Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 18, 1885, p. 4

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i win i fr i wk m m ii m asked by her beau for a kvss demurely contented she sweetly assented am their lips looked exactly like mas j i bhther p interrupted the bliss lid said whos this young fellow aw j anditlut more ado the young fellow flew atid hi eyes looked oxaolly like thisi tern is muoh to bo bard the ou being asked of hie banqueter at o o bate vertie n b glulkiu weljfa arning and comfort o t 5 i iv v i- has a note whiskers becauso a broker flnvesit ia sailor is the proper pereoii to pass the compliments of the season jare our farmers tousorial artists from shear necessity or isvitj because they ase stool raisers a whisker dye must be con venieut tense easy to apply impossible to rub off elegant in appearance and cheap in price buck- iughi ms dye for the whiskers unites in it self a 1 these merits try it nwili dixie tht wile of mr j kennedy dixiop 0- was c ured of a chronicongh by hagyards pectoral balsam the best throat and lung j healeb known tkebestvel the best blood cleausfer known to medi cal science is burdock blood bittars it purifies the wood of all foul humpm and gives strength to the weak a fourfold wort burdock bloodjbitters act at the same time upon the liver the bowels the kidneys i and the skin relieving or curing in every case- warranted satisfactory or money re funded i i better than told agood name good health a good com panion and a bottle of hagyards yellow oil are among the first requisities for hu man happiness yellowoil cures rheuma- i iism sprains lameness bruises burns prost bites croup sore throat and alf ipain and inflammation j a 8rce8sti khsi 1 t mr bloomer -of- hamilton ontsuffered for many years with a painful running sore upon one df his legs which baffled all at- i tempts to heal until he used burdock blood bitters which speedily worked a perfect f cure j jtrue statement i kind words can never die and there j are none bat kind words spoken regarding hagyardsellow oil that old reliable remedy for external and internal use it cures rheumatism deafness croup sore throat and all soreness and wounds of the flesh ham liton happenls there is now being manufactured here an article for instantly removing paiif of any acute external nature and it is cer tainly the most perfect cure for neuralgia headache toothache andthe like that has ever been tried it is called fluid light ning from the rapid manner in which it acts and is manufactured by mcgregor parke sold in acton by j e sicgarvin dnjggist a d noyes newark michigan writes if have enquired at the drug stores for dr eclectric oil but have failed to find it we brought a bottle with ub from quebec but it is nearly gone and we do not want tobe without it as iffy wife is troubled with a pain in the shoulder and nothing else gives relief can you send us wkjijt day ye a to a jftfce of ronmbrcr tv- u- quest the a- erago lj rding house oalls up retain- iscemesof otjeap cohtigviity to- the horns aud bsef steak jtlireecutfe south tuoreof ho of coarse will pask xiuloss it occurs tohira that i ho need 3 i hiiigo for his trunk rbhouldihere le any buffering the effcouot au iudulgehoe iu such siiidoub fare use mo gfegors spee ly cure a sure and effectual remedy for dyspepsia constipation and all raffeotious nfue stomach and liver 8pld ibyj e moparyiu iacton trial miles i ttuld llghtnln tncreare b it few that have never suffered almost nitolnrable paiu froih toothache jurmgia oi hko acute pains to fliera suohau iostait reliof asj fluid liightniug is au untold bit ssfug in time of trouble no disgusting oflenive medioiues to be taken or days on 9 application of fluid tight injr cures sold at j e mcgarvins drugstore- k 29 t h e lden csrtjshifls our great summer sale being determiued to soil all our summer stbok as at the endbf this montbi 1 mr williamson sa tls for the british markets tttrltvrivcb dollar upob dollaris frequently spent on thefiith of recommen lations for articles entirely wo thless j pt so with mc gregors spe 2dy cure you aro not ased to purchase it until its merits are proven call at j t mcgarv n drug store and get a free tri il bottle ai id if not convinced it will cure j ou of the vorst forms of dys pepaia live complaint etc jno matter of how long standing it costs you nothing ijold in 50c t nd 1 bottles see tpstimon alsfroni persons in your owa town 29 itclilni llc symptoms ana care tlie symp omsarc moisture likeperspir ation intense itching increased by scratch ing very dii trcssihg jparticalarly at night seems as if j in- worms were pawling in and about the rsctumj the private parts are jected if allowed to continue very serious results may follow swaynes diktmekt s a pleasant sutc cure also for tetter itch salt rheumj all scaly crusty skin diseases sent by mail for 50 cents 3 b xes 125 iplstamps ad 4res8 dr s wayne sol philadelphia pa sold bjr drhggists 56 the sure effects of ayerfs sarsaparilla are thoroug a and permanent if there is a lurking tair t of scrofula bbut you ayers sarsaparill i will dislodge ft and expel it from your system boot mztjy shoie at business in acton will offer his entire stbck cost and under ess safteen over one hundred pieces lovely arcadia muslins at 5 and g centb a yard worth i2 cents five hundred piecej double struck db in all shade i 12j cents worth 20 cents summer silks is endless variety 42 j cents silk gloves from 25 cents 300 dozen of the best josephine kid gloves 25 cents sold elsewhere at 8100- price is ho object at this salo when you enmu to our city beware of going lo those 8ooou4hand stores come direct to the- dry qoods ing no old goods kept here mbnc tvebi suits at 5500 the w0htss of all i j p williamson co parties desirous of so jurjug bargains will fiud it to their own advantage to- oall early and select before the stock becomes reduced fresffl spring which will be offered at prices which astonish every customer i- ou hand all of heal hollowais pills and ointment ilci dfoi working people send 10 cents ntfcf pj t ani we yig ma you free a royal valuable sample bos of goods that will put you in the yay of iniaking more money in a fewdays than you ever thought possible at my business capital not re quired y iu can live at home and work in spare time duly or all the time all of both sexes of all ages graridlv successful 50 cents to 5 easily earned etery evening that all who want wprk may test the bus ness we m ike this anparalleled offer to all who are riot well satisfied we will send 1 to pay or the trouble of writing us full partic ilars directions etc sent free immense piy absolutely sure for all who start at ence dont delay address- stepson- i o portland maine -f- j t j i 1 j i i- j mr alexander bxbinsduof eieter in writing about one of the most popular articles and one thiit has douemore good to the afflicted than any other medicine has during the short time it has been iu existence says i have used four bottles of northrop lyinansvegetable discov ery and dyspeptic cure which permanently tones the stomach regulates the bowels purifies the blood and gives a healthfu glow iu the cheek ijollowayti puu though good health is preferable to- high lionour how regardless people often are of the former hov covet ous of the flatter many suffer their strength to draiu away er maturity is reached through ignorance of the facility afforded by these incomparable puls of checkiugthq first untoward symptomsof de rangement and reinstating erder without in terieriiigrhthfc least with their pleasure or pursuits to the youug especially it is important to maintain the highest digestive efficiency without which the igrowth is stunted the muscles become lax the frame feeble and the mind slothful theremovid of indigestion by these pilisis so easy that none save tl e most thoughtless would per mit it to sail the- springs of life if a tew grainsot common sense couid be infused into the thick noddleb of those who perpetually and alternatelv irritate and- weaken the r stomachs and bowels with- drastic purjatives they would use the highly accre lited and healthful laxative and tonic worth rop ly mans vecetable dii overy and dyspepttconre which causes good digeition to waiti an appetite and- health on biith j 32 idvlce to mothers are you liisturbec athiglit andbrokenp your rist ty a sick child suffering r eryingiwth paiu of cuttiug teetll if to aiind at oncii and get a bottle of mrs win dows soothing syrup fox children teething its valoje is incalculable it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately de pend upon it mothers there is no mistake about jt it cures dysentery and diarrhbeht regnla x thc stomach and bowels curs wind colic i softens the gams reduces in- flaram il ion and gives tone and energy jfo theiri loletlyemi j mrs wjiulowisoothib a sffrupfiir gluidreiijecthiug ia pleaaaoto the til its and ia the prescription if one f the ol 1 istand best female nurses and- piy iitiam u the ijnited states and is for mile bj jri tdruggisfci ibonghtfnfc the wotjd price va i cents a- bottle ty i i fataltkuajvewtbkvtment perhaps the most extraordinary success that has b en achieved in modern medicine has been attained by the dixon treatment for catarrl out of 2000 patients treated during the past six months fully ninety per cent h ive been cured of this stubborn malady iiis is none the less startling when tis emembered that not five per cent of pal ients presenting themselves to the regular practitioner are benefitted while the patent medicines and other advertised cures never record a cure at alll e tartiw with the claim now generally t elieved by the most scientific rnen that tie disease fs due to the presence of livihg pirasites in the tissue mr dix on at bnce adapted his cure to their exter mination- this accomplished he claims the caitarr uis pratically cured and the permapency is naqaestoned ascureseffect- ed by him four j ago are cures smh no one elsa has ever attempted to cure catarrh in this manner and no othe treat- mentlias ever cured catarrh- therappli- catioh of tie remedy is simple and can be done at home and the present season of the year is the most favorable for a speedy and permauent cure the majority of cases being cure 1 at one treatment sufferers should cor espoud with messrs a h dix- fcn soi 305 king street west toronto canad a a id enclose stamp for their treat- ize on caurrh montreal star nov 1782 k nfis evil was toe iamej formerly given to scrofula because of a superstition that itpouldbe cured by a kings touch the world la wiser no and knows that scrofiila can only be cured by a thorough purifica tion of tie blood if this is neglected the dlsea e perpetuates its taint through generatio l after generation among its pearlier sflnptomatfc developments jare eczema cutaneous eruptions tu mors b ills carbtincles erysipelas pumler t ulcers nervous and phy sical co uapse etc if allowed to con- j tinue rieumatlsm scrofulous ca- tara ludney and liver diseases tubercular consumption and vari ous other dangerous oriatal maladies are produced by it ayers sarsaparilla is he on y powerful and always reliable bloodpu ifying medicine it is so effect ual ah alterative that it eradicates from the system hereditary scrofula and the kindr d poisons of contagious diseases and merury at the same time it en riches and vitalizes the- blood restoring healthful action to i the vital organs and rejuvenat ing the entire system tmsgreat rejenerative medicine is composed of the gennlne eondtiras sarsapaiua with yellow dock if- lingia tne iodides of potassium and iron an other ingredlenta of great po- tency cirefully and scientifically com pounded its formula lagenerally known to the medjcal profession and 4he iest shyslclais constantly prescribe tmb aesapi hitm as an j lsolute ure for all d seases caused by the vitiation of the blooc it is concentrated to the high- est prac icable degree far beyond any other rasrrapit for which like effects are elate ed aid is therefore the cheapest purifying medl- as well is the jbest blood cinein1hjbwwd ayers sarsaparilla wepabedby dfijkajei co lowell mast analytical chemists sold iy allbrugglsts pricelj sis boulforfo j fl 1 pixies correct all disorders of the cii kidneys and liowels l they invigorate aud restore to health debilitated constitutions ami arc invaluable iu all complaints incidental to fimalcs of all ages for children and the aged are priceless purify the bl od liveil stoms hev the- is an infallible remedy for bad ligs bad breasts old y rounds sores aud ulcers it is famous for gout and rtieun iatiem for disorders 0b sorb tbaoaps broxtosztis glandular swellings and all skin joints it acts like n charm xlauufacturcd ouly at 76 jtcw oxford street and aie sold at is hd 2s 9d thomas hollo ways establishment purchasers should luck to t lie 5ia oxford s kie33srneifr have now their spring stock ciniplete m all lines ai value in the following cents boots and shoes ladies shoes and slippers boys sr oes in creat viirietvy girl bubbers slipper cives the best of satisfactic w h fo r all ointment late 533 is gd lis ozford if the chest it has ho equal coughs colds diseases it has no rivul and for contracted and stiff expense parties indebted to mo will pleasecall and sottle their accounts and thereby save oxneuse hbvmeailthy new fcbods cheap goods e t leading vtiolesale and retail carpet dealers fr street london bag 22s and 33s each box or pot and may be had of all mciicmc vendors thoughout the jorkl alel on tlic pou and boxes if the address is not trcet london they ale spurious the dominioi boot shoe store bros 1 d uie offering the public extra s shoes in creiit variety childrens shoes of every kind trunks etc always instock good assortment out ordered work ri bepairing neatly and carefully performed e can suit you call kenney bros a chance to hake 100 m kto 3txtsordlii- xv111 xlebelve iiess j tlueax i 3s cents in 0aalj tbetollcnrtnelistof priies wiu be a warded to the peiwrnswholbiibscribe forlottr paper between tbis aandthe30uidayof jnly posltli ilj and nbsalalely no costponemebt tril t7t17t v pttivt wii1 c 3 n p ar 6nbription books and mu ruh jir 1 1 lliilli3 tpu regularly tice anfonth for sumontlw the farm field and istocfcimui twund etncbc 1 and cot and rend yon jmmaliatcly by scaled mail one nam bered receipt good for one oi toe following presents the list of presents to be given oiir subscribers 50jja greenbksfao each 810c 100 1ijs grcenbks 10 each 10oo 100 vh orecnbks 3 each 500 a cnu vrl-rf- 1iwi 500 stemwinding watches free if on a fifty cent investment ztjc 300 robroy fiftwnft canoe 1 fourtored bow- iifr- 10 vhi govt bonds 8300 ench 85000 30 uagreeuvks 8100 each 2000 1 cash prize 1000 20 ujgreenbks 850 each 1000 grand pulor orpuis 3 grind futnob 1 rentrroot sloop sailtboat 1 boat 1 columbia bicycle 2 fhztoni 5 top bri im 5 hripant blacksilk drtfi titleni 2 tiuipt cuts 5 best sicrersnr inf machines 1 kw silk parlor siiiu 2 pi sh silk rarlor suitfc 5 siltej- tinner services 1 black walnnt xirble top chamber soil 100 seu solid silver teupoons i b u the tell 100 sola silver ttbletpoons 100 solid silver jleimrt spoons 100 sets silver fork 6 to the set 100 sets suvc rplaled dinner knives 6 tojthe set 100 silver snrsj shells 50 stiver lee ktchen 1000 photograph albojni laadi 1 000 pocket silver frtft knivej lw gentlemens rocket knives jo genue- mens gold w itches 20 ladies gold watehc i 20 boys watches 3 solitaire diamond finirer itincs 2w0 souvenir art portfolios 500 ladies gpld locked ww tkid f ticer rins ioo ladies breastpins 200 gents scarf llntind vtatch chains 2000 fine mounted cold toothpicks 500 beaut ful sickel clocks 250u gold too hpicks 2000 cold retails 104 telescopes every subscriber who anes not cetioue of tl e above valuable prues will tree ve a present of tvresity4ve celts in eajfcu remember everyone who subscribes for six mnths vriu receive our elegant tlluilrated paper for tix months and ene hecelpt joed for one of the mbore prtenls ranginj from 25 cents- in cashtolln thousud dollars la ctsh ouriaperhas now i bona fideeircuulion of 150floo subscribers has been estihishca e iht years ill of tbe above presents will be awarded july ajth in a fair and impartial marpier a full list of the award nvil befomished subscribers free your nnmo on onr subscription books tnr i regnlarly twice a jmonthfor one year the farm field and stockman ana pond you imra untely by eealed mail tlirec nmnbered receipts good for three of the alxrie present postage i tamps taken i i frff inoi lively taior what papers nijtufbest the ptvp 1fl7 trit tar wewm enter your nrimo on onr mbscription iwoka and mkil ruxl v1xj ukjljljpllx yon regularly twice alnonth for one year th j t ijaijiy b gj jjym t nmnbered recel ipstaken cc in order jhit we may positively know what pipti lt publisher has bouiit 500 stcmwindina watcher as ttalches will be ivan atray tothe first 000 people who answer this advertuement ard give ua the nameof the paper where and these 600 they saw tbe advertisement if yua send us 6 cents yon wilt be entitled to bnc watch and one receipt gmd for ae prctebt these wateees are warranted tobe good timol kpers i i the paper is worth double the subscriptio price as to our reliability wo i refer to any bank or express companyln chlcar and the commercial agencies- w are now known the world honey in sums of tl maybe sent in an ordinary letter at our risk lsrfer sums should be sent by postal kotk or registered letter p 0 honey order or express be ssesiber these are frrsenls flm to ir sahserlberr ibhlnlely free the ii is the rejulsr subscription price le tnptper for one year and 0 cents for six mc aths so thi tbeso presents cost you nothinp address farm field amp 8 rockmah 89 randolph st ohloago hi 0 a fine brussels carpt is fipe tapostrv ca fioc wool can our garmoat yarietfy at the- mammoth i house i georgetown crdyid turik railway goinijeast ooisowest mlxid cloaiil exureis 7l0am past mall 1102 arq tbrougli es aa1 pm accom coach 11 pm express 1247 am express 1102 am mail 545 n4ri special 880tj4b accom conch 8c0 im clijctfgoexprobb does not stop betweoiijbu6lpti and torouto c timeofrobjofaib goingwosi lb40amftna5s0pm j giliik east lowaiirj and fl20 pm i- 7 english mail closes at 10 am on wednesday canadian pacific railway to all lointrt i have a full stock of r east and wbsit coxi ensed tlile tujle i evlil toronto to detroit chicago and manitoba stjjonis e pacific ex ixcalex torohtoj 810am 1 25pm 410 pm 8tretsvillojun9 10 2 19 5 20 tthomas 12 05pni 5 25 8 55 petroit 2 4p 8 30 6 30ftm chicago 1 30 tun 7 55 5 45 pm wifinippg- 7 00 daily except monday idrqnto to montreal q nebec and boston v limited ex montreal ex toronto 8 25am 7 55pm osaa- 0yppm i 5 17 am mtatrcal 042 85fj quebec 0 30am 9 50pm- boston 8 30am brampton to streetsvillevjunction bramoton 7 22om 404 pm streetarille jct 7 45- 4 25 bifampton tj orangeille and ortcn sound brampton i 9 37 am 5 45 pm ortingevflle i 11 05 g 57 owen sound 0 30pm 10 20 i borchase your tickets by this new and popular line ntoir jmcgayin- ticket agent acton ontario fuse gf trnjllrl subscrib nnrn ip i paper jclil except if aivttt mentsvil tion sa qaeiit iil loiinea j niontlisjf notice 1 the peeo coinpanj raent the spa solid nol ot j o a king street east hamiltbria make a specialty 0f- pets rf fine cocoa mittings bestenglis i oilcloths4 yds wide best liudoums 4 yards wide fine li cejcurtain8 fine madras curtaids firje tapestry curtaius fine turcoman iurtaius fitiii tapestry oyeririga fine furnitujre coveiiogs fine curtain poles fine chain cauds best quality carpet sweepers bestjquality sprihp rollers fine stair rods fine shade poles best quauty best patterns lowest prises ji j mckay 48 king street past hamilton the 2ast end olotaing store f a hi01mble taiiirilrtstg spring twqeds worsted coatings and servos at the ast end clothing store re isaie perfect fitting nd oil tae latest artistic desigas afine assortment of spring hats also on jjand thousands of ladies theniw ladies missis fans belts sto broidered wool charming lace curtains quilts yarns etc andpiano coders direct from tjeipznj this week being pnrcbastd kibgstrcfct east close to hugbsoju street hamiltoimayslsti if 8 jxcptioi hcxt adapted to re vision thcij i arc especially 63hattoa garden loadoc and 246 st james st hoatreal ground sciautijkaui from clear atdpure vehblf optical glass especially manufactured fur the piirimse tlwij urn without tore the ravage of agn nui to retain perfect recommended by the mudemji cut faculty kvery pair o spectacles and eyeglaseis is iiiarked jb j e mcgaryn li druggist sole a pent for a cton ont- i 1- ibie mammoth is iinuiid this season to eclipse all its iortnei efforts in the way o belling goods cheap j in showing a large variety in the get up htylpand cbeitprress of tbtir millinery the correct thing in the style make antl price in dressmating we liavej u uew large and varied stock in all the latest novelties in millinery our drees goods stock is now vjery targe including silks satins ottomans etc a magnificent silk tor 27acy wort li 75c in the milliner and dressmaking tlepailments weddi inr and mourning orders a specialty tlie mj nagers of the millinery dressmaking uidinan tie departments are changed but have secured the best talent extant ladies can come with confiderice and leave thpir orders j brints and ginjhams in all the latest styles extraordinary cheap staples of all kindfe including chicked shirtings cottoriades grey aud cottons cottons shirt- iugs cotlonades aid all canadian goods we buy direct from the mills and selltliem it wholesale pricjes i our ordered chthing and gents funiishingidepaftment was never in a more com plete state gent lemen may come with utmost confid nce and leave their orders and we will suit thsniih price tyle fit workmanship find fariety carneu we have an immense si ock from 12ic upwardsibootsand shoes ii largo variety prices rigliti keadyniade clpthii gi we have a large slock and we sire bole ing u cleariu sale until tve reducp the stick great bargains we will give a good su t for 4 ave have the ut most iconfidencie it asking the patronage of the public we vill sell yon goodsat awav down bottom jricef i mcleod andehson p pmatniticent tisitiag iio ejjfht house to covered l5hick satin parasols imd twilled la vatinojparasols cheaper than ever nice gingham drepgoopaonly 12jcnicewidc prints 5c only 74c vdry fine wibe fast colored prints only 8o an immense variety of th goods of all kinds ailarre lot of tweeds selling a about half their real value stripedapd cpected shirtings rom ijob upi just fese tbe 10c shirtine it won snrt toseethe dress buttons hey are new and beiiutiful aud very cheap immense bargains given in bl wk cashmeres colored cashmeres me inocs and dressgdod nts of ladifss hapdsomo new ajgd beftntiiul hand bags and portmouies in leather sflk and velvet in various colors an imniense assortment of new erne in mats seeing the new dc not forgot to aee tile new french laces from paris fcty goods will bo takren backtbat are drlagedin any way after the name is aaaa the favorite aaaag ewinmehine naaaaaaaaaaaaaataaaaaaa foe family use ishj5u q igh armhigh ftni scuagjrv eri j8urafe f aimie eaymona shuttle machines hi are fitted with the patent fu 3 automatic bobbin winder himiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiitmiiitiiiiiiiiniifiiiiiiiiimiil i chas raymond j manufacturer guelphi ontarro e grains aent actoa a prize senasix cents for postage i and receive free a costly box of goods which will help you to more money right away than anything else in this world alliof either sex succeed from iirst hour the broad roftd tp fortune opens beforertlle workers absolutely sure at once address tbue co augusta maine j floral ctctjdlz ibcauafaltrorfcofi3c7irs rti v rin srn ii- hktratiods with doscrimibiis- w iit- i ri i- rfgetables prices of seeds ami ibii- in- i v ibem prlntea in english ami grttin ce ouiyia nts which may be rtoliictwl frnm firt rrtlcl- it tells what you want for the gnnlfn rr -ly-f- t instead of nirininprtnthnjjrorervu ti- rnr iiy whatever seeds liapin tolc ipp rivr rvc libsppointnient after wrelcs of win ur njgfes seeds athkajqrartii james vick recast 7 surge abcooca tiomcl hoteii f vn bj eases jof uewy monlyi teeth 1 over ai ariyev or and i ofjjenl depeudl 6perati soatlii ps vil for a ioffice ol tovdl ii torontj teeth f rates ing cal yeteni iukeij dence 1 ioundi all i ed to m bail iiueerij ja ssac j mackinac the most deughtiu stjmi t eaiaee staamers iw hete pour owpb irarsweet between detroitancnlvlackinac r a week day betweelij i detro and cl writ for onr pictuiescrue mackinac lllustraterj contains full partieularai mailed jre detroit cleveland steam nw t6 o o whitcombqen pass act detroit wlch mammoth house purchase stock of parasols direct from the european ro arjkets in great variety of prices and anilities in plain hnl r nv bettet wide fast eoltired ppiints kinds tmoniea ilk em variety manhood how lost how jtjestoreu wo havo recently publislied a uem eaition of dr cnlverweus gele- brated essay on the radical and permanent cure withoutmedieiuelof nervous debility mental anilpjiysical tncaiiac- itylmiieliments ofmarriitkc etc rcsultma from excesie3 i price iu a sealed envelope onlv qccut 6r two postage- stamps thecelebratedauthorlii tliis admirable es say clearly demonstrates from thirty years snecessf q1 practice that oloiming consequences irmyne radically enred without the dangerous use of intevnijlinedlclnes or the use of the knife fioiutingoutajmodo of cure at once simple cer- aiu and effectual by means of which every sufferer no matter what his condition may be may cure himself choaplyimvately and radically thisiiecturoshpuldbgin the haods of every yonth and evcjrymanin theiand address j ts culvcrwell medioil iov 4laun sicw vork in minnesota north dakota mojv una idaho wdshlngton and oregoa from take sniierlor puffetsbnud a ranglna chlsfly fr omi2 to 6 per acre yn is to 10 yearstlme tm ja the best country orsecurlng good homes now open for settlement boecs o acres of government r wk c c ss n6r l hotnesteait jrjlt ndtimher culture laws note 3f 5 acres ob jtose tbmx ham of all tbc public laudrdlsposed of itvoie were in the northern pacifle country books 3 sselislst descriwnt the kortbern racjjimtrytheriulroadxiddb for sale and thetobegovertimentlanda addressclu8 b uihbsh ld cdtar m p b it st psujdliuk 20 at pron m ner loan

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