Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 11, 1885, p. 2

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mmm t use 4r attm frefflmtki f jtncmnutrs u trj u ltftfi thb a big batoh f educational bust- m tie june sesslo 1 ness xl v- is- bti i r notes and comments tlc toronto city couubil has decided to give the volunteers public recoptiou on their rotimfti froiv uie northwest ritfltt hon v li gladstone owing to ft vote of want pf coufldenoo outhe budget hartendered uii resignation as premier of great britain i the ucws from the northwest this week remearre bjjbear and hialoroe8 are endeavoring to escape but they are hemmed in byflyo different bodies of troops advanc ing in all directions if is tumoijred that sir alexauder campbell is to be appointed lieutenant governor of ontario in ilace of lieu ten- antgovernor robinson whose term of office will shortly expire jjj the county councils of huron aiidi brace where the scott actisliu forcehave both passed resolutions condemning the senates anieudroent8to uio scott act and will forward petitionspraying that tlb measure be not passed in its jresp nt shape the following dates fot the provincial byeelections have been fixed i nomiu- atiohi in lennox east kent easf sitncoe june 19 in west algoma june 12 i iu eastalgbma juue 15 polling will take place simultaneously iu east kent east sinicoe ilennox and west algoma on f june 36 jandj in east algoma on juue 29 there will be quite a general election on june 26 h l 1 i j standard medical opinion the medical association of ontario which held its anuual session at london last week gave the following very definite and concise auswers to a series of questions laid before theni by the womens christiab temperanee jjniou these ireplies have no doubtas to the value of alcoholic liquors either asa beverage or iu the shape of medicine- the questions and answers are as follows is the beverage use of alcoholic liquors by persons iu health beneficial a no lis the indiscriminate use of alcohol l liquors bv persons not in health beuefical 3 la no are alcoholic liquors as obtained in com mon sale necessary iu medical prescrip- lioiib ifso m what cases particularly a rcorexcept iu cases of emergency what ookit to be the attitude of tlie metrical profession towards the sale of in- toxicants answer tjlie gnedical profession is op- posed to the indiscriminate sale of alcoholic liquors the report pf the committee appointed to- answer the questions was adopted unani mously after a fulldiscussion i r- sjiggest djress tl i e itious q with thei mr t i the adop it was w ftf wkmm ounol j omillan p s house colideiism iwmi tjjb mitali8mi jounty cpuih 1 met qn tueda moru- iugj2urt ju io ftejwnhjthc the bi air besdea a puhlio sfchool i warden mr monies in 11 tlje members e elfjction and appointment of inspector for tho bounty oompi rtfei el y li stle business was t ansact- ed ijhk lwljb uiilk esq dr liusk n oved that tho warden it 0881 s paste v moleod stony anil liude y 1 a co mnittce to draft a suitable niennriii in eference to the limeuted duthofitielatr little esq p 8 li fijr th s i u pose of having it ougrc ssed on the m ini it is mr si oi ey s inl jtho import of t iq edu- catioital ommittee dealt soraewlat with that matt a aiitl with the perinission of the councitl and pr bnok lie woild read the repo rt tlj o report is as fojlov s your p nmitjeo on education b jg ledve to report t s foil ws it is with ext eiue re gret the lave 1 6 record the loss s istained bjy this xunty in the death of robert little 1 8 inspector of public sohools and wot ic desue with your appxval express lo sympathy and condolence of this coijr lc it vvijli the widow of deceased and to t aceonlfecord our appreciation of the vain die services he has rendured this ppuuty- 1 y his fidelity to trust and i ssiduity in tbe lis charge of uio important duties assigiie lit ihim during the many ears of liisiusteorat your omtuitteo recommend that the current iu arterst salary of the late inspect or beipnia to his widow mrs littl r i i i tour do uniittee tliough not wishing to advise th poiitpohement of an j j spec tor of pubic schools for this count would respect ujll y surest that until such an ap- ppintmmt is made the services of d mc- kiunoujssq inspector of the county of peel ixi tainedjbytlid warden to perform the uecsswv duties of the office t r your c immittlee heiug aware that a numbei k entlemeu applicants for the inspect ins blip are present bejj leave to novadvertlsemoats u fllhk liudorttnilftuii x lot on niulu stieot v talui nine rooms alio kite ion and woodshed in well adapted for a i nenieiit or boarding house uqoaitabloou tho tremtis llboral terms fsial lot otters f itvoi hie house ami isalarge home con- apply to dw camihkiji the cemetery site fphb iirbiarty owuojkof ithlsmiiiiloipallty are a hereby uotied that a public meeting will bo hold li tho town hall on wednesday june 17 85 at bjopm for tho purpose of tppolnuiig a citizou iom- mttoo to select tho bite for tho now oometerv from tha property chosen liv tho jvlootors at tho tucont election r t tliey be now permitted to ad- ouucil and also that tie appli- such jas are not present ogether testiijionials be duly con sidered ey ih speaking to his motion for ibn of jthe roport said he hought e totliem that the gentlemen x x 1 jii a wordon tree planting 1 to tiie editor of the free pres slball are agreed that our farms are becoming froni tlie continual clearing of the remains of our forests verv destituteof t sbolter eatly to the injury of various crops and the general fertility of the soil j will you allow me to suggest to your read- i ere that rows of evergreens planted along th north or exposed sides of a fanii form thv best windbreak that in nine or ten years farm so protected will readily sell for in most cases thousands of dollars more than on which is not and that up to the 15th june that is just when the buds are commencingto burstjs the time to plant them after that the last week in july- cedars or spruces will transplant more readily than pine having a greater quantity offihe toots- but wiih care either can be saccesarully transplanted the roots should not be exposedto the snji for even a min- ute the rain hardens and closes the tubes the grpund should be mulched and tfie lower branches let grow to shade it cedars and spruces- like damp ground therefore plant them close in tlie row twe or three feet of closer for- hedges pines do with drier soil twelve feet i have known them do well at but should rather plant them closer anii thin ont when desired any tolerably fertile soil answers pines do oil loorsoilbntnot so well itjiere is another thing a preparation to plant not a plantuig which may well be done in june if then you gd to the bush j select young trees and with a rfiarp spade cut a circle about them say eight inches from the stem cut the tap root a foot be low and leave it till fall by ihjt time the i summers growth will have started roots inside the circle and the young tree prop- erly lifted with ja spa3e wul come up ja mass of earths roots which will clittg together and generally grow without fail in the meantime mark the tree to lfndw it and to know its sontliiside then in the- fall ifjou take ill the earth you can plant at once ifter diimj and fill np with soft earth htt hardjerurnbs and mulch after wards smost trjees will grow if mice and cattle can be kept away this i have s excellent with maples but they will transplant without it if the transplanting from the bushibf the hardwowed treesi which are difficult of transplanting owing to their having few roots be tried with this method much greater success may be ex- pected than without couldwabee this all a good many plantations of some acres set out with care say four feet apart it would soon be found an excellent investment good timber of all sorts is growing scarce and dear and in ten years he who plants successf nlly now wiu be fortunate true it will not be fit to cut then but it will sell for a good figureto those who are prepare to wait till it is it 7- and one word rnoremany good pieces omoreat wliictt will otherwise dry up die or be blowdown be savejt eldirig beaatifnl successions jpf trees perpetual stjorehpuseof timbert could welfbtford tokeepittleoutfofihemi a iiiiw4c i 4 j lt toronto junedlo w h ltcevos ojllcc juno 9th t5 storey reeve n a rare chance valuable farm villagepropierty one of thk finest falims iu tliu touuty of halton sitnatu within ouohalf mile of hr thriftyaud enteipritniik village of acton eontaiuliig 100 acres known as tho brown liouiestead alw 25 acris well tllnbortiil with cedar tliubcrr j tho village property comprises coipfortnblo dwqllinghousb ana store ou mill street for full particulars appty to wj p brown 4 acton r judicial notice to creditors -off- beajamin v7illiam niofelia deceased 1 seeking fcl e inspectorship should address them as v their course in the adniinstra- tionoxeut cational matters in this county bliodlasthf y be appointeti of cour e they all knew hat yairiauce of opinion existed with refer nice to tlie recent promulgations of the dm artmer t and hi was free to say that he cpasidetel that many of theniwcre retrograde iu heir tendencies j great deal of dw satisfaction existed not a rith the late iuspel itor but with the rules the de partment forced him to carry out he thought tl iat there should be more elasticity hi the public school- curriculum and that parents si puhl liave some consideration at the hands of trustees and teachers the molioii to adopt the report was seconded 1 mr a varren and it was carried uuanimojn y t 1 sco l insikttonshil i applici i oris wi ire read by the clerk from the following applicautsor the positioh of school iufepjctor nf the county of halton rev w 3elt 3urlingtoii j s deacon woodstock w ehiott markham t f lyall hamilton andrew mcpnlloclv merriton if e rtertson smiths falls dr iiusk dat vill and alex mcmillan kock- wood i k ittmoxtor pixay i a petitinifn ra henry gray esq prin cipal mil in 1 mi idpl school and forty other b iachers i 1 r he wnty was read it asked tieconncil to leter the appoiuunent of a pubhc sci3il iespectojr until afterangust when dr lusk of oakyille would prob ably havf tie necessary legal qualification aad furtber iujtliat vent that he be given ti le positic 1 the council decided to make the appoint nient during the sessiouand the ballot v as proce ided with the choice fell on mr 5 cmillau c ullock j pursuant to u judgiflcut of tho chalicory division ol tlio high uouit of justico niado iu a certain action of nickliu v creech said creditoi8 incluciiu tlioso having any specific or general lion or incumbrance upon tho estate or any undivided share t hereof 1 of hen jam in will- iaui nicklin late of tho village of acton in tho conntyof halton miller who died in or about tho month of october 1sh are on or boforo the twentieth day of june 18w to send by post pre paid to messrs mowat ft mtleau birristers acton out their christian names and wrnames addresses and description tlo full particulars of their claims a statement f their accouuts and the nature of theseouritieslif anyiheld by thorn or in default thereof they jwill be peremptorily excluded from thejbeiiclit of tho said judgment every croliior holding ally security is to pro duce the same before mo at my chambers ijoii- glas street in the iitydf ciuulph ontho 7th day of june us ritln beloek forenoon being tho timo appointed for adjudication on the claims dated tlie jnd ilar of june aiv ltisj aj mmrklnnox i muster at iitelph focxrv hatk 1 levied for the expenses of lie receiving 8 votes mr mc mr elliott 1 and dr dusk i thb the- an ount the count for the currant yerr and part 0 1886 wils 91179002 and wasjvided as fallows trafalgar 9344182 esquessug 9234508 jtnassagaweya 523072 ioakvillei 9305- 21702 acton 916186 amonnt levied on mot qfuesday lilij f j j i 3ibcsewsaf m iamtsmfpw w v3ii i judicial sale ok property in tiii- village of jacton and town of milton pursuant tb the judhiiieut uf tlie chancery division of the high court of justice madeiu the action of nicklin r creech there will be offered for sale with the approbation of the local master of the supreme court of judicature for ontario atguelph py win hemstreet auctioneer at the door of the jexcelsior bakery acton on wednesday the 8th day of july 1883 at the hour of one oclock pm the following lands and premises in four parcels viz parcel i that 1 hot and dry skin boaldlhg seiisationsi swelling of thouukh vague feelings of unrests r prbthy oif brlokdust fluids adid stomaou aching loiiiu cramps growing hervousupss straiiro soreness of tlie bowels unacoouutablo languid feollugs short i breatli and pleuritic pains one bide headaohe baokacho frotiubnt attacks of the blues fluttering and distress of the hoart albumen and tube casts in the water fitful rheumatio pains and neuralgia loss of appetite flesh and strength constipation alternating with loosenbss of the bowels 4 abundant paid or scanty flowofdark water burning patches of chills and fever skin then it o tj ltrisht8 uincasc of the kidneys the above symptoms are not developed iu any order but appear disappear and re- apear until tho difeoase gradually gets a firm grasp ou the constitution the kiduey- poisoned blood breaks down the norvons system tind finally ipueumouia diarrhoea blooouessness heart disease appoplexy paralysis or convulsions ensue and then death is inevitable this fearful disease is not a rare ones it is un every day dis order aud claims more victims than any other complaint it must be treated iu time or it will gain tho mastery dont negleot it war- nerssafe cure has cured thousands of cases of the worst typo and it willcure you if yon will use it promptly aud as di rected it is tho only specific for the uni versal briqhts disease after tnenlytliree yeiirn huffcrliib rev win stout of wiurtoii was cured of scrofulous abscess that seventeen doc tors could not cure burdock blood bit ters was the only successful- remedy it cures all impurities of the system 1 li ponthih nurseries f acnes lahqe6t in the dominion oft if t uciiks salesmen wanted to begin canvassing at once 011 fall sales steady ihiployment to successful men good agents are earning from 940to 7 per montlj and expenses terms aud out fit free address st0ub 6p v7ellinot0n nirilsekyuex toronto ont r shingles anw wood ahk misiiiieil has for bale a sjilendid stoclc of ftfsiclabm sbinylek no 1 cedar 175 jier bquarc xo lline si 00 per square no 8 cedar l jier square also a larijoquanflty of wood of all kinds from 123 a load up to s100 acord prime short staves and hoading to tho trade at bottom prjees thobcmoobe kactoiiy main st west acton onho slvsf treatment of catarrh and consumption if iir charged with disaasecreatiug eleinentv ioul iiir will kill when breathed continuously air chained with remedial elements willcmc vheu hivathed coijftiuu- ously 8b4115 nelson 8jl51564 muton georjietown iurliiigto 9167l38 the h st jjear i as 3275 a b1tc i okdvlaws the fallowing bylaws were passed t irotigh tl e uec essary staes to provide for the principal and interest ujnder by- aw cj 1 grantiiifi aid to the c v r to provide the same under the 810000 loan bylsw to provide for tlie levying of the assess rbeiit for he support of public schools to provide principal and interest under bvlaw 781 grantingi aid to the b in w lr on the 3eptl4t council adjourned until 1iiscellaneous try j h harding grocer for flour and fed hats from 75 cents- to 250 at j eyfes at hiwsonsl any quantity of rseed corhmil et hungarian vetches aud other v irieties jo t field a pd garden seeds at ho w- soiis scotch english and canadian suiting gjreit va iety at the east end clothing tore jf feac ou t h harding grocer has secured iobntrol of the salt in acton df the celebrat elroiler f our of ificklins spebdvaje mills c uelpb a id is pi spared to supply all ens i9roeta-l- j revi y f- bolton at melrose n y whites i t lad to state hat when jiiy daugliier yen severely awictetj wibi p ktarrh in the ijet di she obtained completa js jtef by sing jhi 1 pillow iniirierdaru g wew weeks iei the atflicted sebtirv one 1 iii iraiiyniij 1 ximi valuable mill and the waljer privileges connected therewith known as the acton pdill lately carried ou by benjamin nicklin now deceased being parts of the west half of lot number twenty seven aiid part of the east and west halves of lots twenty eight and twenty nine in the second concession of the township of- esquesiiig in tlie coiinty of halton now in the village of acton containiu 87 acres moreor less the mill building- is three storys high the first story being stone aud the rest frame the building is substau- tially built the mill jjpiitaiiis an engine and boiler 20 h p and all necessary ma chinery the mill is well situated and is specially adapted for gttstiug and has done a large custom trade for many years there are no other mills within a consider able distance of the village the mill is situated in a fine wheat growing country and is of easy access to the grand trunk station f parcel ii a valiiable brick dwelling house ahd bakery and confectionery store situate on the cornerj of mill and main streets the principal business streets in acton and being composed of part of lot number 28 in the second coecession of tlie said township ofesquesing how iii said village of acton containing 37 perches more or less reserving a roadway 5 feet widealong the southerly limit thereof the dwelling house contains moms the bakery contains a largqven aud the nec essary implements for bakery the con fectionery store is wellj filed up with the necessary casing shelving ac- the bakery is known as the excelsior bakery and is an did aud established stand doing a goid business the dwelling house and bakery and confectionery store are attached and the whole building is about 40x40 and is in first class order there is also a garden well cultivated and a well on the premises parcel iha part of said lotuum- ber 28 au the 2nd concession of the said township of esquesing now iutlie village of acton containing 18 perches more or less this property fronts on main street and adjoins parcel 2 with a roadway 10 feet wide between theni there is a frame workshop ou he premises about 24x36 which can be used for a blacksmith shop parcel ivlot umber 13 on the southerly side of pearl ptreetinthe town of milton containing onefifth of an acre mbreor less 1 parcel ii will be sold subject to a lease of the bakery and confectionary store which expires 011 the first day of january 1888 the purchaser vvill be entitled to the pro portion of the rent accruing due irom the say of sale terms of payment are as follows ten percent cash at the time of- sale to be paid to the vendors or their solicitors aud the balance within due month thereafter with out interest into court action j each parcel will be offered for sale sub ject to 4 reserved bid to be fixed by the masterl- 1 i the vendors will only be required to pro duce iltegibtrars abstract and such title deecls or other evidences of title as they imay have iii their poss ssion i i 1 i in all other respects 1 he terms aud con ditions of sale will be the standing condi tions of this court j further particulars oan be had from messrs mpwat a molean vendors solio iters and messrs guthrie a watt solicit ors guelph or jbhn hoakiaqo toronto iffcted the 9thdayof juue 1885 j am mckinnon master at gne ph the pillow inhaler is au elegantly made hair pillow charged with remedial elements the vapor of which the patient inhales nil nijfht long whilst sleepiqg lis usual it ainnot get out of oider and is perfectly ije to themost delicate it will last for years jund serve any nuthber of persons iii a family in suc cession uiiiunrsdiwu the stronghold of catarrh bronchitis asthma aad oonsamption and makes c pernianeut curc by ii continu ous application of healing and curative air directly to the diseased parts s-urterers- fr6ul any of the alwveiueutioueildiscuseg are urgently requested to send us their ml- dress mid a 50page pamphlet will be mailed u them free which will give a conijiletc history of this wonderful discov ery and the priucililes upon which it works together with a long list of testimonials from those who have used it anjd who now rejoice in perfect health fe do not delay for the longer a disease is allowed lo run unchecked the slower and harder it is to effect u cure there isno medicine taeii into the stom ach no douching or snuffing nor- anything disagreeablo about tliis trcatuieut it has neer been knwn to fail setid your name aud address plainly writcn to th pillow inhaler ago407 london oxxi to the credit of this warren leland whom overybody knows as the inccegsful uiauagerof tho largest hotel enterprises of america says that while a passenger from new york on board a ship going around capo horn in the early days of emigration to cal ifornia ho learned that one ottho offlcers of the vessel had cured himself during the voy age of an obstinate aisdase by thouse of ayers sarsaparilbt sluce then mri ielaxd has recommended ayeks itt many similar cases and ho has hover yet heaidof its f ail- uro to effect a radical core v some years ago one of mr ijelasds farm- laborers bruised hla leg ottlug to the bad state of his blood an ugly scrofulous 6 welling or lump appeared on tho injured tab hor rible itching of the skin filth burning and darting pains through the lump made life almost intolerable the leg became enor mously enlarged and running ulcere formed discharging great quantities of extremely offensive- matter ko treatment was of any avail until the manoymr lelakds direc tion yas supplied with atbes sabbaiat ltiiilarwhlch allayed tho pain aud irritation healed the sores removed the swelling and completely restored the jhnb t use mr lelakd has personally used rs for itheumatlbin with entire success and after careful observation declares that in his belief there is 110 uiedielheiu theworld equal to it for the cure of liver disorders gout the effects of high living salt kheum sores eruptions and air the various forms of blood diseases we have mr lelaxds permission to invite all who may desire further evidence in regard to the extraordinary curative powers of avens saitsapaitilla to bee- bun person- ally elther at his mammoth ocean jhotol long branehor at the populatjlelaud hotel bmjdmiyjtiuul mthstreci neijr york mr lelasds extensive knowledge of the food done by this nnequatled ecad tcator of blod poisons enables him to give inquirers inutauploimoripatlpih bkpabki by drj ayibpeoftoinlimaissr byaiidrogiiurslijxtkitflejror colored lker3s bilk ammj- kb brocage silks at 5rgenjs peli yd culorj and a 8pecial line of gros grain silks at s5 cents heavy black m antlesilks at 100125 l5 and 20q at 1 ijatln m erveilleux at gl25 jh5q gloo and 2 50 7e offer a big purchase of ladiea and childrenspun sjiii hose in black cardinal cream sky blue and pink at one dollar a qreatf deal less than the cost of impartatioh j sc1ahos3 gfjlld shades silk gfloves and hosiery bright shades jln paras light shadk fr dress cl lh cashmere finished prints new shades in dress cioods cess ed on ingi 1-j- we offer nearly 7000 yards tapestry carpet txra quality at fifty cents a yardi for 13 wj grtjelkhi surveyor john davis p l s vxi g e guelph orders for surveys tiyinail ortejegraph prohptly- attended to office in days block giielp wanted a resident agent in kvkhy village towiij and city in tho dominion also ji few travellers to bell ourxew air oas ma chines for making air gas 50 percent cheaper than coal eimally as cood no fire or power re- quirett made iu all jsizesfroni i5hururs tolooo also ji few travellers to bell ourxew air oas ma- chines for making air gas 50 per cent cheap than coal eiiually as good no fire or power i quirett madeiu all jsizes from i5huruers to 10 for private housesstjorebhotels factories lnillfi i streets mines e to address t jiasmaclilncmvcico t francois xavier 6ti montbeal pq ure4 fashionable 15lv canadian am 115 house painting we the ukdeksigned beg to inform tpe people of aotou auf viciu ty that we ore prepared to give first- class satisfaction ill the lines of hoof faint ing louse painting calcimiuinu aud also paper hanging in the latest styles all orders promptly attended to r d bklt p w1kki and eens prints tho city spots checks and str in endlesl variety- busyr v planing mill having made arraugelnonts with messrs w h torey sou for the continuance of the plaiting mill in the build ing formerly ocoipibfl by the acton plow company we wot id inform the publii public that buildinc we are prepared to take contracts for vlso- dbessiitg flooeina sheeting is0ttuin 8t0 with iatj ss asd pisiatch taints i palfipes lovepyjsat- muslihs in pes alw bucham kindly bplicitii g a share of public patj- rouage we are respectfully youls tims biieaj3 d mann proprietor having purt based the kaktjry busiv ness of me3srs k nicklin srsox i begtb solicit a c ntinnance of the patron age of all who have iu the past favored the excelsior bakery tvith their patronage my bakers wil be firstclass aiid i caii assure all that mj sitock of buns 3onpboti0kbiti q4kes i ccia will always be ot the best quality my personal eudeayo will be to give every enstorrjer aatisfaoi ion bread del 7 actonj march 30t j8i vered amisplicited pmann prepared pajints the cliqapest and guaranteed to behe most durable in the vmirtet aiso gdlors of au shades b a full line o hardware at city prices j i prices cq pilinis qud ofs sh thbl s i in f whj 1 ft tu and 250 4 25 a b i spd of a- of m j- ha p to tnj la i atj i c m w cl mm tli 1 i t b u i firstclass groceries at bbitom qtjaiity 0to liiilg i yeattjre ajvevoei son grocery fok beag and juofyinfi ajlilnk8 tjsl and will mccarvins d mmimim vr p n oil thex oil wejar longer tiftaimiy olie i4nuif atl tthk s togoy ofoikjnto ug store and c t- hhis 1

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