Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 11, 1885, p. 4

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j thwwivv lonstso jwsk 11 1885 van to a tooth wayrs aoliloqtjy is much to be i sold tho asked olf the banqueter at l i ijaelesslv aimlessly drifung through life whatwm i born for for somebodys wife 1 em told by ny mother well that being true v- i somebody bcjsimsetf stranoy from new and if naught but marriage will bettle my fate j i believe i shall die in an uusettled state for though im notugly4niy what woman- is you might easily find a more beautiful phut aud then ai for temper anfl manners tis jilahi i 4ie who seeks for perfection will aeekherin vain nay in spite of these drawbacks my head is perverse and i should not feel grateful for bettor or worse to take the first booby who graciously came to offer thce treasures his home and his name i j think then my chaiiccs for marriage aro small but whyseould i think of such ohances at all b mv brothers are all of them younger than i yet they thrive in the world and why not letjnetrj- t i i know that in business im not an adept because from such matters most strictly im kept but this is the question that troubles mv mind i t why am i not trained up to work of some kind i iisclcsalv aimlessly drifting thro life 1 whvshould i wait to be somebodys wife warning and comfort a rtcee of mmrtkf er eilthero luoitioli being ave age boi irding hou8e up wmin isoeiioei of ok so contiguity to the horfib and bee toteuk j iree outs south thereof he of oburio will pass unteaa it ooours to him that up noedta hiijgo for ins trunk shoud there r e any aujffcriud the effeota of tau fudtlgeuce jji suob sinuous faro use mc- grogprb spew y cure a sure and effectual remedy for dyspepsia constipatiou and- all affeotipusof tlie stemfoh and liver sold by j e motyarviu aoton trial bomts fret oit li our new fjatoiu of doing business is already producing its effect on the multitude the lion has never in tho past had so much reason to know that its worts ore appreciated bv the public as at the present time i we have taken as our uiottosont goods ofto prioo ftild owh olyaud givinci-up- h b mccarthy friends have said we it and our success i- down la dixie- the wile of mr j kennedy dixie p o was cured of a chronic cough by hagyardj pectoral balsam the best uiroat aud lung healer known thcbelyel the best blood cleanser known to medi cal science is burdock blood bitters it purifies the blood of all foul humors and gives strength to the weak ayers sarsaparilla is a highly conceri- trated extract of sarsaparilla and other bloodpurifying roots combiued with iodide of potassium and iron its control over scrofulous diseases is uuequalled by any other medicine backache stitches in the side inflation arid soreness of tpe bowels are symptoms of a disordered statp of the digestive- and as similative ergansjjwhichcan be promptly and thoroughly corrected byr the use of ayers cathartic pills as dinner pills and as aids to dfeestion they have no equal they cuve constipation v g aj dison traukville out says 1 was cniiedof chronic bronchitis that trou bled mej for seventeen years by the use of dr thomas- eclectricoil j see that the signature of northrop ljynian is on the back of the wrapper and you will get the gecraine dr thomas eplectric oil a fenrfod work burdock blood bitters lact at the same time upon the liver the bowels the kidneys and the skin relieving or curing in- every case warranted satisfactory or money re funded i bclkrtbam void a good name good health a good com- panion and a bottle of hagyards i yellow oil are among the first requisities for hu- maphappness yellow oil cures rheuma- tisrff sprains lameness broises burns frost bites croup sore throat arid all pain and inflammation a grtcbssfcl si lt mr bloonier of hamilton out suffered for many years with a painful running sore upon one of his legs which baffled all at- tempts to heil until he useil burdockblood bitters wlijri speedily worked a perfect cure- i v- v 1 trac slalrmcnt kind words cav never die and there are done hot kind tfords spoken regarding hagyards that old reliable remedy for extenfal and internal use it cures rheumatism deafness croup sore throat and all soreness and wounds of the flesh- about the mctum sometimes a fected lltrld llghtulng theroaro butfewtht havo no vor suffered almost mtolorablo piiu from toothaoho neuralgia or like noi to palus to them such au iustait relief is fluid liightuiug is an untold hie ising iu time of trouble no disgusting off jnsivo iredioiuo to bo taken or dayji ofr appuw tion of j fluid llght- iu lures sold i at j k mcgarvins drug store 20 merit it rovtu dollar upo ii dollar s frequently spent on the faith of econim ndations for articles entirely wovthlesst not so with me gregprsspe dy our aro uot asked to purchase il until its merits are proven call at j v mcgarvins drug store and gat a freotnl bottle and if not convinced it will cure y uu of tho wprst forms of dys pepsia li voi complaint etc no matter of hewlong sttudiug it costs you uofhing sold in 50c and 1 bbttles see testimon atstrom per ions iu your own town 29 itchlhr i ht sjniptoun nnu cure the ay nip onikire moisture like perspir ation iutens s itching increased by scratch ing very distressing particularly at night seems as if j in- worms were crawling in and are determined to follow it out to the very letter althouab our could not do an entirely cosh trndo we luivo committed ourselves to fnr exceeds our most sougulno oxdcotatioui the only way such is to be done successfully is to strictly adhere to tno only true system of doing business hn vilig the very lowest prices for goods and giving no oredlt and by having that prico far i elow any other store as an inspection at our prices will convinoo any w j we quoto stfch astonishingly low prices for our goods as to ma te or opponents say that wo cannot do as wo advertise i now wat wo do say yon bavd in our advertisement we quote- thoprieo of some of our goods come and see and judge wheth all our goods aro marked in plain mark that a glance and know all our prices r our staloments are reliable or not as child if he knows lottcrs can rend at a boot a3ss i usiuess in acton will at we are not responsible for the chagrin felt by those who cannot compcto with us m piioesfer wo are bound to keep prices down et them say or feel as they may jnst to show what we are doing at i the lion the iking of the dry goods i we givd you 75e black and colored gros grain sjlk nt 45c j 3100 gros grain silk for 75c 123 gros grain silk fofflsc j 150 riclh heavy mevelleniix for il- 756 cash- more for 50c a lovely lot of all wool cashmeres worth 85o we are rushing off at 20p the duoks and deuiins that cost elsewhere 18o wo sell at 12ac corsets as folhvos 1 coweu lor 75c 75c for 50c 50c for 35c i2jc print for oc 30c cottonado only 10 cents i such aro a few of the lines bit our slock is all equally cheap so come along aiid hudjbut tlmt nt all limes our word is for gooddehoap goods for the public j d williamson co 1 1 health foh a ll hollowais pills and j ointmmt having decided a give up his i have a fu1 l stock of eeesit sprtngr grodds t x offer his entire stock rmlwav time table k rlh j- kt i lv mixjuoaliil kprob8 710 tni pass mad 1102 am fftaougli kx4547liu grand tfink railway ooino wkst kiprcas l2ii amf exiiress mali special 1102 am 510 pan saopm chlcoffo eiprcsa dqesnot ktop botwcenguelph autttoronjo tlmk of itqhixii mails going west 1040 itihjiud 3q pin cost and under 1040 0oing east- enfiltbli unfil closes at w atd on wednesday ain and 520 pm canadian pacific railway i i to jail ioinirfi easr and vest cjonuekhki tijik tablk 1 parties desirous of gs on hand allofavhich will be offered at prices which astonish overy customer iartie 8 indebted to me will please call expense and settle their accounts apd therehyisave jhe private parts are jli allowod to continue very serious results iftay follovlljswaynk8 oistmest s a pleaiiant sore cnrc also for tctter itchi sjalt- rheum all scaly sent by mail for 50 cents 3 bixea u2o in stamps yd dress dk s wayne son philadelphia pa boftrtlr druaeists f 50 apri7i send six cents for postage r and rieceiye f rpe a costly box of 1 9ods will help youjto more money rigl it away han anyjthing else in this world alii of either ses succeed from first hour thi broad i oad to fortune opens before the wor kers abs olutely sure at once address trite co augusta maine th pills purify tho blbod correct all disorders of the livek stomach k1dxevs and bowels they invigorate and restore to health debilitated constitutions and arc invaluable iu all cbmplaiuts fneidentul to females of all aes for childrfii and the aged they are priceless the ointm bnt is an infiillablo remedy for bad legs bad uieasts old ivounilb sores 4d ulceiu is famous for gout tindllhenmotism fordisorderiioftlieclitstit hasnoequal foe aoee thh0ats be0n0hiti3 coughs colds glandular swellings liud all skiu diseases it has no rial and for contracted and stilt oint8 it acts like a charm- lltipfoj working people send 10 cents t j postage and we will mail you free a royal jvaluable saknple box of goods that will put yoi i in the way of making more money in a few days than you ever thought possible at iny bnsiness capital not re quired y u can live at home and work in paretrme jnlyorall- the time all of both sexes ol all ages grandly successful 50 cents to 55 easily earned every pveniug that all who want work may test the busi ness we make this unparalleled offer to all who are not well satisfied we will send 1 to pay or the jtronble of writing us full partic liars directions etc sent free immense piy absolutely sure for all who btart at once dont delay address stson co portland maine hamilton uappcul s there is now being manufactured here an article for instantly removing pain of any acute external nature and it is cer tainly the most perf ectrcure for neuralgia headache tootfiacheaud the like that has ever been tried it is called- fluid light ning from the rapid manner iu which it acts and is manufactured by mcgregor 4 parke sold iu acton by j e mcgarvin druggist jeavj who riiausasi reflect after- reading upon the many published testis mottials regarding northrop a lymans vegetable discovery and dyspeptic cure can scarcely fail to perceiv tht evidence so positive and concurrant could not be adduced in behalf of a remedy of doubtful efficacy the facts proven by such evi- denoeiare that it roots out impurities of ttie blood restores digestion enriches the cir- culation andoregulates the bowels and liver if a tew grains ot common sense could be infused into the thicknoddles of those who perpetnaily aivj alternately irritate and weakentheir stomachs ands bowels with drastic purgatives they would use the highly accredited anothealthfal laxative and tonic northrop lymaus vegetable dis jioveryand dyspeptic cnre which causes good digestion to wait an appetite and health on both 32 advice to hotber i are you disturbed at nighf and broken o your rest- by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth if so send at- once and get a bottle of mrs win sloths soothing syrup fm children teetitmg ita vatoe ia imialcolable jtr will relieve j- tfie poor little sufferer immediately de pend upon it mothers there is no mistake i about it itcuresdysenteryanddiarrhoea regulates the stomach and bowels cures i wind eolic aohens tbepgumg reduces in- flammation and gives tope i and energy i to the whole system mr viulowusoothinr ffyriijifcir cmrm tedkimju pleasant q the teste and is the prescription of one of theoldestaud iest female ntrrws and phy icuitwted states and is foriale t s hwhout iftav wor r m vvjijrni mnvw 44 5s j r- r r cvtii ona kew tkeatest perhaps the most extraordinary success that has be an achieved in modern medicine has been attained by the dixon treatment fori catarrh out of 2000 patientstreated during the past six months fully ninety pel cent rhi ve been cured of tliis stubborn malady this is none the less startling svheu itis lemembered that not live per cent of patients presepting themselves to the regular practitioner- are benefitted while the patent medicinb8 and other advertised cures never record a cure at fall- starting with the claim now generally bjlieved by the most scientific meii that t le disease is due to the presence of living pa rasites in the tissue mr dix- onlat once adapted his curetb their exter minationthis accomplished he claims the catarrl is pratically cured and the permaneiic is uuqnestoned as cures effect- edjby hinl fonr years ago are cures sdll ha one elsishas ever attempted to cure catarrh in this manner and no othe treat ment has e rer cured catarrh ther appli cation of tl e remedy is simple and can be done at hmes and the present season of thjeyear is the most favorable for a speedy and perma lent cure the majority of cases being euret i at treatment sufferers should con espond with messrs a h dix on sou 30i king street west toronto canada ai d enclose stamp for their treat- ize on cat8rrh4joreaj5zar nov 1v82 m w jz3miai8 iwilf- tims manufactured only at thojias hollow ays establishment 78 nov oxford street late 533 oxfera street london enj ahl aie sold utls lid 2s id 4s id lis 228 ai d 33s each box or pot and may bo had of all medicine vendors thoughoutihe world itpurchasers should look to thg label on the pots and boxes if the address is not w3 oxford street london thty are spurious hi dominion soot shoe store ke3srasres bbqs new goods 3 o jr m c m it rfsrc pacific ex iiocal ex 1 25iin 4 10pm 2 19 5 20 8 55 0 30 am 5 45 pm daily except monday toronto to mon real quebec andboston rlmjtjaex montreal ex- 7 55 pm 5 17 am 8 50 9 50 pm 8 30om- streetevjlle junction 4 04 pjn i 25 h b mfolarthy oheifp gbobs 22 am 3 to orangeville and owen sound 5 43 pm g57 10 20 populal line fnuni i mcgaevin 43 sing street 2 ast hamilton wholesale and klitail dealers in carpets oilclothsf lino eums i curtains ourtain materials curtain poles cornices curtain chains i tassels furniture coverings dan i asks reps billiard cloths baize stair rods stair pads c speight undertakers son d are offering the public extra have now their spring stock complete m all lines an value in the following i cents boots and shoes ladies shoes and slippers boys shoes in great variety y- boyslshoes in creat variety childrens shoes of every kind ruhhers slipperw trunks etc always instockgood nssortnuut gives the best of satisfaction repairing neatly imd ca we can suit you call our ordered work refully performed kenney bros acton carriage makers c hints rortoebsiof i dose 7b meet the m kls gently 2 to 4 pilltt thotovghty a to 6 pilu experience will decide ttu i proper dost in each me for cojniopatlon or cosuvenem so remedy li so effective as ansas pills they insure regular daily action anire- store the bowels to- a healthy condition for ini ugesdnj or dyspepsia avzai pills are intaroable and a sure cure heart- urnj ios of appetite foul stomacl natulency dizziness head ache ni tmbnms nausea are all relieved and cured by areas pills in uti r complaint billons disorder and jauodicei arznb fills should be given in dose arge enough to excite the liver and bowels and remove constipation as a elea uing jottdlcine in the spring their rills ar uneamued i worm i caused by a morbid condition of the botreh are expelled by these pills erupt ons skin dlaeatei and plle tho resnl of indigestion or constipation are eared by tbe use of avees pills for c ids iake atebs pills to open tie pore i remove inflammatory secretion and allaj the ver for bl irrhcea and dysentery earned by sudden c lds indigestible food etc ayzs pills ar thertrue remedy kueni latlsii jgont nenralguj and sciatica oftejresjilt from digestive derange ment or cqldil and disappear on reaoting the catu iy the jute of atebs pnilf tumo dhjpsy kidney complunut and oth ir disorders paused by debljity or pbstractl on are eared by aysbs pis sappr ehioti and painful menstrua- uow n re a jafe and ready remedy in large stock new patterns low prices r j mckay 48 king street east hamilton the east 2nd fashionable tailoringr- spring tweeds worsted coatings aid sorceaat the east end olithing store our qarmeati are made perfect fttiag aadl is the latest artistic desiras s3tah calls either n ght or daypiot faction guarairteed in every ase a firstclass hearse sstweare in a position to satis every description in reasonable t used we have also a splendid ot or furniture both a re prepared t furnish evelry thi ng i n their li n e from the best casket to thi plainest coffin on the shortest notieti aud at lowest terms ptly ittended to tsatis- wp pi j full d rectidni in yariout la ao- eachipaoiage j 1 ipaabedbtj j orjcayertcolowe1lmaii jwif yon will pay us cash wo hvill sell you anything inour liueicheap a speight manager i or hire actorily fill onlers lor waggons carriages c p ime good workman ship oud firstclass inaterialalways 3omiuon and extrauality chear ss hattoa sarden l mdon and 246 st james st montreal ground scientifically from dear iind pure pebble or optical glcls esjwcially manufactured for the purpose tlky are without exception best- adapted to res tore the ravages of age mil to retain perfect vision they are especially recommended b the most eminent faculty every fralr of snectn cles and eyeglasses is marked bl j e mcgaryw druggist sole agent for acton ont large variety at the- clotmng store apine aiortment of spring hats also on jhaiijd ir fireii mammoth house georgetown mcleoo andersjdk n m baiilond shuttle machines ul are fitted with the fateutf tl h all the g antomatio bobbin winder ft chas raymond mlnngfacturer u guelpru ontario m v lbeiitlful wtirk of 1 it tistrnttoii ith tltsr rfefamcs pricra of seeds nnl iiem irilitw in- nirlf mils which biav i- cj l lcllsrlat vnn r n tiiutad nf iiiimfn- i hi lv t7hiffvrtps lirn it ij- jliapivniiiiifiifri v rjiiks 8frrs r tn froill take simrtcir ttt it prices ranging ehlmiyfro-ti- 2 fosper acrc ii 5 to lolycars time this the best coanrnj o- securing good homes no oien or settlenent rrtwtj 3sfl acrv jcif grtvriiriieut ltillll rrepi apirviiub u vo818433 acrjs ob lnttrttuiruejtii tliriijuifnote hoke tua9t dbpnl of iu lss ntry kooks mid 4ir the kortliern 1 1 lninls fof silc and thefbbetiuvcriiiciit land aildrefchas b lailboknlandcpmrrk pii st pul minn maik ot ul the juliliif i nl ere in the iortlnrn racllic wbp wilt fbee licscnlu parifleconiitrjfllle roilroa the mammo selling goc ds cheai their mill nerj tl have a lidw tnrgi goods stock is no thousands andgnirrotng 1 ainipianicoyets direct from leipzig this ea being purchased king8tretf east closo to llamiltcd may 2lst 188 5 txiwmtaijmimkwt a of ladies viiti tlie ltit ouse to earclsse ahtleydr the new aud beautifu styles of freucli british and american millinery man lacufbmis8ea gents and boyi underwear nightwear and neckwear hosie fans beks stove screens giatei ornaments corsets embroidered underwear broidered wool printed and plain tidies in luce embroidered satin and silk velvet carpets window blinds 4 house pnrnishing goods mainjfcst endless ia charmiug lace curtains qui ts yarns etc a magnificent stock of parasols direct from theveuropeaim arkets iii great variety of prices and qnalitilirin plain j r covered plack satin parasols andtwilled layatineparosols cheaper than ever nice gjiuehnm dress goods only ljc nice wide prints 5c better wide fast coloredptw only 7ic very fine wide fas colored prints only 8 jo an immense variety of tho newest styles of printi l ginghaliis drpss goods silks satins merveleauxand kf goodsof all kinds a lare lot of tjweeds selling at about half their rear value atripedftud checked shtings from iqo upi just see the 10c shirting it would pe cheap at 12jo a beautifullabsortmentiofvijetons crevonrfringesndfinrl sure toaee thedress buttons- they are new atftl beaptlful and very cheap immense bargains given in biojc qashmeres colored cishmerfea meriooes and dres1f very larjo assortments of ladies hahdibme new and beautiful hand bans and portmonies in leather 6 11 iud velvet iu various colors an immense assortmentiif and stylish patterns of carpe ts in woo kidders tapestry brussek velvets and wiltons ot exceeding i low prices anil in the best makes charmine nattem hujjs decorated window blinds crumb cloth in dkmask jpelt eiddir andtapestry blinds linoleums floor oil61othacto do dot go away lithouteein hl designs in mad raa window curtalnb lacercurtainr guipure dart ahd etamie prennh cur laiifs the oliarmiur styles of silk enlbroidei do not forget to see the new french laces from paris j nogoods will isonstreet theameis p u h is bound this season io eclipse all its former efforts in the way o in showing a large variety in the getup tyleand cheapness of le correot thing in the style make and price in dressmaking we and varied stock in all liie latest noveltiisa in millinery cur dress very large- including silks satins ottomans etc a magnificent silkimatjacwbrlhtoc in the milliniry and dressmaking departments weddirie and mourning orders a speoialty j the managers of the millinery dressmaking und mantle departments are changed but have iecu red the best talent ex ant- ladies can come with confibence and leave their orders j brints and giirghtims in all the latest styles extraordinary cheap stapies of all kinds including clecked shirtings cbttonadesj grey anil white cottons cott6us shirtr ings ootlonades i nd all canadian goods wo buy direct from the mills and sell them at wholesale prices i our ordered chtliing and gents furnishing department was never in a more com plete state genilemen may come with the utmostconfidene and leave their orders and we will suit tl em in price tyle fit workmanship and variety carpets we have an immense stock from 12jc upwards boots and bhoes it large variety prices right readyjnade clolhi lg we have a large stock and we are holding a clearing sate until we reduce the stock great bargains we will give a good suit for 4 we hae the ut most confidence in asking the patronage of thepiiblic we willsell yon goods at away down bottom prices j mclaeop andersdn k gi mammoth ttqtjse snjbrojdered toilet l94dsf sow fatsj new vable larmiu be taken bact that tire damaged inanylvaylirxe mm 4- r rl in kinnesitai fjortli dakola won tana ldafiaykiing1oi m t m 0 vi oregoa piigcl sonul how lost how restored we liavje receilt y published a nt w edition df dr c alvurweua cel brated i essay on the radical ai d permanent cure l fithoutmediciud 1 nervous debility mciital an d physical incapi o- ty impediments of marriige etc iesnltii t rom excesses jprice in a sealed euv loiie oiily g ceu t i r two postage stamps the celebrated autborin this admirable es- iay clearly demonstrates from thirty yeai s successful practice that alai miug consequenc s i nay be radically cured wit lout the daugeroi is j ibe ol internal ediciues or the use of theknif lointinfi out a modeof euo atoure simple ce r- aiu and effectual by uitaiis of which evei y mffercr no mattpr what b condition may b 2 naycure himself cheaplypri eately and radical tnisiectureslipuld be in the hands ot eveiy routh and everyniau in the land 1 address i the culvcpwell medical co j 1 ann st new vori ost office boxi 450 ai or i iivl free tke sttbscril nuh in i papetdj except r abtki ments tion au qttept i 10 lineal 12 lrn montihsl lotiee the cbrnpac ment the spa soud nat one coin half colli quarter one colo holfcorl quarter j one colil half colli quarter adre will be i ingly in adta ia the on they will ber offl officd bftv frederij k- h1 surgeod accoucu m opnci b jioiei 8 nbj eases6f p l ft ra1 hi rjfew sy monly c g teeth wj over atj any evil fe f xr and 3 ofdens depend operatid ssi south 01 pi fit tlam vit w for pai pg office of tovehi torop teeth rates ittjj can have bel air fiof ing the j may sa j jj feai teteriril in keh dencw soundaq allw tito mil barr ancers i j a bar eveijy omjj square j w qid lingtoul alleyy joia wjii id ail v st m mm island home arm cross l wayn co mich javage ffabnijml psoraieftoas s for tij qrdepsl or aji prompl 3jbn loaned j feecttr mh or1ed n horses erchjl erench and amor fiuvtud 3 kjoks hfill fti iroiw isbi a assj w wiogue ftec bymail awes satyuftfaravmseireiwlu- al h hosoj nearly mill ageo depai l injl

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