Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 11, 1885, p. 3

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fcjjjg mtmi rvsl at geo hykd ctou n clocto otsurv spectacle silverware ketpm stock the best selection fo wjfbuivd m au of stationery note paper from per quite to 10c envelope rm 5c peri pacjcaga to 20c moimainrenlelopes aiurppcr i i a j school books slates souool jiawlscrib- in books pencils pens ink bibtea ana rcstineutsj ft large btocjc r wedding and birthday presents 4aucv coudsjtovr birthday cards ac ac the leading store w acton for this class of good veubacall gk0j htnd8 acton out per vr grumbb for breakfast provided by the ever thoughtful free press reporters 1 xd250 black shades 1 there was frost on monday night wpine plank is being laid down for tli new sidewuks jpotato bugs have commeuced their del predations for tlie seasou a i this is the mouth for the pure tiu adulterated giltedge butter the suiqr department of tho publii school reopened on monday i mr sdenueys ubw house on welling ton struct is up aud enclosed a mbiith more aud the school chrldreii will be enjoying the jmidsuinraer vacation the pouudkeepcr has handled a good tiiany cattle and several sheep the past week or two spring crops arc alllpokiug well in this section indications point to a bountiful haryesi i j the officeti of st albaus sabbath school haye sent to euglaud for a new library- the guelph june fair was very sue cessf ul about 400 head of cattle beiug offer ed for sak overcoats were brought into requisition oh monday eveuiug this after aswelter iugsnnday i mr w jp brown is offering his excel lent farni and also his village property for sale see adv j lotaloes are almost a drug on the market first class potatoes can be purchased here for 25 cents a ba r the letterof mr kwphipis ontario forestry conservator in another column is worthy of perusal i july 21st hasbeeii set apart as decora tioii day by the oddfellows of gnelph ail will be a public hokdayt i these- are the days when the little busv bee is heard to sing be it ever so bumble theres no place like comb e j te e weekbrakinqs ytotih are principally xoal ana all interesting wool w the jh ighes price w ill be paid in cubii or trade foil any mantity ofgood oledn mer chantab e woil delivered to mclum an- nrbkosi cinj georgetown v auction sajei ru hasiett who recently disposed of his buaii ie8s atidj property to mr ooliii nel- soil roc kwoojt has decided tjpen biisiness inbetrc it ink remove to that city shortly mr w leihsjtreet auctioneer will sell mr haalett i houijehold furniture ac on sat urday sale to eorinuence at 4 pm more trkln aooonamodauon the c t r authorities tave arranged for an a commodation coach east and west in addijion to the regular rain servioe this coacli attached to a freight train will pass thrpugh acton at 8 oclock am anil return aj 1130 pm the 8 oclock train will bo df iuuchcoiivenience to the residents of actoil audjltockwolxl annual invention v the i nnual convention of the haltoh temperance alliance will be held in the methcklijit church milii on the 22iul of june in it at 10 oclock am the various xunendn ents that have beeh or are about to be majlc to the scott act will receive the bulk of attention it is desirable that every locality be represented bye a bi iby bunting for s veral weeks the members of tho municipl council haverin their minds- been sin iug the old nursery ditty bye a baby hunting papas gone a hunting to itheii squirming littlo charge papa didnt c inc but the little ones- mamma mrs ja e garvixi has been subpoenaed to stand in r trial tomorrow at 3 oclock fo abandoning her child banque and jubilee this i 3 likely to be a redletter day with the sah atioh army corps here being the occasiou of their first banquet and jubilee staffcapt margetts adc of hamilton district and a number of other officers and privates will lie present an interesting time is anticipated by the soldiers we wish thijn success and hope the proceedings will be onductpd with order and decorum the coi i bylaw then eeertis to have been for a week or two pas j sotne disposition on the part of certain ersons to ignore the provisions o the cow bylaw this however is not to be allowed thefcoustahle whose duty it is to su eriuteud this matter has beeu ou the wir path aud every animal ruuuing at large jhas beeu impounded this is no doubt annoying to tire owners bat they must remember that if the law is respected georgetown and brawptoufire coji lianies are liaviu a little war pver each tuev wi i te p fo no tronbleor expense others merits as hose reel racers j iilthe brampton band coirtest oh f the t rst garden party of the season will j queens birthday norval won the first prizje be hehl pextthursday evening 18th inst of 50 and- streetsville the second of s201 r the white dress and straw- hat are gradually jaiuing tfrpnnd they movevitti the almanac as imuch as with the weatheij xo council meeting last tuesday eveii- ing the members fian perhaps explain why court of reison and council hett tnesjday i the first match between the oajuilie irud milton haeeball clubs canie otf on the y t i j 25th the former club winning byia score of 2stol6 l j a smashup on the otk jit shikt- bpeare the other day caused the destruction of a locomotive and some ears to the value of smooo messrs uarry edinoudsou of cascade minn and a stafford of kansas city jmb have kindly sent us budgets of american papers thanks j th streets an 1 sidewalks thb jounoil is following the suggestion of the fin i pin and giving attention more partionhily to tho improvement of the streets aud sidewalks in tho webtorn portion of thoj town workmen are en gaged on tho bst ond of main street and under the direction of mr ismond ohair man of tho committee ate effecting grea i improvemenv iii the roadway main street ithroughout willbe overhauled the ryerson memorial fund we have received from the committee ia chprge of the eyersoii memorial fuiid- a paniphlet giving a list of contributions ti this fund up to january 1st with oxplaua tory note aud a statement of the fund thi subscriptions have almost exclusively beei confined to thb various bchool seotibns ol the province aild amount to 108252 tho contributions range from 3308 to one cenl per school andvoaro pleased ti state tha the schools in our own county stand awajj in advance of thoso iii anv other couutyl ontario cotmty follows with 9238 per school hastiiigs 1 17g north york 81s0j brant 8110 down to elgin which cpnl tribtited one cent per- school the total amount received from haltou is 9l848l and for this prominence the county is iiu debted to tho hearty and untiring exertions of the late it little ksq pri th committee desire to erdct a bronze statue aud require at least 95000 for the purpose surely there will bo up difficulty in raising that amount or even 910000 for erecting a suitable 4nemorial to one of canadas most distinguished sons and benefactors tho late rev dr kgerton ryerson father of the public school svstem of the province dm seeds seeds in the g rounds of mrs edward more at the con er of church and frederick streets under t- le auspices of the ladies aid so ciety of the methodist church a pleasant evening is in store for those who- attend the methodistchurch choir will be present anm acl on cornet band isexpectecl the 1 groundslwill be well illuminated admis- cents proceeds to be applied to the building fnnd of the methodist church i- comini on day in acton we brieve it is the intention to have a big den bnstration in acton on dominion day ianvassers are jiard at work and hope in the course of a day or two to have sufficiei it subscriptions to warrant them jin issuing ian extensive programme and to offer ab autf 300 in prizes the attractions will pre bably include horse racing bicycle racing acrosse match foot racing jump ing ami other games and sports if the an4advertisemejit in the fiiee ptejsi celebra jioiiis finally decided iiponithe mat cost- ry little aud guarantees a good re- ter will jbe made public by posters in a few tumfor your money we have the circn- days t4ed to iso jes m ry v y yt li m lilts v lation to warrant it i sunday nights storm caused cousider- able damage iii kassagaweya several barns were unroofed houses injured and fences wexfc scattered in every direction messrs moore and mcgarvin have sp cured tfte whole of the premises recently vacated ibv the canala glovehworkii ftjr i their satchel- and purse business an unusually attwetiveadv formsrh lj i j mckay leading wholesalo and r- tkil cariet dealenj 48 kingsteast hani- 3toii will appear in our next issue- lacrofise is alljtliego now the iboys- are showing up well and a good lively teanr is likely tocometo the front before long they will be known as the stars todayitiie lion guelph r a greatsumrner sale arid bargains of a very iuteresting character will beofilerpd jfiill particulars in their adv nihextfrifci pimsin we are pleased to notice that all the uew fences iftid wine old oubs toevare jcing painted our citizens arc iiot ajt uft stingy about exterior improvements- this spring- the implement agent is now oil the most friendly terms imaginable with life farmers book agents patent right men and other peripatetics are also hovering around r j now is the time for the perfonnaricc of statute labor and wheupathmaters shouw know theconditiou of their beats iiey ahould so far as possible ehforce the proj visions of the act -j- a meeting will be held in the town hall next wednesday evening to appoint j a 1 committee of citizens toselect the silii for the new cemetery from the property chosen by the electorsati theiate election j barn raisingi are now freguebt in thjjj vicinity wthiu al couple of weeks three finj barns hive beeiu raised by messrs joel leslie david williamson and thorni cameron others are progressing we are in reteipt of a new piece iihisic entitled onr brave boys ef ring to the soldiers inthe northwet s published by tbstoynersttb and is for 30 cents a copy the words are very appropriate but the music is not p-tici- larly attractive i prigltly rrebpondenita a local paper is ahelp to the people ofjtie vii ioi by represented it advertilee it above after sections pftte cotintrtt attracts bny re b stock etc from other places and ad is i to the dignity aud importance of uiep le to a far geter extent than is eumonjly sftppcwea to be the case purely personal paragraphs respecting people with whom oui readers are individually or i collectively aoquamted jmra a eastou of guelphj is the guest of mr thomas easton mrs s kastoi of- rockwood visited acton friends jthis week mr jtunss nicklin and family are about to remove to lowell mich mis3 emmons sister of mrs wjpigott is a guest at st albaus parsonage mr richard henvstreet and miss ej hi hemstreet of trafalgar visited actott friends last week i messrs jamjesmoore aud j e mcgarvin left on mondaly for new york and oilier americancities on abusiuess trip rev w j piott of st albaus church attended the annual meeting of the synod of the diocese of niagara at hamilton last week mrs pigott accompanied him among the changes in the stationing of methodist ministers in this vicinity we uptice by the first draft that rev j s colling is appointed to fergus aud rev robt phillips to acton this is subject to change however good fresh and reliable r garden field and flower seeds mangel rape hungarian c fi rods and tackle a good variety your lieuso ol with heady- mixed paiiis the lar paiiitn oils vanmhes etc hi toyi i the lowest pri jes is at 1 mm seeds including turnip u mmis mm mm tr u the glasgow srest antji best stock andjat mccarvins drug and stationery store er p sattens colors aud 27 lowe r wyndham 8t guelph thursday june 11th 1885 just received from manchest- i eanother those beauti- in ldvely it is uot has been- tliis season reqninug a we also muslin to them jiu guelph i every lady the ca iiartlah pictorial thetmtti number of the canadian pktur- ialaiul uuutrattd war new is before us it contains the following illustrations brigade funerals of lfeut fitch and private moor royal grenadiers how the 1 jyal grenadiers got tjieit pinner before j jatoxjhe mr larmours portable rifle pits in action bigibear the last of the lebelf theasth battahon duf- ferin rifles of brantford also a line twopi ge supplement showing sundry sketch is from the front- by mr f w curzou the paper sells at 15 cents per- copy o tainable from local booksellers and from the officeof publication haiton p s inspector as p eyiously announced mr alex mc millan has been appointed public school inspec or for this county owing to the council s decision to make an appointment forthw th dr lusk was baned from inak- ipg api licatiou we are sorry for this as the dr was the only haiton aspirant and for this reason juahficatious being equal we considered that ho had prior claims to theoffije however we are confident the council bae made no mistake in their appoin men ten years personal acquain tance ritlil ir mcmillan proves to us tljat he isa onsi leratej and painstaking teacher a plet sapt and j unchangeable friend a courtei as ai id highly educated geutleman anil oi e wh is iii every way competent to succesi fully superintend the educational interests of 5urgpuhtv e heartily con- gratuli te b r mcmillan and jextend the same t rtfte people of haiton cohflr natic n semoes thelfirst isit of tne new bishop of nia gara to the parish of st albans acteni and st job us rockwj5c4 was made last sundai a t rockwood in the morning the hishpj asiistod by archdeacon dixon of igullph rural dean bull of hamiltoiij and b y v j pigott the incumvnt cou- beorftt new st johns church this beiuti ul ec ic was erected at a cost of nearly fr01 and tojbe cifedit of rev mr ipiltt and his liberal pajishiouerfy be it iaw t ie ch urch was wholly paid for before coiisec atia i i la the evening the bishop addresfeda claes of fifteen candidates for cokn jatio ii in st alban chnrci here jvisii i mom in- plain jand impressive worcl to their personal duty as followers of 6bj wei sedj lord and jsayior at the cojiotn lion this remarkshe proceeded with thleir sonfiiinaon by tn laying on jf ids indjwojkibgdf pjvine benediouon juiltaiidiigptt aesisted iii the cere- ninita i oe tjasty httle editicewaa crowd- g to ie doors limehouse sparks from our own corrctpoiuliiil i terrific storm last night no damage mr thomas marshall is laid up again quite a number of converts to the army no service in methodist church yesterday the first kiln of lime was burnt here pn the 12th july 183g i the georgetown butcher has not called here for some time the mason work of mr liudsays new barn is about completed we had a wedding here last woduesday miss grey sou being the bride j our green grocer has commenced his vegetable trips around the village mr paul kennedy drove through here saturday with a new covered buggy our young men hold prayer meetiugb monday wednesday and friday eveuings quite a dumber of the boys who were up to acton last night were caughtu the storm the demand for lime is dull this spring so they are not burning at the dolly varden kilns just now we have a nieclianistin our midst who can repair anything from a watch to a threshing machine the salvation- army meeting held last tuesday evening was quite a success about two hundred people were gathered outdoors during the interesting service qwiug to the rain the meeting thursday evening was held inlmr kennedys house converts at- each meeting i junes so rock the virtue pf carbolic acid for healing cleansing aud purifying is well known but fnjrnthe many modes of applying it the public is uncertain how best to use it to meet that want mcgregor a pavkes carbolic cerate is prepared and may be used with confidence do not be misled take only mcgregor parkes carbolic cerate sold at j e mcgarvins drug store acton 46 designs putting it utoo strongly to say- that uothhg ecjiitjl showii and handsome service able vashiiig material should see tlieni shonvn in the dep4ktment white liueti du syrie white and cream persian lawns white andc ream pjersian dinj- mitty whit 3 and dream ham burg nets black spanish flounciiigs white and cream madras americaii spotted lawns fancy french organ dies colored india mulls pink cream and sky oatmeal cloths wliie piques and nar- seillcsi new poiuted lawns aiid cambrics ldvely new zephyr ginghams very fine muslin deiaiues our stick is new fresh ant cheap aui customers are assured pfthe ltnist satis factory treat neift e r mcgregor dpnrke of hamilton onfe are the manufacturers of the greatest healing and puiifyingdom- pound known for sores buruscuts scalds salt bheum frost bitosetc it is called mcgregor parkes carbolic cerate be sore and get the genuine mcgregor parkes carbolic cerate sold by j e mo garvin at 25 a fcox m uchkiuii comfort to iheshfferiug browns hou jehold panacea has no equal for relieving pain both internal arid external itcures paiuin the side back or bowels son jthrbat rheumatism toothache lumbago and any kind of a pain or aclfe it will most surely quick en the blood and heal as its acting power is wonderfil- browns household pan- aceqj being acknowledged as the gre pain believer aud of double the strength of any other elixir or liniment in the world should be in every family handy for use when wauted aa it really is the best remedy in tlie world for crampsfin the stomach and painb and aiphes of all kfnds and fe for sale by all drugsasts at 25 cento rbottle w auticonsumptii guelph cloth hall 1 sititingis beautiful desicns 2diffe ent shades shawcrundy j merchant tailors guelph magnetic oil cures rheuma ics neuralgia lame back stiff jiiiits and chilblains magnetic oil cures chappe i iftiuds frost bites burns ana i scalds sciatica etc magnetic oil is a most iisef 1 1 remedy for both man i i- and beast we are showing this wee piles of beauttful new pr nts efeom s cents upward ekoil special range o vpi- house a big itanqe of cjhoice ane eautwfjl drefes gooj5 0 cents up jfchoici ginghams fro 10 cents up peciallines i m spring hosiery special lines in spiunll gloves spkcjl drives i i kv- special line oe cariets at all 3prices specialties in milliner and childrens hats i specialties in gentpemens clothing specialties in gejs tseijrjghingb special line of layer rais ts really beautiful fruit jat 120 5er box another lot of that magnetic oil is splendid for coughs and coldssore thro it and croup magnetic oil i i sold by all druggists at 2j cents a pottle and is actually the best linimeut known insist on your druggist giving you the genuine magueticoil now or never i beg to iufc rm the residents of haltoh that i aln a xnt to leave acton short ly and those deairing a firstclass photographf should hot fail delay but eouie now the rush for coughs col ds bro nqliitis ud all long and throat tronb of medicine can es therejis no preparation compare with bickles syrjup it never fails ito afford promit andj permanent relief lit reniovearali sojreuessj aid heals the dis- hnmes liajtely soothes tlie most troublesoms congl jiud by promotiug axpectoratioii removes the mucus which ubes which causes difficul ty in breatbiukj herebyj gkesrehef to that depressing tightness experienced in the ohest public speekers aud singers will find bidders anticonsumptive syrup of inestimable value as itspeedily andeffeot- ually allays all irritation iaud huskiness in the throat and bronchical tubes and gives power to the vocal cords rendering the jvoice clear and ponorotib if parents wish to save the liyes of their children and themselves ffrqrnsuch anxiety trouble and espouse let them procure a bottle of bkkkx anticomumimve syrup and whenever a child has tafien cold has a cough or hoarse ness give the feyrup according to direct ions cabinet 250 t-v- hujjk inmisquesing oa the 8th june elizabeth jlopberson wife of aexander mann sr ged 68 years prpmioentj hmong the greatest niedical discoveries by the many cures it has attect- ed mcgregor n speedy curf leads the van subjected to ie minutest chemical analysis it has lieen f md to contain one of those injurious iu i redients oharacterizin thp worthless siiecitics datly offered to the public eve y ingredient possesses a pecul iar adaptability to the various coinpjaintf for which it as been compounded and its effioaoy i lel ig established by testimonialf hourly receiil ad we are therefore coafi dent that wd have a preparation which we can offer to the public with the assurance thatjitwillbi found not only a relief but an absolute cue for dyspepslai liver com ilaidt india istjon constipation and im ure jblood i free trial bottles at 3 e dogaryin8 flrug stonj 3 each to call at once dont aud avoid crret at he halt0n dey motolm neer before in loanaia were goods 51 250 photos from 82 10 per dozen up life size crayon poitraits made from old pictures or a special sitting isee my n w combined music raok i- gaution plicg of the myrtle navy is marked t iu bronze letters none other cenuini w in morenoney thin at anything else by an j thing else by taking an agency for the best jelling wok put begiuuen succeed grant lly noup fail lermsfree hilletx boo i co portland maine this sc them t3i shi rtiigstihat were formerly worth 20c wi are belliur for ii2e- cottons a yard widti splendid upwardi muslins and lawgs beautjfu rjatterjs ii quality at5 and gc embroidery all shades in parasols famous 50c tea neu30n mcrco t goods house so che4p as mi- are offering fi oefered hibaibimbbami spbisgj s at 3 aha 5q worth 10c printtaf oo and of four hundred patterns to feele t frbni dress goods at 8cl and upwards color cream and white at 7c and upwards we have as choice a stock as can b 2i ilxal isteblt found inany city aud find it pavs to always keep the best and moststylish goods and weineereiy thank the ladies of acton and vie nlty for itneir liberal patronage thjs springby such we are grec uyeocoujaged in our efforts in introducing a finer class than heretofore kept in acton of dry goods and millineryl j i o- 3 we are doing tire trade we gtwxxtb tjmrtebi3cs j gall oil u8 for white regatta shirts cellfloid collars dcufes stylishf hatsj and cap goods thatiyou can 4ely on the bes and chepesir stock what t do if troubled with an unhealthy si healing boreas n mcgregor parkes lar bplio cerate fou will find it inyalu fble for healing ch ansing and complet elj ovlngjyonr tt mble if the blood ia piorteli taw iritis tit a few joseajof 3iegdr speec yigute from j felmffiaf vin8 drug sto e j y- 7 yetulng tontraeu may s5psh fo7ir 29 a where tidtertl nl iaty found oh file at gw i voi neiwpaper w- re cut ac- x- goods andrrocepbs we bel at thblb all atobqotsshobs fly msm

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