Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 11, 1885, p. 1

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ijksls it i m rtffr sasas3sitsssse ssssawau pthe- illway tkis west iatwi- uftiuni 541 jwul saopni i tguclpu 1 tc tcctl jfrfot tai r li- vpblvhkl- every thursday morning i 111 in rjailway free w at the pover printing house press miu stklikw xctoxwomjubi friend aidood its- iamih i ad xtauitoba he ijx ijoeta fit- yw i wytsv 0 sv 0loaiii 5 45pto opt holiday tclwidbpstoift 7 5 ptn j vain s 9 rtpi s seaun lo 1 uiietioii uaweii sound loplll c st i0i3 r tts by this jar line tuiois tie frekpjtkss will bo sent to subscribers joostago paid for 100 per num if dv mce 150 if not so paid paper discoi tinned till q arrears areftiij except at the optionqf ttie publisher j aktjbtisi ro bates causual advertise- mental 8 ta nts per line or the first iuser taon and 3 seutager lino for each sabsje quent insert iouoasb professional c irds if lines fr lis 100 per annum lsqiare 12 ljpes 5 xj yier annum payable in sis nwnths from date of insertion any sjeoial notice the riject ot which is to promote the pecuuia yfbeuefit of any individijal or company t be considered an advertise ment the number of lines reckoned by the space occupied measured by a scale of solid nonpareil costbact rvtks oue column ne year halt column mo year quarter coluinii olio year que colinmi ajixiuonths half column lixwouths jquarter column six mouths tone column three months halt column three mouths quarter coiuim three mouths advertisements without specific directions will bo inserted till torbid una charged iccoxd- iugly trnsiwryadvcrtisemeuuniustoe paid in advance changes far contract advertisements i mat be iu tbooffice by0 a m on mondays otherwise they will bo kit over until the following jrccok h r mooue editor ami proprietor business directory 13223 iralte aaar jaaaaa itsb bi shlhnish v luraafe xvvxxv vv h lpwsy m bj m c jv1i 4i jlj- u j p s gradtirte of trinity college mem ber of coliegeof physicians and surgeotis office and residence at the had of frederick street acton h0h- r j- iafe on appeoved notes disountd aud a ui ed on pepositbf h e webster md cm mjember of the college of physicians aud surgeons of ontario physician sulrgeen accoucheur ornce mill st bjssxdexce gaminetl hotel acton i n b special attcutibu given to tte dis eases of women and children l botiue mschines s be patent jl hinniiuiiiiiimiini r jfljer nj i ontarld biiitractoa- bennett dentist georgetown ontario ac mclilnlay l d s surgeon dentast georgetown out uses the new system of nitrous oxide gas com monly called vitalized air for extracting teeth without pain have administerjevl it over a thousand times in toronto without any evil reswts having been demonstrat or and practical teacher in royalcollege of rental surgeons toronto ipatrous may depend upoi receiving satisfaction in any operations performed office kue dopr south of baptist church i iij i tlainless bentaloperatipns vitalized air or nitrous oxide gas for painless dental operations at the office of i i j f gbhayes ld si tovelle block guelph ont ijpper wyndham street j e special 4 lotoq bell te epli no company messa pickets iss 3ritaij allai iliine acton li dei r zm riggs ajivokyi dentlstspouth east corner king and yuge streets toronto ontario finest and best set teeth solto 8 gold filling oue ratfrs leave order for teeth iu the morn ing canhave them the same day we have been administering hurds vitalized air for the painless extracting of teeth dur ing the past year regardless of what others mav savi john lawsqn graduate of on- tario veterinary college toronto veterinary surgeon acton ont ornce j in keuuy bros boot and shoe store resi dence in tjhe rear horses examined as to soundness and certificates given all calls night orjday promptly attend ed to terins easy vrowal a- mclean barristers solicitors notaries conveyf aueers b 5mouey to loanj oitice town hull actou i w a mcliiax j a mowai 1 s o go0dwill1e j in riiiet scakwl vz is nctst c0err of government -i- at ilir ri rrj50te bore tuax na disfctid of in ibs ctjpntnvbookt nd tribinc uk sorthern ilroii lindi lor sle zni aj5drecaas b p 1 it pial minn barrister solicitor notary public c gkobcktowx it acrox cs acton office in mfs secords block ohn day 1 tl j i architect f omx queens square i gteiph ost hotel block market doc bestobev utlptiblitbed a new icnjvtawella cele- on he radical and ijput inedicineiof pbysical incapac- bei etc reffultms jsefcipe only 5 ceiit itbis admiriiblces- iej- ftm thirty yeers liniig coiisequenet rihout tire dangerous it tbd use of the knife ie pt6ncceunple-cer- beans oi wiieh every this condition may be igyatelyandradically inthe hands oi every island medieal v inn tiuxcir lurk tain laidlaw it co ptiibisiipa solicitons oihceb dver imperial bauk 24 wel lington street east entrance exchange alley terontb johk bak jqc a mastex wiujuil-ikuuv- geokoe kupeie mm w es r ceivtd es idterest arvins acen cy oat lo ver i fttes thi n telegra ihiig md transmitted at steabiaaips all i6inlsof great continent at very v buy the lickets ued to c nd the rates if sendilig for friebds pacific r hy ar d best r ute to all auiwestsk time t bles moiey feayei 97 doaliis wita jmcaarvlln ontario dealer lec orders h ert ivet and s iper tority 0 co irokers stock toronto momfcdrs ioroatio stock ezchuee have indtpeudeii direct wii e by which new y rk c jntiuuo is stock rri lotations ar received mo re rapi ly than by any other source buy nudsell on c mmissibu for cash or onmargin ill secufities dealtiu on the toronto montrjeal new york sock ilxchanprus also sxecjnte ordejrs in graiifnud provis ions on daifc the chicagd board of trade cal le quqti tions of li hudsons bay and otl er e tock 26 torpnto street wellington marble works quebec t gubph hibition g teiph tie wpsteri solicited mper an a t btock a tbpt h has uqtt on hand an 1 will keep iu full ijne of pi ie aud heiulock as well as other liiuds jof ijuraper nlsb first and second class p ne hiugles s atentssec ftjred for inventions henbyf grist otiawa casaua 20 years practice lo patent no pay fl tranaisj nunan suocefjsor tot f j jbookbind st georges square gufelph ontario hapman uder signed di sires to infc rui the public whorenumber borders to match jparlors -l-ou- elnine rooms tad sails oliamliels the newest aud jjesl stock is at cuelph the acton people sec samples papers aud borders at of my mr ceorge hynds fancy goods store acton mr hynda will sellat my price the liouse seems strangely eiupty still gloomy and dark aud sad i miss the patter of little feet and a childish voice so glad r i miss the ring of a merry laugh the soft toudh of a finger small amounrf ul silence has settled jdown on our home like a funertil pall six happyyears like a little queen our baby has sat on hr throne but today for the first time she has gone to face the world alone j goodbye mamma she smiling said but my eyes were dim with tears j and i kissed the innocent little face i and thought of coming years she must leani thd jesson we 11 have learned the manifold lessons of life learn them perchance with toil and tearsj through years of struggle and strife j but bravely she starts on theweary road where s6 many faint and fall j and i pray god shelter the fearless soul that dwells in that casket frail gone is my baby and nevermore will my lostone come back to me never agaiuvill my baby be the same as she used to be out in the world have the little feet gone- father protect her 1 pray she left her babyhood far behind when she went to school today j john h hamuion projbribtolj foniier y mpg iuillan hamilton in irbjii granite aujl everything work lining td cemetery first p uses at v ovincial es- fair and all local e shit ttious ft r excillfenc of material ork workmai ship your shingles lath lath coal wood hailiigpurcliabed he coal bus uess of 31r c 8 8mi h i mi prepa red to suppl f all kindb of stove oal 1 have i lso agoods ock of wo6d hiudn ood ash ceili r and mill ood at reason able prices wood i nd coal deli hired james bitown bu o acpotrnt books of all kinds made to order periodicals of every description cafef illy bound i ruling ueatly and promptly dose wi hemstreet ome arm- eoo mtoh pkoeerjroaa be i tm t j pf rfret d ditnf nd reptije m bedefgkwl ei below tbexkr od u mcambod ywudrf licesseu- arctioneen for the couqtiesof weliiugton andhaltdu orders left alt the fnse iiess office actcn or at any residence in actou will t promptly attended to terms reasoiiab e jmonfit to loax also money to loan on- the mpst favy able termiiid at the lowest rates of terestin sums of s500 and upwards i u john j daley successor to thompson jacknon money to loan on farm property a g per cejtr mortgages purchased money loaned tot parties ia mortgages and other security conveyancing in all its branclies properly i aid neatly done charges lew rirajmsijand qityj property for sale list with farina for sale sent to all pairtsof he porninion to intending purchasers and ir- culuted in europe european capitalists wanting farms in ontario will be sent dt rections through our european ageuc es farms wanted for our lists- correspui dence invited office near the post ofiice guelplji ontj j r ttalnianauber shop m p j p- wobden i j has opeueda barber shop in the building oeearlyioposite storey a old glove factiry mill stjre 3t acton and solicits the pation- ge of itl e public in mis vicinity- every depart m mt of the business will be conduct ed in i in tclass style give us a oall jipwobdtn i w tielpn ness go l leg iuelih onaiio 3n ck vrtiesdislrlng ik a ife1 syou gmenajjdwomen the lieatf abilities for acquiring a com plete trail ling for business pursuits bokkepiugj 3ommercia arithmetic ban ing actual business practice busi ness conespoudtnce penmmship com mercial ijiiw tel raphy slorthand cal igraphy o type 1 vrithig frinch hygiene an physiology ire taught by the most practicall and in eresting meyiods the staff con prises six experienced teachers and lectp rers 1 he varioue departments are e lega c tly fitte 1 up with he latest and best ippn-atusfo- bubipess college wdrk stud ents may ent er at- any ti me fdrjaeop of the apnual college circ ilar address m maccormick principal t j pay dats bookstore new goods bracelets bracelets bracelets new stock beautiful patterns watches watches waltbam aud elgiu iu gold and silver i cases gold rings lockets etc- etc jiisti opened bsavace near fetries ncw uriiu store glelph i hllps i i stove depot good assortm ent of stoves l t cheap for cash il tinware of all ktnds at 4 bottom prices eavetroughing a specialty pui story my neighbor bv axnirj coliilillilii hj and put up on notice shortest first glass material only used a call solicited j ohill mill 3t one wti tiak ir n thjiilr aes yamois ctittbs btcl epa intedot r ivarnished md made equal to t ew o a short t poisible notice apd at low sst usees si suld leave heir orders at jl jl ffr r a gpe ight under- carrllge bnilder or with sfbiioht diue c wpsti nebveand biu1k tbflat ment a guaranteed specific for hysteria dizei- negs cootulsionb fitu nervous neuralgia heailache nervous prostration caused bytbo use of alcohol or tobacco waltefulnesb mental depression softening of the brain resultinj in insanity and leading tomisory decay and do ith premature 0d age horrennebs loss of power iu either sox involuntary losses and sperma torrhoea caused byi over exertion of the brain selfalmse or overndulgence each box con tains ouernoutbs treatment one dollar a box or six boxes tor live- dollars sent by mail prei laid on receipt of price we guarantee six boxes paid on receipt of pri to cur any case with each order received by usfor slxbixes aosoropaniedwith five dollar we will send tbetpn chaser our written guaratite to refund the mouejy if the treatment does not effect a cure guarantees issued only by john ctwkhu co sole proprietors 181 188 west madisqust chicago 11 sold by j etmcoorviu hov niiny of them are there lou asked pet knocking my favorite geranium off the floweraland pet was always knocking over something anil i picked ujs the fragments as a matter of course ojuly three answered lon a pale elderly fntleman who looked like an in valid a lady who might be old or young handsome or ugly for she was so closely veiled that i could not see her face and a young gentleman i what sort of a young gentleman asked pet with innocent curiosity ahem coughed lou what does that mean lou smiled i if our next door neighbors are sociable pet will be getting into difficulty pet gave lou a withering look and swept out of the room leaving lou and i to dis cuss the subject alone v we were three misters daughters of the village lawyer and belles of much import ance in our little social circle pet the youngest whose proper name was evelyn had brown eyes and red hair which she was pleased fb call auuunia retrousse nose a little bit of an apology for a mouth and was the most popular of our trio though both lou and i were prettier than she pet wasterribly susceptible to tlie attraction of the opposite gender she was always fall ing in love or getting out of it making or breaking engagements she was seventeen and had been six times engagod lou was the prettiest ajnong us though some people especially one person pre ferred my hazel eyes and dark braids to her yellow curls and pink cheeks and white tinkers she had a hateful sarcastic way of speaking which mjide peoplfe forget her beauty when they heard her speak though pet and i knew she did not mean half what she said only she had an jodd ambition to be thought cynical aud altogether devoid of sentiment which she was not by any means as for me aldine i was miss thayer and i flatter myself thft i sustained my dignity very well being engaged to my fathers young partner tom lester i took less interest than my sisters in the young gentleman whose advent in our village so ciety was to be according to lou bo disas trous to pet but of course after the pre vailing topic of conversation among us for a month had been the future occupants of vine cottage i was interested to know whoand what they were now that they had come the cottage had been unojecu- pied for almost a year and we were all concerned lest our new neighbors should not be as nice as- the last i their goods had arrived isome days before and we were all impatieht for the coming of thef amily ret and i were away when they came and only lou saw them so we at once assailed her jo tell lis all about them- with the result dovo recorded i for the first few days of their residence at the vine cottage we saw nothing of our new neighbors then papa called here made the acquaintance of the gentlemen came home and toldus all about them and that he should approve of our calling upon the young lady for she was not only young but very pretty papa said their name was pembroke miv pembroke was a widowerand ijn invalid and had lease4the cottage on account of the quiet and retire ment of our village his son and daughter were both present when papa called and he liked theni exceedingly he thought from appearances that the pembrbkes were wealthy miss pembroke had said she would be very glad to make our acquaintance and accordingly pet lou and i made her a formalcall we were received with the greatest courtesy and cordiality by miss pembroke who introduced ua to her father and entertained us in a charming manner sjle was abottt myage twenty two and very beautiful a 8weetvgraceftilwom inly girl accomplished and refined but wit tont the leastaffectatin her father called hei aflolo- vt we were all looking at soilie headwork which she had ju it finished when a firm step passed the window aoleirvoicewlns- tledja fv bars of martin and miss pembroke incec at her fattier aud said with a smile of plbasuni george js coming 4 tljie step came into the hall and present ly tliere eutered very handsomest young mail i ever saw he was not very tall was elegant in iigureajid graceful in his move ment his features were perfectly regular and his moustocliieperfection spet was smitten at first siglit lou con- yeyl thjb informntion to taej by means of a nudge which i well understood when mi periibroke introduced my son george young ladies pet was quite overcome all in a quiet invisible way of itourfie percep- tiblb only to us who had see l the beginning and ending of sowuy of pels affairs pet whl break another engagement to morrow whispered lou forpets present engagement was io a young student of the university j and certainly from tha day forth i would not have given much for the students prospects of marrying my sister george pembroke was the very particular style of man that pet most admired being dark- and stately like the fine princes she was always dreaming of and hib manner was enough to fascinate any susceptible damsel io proud and chivalrous yet sd delicately polite and deferential but for tom per- haps i might have been fascinated too ur acquaintance progressed we be- e quite intimate with adele and pet determinedly set her cap at mr george he was not as readily entangled as most of her mifdttunate victims he flirted with her if that was what she wanted but through it alfhd seemed tobe quite heart- whole he was very polite to me and seemed to have quite an admiration for lou they would talk about pictures and statuary and architecture lou had slightly artistic tastes until 1 1 grew quite bored 11 thought you and misii pet were flirting rather audaciously all bidered ihad half a mind to be jealous actually and i kueivshe meapt it for all she laughed pet laughed and blushed isttlien lou rose up inher superbly indoieflfr way said she had really fojrgottenjijyery impor tant mgagement and begged and she quietly left the roof ntes after i went upstairs after and found lou lying m a dea the threshold of her room twjo bits of paper in her ham be excused ten min- photograph swoon across she clutched and when i removed themfrom her fingers tsaw it was a card photograph torn in twota photograph bfgeorgepenibrokej a that revealed the whole i i was faiily stunned but i put the bits of paperin my pocket got lou to bed aild called the people she was ill ia long itime but no one ever suspected the trut i i never al- ludedto it myself until yea s after when lou was middleaged andst 11 singlemhen she confessed that she had not yet forgotten that evening and never wou li she never speaks of george pembroke and though i still correspond with adele they are not now our nextdoor neighbor iplnever show the letters to lou e e w rkei and jsa og from morn till night no aikmoreblthathanhe ad 1 ii the burd in of his song foj av r ubed jto be i i ei iy nqbodyino not i an nobbdyeniiesme thi u t wrong 1 in hal a vi rong aaj w congcan be i ort dt id my he it be light as thine id telidly change with thee and ell me nbfy what makes thee sing with voice so iiud and free wh9i am sad though im tiie king i be iid 3 the riyer dee the nil ier smiled and dropped his ca rearnmyhrejau quoth he i love my wife i love my friend i love my children three owe no penny i cannot- pay ithanktliersviirdeie hat turns the mill that grinds the corn that feeds my babes and me good friend iaidhal and sihe while farewell snd happy be but say up irlo re if tbottdst be true that no- one envies thee thy mealy oap is worth my crown thy mill my kingdoms fe snch njen as tnoti art englands boast 0 miller of tiedee charlet mackay ihealth theolteat iii the wilderness astidotk to m1asjia he was always bringing new books for her to criticize she jsvas a bit literary too and altogether they were quite wjiat you might call platonic foruj never flirted like me or had desperate love affairs like pet that last was what 1 told somebody who impertinently hinted that george pembroke was flirting- with bothl my si iters what a stupid blockhead i was not t noticeall that i remembered aifter when lie went jiway and how lou never said any thing hateful to hipi and how eagerly she listened to his dry talk and literary criticisms at least they were dry to me and pjt who almost stretched her ridiculously li tie mouth into reasonable porpbrtions with yawning j and after 1 remembered how long she always sat looking after hi m when his name was mentioned she vyould look up quickly from her work or her book and then drop her great turqucise eyes again with elaborate jiudolerice- aidindifference f remembered all these thin js one day but then i never dreamed of iraspecting that lou loved george pembroke one day he went away to ifiiwn and when he came back he brought a with him a gay young iellow with nothing particu larly impressive about him except his good humor and introduced hiiii to us as mr clyue we all liked liim a nd invited him to come over with adele and george and spend the evening with us i and a ery chatty pleabant evening we hlid after they were gone pet declared bhe liked mrl glyne almost as weir as george pembroke but did you ever see anyone so irre- iaistibly comical she asked did you notice his calling adele mrjsv pembroke j i donjt seethe specidrwit in that baidtlou scornf uly neither did i and i thought it rather odd to say the least that he should con tinue the jokejthe next time we met jand whenlnotioed that wherever sve were he always addressed adele and spoke of her as mrs pembroke at last lsppke of it one evening when they were all at our house mr clynq saidli why in the world do you always call adele mrs pem broke mr olyiie gave mo a surprised look cast a glance nit adele colored slightly and an- severed why miss thayer i j could not have the impertinence to addresfe mrs pembroke by her given lame that yould be presum ing on my intimacy withj george- i looked as bewildered as i felt and pet i u burstout do you ni eau to tell lis tlikt adele is a married woman i adele began to laugh and cried out why gills is that why you always called me miss pembroke tid you really think i- was u maiden v 0 coursej said i a id i am perfectly why how- i laughed adele in parox ysms of mirtji it is so finny and yetit ia very natural tod papa only introduced me as his djtughtei bit what did you take george fbr for your brother altered i while pet grew very red and lou very white adele fairly screamed mr clhie looked amused anc mr pembroke at last adele ex- confounded deaf me a suspicion aittl dp- unutterably laughed prodigiously claimed only to think you did not know he was my husband george gjborge ypu unmiti gated deoept ion i do believe you knew what they thought mr peml roke protested on his honor thathehadithad the slightest inkling of literary aneqdotes a printer in paris wrote a tragedy called joshua which he printed in the most beautiful type and gave a mpy to the cele brated bodoni a brother pririter tit parms what do you think of my tragedy asked the author fullof beau ties exclaimed bafloni your characte si are perfect exquisite especiallythe ci ipitals it ia impossible to avoid tlieuse of terms of art a n author while i discussing the corn law question- waa leard to inquire what price bread ws pbhihed at and a printers boy iust returried from delivering a letter declare i that he f ojind the place out at last but it was at the top of the house and he bid to open hcplf a quire of doors before lie got to it louis xiy v as presented with an epi taph on moiiere by auiudifferent poet i would rather said his majesty that moiiere had brought me yours count mazjar n kept a complete collection of all the libes written against him it amounted to fortysix quarty volumes rivarol saidef buffous sonwhp was a very dolt that ljie was the worst chapter of his fathers natural history lord william pauletwasj said tobe the author of a pan phlet called thesnakbin the grass j a gentleman abused in it sent hiin a challenge lord william protested his innocence hut the gentleman insisted upon a denial under his baud lord will iam took upa tou and began this is to sartify that the bock kalled the snak oh ny lord said the geutlehjan i am satisfied your lordship ha alreidy toii- viuced me you did not write the book j malherbe having dined w th the bishop of rouen who was a dull preacher was asked by him to adjourn from the tablt to the church wh sre be was then going to preach par lon mei tii id malherbe but i can- slee j very well where i am tliedukeof cumberland told dr price that he had rea 1 his pamph et onj the na tional debt with inuoh dehgat and sat up so late toinnish it that it ha 1 almost blind ed him j rathi ir- strange f aid the author thatit should have such a i effect on yorir royal highnese for it has c pened the eye of everybody eh e l notwithstunaiiig the prohibition of tlie koran against paintings and images the sultan malibme t ii had ai fancy for tlie arts and ordered gentil bel ini a venetian artist to paint t picture of t tie beheading of john the baptutji when the picture was finished the jsujtan found fault with the representation c f the wounded part aud to show that iris criticism was correct he im mediately drew his scimitar and struck off the head of one of his slaves bellini ju leaving the presence thinking he had caught an ugly cjustoiiier set sail far venice the samei evening i a persianp lilosopher being asked by what means he had acquired so much know ledge answered byiiotbiing preventjed- by shame frcm asking questions when i was ignorant langhorne travelled to chichester to r visit the grava cf collins hiii favorite poet the sexton hiving shown him the grave langhorne b eci une yery sehtimental as deeply affected ahl said the sextdnj you may wsil giieve for isjer collins for hewas an jiopest mail and a firstre te tailor some person reported to tlie amiale pjaet tossotiiat a malicious eitemy spelke ilfof himto c 11 the wbrld lethim per severe said tasso his raucor gives me no pain howjjmuch better is it that he should speak ill jof me to all the world than that all the brld should sp ak ill tf me to him long si ice there migh be seen on the window of a lirfy littlershpn in an obscure partof londo i this auiiouuoement goods removed mofi siges taken carpets beat and poetry oompoiejd on any subject jtlie fifth et itipn of a hetwy work being announced a person expressed some sur prise which as answered by one in tlie secret it is the only way to sjbii the first speaking s f the beneficial influence of cheers on a ilayer it was remarked thftt they give oueconraer hjlre the axe and the plough are annually making vast inroads into the wildernesses of the western world forests as if by magic are changed into cornfields afhd prairie swampsj and canebrakes into af able land but these conquests of industfy are not achieifed without loss hunolredfl aye thousands i of the energetic pioneers whose iaboursjhave oaused the wilderness to bipssom as the rose fall ftsacrifice to the terrible diseases engendered by the miasma of the soil violbnt intermittent an dremittentfeveisrheumatism neuralgia and affections of the stomach and bowels are the almosi inevitable penalties incurred by families who i settle en iew lands hence it is th it the demand for hollowaya pills anct ointment in the fai west is so latgo in proportion to thepopulation the cultivators of the soil on the outskirts of civilization look upon them and with rea- son as amug the prime necessaries of life io the more densely populated regions of the west they are univeybaqy considered specifics for the disease we have named and every provident farmer takes care to forearm his family against the prostrating influence of jan insalubrious atmosphere andclimite jby keeping a supply of the remedies constantly on hand this will be no news to sjuoh of our readers as hav travelled in jhe west- there as in the nortli the easfj aid thesouth thejprevittye of the medicines is conitantlyincreaswg apd holloway s success ii the glorious work of mitigating human suffering and saving and prolonging human life is spoken of among all classes with wonder and grati tude we believe that there is scarcely a familym eqrope that does not keep these medicines bv tliem the soldier carries them in his knapsack and the sailor has them always ready to hand in his chest for every case of emergency- either from internal or external complaints knowing that by the kid of these wonderful medi cines he may brave the disease of any cli mate with impunity greenwich journfi i v f wise sayings i run no risks when your soul is at stake theodore lcuylm joy in god is the strength of work for god but work for god is the preparation of jojr in god it is impossible to govern the world without godt he must be worse than an lacks faith and more than has not gratitude enough to georgewctsh- igift know continued adelo t siddons but what ii breath infidel that wicked that acknowledge theobligation ingloiu i in all times of trouble good men hava resorted to i prayer and been comforted jperplexed discouraged or even despised oh christian resort to prayer and you will find a present help in him whose grace was never sought in vain n rr i never so smart as the boy yes said jones ive travelled all over the world in fact i may say ive seen every t ling vmet los of people v suppose that youve talked with said smith j yes sir couldnt begin to count lots of old people tnousajnds theres oue man you never met whojflhe- the old grayheaded father who is half as smart as his- son j no replied jones sadly i never met him he dpesnt exist i know how it ii myself v and so do i said smith and the two shook hands warmly and went up et rept together i ftbtal abstinence total abstinence never destroyed a home blighted a wife or cursed a child total abstinence never robbed a mau of charactermanlihess or integrity total abstinence never filled a jail or an almshouspi ttftal tiibstinence never filled the land with wailing norits households with want drihkiii i habits rob and impoverish driukiu habits lead into vice and shame which is betterstotal abstinence moderate drinkiug christian ai work irrthey give one 7rr nine times out f ten the woman who is worth 1er weiijht in gold marries a man not worth hibweiiht in scrapiiron i or ffolloiims oinlmeid and puls ju all outward cpniplaints a- desperate effort shouldbe made to at once remove ahese annoying iufitmities and of estailishing a ourei th a remarkable reinedife discovered by prof es wf j holloway will satififactgrily accomplisli jiis desirable result- without any of th seldangers o drawbacks which attepd thi i om method of treating ulcerative inflamatii ug scrofulous affections and soorjbutic annoyances the most timid invalids i iaj use both the ointment and pills witt the utmost safety with pertain success i roi ided a moderate attention be bestowei on their ammpadg direc- jfions icjtpttepwsli andi parity the one mai eriall piii i effeoting cure3aid renewig btre ngtli y- lelping exhausted natnie tt ne s buphjsuocoarr m

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