Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 18, 1885, p. 1

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5fes vl i is ptlllisuliu r ery thmisday morning oduofcday lway iwiitobv ioca kit 4 10pni 5 20 r s 5s it asoaun 5 45 iv mllajv 1 boston bnlreri ex- 7 55 pm 5 it ra 9 50uu 8 so am ltiou t m jun en sound j 43 pui 6 7 10 jo lis line press tower printing- house miu stukkt acton 0xtvui0 d m ise ush tkums thefaki press will bo seumo subscribers postage paid or 100 per an num in advance 150 if not so paid no paper discontinued till all arrears are paid except at this option of the publisher r vkrtjslno ratks causaa advertise- ments 8 cents per line for the first inker- tiou aud2cous per linelor each subso- qneut insertion cash professional cards 10 hues or less 5400 per annum 1 square la lines 5i00 per annum payable in six months froni date of insertion any special notice the object of which is to promote the peeuniary benefit of any individual or company to be considered an advertise- ment t number of lines reckoned by tho space occupied measured by a soale of solid nonpareil contbal hvtks one oolmuuottyoar v t half column oho year quarter column one year one column six mouths l half column sixnionths i quartcrcolumu six mouths i onfrcblmnn three months half column thrccnionths quartercojuuiu ibreo months advortisouicnts without specific directions trill bo inserted till forbid una charged accord- iugly transitory advertisements must bo paid in advance- changes for contract advertisements must be in tho office by o a m on mondays otherwise they will bq left oyer until the following week himoor editor and proprietor business directory wf h lowry m 4 m c p s tf graduate of trinity college- mem ber of college of physicians and surgeons v office and residence i at the head of frederick street acton bie7yebter md cm member of the college of physicians and surgeons of ontario physician surgeen accoucheur iomct mill st residence campbells hotel acton n b special attentiongiven to the dis eases of women and children 35 00 30 oo jjoo 20 00 13 00 aooo 13 00 700 act oh oef honey loaded on approved j n0ths- notes discounted and interest jijdwed on deposits j acton banking coy storey christie co -9ankers- tit ontario hanging xsacrjsd llls i ness el m speoial agency aotoa ont l acton u -i- l bennett dentist v georgetown ontario ac mckinljai l d s surgeon dentismjiorgetowu ont uses the new system of niirpns oxide gas com monly ealledmitahzed air for extracting teeth withomvpain have administered it over a thousand times in toronto without any evil results having ieen demonstrat or anfi practical teacher in royal college of dental surgeons toronto patrons may depend upon receiving satisfaction in any operations performed officeone door south of baptist church j tjainless dental operations vitalized air or nitrous oxide gas for- painless dental operations at the office of j c b hayes l d s tovclls bock guelph out lpperwyndhani street 13 iggs ivory dentists south jcv east corner king and ongc streets toronto ontario finest and best set teethfso to s gold fillings onethird rates leaveorder isi teeth in the iriorn- iuj can have them the same day we have been adjm mistering hurds vitalized air for thepjiiniess extracting of teeth dur- ing the past year regardless of what others may say tohx la jvson graduate of oli- jj tario veterinary college toronto veterinary snrgeou acton ont office in tienny biws boot and shoe store resi dence in the tear horses examined as to soundness and certificates given all calls iiightorday promptly attend i to terms easy canadian pacific h ity the poi its actojt east cheapest aud- best route to all and west see time tables- ifopdf saved 17 daalinv witi mcgarvtj t ontaiuo cox receive source buy on martin toronto bell telephone ocmpany messige received and transmitted at lcfwqrrates than telegraphing lino- steamships jssueli to all points of great l aud the continent at very wast rates buy the tickets heve if sending for friends j e stock brokers roaonto momljirs toj onto stock excasere have independent direct wire by which new york cdiitijuuous stock quotations are mjore tjapidly tlian by any m ed i owatttsclkani convey- i m barristers solicitors notaries aucers tc eojiouey toiloan oryice town hall acton v w- amcfce j a mow at h 3 uoqdwillie g barrister solicitor notary public ac geoiigetown ct actov fei acton office in mrs secords bloick fohnday per itri rest comr setaeneril nvrbiiiciil wi ktb ite raxs 1 boolssaiml sorlbrra fdralajic wcha k pq1m1ei d ojtice qiieeus square ain laldlaw co architect grfcuii oxt hotel block market b i sell on commission for cashor all securities dealt in on the j vco paker hkmghngs -with- bordersto mdtch poetfy parlors -for- dining booms and halls ohamtjera the jfewest and hest stocl cuelph the acton people can see samples puipers and bonlers nt wlr george hynds goods store actn mr hynds will sell at my piicje tj day days boosstoiur- is at- of my fancy other mobtreal 8s new york stocs exchanges- also ixecnteorders in grain and provis ions oif the chi ago board of trade dailj caible q notations of hudsousbay and otqer stock toronto street liofton marble works qjtjbeo st igfuelfh johlnl kl hamilton pboprietor formjery mjoquillan hamilton dealer jililarbie granite and everything pjertainiiig to cemetery work ed firstj prizes at provincial ex glielphl the western fair and all becein hibition local ex iiibiti6ii and isu priority orders ireisolicijted and for excellence of material of workmanship your itorelt phsfaeh a uctt rells cele- fce radical and iitjufeditiael of reical incapac- i ptc resiiltuic only c cent liamirabie es- thirty years f consequences klie dangercmsi- feepfthekirffi be uiiiple cer- which evjwj lition iaayie fan radically of every bvlllisteks isllltt01s s j offices over imperial bank 21 wel lington street eastjeutrance exchange j alley toronto 1 joas baln q c c amuitex j wllluli ludiaw geoiioe liilleik patents secured l tor inventions henry grist ottawa paxada 20 years practice no patent no- pay u s st rancis nunan successor to t f chapman i bookbinder georges square v guelph ontario account books of all kinds made to order periodicals of every description carefnlly bound enling ueatly and promptly done i co sew york me hcrr opbmrxms w hemstreet business college jiuelpk ontario o licensed arctinxeeti for the counties of wellington andhaltoh ordecs left at the free phkss office acton or at my residence in aaton will be promptly attended to 1ernis reasonable mllnkv to ijcian also money to loan on the most favor able terms audiit thedowest rates of iii- terest in sums of 500 and upwards rses aeo iajlje rtfaenrad lou vkilmi ktobtpniy john j daley successor to thompson fc jacksonrf sfoiiey to loan on farm property at g per cent mortgages purchased- mony loaned for parties im mortgages and other security conveyancijig in all its branches properly and neatlyj done chargds low farms and city- property for sale list with tarfiis for sale sent to all parts oil tlie dominion to intending purchasers and cir culated in europe european capitalists wanting farms in ontario will be sent di rections through our european agencies farms waitted for one msts eorrespqii- dence invited offifle near the post office guelph ont studenlts shingles lath new goods f beacelets bracelet brageleps new stock beautiful pattrns watches- watche8 watc3eies waltham and elgiu in gold and silver oases goiijdilsfos i lockets i etc iptc jiist opened toinjc to iuk ornotto ink that is thequestion shakespeare adapted wine of the muses pure black sparkling ink balm of hurt minds as shakespeare says of sleep at thy pierian font let scribblers drink drink while ye may yelaureates long and deep 1 let all now gather at the rivers brink and sail soak float do imythiiig but sleepi i turn if you eau the boiling flood to gold as midas lid the pactolus of old one drop of iuk may hold a mine iof thought k one droipf ink may sink or save a lifd one drop of ink may bo with comfort fraugl t one dro i of ink may win or lose a wife one drop cf ink may into life be vrought one drop of ink may end thedeadliest strife que drop of ink may win its pounds of cash one drop cjf iiut inay scribble lots of trash the p tqpy j outward seeming no not a single cent will they get from me said liss sarah jenkins with a pe ession of her thin lips as she spectacles fromj her nose and culiar expi took her by lottie yt sreiiht slowly replaced in its envelope the letter she had been reading to her friend miss hejnzi bah lockey i think i know my duty at well as most of folks an givini help to suiaw bayard and her children dont come under that head but be n s theyre your own ikin said miss hepzibabrdeprecatingly its only natunl for em to look to you i let ert look theyll take it out in lookih i told tcrni when he married sarah bayard that the dayd come when hed rue it she was allers spindlin and sort o heliiless but tom was that head strong hei vouldnt listen to anybody he spent his list cent in buying that farm over to milford an then had to mortgage it fore he could start his crojs it was unfortunate his dyin so soon b savage said miss hepzibah who wasa kindly old soul if he had- lived a couple o years more liedhave paid for the ftlace an left sarah comfortable i shouldnt wonder but shes had a hard pull these two years to get along with those three children most litely bhe has but t dont see as im called on to shoulder her burdens with her goodness knows i have enough al ready without lookiu out for any more yes your hands are pretty full thats a fact said miss hepzibah i hear folks say in every day that they dohtknow what ncajr petrics new wriij 1 iiljelvlt f pherimllenigneii desires to inform the public 1 that he has uo on hand nd will kei in rtock a f till hie o pine and hemlock as well as other kiilds of ijiiirhjcr also first and second class eiite ij linglcjs lath coal wood having pjirchahjtl tho coal business of mr c s smith 1 linprouared to supply all kinds- of stove ccjnl i have also a good stock of wood hardwood vsh cedar lind mill wood at reason able prices wood andcoaldelivcred james bkowx ie lp ii hills tin stove depot store good assortm jbnt of stoves fflilts young men and women tlie bestf acilities for aojuiring a com plete smiling for business pursuits boow kt eping commercial arithmetic bankine actual business practice busi ness con esporidence penmanship com mercial l iw telegraphy shorthand cal- igraphy oi type writing french hygiene and physiology are taught by the most practical and interesting methods- the staff comprises six experienced teachers and lecturers l the various departments an try fitted up with the latest and best appai atnfor business college work nay enter at a coiiy of circular iddress calllrlage c iatit ajjlan barber shop t- j pwordkn has opened a barber shop in tlve building j nearly opposite storey sjold glove factory 1 mift street acton and solicits the patron age of the public inhha vicinity ejery departmentof the business will be conduct ed in firstclass style jijve ts a oall i j pwomjejf any tiine the annual college mwcormick prihcipal cheafor oash tinware ofvll ktpds at bottom prices eavetroughing a specialty and put up on shortest notice first class materia only used a jall solicits fainting c speight j c hill health is wealth d mill sv es desiring their petters etg xi repairjted or re yrnished and made equal to new op shortest possible notice and at lowest iprsces should leave their orders at loncawmmjiji j a speight under taker and carriage builder or with c c spilight a ment a guaranteed specific for hyj uoss convulsions fits v tbkat- dizzi- nervous neuralgia headache norvotib prostration a used by the use of alcohol or tobacco wakefulness mental depression softening of the brain resulting in mnsanity andtleoding to misery deci y and death premature old age barrenness xjtss of power in either sex involuntary lofscs c ud sperma- torrhcea caused by over- exertion f the brain selfabuse or overindulgence each box con tains ouo months treatment one lollarabox orsix boxes lor five dollars sent t y mail pre paid oursceipt of price wo gnarai tee bixboxes to cure any case with each order received by ns for six boxes accompanied with five dollars we will send tho purchaser our writt m guarantee to refund the money if the treatmnt does not effect a cure guarantees issued or ly by john c west co sole proprietors h if 183 west madisou st cbicagd 111 bold by j p mcgorviu the minister would do without you i reckon ive labored pretty faithful in the masters vineyard said miss sarah if i do say it and youll get your reward miss jen kins said miss hepzibah as she rose to go youicau allers taka comfort in think- in that but i do wish you could see your way to help sarah a bit she dont deserve help and miss sarahs tone was decidedly acid shed oughter have taken my advice in the first place i told em how it would be an it comes out pretty much as i said i told tom she was too everlastin delicate an would break down in lessn five yars but he would have his own way an marry her an now she6 laid up just as i said shed pity they didnt listen to yon said miss hepzibah as bhe went out but you know young people is generly mortal head strong miss jenkins often boasted that she never spent an idle minute and there was always work of one kind or another for her to do but after her visitor had gone she sat for some with her hands hi her ap thinking over the confentsof the letterfshe had just received iu r toms marriage to sarahibayard an orphan daughter to the man who to use the expression of his neighbors had never been forehanded had not pleased his sister who thought sarah far too delicate and daintyto prove of much help jis the wife of a farmer of slender means j tom however had been very happy in his wedded life and had never regretted his choice as he took pains td inform his sister whenever he wrote to hjer and miss sarah who wasnt as good christiauas slip thought herself and did not fancy being called a false prophet re sented his happiness and allowed a feeling of enmityto grow up in her heart against sarah toms death seven years after his mar riage waa a terrible blow to his wife and children who- were left almost penniless but sarah knowing the way in which she was regarded by her sisterinlaw did hotrdream of calling upon missbarah for help y j through the inflnenceof afiri house provided saijah with money to def ray her expenses dtiriig her illness but she found herself whe 11 convalescent utterly penniless and witl three children looking to her for support it was then that with a heavy heart she yfrote to her sist rinlaw and it was a letter which- might to havecalledfocthonly sympathy and pity from its recipient but which gave miss si rah only a strange sort of pleasure in beiiif able to say at last i told you so as she sat at hei kitchen vindov that warm july afternoon the quiefbroken only by the ticking of tlie large eigbtday clocks and the purring of he cat by the stove- she was thinking what she should write in re ply in what words she would remind sarah of toms declaration that neither he nor his should over ask for a favor at his sis ters hands the clock struck four with a loud whir ring noise which r rased miss jenkins with a start from her re erh and she sprang up surprised and shop tedo find how long she had been idle l ill let her wait a whilefof an answer she thought itll do her good to- be in suspense a bit ai d i reckon it aint too late to go after tht m blackberries in flie middle lot fjrst thing i knov them pesky town boys tll se a fter em tea 1 wont get onefor jam she put on her sunbonuet and taking a large tin pail from the pantry went out she paused on tlis path that led to the meadow to look bat k to the house thinking it was very likely tl at sarahhod calculated on being asked to tt ke her abode there it was a large oh fashioned house with roomy chambers wide fireplaces and plenty of windows the grounds surround ing it were all shaded and an abundauceof flowers bloomed in the front garden it would have beep a grand place for children to play but none had ever played there since tom had been grown the place had been left to miss sarah by an aunt and tom had had no share in it miss sarah however had cared for and supported her brother who was very much her junior until he was able t strike outfor himself and she made him a present of five hundred dollars when ho attained hisf majorlty she thought she had done more than her duty by him and she desired that he should pay her some consideration in the matter ofbib marriage she had never felt- the same to ward him since though she tried to heejl the old motto de mortuis nil nifi boiium whenever she spoke of him the blackberries in the meadow werte very ripe and large and so plenteous that misp sarah had no difficulty in filling her pail in a very short time it occurred to hei as she walked home ward that perhaps the ministers wife might want to make jam too and woul 1 appreciate the gift of a few berries such as these so on reaching home- miss sarai filled a smaller piiil with the f ruit an starting out again iurned hersteps toward s the village i look such a siht in this snnbonnet i reckon id best go in the back way si e thought as she apj roached the neat f ran e dwelling in which her pastor lived like i not theyve got company to teai the heat combi aed with the long walk to the village hat caused miss ijarah i b feel very tired and as she entered the min isters garden an 1 her eyes fell on a d lightful shaded arbar she concluded to rest a few minutes unti she was cooler my face must te as red as a beet slke thought as she seated herself on one of the rustic chairs i wish to goodness ifd brought myumbre la she concluded t lat she was sumciently cooled off to present herself at the houe yisite thejad and mode herself gen arally usefalj but nevertheless she isiilfish ndrrow and sordftl to a pitiable dsgree she does nothing without making a show about it so as to be well regarded among men for years she cherished fe slings j againbt oh only brother because he did not marry to suit her and i was told not ah hciur ago that she had declaredh it in tention not to help in any way that broi ihers sick and penniless widow and children she speaks of them with bitterness and even seems to rejoice that at last 4hey are i compelled to appeal to her for aid i was asked to speak to her on the- subject but she wirald be highly insulted iknw if i venturedto call beito account fol her want of charity and natural affection she thinks herself a christian butih my opin ion she is very far from being anything of- the kind she will come to church next thursday night and pray earnestly for the forgiveness of her sins and for helpjtojwalk in- the right way bat she only prays with her lips her heart has nothingitcjfdo with it she thinks and cares only for the outside seeming and so at this moment little luly lawtofi- in terrupted the conversation by running down the path with the announcement that tea was ready and the minister said no more but miss sarah had heard enough jlshe- was pale and trembliug and sbgreatly disturbed that when she hurried frorajrthe arbor as soon asshe could without being perceived she left her pail and berries behind she met several of her friendk on her way home- but she did hot even bow to them so absorbed was she ia the recol lection of what the minister had said reaching home she sat down- in the big rocking chair by the kitchen stove and leauingher chin on her hand stared before her with eyesfrbm which the scales hid fallen and she was looking inwardffor the first time in her life j only the outward seeming she niur- mured over and over iuaudibly qsif the sound of the words frightened her jand out when she heard through the vines was well screenec accompanied by a garden path miss sarah drevf y oices and peering cbt with which the arbor she saw mrlawton lady coming down the wend the poor young widow secured the positibnof teacher in a district school and for two years on a very slender salary hod manteed- to keep the from 1 the door i then i the mortgage on her home was fpreblosel and a long illness hioh followed her removal from the farm to a small room in the village of milford made it necessary for the trustees of the schjolto appoint another teacher in her placel tho sale of the furniture of the farm- of being found in denly the stranger a rose of great beauty ifwe could on back and wishbd vew sincerely that she had not thought of bring ing the berries op had stopped at home on a nice dress for the lady was a strahget and looked so exquis itively neat and cpol that miss sarah ijelt disgracefully untidy she had no doubt that the minister vjas about to show hi s companion the way to the arbor andiier leart sank at the thou ht luoh a plight but bi id- paused and bent to p ck ybe likel this rose she iwithbut said as fair within as you forgoti said mr lawton ihfiw often wo see wor ns eating into the vry heart of the mcflit 1 eautiful roses is nothing trie then are we never able to put faith h the- outward sedmiug of anything or anj one those who maj s the loudestproflessions are often the mos corrupt saiditlejm in- isterand as i w sayihg a rnome it ao there are so ma ly oh eo- many vi ho think themselves cbristiansbecauietltey go regularly to chu rob teach iuthe lone ay school use no bd language and giv 3 it er ally to the mission but they do not h nk it necessary to gua rd their thoughts x fill daily lives with i little acts pf kijitmsss now you are aitranger here and ir to leave ub tomprrc w sol can speak t ou as i could not tc one familiar wih the- people who make upmycpngiegatcn 11 willgive you a oas 3 in point i havi h my church a woman if middle age who li veb alone on a farm a 1 ouple of rhiles ft n the village she is ve 7 active in the hui bh is always ready 1 vyinb the sick or givp to the pcor- she jjp cation of several has a class of mjen t provided or the e 3a- heathens in africi ind in the penitetfiry after all these years ive only just found that im not a christian i i contrary to the expectations of mr lawton miss sarah did hot comeintothe regular prayermeeting on thursday night and when he called to see her on friday he was surprised to see three curly iheajded ohildren making mud piesin the front yard who informed him hi a loud chorus they hjod come to live with aunt sarah for ever j j miss sarah welcomed him very cordially and although she felt tired andl warm j after her journey to milford she seemed iquite happy 1 this is a great surprise miss jeukius aid the minister as he followed her into the parlor audtook a seat 1 yes itll be a surprise to most f olksrjbut i aint afraid but theyll live thrpughit i think you will be well rewarded for bringing your sibter and- her children here your life 1 was very lonely yes i reckon i take coubiderable batib- factionontoit seems sort 0 nice to see em round tor theyre well imaunered children sarahs been very particular about em didyou notice the boy as come in heerthe very moral o tom as mr lawton- walked back to the yil- lage he wondered what had waked miss jenkins up to a sense oflierduty early in the following winter miss jenk ins invited her minister and his wife to tea the table was well supplied with cake pickles and preserves a glass dish of black berry jam occupying a position beforemrs lawton im so fond of blackberry jam said the lady as she helped herself to the article in question iput up a lot of it last sum mer but the nicest i made was from ber- ries my little girl found in the arbor in our garden we never knew who left them there but took it for granted they were left there for us and so took possession ofhem pail and all ilulu called itmy mystery jam ive often wondered if the mystery wouldever beesplained but it never was btlwrsc akdhnatfac i i be a tbagedyp r i lifchester lemocrat and cliroincte i dr lincoln who was tt the f mieral of j exsecretary frelihghtyben says ex- prbsideiit arthur lookevery unyvell he is sufferinifrbm brights disease- ifjpurin he pait year itihas assumed a r aggravati ve form the telegram is aotlv of a drama writ- en by expresi dent arthurslpljysiciaas in act i he waii made to appear ii f iaof which all the country ks told jwhen wewentto florida j in act ii he represented a 1 tired man j jjyorn down vamng the sands at old vtynt comfort rid looking eastward oyer the atlantic toward europb for a longer tu- j i t the curtain rolls up for act iii upon the distinguished actor effected melancholy from brights disease while act iv discovers him with the disease in an oggravative iform suffering intensely which is unusual and about to take a sea wage j just such as this ib the plotof 6 ram as by playjvrjghts of thja medical pro fission they vfrhje the two or three ts with no conception of what their charj iter will develop in the final pne theyhayenotjhediscernmentfpr trac- r ifig in ithe early what the latter impereoh- tions will be- net one- physician in a undred has the adequate microscope anjd hemical appliances foy discovering brightfs isease initsjeaily btagps and when many do finally comprhand that their patients are dying with in yhen death occurs they rill to coverup their ignorance of it prp r ounce the natality to have been icansed bf ordinary ailments whereas these ailment are really resius of brights disease of tjrhich they are tmconscioustictimb li eyond any doubt 80 per cent of all deathsexcept fr ia epidemici and accidents result from diseased kidneys- or livers if the dying be dii tinguished and his friends- tjw intelligent tlo be easily deceived his physicians perhaps pronounce the com plaint to be pe rickrditis pycbmia- septi- pasmia bronchitis pleuritis valvular lesions bf the heart pbsbmbnia etc if the de ceased beless noted malaria isnbw the iashionaple assignment of the bause of seathj f i but fell the same named right ornamed riyrong thisfeatfhl scourge gathersihem in whjile it pijevails among personspf isedehtary habits lawyers clergymen icpngtessmeji it ajso playsgreat havoc ainong farn ers day laborers and merchan- ips though they do pot suspect it becaage their physicianslkeepit frpm them if inr deed they are able to detect it itsweeps thousands of women and child ren fnttftmtimely graves every year the heaithgives away gradually the strength is variable the appetite fickle the vigor gets less and less this isnt malariarit is the beginning pjf kidney disease and will gnd who does riqi know how no nature has not been remiss inde pendent research has given an infallible remedyfor this common disosderbut of cburee the bigoted physicians will not use war uers safe care because it is a private j flair and cutsup their practice by restor ing the health of those have been in- yalida for years j the new- saying of how common i rights disease is becoming amongrom- i aent men is gettingoldi and as the englishman would say poundb stupid especially sttpid since this disease is readily detected by tlie more- learned men and specialists of this disease but the oommdn run of physicians hot detecting it give the patient epsom salts or other drugs prescribed by the old code of treat ment under which their grandf athera and and greatgrandifathers praefcicedi v i punctuality the punctuality which reigned iver the tlomestic regulations of dr chalmers jthe great scotch preacher and divine was sometimes not a little iiicb 11 venient to his guests his aunt while living in the hbuse appeared one morning too late for break fast and well knowing what awaited her if she did not take the firs w 9 flytiff thus diverted the expected storrit f oh dr chalpers lshe exclaimed a she en tered the room i had such a dream last night ij dreamt you were dead j indeed aunt said the dpctir iquite arresteidiby an launoiincement which bore bo direbtly upon his owri future hibtory i andil dreajmtshe continued- that the funeral day jwas pamed and the funeral wa fixed ohd tfief uneral cards were writ- ten and that the daycome and the folks came ohd the bibur oanje but what do you think happshed why the oiobk had scarce done chappmg twplve which was the hour named in the cirds when a loud knocking was heard within the coffin and a voics pexemptory and ill pleased like came out of it saying twelves chappikand yerenblliftin thedbctor wptpofond of a joke not to enjoy this one and in the hearty laugh which follpwejd j ingenious oulprit escaped i anon we hear that the patient is com fortable but ere long maybe they jtaphim and take some water from hihr and again the comfortablb tory is told torture him rather than- allow him to use warners safe bare f with such variations ihe docitora play upon the unfortunate un- iilhis shroud is made when we learn that ie died from heart disease pyaemia septicaemia or j eome other deceptive though dignified cause expresident arthurs case is hot singu- arit is typical of every such case he j s suffering intbhsely this is not usual j generally there is almost no suffering he may recover ir he willact independently of his physicians- the agency named has jured- thousands of persons even in the j3xtreme stagesis to-day- he mainstay of ie health of hundreds of thousands- it is m unfortunate fact that physicians will not admifethere is any virtue outside their- swn sphere but as eaoh aohool denies vir tue to all others the people act on their a wn judgment antt accept things by the record of merit they make the facts are cause for alarm bat there is abundant hope in prompt and independ lent action a naturalistsays a sponge has nervous system next thing it will be disoovered that a printing joffice towel has something besides a backbone i twirid and health ithenientrcpnditipnhas more influence jon thebodily health than is generally sup- jpbseditis no doubt jtrue that ailments of jthe body jcause a deriressmg ftbd morbid condition pf the mind but it is ho less true that sorrowful and disagreeable emotions produegdisease in persons who uhmflueao jsdiby them wo ild bein sound healthhr if disease is not produced the functions are disordered not evenphysicitos considered heirnportanc i of this fact agreeabli motions set in mbtion nenous currents fhichstimulae bload brain and every lart of theiybtimmtohealtpul acfiyity jwhile grief disiippointment jof feeling and propding aver p regent sorrpmor past mis- takes depress til the vital ibrces tbjthe jphysically welone must in gerieral be jbappy middle ai ed gkl rei wa situation spobwes youtntuibctogji prions 01 qtytktnti

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