be ure to seelthe new washing silks they arie beautifjul patterns and seping at fjom 25 to 60 cents a large lot of new dit ss goods just arrwied purchased for the casli dow n at less than half tliejr value they measufis 31 inches in width will wearj well and are selling off at only lflc be sure to se them a oase of swiss embroidery in this we sk two cases containing muslins and ginghams in this week five bales of carpfcts mattings auti matts arrived this of lace curtains two icases of brass poles bnd pole ends for flanging curtains and a se of very superior catyet sweepers to hand lately brnssels carpcto selling at 112 th best ttvpestry crrpeta offering at 75c a n house one door west of hnghson stree t on king street east the name is sl the best makis of fr r frame the patterns and styles of watkins oew carpets are charming this sea ion fbe tlight aw 1 i week 1 p stjqsl ftfttliowav pims s- ointment this incomparable medicine as secured for itufjjfan imptriihabufvmci icroughoutlhe iforklfoy the alleviation and ain of mosfylktae s to mich humanity w heir paiiiiyi regulate s nd improve the quality ia the blbod they assist the digestive ornup- fef- the pills 20 w m u jclepnse ttte stom it b and ou lls indrease the secrotory powers of- the livdr briee thenervou system aiid throw into hf circtilation he purest elements- for sustaining abd ripajring the frame- hoiusands of jereons- have testified that by thelrnsealons they have deeu reatokd to health and strength after every othpr niqans had proved unsuccessful i sa piv ksrv- im re the ointment a case will beffjutidiuytluable in every household in the cure of opdn sores hard tumors bcti tegs 1 01 wotindsj coughs r coldsl sore thrat3 bronchitis and all dtsoraers of the jtiiroat and giiestas alsaj gjoiit heumatiini scorfula and every knd of skin disease manufactured ofliy at professor hollo- ways establishment 533 oxeokd street londqn find sold at is pl 2s 9dfe 6d 22 aiul33s each box and i pot atitl in caajtida nt sff cents 90 cents andsleo kiuljeiiatfieisizsin proportion kcaution4t javc no afieiit in the united starij i 01 arc fiiy mexficihea seitl there purchiikeiwgliouk therefore lwk to tlie label oathej pols tiul boxes if the oddrep is not 583 bxfo ii street london thev f rcj spijiion i xthftt mfe said medities is rgistrered i qiuwa hua aiso at wash- intohx lx i v- mv lerf signed thqmas hollgwat 538 oxford streetiiloidon 1 dap e3i m

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