Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 18, 1885, p. 3

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ai h 3rt i i fi-r- 1 vflf hrjf i peryb i aiw hods acton 1 besides to wetfejated stookof watches locks jcmrdlnr stated- silvenvarell cee ut stobk the best selection 6 1 to iufo inactpnorstetiouorjv note paper twin tc per quir to 40c kuwdopeatrtrnfa her psckage to 20o mourning envelopes- and paper i v nooks slates school basjs 8crib- blrng books peucils pens ink bibles and testament a larjje btockf wedding and birthday presents jtaiioil goods toys birthday cards jcao f i the leading store in acton op hub olaaj ot goods give vis call i pp hynd actor ohtj j crumbs fbmakpxst j r provided by u evejr thoughtful free i press reporters 4 whw woolwtol thjhhes trade for 1 i i i i il hsu eiito t j black strawberry festivals will now loom up our population coutiiiues to increase milton has orgauizeda biass band again good morning mr street commission er israoud erin hoodlums pull up the citizens shadelrees igardeu party atrmrs edward moores this evening i the fitkejpisitssto the end of the year for fifty cents j potatoes sold in toronto last week at fifteen cents abag a broken plank iu tho sidewalk cost toronto s600 in court on monday i 1 rockwoodnews and limehouso sparks unavoidably crowded out this week i actous county tax for 1885 amounts to i thirty dollars in excess of last sidewaiknorth sidejis from willow to guelph i are eekbjukinas prtnol lly loctil and all i inter astmg price villi be paid in cash or t quantit y of gocfcl oloan mer chantable woil delhjered to mclkoo an- dkhros coi georgetown saleoifowhv on satjurthy evening tit i oclock mr wm hemstttet iuic ioneev will hold a bale of valuable fowls of at agtiews hotel vpwakds of ap6 fov of different breeds will bo offerell anduioso desirous of oh- taininp soma to bit la will not fail4o at- tend j tlje whole cm aignmont will be sold without rpscrve theoonvenuanexwoaday i thei executive hnvj arrangod to havo mr john a ijlichdlklof loweu masst to ad- n nassfinoetiig on the evening of uie 2i3ridiust m coiinection with the tem- leranw convention in milton mr nioh- oils isspokenjf in tl o very highest terms by the press asanal lo platform speaker and thoroughly undei sunds the question of prohibition j jau degates should fa to btay for lictnjro in ey ninj ahaltonboy an ho lorod qraauatel ive are plejased t notlee among the graduates at the university of manitoba convocation jijit winuipeg last week the name of mrw- a dclntyre formerly a public school teacher mclntyre graduated won the senior medal in nassagaweya mr ith firstfclass honors and the scholarship 4- iueipii shades 1 j 4 i i i i l tlje a t lvr ij iteed to tlscl rnces ices ree iery j cil if w 517830 yearf mill street betng renewed street j the new watercourse on frederick street will be much appreciated by tlio residents of that section nearly four hundred bodies have been takeuout of the old cemetery at during the past few weeks j the street and sidewalk committeels estimate of improvements- for the present year is not yefforthcoming the crewsons corners sabbath cbool picnic at bunisgrove on tlomiuioij day promises to be an enjoyable entertainment the funeral of mrs alex mann srl last wednesday 10th iust was one of largest processions ever seen in this vicijit gardenparty under the auspicei tjf theladies aid society of the methodist church at mrs edward moores residence this evening- i i the georgetown bakery delivery team took a lively dash down mill street while here hvst friday there was no- fall in bread however i the treasmeia sale of lainls iu arrear for taxes in the several muncipauties of tjie county- will be held- at the court house milton next plonday glucose observes the orangeyilje poet is abeut threefifths as sweet as cauc sugar and about one fifth as sweet as the average af ton jbaideu mr mckinlay lds georgetown will visit acton professionally on the second and fourth wednesday of eachmoutlij he will be here next wednesday i it is hoped that sunday boating wout be so largely indulged in again as it was last sunday kemember the sabbath day to keep it holy young friends j what is an epistle v asked a teacher iu one of our local sabbath schools last sanjay afternoon the wife of an apostle replied the bright littli scholar we are afraid there are some people hereabonts who ignore s pauls injunction not to be carried about by every wind cf doctrine by the sleight of iheu messrs bell ifc dynes are doing the bulk of painting in town this season they are doing some tery fine work on mr bobt wallaces residence north of the gtk the services by the plymouth brethren in gieens hall are still being continued mrbfcewaiii of ballast iceland superin- f tended several of the services during the week mrs- stafford is having her residence oiibower aventre remodelled and improved a bay on the west side and a neat gothic window over the front door are among the transformations we notice that those people who are con tinually speaking of people minding their own business aie the very kind whose glib tongues assist to make a paper iu a country town cf little interest i rrseveral hundred citizens retired from the banks of jucklins pond on sunday afternoon about five oclock with rather disappointed countenances the rumored immersions failed to take place lacrosse is progressing the boys- are getting in some iinejractise theolubhas secured the drivingparkfor the season a finefield a match is in prospect for the 25th inst and another for the 1st pros the peoples manufacturing gos circular deserves to be generally well fe- garded they employ no agents and sell for cash or approvednotes bearing interest- machines first class with all attachments alli goods guatnted the promoters have beecrfor years in the wholesale busi- iiesb we have received jhe ellventh num ber of the canadian pictorial and illustrated wat kews it contains a number of -ex- cellent illustrations and a line wopage portrait of gen middletou the pper sells at 15 cents per copy obtainable from local booksellers and from the office of publication a lacrosse club was organized in acton last week acton has the material for a good club and will no doubt be able to place a strong team- in the field in- due time imount forest itepreeentalire you can bet your latt winters overshoe they will and they will be pleased to see the editor of the jiep bring his team down some fine l aftemoen j 5 w mr thos t moore and his friend mrj boss of york went put last friday evenitt on a trout 4tishing trip- and succeedod inj basketing svfine trout soelatedwereithyj witb hiccess of fridays exctujsioli saturday imorning bright and ariy jfcbeyj started again and early in the forenffl jetdrhed with co speckled beauties m5ffi for stories inninfls were played 2 to3 in favor of the the re smfn match wa pstilt 5 to 8j ns iu a victory of 100 thejdegrecjot ba was conferred upon him i wo coi igiatnlato liian- his many friends will rejoice to learn of his success i base ball matches the maplcj leafk torontos had a moji guelph aud the t exoitiug base ball matcli at guelph lastlwednebday i twelvo ijshsh a stretjt oomrmsbionor at the coi moil meeting onl ttesday night the coiincil by bylaw apoi itcd a street oommibeionor mr ismoud ii fleer in thib matter we consider that tho council has aotcd wisely mi will now bo carefully superintended and the iuterpsts of the village in street improvements will guarded valuable piopevty for sale by advertisement in anothi r column it will be noticed ihat all the pro jaty belong ing to the late benj w nioklin esq will be old byauction on wednesday m july the estato embraces some vah ty the steam flour mill aii legeb bhould command ready prices there is certainly no able location for a profitable inessthan this thia mill if tho midst of a good wheat diutrict ib six miles ifitaiit froni any other millis within a few hundred yards of the ma hi lino of the gtb and there is every real on to lead us to believe it to be a rare and a we hope somb enterprising ant capitalist will sepure it the inland bakery on the cornor main streets are comparativ well built tho other should also sell well able -proper- mill privi- salo at good more favor- milling bus- situated in aluable site experienced brick dwell- of mill and ly new and proplerty named moss s mowat and the score stood leafs on saturday played in toronto for the torontos by there wasevery evidence that one of the leaf s team sold the game to toronto gamblers the- offer ding player lias been expelled from the tor m referring to tins jfiriiisays th spirit of gambling on the iiance3 of base ball games will lower tho- sport to a level beneath that of horse races wl ich aire fixed the amys jubilee the vnbileci and banquet given by the salyatio a aniy last thursday evening was quite a success the parade headed by guelpll vrmybrass band was a most at- tractivfe featuije the banquet was a very liberal ue nd the jubilee meetmg was md conducted with very much iebs than usualecceutricities amtmg the offic jrs a distance were staffcapt margetts ailc cant and mis freer 111 l guelph camida lack with lieutenant and cad t brkmptou and lieut mutton preston the members of the army here have ieisou tt congratulate themselves on the su ess of this their first jubilee grand celebration on dornimpn day arrai gemeiits have been c ompleted foi holding a grand celebration in acton driv ing ass nations parkon dorr inion day on a scale 6 eclipse i 11 former efforts prizes amounting iii ihe iggregate to nearly 300 or competition in races tug of mr etcrtmd the each several contest are acton before sion h ded rev mclean barristers arc prej ared to give full pari iculars fo intending pi rchi ikis wo chips field day i lastthursday will be ii memorable day with on- chief magistrate in he fact hat nearly i he whole day was devoted to the hoaringiand deterinining upon 3ases coming under tlie imagistratos jurisc iction the first caste was one of assault j lowen plain tiff k worsuop defendant after exam ination of a number of itnesses the magistrate fined the accuse 1 8250 and costs oij tihivtydays iu jail iheiiext was a case- presented by the sal ation army agaiusiutlie same party as abose for disturb ing theii meeting five or i ix witnesses were hfcflrd and tlie prisone making no denial of the charge was fined 85 and costs or thirty days with the privihge of paying fine within two weeks the tjhird case was the most important and wai cases considered peculiarly room frequenters the chargb was against mrs jaije garvin for neglecti ig to support her illegitimate child d mc gibbon ton for defendant john di war county crown attorney for the queen thecaso occupied about three hours produced in court and seen centre of attraction he is a goodnatured little cherub gi dence pf having been well circd for and wonld be an object oj pride on the part of most fathers and mothers he case was ras isusiial with such founl a most per plexing and difficult one to judgment was reserved t the mother is lookiiig after tie welfare o the little one purely personal will be awarded games a nd spo rfs prizes ffered- higher ihalie- for ver at 0 dilock am by hvhohft alongand musingname match it 10in races at 1230 ftm pm jrorthelo itiso- offered ia alithumpian- proces- thecelebrated general lacrosse games sports and bicycle and horse races at 230 ers of sport acton illbe a centre ofattrac ion on dominion day ordinal ion servic es erby minister in charge of tbelbaptistcbarches of georgetown and acton was ordained at georgetown last week jev dr stewart of cheltenham was appointed mderatorandmrbd warren acton i gcretary the service commenced at 730 m rev geo abbs read 1 cor 2 and led inpiayer aftor which dr stewart preached fron 1 cor 2 o-io- the candi date wt s then called forward the ordina tion piayer was offered by rev m p campbell the right hand of fellowship by revajex yarrejn the charge tpthe candi date by dr stewirt arid the charge the church by renf i- b cook after which the benedic iou was dffered by the candidates a coun ty bridge to renew the bridgo over the credit at barbers paper mills georgetown fell through about a week igo as mr r leslie with bis wife and fat ler and two children weif crossing the ho seswerle precipitated inb the water but fot tunately the wagon with its human freight remainedj on the timbers ropes were pi ocured anl- with the assistance of gentlen en couiiected with the paper mill the hoi wen drawn out of the ten feety of water- jo one wlas hurt and the animal i were not injured from their in vofemto rv bath the escape however was a narrow one ard the occupants of the vehicle were seme what frightensd as well they might be proceed at bncf t put in a new bridge x from the many modes of ap lying it the public is uncertain how best o use it to meet that want mcgrego r the county council wilf carbolic cerate is prepared and used with confidence do n t be misled take only mcgregor puikes carbolic cerate sold at j e mcqarvinb store acton paragraphs respecting beopl with whom our readers are indivuually or collectively acquah ted miss nettie bners of parkhill made her acton friends a brief visit las mrs a a hall aiid chih reu of pene- tanguishene arei the guests of mr thomas ross of yo daughter lmmawere guests t moore last week mr b haslett and family left for theii- new home in detroit on mouc ay night w wish them every success miss maggie cameron of elora and miss kate campaign of c odericb avp guests at cedar jcreek farm mrs james nickliu left fori on tuesday morning mr remain here until after the sajle of his lat fathers estate we are pained mr m i magill ba of hi milton mi magill was a personal friend of the editor of tlie fkee pnessjduring thei r college day he graduated with honors ancgavepromis 3 of becoming one of the shiniu j lights in hi j day comrumption blightel his bright young life just as he was emeriug upon p brilliant and useful career while on their recent trip messrs james moore and j litt your infuses with ready mixed pains tfie tur of paints oils varuishes ete iu tow the lowest prices is jit mcgjarvins drug and statiojnery store e r bo 27 ljower wyndham st cuelph oiie of those cy by court- the babe was ed to be the fine healthy es cverv evi handle and in the meantime veek friends iere k with his df mr thos thursday june iltli 1885 juat received from manchest er another case of those beaivti- ful sattetfs iu lovely colors guelph c irish and designs it is not puttin it too strong to say nothing equal to liqeu shown that has this thera iu- guelph season and every lady ii handsome service- iowell mich nicklin will at leuimiug t f the death of new yors mcgarvii called upon mr a e matthews formerly of acton at syracuse ny they fourii al enjoying good ltealth high spirits aul full of business he now occi lpies the pos tionof manager j of the buflalo and ohio telegraph co at syracuse at a salary cf 875 per month the its congratulations free phess extend s the virtue of carbolic acic cleansing and purifying is wa 1 known but methocistministirs changes the methodist conferences controlling tlie chi rch in ihi section have closed their annual proceedin s and have made the fol lowing manges ir the location of ministers in this district guelrii norte k street j w holmes sec of conferenc guel ihj- dublf i street w s griffinv dd upt and h h carson acton robert phillips rock wood fnmcib swan fergus j s colling geoiijetowii jar dlgien williams circuits have be m amalgai naied and the newcircuit has two minister a married and a single man- w snflionl ba and j j rapp tort doveijg w calvert qlinton wjwspaihg miltn e a russ pres niagara cons ference j i traf i jgarpaid hunt watrdowri c codkman i rev r phjillps who is appointed to succeec rev jm collingi was stationed here so me twelve years ago and during his stay thanhad a ei-y- successful pastorate- the rx inistaaljioi is of jmr phillips have beeh v ry genera ly attended with success and wc have no doubt he will accomplish much 6od on hisfeturn to this circuit we tri st lie will receive a hearty reception as sho vn above rev mr colling removes to ferj us j hisremoval is deeply regretted heiilanilcoiiirnrtro the suffering browns household panicea has no equal for relieving pain botji internal and external it cures paiu in tl e side back or bowels sore throat rheumatism toothache lumbago and any kind qf a pain or acbe it will mos silrely quick en the blond aud ileal as its is wonderful browns h mseliold pan acea being acknowledged as the great pain reliever and of double the strength of any other elixir or liniment in the world should be in everyiat lily bandy for use when wiuted as il rea ly ia the bqt remedy in the world for cramps in the stomach aud pains aud aclh s of all kinds and is for sale by all dniggis s at 25 cents a bottle i 1 44 l b thepeonle generally pkimymax- the cradle in acton on the wife of mr thos perrymar of a daughter the grave maoili at his fathers resid suce 28 liber ty street hamilton on jtne fith mil magill ba only son of jleorgo magill esq late of saltfleet t for healin requihng able washing material should see them we also shown iu the mus lin department wiiiieliileiidn syrie white and cream persian lawns win eiand cream persian diir- mitt whjte ami cream ham- burg jnets black spanish flouncingsj white and cream madras american spotted lawis fancy french organ dies icoloed india mulls pin cream aud sky oatmeal clot is whitepiques and-nar- seillesj new pointed lawus aud cambrics lovely new zeplyi ginghams very fine mus in delaiues ouri stock is new fresh an chekp and customers are ussured of the most satis- facte ry treatment h parkcis may be drug 46 acting power being you o 12 diffe oth hajll twee suitings beautiful desicns -ix- ent shades shaw grundy merchant tailors guelph r magnetic otl cures rheumatics neuralgia lame back stiff joints and chilblains cures chapped hands frost bites butjns and scalds sciatica etc magjstjetig oil ts a mpst usefu remedy for both mau a id beast magnetic oij is splendid for coughs and colds sore throt t and croup magnetic oil is sold by all druggists 25 cents a pottle liniment known giving you the ge mine magnetic oil egul range of choice ginghams from 10 cents up special lines en spuing hosiery special lines in spring gloves all shades sp e6j al driven in parasuls special line ofcarets at all prices specialties in millinery and qhildrens hats specialties inigentlemens clothing i- speci4l line of layer rais ns really be aut1ful frult at 120 per box at and ia actually the lxst insist on lyour druggst- now or never i beg- to iiifoifm the residents of halt u that i am about to leave acton short ly and those debi ring j a first class photogrape should not fail delay but to call at mice dohi c me now and avoid 1 he rush memorial worcis of appreciation respect regret nd sympathy bt the cotjnty council at t ie last meeting of the county coun cil mr w h storey on the behalf of the commi ttee appointed to draft a memorial to mrs liitile on the death of her late hue- band ireseuted the following county council chaiiibers mflton june 2 1885 j to mns robebt lrrtjje a ston county of haltpn dear madam we the warden and memtjers of the county council of halton now in session debire to express to ar deep and heartfelt regret at the cabinet ho another lot of that specialties in gents furnishings i li great bargains at hftlton dey famous 50c tea nelsn rvlcrae co ihe- 1 goods house j gjtoosr loth inst the loss si istained by you as well as the county by the death of your esteeraed and lament ed huj band robt little esqlate public school inspector of this cpunty we de sire t record our high appreciation of the services rendered by him to the county of haltoa during the many years of mb in- speotcrship the comity op halton loses by hit death an efficient public servant and one vho during his association with the interests of eduoation wab fully devoted to duty and assiduous in promoting the wel fare cf the people his exalted character gentle manlycon and amiability of dis- posit h will continue to be remembered arid vi ill live in the memory of all while we kn ow how vain it is to gild a grief with words still we feel that oursympathymay in sbne measure assist you to bear your afflict ion knowing that others share youj loss- i- signed james menziks warden 1 whsrouer w mcleod rig baxteb n lisdbat the motion to adopt the memorial was carrie d by an unanimous standing vote uuii more money than at anything else by anything else by taking an agenoy for it e best selling book out beginners succe grandly none fail- termblwci hau tt book go portland maine j 250 from 25 per dozen up life size crayon poitraii s made from ssee mynejv and easel photos or a special sitting j ftagh myrt is t iu br iue lctterg none other genuine moving bur trot bl of order take wih grigorb vines jpbgre old pictured iombitied music bask c w hill caution xuoofthe marked vjtaitoetfti if troubled w i ftedlly- sl6f hentikfc sore use if sw fffffkwr 0 r bolio oerste yi f iil 11 fe lor healing cjea lsi cpinpltjty 1 b- if the blood i pit nier before in canada were goods offered so cheap as we are offering tl them this spring weihavel as ctoice a stock as can hefbpnditu auy city and we aredoing the trade find shirtingi that jvere formerly jvorth 2tev we are selling for 12cj cotions a yard wide splend d qualltv at 5 knd fie embroidep rg at 3 and 5c worth 10c prints at 5c and upwards of ifour hundred patterns to select from dress goods at 8c and upwards mu8liijsandilawn8 beautiful patterns iri color cream and white at 7c and upwardi istovesahil hosiery it payb to always keep the best hi most stylibh goods and we siricerely thacktheladies of acton and vimnlty for their liberal patrbiage this sririiigj by such we are greatly encouraged ini our efforts in introducing a jfiherclass than heretofore kept i we of xjry goodaf and millinery lin acton hliie regatta hirts dleuloid cllass aijiju cuffs iotlishelat goodsithat we tjm gall 6k us for- 3- lnd caps stou can rey on thebt afd cheapest stock dy ioods and boots oishois aid giroceries -if- si- u -j- i rlit v- x jtv 31 w if9svs

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