Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 25, 1885, p. 2

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i i lr 1- ft l 1 i j i twegrisstt jjhiravvv monsixe jrnk j itf ihe teb36ranrwine clause not to tea incorporated lti the scott act a otose and exoitino vote mm amendments halton meet i annual convention imrmh i t i i t ir si in 7 i i 4 from til s toronto world ottamv june 18 tho fullest house fori many diva was gathered in the chamber today when tho soott act amendments came up there were 174 members present sir john macctoriid was in his place looking well and followed the whole debate yery ctisely4mr blake was also iii good shape notwithstanding his long speech of the dav previous all the galleries were filled ibe senators turning out in force kjuite a number of ladies watched the debatcj eugene okeeie augusw boluhidlg iblackstock all of toronto seemed to be the head of the lobby in the liquor interest the temperance party was led by mr jamiesou of korth laiiark hector carii- erou seemed to be the head of the opposi tion to the scott act the hiamlssue hi tho afternoon was the consideration of the amendments of the senate enlarging the privileges of druggists to sell liquor in scott act counties these amendments were accepted by a large ma- jority and things looked favorable for the main issue that of the beer and light wine clause which wa s reached at 850 there was great cheering and applause when the speaker read the senate amendment as follows the dealers in ales porter lager beer cider and light wines containing n6t more than 12 per cent of alcohol- shall be exempt rom the operation of the canada tatipertoce act of 1878 l mr jamiesou got up and moved that the amendment be not agreed to foivthe follow- uigteasons because it is a violation of the fundamental principle of the act which where adopted prohibits the sale of intox- eating liquqrfc for beverage purposes ber cause the act has already been adopted in good faith by the electors of 6t counties and cities of the dominion believing that qder the express provisions of the law it would continue in force unimpaired f6r i three years and would then pnly be repeal ed by the same authority which had adopt- led it and the passing of the amendment j would be a breach of faith on the part of iparlianjent with the electors of those coun- j ties and cities and further because the amendment is in direct opposition to the wishes of a large portioh of the electors of thfe dominion as manifested by the petitions v poesented to parliament mr jamiesou made a short speech sub- r porting the above he said if the seuate amendments were adopted he would move if not to repeal the act at least to change its preamble for so amended it would no- longer be an act to promote teniperance ajftei consultation with daltoh mccarthy and hector cameron john small east toronto got up and moved the amendment to the senate clause so that it would read the dealing in alesr porter lager beer cider and light wines containing not more than 12 per cent of alcohol shall be exempt from the operations of the canada tern- perance act- of 1878 in counties or cities hereafter adopting the said act j mr colby did not believe in retroactive legislation and made a vigorous speech against such a course he brought out a new suggestion namely that there be two scott acts a hard one as the law now is and a soft one permitting beer- and light wines leaving it for the counties to say which one they wait in force he would f vote however under the circumstances against mr smalls amendment v mr purran of montreal said ha was a sgpscientions temperance mau and a inemi ber of temperance organizations but as a roman catholic he could not accept the principle of prohibition archbishop lynch had expounded the catholic posij tion and therefore he would vote for mr smalls amendment j mr casey would not vote for mr smalls j jamendment but he thought ft was possible to introduce a hard and a soft scoft act mr pirouard was in favor of a hard and soft scott act and of the removal of all taxes on beer and light wines i at il 30 the division bells rang and mr 8mal6 amendment was lost on the follow ing division yeas-f- abbott baiii soulbnges uukcr vic- toriahbeaty benoitvbergeron hilly blendean brysoii burnhani bonis cameron victoria campbell viptoria carliiig caron costigau vcoughlin- coursoi curran cuthbert daly daousdsaulmcrs maskinouge degahlnicrs 8t maurice desjardius dodd dugas duiwut ifergusou welhuid gagne gaudel girourd uordoiijjirandboiis gnay gnibault hall hes- soiii homer flarlcaa kflvert kranz labroshe lajjderkiu jaugeviu lesage iiivinggtone mac- doualdisir johu llackiiitobb mcmillan vaii- dreuil mcfallum mccarthy- mcdoiigall cape breton massie mitchell moffat montplaisir paine pattersbu issex pinsouneault pope ipruyn biufreiit biopel bobertson hamilton bobertson hastiiigsutoss koyal bykert small stolrs taschereau tawe tuppervanabseaval- tace lork wells avhite cardwell total yeas 78 i nftstallcn allisou armstrong auger bain jwentworth baker missisquouti barnard bellbarnier blake bonraesa botrell burpee jcamenin huron cameron inverness cam eron middlesex cartwright casev casgrain catndaj charlton cimon cochrane colby daviess dickinson dundas fairbank farrow ferguson leeds and gren ville fisherfleming forbes fortiu foster gault geoffrion gigiult gillmor guillet gunu harley hickey hiliiard holton innes irvine jainieson jelikilis kaul- bach ikiug kiuney kirk langlicr irier lister macdonaw kiiigs brccraiiey wcjrutyre mclsaac mclclau mcmullen mo- eul mills mulock patcrsou brant lliy ponver shakespeare soinerville brant soiiier- h fiproule sutherland ox- fgrdtayror watson white hastings white benfrew wilson wood brockvijfe wood westmpreund wright total naya 80 j after the vote mr- foster spoke against the senate amendment 1 hmt nent providing jthat the countie in which the ictif adopted and in which it has been in operation for ear the question of adopthig tltt senate amendment be sub- jnittedlto the people tjost i mr jamiesons motiotrwas then carried thejliquor men declare their defeat by eight votes was due to flie beformera voting almost solidly againat their amendments ey haiconnted oa a bplik mrj blake a against the beer and light winelclanse jtoti 8a 3pm for it only four liberals toted for beer and wiue tiz guay kil- thahiauie lose at 1am w temporauoe association and prepare for action f i 1 ak s nthu8iast jo j mbbtln tho aii nlial imeethig oftho halton teiu- perahco 1 ssoijmtidn was held in milton last tiiforidayr although thoatteucunce was not so large ns at mwo of thejprevious convoni tions tlij coiinty wa8 well represented delegates being present from every 1 section of tuecoimtyj j i this n oetiiig was the moat practical so fiu- as tin i eiifproemeut of the scott aot is couoeino 1 that tlio ass delation has over held ant thewholi cliiy wbb occupied in devising careful feasible andpraqticable wayb ant means bywliioh tho provisions of the act will lie enforced tho jfi centi amendments by which tho crooks vet jmachinel y previously used with sush satisfactory results has been withdrawn and the refusal of tho doiniu- ion gove minenf to provide its ofticials with the fund i neaessary for the proper enforce- i i ment of the act virtually leaves tho act unoperativej aiid valueless considering this the association has decided to provido the fund i necessary for putting into effect the governments own- act it is an out rage and a burning disgrace to any govern ment to force the people iiito this action but rath t than havo the law which has so earnest been fought for aiid repeatedly sustained to become inactive at this impor tant epoch the temperance people of the county v ill again gird on the armor and fightihe battle and snpply the funds which the doni inion government should fight and supply the a isociatioii will appoint and main tain its owii magistrate inspector and prosecut iig officer and will do its utmost to have he act even more stringently ob served tl n at any time during the past three yeirs for thhrpurpobe a fund of 81000 is udw i being raised and willbe in the haiusof the treasurer in the course of a week or so the members of the asso ciation a re determaied inlthis matter they- are ready to spend time and money to ef fect the i ibseryance of thallawaudviolators will do veil to at once cjease their illegal acts ant henceforth carefullyaud honestly observe he laws provisions the st bjec was discussed in ull its bear ings at the conclusion of which the follow ing resolatious ere unanimously adopted 1 jienlml that we instruct the execu tive to a ipoint a person or persons who will act as pj blic prosecutor or prosecutors for the com ty j 2 tlut wcrbcommend the appointment of vigila ice committees in all polling sub divisions of the county where such com mittees do not exist at present for the purpose f more fully carrying out the pro visions b e the sciott act 3 tilt t the secretary be instructed by this convention to at jnctfcalltheattention of the d iminian gov jrnment to the situa tion anc askj if it is the intention of the- government to furniihrioney to put the enforcing machinery it present existing into operation i j 4 thit this county association pledges itself to raise by volu utai y subscription all moneys lecessary for exp enses incurred in prosecut ng offenders against the act and it shall 1 etlie duty p tin chairman of the vigilance committee in bach poling sub divisions to i see- that finds are collected forexpeiaeswlio6hllpay all money col lected to the general treasurer 5- sen ilval that th is county temperance associat on believes the i time has arrived when the tempeirance people of this country should u je every legil imate means tosecure at the rliestpossi le moment tho pass age of a general pro rbitbrylaw and that to more eadily pecnr 3 thfe same- we hereby pledge oi irselves that we fvill not give sup- port for nunicipal oi parliamentary office to any man who will iptjpledge himself to workant i vote for pr hjb tion the of icers of the ass ociation were all reelecta 1 for the ensi ling year except rev d l- btbthour the s sere tary who removes to brant ord upon retiring from his im portant duties the un iniinous thanksof the conveiitioii were teidered to bev mr brethpur for his unti ihg zeal and the very importar t and iuccei sfn work performed by him during his in junibeiicy the offi- ceis are is follows president bey m c cameron secretary w 1 brothers treasure r a wilm it executive rev d m slckenzie me jsirs johnson harri son w 3 lindsay 3 jice d hartley and jas lhaiirison to th i frc nt making history s he is the beacon light light shall bum as in th pakt before many scot act electors in the dcmiiuiph will jejin her a id with ballots in tieir pos lession demt nd of the dominion government not the stptt act with its comparatively lienieiii provisions but the longproi lised total prohibition and with it effectre macjiitfer fr putting it into f6rcerandthell get it too j the iiiblic meeting oi the evening of the coive lotion was ivbll ittended and fult f intere adopted amd defeated wie- scott act c arxlea ir midflle- sex arii i lincoln t depeatb b in pb3rth l0nio- juno 18- beturnu rcceivedf rom middlesex i vo a mi jority for the scott act of8900- sr catiiahikkm j line 18 the scott act was carried in lincoln county by a majority olvh j i siiiaoiui juno l iii tho elootion in perth county today the scott aot was do- foatod by ti niajority of 108 n8v7 idvortisomoats wasiiimi doivk r muh uabu 1 propavod to titkolii waslillig at voiwouitblo terms athor 1obiooiioo llowor avonue noar the g t bailway 1i house cv lot for sale jority of 1 the brewers very blue this uudomlucrt orteru for oalo his liouso and lot on main ntroot it is a laruo liouso con- tains nluo 1ooiiib nlso ltftchon iiucl ivoodshiid in well adapted jfat a toncmout or boarding iioubo goodstnblo on tlie pronilsob llboral toruie apply to d w campbbll tvieu of nianks thou art so near and yet so par why thejy met defeat lu no cit in tho flotninioivliastho defeat of tlio sooti aot aiitendnients in the house of commons boon more keenly felt than in toronto tho hrowerh distillers and oapj taliats who havo money invested inj tlio liquor interests aroi quite ill at ease the situation has been keenly and excitedly dis- cubbed by these gentlemen daring thoi past couple of days a world reporter was told on saturday evening by a prominent brewer that tho emissaries of the liquor trado at ottawa weie solely to blamo for thodefeat this gentleman claimed that with proper lobbying mwo than the eight votes which defeated the amendment could have been turned was much lnoiioy spent at ottawa asked the reporter j j am not at liberty to talk to you about that we have spent thousands of dollars one way and another iu trying to defeat or modify the scott act but what we havo been spending at ottawa this session is our business it is said that it large toronto firm has spent their money lavishly on the senators and members of the house well if that it true you will havo to look to other parties to qualify it jform j- more outrages a i what indignities r whibkey will cause people to perpetrate itlhh undellslgned dosiro tlirouglii tills j medium to tender tlidir best thanks tp tlio mouibors of aciou cornot baud through itholr geutlniiiauly ttnd obliging loador mr j chill for thoir kliildiiosh in providing such excolldnt inttblcon tho oocaslouof tlio gardou party last thursday evdlittig jflls thomas ka8ton mbs kdwakd moohk viin common slnhe treatment -op- catarrh afd consumption if alt ohargsd with dlseaseorefttiiig eloments foul air will loll when breathed continuously nil charged with remedial dements will ourp wjion breathed qontinu oiiblyi bt catharines aroused by a series last night by the try t h hardiiigjjrocer f o flour and haltor is now for the eominion and intei ids that that brightly low as inonthsj 100000 should be at comma id notes and comments ufr the sei isite aniendn ept to the seott act allowing licensed- mei lica practitioners to dispense depholic liauori for exclasivajy medicinal purposes wis btistaiued in corfrs mons by i vote 0f 8i t 5 1 there i i apparently to lie as inuch delay as posaibl i in bringing riil to trial such aire the im licjitioi isyim rejiorts itissemi- officially iitnimt d thi tit will take a lbu time togiither upoht ie nvidonce there v jbttudant ev derce ready noy or in a weel for the saimj olegally distills it ja bottle oj governme it a ballotl- okawu si zsiiijs iti can pron vicepresident sir alex campbell canadians in new york thers are 6000 city dor lihion day vill be celebrated there by tl e jopei ing o jh i new canadian club ofwiiiqh e situs wiman is president i audsir r idrick sir john ifacdoiald hon edw irji bh ie hbji wm mouongall j herbert mason and there have been pro posed for i nembe rship i amuno ytown india u his been tried for having wh skey ii i his xs ession a white man in a 1 cense oout is not liable to trial ds ihcei unl sss he steals or the slnnceytown in dian who i an th i eyes of he law not com petent to qenrust sd as iwiiite manis with whibkby is hj the eyes of the compfeteul to l trusted with f vec rqw ftotj june 19 the city ia of outrages perpetrated antiscotte a bonfire was built on the city pquareby prominent citizens after the result of tho election in lincoln was made known a murderous as sault was made upon them by a gang of roughs armed with boaris presidents b badgley city committee was struck violently lieut burgoyne was knocked down and a large dry goods box hung over him john a nic boils ot lowell masf tho celebrated tenuerauce orator wjis an especial target h s high hat was smished with a club and had it not been for a jtime- ly rescue his injuries would have been seri ous a stone throvu at mr nicholls iuiss- ed him but smushed jcnkins large plate glass window sliat eriug china and glass ware the mob then visited badgleys store smashed the windows and did great damage to contents the riugleadera were a liquorseller and brewery employees the temperance people tire taking legal proceed ings- j i stcathariiies june 20 the cityconi- mittee of the dominion alliance are hold ing a meeting to coiisider what proceedings should be taken to punish the rioters who have sent further threats of violence thej ringleaders likely to be prosecuted are e dorr and a bayne saloonkeepers and j majcqlrasou bookkeeper at the brewery efte hdtind dry skin scalding sensations swelling of the ankles vague feelings of unrest frothy or bripkdust fluids aqid stomach aching loins cramps growing nervousness strange soreness of the bowels- unaccountable languid feelings short breath and pleuritic pains one side headache backache ifreqoeut attacks of the blues fluttering and distress of the heart albumen and tub 3 casts iiiithe water fitful rheumatic pains and neuralgia loss of appetite flesh and strength constipation alternating with looseness of the bowels abundaut pale jr scanty flow of dark water chills and fever i burning patches of skin then j tou i3ave brights disease oi the kidneys the above ay nfptonis are not developed in any order but appear disappear and re- apear until the disease gradually gets a firm grasp on the constitution the kidney- poisoned blood breaks down the nervous system and finally pneumonia diarrhoea bloodlessness heart disease uppoplexy paralysis of convulsions ensue andthen death is inevitable this fearful disease is not a rare ones it is an everyday dis order and claims more victims than any other complaint it must be treated in time or it williguiu the mastery dont neglect it war ners safe cure has cured thousands of cases of the worst type and it will cure you if you will use i it prom ptlyand t s di rected it is the only specific for the uni versal i j bbights disease j miscellaneous c alto of than k8 iuivbimu to lioroby tender liiy niost siucero thanks to tho canada life assurance com pany for their i irbiuptiiass in hottlliik the clulm iliio on policy h u1 on the life of my latclufshaud alex h lirowu liavlng received through mr 1 hoihlccuoutliocoiirtootingonf licrctliolrclieinio for k51b7 within two dnysafturclrthh was proven t mahyihhown administratrix aaton juno 31 rd ishj a f l fflech ance valuable farm i ajfd village pirobertv ox1- of thkf1nkst fahmsdn tho county of halton situatu vithiu onehalf mile of thr tlirifty and lentorivribtnr village- of acton 1 cbutaliiiug 100 ows iiowm us tho drown hbmqsteail altio i5 acres well tiinberod with cedar timber the villago pi operty jjomprlkbs comfoitablo o a id dwelling liouso i tor full particulars apply to i vtorolon mill street w i brown i i acton at howsons any quantity of seed coni millet hungarian yetchcs and other varieties of field and garden seeds at how- sons suits and overcoats at extremely low rates and made in lateststyieb be sure to- call and see them 3 fyfe aotou scotch kaslibh and canadian suiting iceit variety at the east end clothing toro j fyfe acton i iftcr twenlytbree vcnrt suffering rev wmrstoat of wiarton was cured of scrofulous absoess that sfiveiitoen doc- torscould riot cure burdock blood bit ters wis the only successful remedy it cures all imparities of the system hpusepafnting we the undersigned beg- to inform the people of aoton and vicinity that we are prepared to give first- class satisfaction iu the lines of roof paint ing house painting caloimining and also paper hanging in the latest styles all orderp promptly attended to p 0e8 sal- estate for sale rpilk lnuehbfoxkd hereby- oirms for sale x the following farm and viungo lots sltuato in the towiiahip 6terlu tlio township of kb- mioslng and tho villngo of actoii being part of the estate of the late uobort swan as follows 1 part of tho oast half of lotnp 1 iu tlio 4th concession of tbu towiihhip of krin contuliihig jj acres 2 1art of the wst paruof lot noj7 iu tho 5tli concession of the towusliip of esijuchlng ton- talning2iacren lot no 32 in lock 11- oil cinircli struct ill tho villago of act 3ii lot no 39 ill plpck 10 on church struct lu tho villago of actou 5- lot no 41 in block iu on coijuer of xlulruli and wilbur streets in tho villagii ofacton title inrftsputable terms and parliciilars imido kuowii -onappli- cation to misij elizabeth thurtell acton or to john swan attorney for legatees- klora po judicial sale or property ix tiir j i village of acton and town of milton tbu the pillow inhaler is an elegantly m tde hair pillow charged with remedial ele nunts the vapor of which the patient- inlro es nil night lojig whilst sloopiug as usual it cannot get out of order and is rwrfpctly wife to thn most delloato itwill last for years find servo any number of pt rsons in a family in sucj cession ft ijattcrs down the strodgliold of catarrh broacbitie asthma and i oox bumptioa and miikes o periianeut euro by a continu ous application o healing aud curative airj directly to the diseased parts sufferers from tiny of the iboveiuotitiohed discuses arc urgently requested to send us their id- dress mid aoocpage pamphlet will be mailed to them free which will given complete history of this wonderful discov ery and the principles upon which it works togothcr with a long list of testimonials from those who imvo used if and who now rejoice in perfect health do not delay for the longor a disease is allowod to run unchecked the glower and harder it is toeflfct u cure there is no medicine taken into the stom ach no douching brsnufting nor anything disagreeable about this treatment it has never been known to fail send your writcu to the pillow inhaler agency london out any profuls es scytl rake 3 all sies all ove name and address 1 plainly the- puusuant to the judgment of the chancery division of the high court of justice made iu the action of nickliu v creech there will be offered for sale with the approbation of the local master of the supreme court of judicature for ontario at guelph by wm henistreet auctioneer at the door of the excelsior bakory acton on wednesday the 8th day of july 1885 at the hour of one oclock pm the following lands and premises iii four parcels viz prcel i that valuable mill and the water privileges connected therewith known jas the aton mill lately carried on by benjamiu nicklin now deceased being parts of the west half of lot number twenty seven aiid part of the east and west halves of lots twenty eight andtwenty nine iu the second concession of the township of esrjtiesiiig in the county of halton how in the village of acton containing 87 acres more or less the mill building is three storys high the first story being stones and the rest frame the building is substan tially built the mill contains an engine and boiler 20 h p and all necessary ma- chinery the mill is wcll situated aiid is specially adapted for gristing and has done a large custom trade for many years there are no bthermillsf within a consider able distance of the village the mill is situated in a fine wheat growing country and is of easy access to the grand trunk station- parcel ii a valuable brick dwelling house and bakery and confectionery store situate on the corner of mill and main streets the principal business streets in acton and being composed of part of lot number 28 in the second coecegsion of the said township of esquesiug now in said village of actou containing 37 perches more or less reserving a roadway 5 feet wide along the southerly limitthereo the dwelling liouso contains ii rooms the bakery contains a large oveii aud she nec essary implements for bakery the con fectionery stoi is well filed up with the necessary casing shelving c- the bakery is kuowii us the excelsior bokory and is an old and established stand doing a goodbusiiibss the dwelling house and bakery mid confectionery store are attached and the whole buildiug is about 10x46 and id in first class order there is also a garde l well cultivated and a well on the premises parcel ii a part of said lot iium- ber 28 in tlio 2nd concession of the said township of esquesiug now iu the village of actou co itaining 18 perches more or less thipp roperty fronts on main stfeet and adjoins larcel 2 with a oadway 10 feet wide bet veen them there is a frame workshop or the premises abont 2430 which can be used for a blacksmith shop parcel iv lot number 13 on th southerly sid 3 of pearl street in the town o milton containing onefifth of an acre more or less parcel ii ivill be sold subject to a leaic of the bakery and confectionary storcwhieh expires on tj e first day of january 1888 the purchas 3r will be eutitled to the pro portion of th a rent accruing diie from the day of sale terms of paymentare as- follows ten per cent cash at the time of sale to be paid to the vendors or their solicitors and the balance yitjiin one inonth thereafter with out interest into court to the credit of this action each pariel will he offered for sale sub ject to a reserved bid to be fixed by the mister the vendors will only be required to pro dt ce a registrars abstract and such title deeds or other evidences of title as they may have in tljoirpossession in all other respects the terms and con ditions of sale will be the standing condi tions of this conrt jfurther particulars can be had from id essrs mowat mclean vendors solic it rs and- messrs guthrie watt solicit ors guelph or john hoskin qc toroutoi i jdated thk dayof june 1885 w a m mokjnnon i i master at guelph r from 75 pouts to 25t at j d mann proprietor having purchased the bakery busi- ness of messrse nitkiin son i beg to soliuic a joutinuauco of the patron- age of all who hajre in the past favored the excelsior bakery with their patronage my bakers jwi ii be firstclass and i can assure all that in f stock of bread- buns confectionery cakes cvcc yill always beol the best quality my personal endeavor will be to give overy customer satisfaction- bread da i actonjmarch ijotii 1885 ivered call solicited before flt- v jiiii fehti ctn jhinatany iai 4tbir place in ontario wiarebooiid to do the tradqur are draall and we iuteudib lhandle large quantities of eroods oomejand buy s ytal kinds r thing m- i but ffoods ohapet at the star grocery n t any other blace in the oouhty of umcn aiid i avflware liooti and sbijoj wd caii sell you for less v ydu ean buy them at ally jotber place west oi toronto snaiths forksj rakes jbuifley oep be barb wire forfejiaciiig afull line of- glass ia always in stock machin oils for reapers mowera and of forks also garden spades machinery iripeerl44 lubricating and lardine and else in hardware bobtftauc shoes or groceries cheaper than you ever bought tjheni iii your pure paris qreeni uleap remember that y next door to post office the a b glasgow house sipegi jjpib s pilejs iw bkauttful new prints fkom 5 jents upward g range of choice an d beautiful iress goods from 10 cents up spiici d mann plan no mill hats fyfes hat made arrahgements with messrs hi storey son for the continuance of ithi planing mill in the- build- ing formerly occupied by the actou plow company we wo lid inform the public that weare prepared to take contracts for building -also- tllos deessiitg flooimtg sietina j mduldins 850 with neatness ixd dispatch kindly soliciting a share of public pat ronage we are respectfully yours ebitae manager shijles and wood the uudersigiiod lias for aalom spleiidicl stock of firstclais shingles n6 1 cedar 8175 per square no lliue tf 190 per siiuare no a cetlar si per sm are also a large quantity of wood of ail kino froin125 a load up to 400 a cord prime short staves aud heading to the trado at bottom briccs thos c moolle factpift maiu stj wcbt acton aprs pills a large proportion of the diseases whick cause liuiiian auuerlig result from derange ment of the btofiiacb bowels and liver aykbs cathibi o ptixs act directly npou uiceo organs and oreespeoully designed to cure tlio dlseotes caused by their der iige- uicut including 3onsupatl6n indiges tion dyspepsia headache dysen erv and a host of i lier ailments for al i oi which they are- alsafe sure pironipt ami pleasant remedy the extensive nse of i hese pills by eniinsht physicians in regular rnc- tice unmjs akably the estimatii u in winch they arel held by the medical profes sion r tiiese pills are compounded of vegc able substances only oi d are absolutely free rom calomel or any otlii r injurious lngredleni a siuterer from headache wpjtei ayeus pill are invaluable tonic niul aro my constant ompanion i have jeen a savcre sutferer i rom headache aiid our pills are the only thing 1 could lock lo for relief one dc se will quickly movi mv bowels and free my head from pklu hey are the most etfeo ive and the easiest ill ysic i have ever foiuid it is a pleasure to n u lo sueifk- fu their pri ue andi alwbjs d so wlieu occasion cure s j j vf x page jin ernnklln st iuo uuondva june 3 v 8 1 havo usedaprehs pills in nun ber- less j instances its r sconihiended by you and have never known i hem to failto aeconi llsh the desired result we constantly keep t leni on hand at our ho mo and prize them is a pie want safe and reliable family medii sue folt dyspepsia they are invaluable r alexia texas ju le 17 1882 tlie kev fbaxc is b arlowe wri ting from atlanta oct says for some jars past i have been subject to eonstlpai ion jronk which hi spite of the use of nedli clues of various ki ids i suffered increa sing iicoiveiiieice unl ii some months s o j begnii taking avi ks pills they entirely corrected the costive lrabit novo vastly improv id my general healtlj afeba oathabi io pills eorrcet irr gu larijles pfi the bov els stimulate the a ipe- tito and digestion md by their prompt thorough action give tone and vigor to whoje physical ecqiomy drvjjd ave aiid md the i pkei amd by soklliy illdrugglite ah ex lerienoe the wonderful opneflclal effect of ayerja sarsaplarjl aunwlthjgore j5yes ore a young old and middlp aqpd eifstoiranyscrofsiol iutft taint may be made healthy obd sttlang j its use i t j wbyaudrngglsi liiixbotueifor ons orb wjare showing r l n i i i mil oni v this week l rangeof choice ging1 ginguams from 10cenfcsup special lines n spring hosiery p v h peciallines in spring gloveh all shades spkcjal drives in 3ptala lies in i jilliner y special special lin e oe -carpets- at jall prices parasclss specialtiej in gentlili and childrens hats smjens- clothing specialt1 es in gents furnishings i i line of la l er raisins really b j at 123 per box another lot j oftta rautlful fruit famous 50c tea- nelson mcrae ca i jpeiciht son actoitf undertakers carriage makers c an flljhej vv niab iondl at 10 i vi- ingofd lect thd have cq isteelel frqm faction lg rv used i j3rifym the best casket to the pla ive yv- sjismgftgsi are prepared to furnish iyerything in tlieir line on the shortest notiee aud at lqtfest nest coffin terms v i calla flitber night or day pr6raptiy attended toi satis- aa anteed in every ease i r k firstclass hearse for hin v nposltidnlo satisfactorily i till orders for wagiiin- parriagesjjcco every 1 is r ption in reasonable time gok1 workmanship ond firselss materialalways e alscui splendid lot or fnnnture both common and extra quality cheap jai wi 1 pay us cash we will sell yoir any thing in out line cheap ip u a 8pii0ht managtr i- j- i 3s5

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