Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 25, 1885, p. 1

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flfgjgsse6- r ksr ilti2ani ishspuu 18 30 j ob isc0aiu i guelph idacsda ray lanitobi i 10rui 5 s v 5 oso u i 43 v ui ids botou re j ex 7 xv p m 5 17 a tu rtniii liion i os 1 11 4 25 i sound i 4 p fc t 11 line iro 333e it iy hsh rc6e a ifsctunes u iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii id rio cto t paslae i cotlytox jwe mone ibis vvrld irt hour 1 tiorc tic cc addrc -u-i- ur jinac eland feustrated i tree nav co is act ifdred rhu a ulv reus cele- rnnttl and t lhuloutl of kiei ineapai ti iiitiii 0 u lit l rbl i u tears 11 iqluillis i a jaron- of tile kmfc i muj 1c ier mjibcien llikjjimiy bii lui uradicallv lijis ot every pal t i er lork is rem ihhj1 thursday morning t thj free tres8 power minting house mux sribkt acton ontauio t im the fjir 1rkss will be sent to subscribers postge paid for hoo per an- mini m advance 150 if not so paid no papei discontinued till- all arrears are paid except at tbe option of the publisher vivkrtisimi rvrks caasuol advertise- i nieuts 8 cents per hue for tho first msor- hioikriuiacontaper line for each ubse- umout insertion cash profession cards 10 lines orless400por anuum i square vj lines 500 per annum payable iu six months from date of insertion any special notice the objecf of which is to promote the nunmry benefit of any individual or eompmin to be considered an riwrtiw- mcntjthe number of lines reckoned the sjace ocoupiod measured by a seal of sohd nonpareil contkvct bvtl- oue column one ear hfilf column ouo v ear quitter column one v ear ouo column sit months half column sis months quarter columu six mouth one column throe mouths half cpumm three mouths cjuai wr column three mouths artibcmeuts without specific directions willbo inserted till torbi aud charged acconl- inglv- trausitorj advertisements must be paid in advance chances for contract l bo in the office b 0 a m ou mondays otherwise the will be left over uutil the follow ing week i h v moore i editor and proprietor g0u0 15 00 20 00 15 00 jo 00 13 00 20 00 1j0o 700 volunlie x number 52 act0i bankinc coy storey christie co -bankerb- ictoik ontario a gexe1 monet j e busiriess directory a7 h wry m b m c p s vy graduate of triuity college mem- ler of couese of pkjsicians aud surreous office and re at the head of fiedenck street acton hevfistkrmlci member of the college of physicians and surgeons of outano physician surgeen acujucheur oinct mulst kfutmi cvmibllls hoth acton x b special attention giveu to the dis eases of womeuand children l bbssett dentist georsetowu ontario messages l a c mckinlay l d s sargeou ueutibt georgetown ont uses uie uetfsvstem of nitrous oxide gas com- nionh called vitjwe4 for extracting teethwithout pnm have administered it over a thousand times in torouto witnout anv avil results havnug been demonstrat- oxlnd practical teacher in royal college of dental surgeons toronto patrons maj depeuttiuppu receiving satisfaction m auj operations performed omceoue door bonth of baptist church pisfleiidestal operations vitalized air or nitrons oxide gas for painless dental operattous at the ofhee of t l c b hayes l d b to ells blotk guelph out lpper wvudhaiu street x iggs t ivory dentists south j east corner king aud ionge streets torsutd ontario finest and best set teeth to s gold fillings onethird rates leave order for teeth m the moru- iu can have them the same day we hale been administering kurds vitalized u for the painless extracting of teeth dnr- vug the past vcar regardless of vhat others jiia sav- 1ohn lawsox kduate of on tanj veterinary college toronto itenuarv surgeon acton ont om in keuuv bros boot and shoe store resi lience mtlio ic ir hotbs examined as to muduesb and certificates given all calls ngit oi dxiv prouritlv attend- j u ieiius c iv f owat mcllan biristvrs solicitor i notaries cuifvey- jiicers i irmcuev to loan ornit iovvn hall acton j a mom t w a mcltvx i s oodwile1l bainsui solicitor notarj public ac gum riwx i acton rv vctim otnoc in mrs secords block john day architucr gihih ont oueen s hutfl block market points paper al lsaxklxti business tuansacred i i l0a2tss on approved notes notes discounted aud interest allowed on deposits m special agency aoton out bell tslephono company receiveiland transmitted nt lowe r cates than telegraphing allan line seamsfeips tickets issued to an points of great britain ajid the continent at very lowe at rates buy the tickets he re if sending for friends canadian pacific r ry thedi apest aud best route to all east and west see time tables moner saved by doalin with e mcgarvin acton ontario cox cbt stock brokers t0r0kt0 mentors toronto stock exchaatfc have in lependent direct wire by which newyork continuous stock quotations are received rr ore rupidl than by any other source r buv am sell on commission for cash or on margin all securities dealt in on the torontc montreal new york stock exchanges also exicute orders in grain and piovis- ions on ths chicago board of trade daily cible quotations of hudsons bay aud other stock e 26 1 p street weill igton martile wirks qu bbec st guelfh john h hamilton proprietor fonne ly mcquillan hamilton jtel i onicl square rai laidlaw a bo lviiisr is b f with i borders to ma1 parlors aoton ont thursday june 25 1883 8 who foetfvt ji the avcium piopli can sic nalnpl papeib audihorilurs at mr george hynds goods store acton mr hynds will wll at my prici ch of my fancy ti j day days boossroee deiilci in maible granite and ever flung per taming to cemeterv work received first puzes at provincial ex- lnbitiou c uelph the western fair and all local exliibitious for excellence ofs material and supenont of workmanship your orders an solicited new goods bbaoetieth bracelets tfrcelets jnev stock beiutiful pattt rus i watcbies watcjhes watc13es waltham uiid klgi l in gold a es gold fngs lopkers ji etj lptc just ppened v jiuiicirok oriii s ovei impcial bunk 21 wei- lnguin sticet east enttance exchange vllcv torouto johnbmsq c i- a mvmin w if livvl lvidi vv guihofc kulfcll patents seccrid for inventions iihmi griht orrvv cvsmj m cars practue no patent no pa lumber shinglejs andjath rpiie uudilrsffflied desires to inform the ptdilio 1 that 1 e has now on hand and vull kiep m btockaful liueof pine and hemlock as well n other kind i of lumber also first and second class pine shingles d lath coal wood hnviugi s buiith 1 btov e ioic hardwood able price i bus urcluiuld the coal bumiicu mr i am piepured tosuppl aty kindt of i have also a ood stoclgof wbbd uh cellar and mill wood at reason- wood and coal delivered i mis hkow x i e l id silver my babyboy ll jhbsjfc mvcolltooil yesi hes with me cvervvhere tiuy boy with sunny hair heaveulybweet his dainty face there perfection holds its place lips for angels kisses meet clinging hands and guileless feet in thy love therei no alloy perfect precious baby boy i all the dimpled hands have grown strong almost as my own brave brown hands bo soft while strong i may teach then yet how long for the sturdy feet must trace all the pathways p the place healthful form so full of noiae yes it is my baby boys lo into the warlds alarms he has slipped from out my arms hide the eager hasteful feet soiled with nure from the btieet hide them- no i but with my tears wash them nightly aye for years kiss tliem kiss them torn and bare wipe them with my whitening haii grown and frmn me far apart grown but not bevond my heart circled still though foul his breath with a love more strong than death needing knowing not his need helplesb as a bruised reed ah i hold from sun to sun night to mom my little one i had dreams that stietehed iiwav frojii the cradle where he lay to a crowned and pillared arch neath whose sweep- gods heroes match now forhim i bare my breast nightly when i sink to rest oer my heart his fingers toy close i hold my babyboy let him all earths honors vvini feed upon the husks of sin give foi teuder praer a ciiesc snute me with his lifi and vvoisg god deny and mother bpurti i still my heart will ever turn i to those clustered years of jo love hmi as my babyboy how two tiny hands will hll all ones life and love distill though the fingers often clntch evils which dehle at touch pain tib silently oeieonie shame for love my lips are dumb love for what that satyr there no my baby pure aud fair god the pearly gates has bmretl to a soul defiled and scarred yet he once a mother met when the sun of hope had set at a gate the gate of pain i though the world may call iq nam christian mothers since that day never give their hope away and an old hand would have been puj5i rory b savaci i ear pctrles new ilrufc stotfe uvelph the superintendents test from another station iven the work but for being absent on other business the mat ter would admit ofjnodelay and it was im peratively necessary that it was undertaken by some one not o seemingly not belong ing to the melbouri lef oroe in sfabrt i was to do it the matter was briefly this a packet of goveinirent papers of high im portance had beer stolen from the mes senger to whose care they had been entrust ed and from information received it eeemod pretty certain that their present possessor a man fast becoming notorious iu the colon would be walking toward the city next uft nioon ajid to prevent his intimate acquaintance with the town enabl ing him to escape or any coafederates at tempting his release i was to wait by a bridge on the line of road about ten miles out of melbourne a ltd gtt the ikijwii from mm the man was by no means to besjiot or if posiule even hurt but the piipers must be secured minute ltiatnictiolis as to his lippearauce were followed by a pretty plain mtimatijii that mycareeriuthofoice would verv laigely depend upon my success ifelt as may be easily imagined m any thing but lugh spir ts the prospect of a singlehanded enco inter with a thau of whose resources i 1 new nothing and who might blow my jura ns out before i had a chance of attack w is not cheering how ever there w as notl ing for it it was my last chance and 1 1 inst embrace it without shirking i nxt day which was suuday i accord ingly procured a lorse from the station and taking my rev liver with me started out to try my luc k as a policeman and about two oclock n the afternoon came near the place men ioned i left my horse at the nearest roadside hotel sauntered to the bridge and 1 sauiug over therailwith no very distinct no ion of how i was going to act waiied for my man with what cool ness i could mustei two hours had p if bed the sun was just beginning to go dov n and i wasjust about to console myself w itli the notion that tihe man had got wiul of our intention and gone by another onte when i became aware of the appreaoh of a solitary pedes trian as he cami rearer i ran over the description of the mi in i wanted which i had learned by liert and at once con eluded that this vas the individual he was a tall powerful uncompnmisinglook ing fellow of about fiveandforty muscular enough to have lift 3d me up and thrown me over the bridge into the shining water be neath i commeiced to walk over the bridge as the mai japproached it passed him slowly and feltsme it was the right party r three vaids i turned leave but you lii v bother this arm my knee the report ym appointed permc itetlts test causec duties which led but i never belie death as when with my superioi and exceeds the i yon can putt teatili you how lengths suitable this be a lesson you will find lieu tasks to perform bulk and beco grapple nor attei one effort per will permit a li you will gradt after going tw o ltlrancis nun an successoi to i f chapman bookbinder st gauges square guelph ontario account books of all kinds made to order periodicals of eveiy description carefully iouud rnhng neatly and promptly done offe tin ness c9llece guelph ontario w m hemstreet llcfcxhkl acctionklil for the counties of wellington and haltou orders left at tbe free fiihss office actoni or at my residence in acton will be promptly attended to terms reasonable monv ro loin also money to loan on the most jtavdr- able teinis aud at the lowest rates of in terest iu sums of 900 and upwards rs youngmen and women lobeotfttcihtieofoi acquiring a com plete tra jung for business pursuits book1 eeping commercial arithmetic banking actual busnless practice busi ness correspondence penmanship com mercial jaw telegraphy shorthand cal- igraphy r type writing french hygiene and physiology are taught by the most practical and interesting methods the staff co uprisei six experienced teachers and lecturers the various departments are elega ntly fitted up jvith the latest and best app iratos for business college work student i may enterat any time gpf r a copy of the annual college circular address mmvccormick principal x isooud 1 46 per acre 1 best caufrtrr riettlanenc lovernment ltif hotmurt us thaw xi ef in ibs books anif xfrtkem slur salt and chafib pm11um john j daley successor to thuiupsoii jackson money to loan ou farm property at 0 per cent mortgages pnicluved money loaued for parties m mortgages and othef security conveyauciug in all its branches propel 1 and neatly done charges low farms and city property iorsale i list with farms for sale seut to all parts of the dominion to intendjngpurchasers and cir culated in europe european capitalists wanting farms iu ontario will be sent di rections- through our european agencies farms wanted for onr lists correspon dence invited office near the post office guelph ont ttanlan barber shop t j p worden t hasopened a barber shop in the building nearly opposite storeys old qlove factory mill street ackm and solicits the patron- ageiff the public in this vicinity every department of the business will be conduct ed in jirstclavis style giv ns a call j p worden c t rriacie hills tin slwe djepot good assortlkl ent otsro cheap for jasjh tinware of all ki borrohpricem eavetroughing a spicialty and put up on sjlortest notice first class materlil only used acallolicitd j c hlll painting c c speight l t arties desiring their biggies waggons 1 cutters r i etc repa ntoddrrevarnishedand made equal to new on shortest possible notice and at lowest irices should leave their orders at once with mr j a speight undo taker a id carriage builder or with c c speight health nds at 11x iohn 1 vwhon c 01 p some veais ago in fact many years bo- foie i took up ny- preseut calling ivv as wandering very disconsolately through one of the main tli ironghfares of melbourne debating with myself the advisability of walking down to the quay and offering my set vices as steward to the captain of the first homeward bound vessel on which i might sec the bhje peter hoisted things had gene very bady with me eveiy enterpiibo jo which i hid turned my attention had e ther fallen through or re sulted disastrously to myself and after vauil tiymg n y luck lnthecolouy for over three years i cume to the conclusion thut the boouer i ie onciled myself to the utter failure of my a tempts the better it would be both for mv peace of imudjund mv con stitution in this dismal mood i w us stlcssly read ing ovei the shipping announcements jiostcd on au adjuceut wall vv hen i came across a notice fiom the police department intim ating iu terse y official language that a few new handi were needed hands who vyere strong vi jorous heivlthy shrewd good horsemen and rejoicing in the possession mill st wealth gle can number 522 idone your work well iow it aches so did satisfactory and i was iiently mr superinten- me to be sent on various i iie into rough experience ed myself to be so near was deciding my future officer sow to lift the burden t j my son put iat log on the waggon i cannot fatl ir 1 a summer n23h i i yonder sleej the lilies white through ikt starlit summer nighty fitful breea a rise and fall fireflies flam and wild call i here the river wind along i deep and silent swift and strong i mighty river toward the sea fjot my fancies fprth with thee on the sea the white ships go noiseless winged to and fro i to and fro and oer and oer i fancies float from seore to shore i happy fancies they to know stars that shine and winds that blow i ships that sail and seas that lie silent neath a silent sky alice boise wood in st niclwlcutor june asinchjlarboqk scintillating with sarcasm and brilliant with truth f new york corrcpodenre amei lean jtural home chip i 1 has malaria goes to flor- i 1 chap 11 overworked goes ito eu rope i chap iii hasltheumatisrrcj goes to ems 1 chap iv has a row with his doctori it weighs many tons eugth a hundred men on the w aggon aud i will chop and split it into r your strength now let you all through life y burdens to carry heavy do nbt inspect them in le disheartened neither pt to master i them with rm what your steength tie each hour each day illy become strong and meet with succes iin the end by attempt ing to lift a hea ily log at one effort you might iujure y ijurself beoud recovery but by lifting a iu a lifetime mot more logs than could be dip threat success in life is secured by kdowing your strength and lifting according r ky continuous and per sistent effort rati ir than a momentary strug- there is ai t ther way by which you logs there are many inventions designed for this purpose the exisie ice of whiih you do not suspect in some instances you are only required to attacl the grappling hooks and the burden is hot le wherever yeu desire remember that i i all uudei standings in life there is one wiy to procied much better than all othen iuvei itigate closely assuring yoursi if tliat yo i are workiug by the best meth ds othe rwise you wutbe lifting the log v ithout appliances only the best methi ds lead to success in this progressive and c mipetitive age if you cannot discov er the se method i you will see your rivals pnshi i ahead you will be outrun in the race ex step the purlomer of i dn e c wksts nbkvb avrjbnais tbkat- mkkt a guaranteed speciflo for hysteria dirti ness convulsions fits nervous neuralgia headache nervous prostration caused by tho use of alcohol or tobicco wakefulness mental depression softening of tho brain resulting in insanity and leadfhglto misery decay and death premature old age barrenness loss of power in either sex involuntary losses and sperma- torrhcbawiftasedby dver exertion of the brain selfabuse or dverudulgence each box con tains one months treatment one dollar a box or six boxes tor five dollars bent by mail pre- paid on receipt of price woguarautoeslxboxes lo cure any case jbvlth each ordei recoived by us for six boxes accquipauied with five dollars we will send the purchaser onr written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure guarantees issued only by john c west 4 co soli proprietors 481fc 18u west madison st chicago 111 of such other natural advautagtjs as would insiue their success in any line they chose to udopt i wus a good horseman healthy and tolerably strong i my shrewdness i had begun to doubt lately and as ov the rest of the desiderata well i suppose i was as well off as most people here possibly was a chance for me at any rate it was only a few days delay if nothing came of ii t i would make application and chance it i leturned to my diggings wrote an official application as per directions and t make a long story short received two c ays later a mite desiring my attendance at tlio station the following day here after t lather stiff examination physical and i lental and oi such tests of horsemanship t s leaping a fivebarred gate with my arras folded which i accompli ihed successfully rl was told that everything was tolerably t atisfactory and i might expect an official i otification of appointment attin early date lleanwtiilo it would be esiroufi i was in formed that i kept the matter as far as it ad gone quite private a stipdktion i had o difficulty iu conforming to since i hod not a singl friend in the city ontlie vening of the following day t found at my ijnarters a seeond note from mr superin tendent conspicuously marked private nd conveying the very agreeable intelli gence that i was temporarily engaged for that day the letter closed with a request that i would call at once on the superhi tendent somewhat presenting m the part of the pneiorsibiaiomvesi t soldbyjemcearvin pdwaud- to my dismay i found ou yself that my permanent ap pointment wis conditional on my satisfac torily carryii lg through a special job then the road in a most undignified fashion and handecune the r aj ers the first one that met my gaze wa 1 1 headed piece of police office paper on vlioh was written this is your test for e nt ering the force and was signed by the e nperintendeut well young man said my enemy you have passed the last was an affair of some nicety i believe it will a boys cogitations back hearing my state documents t njned round well mate what is it can you oblige me with a pipe of baccy i asked oh yes lijaidiiig me his pouch what are ou ioing about here- you dont look ov er jn si broke t pretty nearly replied new arrival suppose almost ah there are 1 w many carpet kuiglrts flooding melbonri e came out expecting to make a pile goi disappointed and dont like to work for jour grub eh put a screw of tobaccdi 1 your pocket youll find it pleasant compa 13 on the road i nearly emptiel he pouch aud handed it back andas tl e owner put out his hand for it i slipped my foot behind his heel aud pushed him he tripped and fellsplendid ly i was pietty qiickiu wrestling and i took hold of the rm is throat with my left hand put my kmes on his cliebt aud with my right hand f e t n tho breast pocket of his coat he str lggled violently but i thought i should sv ccecd i got my hands on some papers pu as i was drawing them from the pocket pi ruffian got hold of my right kneecap with his left hand and gave it such a terrible vv rench that i believed he had dislocated thje oint then feeling my hold relax he amide nly hoisied himself with his right hand sprung up caught hold of my wrists and hurried me to the bridge holding me thus in an iron grip and glar ing fiercely at mc he said i see your game therevonly one way of dealing with the police dead men tell no tales so its over youre going joungster suiting his actjon to the worn he released my hands and ifi the same jnt tant grasped me firmly and hoisted me my lastehance si lemed to lie 111 an old- twist i had learned at college as the man raised me i placed ny feet on the brickwork of the bridge puslu a myself back with all my strength jerkee a little forward lower ed my head and tl eii fairly twisted under my captors arm fi om left to right my school experienci 1 ad saved my life for the man let go his hole with a cry of pain am quickas thought sprang on him it all right old fell v take the papers am read them j5i t n the mad excitement of the moment ant r jraemberingmy mission i thought this si ri ender was only aruse on dhe revised scriptrres i dout like the new version of the old testami snt said smith particularly passage i in isiiah whftsthel matterwitlnt asked mrs smith itjlont rdudor it correctly for 111 stance tako tlis passago he was affliot ed yet le opened not his mouth that is incorrect we 1 john how should it read wh y it should read he was afflicted because he could not make his wife sjiut her mouth hosti lities began immediately newman indfimt if lit riffiau he sat down on anamination with honors you have near y broken my wrist but my horse is at tl le first roadside hotel if youll come witl 1 ae ill have a drink with you and get boot e xld lotion for this sprain stj a case of spliute and sick 1 1 all i n tice the ctts old maids keep are tomt i notice our doctor never thiows his ban ana peels on tin middle of the street i notice from the way married men talk that the art of 1 looking was lost in the last generation i notice even the apostles had to leave the fishiug busi less before they could pro- clain the truth j notice when a girl begins to look upon paragon you can usually set them down as a pair o goners t notice an o d texas steer that would be dear at five dollars is always a choice durl am wortl a mint of money when the train has run over in i i otice jen 1 ried to make some bread the othe dar bo says he cant see half the beauty ii the fong 1 kuead thee every hour t lathe isedto i notice both widows and penniless drurlkar is mourn over departed spirits but thro lgh all the ir weeping keep au eye single to ft turi consolation in the flesh the above chapters mr edito i find in a book recently published by an anony- v mous author i have read a deal of air- oasm in tny day but i never read anything equal to the sarcasm herein contained t diispect the experience portrayed is a ppr- donal one in short the author intimates as much on page 31 let me give yott a synopsis- malaria as it states is the cloak with which superficial pnysiciaus cover up a multitude of ill feelings which they do not puderstand aud do jiofc much care to inves tigate it is also a cover for such diseases as they cannot cure when they advise their patieuii to travel or thit he has over worked and needs rest aud is- probably suf leriug from malaria it is a confession 6f ignorance or of inability the patient goes abroad t lie change is a tonic and for a iime he feels better comeshome fiqkle appetite inqueut headaches severe colds i cramps sleeplessuesslrritability tried feel ings and general unfitness for business are succeeded in due time by alarming attacks pf rheumatism which flits about his body regardless oi all human feelings it is musciilsjr in his back articular in his joint 3 inflammatory my 1 ho w he fears it will iy to his heart now off he goes to the s iriugs the doctorsends hun there oicottse to get well at the same time he doespot really want him to die on his hands i that would hurt hifa business better for a few days returns after a while neuralgia transfixes him he bloats cannot breathe has pneumonia cannot walk cannot sleep on his left side h fretful very nervous and irritable is pale and flat by has frequent chills and fevers everything about him seernsto go wrong becomes suspicious mustejs up strength and demands to know what is killing him i great heaven he cries why have you kept me so long irr ignorance l because said k the doctor i read your fate fi ve years ago i thought jiest to keep you comfortable and ignorant of the facts j he dismiss his doctor but too late his fortune his all gone to fees but him what becomes of him the other dly a wbll known wall street banker saidltcme it is really astonishing how general brights disease is becoming two of my personal friends are now dying of ii but it ip notincurablel am certatini for my nephew wa recently curd when hisphysioians said recovery wasa possible n nautical little jack by litth jack what did pa mean saying te was captain of thib ship ma oh that is only his way ol baying thathe is thehead of the house litth jaok if pa is captain then what ai e you 1 ma wellj i suppose i am the pilot litthi jack4oh yes and then i must be the ompass j 1 ma thecompass 1 why the compass littl 1 jacki why the captain and pilot are ahvays boxing the compass you knew- naiibg a sunbeam heard d a brighteyed merry lit- ly who lived iu an old house m a dark vv street one day after many 1 of darkness the suu shone into his room notf a full radiant flood of sunshine such fai i oomes into onr windows day by day but a 1 ttle narrow beam of light quivering and da icing on the hare wall the child was fil ed with delight and putting his lit tle hard on the sunbeam he cried run quick uarhmaj bring ahammer and a nail 111 hoi 1 it while you nail it so we can keep ifcalwiys i join si firstclass miuut si it always ooks as iithe nian who has his lia 1 blown iff just as he is about to tip it big 1 ud make a mash would like to idiot asylum for five the case seems to be a wonderful one this gentleman formerly represented his government 11 1 a foreign country be knows appreciates and declares the veilue of that prepantion because his nephewv v who is a soi i of danish yicecopsul sclimidt was ironounced incurablef when the rflmedyi wt rners safe cure was begun yes said his father i was very skeptical but sin je taking that remedy the boy is well 1 regret to rib s that expresident arthur is said bo be a v rtiniof this terrible diseasei he ohght to hv but the probabilities afe that sine 3 autiorized remedies can nott cure hiu his pliysicians will not adviser him to i save his life asso many thousands j huu done by tie use of warnerb safe oure 1 whiih jen chri jtiauseu at drexel morgau w told me ho regarded i as a woudet- fuliwedyv wiblll i suspect the hero of the book cured hiinlelf by the nine means the internal evidence pouits ety strongly to this con clusion i eaunot close my notice of this book bottlr than by quoting his advico to his readers s if my friends you have buch an ex periiuco as i ho ve portrayed do not put youv trust iu physicians to tho exclusion of other remedial agencies they have no monopoly over disease and i personally knbv that many of them afe so very con- soiejitious that they would far prefer that their patients should go to heaven direct from their powerless hands than that they should be savejll to earth by the use of ajiy uufiuthoj aidthattlje authors condemnation id too true how many thousands duped and yet rescued as he was cai personally testify tl humor- a milkman boasting the other day saidhis milk beatthat of a rival by many chalks j au mqu sitive person whether news transmitted through salt water by telegraph would be fresh the facetious tailor now advertises spring pints this not surprising when one considers how hard winter died a young lady and gentleman taking a romantic e troll together the other evening walked in to a well whioi some one had jarelessly left uncovered i theirftgotionb were too deep for utterni a man was boasting thatfae jui married twenty years aujuwneveti his wife a cross word jhwstjwho know d not- dare to bbt lie never uieu a waute fo know said he d tioned it i l r

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