Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 18, 1885, p. 2

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miwebwrfh 3 1 r- 1 ii v x- bms i mm- j r -m- t0utm tnrkswmsisjvxii w 18w5 fir ll 1 2 4 v v i 1- ft i r ijjml v jtgrn notca and commontfe tllic prorogation of parliament ia now ooufidenuybuticiitod to take jplace on july 15 i the purauk after liij bear uh beeu tor- roiuatod geu middlctoua forces being unable to go through the innumerable ntimkega with which thgj territory there abounds j at uiereoeut session of tmocouuty coun cil of hastiugs the question of insolyeucy legislation was discussed and a motion was passed directing the wardon and clerk- to memorialize the uomiiiion government against tlie introduction of au iusolveucy law howtlie act ib lobe nullified in the conmonb thb iemli it against t otunvji jmie hfthe oonfldonce the- milton had ft big blowoifr last week aueixt its new power preis the new era in jrutinjj wnioju it speaks of came long ago i our job pross is running by steam aidthe actou fiiek press hafl a power priss several years ago george- town ueram i to those who remember the old gristrmill with its bangle or rouble run of stone its lazy wheel and the miller who was boss anil all hands the featof one of- the great minneapolis mills in turning out 6200 bar rels of flour in one day seems to mark as great an advance in mechanical- appliances and business enterprise as can bcshownjn any manufactures i there is said to be considerable likelihood of the wine and beer amendment to the scott act being carried by the house of commons where it will come up today if this amendment is carried in the face of all the labor and expense to which the supporters of- the measure have been put it will be looked upon and justly too as a direct insult by the gevernmenti to the people of- the dominion thi5bocttaoip new advertisements ox pressed btnoliquolobyyibtw that they will suet ecd in currying tho senate amend ments t i the scott act through the house of commons is it soems founded on asaur- nnces rccoived from sir john maodonald that he will aid them tvith his support yosterdiy mr jumieson who lias chargo of tile b 11 saw sir john who ted him in the pres mco of a number of members of the house t mt he would give his vote to enable wine an i beer to bo sold in scott act coun ties h o also oppressed the belieje that the amoiidn ifents j would carry and said they should commend themselves to the good judgmentof members being in an argum entative moon ho asserted that there was loss dm iikeuness in winedrinking countries than elsewhere hk also eon teuded that stimula its- of some jkind wore a necessity and tint all leadiug statesmen warriors and poe a wlijbre addicted to the use of some stimulant or narcotic the temperance members now see that it will take all the efforts they j can put forth to prevent the enactment of the senates amendments ii washing nt nicoueeuowcr wishing mlih mud 1b prepared to l rottsoitftblo terms nthor ayouup near tbo 0 t hallway house lot for sale thf umleif iliud offora for bale tin house and lot oi m jtrcot it u a ltir o kousb con tains nine vuums also kitclion aucl woodshed 1b well adapted ia- a tonomojit or bo irdiun noumi uoqdstaliloon tho promises ubfraltcruib apply to d w a rare chan valuable farm -and- village prop p0r3ale erty onk of thfc finest vakm8 of halton bitbato within on iriv thr thrifty and untoiiirlbing vil containing 100 acres kuowii ns howobteaa aiho 25 acres oll codar timber in the comity jholf niilo of ago of aotoji thu hrown lnitiored with archbishop lynch wad the scott act offers a i one prohibition successful in bruce i the following paragraph from the kin cardine bortir shows that the scott act is working very successfully in the county of brafce r the wnter visited port elgin last week driving by way of tivertoii underwood and the de vls7elbow all aioug the line the report was heard thatino liquor could be purchased at any of the hotels in port elgin a personal visit to several hotek leads ns to firmly belierethat the scott act- has shut off all barroom drinking and has lessened the consumption of spirituous liquors b at least 96 per cent in conver sation with a number of reeves and deputy- reeves at the county council it is even ad- tnitted by those who opposed the passage of the act thai much gcha5beeilacccm- plished since me first of may and that were the wo to be submitted to a vote of the people now thairthe act wouldbe sustained by twice 1311 the majority gfven we are sorry to learn however that several of theprincipai supporters of the act there have been fpunished in thesame manner as a number of gentlemen in this county were shortly after the act came into force here the diabolical crime of burning thelbuildiugs of worthy and re- apectable citizens or any citizens because- they hold opinions icon trary to those of a certain clique or party is cowardly and contemptible and deserves the i severest punishment the stable aud- office of mr joseph barker the popular clerk of the third division court of the above county were fired onthe 1st of june and destroyed and suspicion points strongly to members of the party referred to the county coun cil have taken hold of the matter and deter- mined- to punish the offenders with the extreme penalty of the law offer 9300 re ward for the conviction of the guilty parties no maiis property is safe so long as a- crimestained bearer ofia concealed torch is allowed to jo unwhipt ai justice actons legislators a long seesioh at council and court of revision business a hew office created council met oh tuesday evening ilein- bers all present reeve in the cliaiiv minutes read and confirmed upon motion council adjourned for ietf minutes tompet as icourt of revision court ofrevision opened mr hen3er- son elected to the chair- dr mcgarvin wajs heard with reference to his appeal to have assessment reduced appeal discussed assessment reduced fromjj100to3000 the appeal of mrs i a secord was not entertaiiifed the court unanimously decid- ing that as the appeal was not made accord ing to law they had no power to consider it court adjourned council resumed a bylaw providing for the appointment of a street commissioner was passed and councillor ismondwas appointed to the new j- office withrenumeration at twenty cents j per hour r a commniiatiod from messrs j b burns and d mcdonald warning the council juot to 1 ate the new cemetery oh the steele property claiming that it i would coiitami late thedrinkiog water of the vicinity anil giving jiotice that ifpro- ceeded with the necessary steps would he tikeu to prevent it i the finance committee presented their eighth report recommending payment of the following ad otints j 3 e mcgarvin etegistering bylaw a 00 geo wilson she veiling snow 2 25 s thos eastoii u ying sidewalk and feeding tram ps 4 75 j c hill- street lamp and repairs 6 00 i hp moorei priming and advertising 26 09 thos cook on a xt lamplightaug 30 00 matt lev of the villago prouorty coinprlst dwolliug hoiibo aud store on mill trcot for fnlljmrticuiiub apply to i wji judicial notice to creditors -of- to lie editor of the witness smarcl bishop lynch iof toronto reason for his not favoring i hat we have less drunkenness in ciucida tl an in any other country of the same la titudi hatmay all be true yet we kill 10000 people every year in canada by tlje 1 iqnori traffic and our learned judges are cjon itantly us that onehalf of the crir ie of the country grows out of the tradv beiidjesthe teu thousand deaths every year fr m this cause the woe and beggary and sn tchedne3s brought to thousands of honu s t ud tens of thousands of innocent worn sn by this traffio are quite beyoud ladeqi ia e description is his grace a mas ter iu is racl and yet knows not these thiugs if he ki ows them what we to think i i v wher bis grace allies himself with those who in trying by any moans and every meai s no matter how mean to perpetrate this inoher of crime uiis insult tothegod of he ivi n this disgrace to the civilization of thi nineteenth century he w ividol he diffeis in spirit from one of our ablest j judges who a few mouths ago i i this city in i addressing the grand jury sa d thpt he hoped the people of can ada everywhere would avail themselves of the pre ent opportunity offered them to blot out ibis fruitful source of crime how unlike the spirit of cardinal manning who is almo it- every week lifting up his voice in the cld land in favor of local prohibition how unlike that jmighty man father ary lam informed tbk whom the catholic church irelaid aud he whole civilized world may well e proud who in his last days la mented that here was uota law to stoptlie sellin gt nd m inuf acturiug of that which led so minji of ais dea r people astray i how could h a great chriitian soul have rejoiced could ji have been uch a law as this how rolikq the spirit of our good arch bishop if tint proviice of quebec who has caref illy studied the scott act and publicly acknow edges his friendship for the act how m like the spar t of bishop lafleche of tl jre p hi ves wh 3 in every parish of the county of arthabiska spoke in favor of the scott act how unlike the catholic bishops of qo ebee wi 10 in council last janu beajaaia william niofcllja docoasoi pukbuakito a juilginont ol divisiondrtho high court 0 in a certain action of kickliu creditors including those having general lion of iucuinhranio npoi the estate or any undivided share thereof of llonjamln will iam nieklin lato of the villago 0 acton in tho county of haftou miller who djod in or about the month of v paid to messrs mowat k mcltjan hajrristora onth of october 188j aro o 1 or before the twentieth day of juno 1885 to bui id by wst pre- aoton out their christian naiuoi and euruawo addrossos and doscriptlon tho fu their claims statement of their accounts aud the nature of tho securities if am hold by thorn or in default thereof thoy will b peremptorily oxtluded froii tho bouout of tho said jiidgaiont every croditar holding any sea rity is to pro duce the samti before 1110 at my c hambo b don glaa street in tho cityof guelph on tho 27th day of june 1385 at 10 ocloclt frenooti being the time ap jointed for adjudication on the claims dated flio 2iid day ouune auj1885 ammckinko master at j uelph judicial sale campbelili s comijortablo rown acton tho cbanccry justico mado creech said any specific or 1 particulars of hot and dry sltiu scalding sensations swelling of tlie ankles vague foeiings of unrest frothy or bnokdus fluids aoidstomaoh aohing loins 1 cramps growing nervpusnohs j strahgo soreness of the bawels j unaccountable languid feelings i short breath and pleuritic pains one side headache backache frequent attacks of the blues fluttoring and distress of tlie heart albumen and tube casts in the water 1 fitful rheumatic pains- and liouralgifc lobs of appetite flesh and strength qonstipatiou alternating- with looseness of the bowels abundant pale or soanty flow of dark water chills and fever burning patches of skin thoii tou hlyb bright8 disease of the kldyeyh the abovo symptoms are not developed iu any order but appear disappear and re- apear until the disease gradually gets a firm grasp on the constitution tho kidney- poisoned blood breaks down the nervous bystem and finally pneumonijv diarrhoea bloodlessness heart disease nppoplexy paralysis or convulsions ensue unci then death is inevitable this fearful diseaso is not a raro onesit is aii every day dis order and olaims more victims than any other complaint j s it must be treated in time or it will gain the mastery dont negleot it walt- ners safe cure has cured thousands of cases of the worst type attd it will cure yoiiifyon will uso it promptly aud as di rected it is the only specific for tho uni versal bright d iocr ttvenlytlirre 1ciir hufterliir rev m stout of wiartoij was cured of scrofulous abscess that seventeen doc tors could not cure burdock- blood bit ters was tho only successful i remedy it cures all impurities of the system check spuncsilksf at30 ceytsi per yard t- r h h r oolbreilgros gsain silks at85 eesits property village 61 acton apd town of milton uf the court if jicklin p decided to give the act their support and are encouraging their clergyn en throughout the entire province to doi sc haw unlike the spirit of the chief framer of tho 1 iw whose ho lored name goes with the act every where in the accomplishment of at j joble missicu mr scott a most respeckd and distinguished member of the cathslij church ijas dr lynch lam afrai 1 s notonly 1 ot a good temperance mania the true sp rit of temperance de mane is oday but i am afraid lie is not a good 2 tholic he i s certainly in this great phijaut iropic mov iment the saving of men ere m druukem ess and all its evils in this iiqbld and the 4est far behind many of his b rethren archbishop 11 braeyt i 1 71 09 report adopted a bylaw to rej date the construction of approaches to private property was now m- trodooed council adjourned at 1120 p m to meet agwu thiaeyeuing doubts very much thisilaw wil do all the good which pursuajnt to the judgment chance y division of th high of justice mtdoiu the uctiqii creech there will bo offered f r iald with the approbation of tlie local faster of the supreme coirt of judicatun for ontario at guelph bywm hemstrect auctioneer at the door of the excelsior bakery acton on wednesday t ie 8th day of july 1885 at the hour of one oclock pm the following hinds anfl premises in four parcelsj viz parcel i that vulualkle mill and the water privileges connect id therewith known as the acton mill lately carried on by benjamin nickliu iiuw deceased being parts of the west half of lot number twenty seven aud part of the east and west halves of lots twenty eight an 1 twenty nine in the second concession of t ie- township of esquesing in the county of elaltoir now in the village of acton conta niug 87 acres more orlessj the mill buil ling is three storys high tho first story being stone aud the rest frame the bnildin is substan tially built j the mill contains an engine and boiler 20 h p aud all n scessriry ma chinery tho mill is well sit tatecr and is specially adapted for gristing aud has done a large custom trade for nany years there are no other mills within a 6onsider- able distance of the village the mill is situated in ai fine wheat gro ving country and is of easy access to the jrrand trunk station v parcel ii a valuable trick dwelling house and bakery and confectionery store situate on the corner of mill and main streets the principal business streets in acton and being composed 0 part of lot number 28 in the second coec ssiou of the skid township of esqueshig now in said village cif acton containing 87 perches moire or itiss reserving a ro tdwaj 5 feet wide along tl e southerly limit hereof the dwelling house contains 9 ooms bakery contains a large ovenlarid the essary implements for whethe the proiioters of thai scott act would wish t 1 1 j vell we arejthankf ihtohim for giving us credit f r wishing tc do good in this par ticnlir he rumselle rs have not gone quite so far itmaybe they will censurehim for admitting so much if poor mr scott i 1 endeavoring to carry and enforce his law has not onij to endure the opposi tion pf the umsellers but the opposition of hip archbishop ai well it may be that for a wiiile a least the law will not accom plish all that mr scott anif other promot ore desire ar d yet n spite of such opposi tion wiiieh oil must admit is considerable the lav may be imde and is made to accomplish much gcod the archljibhop binks that locking up and beerelypunisling in other ways will tendi t cure this evil of drunkenness many ears ago hi 1 lie county of haltou a man virile drunk committed a serious crime he was 1 ekeav up in kingston peniien iiary for nin j years with hard labor and jgo d substant al food just the very treatme nt his 6ru e asks for yet soon after hi 1 liberation he got drunk again i i aiid wh le drunk cot imitteda more serious crime tndvas hanged the first man ever in thiat ptmuty an 3 so his grace would lock the mtinj how much more sensible were tl e words 61 oor bridget pleading forthe eryhusbaud who had while drunks beaten ler mast terribly tho night before ahiyer haner wi inldntit be more j sible to lock tip tlie fwhiskey and let my poor patlgofree d v lucas mdntieal may 1st 1885 1 ovrn 400 acltes ponthill nurseries 0 largest in the dominion aches salesmen wanted to begin cauvabsing at once on fall sales steady imploynient to successful men good agents are earning from 840 to 75 per month aiid expenses terms aiid out fit free address stone wehlingtoit t0ronto ont shingles am wood rpiu iiiklereimieil has for sale a splenclid stock a of firstclitss shingles ko1 cedar 173 ler square no 1 pine si 90 per square no 2 cedar 1 nor sijimre alsd a largo quantity of wood of all kinclb- from slitj a load up to i400 n cord prime short huuts and heading to tbo trade at bottom prices thosc moork factory main st wfcst ctou baker tbe the nec- con- pyfeb t howsbns iuy quantity of seed corn millet varieties soub of fipld and garden seeds at how try ti h harding grocer for flour and feel 4 hats mm cents to 250 at j hung rianvetches and other fectionery store is well filed up with the necessary casing shelving drc the bakery is known as the excelsior bakery aiid is an old an 1 established stand doing ia good business the dwelling house and b and coufei tionery store are attached and the whole bu ldiug is about 40x40 and k in first class order there is also a garden well cultivated and a well on the premiseijr parcel iii a part of sliid lot num ber 28 iu the 2nd concessi m of the said township of esquesing now in tlie village of acton containing 18 pen hes more or less tliis property froiits 01 main street and adjoins parcel 2 with t rbadway 10 feet wide between them- tli3ro is a frame workshop 011 the premises abont 24x30 which can be used for ablacli smith shop parcel iy lot numb sr 13 on the southerly side of pearl street in the town of milton containing onefifth of an acre more or less parcel ij will be sold snbj set to a lease of the bakery audconfectioua y storewhich expires oh the first day of january 1888 the purchaser will be entitle d to the pro portion of the rent accruing lue from the day of sale j terms of payment are as iollowsv ten per cent cashat the time of 1 ale wbe paid to he vendors or their solic tors and the balance within one month thi ireafter with out interest into court tothf credit of this action each parcel will be offered for bale sub ject to a reserved bid to be fixed by the master oi r t vendors will only here quired to pro- duce a registrars abstract t tid suoh title deeds or other evidences of title as they may have in their possession in all other respects the terms and coiiri ilitiousof sale will be the stinding cpud tious of this court hfiirther particulars can ae had from messrs mowat 6 mclean vendors solic itors and messrs guthrie dr watt solicit ors guelph or john fioskin jc toronto i daited thej 9th day of juie 1885 am mciinnon i mastei at guelphi greit tore j fyfeaotonf scotch enclislraud canidian suiting et variety atthe e ost 2iulc16thiinj i comshskise trjlatment catarrh and consumption j if uir charged with diseasecreatiug elements loui air will kill whim breathed continuously nir ihargedwltli remedial dements will cure vlicu bruuhed coiitidu ously the pillow inhaler os a i is au elegantly made hair pillow charged with remedial elements th vapor of which the patient inhales nil night long whilst sleeping as usual it citinot get out of jorderainl is perfectly safe to the most delicate jltwill inst for 3eira and serve any number of persons in a family in sue cession it halters dowit the stronijliold of catarrh sronohitis asthma and i consumption and makes c permanent cure by a continu- duo application of healing and curative air directly to the diseased parts sufferers from any of the abovementioned diseases areurgeutly requested to send ub their ad dress and a 50page pamphlet will be mailed to them free which will give a complete history of this wonderful discov ery aud the principles upon which it works itogothor iwith n long listof testimonials from tliojesvhnliave used it and who now rejoice in perfect health do not delay for the longer a disease is allowed to run unchecked- the slower and harder is to effect a curd there is 110 medicine tvkeuiuto the stom ach no douching or snuffing nor anything disagreeable about this treatident it ms never been knjn to fail send your name and nrwcss plainly writen to the pillow inhalor ageney loxuok oxt we offer bli check dijley rj at m ce ys alolied brocade siks and a special line of ohiejl3p heavy black mantle silks at 100 6i25 8150 affld 200 i u- r satin merveillux at 125 150 b2qp and 2ei cheap at 1 v gold shades 1nsilk gloves and hosiery brightshades 4n parasols lights hades in cashmere finished prints nef sh ate 15 silk hose in bmck a big purchase of ladies and ohildrens jspun oardinaiioream sky blue and pink at one doliir ter pafri a great deal less than the cost tot importation sgilege mdcxds i n dress goods we offer nearly 7000 yards tapestry carpet extra quality at fifty cents a yard joyn davis p l s asd- c if guelph orders for surveys by mail or telegraph promptly attended to in lays block guelph office wanted xj anted a resident agent in every v villuge toira and city in tho dominion also a few traveller to sell ourkow air gas ma- chined for making air gas 50- per cent cheaper than coal equallylas pood no are orpowor re- uired mode in all 8izobfrouil5buniorstol000 or private houses btoreshotdb factories mills jstreets mines o to address canadian am gas machine mfo co 115 t francoib xavier st i isly montbel pq j l i house painting we the undersigned beg to inform the people of acton and vicinity that we are prepared to give first- class batisfactioiji iu the lines of eopf paint ing house painting calcimining and also paper hanging in the latest styleb all orders promptly attended to dbell p 1wes th harding grocer has secured control of the salein acton o the celebrat ed roller flour ofnioklinsspsedvalemiils guelph and is prepared to supply all cus tomers suits atjd overcoats at xtremelylow rates and injade in latest si rles besur tooallandseo tboui j fyle actou ayers cherry pectoral ko other complaints are so insidious in their attack ns those affecting the throat and lungs none so trilled with by tho majority of suffer- era the ordinary cough or coltf resulting perhaps from a trifling or unconscious cx- i issro is often but the beginning of a fatal sickness ayeks chehey pectoual has well proven its efficacy in a forty years fight mth throat and lung diseases rinfl should be taken hi kllcase3 without delay a terrible cough cared in li7 1 look a sevcreepld wiiieh affected my lungs i had a terrible coughaud passed night after night without sleep thedoctors gave ineup i tried ayettb chebry pec- toral fthich relieved my lungs induced sleep nid afforded me the rest necessary for the recovery of rriy strength by the conlinued use of the peciobai a perma- neut cure was eirected i am now c years old hale and hearty and am satisfied your cuiutky peciobal saved me i hortacu fainnnoineb eocklngham vt july ib 18 croup s a mothers tribute wlill in uio coiuitry last winter my little boy three yearsold was taken ill with croup it seemed as if ho would die from strangu lation oiie of tho family suggested tho usb of aykus oueitny pectoual a bottle or which was always kept in the uouso this avas tried in small and frequent doses and to our delight in less than halfau hour the tor saved my dntllng lifo canvbu wouderat tie patiout wr8 breathing easily the doc- ud that tho cherry eiictokal had irlln tor said th saved my dn our gratitude sincerely yours 160 west 128th st new york may 10 1882 j ihave used avert8 cheuey pectoiiaii in my family for several years and do hot hesitate to pronouiicoit the most effectual remedy for coughs and colds we have ever tried i a j crake take crystal minn aiarch 13 1882 h i suffered for eight years from bronchitis and after trying many remedies with no sue cete i was cured by the uie of ayebs cher- uy pectoral osetb walden byltalta miss april b 1882 j vi eamiot saynough in craisp of ayers ortehky pectbral believing as 1 do that but for its juait should longsince have died frdm lnngtrohbles e bbaodon pjalestlue texas april 221882 no case of an affection of the throat l lungs exists uhici cnniiotbe greatly relieved by the use ot ayersrrcbiiy pectoral and it will altmya cunt when the diseaso is sot already beyond the control of medicine i prepafiedby or jc ayer co uwell mass sold by all druggist planing mill having made arrangements with messrs w h storey son for the continuance of t ie planing mill iutlie build ing formerly occupied by the acton plojv company we would inform the public that we are prepared tq take contracts for building -also- dressing ftloorxltg shjsetina moulding sc with nea rness and dispatch iiig a shaie of publfc pat- kiudly solici ronage we are i espectfullyyours thos 7 i- -thii- v fashionable west end a i fjnest stock of lovely sat eens frintd and muslin in the city i spots checks and stripes in endless variety always busy buchamco h bb ve manager t he paints p4ihts paihts i i prepared paints tlie chapst and guaranteed to be vthe most durable inthe marketl also golorssof all shades s mann propriotor having pi rchttsed tie bakery busi i uess of ijlessrb ji icklin son i beg to bolicit a e of all who h xcelsio bakei my battera v contiuuau e of the patron age of all who hlave in the past favored the excelsiofc baketjy with the r patronage- ill be firstclaas and i can assure ailthat 1 ly stock of bread i buns confectionery actou march 3 th 1885 gakibs cccf will alwaysbe f the beat quality my personal endearar will be to give every customer batisfi otioia v bread delivered a call solicited 1 5 rsii a full line of hardware at city prices firstclass groceries at bottom prices qtjljtt otjil leaping feature iltel 1 ioirjreaping and kowlg machines use d mannll t no quml no fitiaad vlllwear long r tlhaa any other oil toronto sole mamtactirnerv- i f avd tcjug towl gett y m thj mcooll bros co 1 fojl sali ac ccarvins drug store and c t hills 1 1

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